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Slide 2 Enviromental degradation and extinction of some species SPAIN 1 Slide 3 Endangered species in Spain In Spain there are 176 endangered species. Most of them are plants. If we dont take care they will likely become extinct. Spain has laws to protect them, for example forbidding hunting or collecting and protecting areas. Now lets see some of the 64 endangered animals. 2 Slide 4 BROWN BEAR The Eurasian brown bear is a mammalia. A full grown male weighs between 250 and 300 kilograms. In our country they live in the north. Nowadays there are only 130 specimen. Bears extinction in Spain is caused by the men action. So we must take care for them and today if you kill one bear you can be fined with 300.000 euros. 3 Slide 5 This kind of eagle (Aquila adalbert) only lives in central and south- west Spain. The Spanish Imperial Eagle averages is 2.53.5 kilograms, 7882 centimeters in length and 180210 centimeters in wingspan. Nowadays we can find around 250 couples of this kind of animals. IBERIAN IMPERIAL EAGLE 4 Slide 6 IBERIAN LYNX It is a kind of the cat family, typical of the southern of the Iberian Peninsula. This animal has got a robust body, that measures between 65 cm and 1.30 m in length and it is covered by a dense, soft fur. There are no more than 200 lynxes in Spain. 5 Slide 7 CANTABRIAN CAPERCAILLIE The grouse is a bird that lives in the north of Spain. It is protected since 1986. They have great sexual dimorphism. Its maximum size is 105 cm. They are characterized by feathers under the beak beard and a red tubercle on eyes. A population of 1300 animals is estimated. 6 Slide 8 Gallotia Simonyi Gallotia Simonyi is a specie of lizard that can be found in El Hierro island, one of the Canary Islands. There are less than 300 copies in a single location, a small area of 10 km2. The Hierro Giant Lizard is omnivorous. They can measure about 60 centimetres long, with a thick body. Adults are dark grey to brown in colour with orange patches in his sides. Slide 9 Actias isabellae. The Spanish Moon Moth, Actias isabellae, is a moth of the family Saturniidae. At the end of April and beginning of May the moth begins to hatch after overwintering in the cocoon. The caterpillars suffer a high mortality due to the fumigation with chemical products. 8 Slide 10 Bearded Vulture It eats mainly carrion and lives and breeds on crags in high mountains in southern Europe. The Bearded Vulture is sparsely distributed across a considerable range. This can swallow whole or bite through brittle bones up to the size of a lamb's femur and its powerful digestive system quickly dissolves even large pieces. 9 Slide 11 Common Chamaeleon The Common Chamaeleon is insectivorous, capturing insects by stealth and the rapid extension of its long tongue which has a terminal pad which grasps and adheres to the prey. Adults are known to eat young chameleons and have been observed to eat fruit. 10 Slide 12 Enviromental degradation Environmental degradation is the destruction of ecosystems through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil. In Spain some of the problems are concerned to -Spanish coastline destroyed by overbuilding. -Soil degradation and desertification. -Air and water pollution. 11 Slide 13 ENVIROMENTAL DEGRADATION IN ANDALUCIA COASTS CAUSES: According to the ONG Ecologistas en Accin one of the most important impact in Andalucia coasts is the overbuilding. Other cause is the dumping waste into the sea. 12 Slide 14 Algarrobico Beach It is in the Natural Park of the Cape of Gata-Njar, Almera. A huge hotel with more than 400 rooms has been built and destroys the natural area. This hotel is illegal because it doesnt comply the Coastal Law and its inside a protected natural park. Many ecologist associations have got to stop the construction but it hasn't demolished yet. 13 Slide 15 La Barceloneta beach La Barceloneta is a beach located in the seaside neighborhood of Ciutat Vella in Barcelona. On this beach buildings have been built around it. This has been causing a biodiversity decrease of the area. 14 Slide 16 Soil degradation Asturias, in the north of Spain, is one of the places where soil degradation is affected. CAUSES: Water or wind erosion, salinization, nutrient depletion, deterioration of the structure, desertification and pollution. CONSEQUENCES: Impact on agriculture by reducing crop yields and water resources. The economy and the environment as a whole, such as industry and trade, are affected due to flooding or sediment accumulation in rivers, dams and ports. 15 Slide 17 Chemical industry in Huelva The industrial activity exercised by the chemical pole in Huelva is responsible of the rapid degradation of a place that has remained in his natural balance during thousands of years. 16 Slide 18 To conclude To prevent enviromental degradation and extinction of species just remember the Chief Seattle's speech of 1854: The earth does not belong to the man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself 17 Slide 19 18