Page 1: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Enlightened Feminine Leadership

Mukara Meredith, MSW

Page 2: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

• On this magnificent Full Moon, with a full, courageous heart, I say to each of you: Thank you for showing up—for answering the call to care, for bringing your wisdom to the table, and for being a part of the movement to put Love back into Leadership and our Lives in these critical times.

• A few words about myself…. but first

Page 3: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2

Minutes• 1)Pausing, slowing down, to really embody yourself.

• 2) Take 5 slow deep breaths in and out through your heart. In through the front of your heart and out through the back of your heart. Then reverse the direction and continue.

• 3) Invite a feeling of appreciation, gratitude or love to arise.

• 4) Allow this feeling to flow through your body, from the surface into the core-from the skin to the tiniest cell.

• 5) Radiate this feeling to all on the call, and to all your connections.

• 6) Rest for a few more moments in this nest of well-being: notice what happens when you hear me say: “It’s ok to trust yourself”

• 7) Come back into contact with our community:

• 8) One last thing: Making a container for yourself adapted from HeartMath

Page 4: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Brief Introductions and Logistics

• Mukara is 108yr. old Tibetan Elf, who since 1999, has been bringing practical World Wisdom teachings to Corporations, Organizations and Groups in the USA, Brazil, Japan, Mexico and Canada. I care deeply about the Sacred, Enlightened Feminine and devote my life to serving this principle.

• We will be on Google Hangout for about 50 minutes discussing the Four Pillars of Enlightened Feminine Leadership. This will be some theory, some experiential and practical application.

• Then for the final 40 minutes of the call, using Maestro Conference, i will take questions and give you exercises you will do in dyads or triads.

• Finally, i will do some Live Coaching with a couple of willing souls to complete our 1st Welcoming Call.

Page 5: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

The Larger Context

• All over the world, Women are gathering in groups of all sizes—from intimate soul meetings of 8-12 women to Eve Ensler’s 1 Billion Rising against violence. From Sheryl Sandberg’s (FB) Lean In Groups to the Tibetan Buddhist Yogini Project featuring women practitioners. Everywhere SHE is coming more into the foreground. When our life, our very existence is threatened, SHE, as an instrument of Care, Nurture, Compassion and Wisdom seems to be called forth. You and I, all of us here are proof that the feminine(in men and women) is the healing medicine for these times.

“Now is the Time: We are the ones wehave been waiting for”

Page 6: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

A Few Quotes• In 2009, in Vancouver, HHDL surprised his audience by saying

that a Western Woman would save the world. Other words attributed to HHDL.

• Matthew Arnold, 19th Century philosopher and poet,says”If ever women come together for the benefit of human kind, the world will see a power it has never before known”

• The Sufi Sage, Hazrat Inyrat Khan, said he could see the hour coming when women would lead humanity to a higher evolution.

• The list could go on and on—truly,we are living in a V.U.C.A. world and the Feminine may make the difference between extinction and creation of a truly new world.. really take this in.

Page 7: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Just One More

• On 3/14/14 Desmond Tutu said:”I want a world run by women…it is not right that a life is less than full, because one is a girl…or woman. Until i can have a world run by women, i want more to be done for equality of girls and women. As Jimmy Carter says,’women’s inequality is the most wide spread human rights violation on earth….I believe he is correct”

Page 8: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Pause….to reflect and respond…..

• Bring your energy back into yourself. Breathe into your heart for several breaths.

• Notice how the material so far is impacting your energy and your structure?

• I will call out 4 questions and you express your responses in any way that feels right. You might dance or sound your answers. You might simply write or draw. Or lay on the floor and let your body movements speak for you.

Page 9: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

4 Questions

• 1) What is disturbing you in your Life?

• 2) What are you Yearning for?

• 3) What unlocks your Heart?

• 4) What helps you loosen the grip of the Past so that you can be moved by the inspiration of the Future?

adapted from UTheory

Page 10: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

A Leader is someone, who by their presencebrings out the best in others. Women do this well!

Page 11: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Four Pillars of Enlightened Feminine Leadership

• The Four Pillars of EFL are portals into our most essential and authentic capacities.

• Each person will have a unique connection to the Pillars, relating intimately(or not at all) with one, some or all.

• It is important to trust yourself and your movement toward or away from the Pillars, knowing that EFL is a journey toward profound wholeness that is original to YOU and your work in the World.

Page 12: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Naming the Pillars

• Subtle Energies

• Somatic Wisdom

• Interconnectedness

• Relational Field Theory

The Pillars are the deeper ground for the 5 Principles of Enlightened Feminine Leadership

Page 13: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Pillars: The Inner Side of Leadership

• The quality of our own awareness directly affects the quality of the results produced.

• Inner work—self and collective transformation—is an essential precursor to outer effectiveness.

• Each of the Pillars provides an access route to working on our inner world by increasing our awareness and decreasing our unconsciousness in attitudes, behavior and habits.

• The role of a new reference group in growing our inner awareness

Page 14: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Subtle Energies• * Beyond the 5 senses

• * “Intuition”

• * Synchronicities

• * Being supported by MindBody medicine

• * New Film: The Connection

• * Chakras

Page 15: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Somatic Wisdom• Everyone agrees to the marvel

and incredible creativity of the body(including the brain as part of the body).

• Here we are referring to the body as a gateway to vitality, aliveness and presence that is key to powerful feminine knowing and leadership.

• Our body is a Community and can instruct us in women’s wisdom ways of being together

Page 16: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing


Page 17: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing


• * Grove of Aspen Trees

• * Quantum Field:

• * We belong together

• * One and the Many

• * Wholeness

particle/wave; energy/matter

born to love: Barbara Fredrickson,PhD

Page 18: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing

Relational Field Theory• We are the company we


• We are the sum of the 4-5 people we spend the most time with.

• Learning to Listen Deeply we experience Intimacy without an ‘Other’

• With practice, the wisdom of the Field can speak through us providing the Leadership needed in the moment.

Page 19: Enlightened Feminine Leadership - Amazon S3 Part 1... · 2015-09-02 · Let’s have a new kind of beginning: Quieting our Minds with the power of 2 Minutes • 1)Pausing, slowing