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  • Word Meaning Word Meaning

    Quadrennial Occuring in 4 yrs Soporific Sleep producer

    Gag Block the mouth / speech Repudiate disown

    Daltonism Color blindness Thaurmaturgic magician

    Obeisance salute Affluence abundance

    Lullaby a soothing song sung to children before they go to sleep Indolent lazy

    Rivulet a small brook or stream Purport intention

    Scrimmage exhibition game or practice match, noisy fight Blas bored with pleasure or dissipation

    Voracious food greedy with great appetite Dichotomy branching into 2 parts

    Peregrination Journey Provident displaying foresight

    Relinquish Abandon Quip taunt

    Baneful Ruinous, Poisonous Repurcussion rebound, reaction

    Prophylactic Used to prevent disease Progeny children

    Coercion Use of force to get some one's compilance Capricious impulsive, freakish

    Apprise Inform Flagrant Conspicuously & outrageously bad

    Contentious Quarrelsome Parvenu upstart

    Clangor Loud Superannuated retired on pension because of age

    Imperious Domineering Mordant sarcastic, biting

  • Word Meaning Word Meaning

    Rote Repetition Juncture crisis, joining point

    Portend Foretell, Presage Transmute change, convert to something different

    Staid Sober, Sedate Obstuse blunt, stupid

    Gnarled Twisted Inflated exxagerated

    Unfeigned Genuine, Real Misogamy hatered of marriage

    Rife Abundant, Current Disquisition formal systematic inquiry

    Gregarious Sociable Sedition resistance to authoriy, insubbordination

    Idyllic Charmingly carefree, simple Adversary opponent

    Stupefy Stun. Amaze Perturbation disturbance

    Fidelity Royalty Obliterate destroy completely

    Apogee Highest point Prate speak foolishly

    Bigotry Stubborn Impurturtable placid, calm

    Recreant Abject coward, poltroon, craven Witless foolish, idiotic

    Doldrum Slack Period Obliterate to remove from existence

    Incisive Cutting / Sharp Tautalogy unnecessary repetition

    Stolid Dull, impassive Quixotic idealistic but impractical

    Stupor state of apathy, lack of awareness Reprobation severe disapproval

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    Insuperable insurmountable, invinsible Proletarian member of a working class

    Effeminate having womanly traits Tremulous trembling, wavering

    Delusive deceptive, raising vain hopes Flout reject, mock

    Nuance shade of drift in meaning or color Sarcophagus stone coffin

    Bungle spoil by clumsy behavior Expeditiously rapid & effeciently

    Ghastly horrible Irassible irritable, easily angered

    Incredulous Skeptical, Witholding belief Innocous harmless

    skullduggery dishonest behavior Philistine narrow minded person

    Lament grieve, express sorrow Recant repudiate, withdraw previous statement

    apposite appropirate, fitting Haggle argue at prices

    blubber utter while crying Welt mark from a beating or whipping

    Hew cut to pieces with axe or sword Coddle to treat gently

    Doggering shaky Mendacious false, lie

    Putative reputed Subliminal imperceivable

    Despoil plunder, to sack, to deprive of something valuable by force Relegate banish, pass on, expel

    Melange medley, mescellany Pussllanimous faint hearted

    Infeidel unbeliever Purloin steal

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    Euphonious pleasing in sound Rakish stylish, sporty

    Gestate evolve as in prenatal state Clemency mildness

    Proclivity inclination, natural tendency Raucous harsh & shrill

    Palatable aggreable Raze destroy completely

    Satiety condition Panegyric formal praise

    Emulate imitate, compete Vie compete

    Sham pretend Benediction blessing

    Berserk frenzied Subpoened summoned

    Temerity boldness, rashness, recklessness Defendant person who is answerable

    Premonition fore warning Plaintiff a person who brings

    Preposterous ridiculous, absurd Presage foretell

    Prefatory introductory Prehensible capable of gasping or holding

    Predilection partiality, preference Manifest understandable, clear

    Delude deceive Delineate portray

    Defiance opposition Confront challenge

    Panache flamboyance, flair In mint condition as if new

    Rostrum platform for speech making Chide scold

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    Censure harsh criticism, formally rebuke Amuck in a state of rage

    Patrons supporters, sponsors, customers Foil defeat, frustrate

    Gape open widely Protagonist main character of a drama or film

    Dearth shortage Lament express grief, mourn, to regret deeply

    Pastoral rural Pussiant powerful, strong, potent

    Torpid dormant, dull, lethargic Cupidity greed

    Dawdle loitre, waste time Flout reject, mock

    Panacea curve-all, remedy for all desires Fitful spamodic, intermittent

    Ambit scope, extent, boundary Hoodwink influence by slyness, beguile

    Spasmodic fitful, periodic Senelity old age, feeble mindedness

    Avarice greediness for wealth Clairvoyant having foresight

    Exhort urge Pedantic showing off learning, bookish

    Patrician noble, aristocratic Pastiche imitation of another's style in musical composition

    Poignancy quality of being deeply moving Prate speak foolishly, talk

    Preamble introducing statement Prefatory introductory

    Prim very precise & formal Primogeniture seneority by birth

    Progenitor ancestor Prognosis prediction regarding disease

  • Word Meaning Word Meaning

    Propicious favourable Reneging fail to carry out a promise

    Slanging match a heated exchange of abuse Belligerence a hostile or warlike attitude

    Tirade a long angry speech of criticism or accusation Riposte a relatiatory action, retort

    Refuted to prove to be false or erroneous Strewn scatter or spread untidly over a surface or area

    Blatant done openly & unshame, very obvious Spurn reject with disdain

    Circumventing to surroung, beat through cleverness or wit, beleaguering to annoy persistantly,

    Besieging to harras as with questions or request, circumventing Ripost retaliatory action, retort, counter attack

    Cower shrink Defiant to oppose or resist with boldness & assurance

    Vehement strong feeing or desire Indefatigable untiring

    Avarice greediness for wealth Retribution vengence

    Chasten disclipline, punish in order to correct Piquant having an aggreable & pungent taste, appealing

    Sinecure well paid position with little responsibility Bicker quarrel

    Perversion corruption Vacuous insane

    Sonorous heavy Dissimulate hide from other people, disguise

    Ostracize exclude from public favor Panagyric formal praise

    Wanton excessive Efficacy power to produce desired effect

    Sybarite lover of luxury Rhapsodise say with enthusiasm

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    Robust vigrous, strong Vivacious vibrant

    Emend correct Tentalize tease

    Proletarian member of working class Ambrosia food of the gods

    Jettison throw overboard Crabbed sour, peevish

    Gruesome grisly, shockingly repellent, inspiringly horror, macabre Stentorian extremely loud

    Hedonism belief that pleasure is the sole aim of life Splenetic spiteful, irritable, peevish

    Betroth become engage to marry Ruse trick, stratagem

    Mercurial fickle, changing Disparage belittle

    Taciturn uncommunicative Loquacious talkative

    Glutton heavy eater Unruly boisterous, fierce

    Succinct compact, summary Grotto small cavern

    Extant still in existence Grotesque fantastic

    Harbinger forerunner Opus work, piece of music

    Exorbitant excessive Prolix verbose, drawn out

    Proponent person who supports or proposes an idea Prudent cautious

    Jaunty stylish, perky, carefree Extrude force or push out

    Fleece rob, plunder Maul handle roughly

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    Liquidate settle accounts, clear up Oculist physician who specializes in treatment of eye

    Ken range of knowledge Hapless unfortunate

    Jurisprudence science of law Rhetoric empty talk, grandiloquence

    Crass very unrefined Recipient receiver

    Dissolute loose in morals Myopic near sighted

    Fray brawl Inadverently unintentionally

    Intrepid fearless Jeopardy danger

    Impediment hindrance, stumbling block Virulent extremely poisonous

    Scurrilous obscene, indecent Braggart very boastful & talkative person

    Artifice trickery Inclement stormy

    Foil defeat, frustrate Obstinate stubborn

    Incendiary arsonist Prehensile capable of gasping or holding

    Rococo ornate, highly decorated Multilingual having many languages

    Termagant scolding, brawling woman Litigation lawsuit

    Respite delay in punishment, interval of relief Luscious pleasing to taste or smell

    Bask luxuriate, take pleasure in warmth Jocund merry

    Tyro beginner, novice Diadem crown

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    Paleontology study of prehistoric life Affray public brawl

    Ameliorate improve Plagiarism theft of another's ideas or writing as one's own

    Ferment agitation Devious erratic, cunning, going astray

    Reprehensible deserving blame Perusal reading

    Amputate cut off part of body, remove surgically Wispy thin

    Gaffe social blunder Peremtory demanding and leaving no choice

    Finesse delicate skill Extraneous not essential, external

    Apprise make aware of, inform Tumult riot, commotion

    Retrogate retreat, pull back, draw back Emollient soothing or softening remedy

    Somnambulist sleepwalker Preposterous absurd, ridiculous

    Renegade deserted, apostate Analgesic causing insensitivity to pain

    Impalpable imperceptible, intangible Sinister evil

    Bacchanalian drunken Turpitude depravity

    Mediocre ordinary Incommodious not spacious

    Mottled spotted Thaumaturgist magician, miracle worker

    Disquisition formal systematic inquiry Bevy large group

    Ubiquitious being everywhere, omnipresent Divulge reveal

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    Ramshackle Neophyte recent convert, beginner

    Gambit ploy, a chess move used to gain advantageous position Bountiful generous

    Dogmatic positive Mortify humiliate

    Superfluous excessive, overabundant, unnecessary Decoy lure or bail

    Decipher decode, encrypt, trace Pell - mell in confusion

    Dowdy untidy Indomitable unconqureable

    Lurid wild Endearing lovable

    Purturbation agitation Agrarian pertaining to land or itls cultivation

    Burnish make shiny by rubbing, polish Glutinous sticky, viscous

    Petrify turn to stone Sporadic

    Pallid pale Loiter hang around

    Supple flexible Polyglot speaking several languages

    Convoke call together Debonair friendly, aiming to please

    Prodigy highly gifted child, marvel Benison blessing

    Chaff worthless product of an endeavor Banter joke, tease, jeer

    Austere simple Venison the meet of a deer

    Exculpate clear from blame Cadence rhythmic rise and fall

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    Duress forcible restraint Bicker quarrel, spat, tiff

    Cavalier gallant Construe explain

    Impediment hindrance Nepotism favoritism

    Callow youthful, immature Transmute transform

    Limpid clear Cynosure guidance, centre of attention

    Bellicose warlike Curator suprintendent, manager

    Subsist survive, live Frugality economical, avoiding waste

    Flagrant conspicuously wicked Emetic substance causing vomiting

    Bereft deprived of, lacking Recrimination counter charges, mutual acquisitions

    Controvert contradict, oppose, refute Demure coy, overmodest

    Surreptitous secret Lechery lustfulness, impurity in thought

    Entice temt Divulge reveal

    Wizened withered Effete worn out, exhausted

    Reprimand reprove severely Squalid dirty, neglected

    Continence self control Broach initiate, open up a topic for discussion

    Voluble gilb, fluent Copious plentiful

    Vituperate rail. criticize severely Demotic pertaining to the people

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    Probed examined Nexus link

    Renege deny, go back on Arable cultivable

    Epithet defamatory or abusive word or phrase Spry agile

    Indiscriminate Odium repugnance, dislike

    Insubordinate disobedient Embroil throw into confusion

    Portent forewarning Defile

    Expatriate exile Asunder into parts, apart

    Agape open mouthed Atrocious henious, hatefully bad

    Furtive sly, stealthy, hidden intetions Inimical not friendly

    Misnomer an incorrect or unsuitable name Trident three ponged sphere

    Allusion indirect reference Indulgent humoring, yielding, lenient

    Insurgent rebellious Bait harass, tease

    Philander flirt, make love lightly Mundane routine, everyday

    Opprobrium infamy Gloat Show satisfaction evil or malicious also

    Malicious bitchy, beady-eyes Beady-eyes eyes that gleam with malice

    Junket merry feast or picnic Propensity natural inclination

    Enigmatic obscure, puzzling, oracular Expeditiously rapid & efficiently

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    Mitigate appease, extenuate, make less severe, palliate Gratify please

    Filial pertaining to son or daughter Laity laymen

    Destitute extremely poor, completely lacking Arid dry, barren

    Relegate banish Impeach charge with crime in office

    Retribution vengence Mien demeaor, bearing

    Overt open to view Calligraphy beautiful writing, excellent penmanship

    Harbor provide refuge for, hide Fickle erratic, mercurial

    Lieu instead of Blistering fast , harsh

    Vying contending Espionage spying

    Denouement final outcome of a complex situation or play Perturbation agitation

    Sarcasm satire, witty language used to convey insults Interminable endless

    Pensive deeply or seriously thoughtful Sunder separate, part

    Surmise guess Concecrate dedicate

    Gratis free Frivolous not serious in content

    Verbiage pompous array of words Propitious favorable, kindly

    Amble moving at an easy pace Iota very small quantity

    Perunious stingy, parsimonious Lout clumsy person

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    Gullible easily deceived Adventitious accidental, casual

    Morose ill humoured, sullen Dissolute fast, unrestrained by morale

    Asperity harshness of manner, something hard to endure Astigmatism impaired eyesight resulting in problem in focus

    Paragon moral of reflection Chauvinist jingoist

    Strident loud & harsh Incandescent strinkingly bright

    Blanch bleach, whiten Bland soothing, mild

    Inflated exaggerated Postprandial after dinner

    Cordial gracious, heartfelt Analogy similariy

    Proscribe ostracize, banish Candor frankness

    Nuptial related to marriage Rhetoric art of effective communication

    Mendacious lying, false Sham pretend

    Itinarary plan of a trip Contraband illegal trade, smuggling

    Esoteric understandable by only a few, private Qabalistic having a secret or hidden meaning

    Coercion use of force to get someone's compliance Prognosis forecasted course of disease, prediction

    Beget father, raise to Surrogate substitute

    Gibber speak foolishly Converse opposite

    Eschew avoid Fervent ardent, hot

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    Fracas brawl Probity uprightness, incorruptibility

    Yore past, yesteryears Placid peaceful, calm

    Astringent causing contraction Bait harass, tease

    Galleon large sailing ship Pretentious ostentatious, ambitious

    Impromptu spontaneous, unrehearsed Savory tasty, pleasing, attractive

    Yen longing, urge Evasive not frank, eluding

    Odious hateful Paragon model of reflection

    Turmoil confusion, strife Repulsion distaste

    Evanescent fleeting, vanishing, temporary Pivotal crutial, key, vital

    Conjecture surmise, guess Beholden obligated, indebted

    Torpid dull, lathargic, dormant Crabbed sour, peevish

    Doggerel poor verse Talisman charm

    Parity equality, close resemblance Debilitate make weak

    Prolix verbose Intransigent refusing any compromise, stubborn

    Encumber burden Poultice plaster

    Flair talent Agglomeration collection

    Quibble argue over petty things Limpid clear

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    Foreboding make prediction Badger pester, annoy

    Quaint odd, old-fashioned, picturesque Sultry sexually exciting, sweltering, hot and humid

    Irrevocable unalterable Malice feeling a need to see others suffer

    Arcane secret, mysterious Ambulatory able to walk

    Fritter waste Savoir-faire social skill, tact

    Emendation correction of errors Blandishment flattery

    Exculpate clear from blame Resurgent rising again after defeat

    Disabuse inform, remove disbelief Waft move gently by wind

    Unfaltering steadfast Gibe mock

    Scuttle sink Crestfallen despirited

    Verdant green, fresh Impinge touch, collide with

    Astute wise, shrewd Overt open to view

    Elegiacal like in elegy Incite arouse to action

    Succulent juicy, full of richness Relevancy pertinency

    Aghast horrified Stint supply, allotted demand

    Jaded fatigued Stern check the flow

    Embark commence Monotheism belief in one god

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    Pittance small allowance, wage Salubrious healthful, favorable to health of

    Fireband hotheaded Extol praise, glorify

    Clique small excessive group Fleece rob, plunder

    Platable agreeable, pleasing to the taste Coquette flirt

    Faze unsettle, unnerve Quixotic ideal but impractical

    Bilk cheat, hinder, prevent Inscrutable mysterious, cryptic

    Veritic truth Constituent supporter

    Purview scope Desiccate dry up

    Histrionic melodramatic, theatrical Lithe flexible, supple

    Coronation ceremony of installing a new monarch Impede hinder, block

    Forgo give up, withdraw Onerous burdensome

    Ludicrous laughing ; ridiculous Obdurate stubborn

    Atrocity inhumanity Boorish rude

    Morose ill humoured, sullen, saturnine, moody Picaresque dishonest

    Mote small speck, tiny piece of anything Wrangle quarrel, brawl

    Amputate cut off part of body, remove sugically Allusion indirect reference

    Rancor bitterness, hatered, resentment Dour ill humoured

  • Word Meaning Word Meaning

    Mall pedestrian walkway Harangue noisy speech

    Discomfit put to rout, defeat, disconcert Tout boast, brag

    Arduous hard, strenous Clique small excessive group

    Daunt intimidate Flotsam floating wreakage of a ship

    Circumlocution indirect expression Disconsolate sad

    Lionize having social importance, treated as celebrity Grapple wrestle

    Heyday time of greatest success, prime Meagre scantly, inadequate

    Melee fight Dearth scarcity

    Oaf stupid, awkward person Eclectic selecting what seems best of the ideas

    Equanimity calmness of temprament Beleaguer annoy persistently

    Fiasco a sudden collapse, total failure Slate schedule, intended, criticized

    Scout explore Dolorous sorrowful

    Allay calm, pacify Furor great excitement

    Preempt appreciate beforehand Convoke call together

    Prefatory introductory Heed pay attention to

    Reminiscence recollection Mirage unreal reflection, optical illusion

    Mutinous disloyal Prudence caution, circumspection

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    gratuitous free, unwarranted, un-called for, needless Appeallation name, title, denomination, designation

    Prune cut away, trim Sunder break up

    Genteel elegant, well-bred Defunct not active, dead

    Albeit even though Anecdote report, account

    Hanker wanting something persistently Pine

    Swindler scammer, con man, chiseller cannibalize Use parts of something to repair something else

    rhetoric empty talk Guises pretexts, pretences

    Swamp fraught with difficulties & imponderables confer

    exposition exihibition budge move very slightly, stir, shift

    harried annoyed, beset, chiwied, pestered, chevied Pester to annoy persistantly

    Contentious argumentative Cronyism favouritism, discrimination

    Oligarchy form of government / political system Ombudsman investigator

    Glean Brunt force, impact, pressure, shock, thrust

    Stymied block, hinder Caricrature

    having a desire for something or someone who is not


    gift, to have a conference inorder to talk something

    over, bestow

    to find out information by asking ques & listening carefully,


    imitation, representation of a person in way that gives

    comic effect

  • Word Meaning Word Meaning

    Begrudge Parched Dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight

    nonchalant casual, unconcern allude hint ; suggest

    eclactic eclugue short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life

    coax persuade gradually or by flattery to do something inimical not friendly ; hostile

    terse abrupt crony close friend

    cronysm pratiality clique a group of people who talk about a subject

    motorcade a procession of people travelling in motor cars claustrophobia a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space

    grumble express one's unhappiness or critical attitude dote on to show excessive fondness

    indelible cannot be removed or erased ; ineradicable inquest inquiry

    to feel jealous bcos sm1 has smthing good & u don't think they

    deserve it

    fugaciouslasting a very short time (fugacious blossoms),

    ephemeral, transient, impermanentvicissitude fluctuation ; variation

    blitheshowing lack of due concern, carefree and happy and


    errant, erring, frail, imperfect, weak, human (fallible human


    an organized rebellion aimed at overthrowing a

    constituted government through the use of subversion

    and armed conflict

    destroying someone's honesty or loyalty ; undermining moral

    integrity ; overthrowing a legally constituted government ; subversion diaspora

    dispersion ; scattering ; a body of jews outside palestine

    or modern Israel

    turned or twisted towards one side ; wonky ; incongrous ; inviting

    ridcule (eg idea) ; very drunk ; inebriatecockeyed insurgency

  • Word Meaning Word Meaning

    An act to undertaken to increase your own power &

    influence or to draw attention ; ego tripblow up ; hyperbolize ; amplify ; embellish ; magnify ; glorify ; aggrandise

    self -

