


















Submitted as partial fulfillment of requirement to obtain an

undergraduate (S1) Degree in English Education

















Name : Siti Rosnani

Major : English Education Study Program

Title : English Teacher’s Classroom Management in Teaching English at Islamic

Junior High School SMP Al-Falah Jambi

Classroom management is one of the keys to success in teaching and learning activities

conducted in the classroom. Well designed classroom management by teachers will have

a positive effect on students learning outcomes. Teacher is one of the most important

people that can make a good classroom management; it is about how the teachers can

organize the classroom in English learning process. Every teacher must have method to

present some skill of their student with always up to date the knowledge. The purpose of

this research was to investigate classroom management applied by English teacher at

eight grade in the state Islamic junior high school SMP Al-Falah Jambi City. The design

of this research was descriptive qualitative.With the data methods such as observation,

interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that the English teacher

has been going well and has made a plan based on the lesson plan implementation plan

(RPP) that has been formulated before, then preparing the material and the media will be

taught, then the teacher enchances the positive atmosphere by providing motivation and

physical arrangements of the class that need to support the teaching and learning process

in the classroom such as, ventilation, lighting and storage in the classroom all perfectly

organized to create a quiet and comfortable classroom. So, that the process of teaching

and learning activities in Islamic junior high school SMP Al-Falah Jambi city runs

effectively and efficiently.

Keywords: classroom management, English teacher, classroom management in





Nama : Siti Rosnani

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : English Teacher’s Classroom Management in Teaching English at Islamic

Junior High School SMP Al-Falah Jambi

Manajemen kelas merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan dalam proses kegiatan belajar

mengajar yang dilakukan di dalam kelas. Manajemen kelas yang dibuat dengan baik oleh

guru akan memberikan efek positif pada hasil belajar siswa. Guru adalah salah satu orang

penting yang dapat membuat manajemen kelas yang baik; yaitu tentang bagaimana guru

dapat mengatur kelas dalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Setiap guru harus

mempunyai metode untuk menunjukkan beberapa keterampilan siswa mereka dengan

selalu menambah wawasannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen

kelas yang diterapkan oleh guru bahasa inggris di kelas VIII A SMP Islam AL-Falah

Kota Jambi pada tahun akademik 2018/2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian

kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara dan

dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru bahasa inggris sudah

berjalan baik dan telah melakukan rencana berdasarkan pada rencana pelaksanaan

pembelajaran (RPP) yang telah di formulasikan sebelumnya, kemudian mempersiapkan

materi dan media akan diajarkan, lalu guru meningkatkan Suasana yang positif dengan

memberi motivasi serta pengaturan fisik kelas yang perlu sebagai penunjang proses

belajar mengajar didalam kelas seperti ventilasi, pencahayaan dan tempat penyimpanan

didalam kelas semuanya sudah teratur dengan sempurna untuk menciptakan ruang kelas

yang tenang,dan nyaman. Sehingga proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di SMP Islam Al-

Falah Kota Jambi berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien.

Kata Kunci: manajemen kelas, Guru bahasa inggris, manajemen kelas dalam





This paper is dedicated to all people who always pray and give support

in finishing this paper for my success, they are:

First, In the name of Allah SWT the most gracious and the most

merciful, who has given the researcher mercy and blessing, health and ability to

finish thesis. Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change

the world.

Seconds, my beloved father (H.Effendi) and my mother (Zuraida) who

always has honesty sincerity to grow me up, educate, accompany and pray for me

until getting success and their greatest live and support for me at all until I can

accomplish this script.

Third, my beloved sisters (Novrika Susanti S.Pd), (Najwa Ilmira) and

my brothers (M.Pajri Yansyah), (Amar Amirullah). Thanks for your love, help,

support, pray and advice, so I am better than before.

Forth, my beloved cousin (Kurniati S.Pd, Hayati, Nadia, Najmi Laili,

Fitrottun Wahida and M. Bhasir Ahkbar). Who love me very much and because

of their support and big love, so I can finish my paper well. Thanks you are

always beside me in certain condition.

My first advisor Mahyuzar, M.Ag and My second Advisor Juliana Mesalina,

M. Pd who guided me, advised me and supported me to finish this thesis.



All of my lecturer who teach me since I don’t know anything till I graduated.

My Close friends (Baseng Kadak ) Tasmia, Septi Duwi Yanti, Sara

Desmayani, Syariful Huda, Fauzan Saputa, Saputra, Thabrani Aziz. Special

thanks for you all who always guidance, always besides me when happiness,

sadness and all condition.

All of my beloved classmate in D class of English Department, I thank them

for the spirit, motivation and togetherness.

And also big thanks to all my friends English Education Program academic

year 2015, thanks for your sharing and participant.

The entire school apparatus

who guidance, motivation and allowing me to research and all students

thanks for your participant.

All of people who keep supporting me wherever you are.

May Allah SubhanahuWaTa’ala bless us.





اإِ اوَ مَ أَ ؤَدُّوا الْ نْ تُ مْ أَ كُ رُ مُ أْ ا نَّ اللَّهَ يَ ذَ إِ ا وَ هَ لِ هْ ىٰ أَ لَ تِ إِ

عِمَّا لِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وِ دْ عَ الْ مُىا بِ حْكُ نْ تَ هَ الىَّاسِ أَ يْ مْ بَ تُ مْ حَكَ

ا صِيرً ا بَ يعً مِ انَ سَ هِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَ مْ بِ كُ ظُ عِ يَ

Verily, Allah tells you to deliver the message to those who have the right to

receive it, and (tells you) if you establish a law among men so that you determine

it fairly. Surely Allah gives you the best teaching. Allah is All-Hearing, All-

Seeing. (QS. An-Nisa‟ : 58)




By saying Alhamdulillahirabbil‟aalamiin all veneration to Allah SWT. The

beneficence and merciful, who has given us the mercy, and blessing and guidance

to complete writing this thesis. May peace and salutation always be given to our

prophet Muhammad SAW who has given his life moral improvement and to be

mercy to universe.

The goal of this thesis is a partial requirements for the undergraduate

degree (S1) in English Education Study Program at The State Islamic University

of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “English Teacher’s

Classroom Management in Teaching English at Junior High School SMP

Islam Al-Falah Jambi City”.

The writer would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mahyuzar

Rahman M,Ag as the first advisor and Juliana Mesalina, M. Pd as the second

advisor who have given me support, guidance for accomplishing this thesis. Then

writer also would like to express many thanks to the following people who

provided me helps in finishing this thesis, namely:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Suai‟di Asy‟ari, MA, ph. D as the Rector of The State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj Armida, M.Pd.I as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


3. Amalia Nurhasanah, M. Hum as Chief of English Education Study Program

of Education and Teacher Training Faculty in The State Islamic University

of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. All lecturers at of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty in The

State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who gives

knowledge to writer.

5. The official administration staffs at The State Islamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.






PAGE TITTLE ...................................................................................... i

OFFICIAL NOTE ................................................................................ ii

ORIGINALITY THESIS STATEMENT ........................................... iii

DEDICATION ....................................................................................... iv

MOTTO ................................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................... viii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................ x

LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................... xiii


A. Background of the Study .................................................................... 1

B. The Formulation of Research Problem ............................................. 5

C. The Limitation of Problem ................................................................. 5

D. The Purposes of the study .................................................................. 5

E. Significances of the study ................................................................... 6


A. Classroom Management ................................................................................... 7

1. Definition of Classroom Management ......................................................... 7

2. Purpose of Classroom Management ............................................................ 9

3. The activities of classroom management ..................................................... 10

4. The function of classroom management ...................................................... 12

5. The principles of classroom management .................................................... 16

6. Components of Classroom Management ..................................................... 18

7. Classroom Management Approaches .......................................................... 19

8. Factors Influencing the Classroom Management ........................................ 20



B. Teaching English ............................................................................................. 21

1. The Definition of Teaching English ............................................................ 21

2. Components of Teaching ............................................................................ 23

3. Teaching Strategy ........................................................................................ 24

4. Procedure of Teaching Learning Process .................................................... 27

5. Teaching Four Skills of English .................................................................. 27

6. English Teaching and Learning Process ...................................................... 29

7. Managing the Teaching and Learning Process in the

Classroom Management ............................................................................. 31

1) The Teacher Roles .................................................................................. 31

2) Grouping Students .................................................................................. 31

3) Giving Feedback..................................................................................... 32

8. Factors influences Teachers Succeed in the Classroom .................................... 32

9. Scope of Teaching English ............................................................................... 35

10.Relevant Studies ............................................................................................... 36


A. Research Design ............................................................................................... 37

B. Setting .............................................................................................................. 37

C. Subject of the Research .................................................................................... 37

D. Data and Data Source ....................................................................................... 38

E. Technique of Collecting Data ........................................................................... 38

F. Instrument of Collecting Data........................................................................... 39

G. Technique of Analysing Data........................................................................... 42

1. Data Reduction .......................................................................................... 42

2. Data Display .............................................................................................. 42

3. Conclusion/Verification ............................................................................ 43

H. Triangulation of Data ....................................................................................... 43


A. Research Finding

a. The physical classroom management ........................................................ 46

b. The Process Of The Classroom Management ........................................... 49

B. Discussion

1. The summary of the data finding .............................................................. 53




A. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 59

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................ 61








Appendix I : Interview transcript first teacher ................................................ 59

Appendix II : Interview transcript second student ........................................... 61

Appendix III: Observation field note teacher................................................... 63

Appendix IV: Observation sheet ...................................................................... 66

Appendix V : Photo documentation teaching and learning process ................ 67





A. Background of the Study

In the process of teaching and learning, the teacher is a motivator. One

of the important parts in education the teacher must take part and put good

position as a professional educator. He has to be ready as a mediator in

every situation of teaching and learning process.

Classroom management is one of the important aspects in teaching

English. Classroom management that used by the teacher can influence the

teaching English. So, the English teachers are challenged should be able to

manage the classroom, including creating and maintaining of the optimal

learning conditions.

Classroom management is needed in every teaching and learning

process, including the English teaching and learning process. The English

classroom management is a form or support in order that the English

teaching and learning process is going efficiently and effectively.

Classroom management influences the teaching-learning process,

including English in the class. Nunan (2000: 189) says that in the teaching

and learning process, classroom management plays an important role to

establish and maintain workable system in the classroom. Furthermore, he

states that classroom management can be used to organize and manage the

class. Levin (1996: 32) explains that classroom management will enable

the teaching-learning process to take place effectively. It is clear from the

explanation above that classroom management refers to the actions and

strategies of the teachers to maintain, to organize and to control the pupils‟

behavior, movement and interaction to keep them constructively engaged

in English teaching-learning process. Management also is a science and an



art. Art is a skill knowledge gained from experience, observation and

learning and the ability to use knowledge management (Sardiman, 2004).

Management education is one of the management classes. A room is

used for effective teaching and learning processes and to motivate students

to learn well within your means. Learning park for formal student is in the

class. In this place student can grow and develop their intellectual and

emotional potential. Therefore, it is needed that teacher try to make a place

that is really comfortable and fun to learn.

In a class all aspects of learning to meet and precede, teachers, pupils,

methods, media, materials, learning resources interact in the classroom.

Meanwhile, the learning outcomes determined also everything that

happens in the classroom. Therefore, it is fitting to Be in a good class,

professional, and sustainable.

Fauziati (2015:79) proposed that classroom management is the way

teacher organizes what goes on in the classroom. As a controller,

prompter, and observer, the teacher has duty to make a joyful

environment, strong motivation, and good influence, thus that the students

can accept the lesson well and the process of input taking and out the

output in the students‟ mind is optimum.

McCreay (2013:5) stated that classroom management is as the

methods and strategies an educator uses to maintain a classroom

environment that is conducive to students‟ success and learning. Together

with the methods, the techniques, and the topics, the way teacher manages

the classroom influences the teaching learning process. The teacher should

manage the class well to make the students following the instructional

tasks and not misbehaving. Successful teachers are often very effective

managers of the classroom environment. They create a positive learning

community where students are actively involved in their own learning and

the management of the classroom. Teacher with all competence is

expected to maintain positive situation and change negative situation to be

positive situation in learning in the class. So that, teacher have to know



and understand with principles of learning and then have skill to teach in

the class. The important sides in developing student capability are teacher

cares with their students and have capability in relationship with another

teacher so that it will create conductive environment. So, their students

will be fun in teaching learning English. According to Munif Chatib

(2012), teacher is a profession, professional teacher certainly concerned

with their works in making lesson plan, then applying their lesson in the

class, after that make evaluation day.

From the above it can be concluded the opinion that classroom

management is an attempt to leverage the potential of classroom teachers

to organize learning activities and motivate the students to the learning

effective and enjoyable. Effort of classroom management is viewed as the

effort to maintain classroom order. According to the modern conception of

classroom management is the selection process that uses a tool that fixed

the problem and classroom management situations.

Purpose of classroom management as follow: realizing the situation

and condition of the positive class, removes obstacles that could hamper

the teaching learning interactions, providing and arranging facilities and

furnishings learning, fostering and guiding students. The purpose of

classroom management is the provision of facilities for a variety of student

learning activities in a social environment, emotional, and intellectual in

the classroom, so that every child in the class can work in an orderly

manner so as soon achieved the goal of teaching effectiveness and


As a profession ,teachers have a very complex task. Especially if a

teacher already in a class. He will face a lot of students who have a diverse

character. When interacting with students in the classroom, sometimes he

fiends a good thing and a bad thing, finding learners industrious and lazy,

and fiend students who are good and less intelligent. Certainly a positive

work will facilitate the work of teachers in organizing learning activities



for their students, while the negative circumstances that will surely make

teachers feel difficulty in teaching their students.

Teachers with all its competence in demand o as to maintain the

positive state of the study and demanded to change the negative situation

in the classroom. That is why a teacher in charge to be able to know and

understand how to manage the class so the learning to be effective.

As that happened at this Islamic junior high school SMP Al-Falah

Jambi, there were several classes in this school which according to most

teachers were difficult to condition, but there was one class that had the

highest learning outcomes than other classes. Therefore, the authors are

interested in conducting research in one of the classes that is learning the

most up to date related to classroom management problems.

This research was conducted because the writer wanted to be as good

as where the teacher used the management class to create and maintain the

class in supporting effective teaching and learning activities and allowing

students to be able to learn safely and comfortably.

The English class at this junior high school SMP Al-Falah Jambi eight

grade especially in the academic year of 2019/2020 is considered as a

class, consisting of 30 students. In such a class, the learners have different

characteristics, learning styles, motivations, knowledge and interests. The

teacher then have to think carefully about what teacher is going to do in

class teachers and plan how teachers is going to organize the English

teaching-learning process.

Besides, after the researcher did an observation, the teaching learning

process in SMP Al-Falah Islam Jambi very nice especially the teachers

managing the students, and also it has good facilities, students Islamic

junior high School Al-Falah Jambi. The other side, academic achievement

of students from year to year always increasing. In fact the graduation rate

is always 100% and always occupied the top five of the graduation rate of

junior high school SMP Islam SMP Al-Falah around Jambi, always be a

champion in very joined the competition in Jambi area, among the



competition which has attended by students, namely: quiz competitions,

speech English, speech Arabic, Indonesian and others. If students follow

competition they always got the champion and pride the school. Based on

the above Islamic junior high School Al-Falah Jambi is great for managing

knowledge in the classroom. Thus, it becomes an interesting thing to be


Discussing about teacher‟s Classroom management at Islamic Junior

High School Al-Falah Jambi, the researcher found that some teacher at

Islam Junior High School Al-Falah Jambi, had implemented learning

action that where useful for developing students create. It is a very

interesting phenomenon to be investigated further. To know how is

English teacher‟s classroom management in the teaching learning process.

So far, based on those explanation, the researcher is interested taking

a research entitle is “English Teacher‟s Classroom Management in

Teaching English at Islam Junior High School Al-Falah Jambi. The reason

of choosing entitle because of the importance of classroom management in

the learning process that is able to create and maintain classroom

conditions in order to create an effective and efficient learning

environment and atmosphere.

B. Limitation of the problem

This research is limited only on the English teacher classroom

management in teaching English in eight grade of Islamic Junior High

School AL-Falah Jambi.

C. Formulation of the problem

Based on the background above, the problems of the study are as


1. How is the English Teacher‟s Classroom Management in Teaching

English by the eight grade students of Islamic Junior High School

Al-Falah Islam Jambi the academic year 2019/2020?



D. Purpose of the study

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of the

research is to describe the classroom management applied in teaching

English by the eight grade students of Islamic junior high school Al-Falah

Jambi the academic year 2019/2020.

E. Significance of the Research

This research is expected to give some contribution to the success of

the teaching and learning English at the junior high school.

The contribution can be seen as follow:

1. Theoretically

a) The results of the research can be used as input in English

teaching process especially about classroom management

b) The results of the research can be used as the references for

who want to conduct the research in English teaching

learning process.

2. Practically

a) For the teacher

They give some information and knowledge about the

classroom management in managing a class in teaching English.

b) For the students

They can get motivation and interest to study in teaching

English. The result of this research can motivate the student to

use English in their English language.

c) For the researcher

1) To make a thesis as partial requirement for the undergrad

uate degree (S1) in English education study program Faculty

of education and teachers training State Islamic university of

Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.



2) Many new valuable experience and can apply all the

technique of teaching and efforts to solve the problem of

teaching learning when the researcher be an English Teacher in


F. Relevant studies

Research usually refers previous research. Because it can serve as

references in a study there are: three relevant studies that the research take

about English Teacher Classroom Management In Teaching English.

First, from Agata Retno Palupi (Universitas Muhammadiyah

Surakarta), entitled “Classroom Management Applied By the Eighth Grade

Teacher in Teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in

2012/2013 Academic Year”. The difference was the researchers using

descriptive analysis in the thesis and the researchers described classroom

management in English teaching learning process. The similarities were in

the object, Palupi‟s research object is jumior High School, in this research

was junior High school.

Second, from kociyama (2010) “Classroom Management is in

structure II at the second semester of English education study program

Faculty of education and teachers training State Islamic university of Sultan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Result of kociyama‟s research is shown the

implementation of classroom management of structure to aspect that is

aspect of interaction classroom management and physical classroom

management. Interaction classroom management taken exchange of thought,

feeling, or idea between lecture and students, and physical classroom

management taken is arrangement of settlement of student chair, hygiene of

classroom, and number of students in classroom. The difference between

kociyama thesis and this research are first, kociyama analyzed aspects of

classroom management are interaction classroom management and physical

classroom management, while in this research analyzed aspect of English



Teacher‟s classroom management in Teaching English. The similarities

were in the object the same analyzed classroom management.

Third, from Indri Setyowati (2017). Classroom management applied

in teaching English by the tenth grade English teacher of SMA N 1

wonosari in the academic year 2015/2016. Thesis English Education

Department, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN

Surakarta. The result of this research show (1) that classroom management

divided into five aspects. There were physical design of classroom orderly

rows and separate table, rules and routines, relationships, engaging and

motivating instruction, and discipline. (2) The problem faced by English

teacher was habit of the students and class discipline. To solve the problem,

the teacher gave a punishment and a treatment. The difference was in the

object, Indri‟s research object is senior High School. In this research was

junior High school. The similarities were in the object the same analyzed

classroom management.





In this chapter, the researcher will elaborate about some theories connected

to the thesis. Further description in this following:

Management education is a process of management in the implementation

educational tasks by using its resources efficiently to achieve the goals

effectively, management education is an arrangement in the field of education is

conducted through planning, staffing, organizing, coordinating, controlling,

monitoring, assessment and reporting systematically to achieve the goals of

quality education.

A. Definition of Classroom Management

Classroom management is a multifaceted concept that encompasses a

whole array if distinct tasks, from designing an appropriate physical setting

and building an atmosphere of caring and respect to teaching standards for

behavior and responding to violation of classroom norms M. Cooper et, al

(2011: p 221). According to Ade Rukmana and Asep suryana (2014, p, 107)

classroom management is variety of activities deliberately done by teachers

with the aim of creating and maintaining optimal conditions for the

occurrence of teaching and learning process (M.Entang:1), Alam (S: 1B)

state classroom management is the activity of teachers to cultivate and

maintain effective classes, which include: teaching objectives, time

unification, learning room arrangements and equipment, and grouping of

students in learning, Classroom management is all the activities of teachers

in the classroom that creates and maintains optimal conditions for the

learning process (Raka Joni:1).

Managing a classroom full of students is one of the biggest challenges

faced by teacher. If the teacher do not have an effective plan in place, there

will not be much opportunity for students to engage in meaningful learning




Evertson and Weinstein (2006) refer in their definition of classroom

management to the actions teachers take to create supportive environment

for the academic and social emotional learning of students. They describe

five type of actions. In order to attain a high quality of classroom

management, Teachers mush (1) develop caring, supportive relationships

with and among students and (2) organize and implement instruction in

ways that optimize students access to learning. Such management is an

essential technique that teachers must use and is a daily focus during class.

Successful teaching often defends on the ability of the teacher to

manage the classroom. Frequent occurrence of deciplinary problems in the

classroom can have a considerable affect on the effectiveness of teaching

and learning. Teacher are responsible for managing and monitoring students

learning and therefore losing control of the classroom can be one of the

must frustrating experiences for them.

Successful teaching often depends on the ability of the teacher to

manage the classroom. ( Emmer & Stough, 2001) in ( Oliver & Reschly, p.I)

“The ability of teachers to organize classroom and manage the behavior of

their students is critical to achieving positive educational outcomes.

Although sound behavior management does not guarantee effective

instruction, it establishes the environmental context that makes good

instruction possible, reciprocally, highly effective instruction reduces, but

does not eliminate, classroom behavior problems”. Frequent occurrence of

disciplinary problems in the classroom can have a considerable affect on the

effectiveness of teaching and learning teachers are responsible for managing

and monitoring student learning in the classroom.

According to Djamarah and Zaini in Yamin and Maisah (2012, p.34)

in a simple meaning of classroom management is the actives of classroom

setting in teaching. While according to Mulyasa (2007:91) classroom

management is skills of teachers to create a conductive learning

environment and control the classroom\if something bad happens in




From the definitions of classroom management above can be understood

that classroom management refers to all the teacher behavior and

classroom organizational factors that lead to an orderly learning

environment. This includes the established routines, school and classroom

rules, teacher response to student behaviors and the instruction that

promotes a climate conducive to student learning. Some of the principles

to be considered in classroom management in Yamin Martinis & Maisah

(2009, p,34) is:

1. Warmly and enthusiastic

2. Challenge

3. Varies

4. Flexibility

5. The emphasis on positive things

6. Discipline

2. Purpose of Classroom Management

Generally, the purpose of classroom management is to create comfort

of classroom atmosphere as a place learning and process take place. So, that

activity run effectively and guided until the purpose of learning which has

been determined can be achieve. Specifically, According to Djamarah in

(Wiyani, 2013, p.64) stated that purposes of classroom management are:

1. For students

a) Encourage the students to develop individual duty toward students‟

behavior and needs to self control.

b) Help the students to know the behavior which appropriate with

classroom rules and comprehend if the teacher‟s reprimand is a

warning not anger.

c) Arouse the students‟ duty to involve in task and activity.

2. For teacher

a) Evolve comprehending in provide material with opening fluently and

appropriate celerity

b) Aware with students‟ duty to give instruction clearly to the students.



c) Study how to give respond effectively toward the students‟ behavior.

d) Has remedial strategy which more comprehensive and it can use

which relate the students‟ behavior problem that appears in classroom.

B. The activities of Classroom Management

Classroom have a considerable influence on the process and students

learning outcomes. Teachers need to conditioned classrooms capable of

supporting the development of learners optimally, because most of time

students spend in the classroom is. Comfortable classrooms need to be set

by the teacher in such a way for students to avoid the boredom.

Classrooms are created by teachers need to fulfill the requirements of

education in accordance with the growth and development of the potential

physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and the psychological learners

with regard cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

In the classroom management, teacher do a process or stages of

activities starting from planning, implementing and evaluating, so that the

activities carried are interrelated. The activities carried out are also

effective and on target to be achieved, and efficient, the end point of the

management have a purpose with high productivity, Ade Rukmana &Asep

Suryana (2014, p.108-110) classroom management activities in general


1. Setting of Student

Students are people doing the activity and the activities in is

placed as an object and arena of development of science and

human consciousness, the learners move then occupy the function

as a subject. Learners are objects that have the potential to move.

The function of the teacher has a large proportion to be able to

guide, direct and guide every activity that must be done of learners.

Setting of learners are arranged and put learners in the classroom in

accordance with the potential intellectual and emotional

development. Learners are given the opportunity to acquire a

position in study in accordance with the interests and desires.



2. Setting of Facilities

The activities of teachers and students in the classroom are

influenced by the condition and situation of the classroom

environment. According to Mcleod Joyce (2003, p.14) other

important areas are those in which you store materials: bookcases,

closed cabinets, bins, and any other creative storage systems you

may have, placing storage systems near the area where they are

frequently used minimizes lost time. So that classroom

environment be facilities and basic facilities must can support the


Facilities in the classroom consisted of students tables and chairs,

teacher tables and chairs, a cupboard, long boards, the media of education

and other equipment required in accordance with the interests of the

classroom. According to (Arikunto & Yuliana, 2008) in Mustari Mohamad

(2014-119) Educational facilities are all the necessary facilities in the

learning process both moving and immovable in order to achieve

educational goals can learn smoothly, effectively, regularly and efficiently

(Arikunto & Yuliana, 2008). For example: building, classroom, desk chair

and teaching media tools.

The purpose of the management of facilities and infrastructure is to

provide services in a professional manner related to educational facilities

and infrastructure so that the learning process can take place effectively

and efficiently. In connection with this objective, Bafadal (2003) describes

in detail the objectives of the management of educational facilities and

infrastructure as follows: (1) to seek the procurement of school facilities

and infrastructure through careful planning and procurement system

carefully so that schools have the facilities and infrastructure in accordance

with the needs, (2) to seek the proper and efficient use of school facilities.

(3) to seek the maintenance of educational facilities and infrastructure, so

that the situation is always in a state of ready – made in any required by all

school personnel. The management of facilities and infrastructures can be



defined as organizing activities, ranging from planning (needs analysis),

procurement, inventory, distribution, utilization, maintenance, destruction

and accountability to movable and immovable goods, school furniture,

learning tools, and etc.

The classroom is a room with the main activities of reading and

writing, so that the specious the room that is comfortable for the learners

are expected according to the standard that is 9 meters x7 meters with a

width of 1.8-2 meter terrace.

In the classroom management, teacher do a process or stages of

activities starting from planning, implementing and evaluating, so that the

activities carried are interrelated. The activities carried out are also

effective and on target to be achieved, and efficient, the end points of the

management have a purpose with high productivity.

According to Karwati & Priansa (2014, p.25) for the detailed activities

that need to be undertaken by teachers in classroom management as

aspects that exist in the instructions for classroom management are:

1. Check student attendance

2. Collect the students‟ work, checking and appraise

3. Distribution of materials and learning tools

4. Delivering course material

5. Give the task or home work.

C. The Function of Classroom Management

Function of management can be seen in two major classifications, are

organic functions and complementary functions. Organic functions related

with all the functions that is absolutely run by the management, while the

complementary functions associated with all functions that though not

absolutely run by the organization, but should be implemented, because

the implementation of complementary function well, it will improve

of\organizational performance. Functions of management related to each

other and can not separated. Usually the function of management is not

implemented in a specific order, but adjusted to the interests. To wage a



new organization, usually starting with the planning, followed by other


Terry 1997 in Kawati & Priansa (2014, p.18) stated that the basic

function of management is planning, organizing, actuating and controlling;

1. Planning in Classroom

Planning involves the teacher deciding what activities will best suit

the material to be covered, what sequence of activities will have the

most impact on learning, and thoroughly preparing to execute those

activities. Planning also includes structuring of activities to ensure

harmony of communication and student teacher interaction.

2. Organizing of Classroom

Organization requires the teacher to think through the most

appropriate use of resources such as physical space, physical materials,

time, layout of classroom and placement of individual students either

physically or groups for a particular activity and overall scheduling of

instruction over time to accomplish goals. Organizing is (1) define

resources and activities required to achieve the organization, (2)

designing and developing a working group that includes people who

are able to bring the organization to the objectives, (3) assigning a

person or group of people in one of responsibility.

3. Actuating in Classroom

The process of influencing others to achieve organizational goals.

Actuating requires the teacher to actively model those behaviors which

are imperative for learning. Ultimately, students must be responsible

for their own learning and teachers can greatly end chance the success

of students by illustrating through their actions the skills needed for

learning and for social interaction.

Students are more apt to learn about professionalism, commitment and

high standards of performance by observing these traits in their

professors. In addition, skills such as the ability to communicate



respect individuals, to diffuse conflicts, and to share ideas in as

egalitarian manner can best be taught by modeling.

4. Controlling in Classroom

Controlling is the segment of classroom management which is most

associated with the topic, but which actually refers to discipline in the

classroom. Just as students must ultimately motivate themselves to

learn, students are also responsible for their own behavior. But while

professors are not responsible for adult student behavior in a classroom

they must learn methods to be responsive to behaviors in order to

achieve positive results for all students in the class.

There are techniques which can be used to respond to inappropriate

behavior in the classroom (i.e. discipline problems) which can have

positive results and prevent more extensive conflicts or behaviors to

make sure that the result of appropriate activities with the draft.

Controlling process can involve several elements: a) set work standard.

b) Measuring the performance. c) Comparing performance with

standards that have been set. d) Corrected if an error occurred.

According to M.Cooper et,al (2011: p 12) within the instructional

role, teachers must make decisions related to the three basic teaching

functions (1) planning, (2) implementation, and (3) evaluation. The

planning function requires that teachers make decisions about: their

students‟ needs the most appropriate goals and objectives to help meet

those needs the content to be taught the motivation necessary to attain

their goals and objectives and the instructional modes and teaching

strategies most suited to the attainment of those goals and objectives.

The planning function usually occurs when teachers are alone and

have time to reflect and consider long and short-range plans, the

students‟ progress toward achieving objectives, the availability of

materials, the time requirements of particular activities, and other such

issues. Some teaching skills that support the planning function include

observing pupil behavior, diagnosing pupil needs, setting goals and



objectives, sequencing goals and objectives, and determining

appropriate learning activities related to the objectives, the

implementation function requires that teachers implement the decisions

that were made in the planning stage, particularly those related to

instructional modes, teaching strategies, and learning activities. While

much of the planning function is accomplished when teachers are

interacting with students. Research indicates that teachers make an

average of one interactive decision every two to six minutes. These

decisions frequently must be made rapidly in response to classroom

situations. Often, teachers have to make adjustments in their plans

based on student question and how the teachers perceive the lesson to

be going. Teaching skills that support the implementation function

include presenting and explaining, questioning, listening, introducing,

demonstrating, eliciting, student responses, and achieving closure.

The evaluation function requires decisions about the suitability of

chosen objectives as well as the teaching strategies keyed to those

objectives, and ultimately, whether or not the students are achieving

what the teacher intended. To make the necessary decisions, teachers

must determine what kind of information they need and then gather it.

Teaching skills that support the evaluation function include specifying

the learning objectives to be evaluated; obtaining, analyzing, and

recording that information, and forming judgments.

The feedback and reflection dimension of the decision making

model simply means that you examine the results of your teaching,

consider their meaning, and then decide how adequately you handled

each of these three teaching functions. On the basis of this examination,

you determine whether you have succeeded in attaining your objectives

or whether you need to make new plans or try different implementation

strategies, feedback and your reflection on the feedback, then, is the

new information you process in your decision making to adjust your



planning, implementation, or evaluation functions or to continue as

before. It is the decisison-making system‟s way of correcting itself.

D. The Principles of Classroom Management

In order for management objectives can be achieved effectively,

efficiently, and directionallyso applied the principles in conducting

classroom management, classroom management principles according to

Daryanto & Suwardi (2016-148-150) consists of :

1. Warmly and enthusiastic

Warmly and enthusiastic is necessary in the learning process,

teachers who are familiar with the learners always shows

enthusiastic in his work, and activity will be successful in

implementing the classroom management.

2. Challenge

Using words, actions, ways of working, or challenging material will

increase the passions learners to learn, thus reducing the possibility

of the advent deviant behavior.

3. Varies

The use of tools or media, teaching style, pattern of interaction

between teachers and learners will reduce the appearance of

interference, increase the learner‟s attention, so as to achieve

effective classroom management and avoid saturation of learners.

4. Flexibility

Behavioral flexibility teachers to change their teaching strategies can

create an effective learning climate. Flexibility of teaching can

prevent the occurrence the loudness of learners, no attention, no

assignment, etc.

5. The emphasis on positive things

Basically in teaching and educating teachers should emphasize the

positive things and avoid focusing and negative things. The

emphasis on the positive things that repression by teachers to



students positive reinforcement and awareness of teachers to avoid

mistakes that could interfere with the learning process.

6. Discipline

The final goal of the management of the classroom is students can

develop self- discipline and teachers should be examples of self-

control and implementation responsibilities. So, teachers should

discipline in every way if want their students to participate

disciplined in all respects.

Some of the principles to be considered teachers and school parties

organizing classes according to Djabidi Faizal (2017.p,46) is ; (1)

visibility (Breadth of views) visibility is the placement and

arrangement of items in the classroom does not bother the learners,

that students can freely be able to look at the teacher/ ongoing

activities. And teachers should be able to look at all students when

learning takes place. (2) Accessibility (Easily Achieved) classroom

setting should facilitate learners to pick up the items needed during

the learning process. And spacing between the seat should be enough

to be passed by the learners, so that students can move easily without

disturbing other learners, (3) Flexibility, the items in the classroom

should be easy to set up and moved accordance with the needs of the

learning process. Such as the arrangement of seats need to be

changed if the learning process using the method of discussion and

working groups. (4) Convenience, convenience with regard to

lighting, temperature, acoustic and density classes. According to

each is described as follows:

a) Lighting

Lighting can affect the physiology and the beauty of classroom

lighting classroom that lack can cause fatigue in the eye that

can affect the learners in the learning process in the classroom

good lighting can be obtained from the windows and adequate




b) Temperature

Temperature of classroom is very influential on concentration

of learners. If learners feel less comfortable in the room

temperature, the concentration and their attention will be

diverted by their physical discomfort. If this happens so the

learning process becomes ineffective, therefore the circulation

of air and the condition of windows is essential.

c) Acoustic

Quiet learning environment is a basic need in education not

only for of learners but also for teachers. Classroom are noisy

causing learners who are learning feel tired because of the

influence of hearing and difficult to concentrate.

d) Density classes

Regard to the number of learners in the classroom can affect

the learning process.

e) Magnificence

Classroom are beautiful and enjoyable be able positive effect

on the attitudes and behavior of learners the learning process


3. Components of Classroom Management

According to Marzano (2003:13) there are five components of

Classroom management:

a. Physical Design of Classroom

The physical design lies in how the classroom is laid out, where the

students‟ desks are, where the teacher‟s desk is, where learning centers

and material are located, where heavily used items such as the pencil

sharpeners are, and so on.

b. Rules and Routines

Teachers establish class rules and routines such as handing back

papers and taking attendance to keep the class activities running

smoothly with as little disruption and loss of time as possible.



c. Relationships

Effective classroom manager develop caring, supportive

relationship with students and parent and promote supportive relation

among students.

d. Engaging and Motivating Instruction

Effective manager develop instruction that engages learners, and

they carefully plan their instruction so that each learning activity is well

organized and runs smoothly.

e. Discipline

Discipline revolves around teacher focused on preventing and

responding to students‟ misbehavior. Discipline does not mean

punishment, nor does it only mean the actions that teachers take after

misbehavior occurs. Discipline also includes teacher actions that

prevent misbehavior.

4. Classroom Management Approaches

Classroom management is a multifaceted concept and views about

classroom and its styles can be categorized in various ways. Writers

categorize different classroom management approaches based on the

different aspects of classroom management. Nevertheless, most generally

degree of teacher-control over classroom issues and students take as the

organizer for classification by researchers. According to Burden (1995) in

Yasar (2008:8) stated that the most useful organizer for classroom

management is the degree of control that teacher exerts on the students and

the classroom. A continuum showing a range of low to high teacher control

illustrates the educational views. Burden (2000:46) grouped the different

classroom management approaches under three main headings:

a. The Intervening Model which consists of high control approaches

includes Behavior Modification, Assertive Discipline, Positive

Discipline, and Behaviorism and Punishment

b. The Interacting Model which is medium-control approaches includes

Logical Consequences, Cooperative Discipline, Positive Classroom



Discipline, Noncorrosive Discipline, Discipline with Dignity, and

Judicious Discipline.

c. The Guiding Model which can also be called as low-control

approaches include Congruent Communication, Group Management,

Discipline as Self-Control, Teaching with Love and Logic, Inner

Discipline and from Discipline to Community.

E. Factors Influencing the Classroom Management

Classroom management success in supporting the achievement of

learning objectives Djamarah (2006: 184) in Karwati & Priansa (2014:

28-28). Some important factors influencing are.

1. Physical condition

Physical environment of learning place has an important influence

on learning outcomes. Physical environment which supports is a

minimal requirement achievement of learning goals. Physical

environment includes:

a) Classroom where the course learning process

Classroom should allow for students to move freely, no crowded,

and do not disturb each other between students and other students

during the learning process.

b) The seating arrangements

According to Daryanto & Suwardi (2016-165) in arranging the

seating that matters is face to face between teachers and students.

So the teacher can control student behavior, the seating

arrangements will affecting the smooth running of the learning


c) Ventilation and lighting settings

The temperature, ventilation and lighting is an important asset for

creating a comfortable learning environment.



d) Itemssaving settings

The items should be kept in somewhere special that is easily found

when needed for the sake of learning, which needs to be kept such

as: textbooks, curriculum guidelines etc:

2. Socio-emotional Condition

Socio-emotional conditions in the classroom will have a great impact

on student learning, student enthusiasm and effectiveness to achieve

teaching objectives. The condition socio-emotional are:

a) Type of leader

b) The attitudes of teacher

c) Sound teacher

d) Development of a good rapport

3. Organizational Conditions

In general factor organizational condition that influence classroom

management be two classification:

a) Internal factor of student

The internal factor of learners related to problem emotions,

thoughts, and behavior, individually learners have different

personalities, biological diversity, intellectual and psychological.

b) Extern factor of students

External factors relating to problems atmosphere conducive of

learning, placements of students, grouping learners, the number

learners and others. More number of learners in the classroom, it is

conflict between the students will easily occur, it can cause

uncomfortable when the.

F. Teaching English

1. The Definition of Teaching English

Tomlinson (1998:3) stated that teaching is used to refer to

anything done by materials developers or teachers to facilitate the

learning of the language. This could include the teacher standing in



front of the classroom explaining the conventions of direct speech in

English; it could include textbook providing samples of language use

and guiding learners to make discoveries for them, it could include

textbook inviting learners to reflect on the way they have just read a

passage or it could the teacher providing the language a learner need

whilst participating in a challenging task. Education consists of teaching

and learning. Teaching is a process involves the teaching learning

process, (Yusuf, 2009:4).

Mulyasa (2006:100) explains that teaching is an interaction

process done by students and the environment in order that the

human/student behavior changes to be better. In teaching process, there

will involve the interaction between people, material, facilitates, tools,

and the procedure that all of them are influence each other in getting the

teaching goal (Hamalik, 2004:57). In short, teaching is an effort to use

optimally the component of teaching to from the students who have

skill and knowledge. Teaching is an active process in which one person

shares information with others to provide them with the information to

make behavioral changes. Learning is the process of assimilating

information with a result change in behavior.

Teaching learning process in a planned interaction that promotes

behavioral change that is not a result of maturation of coincidence. It

means that teaching is a systematic way, teacher as an organizer should

be creative to make learner interested in following the subject. Teaching

is not only activities of guiding student activities but also those which

aim at helping student develop themselves and be able to adapt

themselves in the group to which they are belong. At the result of

teaching the student should be able to interest in their group. They are

learning to think, feel, and act in harmony through social groups of

which they are a part. In teaching activities, teachers absolutely have

significant roles and close relationship with student in delivering

messages or knowledge.



According to Stephen N. Elliot (1999: 396) “Teacher acts as

Curriculum facilitator and not Curriculum planners”. It can be conclude

that teacher as the center of education is faced by a number of decisions

to be made in the classroom. As a manager classroom, a teacher must

control the student in determining what the students supposed to do and

acquire. The respond abilities of teacher in managing favorable

atmosphere and media to support learning are important.

Based on definitions above, it can be concluded that teaching is

interactive process between teacher and student. The teacher helped the

student to learn, give materials, and providing anything to know or

understand. Teacher can teach by use combine of art, science and skill.

I. Components of Teaching

In teaching process, there are some components of teaching, the

components are:

a. The objective

Objective is the goal of education that interprets from the vision,

mission, owned by an institution (Sanjaya, 2010:10). According to

Hamalik (1995:6), the objective is a goal which will be reached after do

the teaching process. Therefore, this is important as a component of


b. The students or participant

Students or participants are human being without way any

limitation and certain characteristic. In the other world, all of human

being is a student without limited by time and place (Aziz, 2003:30). In

teaching learning process, the learners have significant roles.

Nowadays, students are demanded to be more active and innovative in

learning process. The learners should actively look for meaning and try

to find regularity and order to the events of the world in the absence of

full complete information.



c. The teacher

In the teaching learning process, teacher not only doing/holding the

teaching process technically, but also realizing his/her work and

responsibility as well as possible (Gulo, 2008:14). Therefore, the

electiveness of the teaching learning process based on the teacher roles.

The success of teaching is also based on teacher quality. Michael in his

book entitled The Process and Experience in the Language Classroom

argues some teacher roles in the classroom, namely:

1. Teacher as coordinator and facilitator

2. Teacher as manager and organizer

3. Teacher as instructor

4. Teacher as investigator and researcher

Michael added that there are some components in teaching learning

process: Curriculum, Method, Facilities or Educational tool,

Environment, Evaluation. Thus components complete each other in the

teaching learning process and the function is significant to reach the

education goal.

3. Teaching Strategy

The teacher should make design or select good strategy in teaching

learning process. An instructional strategy is defined something a

teacher arranges that is designed to establish interaction between

teacher, students and subject matter, or combination these three

dimensions. Teacher as a selector instructional strategy, according to

Singh (2004:3), the effective teacher will:

a. Plan to influence directly or indirectly the learning process by

varying his/her behavior.

b. Tailor the subject matter to meet the needs and interest of each


c. Arrange a variety of media including book, lecture notes,

homework visual aids, program, discussion, and laboratory




This model of effective teaching places the students in the center

completely surrounded by multisensory media arrange by the teacher

who the function as prescriber organizer. The teacher should act as a

prescriber organizer, studies each students‟ physical and mental

characteristics as well as his/her previous achievement record.

According to Sanjaya (2009:128), there are some learning

strategies that can be used:

a. Strategy Submission (exposition)

Expository learning strategies are learning strategy which

emphasize the process of verbal material delivery a teacher to a

group learners with the intention that students can master the

subject matter in an optimal unlike the strategy discovery, which

teaching materials sought and found by the learner thought a

variety of activities, so the task of educators as facilitators and

mentors. Because it is so often referred to this strategy as well as

indirect learning strategies or it could be in small groups.

b. Strategy on Group

This strategy is not attended to individual learning place, all

are considered equal. Therefore, the study group can occur to

learners who have high ability. The learners will be hampered

by the mediocre ability. Likewise, the learners who have less

ability would feel displaced by the participant of high learner


c. Individual Learning Strategies (group individual learning)

Individual learning strategies are conducted by learners

independent. Pace, delay and success of the student is vey

determine by the ability of individual learner concerned.

Learning materials and how to learn are designed to learn by

themselves. Example of this learning strategy is learning

through module or through audio tapes.



Learning strategy is an activity chooses by teacher or

lecture in the learning process which can help and facilitate the

learners towards the achievement of the objective of teaching

particular. The types of learning strategies can be sorted by the

following characteristics:

a. Based on the ratio of teachers and students involved learning,

there are five types of learning strategies, namely:

1) Learning by teacher with large group (one class) learners.

2) Learning by teacher with small group (5-7 peoples) learners.

3) Learning by teacher to participant learners.

4) Learning by a team of teacher in large group (one class)


5) Learning by a team of teacher in small group (5-7 peoples)


b. Based on pattern of relations teacher and learner in the learning,

there are three types of learning strategies, namely:

1) Learning face

2) Through media learning

3) Face to face and through the media of learning

c. Be reviewed based on the role of teacher and learner in

management of learning in general, there are two types of

learning strategies, namely:

1) Centered teacher learning (teacher center)

Centered teacher learning are that the teacher is the most

level strategy, also called strategy traditional learning. Teacher

act as a source has a very dominant position. Teacher must try to

divert knowledge ad convey formation as possible to students.

2) Centered students learning (students center)

Teaching is an attempting to create an environment

optimizes the system of teaching learning process. In the

learning process the students attempted actively to develop



themselves under the guidance of teacher. Parallel technique in

this learning strategies are an inquiry technique, techniqual

discussion, group work techniques, non-directive techniques and

case presentation techniques. After the teacher knows about

teaching strategy then the teacher has to know about the

procedure of teaching learning process.

4. Procedure of Teaching Learning Process

According to Ahmadi et al (2011:42), basically there are three

components of procedures applied in teaching learning process, namely:

Introduction component, presentation/content component and closing or

conclusion component. The three components can be described as


a. Opening activity/Introduction

This component which is the activity to improve the students‟

motivation, to inform objective learning, to improve students‟ brain


b. Main activity/Presentation

This component consists of delivering the material, helping to explore

the information of the mind, accompanying students to doing exercise.

In this component, teacher should use interest method in order to

students get the point material.

c. Closing activity/Conclusion

In this component, teacher giving conclusion about the material,

questioning the students to evaluate, giving feedback and motivation.

5. Teaching Four Skills of English

Language teaching aims to improve students‟ four skills of listening,

speaking, reading and writing, and also to improve the ability of vocabulary

mastery and good grammar. The final expectation is to let the pupils‟ be

able to implement the language in the real life. So, the students need to

know all the abilities of the four skills. According to Brown (2000:34) in



Palupi (2015) there are some principles of micro skill of listening, speaking,

reading and writing:

a. Listening

1) Discriminate among the distinctive sounds of English.

2) Recognize reduced forms of words and English stress pattern, words

in stressed and unstressed position, rhythmic structures, intonation

contours and their roles in signaling information.

3) Distinguish word boundaries, recognize a core of words and

interpret word order patterns and their significance.

4) Process speech containing pause, errors, correction and other

performance variable.

5) Recognize communicative function of utterance according to

situations, participants and goals.

6) Use facial kinesics, body language, and other non verbal clues to

decipher meaning.

b. Speaking

1) Produce differences English phonemes and allophonic variant.

2) Produce English stress pattern, words in stressed and unstressed

position, rhythmic structures, intonation contours and their roles in

signaling information.

3) Use an adequate number of lexical unit (words) to accomplish

pragmatic purposes.

4) Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc), systems word

order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

5) Accomplish appropriately communicative function according to

situations, participants and goals.

6) Use facial features, kinesthetic, body language, and other non verbal

clues along with verbal language to convey meaning.

c. Reading

1) Discriminate among distinctive graphemes and orthographic

pattern of English.



2) Recognize a core of words and interpret word order patterns and

their significance.

3) Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc), systems,

patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

4) Recognize the communicative functions of written texts according

to form and purpose.

5) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.

6) Develop and use a battery of reading strategies such as scanning

and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning

of words from context and activating schemata for the

interpretation of text.

d. Writing

1) Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English

2) Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order


3) Use acceptable grammatical systems, patterns and rules.

4) Use theoretical forms and conventions o written discourse.

5) Appropriately accomplish the communicative function of written text

according to form and purpose.

6) Develop and use a battery of writing strategies such as accurately

assessing the audience‟s interpretation, using prewriting device,

writing with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrase and

synonym, soliciting peer and instructor feedback and using

feedback for revising and editing.

5. English Teaching and Learning Process

According to Kimble and Garmezy in Brown (1987: 6), learning is a

relatively permanent change in a behavior tendency and result of reinforced

practice. In order to be easier to understand, this definition is then classified by

Brown (1987: 6) in the following notions:

a. Learning is acquisition or “getting”

b. Learning is retention of information or skill.



c. Retention implies storage system, memory, cognitive organization.

d. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon event

outside or inside the organism.

e. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting.

f. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice.

g. Learning is a change in behavior.

Related to second language and foreign language learning, Krashen

in Hutchingtion and Waters (1987: 49) makes a distinction between

language acquisition and language learning. He proposes that acquisition

is taking a language naturally and it takes places in an informal setting.

The process is a subconscious one, and it occurs because there is a real

need to use the language whereas learning happen when one is taught in a

formal setting, and language is acquired when the learner receives

comprehensible input. The language age is acquired when the learner

receives comprehensible input the language may be understandable

because of a strong and supportive context or because the learner and the

speaker share knowledge and experience. For language growth to cur it is

important that the learners receive input just slightly beyond his or her

current level of competence. Teaching cannot be defined a part from

learning. An understanding of how the learners will determine the

philosophy of education, the teaching style, the approach, methods, and

classroom techniques used by someone (Brown, 1987: 7).

According to Kimble and Garmezy in Brown (1987: 6), teaching is

showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving

someone in the study of something, providing someone with knowledge,

and closing someone to how or know or understand. Meanwhile, Brown

(1987: 7) states that teaching as guiding and facilitating learning, enabling

the learner to learn, and sitting the condition for learning. It is in

accordance with Gage in Altman 91981: 7), who defined teaching as any

causing learning on the part of another.



6. Managing the Teaching and Learning Process in the Classroom


1) The Teacher Roles

Brown (2001: 67-168) suggests the following teachers roles,

which are more conductive to creating an interactive classroom. First, a

teacher is as controller. The teachers determine what the students do, when

they should speak, and what language forms they should use. To make

interaction, the teacher must create the climate in which spontaneity can

thrive, in which unrehearsed language can be performed, and which the

freedom of experience given over to students. Second is a director. This

role will enable students eventually to engage in the real-life drama of

improvisation as each communicative even bring its own uniqueness.

Third is as a manager. In this, the teacher is one who plan lessons, modules

and courses, and who structures the larger segments of classroom time, but

who them always each individual player to be creative within those

parameters. Fourth is as a facilitator. The teacher makes learning easies for

students: help them to clear away roadblocks, the find shortcuts, to

negative cough terrain. The last is as a resource. The teacher is available

for advice and counsel when the students seek it.

2) Grouping Students

Spratt, Pulverness, and Williams (2005: 148) state the key concept of

grouping students and the language teaching classroom. Teachers need to

consider a number of different factors bellows:

a. The teaching aim

It is much easier to choose how to group students when we have

decided on the aims of the lesson and the aim of each activity.

b. The learning styles of the students

For example, some students prefer to work as individual, others in


c. The ability and level of the students



Most classes are „mixed ability‟ i.e. the include students of different

abilities. Teachers can group‟s students for some activities so that

students of the same ability work together, and for some activities so

that students of different abilities work together.

d. The personalities of our students.

Most of the time students will work together, but the sometime there

are students who do not work together positively.

e. The class size.

With a class of between 20 and 30 students, teachers can manage

pair and group work quite easily. With classes of more than 30

students, pairs and group work are possible, but need more careful


3) Giving Feedback

According to Spratt, Pulverness, and Williams (2005: 157), giving

Feedback is giving information to learners about their learning. Feedback

can focus on leaner‟s language or skills, the ideas in their work, their

behavior, their attitude to learning or their progress. Furthermore, they state

key concepts of giving feedback in the language teaching in the classroom.

They are:

a) Students can organize small group feedback sessions, where the

teacher and the learners can give and receive feedback on the

classes and their learning.

b) Learners will need training is how to give feedback to each other.

c) Feedback which is particularly personal or sensitive should be

given to learners in individual meetings and not in front of the

whole class.

7. Factors influence teachers succeed in the classroom

Fauziati (2015:80-85) stated that there are some crucial

factors which influence the kind of interaction that goes on in the class:

a. Teacher Talk



Chaudron (1999:54-59) summarizes the research on teacher talk

in language classrooms which shows the following modifications: (1)

rate of speech appear to be slower; (2) pauses, which may be evidence of

the speaker planning more, are possibly more frequent and longer; (3)

pronunciation tends to be exaggerated and simplified; (4) vocabulary use

is more basic; (5) degree of subordination is lower; (6) more declaratives

and statements are used than questions; and (7) teachers may self-repeat

more frequently.

b. Teacher Talking Time

Krashen‟s (1982) stated that good TTT may have beneficial

quality; students can get a chance to hear language which is above their

own productive level but comprehensible input. In speaking classroom,

however, teachers should ensure themselves to minimize the TTT and

maximize the STT (Student Talking Time). The most effective use of the

target language is when they are actively using it in the classroom

through drills or a meaningful conversational activity.

c. Voice Management

With regard to the use of voice, Harmer (2005:16-17) presents

three issues to consider: audibility, variety, and conservation.

1) Audibility

Teachers need to be audible. They must be sure that students at the

back of the class can hear them just as well as those at the front.

2) Variety

It is important for teachers to vary the quality of their voices and the

volume they speak at, depending on the type of the lesson and the type

of activity. The sound should change naturally according to the


3) Conservation

Conserving the voice is one thing teachers should take into account

when planning a whole day‟s or a whole week‟s work. Just like opera

singers, they have to take great care of their voices.



d. Physical Presence

The physical presence of teacher in the class is important for the

proper management of the class. Qureshi in Fauziati (2010:3) stated that

teachers should take care of their physical position and movement during

the following lesson stages;

1) During language presentation, teachers like the attention of all the

students at this stage; therefore standing is the best position. When

giving instructions they like the attention of whole class, so standing is

the best position.

2) During reading activities (when students are reading) then there is no

need to be dominant so much; so sitting and occasional monitoring is


3) During activation control, teachers can allow the students freedom to

carry this stage. The teacher should be at a distance from the activity,

preferably be seated. However teacher should be available when


e. Seating Arrangements

Seating arrangement has necessary role in teaching-learning activities.

Its arrangement depend on class size, number of students, type of chairs

and tables in the room, goals of teaching, or type of activity to take place

in the classroom. There are several ways to arrange the seating in English

classroom presented by Harmer (2005:18-20).

1) Orderly Rows

This might be best done for certain types of choral drills or so that

everyone can see the teacher and the board during a content course.

Advantages of this are that the teacher can see all students, more

freely around the classroom and can gain the attention of all the


2) Circle/Square

This arrangement is best used for discussions and for activities where

students are answering more open-ended questions.



3) Horseshoe

This arrangement is characterized by the equal status of all students

and teacher, just as in the circular/square arrangement. Students can

see each other‟s faces, and they can interpret others‟ body language as

they speak to get a better understanding of what is being said.

4) Back to Back

When two chairs are placed back to back, students working in pairs

are able to practice their listening skills.

8. Scope of Teaching English

According to Wiyani, N.A. (2013), teaching English in Indonesia is

not easy activity because it is foreign language and it is not the second

language trough it is in of the compulsory subject at school. There four

English teacher should help the student to improve their knowledge and

ability of English. Here one of the teacher‟s tasks are they should know the

technique and methods of teaching and learning process.

Teachers are the important factors which influence the students

English mastery. They have great function to success and failure students

therefore, the teacher should be able to help students master their

knowledge and ability of English subject.

The purpose of teaching English is to get the four language skills:

reading, writing, speaking and listening. The teacher should have the

students to able to master the language skills.

Beside that, they used elements of language are important in the

element of language which are used to support the abilities in language

are: sentence pattern, vocabulary, intonation and speaking. Those are used

together in teaching.

Students expected to improve their ability of English and they should

realize that English is one of the important subjects for them in the future,

webster‟s new collegiate dictionary reveal that in general the majority of



the teachers still reject most usage the published information tends to

support acceptable.

Therefore, English is the important subject and it is something useful

for the students and people in the future. The most vital thing in

developing English or tittle good will result from teaching efforts,

teacher‟s must used every possible device to relate the activities of the

classroom to the basic goals of each students.





A. Design of Research

The design of this research is qualitative research in a descriptive

form. In this research, the researcher will be observe teaching learning

process for English teacher‟s classroom management in teaching English

at eight grades at Islamic Junior High School Al-Falah Jambi by using

descriptive qualitative method. Nawawi (2000) state that descriptive

methods are a problem solving procedure by describing the condition of

the subject or object of the research at a certain time base on the visually

real facts. Sugiono (2012) state that qualitative research concern for the

text or subject or object of the research in natural setting which produce

descriptive data. Descriptive data is used to describe how English teacher‟s

classroom management in teaching English learning process.

B. Setting

This research was conducted at Islamic Junior High School Al-Falah

Jambi. The research is located in Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto Simp. Kawat

Jambi, Kec. Danau Sipin, Jambi City, Prov. Jambi. The reason of choosing

Islamic junior high school SMP Al-Falah is because this school is one of

school who have good teacher in teaching English and Islamic Junior High

School SMP Al-Falah Jambi city has many advantages around Jambi.

C. Subject of the Research

Subject of this research were the English teacher and students at eight

grade. there are four classes of students in eight grade Islamic Junior High

School Al-Falah, but this research was conducted in one class only. The

researcher got the information that the class A has an average value is high

among other classes, and even this classroom become a model classroom

for other classes.



D. Data and Data Source

1) Primary Data

In this research, primary data was the main data to get information

about teacher‟s classroom management are used by the English

teacher in teaching English at the eight graders at Islamic Junior High

School Al-Falah Jambi. The data was collected by observation,

interview and documentation of the teachers English.

2) Secondary Data

Secondary data is the supporting data of this research. The data

source is subject where data is found. The source data in this research

is the students of eight grades at Islamic Junior High School Al-Falah

Jambi. Secondary data was collected from the students‟ responses

toward the implementation of teacher‟s classroom management in

teaching English at eight grades at Islamic Junior High School Al-

Falah Jambi.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

Qualitative research can use many different techniques and instrument

(latief, A. M, 2012). The technique of collection data are observation,

interview, and documentation.

1. Observation

According Burke (2001: 147), an observation is defined as

the unobtrusive watching of behavioral patterns of people in

certain situation to obtain information about the phenomenon of

interest. The researcher was observe the teacher‟s classroom

management in teaching English. She was use an observation

sheet to make data about teacher‟s classroom management in

teaching English learning process. The researcher given a mark in

observation sheet. The researchers make a note about his

observation. The research was make conclusion by the data. The

subject is the teacher and students English in the school.



2. Interview

Interview is a question and answer in the research process

that takes place verbally in which two or more people face to face

hearing directly information (Narbuko & Achmadi 2010: 83). The

researcher was conduct face to face interviews to the participants

to get some information that are needed for this research. The

participants are the teacher and students. The interview was held

only once. The researcher was proposed some questions related to

the research title. To get information, the researcher was interview

the participant to explore their opinion more deeply. The research

used mobile phone as instrument to record the data from


2. Documentation

Documentation is writing material that can result qualitative

information in the form of photos, audio, text, or a monumental

work of someone (handcock : 2009).Method of documentation

that is looking for data about thing or variables in the form of

note, transcripts, books, newspaper, magazine inscription,

minutes of meeting, lingers, and so on (Arikunto, 2013 : 274)

and (Arikunto, 2006 : 231) this method is used to get

information of geographical historical, condition, facilities, and

student and teacher condition. The documentation used in this

research is the picture of the teaching and learning process.

F. Instrument of Collecting Data

There are some instruments used in collecting the data. They are

interview guide, observation sheet, and some documents. Those

methods are explained below:



1. Observation Sheet

Observation is conducted by learning the behavior, setting

and interaction and how connection of those meaning embedded in

the field (Ary, 2000; Sugiyono, 2010). Sugiyono added that there

are two kinds of observation, namely participant observation and

non-participant observation. Participant observation means the

researcher involves him/herself in the field and conversely for non-

participant observation. In this case, the researcher used participant

observation to dig up information about the specific area of second

grade classroom of Junior High School. It is important for the

researcher goes through by herself and be involved with the subject

directly in natural setting. Before doing observation, the researcher

necessarily arranged the concept of what the point would be

investigated. The researcher further monitored, noted, and recorded

of what being noticed. Observation sheet as the instrument is

needed to collect the appropriate data based on the topic area,

specifically English teacher‟s classroom management in teaching

english. Observation was the way the researcher conduct for first

run before doing interview.

2. Interview Guide

Interview is the way of asking or giving information or

exchanging idea of particular topic in a particular meeting that two

or more people gathered as the meaning of response to

communication (Sugiono, 2009). Sugiyono added that there are

three kinds of interview: unstructured interview, semi-structured

interview, and structured interview. In unstructured interview, there

is no specific systematical question to be asked toward the

respondent. Conversely, in doing structured interview, the direction

of interview is clear based on the prepared list-questions. The last,

semi-structured is the combination of both structured and

unstructured interview.



The researcher firstly arranges the set of questions to be

proposed and it is continued to the next unpredictable developed

question In this case, the researcher used semi-structured interview.

Before conducting interview, the researcher prepared some

different questions to be proposed to the respondents, teacher and

students. The point of interview reflected on the research problem

and observation. The researcher as the interviewer would ask some

information to English teacher about his English teacher‟s

classroom management in teaching English and also some students

who is taught by the teacher in the classroom to support the data

completion. In conducting interview the researcher needs an

interview guide as the instrument to make the data more vivid.

Interview guide is the list of question prepared before conducting

interview. The researcher made 10 questions proposed for teachers

and 10 questions for students. While doing interview, the

researcher took a note as well as recorded the conversation that

would be processed as data, namely interview transcript.

3. Documentation

Documentation is kinds of document, including written

form, physical or visual materials that classified into three types:

personal document, official document and popular culture

document (Ary, 2000). Personal document is about individual or

private, such as autobiographies and diaries. Besides, official

document is about organizational reports such as files and memos.

Next popular culture document is books, films, and videos. In this

part, the researcher took some official documents, including lesson

plan, syllabus, and other related document for example photos of

classroom activities.



G. Technique of Analysis Data

The qualitative research uses data analysis inductively ( Burhan

Bungin, 2001 : 261) therefore this research used and inductive data

analysis. Taylor and Bogdan (1984:127) said that building a

position or theory can be done with an inductive analysis.

According to Bogdan, “Data analysis is the process of systematically

searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes, and

other materials that you accumulate to increase your own

understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have

discovered to other”. Spradley (1980) state that analysis of many

kinds involves a way of thinking. It refers to the systematic

examination of some things to determine its part, the relation among

part, and the relationship to the whole. Analysis is a for patterns.

Based on Milles & Huberman (1995: 21-22),“ they consider that

analysis consists of three concurrent flows of activity: data reduction,

data display, and conclusion drawing/verification”. The steps of data

analysis are as follow:

1). Data reduction

Data reduction is summarizing, selecting, focusing, finding the

theme, and finding the pattern of the data. The researcher concluded

that data reduction is the first of three stages to eliminate the data, and

only taking the useful one. In this research, the researcher collected the

result of interview, questionnaire from the teachers, students and using

the only data that are needed.

2). Data display

Data display is displaying data in text, chart, relationship between

categories, flow chart and so on. Through displaying the data, the data

will be organized and are easier to be understood. The researcher

concluded that data display is the stages of data analysis where the data

is displayed in table, and text description. The researcher displayed the



data in the form of table and text as it is to be easily understood by the


3). Conclusion / Verification

Data conclusion and verification are the stage of data analysis to

conclude the data that has been collected. The conclusion in qualitative

research is the finding that has never been found previously.

Thus, the researcher concluded that verification is the last stage

where the data is concluded as the finding of the research by explain

them descriptively. The researcher explained the assessment result of

characteristics of Classroom management. Researcher was taken data

through two ways, its interview and questionnaire.

H. Triangulation of Data

Triangulation technique, meaning the research used a technique to

collect difference data to obtain data from the same source. The

research used participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and

documentation for the same data sources simultaneously (sugiono,

2013: 83).

So in this case to check the source of the data obtained in the field

with respect to this research. This study uses triangulation by

comparing the source and check to return the degree of confidence or

information that was obtained troughs time and different tools in

qualitative research.






1. Observation Result

a. Observation During Teaching and Learning Process

The researcher got the data through observation, interview and

documentation. The researcher conducted observation in two meetings to

get the data about classroom management. The researcher made an

appointment to the English teacher and came to the class as an observer.

In this observation, the researcher observed teaching and learning

process activity during English lesson in eight grade A students of SMP

Al-Falah Jambi. From the observation, the researcher gathered the data

about how the process of the teaching managing the class. The first

observation in the class was conducted on July 30 2019.

1) Pre Teaching

The teaching and learning process activity was started with greeting

the students done by English teacher. Mr. Persaulian Harapan. By the time

teacher came, class situation still neat, clean, no rubbish like paper, food

and drink waste. The formation of chair and desk of the classroom was

well regulated and orderly neat. The desk consisted of 30 and 30 of chair

arranged. The classroom looked vivid because there was sun light, not

stuffy and obscure. The windows consisted of 3, the color of the wall was

sky blue so that it looked clean, neat, and light, desk and chair arranged in

left corner of the entry door. On the wall there were some pictures they are

president picture, vice president picture and garuda picture.

Beside teacher‟s desk, there was a shelf to store the equipment of the

class. On the desk there was flower vase and box to store 2 board markers,

whiteboard equipped with eraser and board marker. Media for teaching

that used to teach students‟ guidance books from Airlangga, before

teaching the teacher always opened the class by greeting and praying a



started by saying assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh. Teacher

always said greeting expression like “good morning, students. How are

you today?” after that teacher always said “are you ready? Who are absent

today?” Next, teacher gave careful and loving motivations. Teacher gave

explanation regarding to the purpose of coming to school which is “study”.

Students looked motivated by teacher‟ explanation and be more ready to

follow teaching and learning activity.

2) Observing

Teacher asked students to take books out of their bags, then wrote the

material that would be learned and teacher explained it and asked students

to take notes in their books. While explaining the material, teacher first

used oral, the voice sound clear and loud, the pronunciation was

understandable enough, second teacher explained by using writing in the

whiteboard, when explained the material teacher used English then

translate it to Bahasa Indonesia. Next, the teacher gave assignment to

students in groups. Teacher was grouping the students randomly. After that

students sat in groups. Teacher gave the task to each group using the media

like a picture and gave 15 minutes time to finish the task. Students worked

seriously till the time ended. The teacher asked every group to present the

result of their assignments then the teacher concluded the result of the

discussion and the students looked happy and understand with that kind of


3) Post Teaching

Not long after, the bell was ringing as a sign that the lesson had ended

and the teacher closed the lesson by saying “Alhamdulillah” together and

greeted the students. The teacher didn‟t forget to remind the students to

work hard at home. The teacher said “ok thank you for your attention, see

you, and don‟t forget to do the homework and I end this lesson by saying

wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh”.



Based on the observation, the teacher-students interaction build

complies, looked at teaching learning process, teacher done the learning

process well, teacher explain the subject matter, and teacher give some

motivation accordance with the material of learning, so the students can

enjoy the learning and fun. In reality, learning and teaching process

demand the systematic planning to the purpose optimally and for teacher

in the teaching to the purpose. That is why in the learning and teaching

process need a good communication and cooperation between students and


b. Physical Classroom Management

The condition of the class VIII A good management physical

classroom is necessary to make classroom to be conducive for students in

learning activities. Not only a good learning system can create optimal

learning activities for students, but must being followed by a conducive

classroom condition. In the class there is two whiteboard that located in

the left and right side of the students and beside the teacher.

The class is always clean because they have a schedule of picket to

clean prepare the class to learn and there are rubbish in front of the door

classroom. In the back corner there is identity of the class include structure

organization. Of the class, picket schedule, classroom discipline and

information. Therefore, to sustain students learning abilities, besides

optimal learning system planning, classroom condition must also be

conducive. In the physical classroom that need to be considered the state

of, ventilation, lighting, seating arrangement and the item saving in the


1) Ventilation and Lighting

Ventilation is very supportive in enthusiastic students to learn,

because the space that is always used every day will feel stuffy

uncomfortable, unless it can be cultivated a fresh flow of light and

ventilation setting in SMP Al-Falah Jambi is very good and

comfortable in learning. With the ventilation of the incoming air will



be streamed to the entire room, then seek other ventilation as a place

of exit air. So, the indoor air circulation can occur regularly of course

the window size as a ventilation is very influential. The bigger and the

room then the necessary windows are also getting bigger and the

number is also more and more. (check in the appendix)

There were 30 students in the class A of Islamic junior high

school Al-Falah Jambi. The size of the study room is sufficient to

accommodate students in the classroom, and students who study in the

class did not heat. As what we know in the learning activities of

students also perform breathing activities. Inhale oxygen and remove

carbon dioxide. Large classroom doors and ventilation become the

place of air exchange (circulation) between fresh air and air full of

carbon dioxide (observation July 30nd


Good lighting can help increase interest and attention and can

support to students to look at the board more easily. As the researcher

result of observation, the learning space gets adequate lighting coming

from the windows that provide natural light and the lights inside the

class are turned on when necessary. This helps students to read and

write in textbooks. It also make easier for students to see the teacher‟s

writing on the board. Classroom condition that are less bright will

disrupt the physical and psychological activity of students to learn

(observation July 2019).

2) Seating Arrangements

Seating is the important facilities in process of learning in formal

school. Seating arrangement can influence process learning. If the

seating is good not too low or not too high, not too big or not too

small, appropriate with the students‟ body, so the students will

comfort and learn quiet. With a good seating arrangement is expected

to create a conducive learning conditions, and also fun for students.

English teacher in Islamic junior high school Al-Falah Jambi

make arrangement of seating according to the physical environment of



the class and also the diversity of student characteristics. As well as

considering the suitability of the method used at the time of teaching,

the teacher makes the class as comfortable as possible so that students

get a calm in learning and also raises the passion of learning students

(Observation July 2019)

3) The Itemsaving Setting

From the observation, the researcher can conclude that the

equipment in the class VIII A is complete and orderly sober. All

facilities there are able to use. All the equipment used by the students

to learn in the classroom was good, neat and clean. Neat in the sense

of orderly arrangement. Clean in terms of free from graffiti. Good

means solid to occupy students.

2. Interview Result

a) Preparation and Planning

From the interview with the teacher and the students above, the

researcher know how the teacher way to make a positive climate in the

class. Before the teacher start the lesson, she always gave the students

spirit and motivation to learn especially English language.

The teaching learning of English activity will be successful if the

teacher apply and make teaching preparation in order the learning

process can be-affective and efficient. Which is made based on the

syllabus. The teaching preparation made by English teacher including

lesson plan and selected material.

Furthermore, related to the process of classroom management Mr.

Lilian, S.Pd gave Explanation Following Result:

“Before I come to the class, in The night before, I tried to make

lesson plan, I prepared the material related to the syllabus and

prepare anything that related to the material such as speaking,

reading, writing and listening (interview august 2019). “Usually,

the first I do are checking attendance list, then ask the students’



readiness, give the motivation, ask the students’ homework, and

do review about last material”( interview august 2019).

Then the students named Mita also explain about the process of

classroom management in their class, as following results:

“Yes before teaching, first, Mr. Persaulian Harapan come to the

class while say salaam, then class presidents prepare the class,

ask the homework, then start the lesson plan”( interview august


“Mr.Persaulian Harapan always give motivation and sometimes

play a game to make us focus and not feeling boring” (interview

august 2019)

The result of interview above that the process of classroom

management can handle the class and students feeling comfort and

enjoy with their teacher if the teacher do not only focus of the material

but also make the students understand and enjoy the lesson. It can help

to make situation of studying be conducive and effective.

b) Actuating in Classroom

In this interaction teacher-students build complies, looked at

teaching learning process, teacher done the learning process well,

teacher explain the subject matter, and teacher give some motivation

accordance with the material of learning, so the students can enjoy the

learning and fun. In reality, learning and teaching process demand the

systematic planning to the purpose optimally and for teacher in the

teaching to the purpose. That is why in the learning and teaching

process need a good communication and cooperation between teacher

and students.

Teacher said:

“Usually, the first I do are checking attendance list, then ask the

students’ readiness, ask the students’ homework, do review about



last material and give the motivation about education that could

engage students’ feel more interesting. I try to create a good

interaction to all my students in the classroom. Trying to make the

class feel comfortable and not boring”(interview august 2019).

Because, the teacher is one of the important factor in classroom

management. Which is teacher should manage classroom effectively.

Therefore teachers are required to be very creative in the classroom, so

that students are not bored and students are enjoy in following the

lesson. The used of tools or media, teaching style, pattern of interaction

between teachers and learners will reduce the appearance of

interference, increase the learner‟s attention, so as to achieve effective

classroom management and avoid saturation of learners.

c) Controlling in Classroom

In the classroom teachers find the various characters and nature of

students, there are students who like noisy, there are students who are

shy, there are also students who are active and smart. Teacher as a

source information and motivators in the class to try so that students

who are various characters to obey in the class, dare express opinions,

complaints, in the form of oral and written. Based on interview with

English teachers,

Teacher said:

“Inside the classroom, there are students who are smart, moderate,

and above average, I will mix students who are moderate and

above in average in purpose to complete each other and help other

friends in doing the task”(interview august 2019).

Students said:

“Yes, I enjoy material that explained by mr. Lillian because he is

able carry the class situation becomes comfortable and

calm”(interview august 2019).



B. Discussion

This part discuss the finding of the research question, how the classroom

management when teaching learning English process.

1. Physical classroom management

In management class, the physical settings of the class are set up as

well as possible. Ventilation and lighting are set as well as possible when

the school will be built, air circulation can spin in the class well so that

students feel cool and comfortable in the class, not too hot. And natural

lighting comes from the sun so as to ensure the comfort of ambience in the

classroom so that students can learn without any obstacles and

disturbances. The lighting is not too bright and too dim,

Students state:

“Yes, I enjoy material that explained by Mr. Parsaulian Harahap

because he is able carry the class situation becomes comfortable and

calm” interview august 2019).

Based on observation “there are 30 students in class A in isalmic

junior high school Jambi. The size of the study room is sufficient to

accommodate students in the classroom, and students who study in the

class did not heat. As what we know in the learning activities of students

also perform breathing activities.

According to djamarah (2006: 184) in Karwati & Priansa (2014:28-

28) the temperature, ventilation and lighting is an important asset for

creating a comfortable learning environment. The seating arrangement of

students is usually rectangular, depending on the size of the classroom. It

is arranged horizontally and vertically. However, this arrangement can be

modified according to the creativity of the classroom teacher. Smallish or

short stature students from looking back to the board. Except students with

visual impairments. Although tall or large, remain placed in the forefront.

Should be placed on the left or right of the classroom.

Physical tables and chairs of students need to be kept resilient so as

not to quickly break or falter when occupied. This is done so as not to



researcher observation “English teachers in Islamic Junior High School

Al-Falah Jambi make arrangement of seating according to the physical

environment of the class and also the diversity of student characteristics, as

well as considering the suitability of the method usedS at the time of

teaching, the teacher makes the class as comfortable possible so that

students get a calm in learning and also raises the passion of learning

students” (observation august 2019).

According to Daryanton & Suwardi (2016-165) in arranging the

seating that matters is face to face between teachers and students. So the

teacher can control student behavior, the seating arrangements will

affecting the smooth running of the learning process.The itemsaving

setting to save all item of equipment used by the students to learn in the

classroom very good, neat, clean and vast storage area.

I and Student A said:

“On the teacher’s desk there is a locked closet so it is safe to store

and there is also a sizable cabinet behind the class so it can hold lots

of learning equipment (interview august 2019). Neat in the sense of

orderly arrangement. Clean in terms of free from graffiti and spacious

so that it can store a lot of equipment in it. Good means solid to

occupy students (observation august 2019).

This storage is indispensable for keeping all learning supplies, such as

textbooks, class absences, classroom agenda, learning media tools and


2. Classroom management setting the students learning

In the classroom management, teacher do a process or stages of

activities starting from planning, implementing and evaluating, so that the

activities carried are interrelated. The activities carried out are also

affective and on target to be achieved, and efficient, the end point of the

management have a purpose with high productivity. Based on interview

and observation “teachers know that good classroom management can

make the process of learning be effective in the classroom, the teacher



implement a good learning process by creating an effective and conducive

classroom condition”. According to Mulyasa (2007 p, 91) classroom

management is skills of teachers to create a conducive learning

environment and control the classroom if something bad. In happens in


The teaching learning of English will be successful if the teacher

apply and make teaching preparation. The teaching preparation made by

English teacher including lesson plan and selected material. The lesson

plan made by the teacher which is consider relevant and have relationship

with among core competency, based competency, indicator purpose of

learning, the subject, method, the step of teaching and learning, pre

activity, core activity, last activity, the tools of learning, source of learning

and evaluation where explanation from each learning objective. Based on

interview and observation “preparation I made that is the implementation

plan of learning based on syllabus. The lesson plans include core

competencies, basic competencies, indicators, learning objectives, learning

steps, learning resources and assessment”. Teacher made the lesson plan to

the learning process can be well organized.

According to M.Cooper et,al (2011:p 12) the planning function

usually occurs when teachers are alone and have time to reflect and

consider long- and short-range plans, the students progress toward

achieving objectives, the availability of materials, the time requirements of

particular activities, and other such as issues. Planning also includes

structuring of activities to ensure harmony of communication and teacher-

student interaction.

On learning process based on the data above, the researcher find that

the teacher create a classroom atmosphere warmly and enthusiastic in

necessary in the learning process, teachers who are familiar with the

learners always shows enthusiastic in his work, and activity will be

successful in implementing the classroom management. Based on

interview “Usually, the first I do are checking attendance list, then ask the



students‟ readiness, ask the students‟ homework, do review about last

material and give the motivation about education that could engage

students‟ feel more interesting. I try to create a good interaction to all my

students in the classroom. Trying to make the class feel comfortable and

not boring”. According to Setyanto (2017,p 71) to create a positive to

patterns of interaction, between teacher and students and between students

with students.

Teaching and learning is a behavior changing process as the result of

interaction between teacher and students. It found that the sequences of

teaching between teaching English the teacher do opening, presenting, and

explaining the material or practice, giving task and closing. As addition

teacher give the interested material with nice picture or other its make the

students give good respond. Based on interview with the teacher, teacher

state “I use a variety of methods and media to create pleasant classroom

conditions, so that students are not bored while studying, if the students are

feeling bored, they will not pay attention to the lessons, they can even

make a fuss in the classroom in learning English”. According to Djamarah

stated “the use of tools or media, teaching style, pattern of interaction

between teachers and learners will reduce the appearance of interference,

increase the learner‟s attention, so as to achieve effective classroom

management and avoid saturation of learner‟s.

Teacher makes class be enjoying and the students be active in ask

about the material which students understand and teacher always measures

about student ability in understanding the material. In teaching learning

process, teachers can make students to disciplined, so the learning process

can run well, so that conflict and violence in the classroom can be

resolved. Students become obedient and respectful towards the teacher, so

there is no heavy obstacle facing the teacher. Based on interview and with

the teacher:

“Inside the classroom, there are students who are smart, moderate,

and above average, I will mix students who are moderate and above



in average in purpose to complete each other and help other friends in

doing the task”.

According to kyriacou (2007, p,86) “the key to establishing good

discipline in the classroom lies in pupils accepting your authority to

manage their behavior and their progress in learning”. Based on

observation in classroom students very obedient and respectful to the

teacher while studying in the classroom or outside the classroom, they are

very concerned they can answer questions or tests given by the teacher






This chapter discussion about conclusion and suggestion on the basis

of research findings and discussion presented in the previous chapter.

A. Conclusion

The classroom management in teaching learning process at Islamic

junior high school SMP Al-Falah Jambi run well and optimal, so the study

process can take place effectively and efficient. In learning process of

English teacher apply and make teaching preparation in order the learning

process can be-effective and efficient. In addition to the way that teachers

do in opening lessons always provide motivation that can arouse student

enthusiasm for learning.

Good classroom physical management is necessary for the class to

be conducive to student learning activities. However carefully teachers in

designing the learning system will not be able to optimize student learning

activities, when teachers are not able to manage the class well.

The teaching preparation made by English teacher including lesson

plan and selected material. The lesson plan made by the teacher which is

consider relevant and have relationship with among core competency,

based competency, indicator purpose of learning, pre activity, core

activity, last activity, the tools of learning, source of learning and

evaluation where explanation from each learning objective.

Implementation teacher-students interaction build complies, teacher

create atmosphere warmly and enthusiastic is necessary in the learning

process, teachers who are familiar with the learners always shows

enthusiastic in his work teacher looked at teaching learning process,

teacher done the learning process well, teacher explain the subject matter,

and make some game accordance with the material of learning, so the

students can enjoy the learning and fun.



Teachers are required to be very creative in the classroom, so that

students are not bored and students are enjoy in following the lesson. The

use of tools or media, teaching style, pattern of interaction between

teachers and learning will reduce the appearance of interference, increase

to learner‟s attention, so as to achieve effective classroom management

and avoid saturation of learners. Teacher make students to be disciplined

in classroom, so the learning process can run well, so that conflict and

violence in the classroom can be resolved. Students become obedient and

respectful towards the teacher, so there is no heavy obstacle facing the


B. Suggestion

1. The English Teacher

Teacher have implemented the implementation of learning in the

classroom well, it is expected that teachers can maintain effective

and efficient classroom management as has been done, in order to

become an example for other teachers.

2. The Researcher

Researchers have done as much as possible to complete this

research well, but there are still many short comings and errors in

this study, therefore researchers expect positive advice from

readers of this thesis.




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Appendix I : Interview Transcripts


Date : Thursday, august 01 2019

Time : 13:00


R : Researcher

T : Teacher

R : What will you do and prepare before going to class and give the lesson?

T : Before I come to the class, in the night before, I tried to make lesson

plan, I prepared the material related to the syllabus and prepare anything

that related to the material such as speaking, reading, writing and


R : Is the whiteboard clean by the time you come to the class?

T : It depends on the teacher that teaching before me, usually when I came to

the class the white board is not clean so I asked one of the students to clean

it especially the student who was in the list to clean the class.

R : What did you do when the students start getting bored, as we know when

students get bored they often ignore the lesson and cause the chaos in the

class so that the learning process isn‟t effective?

T : Usually, the first I do are checking attendance list, then ask the students‟

readiness, ask the students‟ homework, do review about last material and

give the motivation about education that could engage students‟ feel more

interesting. I try to create a good interaction to all my students in the

classroom. Trying to make the class feel comfortable and not boring”

R : What will you do if there is student disturbing learning process in the




T : For now, if there is student disturbing during the lesson I would rather to

move her or his position to teacher‟s desk or to another students‟ desk who

is a quite person.

R : How do you build the communication between teacher and students in

the class?

T : By giving time to the students to ask questions or I will give them


R : What kind of effort you do so that students are able to follow the lesson


T : Every time I finish explaining the lesson, I always give students time for

re-explaining what I have been explaining and other students will be


R : When you explain the materials to the students, did you use something

like video player, OHP or LCD or something simpler, using whiteboard,

eraser, and board marker?

T : For now, what I use more often is OHP, by watching short videos related

to the material that I want to teach.

R : While teaching, do you sit on your chair or get yourself close to the


T : I tend to go around the class so that I could be more close to students and

could control students that don‟t feel interesting in learning.

R : Does your voice clear enough to be heard by students in the class?

T : I have to speak louder due to the number of the students in the class and

also the classroom is big enough.

R : How do you face the students with different characters?



T : Inside the classroom, there are students who are smart, moderate, and

above average, I will mix students who are moderate and above in average

in purpose to complete each other and help other friends in doing the task.



Appendix II : Interview Transcripts


Date : Thursday, august 01 2019

Time : 13:30


R : Researcher

S : Students

R : Does students prepare the material before teaching?

S : Yes before teaching, first, Mr. Lilian come to the class while say salaam,

then class presidents prepare the class, ask the homework, then start the

lesson plan”

R : Do you feel any difficulty in learning English?

S : It depends on the difficulty level of the material but so far Alhamdulillah

it is still understandable

R : Is every time before teacher coming to classroom, the whiteboard clean?

S :Yes, the classroom is clean before teacher coming to the class, because

there are responsible students which are students who are in the list to

clean the class on that day

R : How do teacher teach in the class?

S :Teacher usually writes the material on the whiteboard before explaining

and divides students into groups to finish one task so that the class looks

active during teaching and learning process.

R : Do you enjoy learning English?

S : Yes, I enjoy material that explained by mr. Lillian because he is able

carry the class situation becomes comfortable and calm

R : Is equipment of teaching learning process complete such as whiteboard,

board marker, students‟ guidance books and students‟ worksheet?

S :Yes, everything is provided but the most often used equipment is

students‟ guidance books of seventh class A from Airlangga and OHP to

watch short videos about education regarding to the learned materials.



R : Are teachers‟ voice sound quite loud and clear when they teach?

S : Yes they are loud

R : What does teachers‟ positions look like when they teach? Do they go

around the class or just sit on their chair or just stand in front of the class?

S : They go around the class a lot.

R : What do you feel when you learn in the classroom? Is it something that

makes you feel not comfortable during the lesson?

S : No, for now I enjoy learning English a lot

R : Have teachers interacted with students in the class?

S : They have interacted so well because Mr.Lilian always give motivation

and sometimes play a game to make us focus and not feeling boring”



Appendix III: Observation field note


MetodePengumpulan Data : Observasi

Haridantanggal : Selasa 30 july 2019

Lokasi : Kelas VIII A SMP Islam Al-Falah Jambi

Sumber Data : Pelaksanaan Proses Pembelajaran B.inggris

Deskripsi Data :

On this observation, researcher observed teaching and learning process

activity during English lesson in eight grade A SMP Al-Falah Jambi. From the

observation, researcher gathered data related to teaching and learning process

activity during English lesson in seventh grade A SMP Al-Falah Jambi.

This teaching and learning process activity was started with greeting the

students done by English teacher. Mr.Persualian Harapan. By the time teacher

came, class situation still neat, clean, no rubbish like paper, food and drink waste.

The formation of chair and desk of the classroom was well regulated and orderly

neat. The desk consisted of 31 and 31 of chair arranged. The classroom looked

vivid because there was sun light, not stuffy and obscure. The windows consisted

of 3, the color of the wall was sky blue so that it looked clean, neat, and light,

desk and chair arranged in left corner of the entry door. On the wall there were

stickers such as presidents picture and vice president included a state symbol

which is burung garuda.

Beside teacher‟s desk, there was a shelf to store the equipment of the class.

On the desk there was flower vase and box to store 2 board markers, whiteboard

equipped with eraser and board marker. Media for teaching that used to teach



students‟ guidance books from Airlangga, before teaching teacher always opened

the class by greeting and praying and started by saying assalamualaikum

warohmatullahi wabarokatuh. Teacher always said greeting expression like “good

morning, students. How are you today?” after that teacher always said “are you

ready? Who are absent today?” Next, teacher gave careful and loving

motivations. Teacher gave explanation regarding to the purpose of coming to

school which is “study”. Students looked motivated by teacher‟ explanation and

be more ready to follow teaching and learning activity.

Teacher asked students to take books out of their bags, then wrote the

material that would be learned and teacher explained it and asked students to take

notes in their books. While explaining the material, teacher first used oral, the

voice sound clear and loud, the pronunciation was understandable enough, second

teacher explained by using writing in the whiteboard, when explained the material

teacher used English then translate it to Indonesia. Next, teacher gave assignment

to students in groups. Teachers were grouping the students randomly. After that

students sat in groups. Teacher gave the task to each group using the media like

picture and gave 15 minutes time to finish the task. Students worked seriously till

the time ended. Teacher asked every group to present their assignments then

teacher concluded the result of the discussion and the students looked happy and

understand with that kind of method.

Not long after, the bell was ringing as a sign that the lesson had ended and

the teacher closed the lesson by saying Alhamdulillah together and greeted the

students. Teacher didn‟t forget to remind the students to work hard at home.

Teacher said “ok thank you for your attention, see you, and don‟t forget to do the

homework and I end this lesson by saying wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi





MetodePengumpulan Data : Observasi

Haridantanggal : Kamis 1 august 2019

Lokasi : Kelas VIII A SMP Islam Al-Falah Jambi

Sumber Data : Pelaksanaan Proses Pembelajaran B.inggris

At 08:30 English subject had begun, all the students were ready and calm

to learning process, class situation was clean, desk and chair arranged neatly.

After that, the teacher lead to pray. After praying was finished, teacher opened the

class by saying “assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh”, teacher asked if

there is homework, students answered “no miss”. Teacher explained the material

while going around the class started from the front to the back, sitting on the

teacher‟s desk, standing in front of the class, standing in front of the class back

and forth, the eyes aimed to the students while looking who the students that

didn‟t pay attention. After finished explaining the material, teacher asked the

students if there is questions, students answered “no miss”. Because there was no

questions, teacher told the students to do and answer the questions in groups,

every group consisted of 5 until 6 people, teacher gave 10 minutes to do the work,

students were busy doing the task while teacher going around the class back and

forth to check on every student. When there was student who didn‟t understand

the questions, teacher helped them and explain the question.

The time to do the task was over, teacher asked each group to present their

works, who wanted to answer the question, after the answers were collected

together teacher concluded the material. Time was at 9.30 it shown that the lesson

would be finish. Teacher gave homework that would be collected on next

meeting. Teacher closed the lesson by saying “ok see you next week

wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.”



Appendix 1V: Observation Sheet


No Ada Tidak



1. In learning process

1. Preparation and Planning

a) Lesson Plan

b) Syllabus

c) Media

d) Text book

2. Actuating

a) Warmly

b) Enthusiastic

c) Students give

response in teaching

learning process

3. Controlling

a) Discipline

b) Comply with the

teacher‟s instructions



2. Physical Classroom

1. Ventilation and lighting

a) Lighting resources

b) Windows

c) Air conditioner

d) Lamp

2. Seating arrangements

a) The sitting position

follows the teaching


b) The position of

student is dealing

with the teacher

3. The item saving

a) Cupboard for saving

learning tools, media,

books, etc.

b) Cup board for teacher

c) Table with drawer

d) Student drawer

Item in classroom

1. Table

2. Chair

3. White board

4. Schedule

5. Attendance board

6. List of class picket

7. Education calendar

8. Hand wash and washcloth



9. Storage

10. Picture and Wastebasket



Appendix V: Documentation (fhoto)














Name : Siti Rosnani

Gender : Female

Birthday : Pelawan, Juny 8th , 1997

Address : Desa Pelawan, Kec. Pelawan, Kab.Sarolangun.

Email : [email protected]

Contact Person : 085380271830

Education Background :

No Education Place Graduated Year

1 The State Elementary School No.

48N Pelawan Pelawan 2009

2 Junior High School (SMP) 10

Pelawan Pelawan 2012

3 Senior High School (SMA) 8

Pelawan Pelawan 2015

4 The State Islamic University

Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi Jambi 2019

Jambi, September 2019


Siti Rosnani

TE. 151628
