


Grade 3 – Monthly Handout for April 2018

English Language Arts

Unit – 1: Our Classroom Community

Read Aloud: The teacher reads aloud a book to the whole group. In doing so, she models appropriate reading behavior such as expression, intonation and fluency. The students actively listen to the teacher, connect the pictures to the text if there are any, and make sense of the text.

Books for Read Alouds are chosen for different reasons; introducing a variety of genres, books with rich language, books the students cannot read yet, rereading favorites, comparing books, and so on.

Read Aloud for this month will be –

!! Chrysanthemum !! The way I act !! The way I feel !! The skin you live in !! The OK book !! The best part of me !! Dreams around the world

Choral/Shared Reading: Choral/Shared reading is reading aloud in unison as a whole class or in a group of students. This reading helps build students’ fluency, self-confidence, and motivation. The teacher also models proper phrasing, expression, intonation, and fluency and the students repeat the same.

Shared reading for this month will be-

!! I like me

Buddy Reading: Students read with a classmate. They gain comfort in reading with a friend. Partnering with a variety of classmates over time allows the students to be in a number of positions in this reading situation.

Guided Reading: The teacher reads with small groups of students who are at the same reading level. Each student has their own book. The teacher works with students to develop independent reading skills. Students learn to use various reading strategies (context clues, letter & sound relationships, word structure, and so on) to decode words and make meaning.



Independent Reading: Students read “just right” books of their choice individually. They are encouraged to read from a variety of genres.

Modeled Writing: The teacher models writing a variety of text in front of the class, thinking aloud and at the same time including punctuation, spelling strategies, making sure the writing makes sense, and so on. Students often reread the text after it is complete.

Shared Writing: The teacher records ideas as students share them aloud as a class. Occasionally, if the teacher chooses, students will share the pen & do some of the writing as well.

Guided Writing: The teacher meets with small groups of students who have similar writing levels or who need support with the same writing strategies. The teacher works with the students to develop skills to help build independence in writing according to their needs.

Individual Writing: Students write independently, either in response to a prompt from the teacher, from experiences in their own lives, or through using their imagination. They practice the strategies modeled over time by the teacher and from their experiences with a variety of literature in daily life.

In this month, children will-

!! Write their names on manila tag and will add 5 words that tells what they are good at and which makes them special, anywhere on the tag.

!! Write a rough draft on “feelings cube”. They will give an explanation and write sentences about their feelings in the cube.

!! Draw and represent their favorites and interests inside “Heart Maps”. !! Write “I am ok” poems. !! Write their own thought web. They will write short phrases using their imagination about “The best part of me”.

Grammar and Mechanics: Nouns and Adjectives will be done in this month.

Fun with Words: Each week new vocabulary words will be given to the children. The child will have to do the following exercises in the notebook as per schedule:

Monday: Rainbow words – Write every letter of the word with a different color.



Tuesday: Rhyming words- Choose any 5 words and write 3 rhyming words for each of them.

Wednesday: Pyramid words- Write the letters of the words in the shape of a pyramid eg table






Thursday: Make sentences- Choose any 5 words & use them in sentences.

Friday: Dictation- The teacher will give a dictation of all the words in the class. It will also include 2 surprise words from the word wall.

Note: Separate notebook will be made for “Fun with words” activity.

Home Reading: The children will take one home reading book once a week. The child has to read it with the help of an adult if required. In time he/she will be able to read the books on his/her own.


Unit – 1: Patterning and Place Value

In this unit, children will learn to –

!! Find patterns in rows, columns and diagonals of a hundred chart. !! Use appropriate strategies to solve & create problems involving counting patterns & place value. !! Count backwards. !! Count on a number line. !! Count by 5s, 10s on a number line starting from any number. !! Compare numbers on a number line. !! Grouping & counting to 100. !! Recognize the pattern & fill the missing number.

Children will do exercises based on the same in the workbook and notebook.




Unit – 1: Watch it grow!

In this unit, children will learn-

!! What are plants? !! How are plants different? !! Why do plants have roots? !! Why do plants have stems? !! Why do plants have leaves? !! How do plants make food? !! Why do plants have seeds?

Children will do exercises related to the same in notebook and workbook.

Social Studies

Children will read & do related exercises of chapter 1.


Children will read & do related exercises of chapter 1 & 2 of Hindi reader.
