Download pdf - english is rhythm

  • 8/19/2019 english is rhythm


    As you know, spoken English words with two or more syllables have different stress

    and length patterns. Some syllables are stressed more than others and somesyllables are pronounced longer than others.

    The same is true of phrases and sentences. Different words in a sentence have

    stronger stress and are pronounced longer and other words are weaker and shorter.This pattern of strong and weak stress and short and long pronunciation gives

    English its rhythm.

    It is important for nonnative speakers to understand and master the rhythm of

    English. If the wrong words are stressed in a sentence or if all words are

    pronounced with the same length or loudness, the speech will be difficult to


    !ords that have the most stress in English are called content words. "ontent wordsare usually the nouns, verbs, ad#ectives, adverbs, and pronouns $demonstrative,

    possessive, refle%ive, and interrogative&. These words are important to e%press the

    main meaning of the sentence.

    As you know, spoken English words with two or more syllables have different stress

    and length patterns. Some syllables are stressed more than others and somesyllables are pronounced longer than others.

    The same is true of phrases and sentences. Different words in a sentence have

    stronger stress and are pronounced longer and other words are weaker and shorter.

    This pattern of strong and weak stress and short and long pronunciation givesEnglish its rhythm.

    It is important for nonnative speakers to understand and master the rhythm ofEnglish. If the wrong words are stressed in a sentence or if all words are

    pronounced with the same length or loudness, the speech will be difficult to


    !ords that have the most stress in English are called content words. "ontent wordsare usually the nouns, verbs, ad#ectives, adverbs, and pronouns $demonstrative,

    possessive, refle%ive, and interrogative&. These words are important to e%press the

    main meaning of the sentence.

    As you know, spoken English words with two or more syllables have different stress

    and length patterns. Some syllables are stressed more than others and somesyllables are pronounced longer than others.

    The same is true of phrases and sentences. Different words in a sentence have

    stronger stress and are pronounced longer and other words are weaker and shorter.

    This pattern of strong and weak stress and short and long pronunciation givesEnglish its rhythm.

  • 8/19/2019 english is rhythm


    It is important for nonnative speakers to understand and master the rhythm of

    English. If the wrong words are stressed in a sentence or if all words arepronounced with the same length or loudness, the speech will be difficult to


    !ords that have the most stress in English are called content words. "ontent wordsare usually the nouns, verbs, ad#ectives, adverbs, and pronouns $demonstrative,

    possessive, refle%ive, and interrogative&. These words are important to e%press themain meaning of the sentence.

    As you know, spoken English words with two or more syllables have different stress

    and length patterns. Some syllables are stressed more than others and some

    syllables are pronounced longer than others.

    The same is true of phrases and sentences. Different words in a sentence havestronger stress and are pronounced longer and other words are weaker and shorter.

    This pattern of strong and weak stress and short and long pronunciation gives

    English its rhythm.

    It is important for nonnative speakers to understand and master the rhythm of

    English. If the wrong words are stressed in a sentence or if all words arepronounced with the same length or loudness, the speech will be difficult to


    !ords that have the most stress in English are called content words. "ontent words

    are usually the nouns, verbs, ad#ectives, adverbs, and pronouns $demonstrative,possessive, refle%ive, and interrogative&. These words are important to e%press the

    main meaning of the sentence.

    As you know, spoken English words with two or more syllables have different stress

    and length patterns. Some syllables are stressed more than others and some

    syllables are pronounced longer than others.

    The same is true of phrases and sentences. Different words in a sentence havestronger stress and are pronounced longer and other words are weaker and shorter.

    This pattern of strong and weak stress and short and long pronunciation gives

    English its rhythm.

    It is important for nonnative speakers to understand and master the rhythm of

    English. If the wrong words are stressed in a sentence or if all words arepronounced with the same length or loudness, the speech will be difficult to


    !ords that have the most stress in English are called content words. "ontent words

    are usually the nouns, verbs, ad#ectives, adverbs, and pronouns $demonstrative,possessive, refle%ive, and interrogative&. These words are important to e%press the

    main meaning of the sentence.

  • 8/19/2019 english is rhythm

