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(A Classroom Action Research at the Second Grade Students of SMP Negeri 15 Surakarta in the Academic Year 2010/2011)


Submitted to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University to Fulfill One of the Requirements for Getting the Undergraduate

Degree of Education in English









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ABSTRACT Ahmad Wajid K. K2205024: Reading Comprehension Through Teams Games Tournament (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Grade Students of SMP N 15 Surakarta in the Academic Year. 2010/2011. A Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University. 2012. This action research is designed to implement Teams Games Tournament (TGT) research are to identify: (1) the improvement of students' reading comprehension during applying TGT method at the class; and (2) the class situation when TGT method is applied in class. This research is conducted through action research from January to February 2011 at the second grade students of SMPN 15 Surakarta in 2010/2011 Academic year. This research is carried out in two cycles; each cycle consists of two meetings. The data of the research are collected by using: observation, field notes, photograph, interview, questionnaire, and reading test. The data are analyzed by constant comparative method and descriptive statistic by comparing

-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2. hension

comprehension includes students could find: (1) general idea of the text; (2) stated detail information of the text; (3) implied information of the text; (4) the meaning of unfamiliar word of the text (5) reference of pronouns of the text; (6) social purpose of recount text; and (7) generic structure of recount text. Besides, the class situation also increased during TL process. The improvement of class situation includes: (1) stu

discussing the material; (4) students felt enjoyable during TL process. The writer comes to the conclusion that TGT is able to improve the

enjoyable and active class environment. Therefore, teacher can choose TGT to

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This thesis has been approved to be examined by the Board

of the Thesis Examiners of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty

of Sebelas Maret University as a partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the Undergraduate Degree of Education in English



Consultant I Consultant II

Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd. Teguh Sarosa, S.S, M.Hum

NIP. 19621231 198803 1 009 NIP. 19730205 200604 1 001

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This thesis has been examined by the Board of the Thesis Examiners of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University and

accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Undergraduate Degree

of Education in English.

Day :

Date :

The board of Examiner

1. Chairman: Endang Setyaningsih, S.Pd, M.Hum. NIP. 19800513 200312 2 002

2. Secretary: Drs. Suparno, M.Pd. NIP. 19511127 198601 1 001

3. Examiner I: Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd. NIP. 19621231 198803 1 009


4. Examiner II: Teguh Sarosa, S.S, M.Hum. NIP. 19730205 200604 1 001

Teacher Training and Education Faculty Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta


Prof. Dr. M. Furqon Hidayatullah, M.Pd

NIP. 19600727 198702 1 001

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I may never find all the answers

I may never understand why

I may never prove what I know to be true

But I know that I still have to try

The spirit carries on

(Dream theatre)

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This thesis is dedicated to: My family My friends

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Universe, Who has given His blessing to the writer so that he can accomplish the

writing of this thesis as a partial requirement for achieving the undergraduate

degree of education in English, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Sebelas Maret University.

The writer is fully aware that his thesis can never be finished without the

help of others during the process of writing. Therefore, in this occasion he would

like to express his deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University who has given her permission to write this thesis.

2. The Head of the Art and Language Education Department who has given

her permission to write this thesis.

3. The Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty for giving the writer permission to write this thesis.

4. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd, the first consultant, for his patience, guidance, and


5. Teguh Sarosa, S.S, M.Hum the second consultant, for his patience,

guidance, and suggestion.

6. Poernama Irianto, S.Pd, the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 15 Surakarta, for

facilitating the writer in collecting the data.

7. Ratih Sardjiningsih, S.Pd, the English teacher of the class VIII D, who has

helped the writer to do the research.

8. Everyone who has helped the writer to conduct the research and who have

participated in the research that cannot be mentioned here.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. He

hopes and accepts gratefully every comment and suggestion. Hopefully, this thesis

will be useful for the readers.

Surakarta, January 2012


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TITLE .............................................................................................................. i

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL OF THE CONSULTANTS ....................................................... iii

APPROVAL OF THE EXAMINERS ............................................................ iv

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ viii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xi

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................. 1

B. Problem Statement ..................................................................... 5

C. Objectives ................................................................................... 5

D. The Benefit of the Study ............................................................ 5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ............................................................... 7

A. Review on Reading Comprehension ........................................... 7

1. The Definition of Reading ...................................................... 7

2. Reading Comprehension ......................................................... 8

3. ..... 8

4. Reading Comprehension Skill ....................................

5. Reading Comprehension Strategies ...................................... 11

6. Strategies for Improving Comprehension in the Classroom. 12

7. Factor Affecting Comprehension Skills ................................ 14

8. .... 16

9. ..... 19

10.The Importance of Teaching Re .... 19

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B. The Review of Cooperative Learning ........................................... .20

1. ................... 20

2. The Benefit of Cooperative Learning ................................... 21

3. ................... 21

C. ............. 22

1. The Nature of T .................. 22

2. .................... 22

3. The Procedures of Teaching Reading Using TGT .............. 26

4. The Strengths and Weaknesses of TGT .............................. 29

5. The Relationship between Reading Comprehension and

........................ .30

D. Previous Relevant Research ........................................................... 31

E. Rationale .................................................................................... 2

F. Hypothesis ...................................................................................... 33

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................. 34

A. Setting and the Time of the Research ...................................... 34

B. Research Subject ...................................................................... 34

C. Research Methodology............................................................. 34

1. .... .35

2. .... 36

3. The Procedure of Action .... 36

a. .......... .37

b. ........... ..37

c. ........... 37

d. .......... 37

D. Technique of Collecting the Data ............................................ 39

E. Technique of Analyzing the Data ............................................ 41

F. Data Validation ........................................................................ 43

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION ............................... 44

A. Research Finding ...................................................................... 44

1. Situation Prior to the Research ............................................ 44

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2. Planning of the Research ..................................................... 46

3. Implementation of the Research ......................................... 46

a. Cycle 1 ............................................................................ 50

b. Cycle 2 ........................................................................... 66

4. Result of the Research ......................................................... 79

B. Research Discussion................................................................. 81

1. prehension ... 81

2. The Improvement of Class Situation ................................... 85


A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 87

B. Implication .............................................................................. 87

C. Suggestions .............................................................................. 88

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................. 90

APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 93

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Appendix 1: Research Schedule .................................................................... 93

Appendix 2: ........................................................... 94

Appendix 3: Pre Research Observation......................................................... 95

Appendix 4: Result of Questionnaires and Transcript of Interview (Pre -

Research) .................................................................................................. 98

Appendix 5: Syllabus of Reading for VIII Grade of Junior High School ..... 108

Appendix 6: Lesson Plan of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 ......................................... 113

Appendix 7: Field Notes of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 .......................................... 143

Appendix 8: Result of Questionnaires and Transcript of Interview (After

Research) .................................................................................................. 164

Appendix 9: Blueprints of Reading and Reading Try-Out Test

.......................................................................................... 170

Appendix 10: Validity and Reliability Test .................................................... 181

Appendix 11: Blueprints of Reading and Reading Test Instruments of Pre-test,

Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2 ............................................................................. 197

Appendix 12: ding Score ............................................... 206

Appendix 13: Photographs .............................................................................. 210

Appendix 14: Legalization .............................................................................. 212

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Figure 2.1: The Illustration of Assigning Students and Teams in TGT . ......... 24

Figure 2.2: The Illustration of Bumping System . ........................................... 26

Figure 2.3: The Illustrati ............................ 28

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Table 3.1: The Process of Research ................................................................ 38

Table 4.1: The Situation Prior to the Research .............................................. 44

Table 4.2: The Summary of Research Implementation .................................. 47

Table 4.3: TGT Result in the First Meeting of Cycle 1 .................................. 57

Table 4.4: TGT Result in the Second Meeting of Cycle 1 ............................. 62

Table 4.5: The Mean Scores of Comprehension Skills in Pre Test and Post

Test 1 ....................................................................................................... 63

Table 4.6: TGT Result in the First Meeting of Cycle 2 .................................. 70

Table 4.7: TGT Result in the Second Meeting of Cycle 2 ............................. 75

Table 4.8 The Mean Scores of Comprehension Skills in Post Test 1 and Post

Test 2 ....................................................................................................... 77

Table 4.9 Research Finding ........................................................................... 79

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A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, most people believe that English is the most important

language in the world. It is understandable that English is broadly spread and

used by millions of people. Most parts of the world use it as a means of

communication among the nations. In other words, it makes communication

between one person and others from different languages possible. It is used in

almost every field of international affairs such as politics, economics,

education, science, and technology.

In Indonesia, English has been taught and learned as the compulsory

subject from junior high school up to university, even it has been taught in

elementary school as the local content and it has been introduced to students

of many kindergartens. As has been stated above, teaching and learning

English in junior high school is obligatory. Based on the 2006 KTSP

curriculum of junior high school, English teaching has aim to develop the

students communicative competence namely reading, listening, speaking,

and writing. According to Sudrajat in Sulistyaningsih (2009: 2) the ultimate

goal of English teaching in junior high school is emphasized on developing

the students' communicative competence as stated below:

Mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMP/MTS bertujuan agar peserta didik memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembangkan kompetensi berkomunikasi dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan untuk mencapai tingkat literasi functional, memiliki kesadaran tentang hakikat dan pentingnya bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan daya saing bangsa dalam masyarakat global, dan mengembangkan pemahaman peserta didik tentang keterkaitan antara bahasa dan budaya.

The statements above underlined the purpose of English teaching in

junior high school that resembles in the development of communicative

competence, which refers to the four language skills, namely reading, writing,

listening, and speaking.

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Among the language skills above, reading is the most important skill

because reading can give much knowledge and information about what has

been written on text. For example, people may read the instructions on a jar

of instant coffee because they need to know how much coffee to put in the

cup of hot water. They may glance at the newspaper headlines before they

leave home to see if there are any major news items that they should know

about. While driving to school or work, they may look for a sign about road

construction in progress so they can avoid traffic delays. In other words,

reading becomes a bridge for understanding the text they have to read. By

reading, the reader will have much knowledge that can deliver them to


In language teaching, reading is one of the four language skills taught.

Harmer (1998: 68) says that getting students to read English text is an

students for the reason they provide any exposure to English. They also

provide good model for English writing and provide opportunity to study

language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct

sentences, paragraphs, and text. Lastly, good reading texts can introduce

interesting topics and fascinating lesson. Based on those reasons, reading has

an important role in language learning course.

However, most forms of reading require comprehension (Kennedy,

1981: 32) that is understanding and constructing meaning from a piece of

text. It is stated in the 2006 junior high school curriculum, teaching students

to read is directed for getting them understand meanings whether ideational,

interpersonal or textual from various interactional and monolog written texts,

particularly those in the form of descriptive, narrative, spoof/recount,

supporting details, and factual information. However, in fact, many students

often find it difficult, especially in grasping the meaning from an English text.

This reading comprehension disability may be caused by any factors coming

from the students themselves that is their motivation to read and the other

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factors such as the difficulty of the text, the vocabulary words used,

inadequate instruction, and so on.

In principle, reading in the target language is really difficult. Students

must have adequate knowledge of the language that has a different system. As

the consequence from this fact, the students should also develop their

competence. Deeply, they have to enhance their reading comprehension in

order to get the information or ideas from the text.

Based on the preliminary observation on the teaching learning process

in SMP Negeri 15 Surakarta, the writer found that there were some problems

skill in

reading comprehension was still low. It was indicated by their low score in

from the level 0-10. It was lower than KKM used in SMP N 15. KKM for

English in eight grade of SMP N 15 was 6.0 from the level 0-10. The

difficulties in finding: (1) general idea of text; (2) stated detail information of

text; (3) implied information of text; (4) the meaning of unfamiliar word of

text; (5) reference of pronouns of text; (6) social purpose of recount text; and

(7) generic structure of recount text. Second, the class situation was not alive

during TL process, it was shown as follows: (1) most of the students were

talking to their friends during reading class; (3) some of the students did not

explanation; and (4) most of the students

seemed to be bored during reading class.

Those problems were caused by some factors which came from the

students and the teacher. First, the factor came from the students. The

happened because they did not have

adequate grammar and vocabulary mastery for understanding reading text.

Second, the factor came from the teacher. The teacher was less creative in

their teaching. Up to now, the teacher only uses lecturing method and picture

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to motivate and draw students' interest in reading comprehension. As a result,

the reading lesson became monotonous and boring.

In solving those problems, what the teacher needs to do is to shift the

atmosphere of teaching to be more a cooperative one. Cooperative Learning

can be one of the methods which can make the changes of the atmosphere to a

better one. Kessler (1992: 8) says that Cooperative Learning offers good

learning strategy in which warm atmosphere at the class can be created. In

Cooperative Learning, the students achieve their learning goal through small

learning group in which students work together through structured activities

(Olsen and Kagan in Kessler, 1992: 8). Dealing with reading, Cooperative

Leaning can be used as a comprehension instruction method in reading class

(National Reading Panel, 2000: 4-6). The main concept of this method is that

the students work together to learn strategies in the context of reading. When

they work together in group, there will be interaction involving speaking and

listening activities. It will be more discussion among students in-group so it is

easy for the students to comprehend reading text by discussing the material

with teammates in structured activity.

There are several variations of methods in Cooperative Learning such

as Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD), Teams Games

Tournament (TGT), Jigsaw, Group Investigation, etc. In this study, TGT has

been chosen as the method that would be applied by the writer.

(2006: 2) states that TGT is one of the team learning strategies designed by

Slavin for review and mastery learning of material. Slavin has found that

TGT increased basic skills, student's achievement, positive interactions

between students, acceptance of mainstreamed classmates, and self esteem.

According to Slavin (1985: 7) TGT is similar to STAD, except that the

students play academic games as representatives of their teams instead of

taking quizzes. In TGT, after the teacher presents a lesson, the students meet

in four to five member teams to master a set of worksheet on the lesson.

Then, the students play academics games with the members of other teams to

add points to their team scores; again, the student must know the material if

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they want to contribute a high score. The teams with the highest scores are

recognized in a weekly class newsletter. By using TGT in teaching English

especially in teaching reading, process of the learning will be more

competitive, fun, and cooperative.

Based on the fact found in teaching English the writer wants to carry

Teams games Tournament in learning English. The writer believes that TGT

is a good method in conducting reading activity. By conducting a classroom

action research which applies TGT, it is expected for the teacher to be able to

B. Problem Statement

Considering the background of the study above, the writer can

formulate the problems as follows:

1. Can TGT method improve the students' reading

comprehension at the second grade students of SMP Negeri 15 Surakarta?

2. How is the class situation when the TGT method is


C. Objectives

Based on the problem formulations above, the objectives of this

research are:

1. To identify the improvement of students' reading

comprehension during applying TGT method at the second grade students

of SMPN 15 Surakarta.

2. To identify the class situation when TGT method is

applied in class.

D. Benefits of the Study

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The result of the study is expected to be able to give some

contribution for the teacher, the students, and the researcher.

1. For the students

The students will get a new learning system in reading comprehension by

other students' help in group. They will have more chance to comprehend

an English text in mutual situation.

2. For the teacher

It can be a reference in solving problems related to reading, developing the

learning quality and they can implement this method in their classroom in

order to create interesting and enjoyable classroom condition.

3. For the other researcher

The result of this study can be a reference and as a starting point for other

researcher in developing further research about TGT.

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A. Review on Reading Comprehension

1. The Definition of Reading

Before defining what reading comprehension is, it is better to know

first the definition of reading itself. The followings are some definitions of

reading stated by some experts based on their own view.

According to Aebersold and Field (1997: 15), reading is what happens

when people look at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in that

text. The text and the reader are two physical entities necessary for the

reading process to begin. It is, however, the interaction between the text and

the reader that constitutes actual reading.

a written text as a piece of communication. In other words, we assume some

in attempting to understand". It is supported by Davies (1995: 1) who defines

ocess that involves a

reader in trying to follow and respond to a message from a writer who is

Meanwhile, Nunan (1998: 33) gives another definition that reading is

an interactive process between what reader already knows about a given topic

or subject and what the writer writes. It is not simply a matter of applying

decoding conventions and background grammatical knowledge to the text.

Good readers are able to relate the text and their own background knowledge


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From those theories above, it can be concluded that reading is an

interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text in order to

that involves a reader in trying to follow and respond to a message from the


2. Reading Comprehension

Reading cannot be separated from comprehension because in

understanding and interpreting the printed symbols to get the information, one

must comprehend the text. Comprehension is the mind act or power of

understanding, the ability to understand (Hornby, 2000: 174). Burns (1984:

148) states that the objective of all readers is, or should be, comprehension of

what they read. From these theories; therefore, we come to the definition of

reading comprehension.

Many experts have defined reading comprehension; some of them

define it as follows:

a. Kennedy (1981: 182) states that reading comprehension can be defined

as a thought process through which the readers become aware of an idea,

understand it in terms of their experimental background and interpret it

in relation to their own needs and purpose.

b. Dallman (1984: 159) states that reading with comprehension is meant

constructing meaning from what is being perceived in writing.

c. Adam (1990) in Howell (1993: 182) states that reading comprehension is

an interactive process through which the reader uses code, context

analysis, prior knowledge, vocabulary, and language, along with

executive-control strategies, to understand text.

d. Grellet (1998: 182) states that reading comprehension means

understanding a written text to extract the required information from it as

efficiently as possible.

From the theories above, it can be concluded that reading

nterpret written or

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printed material containing information. It involves the activity of the mind to

comprehend the meaning intended by the writer.

3. Level of Comprehension

Burns, Roe, and Ross (1984: 177) divide the level of comprehension

as the following:

a. Literal reading

Reading for literal comprehension involves getting information

that is directly stated in the text. This level is very important because it is

a prerequisite to understand on a higher level. The example of the skill is

the ability to follow directions. The basis of literal comprehension is

recognizing the stated main ideas, details, causes and efforts, and

sequences. The important things in this level are understanding of

vocabulary, sentence meaning, and paragraph meaning thoroughly.

b. Interpretative reading

It involves reading between the lines or making inferences. In this

level, the readers get the idea implicitly. In other words, the readers

require the information that is not directly stated. Skills for interpretative

reading include:

1) Inferring main ideas of passage in which the main ideas are not

directly stated

2) Inferring cause and effect relationship when they are not directly


3) Inferring referents

4) Detecting the author's purpose in writing

5) Drawing conclusion

c. Critical reading

It means evaluating written material with known standards and

drawing conclusion about the accuracy, appropriateness, and timeliness.

Before the critical reader considers all of the material, he must be an

active reader, questioning, and searching for the facts. Critical reading is

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based on literal comprehension and interpretative comprehension. The

most important thing in critical reading is to grasp the implied ideas. The

people must read critically to make intelligent decision based on the

material that they read, for example: Which movies to see, which

television program to watch, and which products to buy.

d. Creative Reading

Creative reading involves going beyond the material presented by

the author. It requires readers to think as they read, just as critical reading

does, and it also requires them to use their imaginations. Helen Huus (in

Burns, 1984: 198) says that it is concerned with the production of

new ideas, the development of new insights, fresh approaches, and

original constructs.

4. Reading Comprehension Skills

Anderson, et al. (1991) in Aebersold and Field (1997: 16) states that

successful readers can comprehend the text well if they are able to:

a. recognizing words quickly

b. analyzing unfamiliar words

c. reading for meaning, concentrating on constructing meaning

d. guessing about the meaning of the text

e. identifying or inferring main ideas

f. distinguishing main ideas from minor ideas

Grellet (1995: 5) lists some reading comprehension skills as follows:

a. understanding explicitly stated information

b. understanding information when not explicitly stated

c. understanding conceptual meaning

d. understanding the communicative value (function) of sentences and


e. identifying the main point or important information in a piece of


f. distinguishing the main idea from supporting details

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comprehension skills that will be gained are those stated in 2006 junior high

school curriculum. Those are finding general idea, stated detail information,

implied information, the meaning of unfamiliar words, and reference of

pronouns. In addition, students are required to find social purpose and generic

structure of text.

5. Reading Comprehension Strategies

There are some strategies that can be used to improve reading

comprehension. Those are:

a. Skimming

Grellet (1998: 4) states that skimming means quickly running

the advantage of being able to predict the purpose of the passage, the main

topic or message, and possibly some of the developing or supporting ideas

(Brown, 1994: 293). In other words, Nuttall (1996: 49) defines that

skimming means glancing rapidly through a text to determine its gist.

b. Scanning

Grellet (1998: 4) states that scanning means quickly searching for

some particular piece or pieces of information in a text. The purpose of

scanning is to extract certain specific information without reading through

the whole text (Brown, 1994: 293). Scanning may ask the students to look

for names or dates, to find a definition of a key concept, or to list a certain

number of supporting details. Nuttall (1996: 49) states that scanning means

to search for a specific piece of information (e.g. a name, a date) or to get

an initial impression of whether the text is suitable for a given purpose

(e.g. whether a book on gardening deals with particular plant disease).

c. Using contexts

Sharpe (2007: 210) states that using context can be used as a strategy

in finding the meaning of unfamiliar word of the text. In English, a context

is the combination of vocabulary and grammar that surround words. Context

can be a sentence or a paragraph or a passage. Context helps the reader to

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make a general prediction about the meaning. If the reader knows the

general meaning of a sentence, the reader also know the general meaning of

the words in the sentence. By using context, the reader can find the meaning

of unfamiliar word without stopping to look up every unfamiliar word in


d. Making inference

Sharpe (2007: 211) states that making inference can be used as a

strategy in finding implied information of the text. In reading the text,

sometimes the reader will find a direct statement of fact in a reading

passage. Other times, the reader will not find a direct statement. Then the

reader will need to use facts as evidence to make an inference. An inference

is logical conclusion based on evidence. It can be about the passage itself or

In this study, the writer uses TGT as a method in teaching reading.

TGT has the concept that the students work together to learn strategies in the

context of reading. The strategies above will be used in implementing TGT in

reading class.

6. Strategies for Improving Comprehension in the Classroom

According to Kennedy (1984: 197-198), there are some strategies that

can be used effectively to develop comprehension skill in the classroom.

Those are:

a. Encouraging the Use of Oral Language

Any activity that increases facility in speaking and understanding spoken

language will aid in developing a background for comprehension and

there should be ample time for class discussion, conversation, and oral


b. Motivating Pupils

Pupils must want to read if they are to develop comprehension. Each

class period can provide opportunities for enlisting their interest in the

materials and exercises being used, planning objective to be attained, and

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doing independent reading. If a pupil can be convinced of a personal

need to read, instruction will be much less difficult.

c. Providing Practice in Reading Easy Material.

Nothing will facilitate the development of comprehension more than

relevant practice. Systematic exercises should involve reading materials

that are within the experience and achievement range of a reader.

Unsuitable materials not only keep the thought process intact, they

develop increased speed of recognition, which goes hand in hand with


d. Encouraging Purposeful Reading

A major reason young readers fail to comprehend is that they do not have

specific purposes in mind when they scan or read material. Unless they

have a reason for reading, they have no incentive to remember the


e. Stressing Vocabulary Development

Meager sight and recognition vocabularies make comprehension

difficult. A sight vocabulary extensive include 90 percent of the words

contained in reading matter usually is required for adequate

understanding. One of the surest ways to increase comprehension is to

plan a program of vocabulary development that will stress sight and

independent word recognition, as well as understanding of words.

Meanwhile, National Reading Panel (2000: 4-6) reveals eight

strategies to improve comprehension skill in the classroom. Those are:

a. Using Comprehension Monitoring

In this activity the reader learns how to be aware or conscious of his or

her understanding during reading and learns procedures to deal with

problems in understanding as they arise.

b. Using Cooperative Learning

In this activity the reader works together to learn strategies in the context

of reading.

c. Using Graphic and Semantic Organizers

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In this activity the reader is allowed to represent graphically (write or

draw) the meanings and relationships of the ideas that underlie the words

in the text.

d. Using Story Structure

In this activity the reader learns to ask and answer who, what, where,

when, and why questions about the plot and, in some cases, maps out the

time line, characters, and events in stories.

e. Using Question Answering

In this activity the reader answers questions posed by the teacher and is

given feedback on the correctness.

f. Using Question Generation

In this activity the reader asks himself or herself what, when, where,

why, what will happen, how, and who questions.

g. Using Summarization

In this activity the reader attempts to identify and write the main or most

important ideas that integrate or unite the other ideas or meanings of the

text into a coherent whole.

h. Using Multiple-Strategy Teaching

In this activity the reader uses several of the procedures in interaction

with the teacher over the text. Multiple-strategy teaching is effective

when the procedures are used flexibly and appropriately by the reader or

the teacher in naturalistic contexts.

In this research, the teaching strategy proposed to be applied for

ding comprehension is Teams Games Tournament

(TGT). TGT is one of the strategies under the umbrella of student learning

teams developed at John Hopkins University based on research on

Cooperative Learning for years.

7. Factors Affecting Comprehension skills

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Difficulties in reading comprehension are produced by a variety of

factors. The factors which are most often responsible for the inability of

normal children to comprehend reading materials according to Kennedy

(1981: 195-197) are:

a. Inadequate Instruction

Many teachers are poorly prepared to teach the basic reading skills. As a

result, they may follow the general instructions given in a teaching

manual, without regard the specific needs to their pupils. Or they may

teach as they were taught when they were in grade school, or without any

systematic plan. Inadequate instruction practices include selecting the

wrong skills emphasize, presenting the skills to rapidly for groups or

individuals, to grasp them adequately or neglecting to evaluate progress


b. Lack of Pupil Interest

It is difficult for any but the most thoroughly disciplined readers to

concentrate on material they dislike or that is unrelated to their personal

interests. Without thoughtful attention to content comprehension of such

materials will be negligible. Lack of interest causes the mind to wander,

eliminates any desire to excel, encourage a dislike for the task, and

reduces consciousness effort.

c. Unsuitable Materials

When reading materials are adopted for an entire school system and each

teacher is expected to use them, regardless of whether they are

appropriate for pupils in a particular classroom, difficulties in

comprehension can result. Such required materials may be too difficult or

too easy, stress the wrong skills, have little relationship to the pupil

interests, or generally be of poor quality. If unsuitable materials are used

exclusively, interest lags, skills development is unbalanced, and all forms

of comprehension are discouraged.

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d. Vocabulary Difficulties

An excessive vocabulary burden forces the readers to rely on dictionary

or to bypass many important words. When any appreciable number of

words is left out, understanding must suffer.

Meanwhile, Dawson and Bawman (1963: 220-223) state that there are

five factors affecting the comprehension skills. They are:

a. Intelligence

Students have different intelligence, so it will be possible for them to

produce different comprehension. The number of ideas that they

understand and depth of their understanding will be largely dependent

upon his general capacity to learn.

b. Experience

Students with limited experience may have difficulty in comprehending

many of the ideas and activities with which other students are familiar

before they come to school.

c. Mechanics of reading

Comprehension will be easier for the students if they have all mastered

the skills of word attack and word meaning, and if they have learned to

handle material books properly. Obviously, there must be a fine balance

somewhat in each student between careful attention to word attack skills

and to comprehension skills.

d. Interest and interest span

It is true that we all respond quickly to what we read if we are interested

in the topic or at least familiar with it. The interest span is related to

personality factors; a disturbed student who has encountered many

unfortunate experiences at home or in the school may be unable to

preserve when required for comprehending reading passages.

e. Skills of comprehending

Another obvious factor, which influences the depth and amount of

comprehension, is the skill, which the students have developed for that

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purpose. Like all reading skills, the ability to comprehend what we read

develops gradually from the simple to the complex skills.

8. Questioning Technique in Reading Comprehension Skills

There are some questioning techniques in comprehension skill, namely

main idea, detail, vocabulary, sequences, and inference. Burn, Roe & Ross (1984:

203) defines them as follows:

a. Main Idea Question

Students are asked to identify the central theme of selection.

b. Detail Questions

Students are asked for bits of information conveyed by the material.

c. Vocabulary Questions

Students are asked for the meaning of words used in the selection.

d. Sequence Questions

Students are asked about events in their order of occurrence.

e. Inference Questions

Students are asked about that is implied but not directly stated in the


f. Evaluation Questions

Students are asked for judgments about the material.

g. Creative Response Questions

Students are asked to go beyond the material and create new ideas based

on the ideas they have read.

Nutall (1996: 187-189) also classifies question into several type of

question as a checklist to find out whether the teacher omitting any important

types of questions give some practice in some important skills in reading to the

students. Those are:

a. Question of literal comprehension

These are questions whose answers are directly and explicitly expressed

in the text. They can often be answered in the words of the text.

b. Questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation

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These are questions which require the students either to reinterpret literal

information or to obtain it for various parts of the text and put it together

in a new way. Such questions make the students consider the text as a

whole rather than sentence by sentence.

c. Question of inference

These questions oblige the students to consider what is implied but not

explicitly stated. The students also have to understand the text well

enough to work out its implications.

d. Questions of evaluation

These questions are considered as a judgment about the text in terms of

what the writer is trying to do and how far she has achieved it. Such

questions ask the students to analyze their response to the text and

discover objective reasons to justify it, as well as measuring it against the

presumed intention of the writer.

e. Question of personal response

In this type of questions the reader is not asked to assess the techniques

by means of which the writer influences him but simply to record his

reaction to the text.

f. Questions concerned with how writers say what they mean

This kind of questions is intended to give students strategies for handling

texts in general, rather than simply helping them to understand one

particular it aimed at making students aware of words attack and text

attack skills, for example making them conscious of what they do when

they interpret text.

Grellet (1981: 5) distinguishes question-types into two different functions,

they are:

a. To clarify the organization of the passage

The questions can be about:

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The function of the passage

The general organization

The rhetorical organization

The cohesive device

The intra sentential relations

b. To clarify the content of the passage

The questions can be about:

Plain fact

Implied fact

Deduced meaning


9. A Construct for Reading Comprehension Ability

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading is an

interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text in order to

ve process

that involves a reader in trying to follow and respond to a message from the


In order to develop the variety of skill in reading, several types of

exercise can be used. Generally, these questions types can have two different

functions. They are to clarify the organizations of the passage and to clarify

the content of the passage. So, by identifying the organizations of the text and

identifying the content of the text, the reader can get information they need to

pose. The indicators to measure reading ability are:

finding general idea

finding stated detail information

finding implied information

finding the meaning of unfamiliar words

finding reference of pronouns

finding social purpose

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finding generic structure

10. The Importance of Teaching Reading

Williams (1984: 13) says that reading in foreign language is important

for language learner. He says that learner can have further practice of

language that they have already met through listening and speaking, then,

they can practice language in order to re-use it in writing. Moreover from

reading, learner can extract the information they need.

Harmer (1998: 68) mentions the reasons why getting students to read

English texts are important part of the teacher's job. He says that reading

English text is important for the students either for their careers, for study

purposes or simply for pleasure. Reading text also provides good models for

English writing. When teacher teaches the skill of writing, he will need to

show students models of what he is encouraging them to do. Reading text

also provides opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar,

punctuation, and the way of constructing sentence, paragraph and text.

B. The Review of Cooperative Learning

1. The Definition of Cooperative Learning

Many experts have defined cooperative learning; some of them define

it as follows:

a. Slavin (1991: 287) states that Cooperative Learning methods refers to

instructional methods in which students work together in a small group to

help each other to learn.

b. Ornstein and Lasley (2000: 323) state that Cooperative Learning is an

instructional approach gaining in popularity, whereby students work

together in small groups instead of competing for recognition or grades.

c. Olsen and Kagan (1992: 8) state that Cooperative Learning is group

learning activity organized so that learning is dependent on the socially

structured exchanged of information between learners in groups and in

which each learner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is

motivated to increase the learning of others.

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d. Cruickshank (1999: 205) states that Cooperative Learning is the term

used to describe instructional procedures whereby learners work together

in small groups.

e. Kohonen in Nunan (1992: 33) states that in Cooperative Learning

situation learners work together to accomplish shared goals.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that cooperative

learning is structured learning activity in which learners work together in a

small group to help each other to learn.

2. The Benefit of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Learning, which requires structured activity involving

small groups, offers some benefits. Kagan and Olsen in Kessler (1992: 7)

summarize the benefits of Cooperative Learning in three major benefits, they


a. Cooperative Learning provides a richness of alternatives to structure

interactions between students.

b. Cooperative Learning addresses content area learning and language

development needs within the same organizational frame work.

c. The variety of ways to structure student practice with lesson material

increases opportunities for individualized instruction, such as peer-

provided clarifications.

While Orlich, et al. (1998: 275) propose the benefits of Cooperative

Learning as follows:

a. Improving comprehension of basic academic content.

b. Reinforcing social skills.

c. Allowing students decision making.

d. Creating active learning environment.

e. -esteem.

f. Celebrating diverse learning styles.


h. Focusing on success for everyone.

3. The Characteristic of Cooperative Learning

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According to Orlich (1998: 275) the characteristics of Cooperative

Learning includes:

a. Using small groups of three or four students (micro group).

b. Focusing on task to be accomplished.

c. Requiring group cooperation and interaction.

d. Mandating individual responsibility to learn.

e. Supporting division of labor.

Arends (2004: 356) mentions the characteristic of Cooperative

Learning as follows:

a. Students work in term to master learning goals.

b. Teams are made up of high-, average-, and low- achieving students.

c. Whenever possible, teams include a racial, cultural and gender mix.

d. Reward systems are oriented to the group as well as the individual.

C. The Review of TGT (Teams Games Tournament)

1. The Nature of TGT

006: 2) states that TGT is one of the team learning

strategies designed by Slavin for review and mastery learning of material.

According to Slavin (1985: 7) TGT is similar to STAD, except that the

students play academic games as representatives of their teams instead of

taking quizzes. Slavin in Nurlaela (2008: 41) defines that STAD is a method

of cooperative learning consisting of mixed ability groups, a regular cycle of

teaching cooperative study and quiz with recognition or other rewards to

teams whose members most exceed their own past records. It is almost

similar with TGT. In TGT, after the teacher presents a lesson, the students

meet in four to five member teams to master a set of worksheet on the lesson.

Then, the students play academics games with the members of other teams to

add points to their team scores. The student must know the material if they

want to contribute a high score. In the end of the tournament, the teams with

the highest scores earn certificates or other teams reward.

2. The Procedures of TGT

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According to Kagan in Slavin (1985: 69) TGT is identical to STAD

except that quizzes are replaced with academic game tournament and

individual improvement scores are replaced with a bumping system. There

are five major components of TGT, as follows:

a. Class Presentation

Class presentation is done to present the material that will be

taught in the class. The new material is presented by the teacher to the

whole class in an audiovisual presentation.

b. Teams

In this phase, the students are assigned to four or five member

learning teams. The teams are made as heterogeneous as possible.

Ideally, each team has one high-achieving student, two average-

achieving students, and one low-achieving student. Team members work

together to study worksheets the teacher has made, which consist of

problems and information to be mastered.

Those are as follows:

Before conducting the tournament, the students are asked to

reinforce, review and study the material cooperatively in Teams.

The teams are made as heterogeneous as possible. In this phase,

the students may review using a specific format, a review sheet,

informally, quizzing each other, etc.

Set-up a heterogeneous teams


(1) Generate a ranked class list of all students. The ranking should

be academic, by marks.

(2) Team size: 4 students. To make the teams, divide the total

number of students by 4.

(3) Number students, beginning at the top. Reverse the numbering

the second time through.

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e.g.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,... etc.

(4) This will generate academically heterogeneous teams of about

equal ability. Balance the teams for sex, ethnicity, etc. while

c. Games Tournament

Games tournament are played after the teams was formed. In this

phase, the students play games in which they win by demonstrating

knowledge of the academicals material which has been practiced in

Teams. The games have simple rules which allow students to take turn

answering content-relevant question. A student can earn extra points by

correctly challenging the answer of another student. The students play

the academic games at tournament table consisting three or four students

of similar ability level. Low achievers compete with other low achievers,

and high achievers compete with other high achievers for equal points.

The highest scorer from each tournament table earns six points for his or

her team; the middle scorer earns four points; and the lowest scorer earns

two. The illustration of assigning students and teams in TGT learning can

be seen as follows:

Table Tournament 1

Table Tournament II

Table Tournament III

Table Tournament IV

High Average Average Low

A1 A2 A3 A4

Team A

High Average Average Low

B1 B2 B3 B4 Team B

High Average Average Low

C1 C2 C3 C4 Team C

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Figure 2.1 The Illustration of Assigning Students and Teams in TGT

Tournament. Those are as follows:

After the designated Teams, the students then compete in the

Games Tournament.

Set-up a homogeneous teams


(1) Use the same ranked student list.

(2) Form groups of 3 (alternate size is 4)

(3) Cluster students by 3's, going down the ranked student list.

This will result in the 3 strongest students competing

together, the 3 weakest competing together, etc.

Format :

(1) Have a deck of numbered cards (1 - 30) available for each

tournament table.

(2) Make up a worksheet of 30 numbered question.

(3) Make up a numbered answer sheet.

(4) Each team picks up a deck of cards, question sheet and

answer sheet.

(5) Students draw cards at each table. The highest number goes

first to play the game.

(6) The game can be started. First of all, the first player pulls a

card from the deck of cards and reads out the number. Then,

the second player (with the question sheet) reads the question

out loud. After that, the first player answers the question.

Meanwhile, the third player (with the answer sheet) has the

job to check the answer. If the answer of the first player is

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correct, the first player keeps the card. If the answer of the

first player is incorrect, the second player may challenge to

answer the question. If the answer of the second player is

correct, the second player may keep the card. If the answer of

the second player is still incorrect, the card goes to a

(7) The game proceeds clockwise. After each question (whether

the answer is correct or incorrect) each student changes

d. Bumping system

A Bumping system is used to ensure that students have an equal

opportunity to earn points for their team. Tournament tables are

homogenous with regard to ability level. Initially the teacher assigns

students to tournament tables. Later, a bumping system reassign students

to tournament tables: following each tournament the highest scorer at

each table advances to higher ability-level table and the lowest scorer

moves to a lower ability-level table. The illustration of bumping system

can be seen as follows:

Figure 2.2 The Illustration of Bumping System

e. Team Recognition

Teams are recognized for high individual performance and high

team scores. Social recognition such as weekly class newsletters, bulletin

boards displays, or weekly class radio announcements are used as

rewards for individuals and teams.

3. The Procedures of Teaching Reading Using TGT

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The procedures of teaching reading using TGT are adapted from the

have been stated earlier. The writer makes adaptation for some purposes,

comprehension; (2) to make it simpler; (3) to make it suitable with the

condition in the classroom (e.g. number of students, place, and etc). The

procedures are as follows:

a. Class Presentation

The teacher teaches the students to use reading strategy in finding

general idea, stated detail information, implied information reference of

pronouns, the meaning of unfamiliar word, the generic structure, and the

social purpose of the text.

b. Teams

The teacher asks the students to discuss and do a reading task in

heterogeneous team. The reading task used in this study consist of skills

of reading like finding general idea, stated detail information, implied

information reference of pronouns, the meaning of unfamiliar word, the

generic structure, and the social purpose of the text.

c. Game Tournament

The teacher asks the students to review the reading task that had

been learnt in Teams by using game. The students play the academic

games at tournament table consisting four students of similar ability

level. Low achievers compete with other low achievers, and high

achievers compete with other high achievers for equal points. The game

has simple format as follows:

Have a deck of numbered cards (1 - 30) available for each

tournament table.

Make up a worksheet of 30 numbered question.

Make up a numbered answer sheet.

Each team picks up a deck of numbered cards, question sheet and

answer sheet.

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Students draw cards at each table. The highest number goes first to

play the game.

The game can be started. First of all, the first player pulls a card

from the deck of cards and reads out the number. Then, the second

player (with the question sheet) reads the question out loud. After

that, the first player answers the question. Meanwhile, the fourth

player (with the answer sheet) has the job to check the answer. If

the answer of the first player is correct, the first player keeps the

card. If the answer of the first player is incorrect, the second player

or the third player may challenge to answer the question. If the

answer of the second player or the third player is correct, the

second student or the third student may keep the card. If the answer

of the second player or the third player is still incorrect, the card

The game proceeds clockwise. After each question (whether the

answer is correct or incorrect) ea

continues until the time is up.

After game tournament is over, the students count the card they get.

The highest scorer get six points; the middle scorer get four points;

and the lowest scorer get two points.

First player

1. Pull a card from the deck of cards and reads out the number

2. Answer the question 3. Pass

Second player

1. Read the question 2. Challenge/answer

the question 3. Pass

Third player

1. Challenge/answer the question

2. Pass

Fourth player

1. Check the answer

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The last, the st

her or his Team. The Team with the highest points is the winner.

d. Bumping System

Bumping system is used to keep the game fair. Tournament tables are

homogenous with regard to ability level. Initially the teacher assigns

students to tournament tables. Later, a bumping system reassign students

to tournament tables: following each tournament the highest scorer at

each table advances to higher ability-level table and the lowest scorer

moves to a lower ability-level.

e. Team Recognition

The teacher gives certificate for the winner.

4. The Strengths and Weaknesses of TGT

Every method has strengths and weaknesses. As part of Cooperative

Learning, TGT also has some strengths and weaknesses. As quoted by farhani

(2010: 30) the strengths of TGT are as follows:

a. TGT is a general Cooperative Learning method adaptable to most

subjects and grade levels. TGT applies to most subjects and grade levels

(Slavin in

b. In studies of methods like TGT, effects on achievement have been

consistently positive (Slavin in

c. TGT emphasizes the use of group goals (in this case, recognition) in

which teams can only achieve success if each team member can perform

well on an independent assessment. This motivates team members to do

a good job of teaching and assessing each other. (Fashola, et al. in

d. -esteem, motivation, altruism, and respect for

others and decreases prejudice (Spolsky, 1999: 558).

Meanwhile, the weaknesses of TGT are as follows:

a. The student having a lack of social skills would not know how to work in

groups and this could result in task or social conflict. (Kagan in

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b. The procedure in TGT as part of CL is very complex and time

consuming. (Troncale in

c. It is difficult and need a long time to d

about the importance of team learning. It can make the smart students

think that her or his friend that is lower than him as a burden for him.

As stated above, TGT has strengths and weaknesses. Those strengths

and weaknesses can be used as a consideration in implementing TGT in

reading class. The writer believes that he can maximize the strengths of TGT

and minimize the weaknesses of TGT.

5. The Relationship between Reading Comprehension and TGT

The final goal of teaching reading is to enable students to read with

understanding. Therefore, teacher needs to be able to facilitate students

reading comprehension and provide them with guide instruction and practice

in comprehension strategies in order to get good comprehension. One of the

strategies that can be used to improve reading comprehension is TGT.

Farhani (2010: 70) says that TGT is an effective method to teach reading.

TGT is one of the strategies under the umbrella of Cooperative Learning.

Slavin (1995: 2) states that Cooperative Learning method can be used

effectively at every level to teach every type of content, from math to reading

to writing to science, from basic skills to complex problem solving. Using

Cooperative Learning can create enjoyable situation during TL process. Olsen

and Kagan (in Kessler 1992: 3) state that Cooperative Learning classes are

often more relaxed and enjoyable than traditional classes. Dealing with

reading, Cooperative Leaning can be used as a comprehension instruction

method in reading class (National Reading Panel, 2000: 4-6). The main

concept of this method is that the students work together to learn strategies in

the context of reading. By learning strategies in the context of reading in

l be more trained.

As a comprehension instruction method in reading class, TGT have

comprehension. There are five major components of TGT; those are: Class

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Presentation, Teams, Game Tournament, Bumping System and Team

Recognition. The first is Class Presentation. In this part, the students will be

taught how to find the general idea, stated detail information, implied

information reference of pronouns, the meaning of unfamiliar word, the

generic structure, and the social purpose of the text. In Class Presentation

stage, the teacher has an important role to give a good model to the students

how to comprehend the text well. Second is Teams. In this part, the students

have to work together to comprehend the text. They will be grouped in

heterogeneous team. Every team consists of the students with different

ability. They will be given a reading task which covered the indicators of

reading. They have to discuss the reading task together. The third is Game

Tournament. It is done to review the material about reading that had been

discussed in study teams. In Game Tournament, the students will play

academics games with the members of other teams to add points to their team

scores. The student must know the material if they want to contribute a high

score. The students play the academic games at tournament table consisting

three or four students of similar ability level. Low achievers compete with

other low achievers, and high achievers compete with other high achievers for

equal points. The fourth is Bumping System. It is done to keep the game fair.

It is used to ensure that all students play the game with similar ability. The

last is Team Recognition. In the end of the tournament, the teams with the

highest scores get certificate as Team Recognition.

D. Previous Relevant Research

comprehension; the writer would like to present some previous relevant

researches. The first is the research which is done by Izah Farhani. The title of her

Students of SMP Batik Surakarta in the Academic

of her research shows that TGT is an effective method to teach reading at the

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seventh grade students of SMP Batik Surakarta. The second is the research which

is done by David L. DeVries, Ida T. Meacon, and Susan L. Shackman. The title of

-Games-Tournament (TGT) Effect on Reading Skills in

vocabulary and verbal analogy skills. The results of the research indicate a

positive TGT effect on growth for vocabulary and analogy skills.

The relevant researches above show that TGT has proven its effectiveness

comprehension using TGT.

E. Rationale

Based on the preliminary observation on the teaching learning process in

SMP Negeri 15 Surakarta, the writer found that students had problems with their

reading comprehension. It was shown by their low score in reading test. It

happened because they did not have adequate grammar and vocabulary mastery.

Besides, the class situation was not interactive, monotonous and boring. Most of

the students tended to be passive in the class. When their teacher invited them to

answer some questions, they were reluctant to answer the questions. It happened

students' interest in reading comprehension.

In solving those problems, what the teacher needs to do first is to shift the

atmosphere of teaching to be more a cooperative one. Cooperative Learning can

be one of the methods which can make the changes of the atmosphere to a better

one. One Cooperative Learning method chosen by the writer is Teams Game

Tournament (TGT). In TGT, after the teacher presents a lesson (Class

presentation), the students meet in four to five member teams to master a set of

worksheet on the lesson (Teams). Then, the students play academics games with

the members of other teams to add points to their team scores (Game

Tournament); again, the student must know the material if they want to contribute

a high score. The teams with the highest scores are recognized by giving them

certificate (Team Recognition).

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By using TGT in teaching English especially in teaching reading, process

of the learning will be more competitive, fun, and cooperative. For one thing, in

the Class Presentation stage, the students can learn from the teacher how to

comprehend the text well. For another thing, the heterogeneous grouping of

students in the Teams enables those who are low achievers to share and learn from

those who are higher. By this cooperative learning, students can better

comprehend the reading materials. Furthermore, the Game Tournament is a very

motivating activity as an exercise and review for the students while they are

having fun with their reading class.

The writer believes that TGT is a good method in conducting reading

activity in the classroom. By conducting a classroom action research which

g comprehension.

It is done by identifying the problems, implementing the plans through some

actions, observing the process and the result of the actions, reflecting and also

revising the result of observation.

F. Hypothesis

Considering carefully the theory underlying reading comprehension and

TGT, the hypothesis is TGT method can improve reading ability of the eight

grade students of SMP N 15 Surakarta in 2010/2011 academic year.

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A. Setting and the Time of the Research

The study is a classroom action research, which is aimed at improving

students' reading comprehension. The research is conducted in SMP N 15

Surakarta. The school is located in Jl. Tirtosari, Purwonegaran 60, Surakarta.

Its location is very strategic near a big street. The situation of the school

environment is safe and quiet. The condition of the school is good. There is a

gate around the school. It can prevent the school from other people to freely

enter the school. There are some rooms which include 21 classrooms, a

room, a garage, a cafeteria, a little mosque, a toilet, a library, a multimedia

room, and a yard. One of the rooms for teaching and learning language is the

multimedia room. It has a computer, tape recorder, a screen and a LCD.

B. Research Subject

The subject of this research is the second grade students of SMP

Negeri 15 Surakarta in class D. Class VIIID consists of 36 students. They are

15 boys and 21 girls.

The writer chooses this class because of the fact and the result of pre-

low. Besides, the class situation was not alive during TL process.

C. Research Methodology

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In this research the writer uses Classroom Action Research as the

by using TGT method.

1. The Definition of Action Research

There are various definitions of action research stated by some

experts. Kemmis as quoted by Hopkins (1993:44) gives the definition of

action research as follows:

Action research is a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participators in a social situation (including education) in order to improve the rationality and justice of (a) their own social or educational practice, (b) their understanding of these practices and (c) the situation in which practices are carried out. Action research is the way groups of people can organize the condition under which they can learn from their own experience. Action research is trying out an idea in practice with a view to improve or changing something, trying to have a real effect on the situation.

The other definition states that Action Research is any systematic

inquiry conducted by teacher researcher, principals, school counselors, or

other stakeholders in the teaching/learning environment, to gather

information about the ways that their particular schools operate, how they

teach, and how well their students learn. This information is gathered

with the goals of gaining insight, developing reflective practice, effecting

positive changes in the school environment (and on educational practices

in general), and improving student outcomes and the lives of those

involve (Mills, 2000: 6)

Burns (1994) in Burns (1999: 30) says that action research is the

application of fact finding to practical problem solving in a social

situation with a view to improving the quality of action within it,

involving the collaboration and co-operation of researchers, practitioners

and laymen.

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Finally, the writer comes to a conclusion based on the definitions

above that action research is the systematic study of efforts to overcome

educational problems or to change things related to educational problems

for improvement. It is done by practitioners or teachers, or in

collaboration of teachers and researchers by means of their own practical

action and their own reflection upon the effects of those actions.

2. Characteristics of Action Research

There are three characteristics of action research as stated by

Kemmis and McTaggart in Nunan (1992:17). They are as follows:

a. Action research is carried out by practitioners rather than outside


b. Action research is collaborative

c. Action research is aimed at changing conditions

3. The Procedure of Action Research

Based on Kemmis and Toggart (1988: 14), this method is

composed of cycles, each of the cycles consists of several phases namely:

planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The model of action

research in this classroom action research uses the model developed by

Kemmis and Taggart (in Hopkins, 1993: 48). There are four steps in this

model of action research namely: planning, implementing the action,

observing, and reflecting.



Observation Step I


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Revised Plan


Observation Step II


Each of the phases could be explained briefly as follows:

a. Planning

The activities in the planning are:

1) Preparing materials, making lesson-plan, and designing the steps

in doing the action


3) Preparing teaching-aids

4) Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the

situation of teaching-learning process when the method or

technique or mode is applied)

5) Preparing a test

b. Action

1) Giving pretest

2) Teaching the class

3) Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or


4) Giving post test

c. Observation

Observation is one of the instruments used in collecting the

data. The writer observes and writes all activities during the

teaching-learning process. The English teacher as the observer will

give some inputs as suggestions to the researcher. The result of the

observation is recorded on observation sheets as the data.

d. Reflecting

Revised Plan

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The result of the observation is analyzed to remember what

observation sheets, the writer evaluates the teaching learning

process during the implementation phase. From this, a self-

reflection can be done. Besides, from test, it can be known whether

The whole process of this research can be seen in the Table 3.1

Table 3.1 Process of the Research

Steps of the research Aims Notes

Pre-research Research implementation

Identifyproblem in reading

difficulties in teaching reading

reading comprehension Conducting each cycle based on the procedure of action research, that is: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting

Observing TL process, Distributing questionnaire, Interviewing the students Interviewing the teacher Conducting pre-test Implementing the action plan in two cycles, each cycle consists of two meetings: Cycle 1: Meeting 1: teaching the topic

method Meeting 2: teaching the topic

using TGT method Cycle 2: Meeting 1: teaching the topic

TGT method

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Meeting 2: teaching the topic

ion in

TGT method.

Post-research opinion about reading and TGT after implementing the research

opinion about reading and TGT after implementing the research

Distributing questionnaire, interviewing the students. Interviewing the teacher.

D. The Technique of Collecting the Data

In this classroom action research, the writer collects the data using

qualitative and quantitative method. Mason and Bramble (1997: 42) say that

action research is designed to uncover effective ways of dealing real world

problems. Action research is not confined to a particular methodology or

paradigm. The action research may utilize qualitative or quantitative

methodology or a mixture of both. The technique itself is as follows:

First, the technique of collecting the qualitative data consists of pre-

research observation, field notes, interview, questionnaire, and photograph.

1. Pre-research observation

The writer conducts an observation dealing with the real situation of the

teaching and learning process before implementing TGT in TL process.

The observation is done by the researcher with the help of the teacher.

2. Field notes

Notes or field notes are descriptions and accounts of events in the research

context which are written in relatively factual and objective style (Burns,

1999: 87). The writer with the help of the teacher makes notes in each

observation done. The writer makes notes to all activities during the lesson

ion and response to the learning.

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3. Interview

The writer conducts interviews at the beginning and the end of the

research. The researcher interviews the teacher and the students. In the

pre-research, the writer interviews them in order to know what problems

both the teacher and the students faced especially in reading lesson. The

interviews are given at the end of the research aimed to know how far the

4. Questionnaire

The questionnaires are given at the beginning and the end of the research.

At the beginning of the research, the writer gives questionnaires to the

questionnaires are given at the end of the research aimed to know how far


5. Photograph

The Photographs are taken by the writer during the teaching learning


Second, the technique of collecting the quantitative data is a test. In

this research, the researcher uses the objective type test in the form of

multiple choice for both pre-test and post-test. Before doing pre test, the

instrument for test is tried out to find out the validity and reliability. To get

the instrument validation, the writer uses internal validity and reliability as

stated in Ngadiso (2006: 1-3). The formula is as follows:

1. Internal Validity


St = standard deviation of the square root of the total of the

square of each deviation score divided by the number of


= the total of the square of each deviation score

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n = the number of respondents


rn the validity of each item

sum of correct answers within the row divided by sum of

correct answers within column

the average of the total correct answers

standard deviation of the square root of the total of the square

of each deviation score divided by the number of respondents

the total of the correct answers divided by the number of


the total of the incorrect answers divided by the

number of respondents

2. Internal Reliability


rkkinternal reliability

the total valid item

the sum of the multiplication of the proportion of the

correct answers and the incorrect answers

standard deviation of the square root of the total of the

squared of each deviation score divided by the number

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of respondents

E. The Technique of Analyzing the Data

In analyzing qualitative data, the writer analyzes the result of pre-

research observation, field notes, interview, questionnaire and photograph of

teaching by using Constant Comparative Method as suggested by Strauss and

Glesser in Moleong (2004: 288-289). They say in general, the data analysis

includes data reduction, data categorization, data synthesis, and ended by

action hypothesis. They are as follows:

1. Data reduction

a. Unit identification. It is done by identifying the smallest unit which is

found in the data. It must have closed relationship with the research


b. Having got the unit, the next step is making codification. It means that

every unit must be coded in order to be known where the data come


2. Data categorization

a. Categorization arrangement. It is aimed at choosing every unit which

has the same characteristics.

b. Every category must be labelled.

3. Synthesis

To synthesize means to look for relationship between one category to


Then related one category to the others must be given a label again.


Formulate a proportional statement that comes from the data.

In analyzing the data, the writer investigates pre-research observation

result, interview, questionnaire, field notes, and photograph of teaching by

making exposition and conclusion. The classroom action research in this

study is successful if there i

comprehension. The success can be seen when the students can do the test,

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besides, the class situation is better than before where the students enjoy and

feel comfortable in learning reading comprehension in the classroom.

The quantitative data are analyzed by comparing the mean scores of

the pre-test and the post-test to know the difference before and after the cycle.

In analyzing the data in the form of numbers as the result of the test, the

researcher finds the mean scores of the pre-test and the post-test. Then, the

researcher compares those scores. The improvement can be seen from the

score in post-test which is higher than the score in the pre-test.

The mean scores of pre test and post test can be calculated with the

formula as follows:





In which:

X = Mean of pre-test scores

Y = Mean of post-test scores

N = Number of pairs

Furchan (2004: 158)

F. Data Validation

To get the valid data, the writer applied between-method

triangulation. According to Denzin in Bryman (2010: 3), between-method

triangulation involves contrasting research methods. In the research, the

writer contrasted the data he had gathered through observation, interview,

field notes, and photographs to the result of the test.

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The objectives of this research are identifying the improvement of the

the class situation during

teaching and learning process when implementing TGT. Chapter IV is

divided into two sections: research finding and discussion. Each section is

described as follows:

A. Research Findings

This section shows the findings of the research. The findings are taken

from the situation prior to the research, planning of the research,

implementation of the research, and result of the research.

1. Situation Prior to the Research

In conducting the research, the writer worked collaboratively with

the English teacher of SMP N 15 Surakarta, namely teacher RS. Before

conducting the research, he told teacher RS that he would conduct an

action research. Teacher RS agreed to conduct an action research in her

class. Then, the writer and teacher RS worked together in implementing

the research. The writer took role as a practitioner, while teacher RS took

role as an observer.

Before conducting the research, the writer did an observation,

interviewed the teacher, distributed questionnaire, and gave pre-test to the

students. The situation before the research can be seen in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 The Situation Prior to the Research

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Problem identified 1) 2) The classroom situation was not alive during

teaching learning process Indicators

1) The mean score of students reading comprehension was 5.3 from the level 0-10

The mean score of finding general idea was 4.8

The mean score of finding stated detail information was 5.5

The mean score of finding implied information was 4.9

The mean score of finding the meaning of unfamiliar words was 5.3

The mean score of finding reference of pronouns was 5.7

The mean score of finding social purpose was 5.6

The mean score of finding generic structure was 5.5

2) The class situation was not alive during teaching Most of the students were reluctant to

Some of the students were busy talking to

their friends during the class Some of the students did not pay attention

to The students seemed to be bored during

reading class Causes 1) The students do not have adequate grammar and

vocabulary mastery for understanding reading text 2) The teacher was less creative in their teaching

As seen in Table 4.1

ability in reading and the class situation. Based on the observation and

interview results, the problems could be identified as follows: (1) the

on was

not alive.

First, the students reading comprehension was low. The result of

comprehension was still under KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum).

KKM for English in eight grade of SMP N 15 was 6.0 from the level 0-10.

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The reading pre-test was conducted to the eighth grade students, which

consisted of thirty six students. The reading pre-test consisted of seven

skills of reading. They were finding general idea, stated detail information,

implied information, the meaning of unfamiliar words, reference of

reading comprehension was still low, because

reading was 5.3 from the level 0-10. It was lower than KKM used in SMP

N 15. For the detail, the mean score of finding general idea was 4.8, the

mean score of finding stated detail information was 5.5, the mean score of

finding implied information was 4.9, the mean score of finding the

meaning of unfamiliar word was 5.3, the mean score of finding reference

of pronouns was 5.7, the mean score of finding social purpose was 5.6, and

the mean score of finding generic structure was 5.5.

Second, the class situation was not alive. The observation result

and interview results in pre-research showed that in teaching English,

teacher RS taught the students by using lecturing method and picture to

draw students' interest in reading comprehension. As a result, the reading

lesson became monotonous and boring. It made class situation was not

alive during TL process. The students were reluctant to ask any question

friends during the class; they did not give attention to the teacher

explanation; and they seemed to be bored during reading class.

The problems above happened because of factors came from the

students and the teacher. They could be identified as follows: (1) the

students did not have adequate grammar and vocabulary mastery for

understanding reading text, and (2) the teacher was less creative in their

teaching. Lecturing method which was used by the teacher had failed to

ss situation.

2. Planning of the Research

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After knowing the situation prior the research, the writer planned to

conduct an action research by using TGT method to improve students

reading comprehension and class situation.

3. Implementation of the Research

This classroom action research was conducted into two cycles.

Each cycle consisted of five steps which include: (1) planning the action,

(2) implementing the action, (3) observing the action, (4) reflecting the

observation result, and (5) revising the plan. The summary of the research

implementation can be seen in Table 4.2.

Every cycle in this research was held in two meetings, and every

meeting spent about 80 minutes. The cycle discussed a recount text. Cycle

5th until January

22th, 2011. After cycle 1 was implemented, the writer observed and

reflected the result of cycle 1. From those, the writer found some strengths

and weaknesses of cycle 1. Therefore, the writer decided to revise his plan

and conducted cycle 2 to solve the weaknesses in cycle 1. Cycle 2 covered

nuary 29nd until

February 9th, 2011. After Cycle 2 was implemented, the writer observed

and reflected the result of Cycle 2. From those, the writer found that the

weaknesses of cycle 2 had been solved. The writer also had found the

improvements on students

Then, the writer decided to stop the cycle.

Table 4.2 The Summary of Research Implementation

Problem identified

The class situation was not alive

Proposed solution The writer used TGT method in teaching reading

Class used for AR VIII (eight) Cycle 2 cycles Cycle 1

Two meetings

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Planning Action Observation

worksheet, and instruments of TGT (cards, question sheet, answer sheet, scoring point sheet, certificate, and etc)

method The researcher gave post test 1 to the students

The observations were: The positive results

The students could comprehend the text easier through the procedure of TGT

The mean score of finding general idea was 6.3 The mean score of finding stated detail

information was 6.8 The mean score of finding the implied

information was 6.0 The mean score of finding reference of

pronouns was 6.5 The mean score of finding the generic structure

was 6.4 Most of the students were active in answering the

Most of the students paid attention to the teache

explanation Most of the students were active in discussing the

material Most of the students felt enjoyable in TL process

The negative results The students still had difficulties in comprehending the

text especially in finding the meaning of unfamiliar word and social purpose of text

The mean score of finding the meaning of unfamiliar word was 5.6

The mean score of finding social purpose was 5.8


Some students were noisy during TL process Some students seemed passive during TL process Some students did not understand about the procedure of

TGT especially in understanding the format of Game Tournament

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Reflection Revising plan

The reflection were: Students reading comprehension

The student could comprehend the text

easier through TGT in the skills of finding general idea, stated detail information, implied information, reference of pronouns, and generic structure of the text

The students still had difficulties in comprehending the text in the skill of finding the meaning of unfamiliar word and social purpose of text

Class situation

Most of the students were active in

Most of the students paid attention to the teach

Most of the students were active in discussing the material

Most of the students felt enjoyable in TL process

There were some students who did not pay attention during TL process

There were some students who were still passive during TL process

There were some students who were noisy during TL process

There were some students who did not understand the procedure of TGT especially in understanding the format of Game Tournament

The writer would give different topic to improve studentswould focus to improve the skills of finding the meaning of unfamiliar word and social purpose. In class presentation stage, the writer would teach the students how to find the meaning of unfamiliar word by using context. Meanwhile, in finding the social purpose of recount text, the writer would gave more explanation about recount text.

The writer would explain the format of Game Tournament by demonstrating it in front of the class

The writer would give more attention to the passive students and the noisy students during TL process

Cycle 2 Planning Action

Two meetings

worksheet, and instruments of TGT (cards, question sheet, answer sheet, scoring point sheet, certificate, and etc)





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by using TGT method The writer gave post test 2 to the students

The observations were:

The students could comprehend reading text better than previous cycle

The mean score of finding general idea was 6.6 The mean score of finding stated detail

information was 7.2 The mean score of finding implied information

was 6.2 The mean score of finding the meaning of

unfamiliar word was 6.7 The mean score of finding reference of

pronouns was 6.8 The mean score of finding social purpose was

7.1 The mean score of finding generic structure was

6.7 Most of the students were active in discussing the

material The passive and noisy students in TL process decreased Most of the students felt enjoyable during TL process The students understood about the format of Game



The reflections were: The students reading comprehension

The students could comprehend the text better.

comprehension was 6.7 Class situation

Most of the students were active in answering

Most of the students paid attention to the ion

Most of the students were active in answering

Most of the students were active in discussing the material

Most of the students felt enjoyable during TL process

Revising plan

The writer did not revise the plan because all the weaknesses in cycle 1 had been solved.

Post research The writer distributed questionnaire and interviewed the students and the teacher to identify their opinion about reading and TGT

General reflection

comprehension and class situation. Each cycle showed

comprehension could be found in their ability in finding the general idea, stated detail information, implied information,, the meaning of unfamiliar word, reference of pronouns, generic

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structure, and social purpose of the text. The improvement of class situation could be seen from their attitudes during TL

they paid attention during TL process, they were active in discussing the material, and they felt enjoyable during TL process.

The more detail description of the implementations can be seen in

the following section:

a. Cycle 1

1) Planning the Action

The action plan for the first cycle was made based on the

problems identified on the pre-research. The problems were identified

class situation was not alive. To overcome those problems, the writer

decided to conduct an action research by carrying out activities, which

are based on the procedure of Teams Games Tournament to improve

students reading comprehension and class situation.

Before the action was implemented, the writer prepared the

sheet, and instruments of TGT

(cards, question sheet, answer sheet, scoring point sheet, certificate)

and everything related to the action. The writer implemented the

action and teacher RS observed the whole process of TL in the class.

2) Implementing the Action

The writer carried out the implementation of the action.

Meanwhile teacher RS took role as the observer. In the first cycle, the

o help

students comprehending the text. The first cycle was conducted in two

meetings. Each meeting was divided in to three parts, namely: pre

activity, main activity, and post activity.

a) The First Meeting

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(1) Pre Activity

The lesson started at 09.45 a.m. After the class was ready,

and then, he started to introduce the topic that would be learnt.

The writer explained to the students that they would learn

about recount text through TGT. They looked curiosity about

Pak, TGT itu apa

TGT itu Teams Games Tournament. Dalam TGT,

kalian akan dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok untuk

bekerjasama menyelesaikan tugas yang berkaitan dengan teks.

Sesudah itu akan ada game tournament untuk mereview materi

yang didiskusian dikelompok. Jadi, ada game ya

pak? Iya, game yang berkaitan dengan materi

After that, he introduced the students about TGT and its

procedure. Then, he divided the students into teams of four

which are heterogeneous in academic score based on pre test

score. Each team chose one student as a leader. It seemed that

the students felt strange with the situation because they never

learnt in team especially in reading lesson. Then, he distributed

the material about recount text.

Birthday Party:

birthday party. I was very excited. I went there with George and Tina. We wore fancy dress because it was a fancy dress party. I wore a host costume, Tina became Xena, the warrior princess, and George was as a vampire.

ate some food and drank coke.

Later on, we did some game. Everybody enjoyed them. I cheered so hard that I nearly lost my voice. While

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went out. Some girls screamed because they were afraid of dark. Folights went on again, and we continued the games.

The party was over at 10. Before the party was over, the Mc announced the best costume of the party. George got the first prize. He looked so happy.

Finally, my Dad arrived to take me home. I was so tired, but happy.

(2) Main Activity

In the first meeting, the writer taught the students about

TGT method. There were some steps in conducting TL using

TGT procedure. They were: Class Presentation, Teams, Game

Tournament, and Team Recognition.

The first step was Class Presentation. Before the writer

Knowledge of Field by asking some questions related to the

What is Birthday Party

Pesta ulang tahun H What

is an activity that you can do in birthday party First student

eating together, Sir S Nggak

ngrayain, Pak T Sleeping, Sir

Then, the writer started to give Class Presentation. In this phase,

the writer asked the students to keep silent and pay attention to

his explanation. Paying attention during classroom presentation

stage would help them to understand the material that the writer

Kalau kalian tidak memperhatikan dan ramai

sendiri, kalian tidak akan paham materi yang saya ajarkan

Then, he taught the students about recount text. The social

purpose of recount text itself is to retell past experience of the

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writer. The generic structure is orientation, events, and

reorientation. Besides that, he also taught them how to

comprehend the content of the text like finding the general idea,

stated detail information, implied information, the meaning of

unfamiliar words, and reference of pronouns.

The first was finding general idea. The writer asked the

students to find general idea by using skimming strategy. He

Kalau mencari ide pokok suatu teks, kalian hanya perlu

membaca sekilas judulnya, kalimat pertama dan kalimat akhir

pada setiap paragraph. Dari situ, kita bisa menentukan apa ide

pokok dari teks tersebut What does the

text tell about

Party Good, the text tells

second was finding stated detail information. He asked the

students to scan the text in finding stated detail information of

the text. He said, Kalau ingin mencari stated detail information

dalam teks, kalian hanya perlu memahami informasi yang

ditanyakan saja. Jadi cukup baca pertanyaan yang ditanyakan,

kemudian cari jawaban yang diperlukan dalam pertanyaan itu

dengan membaca cepat teksnya

When did the party start? Seven

Good, the party started at seven The third was

finding implied information of the text. He asked the students to


ingin menemukan makna tersirat dalam teks, kalian harus benar

benar mengerti fakta-fakta/kejadian yang ada dalam teks. Dari

situ kita bisa membuat kesimpulan tentang makna tersirat dari

sebuah teks


replied The fourth

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was finding reference of pronouns. Reference of pronouns

consisted of pronouns like he, she, it, they, we, I and so on. He

gave example to the students how to find it. For example, He

Look at paragraph 1 line 2. We wore fancy

dress because it was a fancy dress party. What does the word we

refer to I, George, and Tina. He

. The word we refers to the writer, George,

and Tina. The last was finding the meaning of unfamiliar word.

He asked them to look for the meaning of unfamiliar word in

Look at paragraph 1

line 2. I was very excited. What is the meaning of excited


heboh gembira

The right answer is happy Kalau menurut

konteks kalimatnya, arti excited yang tepat adalah gembira.

Bukan kegairahan atau heboh

over, he gave chances to the students to ask questions dealing

with the material.

The second step was Teams. In this phase, the writer asked

the students working together in group to do the task related to

the topic. There were some tasks which must be done by the

students. The first task was finding the meaning of unfamiliar

word. They have to find the meaning of unfamiliar word like

excited, fancy, cheered, screamed, announced, and so on. He

asked them to consult the dictionary to find the right meaning.

The second task was finding the generic structure of the text.

The third was finding the information of the text. It consisted of

the skills of finding stated detail information, implied

information, reference of pronouns, the meaning of unfamiliar

word, and social purpose of the text. The questions were in the

form of essay. He asked them to answer the questions of the

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text. The last was finding information of the text by giving true

and false answer. It consisted of the skills of finding stated detail

and implied information. By doing the task, the students would

practice how to find general idea, stated detail information,

implied information, the meaning of unfamiliar words, reference

of pronouns, generic structure and generic social purpose of

recount text in team. While the students discussed the task, the


activity. Because it was the first time the students involved in

TGT, it looked like that some of them did not know what they

had to do with the text although the writer guided them. He saw

only 3 groups could do the discussion well but the others could

not do it. In other groups, only the smart students do the task. He

said that in doing the task, they should discuss with the group. In

this phase, the students could help each other to do the task.

After all groups finished the task, he asked them to collect the

result of their discussion.

The third step was Game Tournament. The writer asked

the students to play the academic game at tournament table

consisting four students which have similar ability level. Low

achievers competed with other low achievers, and high

achievers competed with other high achievers for equal points.

The game had simple rules which allow students to take turn

answering content-relevant question. In this phase, the students

had to work independently to win the game. He said, Dalam

sesi game ini, kalian bekerja sendiri-sendiri dan tidak boleh

saling membantu

for reviewing and mastering the learning material that had been

practiced in Teams.

After Game Tournament was over, the writer asked the

students to score the points of each tournament table. The

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highest scorer from each tournament table got six points for his

or her team; the middle scorer got four points; and the lowest

scorer got two. Then, the Team points of each group were

totalled. From those, it could be decided the winner of TGT.

The last step was Team Recognition. After knowing the

winning group, the writer announced the winner and gave Team

Recognition by giving them certificate. The winner was the

group who have the highest score. The winners in this meeting

were group yellow and white. The result of TGT in the second

meeting could be seen in the table 4.3.

Table 4.3 TGT Result in the First Meeting of Cycle 1

(3) Post Activity

Firstly, the writer summed up the lesson. Then, he did

reflection by asking some questions to the students. Reflection


belajar reading dengan metode TGT bagaimana menurut

kalian, apakah ada kesulitan

Apakah kalian bisa menemukan

general idea, stated detail information, implied information, the

meaning of unfamiliar words, reference of pronouns, generic

structure dan social purpose dari recount teks

Points Team recognition Black 10 Good team Blue 12 Good team

Yellow 20 Super team White 20 Super team Red 18 Great team

Green 16 Great team purple 14 Good team Orange 16 Great team Grey 18 Great team

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Ya, tapi masih susah Pak

Bisa Pak, sedikit sedikit

Bisa pak, kalau ngerjainya sama sama

Ya, nggak papa. Berarti harus belajar lagi ya, jangan

menyerah. Kalau menurut kalian belajar

dengan TGT bagaimana?

Menyenangkan Pak

The third studen Agak bingung Pak dengan peraturanya

He replied, -lama

nanti juga kalian akan paham. Pertemuan selanjutnya nanti

sama kayak gini ya! Biar kalian terbiasa

Iya, Pak aised what the students

lesson after the bell rang.

b) Second Meeting

(1) Pre Activity

The lesson started at 09.45 a.m. After the class was ready,

the writer greeted the students, checked the student

and then, he started to introduce the topic that would be learnt.

The writer told to the students that they would learn about

recount text through TGT. He explained again the procedure

TGT to make them understand about it. Then, he distributed the

material about recount text.

Here is the material of recount text entitled Dance Party:

Dance Party

Last year, I went to a dance party. A dance party

07.30 and ended at 09.30. In the middle of the party, I saw a guy that I had a

crush on. To get his attention, I went to the stage and started to dance with my friends. It was my first dance and

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ose to the rim of the stage. Suddenly, I tripped and fell of the stage. The music stopped for a while and everyone laughed, including the guy that I had a crush on. I felt so stupid

It was a party that I would never forget.

(2) Main Activity

In the third meeting, the writer taught the students about

There were some steps in conducting TL using TGT procedure.

They were: Class Presentation, Teams, Game Tournament, and

Team Recognition.

The first step was Class Presentation. Before the writer

Knowledge of Field by asking some question related to the

What is party? pesta pak

What kinds of party do you know?


Yes, there are many kinds of party. For example,

birthday party, dance party, marriage party, and so on

he started to give class presentation. In this phase, I taught again

the student about recount text. The purpose of recount text itself

is to retell past experience of the writer. The generic structure is

orientation, events, and reorientation. Besides that, the writer

also taught them how to comprehend the content of the text like

finding the general idea, stated detail information, implied

information, the meaning of unfamiliar words, and reference of


The first was finding general idea. The writer asked the

students to find general idea by skimming the text. Then, he

asked them,

Dance Party Good, the text tells about

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pertemuan pertama kita membicarakan tenta

Birthday Party, hari ini kita membicarakan tentang Dance

The second was finding stated detail information. He

asked the students to scan the text in finding stated detail

When did

the writer go to a Dance Party? Last

year Good, last year the writer went to a Dance

The third was finding implied information. He asked the

students to find implied information by making inference. For


Some students answered Two hours

The fourth was finding reference of pronouns. He gave example

to the students how to find it. For example, he asked the

students, aragraph 1 line 2. I went to a dance

party I

refers to the writer

unfamiliar word. He asked the students to consult the dictionary

in finding the meaning of unfamiliar word. For example, he

Look at the paragraph 1 line 1. In the middle of

the party, I saw a guy that I had a crush on. What is the meaning

of middle Pinggang


Setengah Middle is central part, position, and

point in time Kalau menurut konteks kalimatnya, arti

middle yang tepat adalah pertengahan waktu. Bukan pinggang

After my class presentation was over, he gave chances to the

students to ask questions dealing with the material.

The second step was Teams. In this phase, he gave some

tasks related to the topic. The tasks consisted of seven skills of

reading comprehension. Those were finding general idea, stated

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detail information, implied information, the meaning of

unfamiliar word, reference of pronouns, generic structure, and

social purpose of the text. The first task was finding the meaning

of unfamiliar word. They have to find the meaning of unfamiliar

word like stage, rim, tripped, laughed and so on. He asked them

to consult the dictionary to find the right meaning. The second

task was finding the generic structure of the text. The third was

finding the information of the task. It consisted of the skills of

finding stated detail information, implied information, reference

of pronoun, the meaning of unfamiliar word, and social purpose

of the text. The questions were in the form of essay. I asked

them to answer the questions of the text. The last was finding

information by giving true and false answer. It consisted of the

skills of finding stated detail and implied information. By doing

the task, the students would practice how to comprehend the

text. While the students discussed the task, he moved around the

discussion could run well. They shared and helped each other to

do the task. In this meeting the class situation was rather noisy

but controlled.

The third step was Game Tournament. He asked the

students to play the academic game at tournament table

consisting four students which have similar ability level. Before

Game Tournament was done, he reassigned the student in table

tournament by using Bumping System. By using it, each winner

of the first meeting moved to a higher-level table, while the

loser of the first meeting moves to an easier table. This ensures

that all students are playing with same-ability.

After Game Tournament was over, he asked the students

to score the points of each tournament table. The highest scorer

from each tournament table got six points for his or her team;

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the middle scorer got four points; and the lowest scorer got two.

Then, the Team points of each group were totalled. From those,

it could be decided the winner of TGT.

The last step was Team Recognition. After knowing the

winning group, he announced the winner and gave Team

recognition by giving them certificate. The winner was the

group who have the highest score. The winners in this meeting

were group blue and orange. The result of TGT in the second

meeting could be seen in the table 4.4.

Table 4.4 TGT Result in the Second Meeting of Cycle 1

(3) Post Activity

Firstly, he summed up the lesson. Then, he did reflection

by asking some questions to the students. Reflection was done to

Apakah ada kesulitan

dalam menemukan general idea, stated detail information,

implied information, the meaning of unfamiliar words, reference

of pronouns, generic structure, dan social purpose dari recount

teks? Untuk menemukan the

meaning of unfamiliar word agak susah Pak. Kalau ga buka

kamus ga bisa

Third s Saya semuanya ga bisa Pak. Saya

gak bisa Bahasa Inggris Pak Ya, nggak papa.

Points Team recognition Black 16 Great team Blue 18 Super team

Yellow 12 Good team White 16 Great team Red 14 Good team

Green 16 Great team purple 14 Good team Orange 18 Super team Grey 14 Good team

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Bagi yang belum bisa harus banyak belajar lagi ya, jangan


during TL process. He asked Untuk pertemuan kali

ini, menurut kalian belajar dengan TGT bagaimana

Menyenangkan Pak

Lebih baik dari pertemuan sebelumnya,Pak

Masih bingung Pak dengan peraturan gamenya

Ya, tidak apa apa. Untuk pertemuan selanjutnya

akan ada test. Kalian belajar di rumah ya

what the students did, by saying: .

Finally, he closed the lesson after the bell rang.

3) Observing the action

While carrying out TGT in TL process, besides implementing

the action, I also observed the class situation helped English teacher

RS. The whole observation results were written down in the field note.

In the cycle 1, there were two meetings. Every meeting

reading that would be improve were finding general idea, stated detail

information, implied information, the meaning of unfamiliar word,

reference of pronouns, generic structure, and social purpose of the

text. Besides, the writer also had to improve class situation during TL

process. The improvement of class situation could be seen from the

class situation during TL process where class situation after

implemented TGT was better than before.

comprehension. At first, it could be seen from the result of test. The

result of pre test was 5.3 while the result of post test 1 was 6.2. It

showed that there were improvements

comprehension. For the detail, it could be seen in the table 4.5.

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Table 4.5 The Mean Scores of Comprehension Skills in Pre Test

and Post Test 1

No Skills Pre test Post test 1

1 Finding general idea 4.8 6.3

2 Finding stated detail information 5.5 6.8

3 Finding implied information 4.9 6.0

5 Finding the meaning of unfamiliar word 5.3 5.6

4 Finding reference of pronouns 5.7 6.5

6 Finding social purpose 5.6 5.8

7 Finding generic structure 5.5 6.4

8 Total mean Score 5.3 6.2

From the table above, it could be seen the improvements of

information, implied information, reference of pronouns and generic

structure of text. The mean scores of those skills were higher than

KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum). KKM for English used in SMP

N 15 was 6.0 from the level 0-

comprehension in finding the meaning of unfamiliar word and social

purpose of text were still low. The mean scores of those skills were

still lower than KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum).

The second was the improvements of class situation. In

general, the TL processes by using TGT run well. The class was rather

noisy but controlled. He tried to play his role in managing the class.

He taught the students by using the procedure of TGT; those were

Class presentation, Teams, Games tournament, and Team recognition.

Because it was the first time the students were taught by using TGT

method; it seemed that the students felt strange with the situation

because they never taught by TGT method in reading lesson. After the

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students were taught by using TGT method, the class situation showed

improvements. The class became more alive; most students became

ntion to the

their group, and they felt enjoyable during TL process. Even though,

during TL process, were noisy in class, and did not understand the

format of Game Tournament in TGT.

4) Reflecting the Observation Result

From the observation above, it showed that the cycle 1 had

some strengths and weaknesses. First, the strengths of cycle 1 were:

(1) the improvements of

detail information, implied information, and generic structure; (2) the

attitude during TL process. Most of the students were active in

answering teacher question, paid attention, were active in discussing

the material, and felt enjoyable during TL process. Second, the


skill in finding

the meaning of unfamiliar word and social purpose; (2) The problems

of class situation; there were some students who were still passive, did

not pay attention during TL process, who were noisy, and did not

understand the format of Game Tournament in TGT.

5) Revising the Plan

To overcome some problems occurring in cycle 1, he would

create some plans. First, he would provide different topic in cycle 2. It

was hoped giving different topic would help the students to improve

their ability in comprehending the text. For cycle 2, he would focus on

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skills of finding the

meaning of unfamiliar word and social purpose of the text. To

improve the st skill in finding the meaning of unfamiliar word,

he would teach the student about the way to find unfamiliar word by

skill in finding social

purpose of text, he would give explanation about recount text more

deeply. Second, he would explain the format of Game Tournament by

demonstrating it in front of the class. It would help the students to

understand its format. Third, he would give more attention to the

students who were passive, did not pay attention, and were noisy

during TL process. By giving them more attention, he hoped that they

would be better than before.

b. Cycle 2

1) Planning the Action

Before doing the action of cycle 2, the writer and teacher RS

discussed the problems and prepared the materials, lesson plan,

camera, and other equipments related to the action. The discussion

concluded that for the next cycle, he should focus to improve the

purpose by giving them explanation about those skills more deeply,

explained the format of game tournament by demonstrating it in front

of the class, and gave more attention to the student who were passive,

did not pay attention, and were noisy during TL process.

2) Implementing the Action

In th

TGT method was still used in cycle 2.

a) The First Meeting

(1) Pre Activity

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The first meeting of cycle 2 was conducted in the

classroom. The writer started the class at 09.45. As usual, he

greeted the students and checked their attendance. He said the

Here is the material of recount text entitled Travelling to

the Beach:

Travelling to the Beach

Last week Roger, his parents and sister went a picnic to the beach. They prepared early in the morning. They left for the beach at 9 in the morning.

Mr. Stanley drove the car carefully. They went to the gas station to buy the fuel for his car. They bought a full tank of the fuel because the travelling took three hours to get the beach.

After getting to the destination, they had lunch first. They felt hungry after a long journey. They ate under the coconut trees on the white sand.

Then they swam, played a ball, and took a walk in the beach before they went home at 4 in the evening.

They felt tired but they were very glad.

Before the writer did his presentation, he explained again

Sekali lagi saya ingatkan TGT

itu ada empat langkahnya; yaitu, Class Presentation, Teams,

Game Tournament, dan Team Recognition. Berdasarkan

pertemuan-pertemuan sebelumnya, kalian banyak yang tidak

paham tentang format dari game tournament.

four students to move forward in front of the class and

demonstrating how to conduct Game Tournament in TGT. I said

Sekarang perhatikan empat teman kalian ini

yang akan mengadakan simulasi bagamana melaksanakan

format dari Game Tournament tersebut

instruction for the four students to demonstrate it. After that, he

asked the students about the difficulties in conducting TGT.

There was no question from the students. It seemed that the

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students had understood about it because they had played it on

the previous m

this meeting.

(2) Main Activity

The first step was Class Presentation. Before that, the

asking some question related of the topic. He asked the students,

What is travelling Piknik, Pak

He He Where will you go if you

have a picnic Ga pingin kemana mana

Pak Pantai, Pak


the Beach Now, keep silent and give your attention

. Then, he started to give class presentation.

In this phase, he focused to teach them how to find the meaning

of unfamiliar word and social purpose of recount text. He said,

Berdasarkan hasil test, nilai kalian yang masih kurang itu

mengenai skill menemukan the meaning of unfamiliar word dan

social purpose dari recount teks. Hari ini saya akan focus

menerangkan tentang

The first was finding the meaning of unfamiliar word. The

writer asked the students to find the meaning of unfamiliar word

Karena dalam test kalian dilarang

membuka kamus, maka cara untuk mengetahui kata kata sulit

adalah dengan cara melihat konteks kalimatnya. Caranya yaitu

dengan melihat kata-kata disekitar kata sulit yang ditanyakan

Then, he gave them an example how to find the meaning of

Look at paragraph 1 line 2. Mr.

Stanley drove the car carefully. What is the meaning of drove?

Disekitar kata drove ada kata Mr. Stanley, the car,

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carefully. Dengan melihat kata-kata tersebut cobalah untuk

menebak arti kata dari drove

Mengemudikan Good, the answer is


Untuk mengetahui tentang tujuan dari

recount teks, kalian harus tahu terlebih dahulu ciri-ciri dari

recount teks. Pertama, recount teks selalu memakai simple past

tense. Hal ini dikarenakan recount teks bertujuan menceritakan

hal-hal di masa lampau. Kedua, dalam recount teks ada

orientation, events, dan reorientation. Ketiga, recount teks

biasanya kita temukan di jenis teks dalam bentuk jurnal/catatan

harian, surat, dan otobiografi seseorang. Jika ciri-ciri tersebut

ada dalam sebuah teks, kita bisa dengan mudah menentukan

tujuan dari teks tersebut. Now, look at

this text. What is the social purpose of this text?

The social purpose of recount text is

to retell the past experience of the writer Jadi kalau

ada pertanyaan yang menanyakan tentang tujuan dari teks

recount, yaitu menceritakan kembali tentang pengalaman

penulis di masa lalu. Jadi bukan menggambarkan/describe,

membujuk/persuade, menghibur/entertain, atau


he gave chances to the students to ask questions dealing with the


The second step was Teams. In this phase, he gave some

tasks related to the topic. The tasks consisted of seven skills of

reading comprehension. Those were finding general idea, stated

detail information, implied information, the meaning of

unfamiliar word, reference of pronouns, generic structure, and

social purpose of the text. The first task was finding the meaning

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of unfamiliar word. They have to find the meaning of unfamiliar

word like picnic, tank, destination, travelling, and so on. he

asked them to consult the dictionary to find the right meaning.

The second task was finding the generic structure of the text.

The third was finding the information of the task. It consisted of

the skills of finding stated detail information, implied

information, reference of pronoun, the meaning of unfamiliar

word, and social purpose of the text. The questions were in the

form of essay. He asked them to answer the questions of the

text. The last was finding information by giving true and false

answer. It consisted of the ability of finding stated detail and

implied information. By doing the task, the students would

practice how to comprehend the text.

The third step was Game Tournament. He asked the

students to play the academic games at tournament table

consisting four students which have similar ability level. The

purpose of Game Tournament itself was for reviewing and

mastering the learning material that had been practiced in


After Game Tournament was over, he asked the students

to score the points of each tournament table. The highest scorer

from each tournament table got six points for his or her team;

the middle scorer got four points; and the lowest scorer got two.

Then, the Team points of each group were totalled. From those,

it could be decided the winner of TGT.

The last step was Team Recognition. After knowing the

winning group, he announced the winner and gave Team

Recognition by giving them certificate. The winners in this

meeting were group red. The result of TGT in the first meeting

of cycle 2 can be seen in the table 4.6.

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Table 4.6 TGT Result in the First Meeting of Cycle 2

(3) Post Activity

Firstly, the writer summed up the lesson. Then, he did

reflection by asking some questions to the students. Reflection

was done to measure the student

Apakah ada

kesulitan dalam menemukan the meaning of unfamiliar words

First student answered,

Kesulitan pasti ada Pak. Tapi bisa kok saya mengerjakanya

Sama Pak

Bisalah Pak. Kesulitanya ya kalau menemukan kata kata sulit

yang kita tidak tahu artinya. Tapi bisa diatasi dengan buka

kamus atau dengan cara melihat konteks kalimatnya. Kalau

untuk menemukan social purpose dari recount teks mudah

Ya, nggak papa. Bagi yang belum bisa harus banyak

belajar lagi ya, jangan menyerah

Untuk pertemuan kali ini, menurut kalian belajar dengan TGT

bagaimana Menyenangkan, Pak

Lebih baik dari pertemuan sebelumnya, Pak

Saya sudah gak bingung pak dengan format

gamenya Ya,bagus. Untuk pertemuan selanjutnya

masih seperti ini ya! praised what the students

Points Team recognition Black 14 Good team Blue 12 Good team

Yellow 18 Great team White 18 Great team Red 20 Super team

Green 16 Great team purple 14 Good team Orange 16 Great team Grey 18 Great team

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did, by saying: . Finally, he closed the

lesson after the bell rang.

b) Second Meeting

(1) Pre Activity

The lesson started at 09.45 a.m. After the class was ready,

the writer greeted the students, checked the stude

and then, he started to introduce the topic that would be learnt.

He explained again the procedure of TGT and

demonstrating the format of Game Tournament to make them

understand about it. Then, he distributed the material about

recount text.

Here is the material of recount text entitled My Vacation

She lives behind one of the hills in Boyolali. I went there with my brother, Yoga. We left for

Semarang and got off at Solo bus station. My aunt had waited for us there. She then took us to her house in Selo. This place is famous for its beautiful scenery.

The journey to Selo was thrilling. We had to climb the hill. The street was twisted here and there. Moreover, it was foggy that afternoon. So, I could only see few meters in front of me. Luckily, my aunt was a good driver. She did it very well.

the evening. The place was completely dark. It was also very cold. Yoga and I refused to take a bath although my aunt said she had prepared hot water for us.

At night, we went to one of the hills there. There was an offering ceremony. The villagers offered a buffalo head for the Mount Merapi. People were dancing and singing during the ceremony. They wore Javanese costumes. Yoga and I enjoyed the performance. We wore very thick jackets because it was very cold.

(2) Main Activity

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The first step was Class Presentation, the writer stimulated

What is vacation

Liburan pak What is an activity that you can do

in your vacation Watching TV, Sir

Mancing Pak The third student said

Playing football, Sir

Everybody may have different answer The topic of today is

class presentation. In this phase, he focused to teach them how

to find the meaning unfamiliar word and social purpose of

recount text.

First, the writer taught them how to find the meaning of

Look at paragraph 2 line 2.

The street was twisted here and there. What is the meaning is of

twisted Lihat kata disekitar twisted, ada the street,

here, dan there. Dari situ coba tebak arti dari twisted

the students answered, -kelok

Untuk mengetahui tujuan dari recount

teks, kita haus tahu terlebih dahulu apa ciri-ciri dari recount

teks. Apa ciri-cirinya Menggunakan

simple past tense Ada orientation,

even, dan reorientation dalam teks

Biasanya recount teks kita temui di catatan harian/diary,

surat, dan otobiografi Good


To retell the past experience of the writer

dari recount teks semua harus bisa ya

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Iya, Pak

chances to the students to ask questions dealing with the


The second step was Teams. The writer gave the students

some tasks related to the topic. There were some tasks which

must be done by the students. The first task was finding the

meaning of unfamiliar word. They have to find the meaning of

unfamiliar word like vacation, hill, scenery, thrilling and so on.

He asked them to consult the dictionary to find the right

meaning. The second task was finding the generic structure of

the text. The third was finding the information of the task. It

consisted of the skills of finding stated detail information,

implied information, reference of pronoun, the meaning of

unfamiliar word, and social purpose of the text. The questions

were in the form of essay. The writer asked the students to

answer the questions of the text. The last was finding

information by giving true and false answer. It consisted of the

skills of finding stated detail and implied information. By doing

the task, the students would practice how to find general idea,

stated detail information, implied information, the meaning of

unfamiliar words, reference of pronouns, generic structure and

generic social purpose of recount text in team. While the

students discussed the task, the writer moved around the class

that most of the

students had understood about what they had to do in their

groups. They worked together and shared to finish the task.

They were active in discussing the task. After all groups finished

the task, he asked them to collect the result of their discussion.

The third step was Game Tournament. The writer asked

the students to play game tournament in the table tournament.

Before that, the writer reassigned the student by using Bumping

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System. While the students were conducting game tournament,

writer had to make sure that the students did the game

tournament well. In this meeting, the students did game

tournament better than previous meeting. Most of the students

also had understood about format of game tournament in TGT.

It made the TL could run well.

After Game Tournament was over, the writer asked the

students to score the points of each tournament table. The

highest scorer from each tournament table got six points for his

or her team; the middle scorer got four points; and the lowest

scorer got two. Then, the Team points of each group were

totalled. From those, it could be decided the winner of TGT.

The last step was Team Recognition. After knowing the

winning group, he announced the winner and gave Team

Recognition by giving them. Then, he congratulated the winner

and motivated the losers. The winners in this meeting were

group black, white, and orange. The result of TGT in the second

meeting of cycle 2 could be seen in table 4.7.

Table 4.7 TGT Result in the Second Meeting of Cycle 2

(3) Post Activity

Firstly, the writer summed up the lesson. Then, he did

reflection by asking some questions to the students. Reflection

Points Team recognition Black 18 Super team Blue 16 Great team

Yellow 12 Good team White 18 Super team Red 16 Great team

Green 14 Good team purple 14 Good team Orange 18 Super team Grey 14 Good team

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class situation during TL process. He asked them,

kesulitan dalam menemukan the meaning of unfamiliar words

dan social purpose dari recount teks

Untuk menemukan social purpose of recount teks

mudah, tapi kalau menemukan the meaning of unfamiliar word

harus buka kamus atau dengan melihat konteksnya. The second

student answered Sama, Pak Dua-

duanya mudah kok dikerjakan asal mau berusaha

Kalau proses belajar mengajarnya bagaimana

Lebih menyenangkan, Pak

Lebih mudah belajar lewat kelompok

daripada belajar sendiri Karena

tahu aturan main TGT kita jadi lebih enjoy dalam belajar Pak.

Baguslah kalau begitu. Untuk pertemuan

selanjutnya akan ada test. Kalian belajar dirumah ya

student Ya,Pak

did, by saying: ! Finally, he closed the

lesson after the bell rang.

3) Observing the Action

While carrying out TGT in TL process, besides implementing

the action, he also observed the class situation helped by English

teacher RS. The whole observation results were written down in the

field note.

In the cycle 2, there were two meetings. Every meeting

focused on solving the problems of cycle 1. There were two problems

of cycle 1; it

comprehension and the problems of class situation. The first was the

problems in finding the meaning of unfamiliar word and social

purpose of recount text. The second was the problems of class

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situation, in which, there were some students who were still passive,

understand about the procedure of game tournament in TGT. Based on

those problems, the writer made some plans. First, the writer would

give different topic in cycle 2. It was done to improve the students

reading comprehension, especially in the skills of finding the meaning

of unfamiliar word and social purpose of the text. The writer would

skill in finding

the meaning of unfamiliar word, he would teach the student about the

way to find unfamiliar word by using context. Meanwhile, to improve

skill in finding social purpose of text, he would give

explanation about recount text more deeply. Second, the writer would

attention, and were noisy during TL process. Third, the writer would

demonstrate the format of Game Tournament in front of the class. It

had the purpose to make the students understand about its format.

In the cycle 2, after the writer made new plans and

implemented them in some actions; it showed some improvements in

students reading comprehension and class situation. The first was the

seen from the result of test. The result of post test 1 was 6.2 while the

result of post test 2 was 6.7. It showed that there were improvements

the table 4.8.

Table 4.8 The Mean Scores of Comprehension Skills in Post Test 1

and Post Test 2

No Skills Post test 1 Post test 2

1 Finding general idea 6.3 6.6

2 Finding stated detail information 6.8 7.2

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3 Finding implied information 6.0 6.2

4 Finding the meaning of unfamiliar word 5.6 6.7

5 Finding reference of pronouns 6.5 6.8

6 Finding social purpose 5.8 7.1

7 Finding generic structure 6.4 6.7

8 Total mean score 6.2 6.7

From the table above, it could be seen the improvements of

word and social purpose. The mean score of those skills were higher

than KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum). It meant the problems of

there were also improvements in other skills like finding general idea,

stated detail information, implied information, reference of pronouns,

and generic structure of text.

The second was the improvements of class situation. The

observation result showed that class situation in cycle 2 was better

of passive students and noisy students decreased. They felt more relax

during TL process. The students also understood the format of Game

Tournament in TGT. The demonstration of Game Tournament which

was done by the writer had successful to make them understand about

it. In Class Presentation, most of the students paid attention to the

explanation in order to comprehend the text that would be studied in

Teams. In Teams, the students studied together to do reading task. It

seemed they were active in discussing the task. They shared their

ideas, knowledge, and understanding of the task. In Game

Tournament, they seemed enjoyable reviewing the material by using

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game. From the explanation above, it could be concluded that the

4) Reflecting the Observation Result

Based on the observation result, the writer reflected the

comprehension was

skills in finding general idea, stated detail information, implied

information, the meaning of unfamiliar word, reference of pronouns,

generic structure and social purpose of recount text. (2) Class situation

in cycle 2 was better than previous cycle. Most of the students were

discussing the material, paid attention during TL process, and had

understood about the format of Game Tournament in TGT. Besides,

the number of passive and noisy students had decreased.

5) Revising the Plan

reading comprehension and the class situation was more alive. He did

not revise the plan because of the weaknesses of cycle 1 had been


4. Result of the Research

After analyzing the research result from several sources of

data; pre observation research, field notes, photograph, the score of

pre-test and post test, interview result, and questioners, he got several

finding which answered the research questions. The research findings

improvement of classroom situation. The findings could be seen in

Table 4.9.

Table 4.9 Research Finding

Research finding Before AR During/After AR 1.

reading comprehension was still comprehension improved

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a. reading comprehension


comprehension was still low

Pre test The mean score of

finding general idea was 4.8

The mean score of finding stated detail information was 5.5

The mean score of finding implied information was 4.9

The mean score of finding the meaning of unfamiliar word was 5.3

The mean score of finding reference of pronouns was 5.7

The mean score of finding social purpose was 5.6

The mean score of finding generic structure was 5.5

comprehension increased

1) Post test 1

The mean score of finding general idea was 6.3

The mean score of finding stated detail information was 6.8

The mean score of finding implied information was 6.0

The mean score of finding the meaning of unfamiliar word was 5.6

The mean score of finding reference of pronouns was 6.5

The mean score of finding social purpose was 5.8

The mean score of finding generic structure was 6.4

2) Post test 2

The mean score of finding general idea was 6.6

The mean score of finding stated detail information was 7.2

The mean score of finding implied information was 6.2

The mean score of finding the meaning of unfamiliar word was 6.7

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The mean score of finding reference of pronouns was 6.8

The mean score of finding social purpose was 7.1

The mean score of finding generic structure was 6.7

b. Class situation The class situation was not alive during TL process 1) Most of the students

were reluctant to

question 2) Some of the students

explanation 3) Some of the students

were busy talking to their friends during the class

4) The students seemed to be bored during reading class

The class situation became more alive 1) The students were

active in answering the

2) The students paid attention to the

3) The students were

active in discussing the material

4) The students felt enjoyable in TL process

B. Research Discussion

The last step in the action research is discussing the result of the

research as a final reflection and getting conclusion.

From the results of the research, it shows that there are improvements

using TGT method. The improvements are as follows.


a. xt

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TGT method helps the students in finding general idea. It can be

seen from the result of test. The result of pre-test is 4.8, the result of

post-test 1 is 6.3, and the result of post test 2 is 6.6. In addition, the

results of interview and questionnaire also show improvement on the

skill in finding general idea.

The activities in TGT help the students to train their skill in

finding general idea. In Class Presentation, the students are taught to

use reading strategy in finding general idea. In this phase, the writer

teaches the students to use skimming strategy in finding general idea.

Grellet (1998:

eyes across a whole text to get the gist of it. It means the reader can use

skimming strategy to find general idea of text. In Teams, the students

can practice to skim the text in finding general idea by doing the task.

In Game Tournament, the students review the material that had been

learnt in Teams by using game. National Reading Panel (2000: 4-6)

states that Cooperative Learning can be used as a comprehension

in finding general idea after being taught by using TGT method proves

that Cooperative Learning is a good method.

b. TGT

information of the text

TGT method helps the students in finding stated detail

information and implied information of the text. It can be seen from the

result of test. The result of pre-test in finding stated detail information is

5.5, the result of post-test 1 is 6.8, and the result of post test 2 is 7.2. In

addition, the results of interview and questionnaire also show

improvement on skills in finding implied information.

The activities in TGT help the students to improve their skills in

finding stated detail information. In Class Presentation, the students are

taught to use reading strategies in finding information of the text. In this

phase, the writer teaches the students to use scanning strategy in finding

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stated detail information and implied information. Grellet (1998:4)

states that scanning means quickly searching for some particular piece

or pieces of information in a text. It means the reader can find stated

detail information by using scanning strategy. In Teams, the students

can practice to scan the text in finding stated detail information by

doing the task. In Game Tournament, the students review the material

that had been learnt in Teams by using game. Farhani (2010: 70) states

that TGT is an effective method to teach reading. The improvement of

effectiveness of TGT method in teaching reading.


the text

TGT method helps the students in finding implied information

of the text. It can be seen from the result of test. The result of pre-test in

finding implied information is 4.9, the result of post-test 1 is 6.0, and

the result of post test 2 is 6.2. In addition, the results of interview and

implied information of the text.

The activities in TGT help the students to improve their skills in

finding implied information of the text. In Class Presentation, the

students are taught to use reading strategies in finding implied

information of the text. In this phase, the writer teaches the students to

make inference in finding implied information of the text. Sharpe

(2007: 211) states that making inference can be used as a strategy in

finding implied information of the text. An inference is logical

conclusion based on evidence. It can be about the passage itself or

In Teams, the students can practice to

make inference in finding implied information by doing the task. In

Game Tournament, the students review the material that had been learnt

in Teams by using game.

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TGT method helps the students in finding reference of

pronouns. It can be seen from the result of test. The result of pre-test is

5.3, the result of post-test 1 is 5.6, and the result of post test 2 is 6.7. In

addition, the results of interview and questionnaire also show

improvement on skill in finding the meaning of unfamiliar


The activities in TGT help the students to improve their skills in

finding unfamiliar word of text. In Class Presentation, the students are

taught to use reading strategies in finding the meaning of unfamiliar

word. In this phase, the writer teaches the students to use context in

finding the meaning of unfamiliar word of text. Sharpe (2007: 210)

states that using context can be used as a strategy in finding the

meaning of unfamiliar word of the text. By using context, the reader has

to predict the meaning of unfamiliar word by becoming more aware of

the word around the unfamiliar word. In Teams, the students practice to

find the meaning of unfamiliar word by doing the task. In Game

Tournament the students review the material that had been learnt in

Teams by using game.


TGT method helps the students in finding reference of

pronouns. It can be seen from the result of test. The result of pre-test is

5.7, the result of post-test 1 is 6.5, and the result of post test 2 is 6.8. In

addition, the results of interview and questionnaire also show

improvement on the skill in finding reference of pronouns.

The activities in TGT help the students to improve their skill in

finding reference of pronouns. In Class Presentation,the writer teaches

the students to find reference of pronouns by giving explanation about

pronouns. Reference of pronouns consists of pronouns like he, she, I, it,

we, and so on. In Teams, the students can practice to find reference of

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pronouns by doing the task. In Game Tournament, the students review

the material that had been learnt in Teams by using game.

f. ture of

recount text

TGT method helps the students in finding generic structure of

recount text. It can be seen from the result of test. The result of finding

generic structure in pre-test is 5.6, the result of post-test 1 is 6.4, and the

result of post test 2 is 6.7.In addition, the results of interview and

questionnaire also show improvement on skill in finding

generic structure of recount text.

The activities in TGT help the students to improve their skills in

finding generic structure of recount text. In Class Presentation, the

writer teaches the students to find generic structure of recount text by

giving explanation about recount text. In Teams, the students practice to

find generic structure of recount text by doing the task. In Game

Tournament, the students review the material that had been learnt in

Teams by using game.


recount text

TGT method helps the students in finding social purpose of

recount text. It can be seen from the result of test. The result of finding

social purpose in pre-test is 5.6, the result of post-test 1 is 5.8, and the

result of post test 2 is 7.1.In addition, the results of interview and

social purpose of recount text.

The activities in TGT help the students to improve their skill in

finding social purpose of recount text. In Class Presentation, the writer

teaches the students to find social purpose of recount text by giving

explanation about recount text. In Teams, the students practice to find

social purpose of recount text by doing the task. In Game Tournament,

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the students review the material that had been learnt in Teams by using


2. The Improvement of Class Situation.

a. TGT improves class situation during TL process

After the students are taught by using TGT method; class

situation shows improvement. Enjoyable class situation and active

learning environment during TL process can be created. It can be seen

ring TL process. In Class Presentation, the

students pay attention to the teacher explanation. They are also active in

are active in

discussing the reading task with their group. They share each other to

do the task. In Game Tournament, the students are enjoyable in

reviewing the material that had been discussed in Teams. The students

bore anymore during TL process. They are more enthusiastic in

joining the lesson. In addition, the results of interview and

questionnaire also show that the students feel enjoyable after being

taught by using TGT method.

TGT as part of Cooperative Learning can create a good class

situation during TL process. Olsen and Kagan (1992: 3) state that

Cooperative Learning classes are often more relaxed and enjoyable than

traditional classes. Enjoyable class during TL process can give positive

effect on class situation. Meanwhile, Orlich, et al. (1998: 275) state that

Cooperative Learning can create active learning environment. Active

learning environment also give positive effect on class situation. So, it

makes sense that TGT as part of Cooperative Learning can improve

class situation.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the results of the action research, the writer draws a

reading comprehension and class situation. The improvement of students

reading comprehension can be seen from their ability in finding: (1) general

idea of text; (2) stated detail information of text; (3) implied information of

text; (4) the meaning of unfamiliar words of text; (5) reference of pronouns of

text; (6) social purpose of recount text; and (7) generic structure of recount

text. It can be seen on the result of the mean scores of pre-test, post-test 1 and

post test 2. The mean scores are 5.3, 6.2, and 6.7. Meanwhile, the class

situation also increases during the implementation of TGT in reading class.

The indicators are: (1) the stud

students were active in discussing the material; and (4) the students felt

enjoyable during TL process.

From the result above, it proves

reading comprehension and class situation during TL process.

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B. Implication

Based on the conclusion of the research, it can be shown that TGT is

be implemented in teaching reading. The activities in TGT help the students

to improve their reading comprehension. In Class Presentation, the students

are taught how to comprehend the text. In Teams, the students are asked to

share and work together to comprehend the text by doing reading task. In

Game Tournament, the students are asked to review the material that had

been learned in Teams. These activities make the students to be more trained

in comprehending the text. It is useful to improve their reading


Besides, the use of TGT also can improve class situation during TL

process. The indicator of a good class situation is where the students show

good attitudes like paying attention to the teacher explanation, answering

the teacher question, discussing the material actively, feeling enjoyable

during TL process, and so on. The activities in TGT can create a good class

situation. In Class Presentation, the students need to pay attention to the

teacher explanation in order to comprehending the text. In Teams, the

students have to be active in discussing the material with their group. In

Game Tournament, the students have to review the material which had been

discussed in Teams. Reviewing the material by using game can make the

students feel comfortable during TL process. By doing these activities, the

class situation will be more alive.

Based on the conclusion and also supported by all of the data in the

research, there is improvement of students reading comprehension and class

situation after being taught by using TGT method. It implies that TGT can be

class situation.

C. Suggestions

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After concluding the result of the research, the researcher would

like to recommend some suggestion as follows:

1. For the English teacher

a. Among a lot of teaching methods, the teacher is faced to some choices.

To make choices, the teacher should be selective and creative. The

teacher should choose appropriate method which fits with what she is

trying to achieve and appropriate to the students in order to make the

teaching and learning process interesting and successful. One of the

methods which can be used by the teacher to improve students reading

comprehension and class situation is TGT method.

2. For the students

a. Students have to study hard to improve their reading skill. They must

also do more practices especially for reading English text either in

school or at home.

b. Students must be more active in the teaching and learning process in

order to create a good class situation during TL process.

3. For other researchers


reading comprehension which is conducted on the second grade of

Junior High School students. The writer hopes that this method can be

applied by other researcher in the other level students.

b. Considering that this study still has any lack, the writer hopes that the

other researcher can use the results of this study as the references for

the further research.
