
    1.Not only have the deck of cards we were playing with shuffled, but we have dealt with

    a completely new deck. - Sanil Sachar, Trusox

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease. Its symptoms are mild to moderate

    respiratory illness and some other related problems. The best way to prevent and slow down

    transmission is be well informed about it and maintaining social distance from all. So, all of

    us are in the lockdown because of this. It has changedeverything and we all are dealing with

    this along with the new ways of life. Maintain a diary and write at least 10 diary entries

    sharing your feelings and emotions in this lockdown. You can mention about-

    • Incidents which touched your heart

    • Changes you have noticed in the nature

    • Your bond with family members

    • Something new you have learnt

    2. ‘‘Online learning is not the next big thing; it is the now big thing.” Design a poster

    highlighting the importance of online learning (as all of you doing it right now). Encourage

    more participation of learners in online learning by stating its advantages.

    3.Write a paragraph on any three topics given below. (150 words)

    • The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.

    • The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

    • A man is the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.

    • Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work.

    • If you resist change. You resist life.

    4.Write a self-composed poem using the given clue lines.

    I wonder what I, and the world,

    Will be like in the end,

    This pandemic has changed us,

    In fact, ……...

    5.Develop a story using the given clue lines in about 150 words.

    Neil loves to travel a lot. He is very fond of forests. Whenever he plans for a holiday, he

    would choose a place that is blessed with mother nature. To celebrate his 21st birthday,


    6.Read the novel ‘OLIVER TWIST’ by Charles Dickens. After reading it,on an A4

    sized sheet write-

    a. Review of the book

    b. Character sketch of your favourite character


    Let’s integrate Rational Numbers and Squares!

    Try to simplify the following and judge if they are Rational Numbers or not!

  • Now it’s time for a Sudoku!

    Solve the equations given below and fill up the boxes with the solutions of the equations

    according to the order e.g. AJ, AM, etc. After filling all the solutions in the respective

    box , Solve the Sudoku! (Use numbers from 1 to 9 and make sure it doesn’t get repeated

    in its row or column)

  • And what time is it?...

    Let us make a clock for ourselves!

    You need to use squares, square roots, cube, cube roots or other exponents to make your own


    Here’s an example below for your reference:

    Now it’s time to design your own clock!

    Good luck future designers!


    1. Given below is a conversation between two farmers Heera and Beera.

    Heera : Brother Beera, your maize crops look beautiful! They have grown pretty fast.

    Beera : Yes, I have sprayed urea this time. What about you?

    Heera : Well, I am still relying on good old cow dung. I am saving money for buying

    a tractor.

    Beera : That’s good. Tractor saves a lot of time and labour.

    Heera : Yes, it’s been very labour intensive for me and now these weeds have come


    Beera : Try weedicides, they are very effective.

    Now answer the following questions.

    (a) List the practices which are not environment friendly and why?

    (b) What is the advantage of modern agriculture implements over traditional


    (c) Name one weedicide and the precautions farmers must take during its


    2. Complete the crossword given with the help of the clues:


    1. Which is generally hard, ductile, malleable and sonorous.

    2. A metal is called so it can be drawn into wires.

    3. Metal bells are used because of this property.


    4. A metal generally used for making jewellery.

    5. A metal which is liquid at room temperature.

    6. A metal which reacts with acid as well as base to form hydrogen gas.

    7. Substances used to enhance the growth of plants.

    8. Property by virtue of which metals can be beaten into thin sheets.

  • 3. Design an activity to prove that iron is more reactive than copper.

    4. Observe the set up given in the figure and answer the following questions:

    (a) Which gas is released in A?

    (b) What changes will you observe in B when the released gas passes through it?

    5. Identify the group to which the following microorganisms belong and write two

    characteristics of each:

    (a) (b)



    There is no ‘away’ in ‘dump the plastic away’!

    In chapter 3- Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, we have studied how plastic has now become a

    boon for mankind and also how it is suffocating the biodiversity. It is surely a pandemic for

    the oceans!

    How can you help?- 5 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle

    Contributing towards reuse and repurpose, make an article by reusing old PET cold

    drink or water bottles. Make sure you click the picture of the article with you.

  • Here are some ideas you can refer to:



    Explore “The Forms of Government” practised in the following countries:

    a. NORTH KOREA: ( Roll no-1 to 5)

    b. CHINA: (Roll no- 6 to 10)

    c. SOUTH AFRICA: ( Roll no-11 to 15)

    d. UNITED KINGDOM: ( Roll no- 16 to 20)

    e. RUSSIA: ( Roll no- 21to 25)

    f. USA: ( Roll no- 26 to 30)

    g. IRELAND: (Roll no- 31 to 35)

    h. CANADA: ( Roll no-36 to 40)

    i. SWITZERLAND: (Roll no- 41to 45)

    j. BRAZIL: (Roll no- 46 onwards)

    Focus on the following points:

    a. The Political system prevails in the country.

    b. Form of Government.

    c. Role of common people in decision making.

    d. How do the existing rulers react to people's demands?

    e. Conditions of citizens’ rights.

    f. Constitutional and legal aspects of government.

    2. Recently there has been a lot of controversy about Bt brinjal. Surf the internet to find

    out about this crop and the controversy surrounding it. Suppose you are an advisor to the

    government of India. After your research, what suggestion would you give to the government

    about its acceptance. Make a 200 words report on it. ( on slides/ activity sheets)

    3.Revise the following chapters:


    a. L-2 The expansion of British Power.

    b. L-3 Life in the Rural period


    a. L-1 Resources.

    b. L-2 Natural Resources- Land, Soil and Water.


    a. L-1 The Constitution and the need for Laws.

    b. L-2 Ideals of Our Constitution.

    Note: and Q.no2 are submitted on [email protected]

  • SANSKRIT सामान्य -निरे्दश :-

    1.गृहकार्य में दिए गए समस्त कार्य को एक अलग अभ्यास-पुस्तस्तका में करें ।

    2.गृहकार्य करते समर् वर्णों की स्पष्टता पर,वतयनी पर और कार्य की स्वच्छता पर दवशेष

    ध्यान िीदिए ।

    3.गृहकार्य में दिए गए कार्य को दलस्तित रूप में करने के साथ-साथ उसका कंठस्थीकरर्ण

    करना (Memorize) भी आवश्यक है।

    4. गृहकार्य की मौस्तिक अदभव्यस्ति के आधार पर ही अंक दिए िाएंगे।

    1 .संज्ञा शब्द रूप

    l.वर्ग पहेली (कर्ाग निया) के आधार पर संसृ्कर् मे 10 वाक्य बिाओ और उिका

    नहन्दी में अिुवार्द भी करे -

  • ll.संज्ञा शब्द रूप -

    अभ्यास -पुस्तस्तका में कारवाए गए अकारान्त पुस्तलंग राम शब्द रूप के

    आधार पर (दसंह , गि ,मृग, छात्र , बाल ) , आकारान्त स्त्रीदलंग लता और छात्रा

    के आधार पर (नादसका, मदिका , छात्रा सूदिका और लदतका ) एवं

    अकारान्तनपंुसकदलंग फलम् शब्द के आधार पर ( पत्रम् , िक्रम्, दमत्रम् , िलम्

    , छत्रम् ) शब्द रूप र्ाि करके दलिें|

    2.सवगिाम शब्द रूप

    l. वर्ग पहेली (कर्ाग निया) के आधार पर संसृ्कर् मे 10 वाक्य बिाओ और

    उिका नहन्दी में अिुवार्द भी करे -

    ll.सवगिाम शब्द रूप -

    अभ्यास पुस्तस्तका में करवाए गए सवयनाम शब्द रूप - तत् ,एतत् , र्त् दकम् (

    शब्द रूप तीनो ंदलंगो ं) के आधार पर और अस्मि् ,रु्ष्मि् शब्द रूप अथय सदहत

    र्ाि करके दलिें

    3. धारु् रूप पांचो लकार मेंअर्ागर् ( लट् , लृट् , लङ्ग , लोट् , नवनध नलंर् )धारु् रूप

    अर्ग सनहर्यार्द करकेनलखें -

    पठ् , गम् , दृश् , अस् ,पि् , नम्, घ्रा ,िा ,पा , स्था ,

  • Library Holiday Homework

    Reading not only builds a strong language foundation but it also introduces vocabulary and

    can help develop empathy curiosity and critical thinking.

    “Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a


    -Henry Ward Beecher

    Read any two novels: -

    1. Gulliver's Travel- Jonathan Swift

    2. Time Machine- H.G Wells

    3. Three Thousand Stitches- Sudha Murthy

    4. Wise and Otherwise-Sudha Murthy

    5. Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery


    Q.1. Write the Summary of the novel.

    Q.2 Write at least 20 new words with meaning from the novel.



  • ी मावकाश गहृकाय (2020-2021) क ा – आठवीं

    1. न न ल खत ग त व ध को पूण क िजए – (क) ह रशंकर परसाई जी के वारा ल खत कहानी ‘जैसे उनके दन फरे’ प ढ़ए व

    कहानी म आए वा यांश के लए एक श द , वलोम श द और पयायवाची श द के आधार पर याकर णक वग पहेल हल क िजए -

    ई ग प ं ज रा पो ल द ष ् या मा रो स फ़े द वे व ओ स ं ग न ह बा हु ब ल द ू वा या अ दा च ु द या ल ु ष पी स टा र त उ म हा न क डा ला ल ज़ क णा न धा न क दौ का

    ह क आ नं द ह आ ा ल ट

    र म ु ना फा ज स ं ग ठ त न (क) नदयी का वलोम श द (ट) राजा का महल (ख) उ च का पयायवाची (ठ) पशुओं के रहने का थान (ग) गहृ थ का वलोम (ढ) िजसक बाहु म बल हो (घ) धन का पयायवाची (ड) बेईमान का वलोम (ङ) दसूर पर दया करने वाला (ण) वष का पयायवाची (च) नुकसान का वलोम (त) जो जोड़ा हुआ हो (छ) स नता का पयायवाची (थ) अ व वास का वलोम (ज) काय क स ध हेतु लोग का समूह (द) वेत का पयायवाची (झ) खून का पयायवाची (ध) याग का वलोम (ञ) दोष पर हँसी उड़ाने वाला (न) आँख का पयायवाची

    नोट – वग पहेल म आए श द क सूची बनाइए व सभी श द का रचना मक लेखन म योग होना अ नवाय है -

  • 2. ‘ बना य न के कुछ नह ं मलता’ क सीख देते हुए अपने छोटे भाई को प ल खए|

    3. न न ल खत अनु छेद 80-100 श द म ल खए –

    बु ध और वकास संकेत बदं ु · बु ध सव म गुण · बु ध का मह व · उ न त का मा यम

    4 कोरोना यो धाओं (डॉ टर, नस, पु लसकमचार , सफाई कमचार ) के उ साहव धन

    करने हेतु कोई पाँच वर चत नारे A4 पृ ठ पर ल खए |

    5 कसी भी शार रक द यांग ( वकलांग) खलाड़ी के जीवन सार को प ढ़ए व उ ह ने कन – कन चुनौ तय का सामना कया व तार पूवक ल खए |

    6 ‘भारत क खोज’ पु तक का थम अ याय अहमदनगर का कला,अतीत का भार,अतीत का दबाव यानपूवक प ढ़ए व न न ल खत न के उ र द िजए –

    (i) दजू के चाँद ने नेह जी का वागत कस कार कया और दजू का चादँ नकलन ेपर नेह जी को कस बात क अनुभू त होती थी ?

    (ii) अहमदनगर का कला चाँद बीबी क कस यथा को उजागर कर रहा है ? व तारपूवक ल खए |

    (iii) नेह जी को कलम उठाने पर य ववश होना पड़ा व अतीत के दबाव को उ ह ने दमघ टू य कहा है ?

    (पूण काय साफ , प ट व सु दर लेख म अपनी याकरण अ यास पुि तका म क िजए | )
