  • Seven Factors of Healthy,Growing Small GroupsCopyright 2002Missions InternationalPO Box 159247 Nashville, TN 37215

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    What we will DiscoverFour Small Group Factors Three Church Related Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Surveyed 2,700 Small Group Leaders In 20 countries 3 years 3 generations of the survey

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Our Question Was:What are the drivers behind conversion growth through small groups?

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    If we understand what factors impact each other through path analysis, we can determine how to invest our time wisely in leadership development activities to strengthen our small group system. DO THE RIGHT THINGS!!

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    path analysis

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Four Small Group FactorsPrayer Life of the Leader Focused OutreachVibrant Body Life Leadership Development

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Prayer Life of the LeaderDaily prayer for members of the group Personal devotional time time with God dailyFocused prayer for the small group meeting Prayer daily for non-Christians by nameFour Small Group Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Focused OutreachThe groups are purpose driven. We exist to reach out, to multiply. This is clear to everyone who is a member of the group.An effective leader is an encourager. He encourages the group members to be involved in outreach. This is critical to the growth of the group.Four Small Group Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Focused OutreachReminding and encouraging members to pray daily for their non-Christian friends to come to know Christ, our research shows is critical to success.The art of inviting is seen as important, and reminding group members to invite is done regularly.Four Small Group Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Focused OutreachThe small group leader who is effective in leading a group that grows by conversion growth and multiplies, spends time with non-Christians for the purpose of relationship building. Four Small Group Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Vibrant Body LifeThe small group has a strong sense of family. Not only sharing problems but celebrating life events, is important.Prayer for each other is the foundation of a caring, supportive small group.Four Small Group Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Vibrant Body LifeGroups that assimilate new members cultivate a strong sense of commitment to each other.An occasional visit by the group leader to the homes of group members and visitors in many cultures strengthens assimilation. Four Small Group Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Leadership DevelopmentThe leader of the group is vigilant about developing new leaders.Leaders encourage small group members to participate in the leadership training class.The wise leader gives away to others as many leadership roles for the weekly group meeting as possible.Four Small Group Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Leadership DevelopmentIn groups that multiply, there is an appreciation for the mentoring model.The leader meets regularly with his apprentice to discuss issues in the group and personal spiritual development.Four Small Group Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    What we Have DiscoveredFour Small Group Factors Prayer Life of the LeaderFocused OutreachVibrant Body Life Leadership Development

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    What we will DiscoverFour Small Group Factors Three Church Related Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Three Church Related FactorsA Praying Church Support for Small GroupsSystematic Leadership Training

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    A Praying ChurchA Culture of Prayer is encouraged and modeled in the church.Sermons are preached on prayer, and the pastor shares his personal stories of answered prayer.The Pastor models praying for the unchurched and relates Gods work through his prayer and outreach to the larger church. Three Church Related Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Support for Small GroupsThe church places a high value on practical support for small group leaders.The groups need to be visited regularly by the coach, pastor, or G12 discipler. The group leader needs personal time with the coach, pastor, or G12 leader to discuss problems, pray together, be mentored and encouraged.Three Church Related Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Systematic Leadership TrainingHaving a systematic leadership training program that regularly offers training on becoming a small group leader, is critical to a growing system of small groups.Leadership development becomes a passion of the pastors and staff, which generates a desire on the part of the church to participate.Three Church Related Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    Apprentices, interns or G12 members are strongly encouraged to attend the training and prepare to start their own groups as quickly as possible. Systematic Leadership TrainingThree Church Related Factors

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    What we Have DiscoveredFour Small Group Factors Prayer Life of the LeaderFocused OutreachVibrant Body Life Leadership Development

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    What we Have DiscoveredThree Church Related Factors A Praying ChurchSupport for Small GroupsSystematic Leadership Training

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    2003 Missions International

    path analysis

    (c) 2002 Missions International

    Seven Factors of Healthy, Growing Small Groups