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  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    Energy Brands

    Pankaj Desai

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands



    • India’s largest power company, NTPC was set up in1975 to accelerate power development in India.

    • NTPC was raned !"1st in t#e $%&15, 'or(es )lo(al%&&&’ raning o* t#e +orld’s (iggest companies.

    NTPC (ecame a a#aratna company in ay, %&1&.•  T#e total installed capacity o* t#e company is

    !-,-5" + including /0s wit# 12 coal (ased and 7gas (ased stations, located across t#e country.

    NTPC #as (een operating its plants at #ig# e3ciencylevels. 4lt#oug# t#e company #as 17.7" o* t#etotal national capacity, it contri(utes %5.91 o* totalpower generation due to its *ocus on #ig# e3ciency.

    Shri Gurdeep Singh 6 C

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    In 8cto(er %&&!, NTPC launc#ed its Initial Pu(lic8ering IP8 consisting o* 5.%5 as *res# issueand 5.%5 as oer *or sale (y )overnment o* India.

    • NTPC t#us (ecame a listed company in Novem(er%&&! wit# t#e )overnment #olding 29.5 o* t#ee:uity s#are capital.

    • In 'e(ruary %&1&, t#e ;#are#olding o* )overnmento* India was reduced *rom 29.5 to 2!.5 t#roug#'urt#er Pu(lic 8er.

    • )overnment o* India #as *urt#er divested 9.5s#ares t#roug# 8'; route in 'e(ruary %&1".

    •  T#e rest is #eld (y Institutional Investors and t#ePu(lic.


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    Adani Power•

    4dani Power =imited is t#e power (usiness armo* Indian (usiness conglomerate 4dani)roup wit# #ead o3ce at 4#meda(ad, )u>arat.

    • 4dani Power =imited 4P= entered t#e power

    sector wit# its ?rst plant in undra in %&&-.Now, t#e world’s largest single location coal(ased private power plant.

    •  T#e company is India@s largest t#ermal private

    power producer wit# capacity o* 5%2& +.• Aead:uarters B 4#meda(ad, India

    • ey people B )autam 4dani 6 C#airman

      0neet ; /aain 6 CD8

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    PowerGrid Corporationof India

    • Power )rid Corporation o* India =imitedPowergrid, t#e Central Transmission EtilityCTE, is engaged in Ful Power transmission.

    • P8+DG)GI was incorporated in 1929.

    • HNavratna status was con*erred to P8+DG)GIw.e.*. 1st ay, %&&2.

    • P8+DG)GI was listed on F;D J N;D in ;ept%&&7 and t#e Company came wit# 'ollow on

    Pu(lic oer in Novem(er %&1&.• Presently )ovt. o* India #olding is 57.9& and t#e

    (alance !%.1& is #eld (y Institutional Investorsand pu(lic.

    ;#ri I. ;. /#a 6 C

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    PowerGrid Corporationof India

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    NHPC i!ited

    'ormerly nown as National Aydroelectric PowerCorporation =td., 4 )ovt. o* India Dnterprise, wasincorporated in t#e year 1975.

    • 4t present, NAPC is a ini Gatna Category6I Dnterprise o*t#e )ovt. o* India wit# a paid up capital o* 11&7&.-7 Crore.

    • +it# an investment (ase o* over Gs. ",27,12& illion4pproK. , NAPC is among t#e T8P TDN companies in t#e

    country in terms o* investment.

    • Faira ;uil Power station in ;alooni Te#sil o* C#am(a

    district o* AP was t#e ?rst pro>ect undertaen (y NAPC.

    • NAPC is listed in N;D and F;D since ;eptem(er 1, %&&9.

    • )overnment o* India and ;tate )overnments #ave 25.9-s#are as a promoter o* t#e Company w#ile remaining1!.&! is pu(lic s#are#olding.

    •Shri "# $# Singh 6 C

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    %i& andNatura& Gas

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    %i& and Natura& GasCorporation

    8il and Natural )as Corporation =imited 8N)Cis an Indian multinational oil and gas company#ead:uartered in e#radun, India.

    • 'ounded B 1! 4ugust 195-

    • Aead:uarters B Tel F#avan, e#radun, India• ey people B ines# . ;arra* L C

    • Products B Petroleum, natural gas, andot#er petroc#emicals

    • Dmployees B "",&!1 %&1!

    • +it# a maret capitalisation o* over ING % trillion,it is one o* India@s most valua(le pu(licly6traded


  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    %i& and Natura& GasCorporation

    •It is one o* t#e largest 4sia6(ased oil and gas eKplorationand production companies, and produces around 7& o*India@s crude oil e:uivalent to around %5 o* t#ecountry@s total demand and around -& o* its naturalgas.

    • Ganed %1st among glo(al 8il and )as 8perations industryin 'or(es )lo(al %&&& list o* t#e +orld@s (iggestcompanies *or %&1!M Ganed 17" in t#e overall list 6 (asedon ;ales E; %9.- (illion, Pro?ts E; !.5 (illion, 4ssetsE; 5".2 (illion and aret 0alue E; !-.! (illion.

    • )8I currently #olds a -2.9" e:uity stae.

    • It is involved in eKploring *or and eKploiting #ydrocar(onsin %- sedimentary (asins o* India, and owns and operatesover 11,&&& ilometers o* pipelines in t#e country.

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  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    Cairn India

    Cairn India is part o* t#e 0edanta )roup.•  T#e story (egan in 1979, w#en ;ir Fill )ammell,

    *ormer c#airman, *ounded Cairn Dnergy.

    • In 1922, t#e company was listed on t#e =ondon ;tocDKc#ange. ;ir Fill )ammell (ecame its ?rst C#ie*DKecutive and #as #eld t#is position *or more t#antwo decades, overseeing t#e organisation’strans*ormation to one o* t#e largest independenteKploration and production companies in Durope.

    • Cairn India is one o* t#e largest private eKplorationand production companies currently operating in


    • 8n 9 /anuary %&&7, Cairn India =imited was listed on

    t#e F;D and N;D.

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    Cairn India• In 'O%&11, t#e #olding company o* Cairn India

    =imited, Cairn E Aoldings =imited, along wit# its#olding company, Cairn Dnergy P=C Company’sultimate #olding company agreed to sell asu(stantial part o* its s#are#olding in t#e Company

    to 0edanta Gesources Plc and Twin ;tar Aoldings=imited a w#olly owned su(sidiary o* 0edantaGesources Plc.

    • 0edanta Gesources P=C initially reac#ed an

    agreement to ac:uired 52.5 o* Cairn India *or atotal consideration o* 2.-7 (illion in 4ugust %&1&.

    • In 'O%&1%, 0edanta Gesources Plc. along wit# itssu(sidiaries (ecame t#e promoter o* t#e Company.

    Navin 4garwal 6 C#airman

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    GAI 'India( i!ited• )4I= is t#e largest state6owned natural gas processing and

    distri(ution company #ead:uartered in New el#i, India.

    • )4I= India =imited was incorporated in 4ugust 192! as aCentral Pu(lic ;ector Endertaing P;E under t#e inistryo* Petroleum J Natural )as oPJN).

    •  T#e company was previously nown as )as 4ut#ority o*India =imited.

    • %&1% 6 )4I= (ecome only company *rom 8il and )as sectorto (e included in F;D )reeneK, India@s ?rst energy e3cientindeK

    • )4I= #as (een con*erred wit# t#e a#aratna status on 1'e( %&1", (y t#e )overnment o* India.

    • F. C. Tripat#i 6 C

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    8n 'e(ruary 12, 1959, 8il India Private =imited wasincorporated to eKpand and develop t#e newly discovered

    oil ?elds o* Na#aratiya and oran in t#e Indian Nort# Dast.

    • In 19-1, it (ecame a >oint venture company (etween t#eIndian )overnment and Furma# 8il Company =imited, E.

    • In 1921, 8I= (ecame a w#olly6owned )overnment o* Indiaenterprise.

    •  T#e story o* 8il India =imited 8I= traces and sym(oliest#e development and growt# o* t#e Indian petroleumindustry. 'rom t#e discovery o* crude oil in t#e *ar east o*

    India at ig(oi, 4ssam in 1229 to its present status as a*ully integrated upstream petroleum company.

    • Aead:uarters B ulia>an, 4ssam, India

    • ;#ri E. P. ;ing#6 C

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


    Petronet NG

    • Petronet =N) =td. is an Indian oil and gascompany *ormed (y t#e government o* India toimport li:ue?ed natural gas =N) and set up=N) terminals in t#e country.

    • It is a >oint venture company promoted (y t#e – )as 4ut#ority o* India =imited)4I=,

     – 8il and Natural )as Corporation =imited8N)C,

     – Indian 8il Corporation =imited I8C and

     – F#arat Petroleum Corporation =imited FPC=

    • Aas an aut#oried capital o* Gs. 1%&& crores.

  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands


  • 8/15/2019 Energy Brands

