
Energy Activities LogWhat have you done to save energy this week? Circle a picture for each day that you did each activity.

Turned off lights when leaving my bedroom in the morning

Turned off the TV when I wasn’t using it

Turned off a computer when not in use

Plugged electronics into a power strip

Put up reminder stickers for my family

Replaced a regular bulb with a CFL or LED

Switched off power strip at night

Organized a family energy discussion

(Circle if you did it.)

(Circle if you did it.)

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Energy Activities LogWhat have you done with your parents to save energy this week? Circle a picture for each day that you did each activity.

Used the energy-saving setting on the dishwasher or air dried dishes

Washed clothes in cold water

Hang dried clothes

Think before opening the refrigerator

Layer up or layer down instead of adjusting the thermostat

Took a shorter shower

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