Page 1: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The



USING CONTEXTUAL TEACHING LEARNING AND METHOD (CTL) (AClassroom Action Research at Class VII.5 of MTs Al Musthofa Cireunghas,

Sukabumi), written by DINI KHOERUNNISA LATIF, student’s registration number

206014000118 was examined in the examination session of the Faculty of Tarbiya and

Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta on February, 28th

2011. The “skripsi” has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the

requirements for the degree of “S.Pd” (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education atthe English Education Department.

Jakarta, February 28th 2011

Page 2: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The




(A Classroom Action Research At Class VIII.5 of MTs Al Musthofa Cireunghas,


A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training

in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education








1432 H/2011 M

Page 3: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The




This chapter presents the general account of the present study. It covers

background of the study, the formulation of the problem, aim of the research and

contributions of the research.

A. Background of Study

Nowadays, English is widely used by many countries in some aspects such

as trades, politics, science, education, etc. In Indonesia, English is regarded as a

foreign language, which is important to be learnt. It is in line with the statement of

Indonesian government, which occupied English as the compulsory foreign

language subject taught at the formal education from the elementary up to

university level. Besides, Indonesian government stated that “English played three

major roles in supporting Indonesian National developments. The first, English as

a means of communication with other nations. Second, English as an aid to

develop Indonesian into a modern language. Third, English as an instrument in

utilizing science and technology for national development”.1

To master English, students should master four English basic skills and

language components. The four English basic skills are listening, reading,

speaking and writing. Meanwhile, the language components are vocabulary,

grammar, and pronunciation. As one of the language components, grammar

1 Hartoyo, Grammar in the Teaching of EFL in Indonesia, (Semarang: Universitas Negeri

Semarang Press, 2006). p. 4.

Page 4: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


should be mastered by students because grammar enables them to use the

language accurately. Without a correct grammar, it is hardly to arrange words into

a sentence, sentences into a paragraph and paragraphs into a passage.

According to Ur, “Grammar may be roughly defined as the way language

manipulates and combines words (or bits of words) in order to form longer units

of meaning”.2 In other words, through studying grammar we study how language

works. There are many kinds of materials should be learnt by students in

grammar, such as structures of a sentence. A sentence structure in English consists

of subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The study of modal

auxiliary appears in Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006 which

integrated with functional text such as the expression of command, request,

invitation, etc.

Ideally, students at 8th

grade of Junior High School should master the

function and the form of modal auxiliary verb. It has been stated on Standard of

Competency and Basic Competence (SKKD) in the current curriculum KTSP

2006.3 Since, modal auxiliary involves the future tense and the functional texts. If

the students have a difficulties in understanding modal auxiliary verb, it is worried

they have a further difficulties in understanding the future tense and the functional

texts. Beside of that, the students have to pass the minimum standard of Kriteria

ketuntasan Minimum (KKM) which is determined by the policy of the school.

The KKM that should be attained by the students is 65 (sixty five).

On the contrary, the student at 8th

grade of MTS Al Musthofa still

frequently make some mistakes in learning modal auxiliary verb especially will

and would. Based on the interview result with the teacher on 3rd

of June 2010, it is

found that a common mistake are often made by the students in using modal

auxiliary verb will and would, such as:

She wills help me.

If I have time I would to go to your house.

2 Penny Ur, Grammar Practice Activities : A Practical Guide For Teachers, (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1988), p.4 3 Pusat Kurikulum, Balitbang Depdiknas, Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris SMP dan Mts, (Jakarta: 2003), p. 17

Page 5: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


Those sentences above must be written as following:

She will help me.

If I had time I would go to your house.

The problems occur because of some reasons, such as: first, the students

are not too courageous in learning grammar because they seem it’s probably

difficult. Second, most of them consider modal auxiliary verb as a main verb, they

usually use to infinitive after modal auxiliary verb. Third, the students know the

function of the sentence which use a modal auxiliary verb, but they don’t know

the structure of the sentence itself. Then, to get a clear understanding, they must

know its rule and structure of the language.

Furthermore, the writer considers that those problems are necessary to be

solved, because it will cause a further difficulty in learning English materials

involving modal auxiliary such as future tense and functional texts. Beside of that,

it will also affect students who are not able to achieve the Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimum (KKM) in which it is an obligation target that have to pass by the

students in learning English including learning Modal Auxiliary.

To avoid students’ problems, the writer and the teacher try to find out an

appropriate way to improve students’ understanding of modal auxiliary verbs

especially on will and would, that is through Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL) method. According to Johnson, “Contextual teaching and learning is an

educational process that aims to help student see meaning in the academic subject

with the context of their daily lives, which is with the context of their personal,

social, and cultural circumstances”.4 Through relating the subject to students real

situation, hopefully students are able to understand modal auxiliary verb of would

and will easily, because students will discover meaningful relationship between

abstract ideas and practical applications in the context of the real world.

The writer and the teacher will use Classroom Action Research (CAR)

which needs collaborative team. For that reasons the writer work collaboratively

with the teacher in solving the problems trough Classroom Action Research

4 Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching and Learning; what it is and why it’s here to

stay , (California: Corwin Press, Inc, 2006), p. 25

Page 6: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


(CAR). Then, the title of this research is Improving Student’s Understanding of

Modal Auxiliary Verb “Will” and “Would” By Using Contextual Teaching

and Learning Method (CTL), (A Classroom action Research at Class VIII.5

of MTs Al Musthofa Cireunghas, Sukabumi).

B. Formulation of the Study

To make the study easy to understand, the writer formulates the problem

as follows:

1. Can contextual teaching and learning improve students’ understanding of

modal auxiliary verbs especially will and would?

2. How does contextual teaching and learning improve students’

understanding of modal auxiliary verbs especially will and would?

C. Objective of the Study

The aim of the research are to know whether contextual teaching and

learning method improve students’ grade VIII.5 of MTS Al Musthofa in

understanding modal auxiliary verb “will” and “would”

D. Significance of the Study

The result of finding are expected to provide useful information about the

implementation of CTL in teaching Modal Auxiliary Verbs will and would at

MTS Al Musthafa. Besides, the findings can contribute into two groups of people

such as English teacher and the writer.

For the English teacher, by implementation Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) in teaching modal auxiliary verbs will and would, it can improve

the quality of his teaching strategies to make students easy in learning English.

Moreover, for the writer it is intended to know about the factual condition

in which the contextual teaching and learning (CTL) is applied as a method in

English teaching learning activity.

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This chapter covers some theories related to the study. The discussion

focuses on the auxiliaries, modal auxiliaries and Contextual Teaching Learning


A. Auxiliary

1. The Understanding of Auxiliary

There are some definitions related to auxiliary. According to Swan,

“Auxiliary (or helping) verbs are used together with other verb help them express

particular grammatical functions or meaning.”1 In addition, auxiliary is well

known as a helping verb. The definition above explains that an auxiliary is always

followed by other verbs to make the meaning of the sentence clearer both in

meaning and in tense. It is line with the statements of Hansen and McDaniel who

defines “the auxiliary as a helping verb which used with a main verb in a sentence

to help establish when something happened and it is used to make the meaning of

the main verb are more precise.”2

In English, most of important meaning in sentence is expressed by

changing in the main verb which showing the changing of tense. But, English

verbs do not have many different forms the maximum is five for the example the

word see, sees, seeing, saw, seen. So that, to express the meanings a number of

auxiliary verbs are used to make a sentence clearer both in meaning and in tense.

1 Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1982), p. 90.

2 Barbara Hansen and Rebecca McDaniel, Simplified Sentence Skills,(Illinois: NTC

Publishing group, 1998),p. 94.

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Furthermore, auxiliary verbs are used to construct negative statement and

question. It is supported by the linguist experts, Devitis, who stated that

“auxiliary verb „help‟ full verbs to convey the extra information about tense,

aspect, integration, negation, etc.”3

From those definitions above, it could be summed up that auxiliary verb is

considered not only as helping verb to express a particular grammar functions and

meaning, but auxiliary verb also construct the verb to form a negative statement,

question, negation, etc.

2. Type of Auxiliary

There are some assumptions related types of auxiliary. According to Swan

there are two types of auxiliaries. The first is, do, be, and have. The second is

modal auxiliary.4 These auxiliary verbs have very important grammatical

function. Meanwhile, according to Riley and Parker there are three types of

auxiliary, which serve different purpose, there are: tense auxiliary, “do” auxiliary

and modal auxiliary.5 Actually, there is no extremely differences between Rilley

and Parker‟s assumption and Swan‟s assumption in classifying types of auxiliary.

The differences occur when Rilley and Parker separated do with tense auxiliary (

be, have, will-shall), meanwhile, Swan classified tense auxiliary (be, have, will-

shall) and do as one unity.

For the complete explanation about kinds of auxiliary verbs according to

Riley and Parker is explained as follow:

First, tense auxiliaries perform a structural function only. In this case the

auxiliary of be occurs with the –ing present participle in the progressive form of

tenses and with –ed of past participle in the passive forms of the tenses.6 So the

auxiliary of be is able to be used both in progressive and passive form.

3 G. De Devitis, L. Maniani and K. O‟Malley, English Grammar for Communication,

(England: Longman Group UK Limited 1989), p.31 4 Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1982), p. 90.

5 Kathryn Riley and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive, Generative,

(Minnesota: Pearson Education, 1998), pp. 112-113 6 Kathryn Riley and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive,

Generative…p. 113

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Meanwhile, the auxiliary of Have has a function both as an auxiliary and as main

verb.7 Auxiliary „have‟ is used for the perfect tense. Furthermore, shall and will

used for the future tenses.8 Regarding the statement above, it could be seen that

the tense auxiliary is used to form a tense and as the auxiliary they do not have

any lexical meaning in the sentence.

Second, is auxiliary of do. Do occurs in the present tense (do/does) and

past tense (did). Do usually is used to create a question and to form negative

statement. Riley and Parker also stated that auxiliary do occurs only in three

specific environments. Those are to form yes-no question, to form a negative

statement and to form an emphatic sentence.9

Here is the explanation of do auxiliary which occurs in three specific


1. The use of auxiliary do is to form yes-no question from a declarative

sentence that has no auxiliary verb.10

For the examples, the sentence such

as She borrow my pen will be formed into question statement as Does she

borrow my pen?

2. The use of auxiliary do is to form a negative sentence from a positive

sentence that has no auxiliary.11

For instance, the negative sentence of I

play guitar will be formed into I don’t /do not play guitar.

3. The last, the use of do auxiliary is to form an emphatic sentence from a

declarative that has no auxiliary verb.12

Normally, to form an emphatic

sentence, the first auxiliary verb is stressed. So in the sentence which has

no an auxiliary verb to form an emphatic sentence have to be added by do.

Such as in the sentence I see Jhon could be I do see Jhon.

7 Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk, Student’s Grammar of the English Language,

(London: Pearson Education Limited, 1990).p.37 8 Graham Lock, Functional English Grammar; An Introduction for Second Language

Teacher, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).pp.68-69. 9 Kathryn Riley and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive, Generative,

(Minnesota: Pearson Education, 1998), p. 115 10

Kathryn Riley and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive,

Generative… p. 115 11

Kathryn Riley and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive,

Generative… p. 115 12

Kathryn Riley and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive,

Generative… p. 115

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The last type of auxiliary according to Riley and Parker is modal auxiliary

verb, “the modal auxiliary verbs are; can, could, may, might, must, ought, shall,

should, will, would.”13

These auxiliary add the verb a special semantic component

such as ability, obligation, possibility, etc. For further understanding of modal

auxiliary will be discussed in the next sub chapter.

B. Modal Auxiliary

1. The Understanding of Modal Auxiliary

There are some definitions of modal auxiliary. According to Azzar “modal

auxiliary generally express speakers‟ attitudes for example, modals can express

that a speaker feels something is necessary, advisable, or probable, and in addition

they can convey the strength of those attitudes.”14

Regarding the definition above,

it could be seen that modal auxiliary make a message that will be deliver stronger

and clearer. Meanwhile, Hall stated that ”essentially modality is the idea of

talking about something which is not fact because modality discuss such

nonfactual concepts as potentiality, possibility, necessity and obligation.”15


that illustrated, clearly, modal verbs are used to say something that we expect to

happen, something possible, necessary, impossible or something that we are not

sure whether they happened.

Basically, modal auxiliary are alike other auxiliary, they are followed by

not to form negative sentence and they are placed in front of the subject to form

interrogative sentence. However, there are some characteristics owned by modal

auxiliary. First, unlike other verbs, modals cannot be inflected for either the past

participle or present participle form (e.g may become maying and mayen).16

Second, “modals do not take the –s inflection that normally occurs with a third


Kathryn Riley, and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive, Generative,

(Minnesota: Pearson Education, 1998), p. 112 14

Betty S. Azzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd

Edition, (New Jersey:

Prentice Hall Regents. 1989), p. 151. 15

Eugene J. hall, Grammar for Use, (USA: National Textbook Company. 1992), p. 195 16

Kathryn Riley, and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive,

Generative…p. 112

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person singular subject.”17

Its means that usually in the sentence that has no

auxiliary, the main verb after the third person singular subject must be added by –

s, however it‟s not used in the sentence in which modal auxiliary are used. For the

example the sentence such as, She will come earlier, it will not become She wills

come earlier. The last, the verb form following a modal is always an infinitive

form, they are not followed by to- infinitive or progressive form.

2. The Use of Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Modals auxiliary and semi modals can be grouped into five categories

based on the meanings.18

Those are certainty, probability, weak probability,

habitual possibility, and conditional certainty or possibility.

a. Certainty: shall, will, must, would.

b. Probability: should, may.

c. Weak probability: might, could.

d. Habitual possibility: can.

e. Conditional certainty or possibility: would, could, might.

Each modal auxiliary verbs has their own function, here there are the

explanation of modal auxiliary verb of will and would, as the following:


Will usually is a modal auxiliary verb that leads to say that we

are willing to do something or to offer to do something, to ask a

request and orders.19

Besides of that, will also used to talk about the

future, prediction and to talk about habits and characteristic. However,

some people confuse to define the usage of will and want, will is used

when our wishes affect other people: when we promise, offer, request

etc. Meanwhile want simply describes our wishes, the detailed

example will be discussed later.


Kathryn Riley, and Frank Parker, English Grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive, Generative,

(Minnesota: Pearson Education, 1998), p. 115 18

Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1982), p. 389. 19

Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, … p. 628

Page 12: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


a. Will is used to express willingness.

Example: I really will accomplish my task soon.

I will stop smoking.

b. Will is used to make polite request.

Example: Will you help me to carry this, please?

Will you come to my party?

c. Will is used to talk future.

Example: I will do everything for you.

I will come to Resa‟s birthday party, tomorrow.

d. Will is for prediction.

Example: I think it will be rain today.

Putri Ayu will be a great diva latter.

e. Will is used to talk habits and characteristics.

Example: She will sit reading a book for an hour.

f. The differences of will and want.

Example: Will you open the window? (An order)

Do you want to open the window? (A question about

somebody‟s wishes)


Would is a past form of will, would used to express an

action that was repeated regularly in the past.20

Meanwhile, would

does not always have past meaning. In many structure such as a

request, would replace will, because the request which created by

would is more polite than will. Besides of that, would used to talk

about past habits and characteristic, and to use in the conditional

sentence. Furthermore, would is used to express preferences, it is

followed by rather than and than. Here are the examples of would:


Betty S. Azzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd

Edition, (New Jersey:

Prentice Hall Regents. 1989), p. 195

Page 13: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


a. Would is used to express an action that was repeated regularly in

the past.

Example: When I was in senior high school, I would go to the

library twice a week.

b. Would is used to express polite request.

Example: Would you lend me some money?

Would you pass the salt please?

c. Would in the conditional sentence.

Example: If I had a time, I would visit my grandmother.

If I were you, I would accept the scholarship.

d. Would to express preferences.

Example: I would rather go to the beach, than a mountain.

I would rather watch a comedy movie, than a romantic


3. Sentence Pattern of Modal Auxiliary Verbs

“Sentence is a group of words that has a main verb and subjects, express a

complete thought, and can stand alone.”21

A sentence expresses a complete

thought. These are the pattern of modal auxiliary verbs, in the positive, negative

and interrogative sentence.

a. Affirmative sentence

The form of Modal Auxiliaries in the afformative sentence is:22

S + Modal Auxiliaries + V (Infinitive without „to) + O/C

Example: I will buy new shoes next week.

If I had much money, I would go around the world.

From the explanation and the example above, it could be seen that in the

first sentence, the modal auxiliary will is placed after the subject I and followed by


Barbara Hansen, and Rebbeca McDonald, Simplified Sentence Skills, (Illinois: NTC

Publishing Group, 1998), p. 4 22

Patricia K. Werner, Interaction 2 Grammar 4th

Edition, (USA: McGraw-Hill, 2002), p.75.

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the infinitive without to which is buy. In addition, shoes are an object and next

week is adverb of time. Furthermore, the second sentence is the example of

conditional sentence, the modal auxiliary verb would is placed after the subject

that is I, and followed by the main verb go around.

b. Negative Sentence

The pattern of Modal auxiliaries in the negative sentence is:23

S + Modal Auxiliaries + Not + V (Infinitive without „to) + O/C

Example: You will not get my love.

I will not believe you anymore.

The pattern of negative sentence is alike the pattern of the positive

sentence. The modal auxiliaries are placed after the subject, in the first sentence

the modal auxiliary is will and the subject is you, while in the second sentence the

modal auxiliary is will and the subject is I. The difference is the position of not

after the modal auxiliary in the negative sentence, so it becomes will not or won’t.

c. Interrogative Sentence

The pattern of modal auxiliaries in interrogatives sentence is:24

Modal Auxiliaries + S + V (Infinitive without „to‟) + O/C

Example: Will you pick me up?

Would you come to my party tonight?

Unlike affirmative and negative sentence, in the interrogative sentence

modal auxiliary is placed in the beginning of the sentence and followed by the

subject and then followed by the infinitive without to. Will you pick me up ? And

Would you come to my party tonight?.


Patricia K. Werner, Interaction 2 Grammar 4th

Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002),

p.75 24

Patricia K. Werner, Interaction 2 Grammar 4th

Edition, … p.75

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d. Question Tag

The following is the form of modal auxiliary in the question tag:25

Example: Diana would like to come with us, would not she?

You will not come late, will you?

The first example above is the example of affirmative sentence + negative

tag, the sentence Diana would like to come with us take a position as an

affirmative sentence. Meanwhile would not she has a role as a negative tag. The

second example is the example of negative sentence + affirmative tag. The

sentence You will not come late has a role as negative sentence and will you is a

affirmative tag.

e. Request

The pattern of modal auxiliary „will and would‟ in request is as follow:26

Example: Will you open the door, please?

Would you like to help me

Would you mind bringing my book?

Basically, the pattern of request is alike the pattern of interrogatives

sentence. In the first example, the modal auxiliary will is placed in the beginning


Betty S. Azzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd

Edition, (New Jersey:

Prentice Hall Regents. 1989), p. A15 26

Patricia K. Werner, Interaction 2 Grammar 4th

Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill,


Will/ would + S + V (Infinitive without „to‟) + O/C

Would + S + like + to infinitive + O/C

Would + S + mind + Verb –ing + O/C

Affirmative sentence + Negative tag

S + Modal auxiliary + V (infinitive without „to‟) + O/C + Modal auxiliary

+ Not + S?

Negative sentence + Affirmative tag

S + Modal Auxiliaries + Not + V (Infinitive without „to) + O/C +Modal

auxiliary + S?

Page 16: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


of the sentence and followed by the subject you and then followed by the

infinitive without to that is open, the door has a role as an object, and please in

the sentence make a request more polite. In the second sentence, would you like is

a common expression that is used to make a request, would you like is always

followed by to infinitive, in this case would you like is followed by to help. Me in

the sentence has a role as an object. The third sentence in another form of request

that used would you mind, the different is would you mind is followed by verb –

ing. In the example the expression would you mind is followed by bringing, and

the object of the sentence is my book.

f. Information question

The pattern of modal auxiliaries in information question is as follow:27

Example: What will you do next week?

Where will you go?

The pattern of information question is alike interrogative sentence, the

difference is the addition of WH question before the modal auxiliary. In the first

sentence, the word What is placed before will, then followed by the subject you

and the main verb do. In the second sentence, the WH question is where, which is

followed by modal auxiliary will and the subject you. Meanwhile, the main verb

of the second sentence is go.

C. Contextual Teaching And Learning

1. The Understanding of Contextual Teaching And Learning ( CTL)

Most of students in the schools are difficult to make a connection between

what they are learned and how the knowledge will be used. Hence, most educators

have to be creative in choosing teaching method, because teaching learning

activities should be varied according to the subject being emphasized. Contextual

Teaching and Learning (CTL) is the one of teaching methodology. Contextual


Elaine Krin, Interactions 1 Grammar 4th

edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002), p. 47

WH question + will/would + S + V (infinitive without „to‟)

Page 17: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


Teaching and Learning (CTL) was invented by Jhon Dewey in 1916, Dewey in

Trianto proposed a teaching methodology, which related to a material with student

experience. He thought by connecting the academic knowledge with students‟ real

life, a teaching learning activity will be more meaningfully. 28

It means they are

not only learn about the theory, but they know why they learn the theory and how

to apply a theory in the real life.

Furthermore, Johnson defined that “Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL) is an educational process that aim to help students see meaning in the

academic material they are studying by connecting academic subject with the

context of their lives, that is, with the context of their personal, social, and cultural


In other words, the objective of Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) is to help a students make a connection between the material they

are learned with the environment. Therefore, students not only learn about the

concept of the theory but also know how to apply the theory.

In line with the definitions above, Blanchard in Trianto quoted that

“Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a conception of teaching and

learning that helps teacher relate subject matter content to real world situations

and motivates students to make connection between knowledge and its application

to their lives as family member‟s citizens and workers and engage in the hard

work that learning requires.”30

In addition, Sanjaya has the same perspective in defining Contextual

Teaching Learning (CTL), he said that ”pengajaran dan pembelajaran kontekstual

adalah suatu pendekatan pembelajaran yang menekankan kepada proses

keterlibatan siswa secara penuh untuk dapat menemukan materi yang dipelajari

dan menghubungkannya dengan situasi kehidupan nyata sehingga mendorong

siswa untuk dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan mereka.”31


Trianto, Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik, (Jakarta:

Prestasi Pustaka, 2007), p. 101 29

Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching Learning: what it is and why it’s here to stay,

(California: Corwin Press, Inc.2002), p. 25 30

Trianto, Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik ,… p. 101 31

Wina Sanjaya, Pembelajaran Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi,

(Jakarta: Kencana Perdana Media group, 2008), p. 117

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As a whole, the teacher has a function as a mediator and the students are

expected to be more active to formulate the material which is taught contextually

not textually. Besides Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a method

which considers a connection between academic knowledge and the context of

students daily lives. It emphasizes on the students‟ understanding and meaningful

learning. To create students understanding, teachers have to help students to seek

meaning in the context which has relationship to the students‟ environment, since

learning occurs only when students proceed knowledge in such a way that make

sense to their own frames. Again, to create meaningful learning, students are to

motivate to find a meaning in the material by themselves, so the teaching learning

activity will be more meaningful and fun.

2. The Principle of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL)

In general, according to Johnson Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

has three principles that should be known by the teacher who conducts this

method in their teaching learning process. The principles are; the principle of

interdependence, the principle of the differentiation and the principle of self-


a. The Principle of Interdependence.

The principle of interdependent calls teacher to recognize their

connection to one other, to their students, to the community and to the


In other words, this principal emphasizes on the importance of build

a relationship with everything around people because this principal places us

in the world of relationship.

In addition, the principle motivate a student to collaborate each

other. The statement above related to the statement that people need one and

other to have a social live. Collaborative works also help students to identify


Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching Learning: what it is and why it’s here to stay,

(California: Corwin Press, Inc.2002), pp. 29-34 33

Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching Learning: what it is and why it’s here to stay,…

p. 29.

Page 19: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


a problem, to design a plan, and to explore solutions. It also teaches student

that collaborative work lead them into a success.

b. The Principle of Differentiation

The Contextual Teaching and Learning method (CTL) really

appreciates to a human differentiation. It believes that people are not equal

everybody has his/ her own unique characteristic and abilities. It is proven in

the principal of differentiation. Those who teach using the Contextual

Teaching and Learning (CTL) system have to replicate major attributes of

the principle of differentiation which covers active learning, hands-on

learning, for example constantly challenges student to create.34

c. The Principle of Self-Organization.

The principle of self-organization requires the teacher to encourage

all students to actualize their potential. In keeping with it, ”the central aim of

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL )system is to help students achieve

academic excellence, acquire career skills, and develop character by

connecting school work with their own experience and knowledge.”35

In other words, since students connect academic material with the

context of their own personal circumstances, they engaged in activities

which contain the principle of self-organization. Such as; learners have to be

responsible of their own decisions and their task as creative students, create

a solutions, analyze the information etc. In doing these things, student

discover their interest, limitations, capacity and imaginative power. So that,

learners will discover who they are and what they can do.


Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching Learning: what it is and why it’s here to stay,

(California: Corwin Press, Inc.2002), p. 30 35

Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching Learning: what it is and why it’s here to stay, …

p. 34

Page 20: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


3. The Component of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL)

In implementing Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), seven

components of CTL that must be filled relate to the principle of CTL. Those

components are the important things in building Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) system. The components are constructivism, inquiry, questioning,

learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment.36

a. Constructivism

Constructivism is a process of building up a new information or

knowledge in a learner‟s cognitive structure based on the experience.37

Constructivism assumes that a knowledge is not formed from the object but

the individual ability as an subject who process all the object that is

observed, have an important role in forming a knowledge. It could be seen

that constructivism emphasizes on the importance of students in building

their own knowledge through actively involving toward teaching learning

process. Since in this method, the teaching learning process more covered by

students centered than teacher centered. This obviously seen that Contextual

Teaching and Learning (CTL) is method which emphasize on process

oriented not product oriented.

b. Inquiry

The second component of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is

inquiry. In this component, teaching learning process based on the finding of

thinking systematically.38

It means that knowledge and a skill gained is not

an outcome of remaining material, but as an outcome of finding itself. In this

step, teachers have to design the activities that motivate students‟ creativity.

Regarding the statement above, Trijanto defined four steps in carrying

inquiry activities, there are:


Wina Sanjaya, Pembelajaran Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi,

(Jakarta: Kencana Perdana Media group, 2008), p. 118 37, accessed on 22nd


August 2010.

38 Trianto, Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik, (Jakarta:

Prestasi Pustaka, 2007), p. 110

Page 21: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


a) Formulated a problem

b) Observed a problem.

c) Analyzed and the result in the written form, picture, chart, table, etc.

d) Communicate and report the result that is found.39

Through those steps, students are used to find and solve the problem

by themselves, and they used to work collaboratively.

c. Questioning

Questioning is viewed as a reflection of individual curiosity. In

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), the teacher does not only explain

the material traditionally, but also the teacher leads the students to find out

the information or knowledge through question. Furthermore, questioning is

the teacher activity to motivate, to lead and to measure the power of

students‟ thinking.40

Moreover, this activity helps students to get the

information and confirm the information they have already known. In

addition, questioning can be done between students and teacher, student and

student. In this sense, Sanjaya stated five usage of questioning, there are:

a) Knowing information about student ability in mastering the material.

b) Improving students motivation to learn

c) Stimulating student curiosity.

d) Focusing student on what they want.

e) Leading students to find and to conclude the material.41

d. Learning Community

The concept of learning community suggested that the outcome of

learning activity is gained from the corporation with other, that statement

supported by Smenovich in Sanjaya who stated that a knowledge and the


Trianto, Model-Model Pembelajaran Iinovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik, (Jakarta:

Prestasi Pustaka, 2007), p. 110 40

Wina Sanjaya, Pembelajaran Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi,

(Jakarta: Kencana Perdana Media group, 2008). p. 120 41

Wina Sanjaya, Pembelajaran Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi, …

p. 120

Page 22: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


understanding is much supported by the communication with other.42


could be said that a problem is impossible to be solved alone, needed others

help to solve it. The corporation of take and give has an important role in the

learning community. In addition, learning community can be held by

applying group learning.

e. Modeling

In this concept, teaching learning is held by demonstrating

something as an example that can be imitated by the students. Not only the

teacher can do this process, but also the students who have skills can be used

as a model.43

Through modeling, contextual learning can be held and

theoretical learning can be avoided.

f. Reflection

Reflection is the way of thinking process of a new material which is

learned. Indeed, reflection is a responds to the event, activity, or to a new

knowledge that is achieved.44

In the end of learning process, teacher gives a

chance to the students for remaining what they have learned. This process

motivates a student to define their experience, so that they can conclude

their learning experience.

Usually the reflection is able to be realized, through some manners

such as a question about today‟s material which is gained, a note or a journal

in the student‟s book, impression and suggestion about today learning

activity, discussion, etc.


Wina Sanjaya, Pembelajaran Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi, …

p. 120 43

Trianto, Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik, (Jakarta:

Prestasi Pustaka, 2007), p. 112 44

Trianto, Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik, … p. 110

Page 23: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


g. Authentic Assessment.

Assessment is a process of data collecting which explain students

learning improvement.45

Authentic assessment estimates knowledge and the

skills that is gained by a students.

Usually, authentic assessment focuses on objectives, involves hands-

on learning requires making connection and collaborating, and inculcates

higher order thinking. Because authentic task uses these strategies, they

allow students to display mastery of objectives and depth of understanding,

while at the same time increasing their knowledge and discovering ways to


4. The Strategies of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL)

As discussed before, to conduct Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL) class, teachers need to know every component and aspect that builds a

CTL, including the strategies to teach contextually to attain the maximum result in

teaching learning process in the class. Here there are six strategies to teach

contextually: making connection, self-regulated learning and collaboration,

critical and creative thinking, nurturing the individual, and reaching high standard

and using authentic assessment.46

a. Making Connection

Making connection is needed to find a meaning, and it is a central

focus of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Because when students

can connect their academic subject with their own experience, they will

discover meaning and they will find the reasons for learning.


Trianto, Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivistik, … p. 114 46

Dharma Kesuma, Contextual Teaching And Learning; Sebuah Panduan Awal Dalam

Pengembangan PBM, (Yogyakarta: Rhayasa Research and Training, 2010), p. 14

Page 24: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


b. Self-Regulated Learning And Collaboration.

“Self-regulated learning is a learning process that engages students in

independent action involving something one person, usually a group. This

independent action is designed to connect academic knowledge with the

context of students‟ daily lives.”47

Here, students are encouraged to know

their strong and their weakness to organize the learning goal and develop the

strategies to achieve the goal. To actualize self-regulated learning students

need to collaborate with each other.

c. Critical And Creative Thinking

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) requires students to think

critically and creatively. Here, students use critical and creative thinking

skills to inquiry the problem or issue. Students who think critically will

achieve the fullest understanding possible. Because, understanding allow

us to see the ideas that direct our live each day. And the students who

think creatively will find new ideas or new design in solving a problem.

d. Nurturing the Individual

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) asks teacher to nurture

every students. By nurturing and knowing the students, teacher has big

chance to create students potential and help students to attain their academic

achievement. Because teacher who knows students can help students

discover the subjects, ideas, and skills that truly interest and delight them.

e. Reaching High Standard And Using Authentic Assessment.

Setting a high academic mark for students to reach is an important

thing in Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). A high academic mark

motivate a students, CTL requires a students to do everything they know. It

makes teaching learning process meaningfully. While, Authentic assessment


Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching Learning: what it is and why it’s here to stay,

(California: Corwin Press, Inc.2002), p. 83

Page 25: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


evaluates the applying of knowledge and the students‟ complex thinking. It

is better than just memorizing the actual information. An assessment is

authentic when it involves students in tasks that are worthwhile, significant,

and meaningful.

5. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Contextual Teaching And

Learning (CTL).

After defining many concepts of Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL), it can be said that CTL provides many advantages for the teaching

learning process. Through CTL method students can remember the subject matter

easily because they do not have to memorize the subject however, they know it

related to the subject with their knowledge and their experience. Then connect the

subject matter with their real world, it makes learning more meaningful. Besides,

in this method students do not only become a passive observer rather than become

more active and more responsible to their learning.48

In other hand, CTL has it‟s own weakness, CTL is taking time for the

preparation. In preparing the lesson plan, teacher should recognize students‟

diversity and then utilize difference to create a rich learning environment. Besides,

the authentic assessment also takes more time for the teachers to develop and


D. Teaching Modal Auxiliary Verbs Will and Would through Contextual

Teaching And Learning (CTL).

In conducting a Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) in the class, teacher

has to prepare a lesson plan to support a teaching learning activity run well. The

lesson plan must be integrated with the components of CTL. The following is the

steps of teaching modal auxiliary verbs will and would through contextual

teaching learning (CTL). The steps are adapted with the implementation of the


Nurhadi, Pembelajaran Kontekstual (Contextual Teaching and Learning) Dan

Penerapannya Dalam KBK, (Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004), p. 6 49

Anisah, Kelemahan dan Kelebihan CTL dan Pakem beserta Saran untuk Mengatasinya,

(accessed on 18th

of October 2010 from

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contextual teaching and learning (CTL) in the classroom according to Trijanto in

“Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif-Progresif”50

a. Preliminary activities

Ask students related to their condition and motivate the students. Such

as, what will you be in the future?, and then relate it with the material

that will be delivered.

b. Presentation

First, the teacher divide a class into five group, and deliver a blank

cardboard and the paper which contain a sentence which use a modal

auxiliary verb „will‟ and „would‟.

Next, students have to identify the sentence pattern in the paper, this

activity is an application of constructivism.

After that, students in a group have to write and discuss the result of

the identification of the sentence pattern and the sentence usage. This

activity covered learning community, inquiry, and questioning. Then,

as an application of modeling student in a group have to present a

result of the discussion. After that, the teacher explains the formulation

and the usage of modal auxiliary verbs „will‟ and „would‟.

The next, as an implementation of authentic assessment, teacher asked

the students to do the exercise related to the material

c. Closing

The last, teacher and students review the material they have learned

and conclude the material, this activity is an application of reflection.

Give students a task, to measure student understanding of will and



Trijanto, Mendesain Pembelajaran Inovatif-Progresif, (Jakarta: Prenada Media group,

2009), p.111.

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This chapter presents the method of research, subject, and object of the

study, time and place, research design, the classroom action research (CAR)

procedures technique of collecting data, data validity, and criteria of the action


A. The Method of Research

In this study, the writer chooses Classroom Action Research (CAR) to

conduct a research. According to Mills, he states action research as follows:

Action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher

researchers, principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders in the

teaching/learning environment to gather information about how their

particular school operates, how they teach, and how well their students

learn. This information gathered with the goals of gaining insight,

developing reflective practice, effective positives changes in the school

environment, and improving student outcomes and the lives of those


Based upon the statement, it could be said that Classroom Action Research

(CAR) is a research methodology which aims to revise or to improve teaching

learning activity, and to solve the problem which occurs in teaching learning in

the classroom. In carrying out this action research, a researcher work

collaboratively with the teacher to overcome problems in teaching learning


1 Geoffrey E. Mills, Action Research: a Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2

nd ed.

(United State: Prentice Hall, 2003), P..5.

Page 28: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


B. Subject and Object of the Study

1. Subject

The subject of the study is the students of class VIII.5 of MTS Al

Musthafa Cireunghas, Sukabumi academic year 2010/2011. The class

consists of 36 (thirty six) students. This class is chosen based on the

researcher observation and interview with English teacher of MTS Al


2. Object

The object of the study is Contextual Teaching and Learning. It is used to

improve Students‟ understanding of Modal Auxiliary Verbs of „will‟ and


C. The Writer’s Role

In conducting this research, the writer works collaboratively with the

teacher at MTs Al – Musthafa. In this study, the writer has some roles as the

teacher and the observer. In the 1st cycle, the writer takes a role as the observer

and in the 2nd

cycle the writer takes a role as a teacher. Thus, in the first role, the

writer observes the teacher who teaches modal auxiliary verbs „will‟ and „would‟

by using Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL). Meanwhile, in the second role the

writer takes a role as the teacher who implements the action. Out of those roles,

the writer also needs to collect and to analyze data taken from students‟ pre-test

and post-test, questionnaire, interview, and observation. And then, report the

result of the study.

D. Time and Place

This research is carried out for 8 (eight) months started from June 2010 to

January 2011. This study was conduct at MTS Al Musthafa Cireunghas,

Sukabumi, academic year 2010/2011.

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E. Research Design

In conducting the research, the writer had chosen CAR design of Kurt

Lewin which consists of, two cycles. Each cycle consists of four phases. These are

planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The design as following:

Figure 3.1

Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design2

F. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedures

As mention before, in this study the writer implements Kurt Lewin‟ design

which consists of two cycles where each cycle consists of four phases. These

phases are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The first cycle was done to

know the improvement of an action. Then, it will be continued to a second cycle

until the goal is reached. Here, the followings are the writer design of Classroom

Action Research (CAR) adopted from Kurt Lewin‟s action research design and

the explanation related to the cycle:

2 Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009), p. 21









Cycle I

Cycle II

Page 30: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


Figure 3.2

The Writer’s Action Research Design Adapted from Kurt Lewin’s Model




Planning In this phase the writer collaborates with

the teacher to prepare the instrument, such

as; the lesson plan, field note, the posttest

and also the questionnaire for students, to

know students response to the English

teaching learning process.

Acting The teacher implements the lesson plan

that has been made; that is teaching

modal auxiliary verb “will” and

“would” by using Contextual Teaching

and Learning method (CTL).

Observing The writer observes all the occasions that

happen during an action phase by taking

note. It is included a teacher performance,

class situation and students response.

Meanwhile, at last of cycle 1 the students

are given the posttest 1. Furthermore, the writer calculates the students‟ score result

to find if there some students‟ improvement

scores from the pretest or not

Reflecting The teacher and the writer analyze the

result of the test that is found in the

observation phase and review the

weakness of the action. Here, the writer

and the teacher agree to make some

modifications in the next lesson plan.

Planning The teacher and the writer collaborate to

prepare some instruments such as: the new

lesson plan (with some modifications),

field note, the questionnaire to know

students response after implementing the

action, and also the posttest.

Reflecting The teacher and the writer discuss the

result of the action. If the Classroom

Action Research (CAR) target did not

complete yet, the action would be

continued to the next cycle, but if the

students‟ test result has completed the

criterion of the action success, the cycle

would be stopped.

Acting The teacher implements the new lesson

plan. Here the students asked to create a

dialogue based on the picture, in order

to make them more understand to the

material. Beside that students are asked

to practice the dialogue.

Observing The observer observes the teacher‟s

performance, the class situation, and the

students‟ response. In the end of cycle

two, the students are given the test

(posttest 2). Next, the writer calculates

the students‟ score result, to know the improvement from the posttest 1 to the

posttest 2.

Page 31: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


1. Planning Phase

In this phase the writer creates a lesson plan and the instrument that

will be implemented in class VIII.5 of MTS Al Musthofa. The lesson plan

consists of teaching procedures, media, resources and evaluation.

Meanwhile, the instruments are including a pre-test and post-test that

would be done by the students, interview, and questionnaire before and

after implementing CAR, and observational note.

2. Acting Phase

In carrying out an action phase, the writer work collaboratively with

the teacher to practice a planned action. Based on Suharsimi Arikunto the

acting phase should be implemented at least two cycles continuously; and

at the time period for each cycle depends on the material needs that existed

in the semester or annual program designed by the teacher.3 Then, the

writer and the teacher decide to held the acting phase for two weeks, start

from 10 January up to 22 January, 2011. Each cycle held on one week.

3. Observing Phase

In this phase the writer did the observations by taking note all the

occasions that happened during an action phase. It is included a teacher

performance, class situation and students response. All criterions were

implemented in the field note. Furthermore, observation is used to know

students‟ learning activity whether there might be appearance some

difficulties in implementing a teaching learning activity. Beside of that, it

is to measure an action that need to be solved. In the end of this observing

phase, the students are also given a test.

4. Reflecting Phase

Reflecting phase was a kind of review activity. The teacher and the

writer analyze the result of the test that is found in the observation phase.

By doing this reflection, the activities gain a goal or not would be known.

In addition, the result of the analyzing would be used as a model to move

on to the next cycle concerning re-planning, re-acting, and re-observing.

3 Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009), pp. 21-23.

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G. The Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, the writer used two techniques of collecting data,

there are; qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data included

observation, questionnaire, and interview. Meanwhile, quantitative data included a

post- test and pre-test.

1. Observation

The observation used to know the activity during teaching learning

process. In implementing the research, the writer conducted the

observation twice. The first observation is held in the beginning of the

research. The observation used to find out the problem, and to seek a

solution to solve it immediately. The focus of the observations included all

the process during the teaching learning process. The second observation

is carried out during the Classroom Action Research (CAR). In this case,

the observer did the observations by taking note all the occasions that

happened during an action phase in the field note. It is used to know

students responses in learning modal auxiliary verbs of „will’ and „would’

through Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL).

2. Interview

The interview was carried out before and after implementing

Classroom Action Research (CAR), In this case, the writer used the

unstructured interview. Before implementing Classroom Action Research

(CAR) the writer asked some questions such as students‟ condition in

learning grammar, the method used by the teacher in delivering grammar

material, and students‟ responses in learning grammar material. After

accomplishing Classroom Action Research (CAR), the writer asked to the

teacher related to teaching modal auxiliary verbs through Contextual

Teaching Learning (CTL) and students‟ response after learning modal

auxiliary verbs through Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL).

3. Questionnaire

The questionnaire is used to know students responses and

experience about the ideas of learning modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and

Page 33: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


‘would’ through contextual teaching and learning. The questionnaire is

carried out in two sessions, the first is before implementing the CAR and

the second is after implementing the CAR. Furthermore, the writer uses

yes/ no design in making a questionnaire. In addition for the need of the

research, the writer had done the validity of the pre questionnaire before

CAR and questionnaire after CAR by using dialogic validity. The

followings are the blueprint of questionnaire before CAR and after CAR.

Table 3.1

The Blueprint of Questionnaire before CAR

No Indicators Number

1 Students‟ respond in learning English grammar. 1-3

2 Students‟ understanding to the material 4-8

3 Students‟ activity in teaching learning process 9-10

Table 3.2

The Blueprint of Questionnaire after CAR:

No Indicators Number

1 Students‟ response in teaching learning process 1-4

2 Students‟ understanding to the material 5-7

3 The effectiveness of contextual teaching and

learning method in teaching learning process.


4. Test

Test is a precious data measurement tool in a research.4 In this case

to measure students understanding, the writer used once pre-test and twice

post-test. The pre-test is done before implementing CTL (Contextual

Teaching Learning) in teaching modal auxiliary verbs will and would.

Meanwhile, the post-test is implemented twice, after accomplishing cycle I

and cycle II. Both the test is done in form of multiple choices and fill in.

4 Wijaya Kusumah, Dedi Dwitagama, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta:

Indeks, 2009), p. 78

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Next, to know the validity of test items, the writer uses

discriminating power and the difficulty item. The use of discriminating

power of the tests item is to know the difference response between the

proportions of the high and low groups to the item.5 The following is the

formula to calculate the discriminating power:6

D = 𝐔−𝐋


D = The index of Discriminating power.

U = The number of pupils in the upper group who answered the item


L = The number of pupils in the lower group who answered the item


N = Number of pupils in each group.

Then, the discriminating scale uses:7

DP Remark

0.6 – 1.0 Very good

0.4 – 0.6 Good

0.1 – 0.3 Ok

-1 – 0.0 Bad

Furthermore, the difficulty item analysis concerns with the

proportion of comparing students who answered correctly with all students

who follow the test. To know the difficulty item of the test, the following

formula is used:8

P = 𝐑


5 Kathleen M. Bailey, Learning about Language Assessment: Dilemmas, Decisions, and

Direction, (London: Heinle & Heinle Publisher, 1998), p.135 6 Wilmar Tambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement, (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 1998),

p.139 7 J. B. Heaton, Classroom Testing, (New York: Longman Inc, 1990), p. 174

8 Norman E. Grondlund, Costruction Achievement Test, (New York: Prentice Hall, 1982),


Page 35: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


P = Index of difficulty.

R = Total number of students who selected the correct answer.

T = Total number of students including upper and lower group

The following is the criterion of index difficulty:9

ID Remark

0 – 0.30 High

0.30 – 0.79 Medium

0.80 – 1.00 Low

H. The Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the qualitative data, the writer used the observation during

teaching learning activity and interview which held before and after implementing

Classroom Action Research (CAR). Furthermore, in analyzing the quantitative

data the writer begin to get the average of students‟ score per action in one cycle,

to measure students‟ understanding in learning modal auxiliary verbs will and

would. To get the data the writer uses formula as follow:10

X : mean

x : individual score

n : number of students

Next, to know the class percentages which pass the mastery level

minimum of Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM) 65 (sixty-five) it uses this


9 Suharsimi Arikunto , Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan; Edisi Revisi, (Jakarta: Bumi

Aksara, 2007), p.210 10

Sudjana, Metoda Statistika, (Bandung: PT. Tarsito, 2002), p.67. 11

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistis Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2003), p. 43.

Page 36: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


P : the class percentage

F : total percentage score

n : number of students.

The last, to know student improvement in modal auxiliary test, from the

pre-test up to posttest scores in cycle 1 and cycle 2, the writer used the formula as


P : percentage of students‟ improvement

y : pre-test result

y1 : post-test 1

P : percentage of students‟ improvement

y : pre-test result

y2 : post-test 2

Besides analyzing the result of the tests the writer also uses questionnaire

to find out students‟ response and experience about the ideas of learning modal


David E. Meltzer, The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual

Learning Gains in Physics: A possible Hidden Variable in Diagnostic Pretest score, (Iowa:

Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2008), p. 3.

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auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’ through contextual teaching and learning. In

analyzing the students‟ response, the writer uses formula:13

P = 𝐅

𝐍 × 100%

P = the percentage

f = frequency of the percentage is being calculated

N = number of cases

I. The Validity of Data

Validity is a measurement instrument which shown whether the

instruments valid or not.14

It means that validity is one of the crucial conditions in

implementing a research including Classroom Action Research (CAR). By using

data validity, there should be no irrelevant points or misleading in reflecting the

data. To get the validity of the data the writer uses triangulation. Triangulation

method is a data validation technique by comparing the data.15

In this case the

writer compares the result of the test with the result of questionnaire and the result

of the observation.

Beside of that, the writer also uses the criterion of data validity relate to

Anderson, in Mills there are outcome validity, process validity and dialogic


. To know the outcome validity, the writer compares the test outcome of

cycle 1 and cycle 2. Next, in the process validity the writer analyzes the result of

the observation to know whether there some problems that need to be solved in

the next cycle are found. After that to know the dialogic validity, the writer and

the teacher discussed and assed the result of an action in each cycle together.


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2008), p.43 14

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (PT Rineka Cipta:

Jakarta, 2002), p. 144. 15

Djunaidi Ghony, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (UIN- Malang Press: Malang, 2008), p. 81 16

Geoffrey E. Mills, Action Research: a Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2nd


(United State: Prentice Hall, 2003), p. 84.

Page 38: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


J. Criteria of The Action Success

In determining the criterion of a successful, the writer and the teacher

agreed that a research could be said successful when there was an improvement of

the result of the test at least 70% of students who pass the Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimum (KKM) which is 65, begin from the pre-test until the second post-test in

cycle two. According to Sukidin an action is called have an improvement if there

was an improvement condition after implementing Classroom Action Research

(CAR) and the condition before Classroom Action Research (CAR).17

However, if

the successful has not been reached yet, then the alternative action would be done

in the next cycle.


Sukidin, Manajemen Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,( Jakarta: Insan Cendikia, 2007), p.


Page 39: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The




This chapter presents the result of the research findings based on the

analysis of data collected from the implementation of Contextual Teaching

Learning (CTL) in improving students’ understanding of modal auxiliary verbs

‘Will’ and ‘Would’ at grade VII.5 of MTs Al Musthafa Cireunghas, Sukabumi

academic year 2010/2011. Related to the discussion of the result, it is divided into

three parts. Those are before implementing the action, the implementation of the

action, and discussion of the data after implementing the action.

A. Data Description

There are three general parts of data description including before

implementing the action research, the implementation of the action research, and

the result after implementing the action. Those descriptions as following:

1. Before Implementing the Action

a. The Result of Pre Interview

Pre interview held on 3rd

June 2010. Here, the writer asked some

questions to the teacher related to the teaching learning process of modal

auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. The questions divided into three

categories. Those were the general conditions in English class primarily on

Page 40: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


students’ performance and students’ achievement, the difficulties faced by

students in understanding modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’, and the

strategies used by the teacher to solve the students’ difficulties in

understanding modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’.

Related to the first category, the teacher said that most of students

though that English is difficult subject and it influenced their motivation

and performance in learning English. Furthermore, those conditions affect

to the students’ achievement. Some students who did not like English

subject are hardly to pass the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM),

it is sixty five (65).

The second category discussed about the students’ difficulties in

understanding modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. It was related to

the students’ difficulties in understanding the formula of the sentence and

the usage of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. The teacher said

students are not too courageous in learning grammar because they seem it

is probably difficult. Most of them considered modal auxiliary verb as a

main verb. In this case, they usually use to infinitive after modal auxiliary

verb. Beside of that, the students know the function of the sentence which

used modal auxiliary verbs, but they do not know the structure of the

sentence itself.

The third category was related to the strategy used by the teacher to

solve students’ difficulties in understanding modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’

and ‘would’. The teacher said he usually gave a brief explanation and

focused on students’ who really have difficulties in understanding modal

auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and would’. He also gave some exercises from the

students’ hand book (LKS) or English text book. Unfortunately, it did not

really solve the problem. Then, the writer suggested to use contextual

teaching and learning method to solve the problem. Because through

contextual teaching and learning method, hopefully students are able to

understand modal auxiliary verb of will and would easily. Finally, the

Page 41: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


teacher and the writer agreed to use contextual teaching and learning

(CTL) in teaching modal auxiliary verbs will and would.

b. The Result of Pre Observation

Pre observation was conducted to know the process of teaching

learning modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would before implementing

contextual teaching and learning (CTL). It was conducted at grade VIII.5

of MTS Al Musthafa Cireunghas. The class consists of thirty six (36)


In general, when teaching modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’

the teacher taught deductively and the teaching learning process seemed

uninteresting. The teacher wrote some sentences using modal auxiliary

verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. After that, he explained the formula of the

sentence and the function of the sentence. Next he asked the students to

write the sentences in their book. After that, students had to make a

sentence by using modal auxiliary verbs.

In this teaching learning process, the teacher seemed more active

than the students; the students had a little chance to be active in the

classroom. When the teacher explained the material, some of the students

were paying attention, however some of them instead made own

conversation. Consequently, when the teacher gave the exercise, some of

them were complaint and asked the teacher what to do. This problem

influenced students’ achievement in understanding modal auxiliary verbs

‘will’ and ‘would’.

c. The Result of Pre Questionnaire

The questionnaire was used to know the students’ response of

teaching learning process before implementing CAR. The pre

questionnaire was delivered on Friday 7th

January 2011, and the

questionnaire consists of ten (10) statements The questioner covers three

categories: the students’ response in learning grammar (question number

Page 42: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


1- 3), the second categories was the students’ understanding of modal

auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ (question number 4- 8), Students’

activity in teaching learning process (question number 9- 10). The

following table is the result of the questionnaire before CAR:

Table: 4.1

The Result of Pre Questionnaire

No Students’ answer The Result of Student’s answer

Yes % No %

1 Students feel satisfied with their

English score.

7 19.4% 29 80.5%

2 Students like to learn English


16 44.5% 20 55.5%

3 Students motivated in learning

modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and


8 22.3% 28 77.7%

4 Students understand modal

auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’


6 16.7% 30 83.3%

5 Students have the difficulty in using

modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and


32 88.8% 4 11.2%

6 Students could remember the formula

of modal auxiliary ‘will’ and ‘would’


13.9% 31


7 The students know the use of modal

auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’ in

their daily life.


16.7% 30


8 Students can do the exercise about

modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and


12 33.3% 24 66.7%

Page 43: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


9 The students do the English

exercise individually

11 30.5% 25 69.5%

10 The students do the English exercise

in group

28 77.7% 8 22.3%

To find out students’ response and experience about the ideas of

learning modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’ before implementing the

action, the writer used the following formula:1

P = the percentage

f = frequency of the percentage is being calculated

N = number of students

According to statement whether Students feel satisfied with their

English score or not, only 7 students (19.4%) were satisfied with their

English score, and other 29 students (80.5%) did not satisfy with their

English score. The statement number two shown that 16 students (44.5%)

like to learn English grammar and 20 students (55.5%) did not like to learn

English grammar. For statement number three about students motivation in

learning modal auxiliary verb, shown that 8 of 36 students (22.3%) felt

motivated in learning modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’, it means

28 students (77.7%) did not feel motivated in learning modal auxiliary

verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. Next, related to number four only 6 students

(16.7%) understand modal auxiliary verbs easily and 30 students (83.3%)

were hardly to understand the modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’.

Then for number five which stated about students difficulties in learning

1 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2008), p.43

Page 44: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would, it stated that 32 students (88.8%)

realized that they had a difficulty in using modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and

‘would’ and only 4 students (11.2%) could understand in using modal

auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. Related to statement number six, there

are 6 students (16.7%) who know the use of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’

and ‘would’ in their daily life, and 30 students (83.3%) did not know it.

about students ability in remembering the formula of modal auxiliary verb

‘will’ and ‘would’, 5 (13.9%) students could remember the formula of

modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’, while 31 students (86.1%) could

not remember the formula of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’.

Next the responses for students’ ability in doing the exercises of modal

auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’, there were 12 students (33.3%) could do

the exercises about modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. For

statement number nine, 11 students (30.5%) did the English exercises

individually and the other 25 students (69.5%) did not do the English

exercises individually. For the last statement number ten, 28 students

(77.7%) did the English exercises in a group and the other 8 students

(22.3%) did not do the exercises in a group.

Based on the result of the pre questionnaire above, here the writer

would like to give the explanation. Generally, from the table above it could

be seen that most of students have a difficulty in learning modal auxiliary

verbs and the students also have a low motivation in learning English


d. The Result of Pre test

The pre test was held on 7th

January 2011. There were 20 questions

in a form of multiple choices and 5 questions in a form of fill in. The

students carried out the test during 30 minutes. The following table is the

students’ score result in the pretest:

Page 45: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


Table: 4.2

The Result of Pretest


Number Pretest

1 60

2 56

3 44

4 40

5 32

6 56

7 28

8 76*

9 48

10 56

11 32

12 72*

13 52

14 56

15 40

16 52

17 60

18 48

19 68*

20 48

21 40

22 40

23 44

24 32

25 68*

26 36

27 32

28 40

29 48

30 40

31 60

32 56

33 56

34 68*

35 28

36 40


𝑋 = 𝑋



Page 46: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


Based on the result of the pre test, those were only 5 students who

passed the KKM. Meanwhile, the other 31 students could not pass the

KKM. The mean of the pretest result is 48.66. The highest score of pre test

was 76 and the lowest score that was gained by the student was 28. From

the data above, it could be seen that most of the students in class VIII.5

needed an improvement to understand modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and


2. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research

a. CYCLE 1

1) Planning

In this phase, the writer and the teacher made a planning

that will be implemented in the action phase to solve students’ problem

in understanding modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. In this case,

the writer provided a material and the exercises in the lesson plan. In

the lesson plan, the main discussion is the formula and the function of

modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. The lesson plan was created

in line with the principal and the component of Contextual Teaching

Learning (CTL). Such as; the students asked to identify the sentence

pattern of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ as an application of

constructivism. After that, students have to work in a group and

discuss their idea about the sentence pattern and the sentence usage,

this activity covered learning community, inquiry, and questioning.

Then, as an application of modeling, student in a group have to present

a result of the discussion. The last, as the implementation of reflection,

the teacher and students review the material they have learned and

conclude the material, in the end of teaching learning activity.

In this phase, the writer not only made a lesson plan but

also prepared a field notes to observe the students’ and teacher’

activities during teaching learning process and the pre questionnaire to

know students’ response in teaching learning process before

implementing CAR . Besides, the writer also prepared the post test 1 to

Page 47: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


know whether there are some students’ improvement scores in learning

modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ from pretest to posttest.

2) Acting

The 1st action of the cycle 1 was done on January 13

th 2011.

And the 2nd

action of the cycle 1 was done on January 14th

2011. In

this phase, the teacher implements the teaching learning process

based on the lesson plan has been made and the writer observes the

teaching learning process. Firstly, the teacher asked the students to

make a group, and asked them to identify and to discuss the

patterns and the usage of the sentence in the paper. The paper

consisted of five sentence which use modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’

and would’ in the positive pattern, negative pattern, and

interrogative pattern. After that, the teacher asked the delegation

of each group to present their result of discussion. Next, after all

delegations of each group had presented their discussion, the

teacher gave the explanation about the pattern and the function of

modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’ to avoid

misunderstanding. Then, to measure students’ understanding,

students were asked to do the exercises.

In the second action, students were asked to work in a

group. They have to make the sentence about what they will do,

what they will not do in the next week, asked another group to do

something and knowing your friends preference. Next, they have to

stick their paper in the wall. After that, the teacher and the students

evaluated the sentences together.

3) Observing

In this phase, the writer observed all the occasions that

happened during an action phase. It was included the teacher

performance, class situation and students’ response. Based on the

Page 48: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


1st action, the teacher already delivered a material in line with the

lesson plan. However, there still found a weakness. That is when

teacher asked the students to identify and discuss the sentence

pattern and the sentence function, he gave unclear direction so that

some students still asked what they have to do. Meanwhile, when

the students worked in a group, only some of them who acted

actively in the group and the other students were talking each

other. In this case, the teacher needed to give more attention to the

students in each group. In addition, some students felt ashamed to

express their ideas, in the other words they were passive in class

activity. Next according to the test result, because of some students

did not pay attention to the teacher explanation, many of the

students cheated and asked to the other students to accomplish the


According to the observation in the second action, it was

found some improvements. Here the observer noticed that there

were some students who acted actively and seemed enjoy to the

learning process. It seemed when the teacher asked them to work in

a group, the students seemed enjoy doing the exercises. However,

in this action, the writer still found some weakness too, such as;

there were students who still difficult to identify the formula how

to use would you like and would you mind. Otherwise, in the

second action the teacher gave more attention to the students. So,

the students who still talked each other and did not pay attention to

the teacher worse than before.

In this observing phase, the writer also carried out the

posttest 1 to measure the improvement score of students’

understanding of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. Related

to the result of the posttest 1 the mean score of posttest 1 is 59.88,

it is mean there were 12 students could achieve the KKM.

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4) Reflecting

In the end of the cycle 1, the teacher and the writer

discussed the conclusion of implementing the action. Although the

first action has shown a good improvement, the teacher and the

writer still felt unsatisfied with the result, because most of the

students were still difficult in understanding modal auxiliary verb

‘will’ and ‘would’. Then, the writer and the teacher tried to

improve students’ understanding in the next action in order 70% of

students in the class could pass the KKM. Whereas, the result of

pretest data showed only 10% of the students could passed (KKM).

in addition, the result of pre questionnaire shown that most of the

have a difficulty in learning modal auxiliary verbs and the students

also have a low motivation in learning English grammar

Because of that, the teacher and the writer evaluated the

implementation of contextual teaching and learning method in the

first cycle. As the observer, the writer suggested to the teacher to

give more attention to the students in order they did not talk each

other instead they paid attention to the material. And the teacher

also had to walk around a class when students worked in a group to

check students’ work and to avoid students’ who did not involve in

class activity. Besides, the teacher needed to give a clear

explanation so that the students could understand the material

easily. Another problem that needed to be evaluated is about

managing time. In this case, the writer suggested to the teacher to

use a time keeper in order the teaching learning process run


After reflecting the teaching learning process of cycle 1, the

writer and the teacher decided to conduct the next cycle. To get the

better result in the next cycle, the teacher and the writer modified a

previous lesson plan in order to make students more enthusiastic

and more active during teaching learning process. In this case, the

Page 50: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


writer and the teacher decided to use a picture and dialogue in the

next lesson plan. Hopefully, by using picture and dialogue, the

students could understand the material of modal auxiliary verbs

‘will’ and ‘would’ easily.

b. CYCLE 2

1) Planning

As in the previous cycle, in this phase the writer and the

teacher selected the material and the exercise into a lesson and

modified it based on the result of reflecting phase in the first cycle.

The lesson plan which was used still in line with the principal and

the component of CTL, but in this case the writer and the teacher

gave some modifications in the lesson plan in order to make the

students more enthusiastic and more comprehend with the material

of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. The modifications

were added to improve the teaching learning process, such as; the

use of dialogue and picture to help students understand the material

easily, the teacher had to pay more attention to the students, the

teacher had to use a time keeper in order to make teaching learning

activity run well.

Furthermore, the writer also prepared a field note for the

observer to note the class activities during teaching learning

process. And the writer also prepared the post test 2 to collect the

data and the post questionnaire to know students’ responses related

to the use of contextual teaching learning (CTL) in improving

students’ understanding of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and


2) Acting

The 1st action of the cycle 2 was done on January 20

th 2011.

And the 2nd

action of the cycle 2 was done on January 22th

2011. In

Page 51: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


cycle 2, the writer took a role as a teacher and the teacher took a

role as an observer who observed the teaching learning process

during CAR. As in the first cycle, in conducting the 1st action the

teacher implemented the teaching learning process related to the

lesson plan. At the beginning the teacher reviewed the material that

had been learned in the previous meeting. Next, the teacher asked

the students to change the affirmative sentences into interrogative

sentences based on the picture. After that, the teacher gave the

clear explanation. Besides, teacher gave a list of schedule and

students had to make affirmative sentence based on the schedule

that was given. In doing the exercises, some of students were

interested in it, but several of them still looked confuse with the


In the 2nd

action, the teacher gave script of the conversation

to the students, and then asked some students to become her

partner in giving an example to the other students. Next, the

teacher asked them to make a conversation by using modal

auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’ in pair, and they also had to

practice it in the front of the class room. The student who could

give a best performance in the dialogue was given a price, and

some students were excited to give their best performance.

3) Observing

In general, the teaching learning process in the cycle 2 was

much better than the cycle before. There was a significant

improvement in the class situation, the teacher performance, and

the students’ response. According to the observation of the first

action, the observer or the teacher mentioned that the teacher or the

writer explained the material too fast which made some students

could not grasp the material clearly. However, there were some

improvements in the first action of cycle 2. In this case, the writer

Page 52: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


inferred that the picture gave a good influence for the students,

they were not taking a long time in making a sentence because they

were helped by the picture.

In the second observation, the observer mentioned that the

teacher had been shown the improvement in her teaching, the

teacher spoke not too fast in explaining the material, that is why

the students could get clear understanding about the material. Then,

related to the students’ responses the observer said that the

students’ were more active in teaching learning process, although

there were several students’ who still ashamed in expressing their


In this phase, the writer also conducted the posttest 2

related to the students’ understanding of modal auxiliary verb

‘will’ and ‘would’. Based on the posttest 2, the mean score of the

class in modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ test is 70.66.

Meaning that, there were 26 students whose score passed the


4) Reflecting

In this phase the writer and the teacher discussed about the

conclusion of the action in cycle 2. From the observation above, it

could be seen that students could understand the material of modal

auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ easier than before using

contextual teaching learning CTL. It was proven by the

improvement score of students’ posttest 1 and posttest 2.

According to students’ score from pretest to posttest 2,

there was a significant improvement that was shown by the

students, there was 72.22% students who derived the KKM (65). It

means, the writer and the teacher’s action was successful to

improve students’ understanding of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and

‘would’. Therefore, the writer and the teacher decided to stop the

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CAR, considering to the teacher and the writer agreement that the

action called success if there was 70% of students could achieve

the KKM.

Based on the result of the reflection, the writer and the

teacher concluded that teaching modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and

‘would’ by using contextual teaching learning (CTL) that was

implemented in CAR was very effective.

3. After Implementing the Action Research

The description of the data after implementing the action consisted of three

parts. Those were the result of post interview, the result of post questionnaire, and

the result of post test.

a. The Result of Post Interview.

The post interview was carried out on Saturday, 22th

January 2011.

The post interview was conducted to know the teacher’ responses related

to the use of Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) in improving students’

understanding of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. Here, the

writer asked 8 questions related to the use of CTL in improving students’

understanding of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. The eight

questions were divided into three general categories. Those were the

general condition of the classroom after CAR, the difficulties of using

contextual teaching learning (CTL) during CAR, and the strategy had been

use to solved the problems.

For the first category, the teacher mentioned that the general

condition of the class during CAR was better than before. It could be seen

from the students’ activities during CAR. Almost all students in the class

seem more active and enthusiastic during teaching learning process.

Besides of that, the students who understood the material were better, it

was proven from the outcome of post test 2, that almost 70% students’

score could pass the KKM.

Page 54: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


The second category is about the difficulties of using contextual

teaching learning (CTL) during CAR. Related to this category, the teacher

said that in the first time he was difficult in creating the appropriate lesson

plan according to the principle of Contextual Teaching Learning. Besides,

he also had a difficulty in managing time.

Related to the last category, the teacher mentioned that he had

some ways that had been tried to overcome the problem. According to the

first difficulties the teacher made a lesson plan collaboratively with the

writer to look for the appropriate lesson plan that could be used in teaching

learning process. For the next problem, the teacher tried to use time keeper

in order to make teaching learning process run efficiency.

b. The Result of Post Questionnaire.

The post questionnaire was delivered on Saturday 22th


2011, and the questionnaire consisted of ten (10) statements. The

questionnaire was used to know students’ responses related to the use of

Contextual Teaching Learning CTL in improving students’ understanding

of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’. The questioner covers three

categories: the students response in teaching learning process (question

number 1- 4), the second categories was the students’ understanding of

modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ (question number 5- 7), the last

categories was The effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning

method (CTL) in teaching learning process. (question number 8- 10). The

following table was the result of the questionnaire after CAR:

Table: 4.3`

The Result of Post Questionnaire

No Students’ answer The Result of Student’s answer

Yes % No %

1 Students like the material of modal

auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’ 30 83.3% 6 16.7%

2 The teaching learning process was better 27 75% 9 25%

Page 55: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


than before the implementation of CTL

3 The students felt motivated in teaching

learning process after the implementation

of CTL

29 80.5% 7 19.5%

4 The strategy was suitable with the

students’ expectation. 31 86.2% 5 13.8%

5 The students could remember the formula

of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and

‘would’ easier than before.

25 69.5% 11 30.5%

6 The students could do the exercise of

modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’

easier than before

27 75% 9 25%

7 The students ability in making the

sentence was better than before the

implementation of CTL

28 77.7% 8 22.3%

8 Students used the opportunity to give

question 18 50% 18 50%

9 The teacher gave opportunity to the

students to work in group. 36 100% 0 0%

10 The strategy could help the students to

implement the material in their daily life. 25 69.5% 11 30.5%

In analyzing the result of post questionnaire, the writer used the

formula which used in analyzing the pre questionnaire. The following is

the formula:

P = the percentage

f = frequency of the percentage is being calculated

N = number of cases

Page 56: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


Relating to the first statement it is known that 30 students (83.3%)

were like the material of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ after

using Contextual teaching Learning (CTL). And there were 27 students

(75%) who felt that the teaching learning process was better than before

implementing contextual teaching learning (CTL). Next, related to the

third questions 29 of 36 students felt motivated in teaching learning

process. Beside of that 31 students (86.2%) stated that CTL was suitable to

teach modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’. Then, 25 students (69.5.%)

stated that they could remember the formula of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’

and ‘would’ easier than before. and also 27 students (75%) were agreed

that they could do the exercises of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’

easier after implementing the contextual teaching learning (CTL) in the

teaching learning process. Next, according to the seven statements, 28

students (77.7%) realized that their ability in making sentence by using

modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ was better than before the

implementation of CTL. But related to the statement number eight, there

were only half of students (50%) who used the opportunity to give a

question. For number nine, all the students agreed that the teacher gave the

opportunity to work in a group, And the last, 25 students (69.5%) agreed

that the CTL help them to implement the material in their daily lives.

According to the data of the post questionnaire above, the writer

would like to give some explanations. From the table above it could be

seen that most of students are respond the action positively. Beside that the

data shown the improvements compared with the questionnaire before


c. The Result of Post Test.

For the need of the research, the writer had done the

trustworthiness of the test by using discriminating power and difficulty

item for pretest, posttest 1, and posttest 2. According to the data, there was

found ten items that should be dropped. It could be seen in the appendix.

Page 57: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


Furthermore, the following table illustrated the data on students’

achievement’ score of pretest, post test 1, and post test 2:

Table: 4.4

The Result of Post Test


Number Pretest Cycle 1 Post Test Cycle 2 Post Test

1 60 72* 84*

2 56 68* 76*

3 44 52 68*

4 40 60 76*

5 32 48 60

6 56 72* 80*

7 28 40 60

8 76* 80* 88*

9 48 60 76*

10 56 68* 68*

11 32 56 64

12 72* 68* 76*

13 52 60 68*

14 56 68* 76*

15 40 56 64

16 52 68 76*

17 60 72* 76*

18 48 60 72*

19 68* 72* 72*

20 48 60 68*

21 40 60 72*

22 40 56 76*

23 44 60 76*

24 32 44 64

25 68* 76* 88*

26 36 44 52

27 32 44 56

28 40 56 72*

29 48 52 68*

30 40 48 56

31 60 72* 72*

32 56 68* 76*

33 56 52 68*

34 68* 68* 72*

35 28 44 60

36 40 52 68*


𝑋 = 𝑋


48.66 59.88 70.66

*: The students who passed KKM (65)

Page 58: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


To know the students’ improvement score from pretest to posttest

in each cycle, the writer used some steps. The steps are calculating the

students’ mean score of the test, calculating the class percentage, and

calculating the students’ improvement score from pretest to posttest1 and 2

into percentage.

To analyze the data of pre test, the first step is to get the mean

score of the class. The following is the calculation:

X = 𝐱


X = 𝟏𝟕𝟓𝟐


𝑋 = 48.66

From the calculation above, it was known that the mean score of

the class in pretest is 48.66. In other words, the students’ achievement

score of modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘would’ before implementing

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is 48.66.

The next step is to know the percentage of students’ score who

passed the KKM (65). The writer computes as follows:

P = 𝑭

𝑵 X 100%

P = 𝟓

𝟑𝟔 X100%

P = 13.88%

From the computation above the students’ score percentage in the

pretest was 13.8%. It means that the students who pass the KKM are 5

students and the other 31 students were below the KKM (65).

Furthermore, in the cycle 1 after getting students’ score in the

posttest 1, the writer analyzed the data in order to compare the result

between pretest and posttest 1. There are three steps to know the

comparing result of pretest and posttest1. Those are calculating the

students’ mean score of the class, calculating the students’ improvement

into percentage, and calculating the class percentage.

Page 59: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


The first step was calculating the mean score of posttest 1. It was

calculated as follows:

𝑋 = 𝐱


𝑋 = 𝟐𝟏𝟓𝟔


𝑋 = 59.88

The calculation above shown that the students’ mean score of

posttest 1 was 59.88. It was shown that there were some improvements

score from the pretest mean score. It could be seen from the pretest mean

score (48.66) to the mean score of posttest 1 (59.88). In other word there

was an improvement about 11.22 (59.88 – 48.66).

Next, the percentage of students’ improvement score could be

explained from the following computation:

P = 𝐲𝟏−𝐲

𝐲 X 100 %

P = 𝟓𝟗.𝟖𝟖−𝟒𝟖.𝟔𝟔

𝟒𝟖.𝟔𝟔 X 100 %

P = 𝟏𝟏.𝟐𝟐

𝟒𝟖.𝟔𝟔 X 100%

P = 23.05%

Based on the result above, the percentage of students’

improvement score from the pretest to the posttest 1 was 23.05%. It means

that the score in the cycle 1 improved about 23.05% from the pretest score.

After that, the writer would like to know the percentage of students

who passed the KKM. It used the calculation as following:

P = 𝑭

𝑵 X 100%

P = 𝟏𝟑

𝟑𝟔 X100%

P = 36.11%

Page 60: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


According to the calculation, the class percentage which passed the

KKM in the posttest 1 was 36.11%. In the other word, there were 13

students who derived the KKM and the other 23 students were out of

target. The class percentage of posttest 1 saw some improvements of the

class percentage in the pretest (13.88%). It could be concluded the

students’ improvement which derived the KKM is 22.23% (36.11% –


In cycle 2, the writer used the same steps to get the mean score of

the class, to get the percentage of the students’ improvement score, and to

know the class percentage which derived the KKM (65).

Firstly, to get the mean score of the class, the writer used

calculation as follows:

𝑋 = 𝐱


𝑋 = 𝟐𝟓𝟒𝟒


𝑋 = 70.66

From that calculation, the mean score of posttest 2 is 70.66. It

meant that there are some students’ improvements scores from the mean

score of posttest 1 (59.88).

Next, to get the percentage of students’ improvement scores, the

following is the calculation:

P = 𝐲𝟐−𝐲

𝐲 X 100 %

P = 𝟕𝟎.𝟔𝟔−𝟒𝟖.𝟔𝟔

𝟒𝟖.𝟔𝟔 X 100 %

P = 𝟐𝟐

𝟒𝟖.𝟔𝟔 X 100%

P = 45.21%

According to that calculation, It could be said that the posttest 2

improves 45.21% from the pretest and improves 22.16% from the posttest

1 (45.21 – 23.05).

Page 61: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


Then, to know the percentage of students who passed the KKM

could be explained in the following computation:

P = 𝑭

𝑵 X 100%

P = 𝟐𝟔

𝟑𝟔 X100%

P = 72.22%

From that calculation, the class percentage is 72.22%. It means that

in the cycle 2 there were 26 students who pass the KKM and 10 students

were below the KKM. Furthermore, the class percentage of posttest 2 saw

the improvements 58.34% (72.22% – 13.88%) from the percentage of

pretest or 36.11% (72.22 – 36.11) from the percentage of posttest 1.

B. Data Interpretation

1. The Interpretation of Interview

In this part the writer would like to interpret the data results from the

interview before the action and the interview after implementing the action.

According to the pre interview result with the English teacher of MTs Al

Musthofa it could be said that the students class VIII.5 of MTs Al Musthofa have

a low motivation in learning English grammar, it was caused because most of

them thought that English is difficult subject. Furthermore, they have a difficulty

in understanding modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’, they considered modal

auxiliary verb as a main verb. They usually use to infinitive after modal auxiliary.

It is in line with some students answer in the questionnaire who realize that they

have the difficulty in understanding modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would.

Furthermore, after implementing the action the teacher realized that the

teaching learning process was better than before implementing the action. It was

seen from students’ involvement during teaching learning activity and the result of

students’ score. However, there are some difficulties faced by the teacher in

implementing the action such as looked for the appropriate lesson plan which in

line with the principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and managed

the time in order to make teaching learning activity run well. To overcome those

Page 62: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


difficulties the teacher had been tried some ways to overcome the problems, such

us made a lesson plan collaboratively with the writer to look for the appropriate

lesson plan and use the time keeper to manage the time.

2. The Interpretation of Observation

Related to the observation results, the writer assumed that one of students’

difficulties was caused by the teaching learning process in the classroom, such as

the teacher used inappropriate method in delivering the material. In the

observation the writer found the teacher dominated the classroom during the

teaching learning. Beside of that, the teacher explained material deductively

which made students had a little chance in constructing their ideas. As a whole,

that teaching learning process seemed uninteresting which affect students’

motivation and enthusiastic in learning modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’.

But, there are some improvements found during the teaching learning

process. Some students seemed more active and enthusiastic in learning process.

In addition, the teacher explained the material inductively and he gave more

attention to the students. Furthermore, the teacher gave the students more chance

to express and to construct their idea. It made the teaching learning activity was

better, and the teacher not the only one who act actively in the teaching learning


3. The Interpretation of Questionnaire

According to the pre questionnaire result it could be concluded that

students; responses in learning English was not good. Most of them did not like

learn English grammar because they judged English grammar as the complex

material. Hence, most of them had a low motivation in learning English grammar.

Consequently, those problems influenced their understanding in learning modal

auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’. Most of them felt hard to understand the use and

the formula of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’.

Fortunately, the writer found the significant improvement on students’

response to the teaching learning process. In the post questionnaire it could be

Page 63: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


seen that most of students’ felt motivated in learning modal auxiliary verb ‘will’

and ‘would’ after the implementation of contextual teaching learning in the

teaching learning process. Students’ high motivation automatically affects their

understanding to the modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’. Most of them could

remember the modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ easier than before.

Moreover, students ability in doing the exercise of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and

‘would’ shown a good improvement. Beside of that, Students realized that the

teaching learning process was better than before the implementation of contextual

teaching and learning (CTL).

4. The Interpretation of the Test

Here, the writer would like to interpret the data results among the pretest,

the posttest of cycle 1 and the posttest of cycle 2 are as following:

In the pretest, the students’ mean score on modal auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and

‘would’ test before carrying out CAR is 48.66. it meant the class percentages

which pass the KKM is 13.88%. In other words from the 36 students, there were

only 5 students who can pass the KKM (65) and the other 31 students were out of


Next, the students mean score of posttest 1 is 59.88 It saw the students’

score improvements from the pretest that is 11.22 (59.88– 48.66) or 23.05%.

Meanwhile, the class percentage which passed the KKM I posttest 1 is 36.11%. It

meant there were 13 students who passed the KKM and 23 students whose score

still below KKM. Although the result saw more improvement, but it was still

needed an improvement to reach the target of success CAR, which is 70% of the

class percentage or at least could achieved the KKM.

Then, in the second cycle the students’ mean score of posttest 2 is 70.66. it

was shown the improvement from the posttest 1 10.78 (70.66 – 59.88) or 45.21%

students’ improvement in the score percentage from the pretest or 22.16%

students’ improvement from the posttest 1. Furthermore, the class percentage

whose pass the KKM is 72.22%, in other words there are 26 students who pass the

KKM and the other 10 students were still out of target. The class percentage

Page 64: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


shows the improvement 58.34% (72.22% - 13.88%) from the pretest or 36.11%

(72.22% - 36.11) from the posttest 1. Based on that calculation, it could be said

that the posttest 2 of CAR is success. It was indicated by a number of students

who passed the KKM score more than 70%, meaning that it has already met the

criterion of success.

Page 65: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The




After finishing the whole steps of this research, the writer would like

to makes some conclusion about the result of this research. After that, related to

the conclusion the writer would give some suggestions.

A. Conclusion

Related to the finding of this research, it could be said that this

research was success. It is proven by the test result, there was 45.21 improvements

of students’ mean score from pretest to the posttest in the second cycle. In the

pretest, there were only 5 students who passed the KKM and the other 31 students

were out of target. In the posttest 1, there were 13 or 36.11% students who passed

the KKM. And in the result of cycle 2 there were 26 or 72.22% students who

passed the KKM in which their mean score of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and

‘would’ test derived 70.66%. Based on the statement above, it could be

concluded that Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) could improve students’

understanding of modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’.

Page 66: ENDORSEMENT SHEET The “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle subject and verb. One kind of verbs is modal auxiliary. The


B. Suggestion

In this part the writer would like to give some suggestions for the

teacher. First, the teacher must be creative in creating the teaching learning

activities, the teacher should focus on teaching learning strategy not only focus on

transferring information. Second, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is an

appropriate method to improve student’s understanding of grammar skill

especially modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’. So, the writer hopes the

teacher maintain the use of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in teaching

modal auxiliary verb ‘will’ and ‘would’ or another grammar material in the next

new academic year .

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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini,

Nama : Dini Khoerunnisa Latif

Tempat/Tanggal lahir : Sukabumi, 14 Juli 1988NIM : 206014000118

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa InggrisJudul Skripsi : Improving Students’ Understanding of Modal Auxiliary Verb

‘Will’ and ‘Would’ by Using Contextual Teaching LearningAnd Method (CTL) (A Classroom Action Research at Class

VII.5 of MTs Al Musthofa Cireunghas, Sukabumi)Dosen Pembimbing : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd

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