Page 1: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes


By Allison and Karina

Page 2: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

Name the endocrine organs…Hypothalamus










Page 3: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What are the three main types of hormones?

1. Polypeptide 2. Steroids3. Modified amino acids

Page 4: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

How are hormones made?

Page 5: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

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Page 6: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

Signalling cell close to Signalling and

target cell the same

Signalling cell

Target cell

Signalling molecule travel in blood to

target cell

Name the types of chemical communication…

Page 7: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

Talking to yourselfConversation/meeting

Phone call

Paracrine signalling

Endocrine signalling

Autocrine signalling

Signalling cell close to Signalling and

target cell the same

Signalling cell

Target cell

Signalling molecule travel in blood to

target cell

Page 8: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

How are steroid and peptide hormones transported in the blood?

Peptides = dissolve in blood (as they are hydrophillic) and bind to cell surface receptors

Steroids (and thyroid) = transported attached to binding proteins because they are hydrophobic. Bind to cell surface OR intracellular receptors.

Page 9: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

Feedback Control


Anterior pituitary

Target endocrine


Releasing hormone

Trophic hormone



Page 10: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes


Page 11: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

Feedback Control


Anterior pituitary

Target endocrine


Releasing hormone

Trophic hormone


Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH)

Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)


Adrenal gland

Page 12: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What are the functions of cortisol?

• Connective tissue • Lets the baby grow• Immune functions inhibited • Muscle mass • Bone function

Page 13: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What are the symptoms of having too much cortisol?


• Depression • Insomnia • Psychosis • Libido lowered • Obesity (central)• Moon face • Amennhorrea• Striae

Page 14: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What do you predict will happen to the hormones in this loop (high, low or normal) when Cushing’s

syndrome is being caused by: a) hypothalamus, b) anterior pituitary, c) adrenal gland:

Page 15: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What do you predict will happen to the hormones in this loop (high, low or normal) when Cushing’s

syndrome is being caused by: a) hypothalamus, b) anterior pituitary, c) adrenal gland:

Page 16: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What is Addison’s condition?

Adrenal insufficiency.

Adrenal glands do not produce sufficient steroid hormones: cortisol and aldosterone.

Page 17: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What are the symptoms of Addison’s?

Back pain AnorexiaNausea/ vomiting DiarrhoeaAbdo pain Impotence Depression

Page 18: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

Formative Style Questions

Page 19: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

Which of the following best describes hormones?

1. Work only in the area adjacent to the gland that produced them

2. All are lipid soluble 3. Chemical messengers that are released into

the environment4. Hormones are stable, long lasting chemicals

released from glands

Page 20: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What part of the cell is involved in steroid synthesis?

A. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum C. Golgi apparatus D. Nucleus

Page 21: Endocrinology By Allison and Karina. Name the endocrine organs… Hypothalamus Adrenal Pancreas Kidney Ovary Uterus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Testes

What does paracrine mean?

A. To self B. To a nearby cellC. To a distant cell D. Into a duct
