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Page 1: endemic plants

1.Heart-shaped Nephentes (Nepenthes truncate)

Nepenthes truncate is another unique carnivorous pitcher plant native to Mindanao. This beautiful plant is characterized by its heart-shaped or truncate leaves and very large pitchers, which can reach up to 50 cm in height.

2. Sea Poison Tree (Barringtonia asiatica)

The unique-looking but beautiful Sea Poison Tree is a species of endemic to mangrove habitats on the tropical coasts and islands of the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean like Philippines, Fiji, Taiwan, Zanzibar and New Caledonia. It is also known as Fish Poison Tree or Box Fruit due the distinct boxed like shaped fruit it produces.

Page 2: endemic plants

3. Sacred Garlic Pear (Crateva religiosa)

The flowering tree Crateva religiosa is a flowering tree commonly called the Sacred Garlic Pear. Sometimes it is also called the Spider Tree because the showy flowers bear long, spidery stamens. Aside from the Philippines, it is also endemic to other Southeast Asian countries, Australia, Japan and many Pacific islands. It is grown elsewhere for fruit, especially in parts of the African continent. It is also commonly called Temple Plant. Other names in a variety of dialects include; Abiyuch, Barna, Bidasi and Varuna.

4. Hoya Gigantanganensis

5. Hoya Obscura

6. Hoya camphorifolia

7. Hoya camphorifolia

8. Hoya augustifolia

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9. Hoya merrilli

10. Hoya leytensis

11. Hoya siariae

12. Hoya benguetensis

13. Hoya tsangii

14. Hoya blashernaezii

15. Hoya davidcummingii

16. Hoy imbricate

17. Medusagyne oppositifolia

18. Koko Maron (Creole) known as Curculigo sechellensis

19. Palmiste or Millionaire’s Salad (Deckenia nobilis)

20. Corpse flower, or Amorphophallus paeoniifolius

21. Devil's tongue, or Amorphophallus bulbifer

22. Monkey cup

23. Dolichostegia (Asclepiadaceae)

24. Quisumbingia (Asclepiadaceae)

25. Fenixia (Compositae)

26. Merrittia (Compositae)

27. Psomiocarpa (Dryopteridaceae)

28. Reutealis (Euphorbiaceae)

29. Luzonia (Leguminosae)

30. Thaumasianthes (Loranthaceae)

31. Astrocalyx (Melastomataceae)

32. Amesiella (Orchidaceae)

33. Ceratocentron (Orchidaceae)

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34. Megalotus (Orchidaceae)

35. Phragmorchis (Orchidaceae)

36 .Pseudacoridium (Orchidaceae)

37. Antherostele (Rubiaceae)

38. Greeniopsis (Rubiaceae)

39. Sulitia (Rubiaceae)

40. Villaria (Rubiaceae)

41. Swinglea (Rutaceae)

42. Gloeocarpus (Sapindaceae)

43. Gongrospermum (Sapindaceae)

44. Astrothalamus (Urticaceae)

45. Leptosolena (Zingiberaceae)

46. Adonidia (Arecaceae)

47. Euanthe syn (Orchidaceae)

48. Schuitemania (Orchidaceae)

49. Hoya Loheri

50. Amorphophallus dactylifer

51. Alocasia boyceana

52. Alocasia clypeolata also known as 'Green Shield

53. Alocasia heterophylla

54. Alocasia lauterbaachiana

55. Alocasia portei 'white vein'

56. Alocasia tigrina

57. Alocasia triangularis

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58. Cyrtosperma johnstonii

59. Cyrtosperma merkusii

60. Alocasia reginula also known as Alocasia 'Black Velvet'

61. Alocasia odora 'variegated'
