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Pre-reading questions1. Name three endangered species (animals or insects that are in danger of being destroyed completely).2. Why would animals be in danger of being destroyed completely?3. Are you concerned for endangered species? Why (not)?


Most of us are now aware of the damage which our modern way of life is doing to the environment. This includes the harm which we are inflicting on many animals. Indeed, we are in danger or wiping out some species, if we have not already done so.

For millions of years, extinction among animals was a natural process. In fact, it was part of the process of evolution. In recent years, however, the extinction of some species has been the result of human activities. Had it not been for these, many more animals would have survived.

Some species have either been made extinct, or become endangered, because of hunting. Now, even the earliest of humans were hunters, since they ate the flesh of animals and clothed themselves in their skins, and doubtless their hunting gradually contributed to the extinction of some species. However, it was the introduction of guns, with their accurate aim, which put certain animals at great risk, and from the nineteenth century on, several species have been on the brink of extinction.

By this time, animals were being hunted for commercial purposes, apart from the provision of food and clothing. Elephants, for example, were hunted for their ivory. Nowadays, attempts are being made to regulate such wholesale commercial hunting, but it is difficult to control in some areas. Thus, animals continue to die to make profits for humans. Of course, not only commerce is to blame. Hunting as a sport has also played a part in the extinction of certain species.

A more modern threat to many animals is the destruction of their environment and the resultant changes in the ecology of whole areas. Our use of pesticides and other chemicals has polluted both soil and water, and this pollution has proved to be toxic to many of the plants which are part of the habitat of many animals. Furthermore, we regularly lay waste to land previously inhabited by animals, in order to make way for expanding populations or, as in the case of deforestation, to provide goods for wealthy nations.

Modern living has had a deleterious effect on the ecosystem. We must try to reverse this to save our wildlife.


Vocabulary – Try to complete the table without looking at the text:

1. ____________________ The cutting down, or burning, of trees in a large area.

2. ____________________ Damaging or harmful.

3. ____________________ Very close to the point at which something will happen (normally something exciting or dangerous).

4. ____________________ All the living creatures and plants in a particular area, together with their environment or habitat, often considered in relationship to each other.

5. ____________________ Adjective used especially with plants and animals that are in danger of being made extinct.

6. ____________________ The external surroundings in which people, animals and plants live.

7. ____________________ A chemical substance that is used to kill pests, especially insects which are considered harmful to crops, etc.

8. ____________________ Poisonous.

9. ____________________ The gradual development, especially of living things, into more sophisticated forms.


____________________ To destroy a place completely.


____________________ On a very large scale, affecting a great many people or things, without consideration of individual cases.


____________________ To control something by the use of rules and laws.


____________________ Animals, birds or insects which live in their natural surroundings and are not domesticated.


____________________ To change something completely so that it is the opposite of what it was. To change the direction of a movement.


____________________ The natural surroundings in which a plant or animal usually lives.


____________________ To kill or destroy completely.


____________________ A group into which animals or plants are categorised because they have similar characteristics and can breed with each other.


____________________ To cause someone to experience something extremely unpleasant.

B) Match the words in Column A with their meaning in Column B.

Column A Column B1. inflicting A. no longer existing2. evolution B. types3. survived C. development of living things4. extinct D. continued to exist5. species E. poisonous6. commercial F. turn around7. toxic G. causing harm8. reverse H. having to do with business


C) Match the words in Column A with their opposite meaning in Column B.

Column A Column B1. modern A. imprecise2. accurate B. stop3. provision of C. losses4. continue D. diminishing5. profits E. lack of6. whole F. currently7. previously G. traditionally8. expanding H. part

D) Choose the most appropriate word, given in the box below, for each of the blanks.

damage natural species pesticides representatives

1. The health farm is set in a rural ____________________ , away from the city. 2. The accident caused some ________________________ to the building.3. Since it has few ________________________ resources, the country decided to develop a knowledge economy.4. People who buy organic vegetables appreciate the fact that it is grown without _________________________.5. The leatherback turtle is one _________________________ that may become extinct.

Reading ComprehensionAre these statements true or false, according to the text. Be ready to justify your answers.

T / F

1. The modern way of life is causing some animal species to be extinct.

2. The extinction of animals is a recent phenomenon.

3. Nowadays, animals are killed for commercial purposes and for sport.

4. The use of pesticides is harmful to plants, but not to animals.

5. Cutting down forest trees is harmful to animals.

In pairs, discuss the following questions, considering the text:1. In the past, hunters killed animals for ...

2. Pesticides and other chemicals are toxic to ...

3. Pesticides and other chemicals lay waste to ...



PRE-READING DISCUSSIONIn pairs, make lists of:1. any animals or birds that are endangered or protected in Brazil.2. any areas of land which are protected.3. any trees or plants which are protected.

A Letter

Dear Sir,

I follow your environmental news section with interest. However, as a result of a number of recent stories, I believe that we have begun to take conservation too seriously.

You report that almost 1,000 trees have been cut down in the north of England to create a nature reserve for a tiny snail. Is this sensible? The snail was last seen seven years ago and nobody has seen one since. For all we know, it might already be extinct and 1,000 trees have been cut down for no reason at all.

The world’s smallest lizard, measuring 2 cm from nose to tail, has just been discovered in the Dominican Republic and immediately placed on the list of endangered species. Why? A week ago we didn’t even know it existed. Why should we suddenly care so much about it now?

At Worthing, on the south coast of England, work has stopped on a sea wall in order to protect the habitat of a rare flower, which was being disturbed by the building work. How much will the people who live there be disturbed if the sea breaks through the sea wall, damaging property and possibly taking lives?

Yes, the environment is important – but more important is human progress, the lives of other species and a sense of perspective.

Yours faithfully

Reginald Wells Reginald Wells

Answer these questions:1. Who do you think the letter is written to? 2. Choose the best summary of the writer’s view of the environment:

a) We should do everything we can to protect it.b) We really shouldn’t worry about it so much.c) we should be more thoughtful about what we protect.

3. What three conservation issues does the writer mention? 4. What has been done – in each case? 5. How does the writer feel about the issue.


AFTER READING DISCUSSION:In pairs, discuss:1. How far do you agree with the writer? Give reasons.2. Can you think of any important environmental or conservation issues in your local area or your country?3. Describe the issues to your partner and explain the arguments on each side.4. What is your opinion about what is happening in these cases?

LANGUAGE 1: KNOWLook at this expression with know For all we know, it might already be extinct.

What does the underlined expression mean?

A) Read the sentences and complete them with the expressions from the box:

a. You know as well as I do that ...b. ... doesn’t know the meaning of the word ...c. He’s such a know-it-all.d. you never know ...e. ... how was I to know ...f. I don’t know about you, but ...

1. Conservation? Don’t talk to Gerald about conservation. He ...

2. ______________________________________________________________ I really can’t see the point of struggling to save species that will probably die anyway.

3. We have to do something to keep people away from these birds’ nests. ________________________________ _______________________________________________ someone will try to steal the eggs.

4. I didn’t mean to embarrass her, but _______________________________________________________ that she worked for the company I was criticizing?

5. I hate discussing important issues with Bob. He ...

6. I just refuse to eat hamburgers unless I make them myself. I mean, ____________________________________

____________________________ what they put in the commercially produced ones.


LANGUAGE 2: Objecting / Not objecting to an ideaDecide whether the expressions below express an objection (O), or no objection (N)

O/N O/N1. I think that’s fine. 7. I think it’s awful.2. It’s quite okay to ... 8. It’s outrageous.3. I can’t say I approve of ... 9. There’s nothing wrong with ...4. I strongly disapprove of ... 10. It seems completely wrong ...5. I wish people wouldn’t ... 11. I’ve got no objection to ...6. I’ve got no problem with ... 12. It doesn’t bother me ...

DISCUSSION: TASK 1Work in small groups. Read and discuss each statement below. If everyone agrees with a statement, leave it as it is. If someone disagrees, change the statement until everyone in the group agrees with it. Us phrases from the Language activities, if appropriate.

1. Plants and animals have been dying out since the beginning of time. It’s natural. And it’s pointless trying to stop it happening.

2. Humankind has always exploited the resources of the planet – animal, mineral and vegetable. It’s nature’s problem, not ours.

3. Few species are worth saving: lions, elephants, giant pandas maybe; two-centimetre-long lizards, definitely not.

4. People shouldn’t get so angry about the use of land. We need houses and factories. There are plenty of open green spaces around the world. Even if we don’t use our resources and opportunities, others will. We need to guarantee progress and the development of our society. If you need to be near nature so much, move!

TASK 2:Work in small groups. All the species on the list below are threatened with extinction. You work for a large NGO and have the power to save just three, using your campaigns and resources. Which three would you save and why? Do research on the Internet to gain the information you need to make the decision.

Endangered species conservation candidates:

The Sicilian fir tree The giant panda The Chinese alligator The bowhead whale The red wolf

The Virginia round-leaf birch tree The Sentani rainbowfish Sri Lankan antStereomyrmex horni

3 large NGOs that work with social-environmental issues:

World Wildlife Fund Greenpeace www.greenpeace.orgFriends of the Earth
