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Just to cut the b. s. immediately, I am an affiliate with Empower Network, I am very proud of that, and I\'m

proud for damn really good reason.

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Just a bit about myself just before we move on, I have been in the home based business field for a total of 6

years, and have actually been on-line for about 3 of those years. In that little stretch of purgatory I have actually

experienced remarkably little of anything except crushing rejection from my friends and relatives, from my own

mother nearly disowning me, to my best friend almost actually throwing fists at my head, and other wondrous


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It didn\'t take long for me to feel completely hopeless in the traditional network marketing environment, and with

that I ultimately discovered my way to the realm of internet marketing. With my 3 year foray into this world was a nice warm fuzzy sensation of overall absence or

being rejected, and it felt positively remarkable.

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Of course, it\'s hard for people to reject you when they have absolutely no clue that you exist. I was clueless with this for 2 years, and totally drained of the will to live for the rest of it. I felt like I understood exactly what to do,

however at this point I had made a whopping ... wait for it ...

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$ 53 !!!! WOOHOO !!! With 6 long years of work I now have something to show for my sacrifice and hard work! Life was good ... Of course that wasn\'t $ 53 profit, mind you, as all of my cash was being spent on the main site,

programs and whatever deep, dark abyss my money was going into. I would show you how much cash I spent in all

this time, but to be honest I truly don\'t know (and undoubtedly don\'t want to know.)

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When Empower Network came into being I was currently battered, beaten, and broke. However there was

something about it that simply made an excessive amount of sense in a lot of different ways, from the technical

perspective (if you\'re an SEO addict, the domain name from currently having age and authority with Google

means that you can begin ranking on Google without delay instead of hanging around 90 days to see if Google trusts your website or not) to the economic perspective, that

being that from each conversion you make you get 100 % of those commissions. That didn\'t simply speak to me ...

it sang to me.

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One of the many reasons I believe Empower Network is such an awesome organization to partner up with is this: If

you make ONE sale with Empower Network, you break even with your expenditures almost right away.

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Yes, off of a single sale. I am living evidence of this.

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Exactly how is this possible? Once again, Empower Network is the only home based business that I am

presently aware of that actually gives you 100 % commissions from your sales. When you do the work, you

get the cash. It\'s just that straightforward.

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But What Was It That Really Confirmed the Deal for Me on Empower Network?

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This post was composed immediately after the Empower Network \"Fight the Forces of Evil\" event in San Diego.

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I could very well reveal photos of big checks all day long, but in reality cash alone is not going to drive us forward, and it could or may not make us stick around for the long haul. What really has me holding on for the long run are the unbelievable people that I have actually met inside

this company.

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In fact one individual that I hold in extremely high esteem is a gentleman by the name of Rob Fore. Of all of the

breakthroughs I experienced at this event, he was personally responsible for the biggest one of all; how to break through the hurts, routines, and hangups in our subconscious mind that prevent us from the things we

prefer in our lives.

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Just what Was It that Made You Curious About Enrolling in Empower Network?

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I could certainly go on and mention \"Empower Network is AWESOME! You should join NOW !!!\" (and you should ^ _ ^) but the real question is what brought you right here to look at Empower Network? Just what pain drove you to

look at this article, and most important of all, how can we assist you on your quest to put a stop to that discomfort?

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If you are trying to find a way to put a stop to whatever pain that you might be in right now, if you are truly feeling

the pain of barely keeping you or your loved ones financially afloat, or if you simply have zero time to spend doing the things you like, with the people you enjoy, due to the fact that you\'re shackled to your job, or whatever else it may be right now, if you are willing to do the work required to take yourself away from that mess, this is by far the very best method that I have directly experienced

to get out of that mess.

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There are virtually thousands of home based business I could have attached my name to at this point, however

there is a reason that I am still here, and will continue to be right here for the long run. The simple reason is this: I

get results. For the first time in 6 years I have finally acquired actual, tangible results in my business. That is an unbelievable sensation, and I want to help you experience that very same extraordinary sensation. Simply Click Here and we\'ll review in far more substantial detail just what it

takes to succeed with Empower Network.

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