






OHIO CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTRAL ................................................................ 1ExpertPaySM .............................................................................................................................1Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)..............................................................................................1

EXPERTPAYSM .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2Employer Registration for ExpertPaySM: ..................................................................................2How to Make Child Support Payments via ExpertPaySM .........................................................3

Change Password ............................................................................................................ 3Manage Users ................................................................................................................. 3Bank Accounts ................................................................................................................ 4Payment Profiles ............................................................................................................. 4Payment Center ............................................................................................................. 6

Other Information About ExpertPaySM ..................................................................................... 7Reports Menu ................................................................................................................. 7Changing or Deleting an Employee’s Information ........................................................ 7Costs ................................................................................................................................ 7

ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT) ...................................................................... 9Introduction .............................................................................................................................9Certification Process ...............................................................................................................9Data Cleanup ..........................................................................................................................9Pre-Note Transaction .............................................................................................................10Completion ............................................................................................................................10EFT Record Formats .............................................................................................................11Child Support Application Banking Convention .....................................................................12Element Definitions ...............................................................................................................14Attributes ...............................................................................................................................15

Field Requirement ....................................................................................................... 15Data Type ..................................................................................................................... 15Length .......................................................................................................................... 16

Sample CCD+ and CTX Files ...............................................................................................16

OHIO COUNTY FIPS CODES ...................................................................................17

OHIO CSEA OFFICES ............................................................................................18

GLOSSARY OF EFT TERMS ......................................................................................23

EMPLOYER REGISTRATION FOR EFT FORM ................................................................26



In 1975, Title IV-D of the Social Security Act was amended to establish the Federal Child SupportEnforcement Program. Under the law, states were allowed to set up their own child support programsto locate non-custodial parents, establish paternity and support, and collect and disburse supportpayments.

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA) of 1996 required that all statesdevelop a centralized collection and disbursement program in order to further strengthen the childsupport program. The Ohio Child Support Payment Central (CSPC) provides employers theopportunity to electronically remit support payments to one central location for all cases in the Stateof Ohio.

Employers and payroll processors often struggle with:

� Paperwork� Check-issuing� Tracking� Reporting� Error-chasing� Knowing each state’s criteria for submitting child support payments

Remitting a child support payment electronically eliminates the recurring time and expense of preparinglists of employee remittance information for each payroll and mailing that data with paper checks.This process also eliminates recurring postage costs. Because the remittance information is transmittedelectronically and is not entered by hand, the opportunity for payment application errors is greatlydiminished.

Employers who remit child support payments to the Ohio CSPC have the flexibility of choosing oneof two electronic payment methods:


ExpertPaySM is an innovative, secure Web-based solution found at ExpertPaySM

allows employers to manage every aspect of the payment process with a click of the mouse. ExpertPaySM

is FREE to employers who remit child support payments to the Ohio CSPC.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)By using electronic fund transfer (EFT), employers can send payments electronically through theirown financial institution, which will originate an ACH (automated clearing house) credit transactionto the Ohio CSPC. Employers should check with their financial institution to make sure it offers anACH credit origination service and that they are eligible to use this service. Employers should also askabout fees, capabilities, and deadlines.



We are happy to offer employers who remit payments to the Ohio CSPC a free option to remitpayments. We hope that you will find ExpertPaySM a useful tool in the payment of employee childsupport.

Following is a step-by-step guide for employers to access, register for, and use ExpertPaySM. It is ourgoal to provide our customers with a website that minimizes the effort of making child supportpayments. However, if at any time you have a question or concern, you can get help at one of thenumbers listed below.

If you have a general question or concern about ExpertPaySM pleasefeel free to contact a CSPC customer support representative at 1-888-965-2676, Monday–Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM Eastern Time.

Employers may utilize ExpertPaySM to remit all child support payments.There is no charge to employers for payments remitted to the OhioCSPC. However, if you have questions regarding fees for paymentsremitted to other states, please contact an ExpertPaySM customersupport representative using the contact information listed on theExpertPaySM website,

Online help is available via e-mail at [email protected],where a representative will be happy to answer any questions you mayhave and guide you through the process.

Employer Registration forExpertPaySM:If you are new to ExpertPaySM, click onthe “New Users Register by ClickingHere” link on the ExpertPaySM website, This will bring youto the registration screen shown at theright.

Once you have entered the necessaryinformation, click on “Continue” andverify that the information is accurate.After you have verified the information,click “Continue,” which will bring youto the terms and conditions (terms ofservice) of the website. You must thenclick on the “I Agree” button in orderfor your account to be registered. Youwill receive your account number andpassword via e-mail.

Your e-mail confirmation containingyour account number and password willalso provide a link to the ExpertPaySM


website. You can then go to the website and enter your user ID and password to enter ExpertPaySM.(If you forget your password, a new password can be obtained by entering your user name in the“Have you forgotten your password?” box on the ExpertPaySM home page.)

After you have successfully signed in, the account summary page (the employer home page) will bedisplayed. The options listed in the navigation menu at the left side of the screen allow employers toenter, edit, and/or delete information, and complete payment transactions.

How to Make Child Support Payments via ExpertPaySM

Once you have registered for ExpertPaySM, there are three basic steps to complete in order to makeyour first payment.

To begin, some employers will want to change their password or add other users to the ExpertPaySM

system. Instructions on how to complete these tasks are found below, in the “Change Password” and“Manage Users” sections. If you are satisfied with the password you received from ExpertPaySM via e-mail—or if you are the only user in your company that needs access to the ExpertPaySM system—youcan skip this step.

Before an employer can make a payment, details about the employer’s bank account and the employeesfor whom child support payments are to be withheld need to be entered into the ExpertPaySM system.Instructions on how to add or change a bank account and how to enter and edit the profile ofemployee and employer information can be found on pages 4–5.

To make a child support payment on behalf of an employee, employers access the Payment Centeroption of ExpertPaySM. See page 6 for details about the options available within the Payment Center—including how to set up a profile for recurring (e.g., weekly or bi-weekly) and one-time payments.

Other information about ExpertPaySM, including online reports and costs associated with ExpertPaySM,can be found on page 7.

Change PasswordThis option allows you to change your assigned password to a personalized one. Enter the old password;next, enter the new password you have chosen; then enter the new password again to confirm it.

Manage UsersThis option allows the primary user to create secondary users. The primary user is the individual whooriginally registered the company with ExpertPaySM. (The primary user can be changed at any time bycontacting a customer support representative using the contact information listed on the ExpertPaySM

website, The primary user may add or delete a secondary user, but only anExpertPaySM customer supportrepresentative can change the primaryuser.) After you log in to ExpertPaySM,click on the “Manage Users” button onthe left side of the screen; you will thenclick on “Add User.” The screen shownat the left will appear.

The primary user has the ability to limitthe actions of the secondary users onthe website by adjusting the optionsunder “User Permissions” on theEmployer User Permissions Detailscreen by clicking on the drop-downboxes.


� Withholding Payment: Grants the user access to the payment amount. Options are “None,”“View,” and “Modify.”

� Withholding Profile: Grants the user access to details about the employer’s ExpertPaySM pro-file, bank account, and employee information. Options are “None,” “View,” and “Modify.”

� Payment Submission: Grants the user the right to submit a withholding payment for process-ing. Options are “None” and “Submit.”

� Transaction History Report: Grants the user access to a report of past transactions. Optionsare “None” and “View.”

� Withholding Profile Report: Grants the user access to a report of employees and withholdingamounts. Options are “None” and “View.”

� Payment History Report: Grants the user access to a report of past payments. Options are“None” and “View.”

Bank AccountsThe Bank Accounts option allows an employer to enter the bank accounts from which the supportpayments will be debited. Under this option, an employer must enter a routing number, accountnumber, account type, and a maximum payment amount and check the box if this is a default bankaccount. After the information is entered you will get a verification screen. Review the informationand click “Yes” if the information is correct. If the information is incorrect, click “No” to correct theerror. If you click “Yes,” you have successfully added/created a bank account. For new or updatedbank accounts, the first payment will be held for verification for an additional two businessdays before it is debited, in addition to the normal payment cycle described on page 6. If a userhas more than one account, additional accounts can be added by clicking on “New Bank Account”and repeating the process.

Payment ProfilesAfter logging in to ExpertPaySM, click on “Payment Profiles” and the following screen will appear:

The “Payment Profiles” option allows you to nameyour profile (for example, weekly, biweekly, monthly,etc.). Once you name the profile you will choose thebank account from which the payment will bededucted. If the information is correct, click on the“Save and Update” button. After you save the profileyou will see a payment profile summary. On thisscreen you can add, edit, or delete employees to theprofile. When you click on the “Add Employee”button, the screen to the right will appear:


Enter the appropriate employee information. In Ohio, the state identification number for an employeeis the SETS Case Number (a 10-digit number beginning with a 7). If the information is correct, click“Continue.” This will allow the system to search for that employee. The search produces the screen ofpossible matches shown below.

If no matches are found, the following screen will appear:

If no matches are found, recheck the information to verify that it is correct. If you have entered thecorrect information and still no match is found, you may contact the Ohio CSPC at 1-888-965-2676to obtain information or simply click “Override” and accept the data as entered. In all cases, it is theemployer’s responsibility to have the correct data for his/her employee.


Payment CenterAfter logging in to ExpertPaySM click on “Payment Center” and the following screen will appear:

In this screen you must first choose your payment profile by clicking on the drop box arrow andmaking a selection. Then click “Continue.” You will then enter the Payment Detail screen. Enter theeffective date, which is the date on which ExpertPaySM debits money from the employer bank account.(Note: This debit effective date also determines when the credit data will go to the Ohio CSPC. Withexisting accounts, the process takes two to three business days from the debit effective date to the time thepayment gets to the Ohio CSPC. New or updated accounts will require an additional two business daysfor verification as described on page 4, for a total of four to five business days to get the first paymentinformation to the Ohio CSPC).

You will then complete the following steps:

� Select a withholding date (date employer deducts money from an employee).� Choose which bank account to have debited.� Click to save and update.� This will bring you back to the Payment Center screen.

The payment list in the “Payment Center” screen displays the child support withholding profiles.Each profile will have buttons at the far right of each profile row that are used to submit (S), edit (E),cancel (C), or view (V) a payment. The availability of the buttons depends on the status of thepayment.

In addition, the Payment Center option allows any changes to be made to your list of employees.However, making changes in this screen will not edit the employee permanently. Making correctionsin the Payment Center option—such as deleting an employee due to termination or no deductions—will only be effective for that pay period. (Note: In order to permanently delete an employee, anemployer will need to update that employee’s information in the Payment Profile screen. See “Changing orDeleting an Employee’s Information,” page 7.)


The list appears as shown below:

The first row in the example above indicates that the payment is in progress and will take effect onJune 4. The payment can only be viewed because it is already in progress. The last row shows that thepayment has only been submitted and can still be edited or cancelled. Any payment submitted after 8PM Eastern Time will be processed on the next business day. A payment may be edited or cancelleduntil 8 PM Eastern Time on the day it is entered. After 8 PM Eastern Time, the payment is processedand it is up to the employer to correct any errors by contacting ExpertPaySM customer support usingthe contact information listed on the ExpertPaySM website, or the Ohio CSPCcustomer support line at 1-888-965-2676. ExpertPaySM is not responsible or liable for employer errorin entering payment information.

Other Information About ExpertPaySM

Reports MenuLinks to three different reports that may be viewed by an employer are available on the Reports MenuScreen:

� Payment Transaction Report� Payment Profile Report� Employee Payment History Report

To view any of these reports, the employer must enter a date range in which the transaction took placeand click “Retrieve.” For the employee payment history report an employer will also need to enter theemployee’s Social Security number.

Changing or Deleting an Employee’s InformationAs stated above, editing or deleting an employee within the Payment Center is only effective for thatpayment, not for all future payments. To make a change in an employee’s information (e.g., withholdingamount) or to permanently delete an employee, you must edit the Payment Profile.

To reach the Payment Profile screen, log in to ExpertPaySM and choose the “Payment Profile” linkfrom the list of options. Select the payment profile you wish to edit (e.g., weekly, monthly) and eitheredit the appropriate information or delete the employee’s record.

Further information on the Payment Center can be found on page 6.

CostsEmployers who remit payments to the Ohio CSPC will not be charged for those remittances. Theremay be a cost to remit child support payments to other states. If you have any questions regarding feescharged for remittances to other states, please contact an ExpertPaySM customer support representativeusing the contact information listed on the ExpertPaySM website,


The information below appears in the ExpertPaySM Terms of Service agreement:

FEESExpertPaySM receives payment information from employers and debits employer bank accounts to offsetthe cumulative payment transactions. All payments are forwarded to the government agency in a state theday funds are available. In effect, ExpertPaySM acts as a clearing and distribution system that permits anemployer to interact with many states from a single web site. Fees are charged to an employer for returneditems and these fees are recovered through ACH debit to the employer’s bank account. There are threetypes of fees - fees for providing incorrect banking information, fees for returned debits due to Non-sufficient funds and fees for employer initiated reversals.

RETURN FEEAny payment submitted by you that is returned to ACS due to incorrect bank information supplied by youon your member account will result in a $20.00 fee. This occurs when there is invalid bank information(routing or account information) or closed accounts. This fee will be debited from your updated accountprior to any future use of the service. The payments that were originally submitted and resulted in thereturn will be stopped and must be re-submitted by you.

NONSUFFICIENT FUNDS FEEAny payment submitted that is returned to ACS for nonsufficient funds will result in a $50.00 NSF fee. Thisfee will be debited from your account prior to any future use of the service. The payments that wereoriginally submitted but resulted in the NSF will be stopped and must be re-submitted by you [When yousubmit payments using EXPERTPAY, an ACH debit is sent to your account(s) to withdraw the funds. Thefunds will then show as being received in our account and withdrawn from your account on the “settlementdate”. However, if your account did not have the funds to cover the EXPERTPAY debit amount, then yourBank will notify EXPERTPAY within 2 days that the payment was NSF, and our account is debited. As aprecaution, EXPERTPAY holds all funds until we are confident that the funds have cleared your Bank. Wethen send to the appropriate state child support agency. If an NSF notice is received, we will cancel youroriginal payment, and assess your account the $50.00 fee. Note, this is in addition to any fees your ownBank may charge.



This section is not applicable to employers who submit payments via ExpertPaySM.

This section contains information about Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). For most employers, thisinformation will be most useful to either a systems administrator making custom changes to a company’sexisting EFT systems or to the financial institution through which your company submits an EFTpayment.

IntroductionTo begin submitting payments via EFT, it is necessary to choose the method your company wishes touse to submit payments, and then coordinate with your payroll office, technical staff, and your financialinstitution. In order to transmit child support payments using EFT, you must be able to generate afile that can be transmitted to your bank. Your bank should be able to guide you as to how to submitelectronic payment information. Development of this electronic processing capability can beaccomplished “in-house” by your own technical staff through software provided by your bank or byusing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software. Your bank must then be able to transmit the file—including the addenda records—to the automated clearing house (ACH).

The ACH releases the file on the appointed date to the CSPC bank (Fifth Third Bank), which forwardsthe file information, including the addenda records, to the CSPC for posting to the obligors’ cases asindicated in the addenda record.

Before remitting your first EFT to the Ohio CSPC, please copy and submit the employer registrationform provided at the end of this booklet.

Certification ProcessWe have established a certification process to help you prepare for your initial EFT submission. Thecertification process consists of two major components:

� Data Cleanup: ensures that the data is complete and accurate so payments are not delayed atthe CSPC for manual intervention and processing.

� Pre-Note Transaction: ensures that you have the correct destination bank account at FifthThird recorded in your system. It is not necessary to remit a “penny test file.” A zero-dollar pre-note transaction is sufficient to ensure that you have the correct account information.

Data CleanupTo ensure a smooth transition to EFT, it is important that the information submitted with your file iscorrect. We will ask that you fax or e-mail us a copy of the list you are currently sending with yourpayment to the CSPC. We will then validate the information against the Ohio automated child supportsystem (SETS) data to ensure a match. The verification will include the following items:

1. SETS Case Number: This is a 10-digit case identifier that begins with the number 7, for example:7000456789. Please note that there will be a different SETS case number for each obligor andobligee relationship. If John Smith (obligor) pays child support to Suzy Smith (obligee) and toSally Smith (obligee), there will be one SETS number for the case with Suzy and a differentSETS number for the case with Sally.

2. Social Security Number (SSN): The obligor’s unique identification number.3. Order Number: The court assigns the order number at the time a legal action is initiated, for

example: JUV123765. The order number is always found in the income withholding (deduction)order issued to you by the Ohio county Child Support Enforcement Agency.


Once we have validated the information we will notify you of any changes or additions that must bemade and request that the updated list be resubmitted for review and confirmation of the changes.The CSPC fax number is (614) 895-2094 and the e-mail address is [email protected].

Pre-Note TransactionOnce the data is certified to match SETS case information, you will be requested to send a pre-notetransaction file through the ACH system to the destination bank account at Fifth Third Bank, just tobe sure that the correct account information has been recorded. We recommend that you include atleast one employee record to ensure that the addenda record formatting is correct. Again, we onlyrequire a zero-dollar pre-note transaction. Do not send a “test file.” You will be notified by your bankif the transaction fails. CSPC outreach staff will work with you to get the required information recordedcorrectly.

CompletionOnce we have confirmed the success of the pre-note transmission, we will call you and confirm thatyou are now certified and can begin remitting payments electronically with your next payroll. It is notnecessary to go through the certification process each time a new employee is added to your withholdinglist, provided the complete and accurate information for that payment is included in your addendarecord. If you are not sure whether the new information is complete and correct, contact the CSPCcustomer support group at (888) 965-2676, ask for an employer outreach representative, and we willassist you.

Following is information based on the User Guide For Electronic Child Support Payments Using theChild Support Application Banking Convention (version 2) written by the NACHA (Electronic PaymentsAssociation) Task Force on Electronic Child Support Payments. The complete user guide may befound at The information provided below has been modified slightly to address theneeds of the Ohio CSPC.

The following diagram illustrates the transaction process between the employer and the Ohio CSPC:


Employer’s Bank

Ohio CSPC BankOhio CSPC



Payment Instructions & Remittance Information

Remittance Information


EFT Record FormatsThe rules and guidelines governing the formats, specifications, and exchange of ACH entries arepublished by NACHA, the Electronic Payments Association. The NACHA Operating Rules stipulatethe type of data that may be exchanged in the Addenda Records of ACH formats as well as whichstandards and formats are permitted; but the structure of the data contained therein is managedoutside the NACHA rules. For example, the NACHA Operating Rules permit the exchange of certainEDI messages or transaction sets (e.g., 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice) within the AddendaRecords of the CTX format, but those standards are developed and maintained by other standardsdevelopment organizations, such as ASC X12 and UN/EDIFACT.

The following record formats are used to convey entries through the ACH Network:

� File Header Record (the 1 record)� Company/Batch Header Record (the 5 record)� Entry Detail Record (the 6 record)� Addenda Record (the 7 record)� Company/Batch Control Record (the 8 record)� File Control Record (the 9 record)

An ACH file is bounded by one File Header Record and one File Control Record, which serve tofacilitate transmission, identification, and balancing of the file. A file may comprise one or morebatches, which are denoted by the Company/Batch Header Record and Company/Batch ControlRecord. These records contain information specific to all of the Entry Detail Records containedwithin that batch. A batch may house one or more Entry Detail Records that share certain aspects asexplained in the NACHA Operating Rules. The Entry Detail Record is the record that constitutes thepayment order and is used within the banking system to execute EFT and settlement. An AddendaRecord is used to supply additional information related to the payment issued in the Entry DetailRecord. Each Addenda Record includes an 80-position Payment-Related Information Field withinwhich this remittance detail is transmitted.

The CCD and CTX payment formats are used within the ACH Network to conduct the transfer offunds between business or government entities. To exchange data along with payments using EDItechnology, Addenda Records are used. Under the NACHA Operating Rules, a CCD format may beaccompanied by only one Addenda Record, which may carry X12 data segments or elements orNACHA-endorsed banking conventions. A CCD entry accompanied by an Addenda Record is referredto as a CCD+. The CTX format allows for the provision of up to 9,999 Addenda Records, whichmust carry a full X12 transaction set or UN/EDIFACT message (the transaction set or message mustbe formatted correctly—including the batch information and, in the case of the ASC X12 820, bothTable 1 and Table 2).


The NACHA record formats for CCD+ entries flow in the following order:

File Header RecordCompany/Batch Header Record

Entry Detail RecordAddenda Record(1 addenda with 80-byte Payment-Related Information Field)

Entry Detail RecordAddenda Record(1 addenda with 80-byte Payment-Related Information Field)

Entry Detail RecordAddenda Record(1 addenda with 80-byte Payment-Related Information Field)

Entry Detail RecordAddenda Record(1 addenda with 80-byte Payment-Related Information Field)

Company/Batch Control RecordFile Control Record

The NACHA record formats for CTX entries flow in the order shown below. (Note: Please rememberthat the CTX must contain a fully formatted ASC 820 transaction set. This includes all batches, Table 1,and Table 2—which can contain multiple DED loops). The syntactically correct ASC 820 is then brokeninto 80-byte segments embedded in the CTX 07 addenda records.)

File Header RecordCompany/Batch Header Record

Entry Detail RecordAddenda Record(up to 9,999 addenda with 80-byte Payment-Related Information Field)Addenda RecordAddenda RecordAddenda RecordAddenda Record

Entry Detail RecordAddenda Record(up to 9,999 addenda with 80-byte Payment-Related Information Field)Addenda RecordAddenda RecordAddenda RecordAddenda RecordAddenda Record

Company/Batch Control RecordFile Control Record

Child Support Application Banking ConventionWithin the 80-position Payment-Related Information Field of the CCD+ Addenda Record, remittanceinformation corresponding to the child support payment made by an employer to a State DisbursementUnit (SDU) is presented in the following banking convention. This convention is referred to as theDED Deduction data segment under ASC X12 syntax and is composed of ten fields:

� Segment Identifier� Application Identifier� Case Identifier


� Pay Date� Payment Amount� Non-Custodial Parent Social Security Number� Medical Support Indicator� Non-Custodial Parent Name� FIPS Code� Employment Termination Indicator

Each field is referred to as a data element, which is the smallest named item in a record. It canrepresent a qualifier, a value, or text. A data element has three primary attributes—length, fieldrequirement, and type (see page 15 for definitions). Each data element is identified by an elementidentifier used for reference (e.g., DED01, DED02, etc.), and each element has a specific positionwithin the record (segment). In constructing the segment, each data element is preceded by a separatorcharacter. In the ACH, the data element separator is an asterisk (*). Each segment must end with aterminator, which in the ACH is a backslash (\).

The following is an example of the DED segment as used in the Payment Related Information Fieldof the CCD+ Addenda Record. Note the use of the asterisk (*) and backslash (\):

DED*application identifier*case identifier*pay date*payment amount*non-custodialparent ssn*medical support indicator*non-custodial parent name*FIPScode*employment termination indicator\

Data elements in a segment are either mandatory or optional. Data elements in a segment that are notmandatory as defined by the standard may be omitted. The omission of an optional element is notedby the placement of an asterisk in the place of that element. For example, if non-custodial parent namewere to be omitted from the segment, it would look like this:

DED*application identifier*case identifier*pay date*payment amount*non-custodialparent ssn*medical support indicator**FIPS code*employment termination indicator\

Also, if an optional data element is the last data element in a segment and that field is not being used,the preceding asterisk is replaced by the backslash. For example, if the employment termination indicatoris omitted from the segment, it would look like this:

DED*application identifier*case identifier*pay date*payment amount*non-custodialparent ssn*medical support indicator*non-custodial parent name*FIPS code\

The following grid delineates the format for the DED Segment (Convention) for employers. Thecolumn headings used on the grid are as follows:

� Element—defines the data element name� Comments and Content—define the data element� Attributes—specify the format of the information included in each data field


Element Comments Content Attributes1 2 3

Segment Identifier DED M ID 3/3

DED01 Application Identifier CS M ID 2/2

DED02 Case Identifier (Ohio Case Number) 7XXXXXXXXX M AN 1/20

DED03 Pay Date YYMMDD M DT 6/6

DED04 Payment Amount $$$$$$$$CC M N2 1/10

DED05 Non-Custodial Parent Social Security Number XXXXXXXXX M AN 9/9

DED06 Medical Support Indicator Y=Yes, N=No M AN 1/1

DED07 Non-Custodial Parent Name XXXXXXXXXX O AN 1/10


DED09 Employment Termination Indicator Y=Yes O AN 1/1

An example of the above DED01–DED09 is shown below.

(Reminder: Due to the one-addenda limitation of the CCD+ format, the DED segment is restricted to amaximum of 80 characters. Note the use of the asterisk and backslash.)

Element DefinitionsDED01 Application Identifier: Supported Code Value = CS (Child Support)The application identifier indicates the type of deduction being withheld from an employee’s pay. Ifyou are an employer withholding child support from an employee’s paycheck, use CS as the applicationidentifier.

DED02 Case IdentifierThe case identifier element is the State of Ohio’s case number assigned to the non-custodial parent. Itis a 10-digit number beginning with the number 7 and can be found on the non-custodial parent’sincome withholding order.

DED03 Pay DateThe pay date element provides the date the income was withheld from the obligor’s (non-custodialparent’s) paycheck.

DED04 Payment AmountThe payment amount element indicates the child support amount withheld from the non-custodialparent’s paycheck for the current pay period that is being paid to the Ohio CSPC.

DED05 Non-Custodial Parent Social Security NumberThis element provides the Ohio CSPC with the non-custodial parent’s Social Security number.


DED06 Medical Support Indicator: Supported Code Values = Y (Yes), N (No)The medical support indicator indicates whether the employer offers family medical insurance coverage.If medical insurance coverage is available, a Y is placed in the field; if there is no coverage available, anN is placed in the field.

DED07 Non-Custodial Parent Name:The non-custodial parent’s name element indicates the first seven letters of the obligor’s last namefollowed by the first three letters of his/her first name. A comma must be used to separate the lastname from the first name of the non-custodial parent when the last name has fewer than seven characters.Example:

SMITH,JOH (John Smith—the last name is less than seven letters long)

PENDLETJOH (John Pendleton—the last name has more than seven letters)

This field is not case-sensitive, i.e., mixed case letters are acceptable.

DED08 FIPS CodeThe Federal Information Process Standard (FIPS) code refers to the FIPS code of the SDU receivingthe transaction. It has 5 characters when indicating both the state and county codes. It has 7 characterswhen indicating state, county, and local codes. Ohio currently does not require the FIPS code whenprocessing electronic payment; therefore, this field is optional for payments remitted to Ohio. A tablelisting Ohio’s county FIPS codes can be found at the end of this booklet.

DED09 Employment Termination Indicator: Supported Code Value = Y (Yes)The employment termination indicator is used to notify the child support enforcement agency that anindividual’s employment has terminated. A Y is placed in this field if the employee has terminated;otherwise the field is not used. The payment amount field may contain zero when this field is used. Ifan employer’s payroll system is unable to generate the employment termination indicator, the employeris required to notify the child support enforcement agency (by phone, e-mail, or mail) when anemployee with an obligation has left its employ.

AttributesField RequirementThe first column of the attributes is the field requirement for that data element. An M denotes amandatory element, whereas an O denotes an optional field.

Data TypeThe second column of the attributes specifies the field data type.

� AN denotes a string-type data element. Contents of string data elements are a sequence ofletters, digits, spaces and/or special characters (with the exception of the asterisk). The contentsshall be left justified. Trailing spaces should be suppressed unless they are necessary to satisfy aminimum length requirement.

� DT denotes a date-type data element. Format for the date is YYMMDD. YY is the last two digitsof the year (00–99), MM is the numeric value of the month (01–12), and DD is the numericvalue of the day (01–31). (This format does not support a 4-digit year.)

� ID denotes an identifier data element from a pre-defined list of values.� N2 denotes a numeric-type data element with two decimal places to the right of a fixed, implied

decimal point. The decimal point is not transmitted. It is intended that this number will alwaysbe positive for the child support application banking convention. Thus the amount $550.00would appear as *55000*.


LengthThe third column of the attributes signifies the minimum/maximum length of a particular field. Forexample, 1/6 indicates that this data element must be at least one character, but not more than six.

Sample CCD+ and CTX FilesWhen data is placed in the formats described above, the resulting CCD+ or CTX file should resemblethe examples shown below.

Sample CCD+ File

5200COMPANY NAME 1445556677CCDCHILD SUP 020301020301 1091000011229669

6220730002227007002 0000018000BROK01 STATE OF OHIO 1091000011229670

705DED*CS*7000000000*020301*0000018000*999999999*W*JONSEYKEV*19000\ 00011229670

6220730002227007002 0000004476COML01 STATE OF OHIO 1091000011229671

705DED*CS*7000000000*020301*0000004476*999999999*W*JOHNSONJOH*19000\ 00011229671

6220730002227007002 0000002538COML01 STATE OF OHIO 1091000011229672

705DED*CS*7000000000*020301*0000002538*999999999*W*NAMELASFIR*19000\ 00011229672

820000004800000000000000000000000000000000025014004465 091000010000000

Sample CTX File, ASC X12 820 Transaction Set version 4010

5200COLUMBUS PLANT 3005269527CTXPAYMENT 0003130731091000018186622

6220700002227007002 000011343500020877 0014COLLECTION SERVI 1021000028186652

705ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*DD90520 *01*100026753 *000508*20300018186652









70500SE*11*0001\GE*1*1\IEA*1*000000001\ 00108186652

820000001100000000000000000000000000001587763005269527 091000010000000



Adams 39001 Henry 39069 Putnam 39137Allen 39003 Highland 39071 Richland 39139Ashland 39005 Hocking 39073 Ross 39141Ashtabula 39007 Holmes 39075 Sandusky 39143Athens 39009 Huron 39077 Scioto 39145Auglaize 39011 Jackson 39079 Seneca 39147Belmont 39013 Jefferson 39081 Shelby 39149Brown 39015 Knox 39083 Stark 39151Butler 39017 Lake 39085 Summit 39153Carroll 39019 Lawrence 39087 Trumbull 39155Champaign 39021 Licking 39089 Tuscarawas 39157Clark 39023 Logan 39091 Union 39159Clermont 39025 Lorain 39093 Van Wert 39161Clinton 39027 Lucas 39095 Vinton 39163Columbiana 39029 Madison 39097 Warren 39165Coshocton 39031 Mahoning 39099 Washington 39167Crawford 39033 Marion 39101 Wayne 39169Cuyahoga 39035 Medina 39103 Williams 39171Darke 39037 Meigs 39105 Wood 39173Defiance 39039 Mercer 39107 Wyandot 39175Delaware 39041 Miami 39109Erie 39043 Monroe 39111Fairfield 39045 Montgomery 39113Fayette 39047 Morgan 39115Franklin 39049 Morrow 39117Fulton 39051 Muskingum 39119Gallia 39053 Noble 39121Geauga 39055 Ottawa 39123Greene 39057 Paulding 39125Guernsey 39059 Perry 39127Hamilton 39061 Pickaway 39129Hancock 39063 Pike 39131Hardin 39065 Portage 39133Harrison 39067 Preble 39135



Adams County CSEAP.O. Box 386West Union, Ohio 45693Phone: (937) 544-23711-800-840-5771Fax: (937) 544-5406TTY/TDD: 1-800-750-0750,Ext. 269

Allen County CSEAP.O. Box 1589Lima, Ohio 45802Phone: (419) 224-71331-800-224-7133Fax: (419) 222-6135

Ashland County CSEA15 West Fourth StreetAshland, Ohio 44805Phone: (419) 289-81411-800-589-8141Fax: (419) 281-7528

Ashtabula County CSEAP.O. Box 1650Ashtabula, Ohio 44005Phone: (440) 998-11101-800-935-0242Fax: (440) 998-1538

Athens County CSEAP.O. Box 37The Plains, Ohio 45780Phone: (740) 593-50461-800-436-8933Fax: (740) 797-2447

Auglaize County CSEAP.O. Box 368Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895Phone: (419) 738-25521-800-508-8817Fax: (419) 738-5544

Belmont County CSEA310 Fox Shannon PlaceSt. Clairsville, Ohio 43950Phone (740) 695-10741-800-494-1616Fax: (740) 695-9145

Brown County CSEAP.O. Box 289Georgetown, Ohio 45121Phone: (937) 378-6414/37851-800-244-9833Fax: (937) 378-2552

Butler County CSEA315 High Street, 8th FloorHamilton, Ohio 45011Phone: (513) 946-10001-800-315-7119Fax: (513) 946-1430TTY/TDD: (513)

Carroll County CSEAP.O. Box 295Carrollton, Ohio 44615Phone: (330) 627-53571-800-567-5357Fax: (330) 627-3346TTY/TDD: (330) 627-3346

Champaign County CSEAP.O. Box 38194Urbana, Ohio 43078Phone: (937) 484-15861-800-652-1606Fax: (937) 484-1604

Clark County CSEA1345 Lagonda AvenueSpringfield, Ohio 45503Phone: (937) 327-36621-800-516-3463Fax: (937) 327-3715/3698TTY/TDD: (937) 327-3691

Clermont County CSEA2400 Clermont Center DriveSuite 107Batavia, Ohio 45103Phone: (513) 732-72481-800-571-0943Fax: (513) 732-7444

Clinton County CSEA1025 S. South Street, Suite 400Wilmington, Ohio 45177Phone: (937) 382-57261-800-793-1290Fax: (937) 383-2400

Columbiana County CSEAP.O. Box 9Lisbon, Ohio 44432Phone: (330) 424-77811-800-353-0125Fax: (330) 424-0931TTY/TDD: (330) 424-7767

Coshocton County CSEA725 Pine StreetCoshocton, Ohio 43812Phone: (740) 622-86311-800-622-7722Fax: (740) 622-5591

Crawford County CSEA225 East Mary StreetBucyrus, Ohio 44820Phone: (419) 562-07731-800-761-0773Fax: (419) 562-2018TTY/TDD: (419) 562-7906 Sheriff

Cuyahoga County CSEAP.O. Box 93318Cleveland, Ohio 44101Phone: (216) 443-51001-800-443-1431Fax: (216) 443-5757TTY/TDD: (216)

Darke County CSEA631 Wagner AvenueGreenville, Ohio 45331Phone: (937) 548-41321-800-501-5635Fax (937) 548-4928TTY/TDD: (937) 548-4132

Defiance County CSEAP.O. Box 246Defiance, Ohio 43512Phone: (419) 784-21231-800-569-8003Fax: (419) 782-7680

Delaware County CSEAP.O. Box 250Delaware, Ohio 43015Phone: (740) 833-27201-800-490-9534Fax: (740) 833-2719


Erie County CSEAP.O. Box 1600Sandusky, Ohio 44870Phone: (419) 626-67811-800-454-3747Fax: (419) 624-6387TTY/TDD: (419) 626-6781

Fairfield County CSEA239 West Main StreetLancaster, Ohio 43130Phone: (740) 687-71551-800-409-2732Fax: (740) 687-6787TTY/TDD: (740)

Fayette County CSEAP.O. Box 220Washington Court House,Ohio 43160Phone: (740) 333-03501-800-922-0745Fax: (740) 333-3572

Franklin County CSEA373 South High Street,13th FloorColumbus, Ohio 43215Phone: (614) 462-32751-800-827-3740Fax: (614) 224-5042TTY/TDD: (614)

Fulton County CSEA604 South Shoop AvenueSuite 200Wauseon, Ohio 43567Phone: (419) 337-00101-800-344-3575Fax: (419) 337-0061TTY/TDD: (419) 337-7630

Gallia County CSEA848 Third AvenueGallipolis, Ohio 45631Phone: (740) 446-6177/67921-800-806-0634Fax: (740) 446-0715

Geauga County CSEAP.O. Box 309Chardon, Ohio 44024Phone: (440) 285-91411-800 209-7590Fax: (440) 286-6654TTY/TDD: (440)

Greene County CSEAP.O. Box 9Xenia, Ohio 45385Phone: (937) 562-61201-800-337-1740Fax: (937) 562-6285

Guernsey County CSEAP.O. Box 253Cambridge, Ohio 43725Phone: (740) 432-23811-800-307-8422Fax: (740) 432-1952

Hamilton County CSEA237 William Howard Taft RoadCincinnati, Ohio 45219Phone: (513) 946-10001-800-315-7119Fax: (513) 946-1430TTY/TDD: (513)

Hancock County CSEAP.O. Box 1465Findlay, Ohio 45839Phone: (419) 424-13651-800-228-2732Fax: (419) 424-7288

Hardin County CSEAP.O. Box 428Kenton, Ohio 43326Phone: (419) 674-22691-800-320-2148Fax: (419) 673-1417

Harrison County CSEAP.O. Box 273Cadiz, Ohio 43907Phone: (740) 942-29001-800-455-5355Fax: (740) 942-8135

Henry County CSEAP.O. Box 190Napoleon, Ohio 43545Phone: (419) 592-46331-800-592-4633Fax: (419) 592-7433

Highland County CSEA1575 North High Street,Suite 100Hillsboro, Ohio 45133Phone: (937) 393-42781-800-391-9631Fax: (937) 393-4461

Hocking County CSEAP.O. Box 548Logan, Ohio 43138Phone: (740) 385-89051-800-555-2480Fax: (740) 385-1911

Holmes County CSEAP.O. Box 72Millersburg, Ohio 44654Phone: (330) 674-11111-800-971-7979Fax: (330) 674-0770

Huron County CSEA185 Shady Lane DriveNorwalk, Ohio 44857Phone: (419) 668-91521-800-668-9152Fax: (419) 668-4738TTY/TDD: (419) 668-8126

Jackson County CSEAP.O. Box 232Jackson, Ohio 45640Phone: (740) 286-41811-800-588-7161Fax: (740) 286-4775TTY/TDD: (740) 286-5246

Jefferson County CSEA125 South Fifth StreetSteubenville, Ohio 43952Phone: (740) 283-33001-800-353-2716Fax: (740)


Knox County CSEA117 East High Street, 4th FloorMount Vernon, Ohio 43050Phone: (740) 397-71771-800-298-2223Fax: (740) 392-8882

Lake County CSEA177 Main StreetPainesville, Ohio 44077Phone: (440) 350-40001-800-442-1955Fax: (440) 350-4399TTY/TDD: (440) 350-3321

Lawrence County CSEAP.O. Box 106Ironton, Ohio 45638Phone: (740) 533-43381-800-510-4443Fax: (740) 534-9081

Licking County CSEAP.O. Box 338Newark, Ohio 43058Phone: (740) 349-65751-800-513-1128Fax: (740)

Logan County CSEAP.O. Box 517Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311Phone: (937) 599-72321-800-599-7232Fax: (937) 599-3176

Lorain County CSEAP.O. Box 4004Elyria, Ohio 44035Phone: (440) 284-45001-800-808-2991Fax: (440) 323-3422TTY/TDD: (440) 284-4125

Lucas County CSEA701 Adams StreetToledo, Ohio 43624Phone: (419) 213-30001-800-466-6396Fax: (419) 259-3033TTY/TDD: (419) 259-3094

Madison County CSEA200 Midway StreetLondon, Ohio 43140Phone: (740) 852-47701-800-852-0243Fax: (740) 852-4756TTY/TDD: (740) 852-47701-800-852-0243

Mahoning County CSEAP.O. Box 600Youngstown, Ohio 44501Phone: (330) 740-2073/2-58251-800-528-9511Fax: (330) 742-5824/740-2017

Marion County CSEAP.O. Box 1803Marion, Ohio 43301Phone: (740) 387-66881-800-960-5437Fax: (740) 387-2175

Medina County CSEAP.O. Box 1389Medina, Ohio 44258Phone: (330) 722-93981-800-706-2732Fax: (330) 722-9238TTY/TTD 330-725-9123

Meigs County CSEAP.O. Box 191Middleport, Ohio 45760Phone: (740) 992-2117/50311-800-992-2608Fax: (740) 992-5688TTY/TDD: (740)

Mercer County CSEAP.O. Box 649Celina, Ohio 45822Phone: (419) 586-79611-800-207-3597Fax: (419) 586-2151

Miami County CSEA2040 North County Road 25-ATroy, Ohio 45373Phone: (937) 339-29191-800-308-0264Fax: (937) 335-2225

Monroe County CSEAP.O. Box 638Woodsfield, Ohio 43793Phone: (740) 472-16021-800-472-1602Fax: (740) 472-5666

Montgomery County CSEAP.O. Box 972Dayton, Ohio 45422Phone: (937) 225-5561/40541-800-555-0430Fax: (937) 225-5087TTY/TDD: (937) 225-5042

Morgan County CSEAP.O. Box 276McConnelsville, Ohio 43105Phone: (740) 962-30001-800-564-9234Fax: (740) 962-3833

Morrow County CSEA619 West Marion RoadMount Gilead, Ohio 43338Phone: (419) 947-80751-800-533-0353Fax: (419) 947-8095

Muskingum County CSEAP.O. Box 9Zanesville, Ohio 43702Phone: (740) 455-71461-800-450-7146Fax: (740) 453-5660TTY/TDD: (740)

Noble County CSEAP.O. Box 250Caldwell, Ohio 43724Phone: (740) 732-23921-800-905-2732Fax: (740) 732-4108

Ottawa County CSEA8043 West State Route 163Suite 200Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449Phone: (419) 898-36881-800-665-1677Fax: (419) 898-2436TTY/TDD: (419) 898-3688


Paulding County CSEAP.O. Box 210Paulding, Ohio 45879Phone: (419) 399-84641-800-399-2911Fax: (419) 399-8465

Perry County CSEAP.O. Box 308New Lexington, Ohio 43764Phone: (740) 342-22781-800-549-1890Fax: (740) 342-5509

Pickaway County CSEAP.O. Box 439Circleville, Ohio 43113Phone: (740) 474-54371-800-822-5437Fax: (740) 474-9333TTY/TDD: (740) 474-7588/3105

Pike County CSEAP.O. Box 347Waverly, Ohio 45690Phone: (740) 947-25121-800-646-2165Fax: (740) 947-8955TTY/TDD: (740) 947-5380

Portage County CSEA449 South Meridian Street,2nd FloorRavenna, Ohio 44266Phone: (330) 297-34591-800-876-9544Fax: (330) 297-4559

Preble County CSEA1500 Park AvenueEaton, Ohio 45320Phone: (937) 456-14991-800-413-5899Fax: (937) 456-5591

Putnam County CSEAP.O. Box 30Ottawa, Ohio 45875Phone: (419) 523-55861-800-523-5799Fax: (419) 523-9412

Richland County CSEAP.O. Box 547Mansfield, Ohio 44901Phone: (419) 774-57001-800-774-2552Fax: (419) 524-1507

Ross County CSEAP.O. Box 469Chillicothe, Ohio 45601Phone: (740) 773-26511-800-413-3140Fax: (740) 772-7514TTY/TDD: 1-800-750-0750

Sandusky County CSEA2511 Countryside DriveFremont, Ohio 43420Phone: (419) 334-29091-800-883-8283Fax: (419) 355-5344TTY/TDD: (419) 334-8231

Scioto County CSEAP.O. Box 1347Portsmouth, Ohio 45662Phone: (740) 354-66611-800-354-6377Fax: (740) 353-2576

Seneca County CSEATownship Road 151Tiffin, Ohio 44883Phone: (419) 447-16321-800-825-5011Fax: (419) 448-5272

Shelby County CSEAP.O. Box 4218Sidney, Ohio 45365Phone: (937) 498-49811-800-561-5548Fax: (937) 498-7396

Stark County CSEAP.O. Box 21337Canton, Ohio 44701Phone: (330) 451-89301-800-339-0349Fax: (330) 451-8924TTY/TDD: (330) 451-8879

Summit County CSEAP.O. Box 80598Akron, Ohio 44308Phone: (330) 643-27651-800-726-2765Fax: (330) 643-2745TTY/TDD: (330) 643-8754

Trumbull County CSEAP.O. Box 1350Warren, Ohio 44482Phone: (330) 675-27321-800-720-2732Fax: (330) 675-2746

Tuscarawas County CSEAP.O. Box 1016New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663Phone: (330) 343-00991-800-685-2732Fax: (330) 364-4854

Union County CSEAP.O. Box 189Marysville, Ohio 43040Phone: (937) 644-10101-800-248-2347Fax: (937) 644-8700TTY/TDD: (937) 644-1010

Van Wert County CSEAP.O. Box 386Van Wert, Ohio 45891Phone: (419) 238-95661-800-830-0954Fax: (419) 238-6045

Vinton County CSEA109 West Main StreetMcArthur, Ohio 45651Phone: (740) 596-5209/52001-800-679-8707Fax: (740) 596-8315

Warren County CSEAP.O. Box 440Lebanon, Ohio 45036Phone: (513) 695-15801-800-644-2732Fax: (513) 695-2969TTY/TDD:


Washington County CSEA205 Putnam, 4th FloorMarietta, Ohio 45750Phone: (740) 373-93241-800-888-2732Fax: (740) 373-9447

Wayne County CSEAP.O. Box 217Wooster, Ohio 44691Phone: (330) 287-56001-800-216-6636Fax: (330) 287-5623

Williams County CSEA117 West Butler StreetBryan, Ohio 43506Phone: (419) 636-67251-800-937-2732Fax: (419) 636-8843

Wood County CSEAP.O. Box 1028Bowling Green, Ohio 43402Phone: (419) 354-92701-800-966-3543 (In Ohio)Fax: (419) 354-9371TTY/TDD: (419) 354-9000

Wyandot County CSEAP.O. Box 510Upper Sandusky, Ohio 43351Phone: (419) 294-49771-800-320-5211Fax: (419) 294-6419TTY/TDD: (419) 294-4770


NACHA (Electronic Payments Association)

OCSE (Office of Child Support Enforcement)

ODJFS (Ohio Department of Job and Family Services)



Addenda RecordAlso called a 7 record. Contains the information necessary to identify a payment to a specific childsupport case.

AttributesA name assigned to the three data elements of the EFT: element usage, element type, and minimum/maximum length.

AuthenticationA mechanism which allows the receiver of an electronic transmission to verify the sender and theintegrity of the content of the transmission through the use of an electronic “key” or algorithm,which is shared by the trading partners. This is sometimes referred to as an electronic signature.

Automated Clearing House (ACH)A central clearing facility, operated by the Federal Reserve or a private sector organization on behalfof depository financial institutions (DFIs) in which participating DFIs transmit or receive ACHentries.

Beginning SegmentThe first segment of data in a transaction set. The beginning segment typically contains a segmentidentifier, the transaction set, and other data elements. A segment is similar to a record in a standarddatabase application.

Cash Concentration and Disbursement/Plus (CCD) and CCD+A credit or debit entry initiated by an organization to consolidate funds of that organization from itsbranches, franchises, or agents, or from other organizations, or to fund the accounts of its branches,franchises, or agents, or of another organization. A CCD+ carries one addenda record with 80 charactersof additional payment-related information.

Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX)A credit or debit entry initiated by an organization to effect a transfer of funds to or from the accountof that organization or another organization and accompanied by remittance information. The CTX820 is a NACHA format for use in the ACH payment system for child support payments

Custodial ParentAlso known as the Obligee. The recipient of child support payments.

Data ConversionThe process of converting the value in a data element to an equivalent value.

Data ElementA collection of all data elements available in an EDI system. The data element defines the data type,the minimum and maximum length of the data, a reference number, and, if appropriate, a list ofacceptable values.

Data Element DelimiterA character used to separate data elements within a segment.

Data Element LengthThis is the range, minimum to maximum, of the number of character positions available to representthe value of a data element. A data element may be of variable length with range from minimum tomaximum, or it may be of fixed length in which the minimum is equal to the maximum.


Data Element NumberA unique reference number assigned to each data element in the data element dictionary for eachEDI standard.

Data Element Requirement DesignatorA code defining the need for a data element value to appear in the segment if the segment is transmitted.The codes are mandatory (M), optional (O), or relational (X).

Data Element TypeA data element may be one of six types: numeric, decimal, identifier, string, date, or time.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)Electronic transfer of money between accounts at different banks.

Ending SegmentThe segment that indicates the end of a transaction set.

FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) CodeFor child support purposes, each state is assigned a two-digit code (Ohio is 39) and each countywithin that state is alphabetically assigned a three-digit number. For example, the FIPS code forWyandot County is 39175. (See list of Ohio county FIPS codes.)

Header SegmentA segment that begins every batch and identifies the data contained in that batch. Each headercontains a control number that must match the control number in the corresponding trailer.

Income WithholdingThe process wherein an employer or income payer holds out court-ordered child support from anobligor and in turn remits that payment to the CSPC for disbursement to the obligee.

Mandatory Data ElementAn element containing information that must be present in the transaction as mandated by thestandard.

Mandatory SegmentA segment containing information that must be present in the transaction as mandated by the standard.

Maximum UseThe maximum number of times a data segment can be used in specifications succession.

NACHA (Electronic Payments Association) The national trade association for electronic payments associations, which establishes the rules, industrystandards, and procedures governing the exchange of commercial ACH payments by depositoryfinancial institutions.

Non-Custodial ParentAlso known as the Obligor. The payor of child support payments.

ObligeeAlso known as the Custodial Parent. The recipient of child support payments.

ObligorAlso known as the Non-Custodial Parent. The payor of child support.


Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE)Responsible for the establishment of child support program standards and regulations applicable toall state child support programs.

Ohio SETS Case NumberA ten-digit case identifier that begins with a 7. This is also called a State Identification Number.

Optional Data ElementA data element used in an EFT file segment that contains information not required by the standardbut that can be included in the transaction at the discretion of the sender or receiver.

Optional Data SegmentA data segment used in an EFT file segment that contains information not required by the standardbut that can be included in the transaction at the discretion of the sender and receiver.

Order NumberThe number assigned to an order at the time legal action is initiated. Example: JV123765

Pay DateThe date a payment is withheld from an employee (obligor).

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA)The 1996 federal law that requires all states to implement a centralized payment receipt anddisbursement unit.

Proprietary StandardAn industry or company-specific data format that has been developed by a company for exchangingdata with its trading partners. These proprietary formats usually do not comply with ANSI ASC X12-based standards.

Segment IdentifierA unique identifier for a segment composed of a combination of two or three uppercase letters anddigits. The segment identifier occupies the first character positions of the segment. The segmentidentifier is not a data element.

Segment TerminatorA unique character appearing at the end of a segment to indicate the termination of the segment.

SETS (Support Enforcement Tracking System)The single statewide automated system used by the State of Ohio to track, monitor, and process allchild support and spousal support case information and activity.

State Identification NumberA ten-digit case identifier that begins with a 7. This is also called an Ohio SETS Case Number.

Trailer SegmentA segment that ends every envelope and provides counts of the segments, transaction sets, or functionalgroups transmitted. Each trailer contains a control number that must match the control number inthe corresponding header.




Company Name:

Abbreviated Company Name: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __(Please print the 16 alphanumeric characters that will be used in the ACH Header record to identify the company.)

FEIN: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___(Federal Employer Identification Number)

Employer Child Support Contact:Name:




Technical Contact:Name:




Signature: (Person completing the form)


PLEASE COMPLETE ALL INFORMATION. If you have any questions please call CSPC CustomerSupport at 1-888-965-2676, Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET.

FAX OR MAIL THIS FORM TO: FAX: 1-614-895-2094

MAIL: Ohio CSPCEDI/ACH RegistrationPost Office Box 182497Columbus, Ohio 43218-2497
