Page 1: Empire cinema double page spreads

The use of a large

image captures the

audience’s attention and

introduces the

protagonists of the film

to the audience.

Magazine name banner at the

two corners of the page

Fact box informs the reader

about the upcoming film

Page number and website

at the footer at the bottom

of the page

Banner surrounding page

Small image film strip at the bottom of the page signify

key moments in the film – the images are used to create

excitement for the audience

Conventional column format of text and

the use of a subtitle. White writing on a

black background is used to make the

text stand out

Star rating informs

the reader of a

critical analysis of

the film

A circular box informs

the audience where

they can see the film

and what formal it will

be shown in; 2D, 3D

and can be seen at the


The title uses the colour scheme of white on red, the font style is bold

and therefore appeals to the audience, the banner also informs the

audience of when the film will be shown and adds a star certificate.

Page 2: Empire cinema double page spreads

Year of the film/

magazine printed


The unconventional

placement of an

image at the top of a

double page spread

means that the focus

is of the women, the

frame of the image

links to a cinema

screen therefore

appealing to an

audience further. The

fact that the woman is

pointing her gun

towards the text

implies that it is

important as the

viewer we read about

her story and I got the

impression that by

reading about her

story. I am given the

women hope like a

game which has been

paused by reading on

I am able to help an


The use of a small poster banner signifies the other main characters in the film this is established due to the fact that the women in the image are

wearing the same sort of clothing. The representation of the women in the image is unconventional as women are generally seen in provoking poses

which links to the conventional sexual representation of women. However here they look dominant, and powerful, a force not to be reckoned with.

Unconventionally there is not a large

banner title and the column paragraphs

are small however the first letter in the

column is large and bold therefore

attracting the audience’s attention to

the description of the paragraphs.

There are



subtitles on

the double

page spread

There is a conventional black and white colour scheme

used on the page the white background represents a clear

background and allows the black text and image to stand

out. The use of a white background also enhances the

image as there are a lot of grey hues specifically in the

background and on the women’s armour

Page number

written at the

footer of the


Page 3: Empire cinema double page spreads

Along the side of the

page here there is a

comic strip

describing some key

roles other actors in

the film have starred

in. The purpose of

this is to interest the

audience and

enhance the

possibility of an

individual watching

the film

The title ‘screen’ is very eye

catching and therefore engages the

audience to read the magazine


The second page of

the magazine is


images with the large

image of Jack

Sparrow from the

new film used to

catch the audience’s


The black banner at the top of the page informs the

reader that they are able to vote for their favourite film.

A subtitle is used to inform the audience of

the meaning of the star system in the data

graph in the columns of text.

The graph is

conventionally in

the centre of the

text so that the

graph catches the

reader’s attention.

The use of a

graph also informs

the magazine is


The text describing

the film has been

written in a

conventional column

style however the

text also shapes

around the data


The black box is

used to highlight key

words used in yellow.

This effect is very

powerful as the

yellow is so vibrant

The graph has been coloured red so that it stands out however

the red hue colour scheme can also be linked to Jack Sparrows

headband and the star rating system which is also red.

Page 4: Empire cinema double page spreads

The Family Secret


I have chosen to experiment with letter styles for the title of the magazine

double page spread. I think that this text style would be better suited to

surround an object. However I do think that the different sized letters are


The second style I tried out was the use of shadowing by highlighting the

word this technique is not as effective as it doesn’t look professional. I

have experimented with the font ‘Baskerville old’ and enlarged the font

side to determine whether the font would be effective if it was enlarged

as the background of the double page spread in the same way that the

double page spread Florence and The Machine used a large letter next

to her text on the double page spread. The use of a large letter is a

conventional use of wording at the beginning of a column of text for a

magazine double page spread.








These boxes of ‘S’ show different colour schemes I could use to make

the title or further use in my final banner. The boxes represent the

conventional style of Channel fours advertising. 4OD predominantly use

blue as there branding and they use a bold italic style. The Bold use of

text makes the wording stand out as well as the colour choice. Channel

four whenever they advertise a programmer they conventionally use a

darker colour for the text and a paler tone for the background banner.

The use of a banner means that the text is the focal point in comparison

to the image however channel four conventionally use the colour

schemes of the text and banner to enhance the image by reflecting or

harmonising with the colour hue/ tones in the image. For example if there

is an image of a man wearing a grey t-shirt channel four may use a grey

banner to link to the image. Therefore when I write my double page

spread I will need to make sure that the colour scheme of the page links

to the colouring of the image. I must also consider how the colouring of

the entire media texts link and what these colour schemes represent to

the demographic audience.

Page 5: Empire cinema double page spreads

The Family Secret

The Family Secret

The kerning between each letters in these two examples are the same and the shadowed reflection underneath the text is pointing to the left which means the

text is easier to read for the individual. The spacing between each new word is quite large therefore the reader may feel tha t reading a sentence in this italic style;

Arial at this size could be difficult. I like the shadowed reflections underneath the text I believe the most effective font is the second as it is fuzzy and therefore

represents my mums past and the way that she is able to confidently talk about her childhood in the documentary. Her confidence is represented through the

defined italic style predominantly on the baseline. I have overlaid two different texts in altering colours in these three text

experiments. The first experiment is effective and has a ghostly effect as

the blue font is traveling down the black fonts in a left direction. I have

chosen to experiment with black grey and blue as channel four

conventionally use this colour scheme and the predominant use of black

and grey can link to the documentary’s footage as a lot of the footage

uses a black colour filter to represent my mum talking about the past. The

second text experiment uses grey and blue, the blue text is traveling

upwards and looks as if it is trying to escape from the partnership this

could be linked to my mums own struggle to find out who she really is as

she looks back at her childhood. I believe the third text experiment on this

page is the most effective as the grey text shadows the black text and

neither colour is too over powering.

Page 6: Empire cinema double page spreads

The Family

Secret The Family Secret

The Family Secret

The family secret

The Family Secret

The Family Secret

The Family Secret

In this next experiment I have

layered three coloured texts, this

is not a successful experiment as

the text looks too overpowering

and crowded therefore this font

style is not suitable as it would

not appeal to my target


In this text experiment I have highlighted some of the letters in the words. The text then

looks like it has been cut out and pasted in an order. This style could represent the past

and present which is discussed in the documentary or it could represent the two different

opinions from my mum and nan. I believe the most effective font here is the black and

white scheme, I like that the text is reversible and could link to the way I have filmed the

documentary specifically looking at the past and then looking at the present day using

colour in my footage. A disadvantage to this style is that it doesn’t look very professional

and the blue text especially could resemble a sweet wrapper therefore I am unlikely to

use the font style in my double page spread.

The wide spacing between this text could mean that the reader of the

magazine article finds it hard to read as their eyes have to travel a longer

distance over the page. The second text is shattered and represents how past

and the present are a continuous theme in the documentary. The reflection of

the text has been added using text effects. The use of a reflection links to the

reflective nature of the documentary.

This font style; ‘Webbing Text B’ is a conventionally formal font which would

be used in newspaper titles such as the Daily Mail. The elegant font style

signifies the documentary is about something importance and appeals to an

upper class demographic audience or materialists who are pivotal around the

identity of a brand. A disadvantage to this font is that it is likely to attract a

different demographic to the one I have targeted for my documentary around

and the font is not a conventional style used in a Channel four media product.

Therefore I am unlikely to use this text style as I believe it is important that all

of my media texts represent continuity.

This last text style has been inspired by Avicii’s song; ‘The days’ in which a

spray painter artist spray paints the lyrics to the music video. I have used a

stencil text face and added boxes over the text to darken the text so the

font looks as if it has been spray painted. The style is interesting however I

don’t think it would advertise the documentary successful or appeal to my

target demographic.