
Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

Emotional Intelligence at Work:

The why, what, and how of leadership soft-skills.

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.Content

The State of Play

The Performance/Productivity Relationship

Emotional Intelligence

What does the research say?

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence defined and quantified


Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.The State of Play

Productivity: Managerial soft-skills impact upon perceptions of effective leadership Effective leadership leads to increased productivity and morale

Perceptions of workplace injustice occur when people don’t feel they are treated fairly Feelings of victimisation lead to counterproductive behaviour

Turnover: People join organisations and leave managers! 64% of NZ employees are considering organisational change in the next 12

months Talent is mobile!

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

Research shows Emotional Intelligence:

Leadership effectivenessRecruitment and retentionTeamworkInnovationPerformance, productivity,

satisfaction, and loyaltySales and customer service

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

Research shows Emotional Intelligence:

Leadership effectiveness (36%)Sales performance (23%)Organisational Commitment (22%)Absenteeism (29%)Job Satisfaction (24%)Occupational Stress (19%)Innovation (12%)Teamwork Effectiveness (14%)Customer service (12%)

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.Emotional Intelligence

• Feelings influence people’s performance. • EI involves a set of skills that define how effectively we

perceive, understand, reason with and manage our own

and others feelings. • Involves thinking “intelligently” about our emotions and

how they impact on thoughts and behaviours .

Workplace Event

Feelings / Emotions

Reasoning / Decision-Making

Behavioural Outcome


Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

Biological Basis of Emotion

• Emotional areas of the brain have earlier evolutionary basis (fight or flight etc.)

• Rational area of the brain (cerebral cortex) relatively recent evolution and often last area involved in processing information!

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.Emotional Intelligence is…

Have you ever … Decided not to hire or trust someone because

“something just didn’t feel right” Not asked someone for a favour when they were

having “a bad day”?

Feelings also play a large role in our outward displays and behaviours. They help define our … Use of words Tone of voice Body language Facial expressions

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.Genos Model

Best practice development

Research based

Coachable skills

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

1. Emotional Self-awareness

People high in this dimension…Are “in-tune” with their moods, feelings and

emotions at work.Demonstrate greater awareness of how their

emotions may be influencing their thoughts and decisions.

Demonstrate greater awareness of how their emotions may be influencing their behaviours and performance at work.

Are “in-tune” with how their demeanour and behaviour may be impacting on colleagues.

Self-Awareness:The ability to perceive and understand one’s own emotions

Rob Fyfe

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.2. Emotional


People high in this dimension…Effectively communicate how they feel about

various issues at work; that is, in the right way, to the right degree and at the right time.

Effectively utilise non-verbal emotional cues e.g., body language, tone of voice etc., to communicate how they feel.

Create greater understanding about themselves amongst their colleagues.

Are often described by colleagues as “genuine and trustworthy”.

Expression:The skill of effectively expressing one’s own emotions

Jim Carrey

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

3. Emotional Awareness of Others

People high in this dimension…Are adept at reading others’ non-verbal

emotional cues at work.Understand what typically makes people

feel various ways in the workplace.Are adept at reading others’

emotional/mood states at work, e.g., bored or stressed with a given task, environment etc.

Awareness of others:The skill of perceiving and understanding others emotions

Ricky Jervais,(aka “Martin Brent”

from The Office)

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

4. Emotional Reasoning/Decision Making

People high in this dimension…Consult others’ feelings on issues at work to

help derive solutions.Consider their own feelings on issues at work

when decision-making.Account for the emotional/mood state of others

prior to interacting or communicating with them.

Achieve greater buy-in to decisions they implement in the workplace .

Reasoning/Decision Making:The skill of using emotional information (from self and others) in reasoning and decision-making


Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

5. Emotional Self-Management

People high in this dimension…Maintain an optimistic and positive disposition

at work.Move on quickly from events that cause them

adversity.Don’t ruminate on issues.Implement strategies to help them maintain

positive moods and emotions in the workplace.

Self- Management:The ability to perceive and understand one’s own emotions

Nelson Mandela

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.

6. Emotional Management of Others

People high in this dimension…Create environments that make people feel

more optimistic and positive in the workplace.Communicate and interact in ways that

motivate and engage others at work.Help others see things from different

perspectives.Help people identify more effective ways of

responding (behaving) to events that are causing them adversity.

Management of Others:The skill of influencing the moods and emotions of others

Dalai Lama

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.7. Emotional Self-


People high in this dimension…Have a long “fuse”.Overcome anger at work by thinking through

what’s causing it.Find it easy to concentrate on a task when really

excited or upset about something.Express anger and other strong emotions in the

right way, at the right time, and with the right person.

Self-Control:The skill of effectively controlling strong emotions experienced at work (within one’s self)

Gordon Ramsey

Excellence in Business. Excellence in People.To Recap…

Talented people will not work as productively for ineffective leaders,

and they’ll leave them!

Organisations can not afford reduced productivity or a loss of talent

Emotional intelligence is a crucial component of effective leadership

Emotionally intelligent behaviour can be coached and developed
