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EMIP Czech [email protected] Mental health promotion and public mental health: moving forward in Europe Dr Lynne Friedli EMIP National Workshop Prague, Czech Republic 22 nd November 2005 Slide 2 EMIP Czech [email protected] Summary The EMIP project Mental health promotion in Europe Public mental health and mental health promotion Risk and protective factors Effective interventions Measuring success Public debate and engagement Slide 3 EMIP Czech [email protected] EMIP National Workshops Mapping: what is the present situation for mental health promotion and prevention? For example, in relation to policy, practice, services, resources, training Opportunities: what are the factors that support progress in mental health promotion? For example supporting policies (in all sectors), stakeholders, initiatives and networks National profile: strategic vision for the future development of mental health promotion and prevention Slide 4 EMIP Czech [email protected] EMIP National Reports National mental health data Policy context: existing mental health and other policies relevant to promoting mental health Strengths and weaknesses in the position of mental health promotion and prevention Opportunities and barriers Key priorities for action Progress on developing a National Mental Health Action Plan Slide 5 EMIP Czech [email protected] European policy environment WHO European declaration and action plan (Helsinki) EU Green paper MINDFUL (Stakes, Finland) IMHPA (University of Nijmegen) Monitoring positive mental health (Bilbao) Quality of life/economics of well-being (ESS Wave 3) Holistic, ecological, sustainable, environmental, ethical WHO Health assets Slide 6 EMIP Czech [email protected] Public mental health or mental health for all promoting mental health for the whole population preventing mental health problems improving quality of life for people with mental health problems improved mental health; reduced incidence of mental health problems Slide 7 EMIP Czech [email protected] Public mental health Addressing the wider determinants of mental health Whole populations Individuals at risk Vulnerable groups Key settings How people feel is a significant public health indicator the science, art and politics of creating a mentally healthy society Slide 8 EMIP Czech [email protected] What is mental health? Physical health and well-being Feeling Thinking The heart has its reasons. Pascal much depends on dinner Margaret Visser Slide 9 EMIP Czech [email protected] mental health: how we think and feel genetic inheritance childhood adversity poverty social exclusion inequality behaviour relationships parenting education employment physical health quality of life crime Mental health: cycles of impact Its all in the mind, but its written on the body. Slide 10 EMIP Czech [email protected] Mental Health Poverty Exclusion Discrimination Inequality Physical Health We havent lost faith, weve simply transferred it from God to the medical profession George Bernard Shaw Slide 11 EMIP Czech [email protected] Sources of support for people with mental health problems Diagnosis Treatment Family, friends & neighbour s Employment Housing Leisure Faith Communities Education Sports Self help & support groups Slide 12 EMIP Czech [email protected] Intervention approaches he worked hard for respect but he could not find it. There was in the world a great shortage of respect and Chanu was among the famished ( Monica Ali, Brick Lane ) Strengthening protective factors Reducing risk factors Strengthening individuals Strengthening communities Reducing structural barriers Slide 13 EMIP Czech [email protected] Strengthening protective factors Psycho-social, life and coping skills e.g. self- expression, self-esteem, learning new skills, stress or anger management, relaxation, efficacy Social support as a buffer against adverse life events e.g. building social contacts, self-help groups, drop in, home visits, mentoring, time banks, volunteering Access to resources and services which protect mental health e,g, benefit uptake, supported employment, access to mainstream services Slide 14 EMIP Czech [email protected] GDP and Life Satisfaction (from nef) A Challenge to the Political Status Quo Slide 15 EMIP Czech [email protected] The vision civic life relationships well-being economy parenting friendship social networks environment work/life balance education lifelong learning sustainability engagement mutuality What would policy look like if the goal was well-being? local democrac y community assets Slide 16 EMIP Czech [email protected] Health Assets & Health Needs Healthy Diseased Healthy Diseased Less Healthy Less Diseased EpidemiologySaluto-genesis Risk management Opportunity Management (from Dominic Harrison 2005) Slide 17 EMIP Czech [email protected] Community assets strengthening communities e.g. building capacity, control, engagement, inclusion know how creativity resilience resourcefulness tradition intergenerational solidarity cohesion equity control safety participation local democracy social networks mutuality cultural assets lifelong learning built and natural environment access to resources public spaces Slide 18 EMIP Czech [email protected] Pathways of Impact: Mental health impact Mental health promotion health Human capital Identity capital Social capital Economic capital Slide 19 EMIP Czech [email protected] What works in different domains? feelings: confident, understood, respected, empowered, safe skills: life skills, relaxation, help seeking, keeping fit, accessing information meaningful activity: employment, volunteering, education, leisure, creativity, spiritual growth social support: self-help groups, opportunities for friendship, faith communities access to resources: paid work, adequate welfare benefits, appropriate services influence: opportunities to participate, being consulted, shared decision making, advocacy Slide 20 EMIP Czech [email protected] What demonstrates that living in a community promotes mental health? Access to resources: who doesnt have access? Feeling safe : who doesnt feel safe? Good place to live : who doesnt agree? Influence local decisions : who doesnt have a say? Feeling supported : who is isolated? Hopeful about the future : who isnt hopeful? Feeling valued : what makes people feel valued? Feeling respected : what makes people feel respected? Being involved : who isnt involved and why? Knowing where to get help : who doesnt know? Slide 21 EMIP Czech [email protected] Moving forward for mental health promotion public debate and engagement connecting and mainstreaming policy and emerging ideas evidence and indicators Slide 22 EMIP Czech [email protected] The five fruit and vegetables of mental health Valuing yourself and others Talking about your feelings Keeping physically active Eating well Drinking in moderation Keeping in touch with friends/loved ones Caring for others Getting involved/making a contribution Taking a break Learning new skills Doing something creative Seeking Help Individuals Communities Policy Slide 23 EMIP Czech [email protected] Notes for policy makers . How people feel is a significant public health indicator Include mental health impact in decision making Quality of life may be a more important indicator of success than symptom reduction Its all in the mind, but its written on the body Modify services, not people Curing illness doesnt necessarily result in health Slide 24 EMIP Czech [email protected] notes for us all . Keep on making waves without which no tide can turn
