Page 1: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the

SBBAcier Profilé SSB, INC.


Page 2: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the


SBB is the leading supplier of ERS worldwide. Withcustomers in about 40 countries and over 1,500 ERStowerssold.CommitmenttoQualityWithateamof3inspectorsandadedicatedManagerforconCnuous improvement,we take quality very seriouslyand have been cerCfied ISO:9001 since 1984 and CWB47.1,47.2&178.1sinceourfirstyearsofoperaCons.Moreover, all our ERS have been tested at EcolePolytechnique de Montréal, as well as at the CanadianNaConal Research Center (CNRC) and are thoroughlyinspected and tested as per IEC standard & IEEE guide,oVeninpresenceofourcustomers.

Page 3: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the


VISION:•  WewanttomanufacturethebestERSintheworld.

MISSION:•  Our mission is to design, manufacture & market modular

towers which disCnguish themselves by their user‐friendliness,theirtechnicalsuperiority&theirquality.

OURVALUES:•  Wevaluethequalityofallourproducts&services•  We are passionate about our products and proud ofwhat

wemanufacture•  We value employees that are reliable, dedicated &

trustworthy•  Wevaluerespect,harmony&teamwork

Page 4: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the


Generally,whenelectricaltransmissionisinterruptedbecauseoneorseveraltransmission towers are damaged, there is a high economical cost for theuClitycompany(i.e.penalCes foreverydayofnon‐transmission).However,therearealsohighpoliCcalandsocialcoststosuchasituaCon.This represents an opportunity for a quick and efficient soluCon totemporarily replacedamaged towers,unCl theuClity companycan removethedamagedtower,buildanewfoundaCon,transportthenewtowertothesite and install it. This process can take as li\le as 1 or 2weeks (tower instock,24hshiVs,efficientteams)oraslongas5or6weeks.By using SBB ERS, the transmission towers can be replaced in just a fewhoursbycreaCngaby‐passandpower transmissioncanbe resumedmuchfasterthanwiththetradiConalmethods.When the new transmission tower is installed, the SBB towers can beremovedasquicklyastheywere installedandputback inacontainerunClthenextuse.Our towers are so versaCle that they can be used for various applicaConssuchas:•  Restoringpowerfollowingadisaster(flood,hurricane,war,etc…)•  ConducCng scheduled maintenance work on exisCng towers without

majorinterrupCons•  Building temporary line extensions in a fast & efficient way (no civil

engineeringworkrequired)•  Temporarily linking villages or remote locaCons (mining sites) to the

maingrid•  Serving as wind measurement masts in wind energy projects in

challengingsites•  Serving a Crane (4.5T capacity) to help construcCon of new towers in


Page 5: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the


FoundaConplate(92kgs;1.2mx1.2m):The foundaCon plate’s role is to support the tower bydistribuCng its weight evenly to the ground. It is placeddirectly on the ground, without the need for a concretefoundaCon.Itcanbeinstalledonaleveledgroundoruptoa 30 degrees angle and can also be complemented by alarger foundaCon plate especially designed for very soVsoilswithminimalbearingcapacity.

Page 6: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the

TOWERCOMPONENTSAr1culatedbase(133kgs;84cmx74cm)It consists of a fixed cone and pivoCng aluminiumplateconnecCngthetowertothefoundaConplate.It allows the tower tomoveunder various loads inordertoavoidbending.ThedesignallowsarotaConof 360 degrees in all direcCons, which also meansthatthetowercanbeerectedbyClCngitupusingaballjointginpole.

Mastsec1on(135kgs;412mmx412mmx2.9m)Each lightweight secCon is made of high strengthaluminium alloy 6061‐T6 and includes 9 openingsoneachsidetoallowa\achmentofawiderangeofaccessories (swivel guy plates, insulator brackets,placorms, etc). SecCons can be also include anintegratedrailsystemoneachcorner,whichallowstheslidingginpoleandthefallarrestdevicetoslidefrom bo\om to top of the tower withoutinterrupCon or disassembly, even with guy wiresinstalled.Swivelguyplate(11kgs;423mmx362mmx221

mm)Thealuminiumguyplateisusedtoa\achguywiresandguystraininsulatorstothetower.Itisdesignedtobe installedanywhereonthetower, in less than30seconds.TheswivelallowsverCcalmovementtoallowacertaindegreefofreedomfortheguywires.

Page 7: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the

TOWERCOMPONENTSFallarrestdevice(1.6kgs)Thefallarrestdeviceistheequivalentofalifelineforthe linemen. It isdesignedtobea\achedonthesiderailsofthetowerandslidefrombo\omto top, without interrupCon. It allows freemovement when climbing up on the tower butwill lock inposiConwhenpulledsuddenly in theoppositedirecCon(linemanfalling).BecauseofitsfullintegraConinthetowerdesign,thefallarrestdevice is a very efficient safety measure forlinemen.AnchorsDependingontheprevailingsoil condiCons (soV,hard,normal),differentanchoringarrangementscouldberequired.Someexamplesofanchorsareincludedbelow:

Page 8: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the


SlidingGinpole(84kgs)Theslidingginpolea\achestotherailsofthetowerandisusedtoraiseandlowerthemastsecConsandalltheothercomponentsupanddownthetower.Byusing the ginpole, customersno longer need tohave a crane available on site. The ginpole can beoperated manually or using the small portablewinchsuppliedwitheachERStoolkit.

Ball‐jointginpole(22or44kgs)Thisdevice,measuring3mor6m in length,canbeused toClt‐up7mastsecConsfromahorizontaltoaverCcalposiCon,withoutusingacrane.ItcanbeusedinconjuncConwitheithertheportablewinchora4x4vehicleon‐sitethatwillprovidethepullingpower.Using thismethod, teams canbuild up to 7 secConson the ground,raise them to a verCcal posiCon, secure themwith anchors and guywires, then conCnue building a higher tower by using the slidingginpole.

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Page 10: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the


Portablewinch(16kgs)This is a gaspoweredwinch that isused to raisetowercomponentsandaccessoriesuptotowerbyproviding pulling power in order to avoid usingcranesorotherheavyequipment.ItisspecificallydesignedtobeusedwithSBBERSandwithaweightof just16Kgsandacapacityofabout 500Kgs, it is truly portable and extremelyuser‐friendly.InsulatorbracketsandassembliesWe typically supply modular assemblies ofpolymer insulators to simplify the work in thefield. Modular assemblies allow the use of thesame insulator for different line voltages. Forexample,byusinga2x220kVinsulatorassemblyon a 400kV line, customers can avoid storing400kV insulators in addiCon to the 220kVinsulators and linemen can appreciate the factthat it is easier to manipulate 220kV insulatorsrather400kVinsulators(length,weight).Pionjar(27kgs)Thisgas‐poweredtoolisusedtodrivesteelrodsinthegroundbyacCngasajackhammerbutalsotodrillholesinthegroundforsometypesofanchors(rockanchorsforexample).

Page 11: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the


This is the main program in which the impact of outsidecondiCons on the tower is analyzed. These condiCons are:weatherandwindloads,thetypeofconductorsandOHGW,thetension on the conductors, the number of conductors perphase, the line angles, the spans, clearance, etc. It is astreamlined version of PLS‐CADD and is very useful to quicklymodelafewspans.PLS‐POLE/LW+MASTThis is amodule to define the capacity of tower components,the number of guy wires, the mechanical capaciCes of theinsulators,thegeometricalcharacterisCcsoftheelements,etc.Bothmodulesarefromtheworld‐renownedPLSsuite,usedbyabout80%ofuClitycompaniesworldwide,andweredevelopedspecificallyforERSuse.

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IECandIEEEtestedOur ERS can be easily made compliant with any naConalstandard. In some cases, they have been designed to sustainwindsofover240km/handhaveresistedsuchcondiConsinthefield.All our ERS are rigorously tested according to IEC standard aswell as IEEE guide, oVen in the presence of customers whocometoourfactoryforinspecConandFactoryAcceptanceTests(FAT).Easytostoreandtransport•  All secCons have the same length and the same width so


•  ThesecConsaremadeinaluminumalloy,whichmeanstheywillnotrustifscratched,storedinahumidplaceorexposedtosaltywater.

•  AsecCononlyweightsabout135kgssoitiseasytocarryby2peopleonshortdistancesor4peopleonlongerdistances.

•  An opConal Container Storage System (CSS) is available toallow neat organizaCon of all the ERS components in theshipping containers. An overhead crane/railing system isalso available to facilitate loading and unloading of heavyitemsfromthecontainers.

Easytoerectanddismantle•  SBB created the sliding ginpole, a device that accelerates


•  No heavy equipment is required to build or dismantle atower.SBBsuppliesallthetoolsandthetrainingnecessary.

Page 13: EMERGENCY RESTORATION Brochure-english.pdf · PLS‐CADD LITE This is the main program in which the impact of outside condions on the

ADVANTAGESOFSBBERSTOWERSSafeandcomfortabletoworkon•  Linesmen are always a\ached to the tower thanks to the

SBBfallarrestdevicethatslidesalongtherailsonthesideofthe tower. They don’t need to unbuckle to go over boxsecConssincewealsoeliminatedtheboxsecCons.

•  We have created several accessories to help linesmen becomfortable while maintaining producCvity: workingplacorm(tohelpinstallaConofinsulators),resCngplacorm(torestwhileofftheground),liVinghook,liVingarm,etc…

Strongerthanothertowers•  Becauseoftheiradvanceddesign,ourtowersareabout10

Cmes more resistant in compression tests than othertowers.

•  They can resist winds of over 240km/h or 150km/hcombined with heavy ice as well as any harsh condiCons(highheatorhighhumididty)

Specialfounda1onforso\soils•  In some cases, such as in South or South East Asia, soil


•  To allow installaCon of our ERS towers in such condiCons,wehavecreatedaspecialfoundaConplatetobe\erspreadtheverCcalloads.

Specialanchorplatesforso\soils•  Inthesamecasesasdescribedabove,itisalsonecessaryto

provide special anchor plates for very soV soils. SBB hasdeveloped such anchor plates that offer a much higherresistanceeveninmarshysoils.
