  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar


  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar





    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................... 4

    BACK GROUND OF THE SITUATION ................... 5

    PLANNING & MOBILIZATION ................................ 6

    ACTIVITY SCHEDULE ....................................................... 6

    VISUAL DEPICTION ............................................... 8

    ANNEXURE -1 ...................................................... 15

    ANNEXURE -2 PRESS CLIPPINGS ..................... 17


    VOLUNTEERS ...................................................... 19

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar




    2010-KPK Agricultural University, Peshawar (AUP),

    Livestock Trainers & Consultants (LTC), IC Pakistan

    All rights reserved

    All materials appearing in this report are copyrighted and may

    be reproduced with permission ofAUP. Any reproduction in

    full or in part must credit LTC as the copyright owner.

    Compiled by: Prof: Dr.Ghulam Habib & Dr. Zakir Hussain

    Photographs by: Dr. Shoaib Sultan Afridi & Dr. Zakir

    Pp: 20

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar





    Every country and every nation faces natural or man-made

    calamities but the response to the disaster is not always the same.

    Pakistani nation is a responsible, devoted and determined nation

    and we proved it in all previous calamities of 1972 flood, 2005 Earthquake or 2009 IDPs disaster. The current calamity in shape of flood

    is so huge that according to UN the damages to human and

    property is more than the combine losses of Tsunami and 2005

    Earth Quake. The relief efforts currently exceed the combined

    capacity of any one government, organization or people. This is the

    responsibility of every Pakistani citizen and every Pakistani institute

    or organization to contribute in relief activities to mitigate grieves

    and sufferings of affected humans.

    The emergency response for animal protection in flood affected

    areas of Peshawar, Charsadda and Nowshehra was initiated as a

    joint venture of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary

    Sciences KP Agricultural University Peshawar (AUP) and Livestock

    Trainers & Consultants (LTC) KP Peshawar.

    The generous support of Professor Dr. Khan Bahadur Marwat, Vice

    Chancellor AUP was instrumental in shaping the relief program. He

    allowed two university vehicles and placed other resources on

    disposal of the team for use in the flood relief campaign. Although

    LTC Peshawar managed some funds but this was not adequate to

    cope with the situation for buying large quantity of vaccines andveterinary medicines. This was compensated by a donation of Rs.

    50,000 received from Livelihood Project, Intercooperation (IC)

    Pakistan on the request of Dean FAHVS. The money also enabled

    us to buy some feed for the suffering animals. Help of Mr. Shabir

    Hussain Project Director (LP) in facilitating the donation is

    appreciated. Professor Dr. Subhan Qureshi and Dr. Younas

    Mohammad provided valuable inputs in planning the activity.

    The difficult task of providing emergency relief to suffering animals

    was made possible with the group of 37 young volunteer students

    of final yeay DVM who worked daily from morning to late evening

    even when it was raining and reached to the farm animals

    surrounded by flood water under the determined untiring leadership

    of Dr. Shoaib Sultan Afridi AUP and Dr. Zakir Hussain LTC. The

    motivation and strong will of the group in providing relief to the

    people stranded in floods is visible from the facts that they provided

    milk packs, juices to infants and human medicines to cover human

    ailing from their own pockets along with veterinary health coverage

    for their animals. They used even boats for their access to the

    stranded people and their animals. These young professionals

    deserve recognition for their zeal and incredible job.

    The financial contribution of individuals for the job is alsoappreciated. Dr. Irfan donated 50 vaccine bottles (3000 doses)

    besides his personal involvement and spared his vehicle when

    needed. Members of LTC team especially Dr. Nazir Ahmad, Dr.

    Seed Ullah Khan and Mr. Niyazud Din who contributed donations

    and got involved throughout the process.

    Shaukat Khan Prof. Dr. Ghulam HabibProgram Director Dean FAHVSLTC KP Peshawar KP Agric. Univ. Peshawar

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar





    Nature is not free of calamities that can affect both human as wellanimals life. One of the recent calamities, the flood, which has hit

    the whole country in general and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in particular.

    Is one of the worst catastrophes experienced so far by the country

    Its magnitude can be expressed as one full year of rainfall has

    fallen over Pakistan in just a few days that has not happened in 80

    years. This occurred all of a sudden and people were not ready to

    face and tried to escape to a safe place leaving all their belonging

    including animals behind on the mercy of flood water. In KP

    Peshawar, Mowshehra, Charsada, Swat, Dir, Shangla and Kohat

    were severely affected while Chitral, Kohistan, Mansehra, Mardan,

    Bannu and DI Khan were moderately flooded. In these areas

    livelihood of people primarily depend on livestock keeping.

    Livestock is an invaluable asset for rural families in term of milk,

    meat, draught power and as a households lifes saving. While detail

    survey for assessment of losses in flood hit areas will commence

    soon, present estimates show that losses to livestock caused by the

    current flood in 12 out of 15 districts of KPK have been put to Rs.

    8.6 billion. About 132335 livestock heads perished in the flood while

    420138 farm animals were affected in total in the province.

    Among those animals who survived are threatened by non-availability of feed and shelter. Like other agricultural crops, fodder

    fields have been completely destroyed. Stocks of wheat straw, hay

    and feed have been washed away. These hungry and shelter less

    stressed animals due to low resistance are at high risk for

    contagious diseases. Outbreaks of fatal diseases such as

    Hemorrhagic Septicemia (HS), Black Quarter (BQ) and other would

    soon appear and will further increase death toll of livestock.

    As an immediate emergency response to the above situation,

    prophylactic vaccination, treatment of sick animals and provision of

    feed and shelter to the survived animals is required. The livestock

    departments are doing their best to this purpose. But the

    catastrophe is so severe and wide spread that it has exceeded the

    combined capacity of any government, organization and people.

    The situation therefore appeals for individual efforts to join hands

    and help reduce the human and animal sufferings. It was with this

    spirit that a group of final year DVM students of Animal Health

    Department of AUP determined to reach the survived livestock

    stranded in the flood in Peshawar, Nowshehra and Charsada

    districts. The idea was discussed with the Vice Chancellor who

    placed all possible resources at their disposal to facilitate their

    mobility and action plan. In the meanwhile LTC Peshawar having

    similar motivation for using their resources to this purposeapproached the Dean FAHVS, AUP for joining hands in the relief

    campaign. Thus the team comprising students, faculty members

    and professional staff of LTC was strong enough to respond to the

    emergency help of suffering livestock in three districts. Financial

    help by Intercooperation Pakistan, Peshawar office enabled the

    team to buy vaccine, medicines and feed for the survived animals.

    Although the emergency relief task performed by the students as a

    team appear little to that needed for dealing with the catastrophe in

    the whole flood hit area, yet it provide a feeling of satisfaction andgratification for contributing somewhat to reduce sufferings of

    livestock that serve as a lifes saving and source of food and

    livelihood for poor farmers.

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar





    To get high target in a short time with limited resources need proper

    planning. The volunteers students were divided in to two groups

    guided by team leaders Dr. Zakir Hussain and Dr. Shoaib Sultan

    Afridi. They were provided with two vehicles one van (Mobile

    veterinary clinic) and a pick up. Each morning before leaving, a

    short planning meeting for site to be visited was held. After loading

    the emergency gear, the groups left for destination and worked from

    morning to late evening. The encouraging part noted was that the

    zeal, dedication and enthusiasm of students and their team leaders

    never dropped rather continuously raised with high spirit to work

    more hard every day throughout the campaign.


    Day 1

    The teams started their work from Mulazai district Peshawar.They

    vaccinated buffaloes and cattle against hemorrhagic septicemia and

    provided emergency treatment to various animals for their ailments.

    Day 2

    On the 2nd day of the activity both the teams reached Khaista KhanGari at District Charsadda. Group-A started vaccination and

    medication there in Khaista Khan Gari and then proceeded to Bail

    Linko Khan. Group-B after completing their work in Agra Payan

    visited Sheik Kali.

    Day 3

    On day 3rd both the teams reached to Tarnab Area of Peshawar.

    Group-A remained there while group-B headed toward Jogian area

    near Tarnab. In the afternoon both the teams proceeded to Jaba

    Daudzai in District Nowshehra where they vaccinated and

    mediacted animals until dark. They also dressed wounds of injured

    humans and provided them with necessary medicines.

    Day 4

    Both the teams worked in Ghani Bagh District Nowshehra. Group-

    A continued working there while Group-B went to Zakhim

    Charbagh. Both the teams announced the message of vaccination

    and medication of animals on loudspeakers at the village mosques..

    This was effective and people brought their animals to the centeral

    ground of the village for vaccinate against H.S. Sick animals were

    treated with medicines.. In addition to this, some volunteers also

    visited interior of the village and vaccinated and treated animals on

    doorstep of the farmers. In late afternoon Group-B completed its

    task in Zakhim Mayana and. Group-A in Chikan Korona which tookthem long to return Peshawar late evening.

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    Day 5

    Mohib Banda one of the most severely affected area of district

    Nowshehra was visited on day 5th by both the teams .The teamleaders sent Group-B to Fazal Korona and retained Group- A there

    in Mohib Banda and started the free veterinary Camp to Vaccinate

    and medicate the diseased animals. When both the team

    completed their task in the said areas then they went to village

    Tatara and Garhi Ali Baigand. The teams covered various main

    villages and its surroundings like WAPDA Town Taro Jaba, Gharee

    Main Ishaq and Kundi Taza Din etc. In some cases the volunteers

    used boats and putting their life at risk to reach the animals

    surrounded by flood water there the situation was miserable and

    farmers were helpless. The team arranged and provided from theirpockets biscuits, milk packs, juices and human emergency


    Day 6

    On this day the teams visited Village Kurvii and Qasim Kalay

    District Nowshehra and started their work with announcement

    through masjid loudspeakers. The farmers were pleased to receive

    volunteers on their doorstep for vaccinating and treatment of theiranimals. After working there for about three hours, the teams

    proceeded to village Dagai where they performed until evening.

    Day 7

    Reports were received that some flooded villages in District Swabi

    disparity need help. Therefore on Day-7, both the teams visited

    Allah Dher, Tore Dher and Chota Lahore where through the day

    work they vaccinated 279 animals and treated 50 animals.

    Day 8 purchase of feed and packing of feed

    Day 9 Distribution of feed

    Day 10 Distribution of feed

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar





    Fig: 1-Free Veterinary Camp a joint venture of Livestock Trainers &

    Consultants (LTC) and Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sciences

    KP Agricultural University Peshawar in flood affected areas of District

    Peshawar, Charsadda and Nowshehra.

    Fig: 2- The determination of the team is visible as they reached to the

    affected sites in heavy rain through muddy and slippery ways.

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar




    Fig: 3-A glance of devastation of flood, dead buffaloes and cows dumped

    in flood water is direct threat to human as well as animals life. Accordingto an estimate about 10,000 cattle and buffaloes have been washed away

    in flood water.

    Fig: 4Here Was My Home My Shelter And Now Nothing, Where Should

    I Go?The flood has washed out everything from the poor inhabitants of

    the area.

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar




    Fig: 5Volunteers are busy in animal vaccination and treatment during

    their visit to the flood affected area of District Nowshehra

    Fig: 6 the volunteers in small groups are passing by damaged structures

    to reach individual farmer.


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    Fig: 7Treatment is being provided to a flood affected animal.

    Fig: 8. A sick cart pulling donkey is attended for diagnosis and treatment

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    Fig: 9 Dr. Shoaib Sultan Afridi along with his team. They have done a

    commendable job

    Fig: 10Owners of animals were also provided with medicines where

    needed for home treatment of their animals

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar




    Fig: 11Volunteer students of FAHVS crossing the flood water with the help

    of a boat to access the stranded animals..

    Fig: 12Thank you Doctor as you took risk and reached to our flood

    surrounded houses. We are also thankful to KP Agricultural University and

    LTC for their help. Mr. Anwar shah and others inhabitants of the village

    after receiving help.

    Fig: 13Nothing in the world is impossible; the word impossible itself says

    thatI M POSSIBLEbut actually we misunderstand it. We have the

    potential just need motivation, mobilization and leadership. We all are

    proud of the incredible task done by the young graduates (DVM Final YearStudents) of the University. They did not care for the risk to their life and

    determined to reach the farmers door step for saving their valuable farm


  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar




    Fig: 14 Animal feed and fodder stocks were washed away with flood

    water. Survived animals have gone weak and their milk production

    drastically reduced. They disparately need feed to eat. Commercial

    concentrate feed (vandal) was distributed among the farmers.

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar









    Day Village Animal




    1. Mulazai 83 10


    Khaista Khan Gari 65 23

    Agra Payan 385 134

    Bail Linko Khan 15 03

    Sheikh Kali 184 64


    Tarnab 213 72

    Jogian 123 97

    Jaba duzai 185 119


    Ghani bagh + Akun Puyi


    381 86

    Zakhim Charbagh(Nowshehra) 136 19

    Chicken Korona (Nowshehra) 112 33

    Zakhim Mayna(Nowshehra) 224 50

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    Day Village Animal





    Mohib Banda 59 18

    Fazal Korona 151 66

    Tetara 124 45


    Ali baig 220 66

    Wapda Town Taro Jaba & Garhee

    Mian Ishaq

    250 76

    7. Kundi Taza din 418 50


    Kurvii (Nowshehra) 605 159

    9.Qasim Kalay (Nowshehra) 231 51

    Dagai (Nowshehra) 85 12

    10.Rat Dock Tordhar (Swabi) 88 3

    Alla-Dhair ( Swabi ) 191 12

    Total 4528 1268

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  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar




  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar






    S.# Name Job Description

    1. Dr. Shoaib Sultan Afridi Team Leader

    2. Dr. ZakirHussain Team Leader

    3. Akhtar Ali Volunteer

    4. Ali Rasool Volunteer

    5. Anwar Khan Bittani Volunteer

    6. Anwar Saeed Volunteer

    7. Anwar Shah Volunteer

    8. Asad Zia Volunteer

    9. Danish Nawaz Volunteer

    10. Fida Muhammad Volunteer

    11. Gul Muhammad Volunteer

    12. Ihsan Uddin Volunteer

    13. Jamal Shah Afridi Volunteer

    14. Jasim Dil Wazir Volunteer

    15. Javed Ali Volunteer

    16. Muhammad Arif Volunteer

    17. Muhammad Azam Volunteer

    18. Muhammad Borhan Ullah Volunteer

    19. Muhammad Sohail Volunteer

    20. Muhmmad Ishaq Volunteer

    21. Nadar Khan Volunteer

    22. Naeem Ullah Khan Volunteer

    23. Noman ul Islam Volunteer

    24. Rizwan Ullah Volunteer

    25. Sadiq Shah Volunteer

    26. Saeed Ullah Khan Volunteer

    27. Salman Malik Volunteer

    28. Salman Shah Volunteer

    29. Sartaj Khan Volunteer

    30. Shaheed Ullah Shah Volunteer

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    31. Shams ul Hayat Volunteer

    32. Shaukat Hayat Volunteer

    33. Syed Irfan Ullah Khan Volunteer

    34. Tariq Ahmad Volunteer

    35. Wajid Ali Khan Volunteer

    36. Zafar Ali Volunteer

    37. Zia ul Islam Volunteer

  • 8/8/2019 Emergency Response for Animal Protection in Flood Affected Areas of Peshawar






    Dr. Shaukat Khan

    Cell#: (+92)0333-9693367

    Dr.Muhammad Idrees

    Cell#: (+92)0333-9697853

    Office #(+92)915510235



    LTC is a non-governmental, non-profitable organization dedicated to provide quality services to the

    farming community without discrimination & regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliations

    Head office: Ground Flour Islamia Hostel Building opposite Government Degree College Faqirabad


