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EMC® Documentum®

Reporting ServicesVersion 6.7

User Guide

EMC CorporationCorporate Headquarters:

Hopkinton, MA

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EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to changewithout notice.

The information in this publication is provided as is. EMC Corporation makes no representations or warranties of any kindwith respect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitnessfor a particular purpose. Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires anapplicable software license.

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Table of Contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 1 Overview ...................................................................................................... 7Prerequisites ..................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 2 Working with Crystal Reports Designer ...................................................... 11Making a new connection.................................................................................. 11Connecting to a repository ............................................................................ 11

Working with Documentum types ..................................................................... 11Creating a report ............................................................................................. 11Report examples............................................................................................... 14Modified documents name and content size ................................................... 14Using the Add Command option from the registered tables ............................ 15

Chapter 3 Working with DRS integrated with other Documentum clientapplications ................................................................................................ 17Creating a new report in the repository .............................................................. 17Running a report in the repository ..................................................................... 18Editing a report in the repository ....................................................................... 19Importing a report into the repository ................................................................ 19Deleting a report from the repository ................................................................. 19

Chapter 4 Scheduling Reports ..................................................................................... 21Log into Documentum Administrator ................................................................ 21Creating a Job................................................................................................... 22Locating a method for a Job........................................................................... 25Passing Job arguments .................................................................................. 25Specifying Job parameters ......................................................................... 25Specifying a report parameter name and report parameter value ................ 26Passing multiple parameters for <—reportN_parameter> argument ............ 26Passing an argument for email notification ................................................. 27Passing an argument for inbox notification ................................................. 28Passing an argument for purge limit .......................................................... 28

Changing a Job schedule ................................................................................... 29Running a Job................................................................................................... 29Viewing the status of a running Job ................................................................... 30Viewing a Job report ......................................................................................... 30Setting the trace level for a Job........................................................................... 31

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Table of Contents

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This publication describes what you need to know to use Documentum Reporting Services (DRS).This includes information for the users who are Crystal Reports developers, report consumers,professional report authors, software engineers, business users, and sales engineers who are lookingto extend the platform delivered to them by EMC.

EMC recommends that you read all core product documentation of the JDBC Services User Guidebefore you begin. You must familiarize yourself with the concepts of JDBC before you proceed.

To ensure that you deploy the current version of your DRS application, visit the Powerlink website: and review the product versions available for your platform. The releasenotes and any applicable installation guide appear as separately downloadable items. Any productdocumentation that is available from the application as online help does not appear as a separateitem; it is automatically downloaded and installed with the software.

Documentum’s technical support services are designed to make your deployment and managementof Documentum products as effective as possible. The Customer Guide to EMC Software SupportServices provides a thorough explanation of Documentum’s support services and policies. You candownload this document from the Powerlink website ( by navigating to:Support > About EMC Customer Service > Software Customer Guide.

Intended audienceThis guide is intended for the following audiences who primarily work with report data:

• Crystal Reports developers who design reports on predefined metric for consumptions bybusiness users (typically managers or information analysts). This community needs to accessvarious data sources, integrate data from these sources in a unified view on enterprise operationsand present data in a business friendly format.

• Report consumers or professional report authors who use the existing report templates designedby report designers and modify report parameters and/or presentation/delivery parameters.

• Software engineers who implement designed reports into Documentum Administrator,Documentum Webtop or a WDK based Documentum client application similar to Webtop. Theusers can schedule reports by configuring Jobs by using DA.

• Business users who execute the available reports and take actions based on up-to-dateinformation. These users can personalize and configure report data.

• Sales engineers who demonstrate how Documentum meets the needs of their customers.

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Revision history

Revision date Description

December 2010 Initial publication

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Chapter 1Overview

DRS is a reporting solution that helps you to access the Documentum metadata through theDocumentum JDBC interface.

Documentum JDBC is an interface that allows you to access a Documentum Repository from JDBC 2.0API supported client applications. Documentum JDBC lets you connect to a Documentum repository,perform DQL/SQL queries in the repository, and access the repository or repository’s metadata.Documentum JDBC Driver provides support for most of the standard JDBC APIs.

Note: Documentum JDBC is bundled with the DRS 6.7 package.

Documentum Reporting Services 6.7 is integrated with Documentum Java Method ServerEnvironment.

In Documentum Reporting Services 6 release, DRS was integrated with DocumentumWebtop.

Note: You can also integrate DRS with Documentum Administrator and WDK based Documentumclient applications which are similar to Webtop.

When you have DRS and Crystal Reports installed on your Documentum Webtop, DocumentumAdministrator or a WDK based Documentum client application similar to Webtop, you can createnew reports, run, and edit existing reports in the repository and import reports into the repository.You can also run, and edit Out Of The Box (OOTB) reports. Currently, DRS supports report formatsthat can be created only through Crystal Reports.

PrerequisitesYou must install the following on your machine:

• For running the reports through Webtop, Webtop D6.7 is required.

• For designing the reports, you need to install the following on your local machine:

1. Install Crystal Reports Designer XI R2 SP2 on your local machine to design a new report oredit an existing report.

2. Install Sun JDK 1.5.

3. If DFC is not installed, download and install DFC 6.7.

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4. Edit <BUSINESSOBJECTS_INSTALL_DIR>\common\3.5\java\CRConfig.xml as follows:— Point JavaDir to java 1.5 bin folder.

— Specify the Documentum dctm.jar file as the first entry in the classpath tag.

For example:

If the Documentum directory is placed in C:/Program Files, specify C:\ProgramFiles\Documentum\dctm.jar as the first entry in the <Classpath> tag as follows:<Classpath>C:\Program Files\Documentum\dctm.jar;C:\Program Files\BusinessObjects\Common\3.5\java/lib/crlovmanifest.jar;C:\Program Files\BusinessObjects\Common\3.5\java/lib/CRLOVExternal.jar;……..;${CLASSPATH}</Classpath>

5. Unjar the drs_cr.war file into a temporary folder.

6. From the <DRS_CR_WAR_UNZIP_DIR>/WEB-INF/lib directory, copy the dmjdbc.jar file, to yourmachine, and specify the location of the jar file along with the file name, in the <Classpath> tagof CRConfig.xml file.

7. From the <DRS_CR_WAR_UNZIP_DIR>/WEB-INF/Classes folder, copy the dmjdbc.propertiesfile to your machine and specify the location of the file.

Note: You must not specify the file name in the <Classpath> tag.

8. Enable JDBC Logging (Optional).To enable JDBC logging, open the file and make the following changes:— Set the documentum.jdbc.logEnable property to true.


— Set the log file name and path in the documentum.jdbc.logFileName property. For example,set the logfile directory to LogFolder, and logfile name to dctmJDBC.

For Windows,documentum.jdbc.logFileName=C:\\LogFolder\\dctmJDBC (Note the use of ’\\’)

For Unix/Linux,documentum.jdbc.logFileName=/usr/LogFolder/dctmJDBC

— Set the logging mode to DEBUG mode.documentum.jdbc.logLevel=DEBUG

In the file, the JDBC Logger properties setting is as follows:# For Docbase driverdocumentum.jdbc.logEnable=true# There are three logger format: file, time, and size.documentum.jdbc.logFormat=filedocumentum.jdbc.logFileName=C:\\LogFolder\\dctmJDBCdocumentum.jdbc.logFileExtension=log#OCA logger supports 5 severity levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING,#ERROR, and FATAL. The default setting logs only WARNING and above.documentum.jdbc.logLevel=DEBUG

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The Documentum Reporting Services Release Notes, version 6.7 contains more details on how to setupCrystal Reports Designer to use Documentum JDBC. The Documentum Reporting Services Release Notes,version 6.7 contains details on known issues and workarounds.

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Chapter 2Working with Crystal Reports Designer

If you have installed Crystal Reports Designer XI R2 SP2 on your local machine, you can create anew report or edit existing reports.

Making a new connectionInputs required to create a new connection are the user name, password for a repository, and aconnection URL identifying the JDBC Services to use. When you use the Repository JDBC Service,you must also provide the name of the repository to which you are connecting.

You must set the connection URL and driver name for the JDBC connection.

Connecting to a repository

Chapter 3 of Content Services for JDBC User Guide contains more detailed information on connectingto a data source.

Working with Documentum typesYou can generate reports using the Documentum types and registered tables. You can select theDocumentum types and registered tables from the list using the Standard Report Wizard.

Creating a reportThis section describes how to create a simple report using the Crystal Reports Designer.

Using Add Command

You can generate a report by performing DQL queries to get data from multiple tables by usingthe Add Command option.

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Working with Crystal Reports Designer

You can also use the Add Command option when working with:

• multiple Documentum types in a single report

• multiple registered tables in a single report

To use the Add Command option, perform the following steps:

1. Start the Crystal Reports application.

2. Select File > New > Standard Report, or click Standard Report from the main page.The Standard Report Creation wizard is displayed.

3. Click Create New Connection.

4. Select JDBC(JNDI) as the data source from the list under Create New Connection.If there is no JDBC(JNDI) option under Create New Connection, perform the following:• From the list of options under Create New Connection, selectMore Data Sources.

• Select JDBC(JNDI) underMore Data Sources. This installs JDBC/JNDI as the data source.

You will need to either restart the machine or the Crystal Reports application. When you restartthe Crystal Reports application, you will see the JDBC(JNDI) data source option under CreateNew Connection.

5. Type the connection URL and the name of the driver for the JDBC connection. For example,• Connection URL for Documentum JDBC Driver (Reporting) -jdbc:documentum:oca:docbaseext@<REPOSITORY_NAME>

• Name of the driver for Documentum JDBC (Reporting) - com.documentum.oca.jdbc.jdbc20.ext.DjdbcDriverExt

6. Click Next.

7. Type the User name and Password to connect to the repository.You will now be connected to the repository.

Note: Alternatively, you can also enter the URL, driver class, and user ID in the respectiveelements in the CRconfig.xml file in Crystal Reports.

8. Expand the JDBC connection node to view the list of the Documentum types of the repository.

9. Double-click on Add Command.The Add Command to report dialog box appears. You will be prompted to write the DQL query.

10. Click Next to view the fields from the DQL string in the fields screen.

11. Select the fields to be displayed in the report.

12. Click Next to go to the Grouping dialog box.In the Grouping dialog box you can group fields by attributes. This can be used to group theinformation in the report.

13. Click Next to go to the Record Selection dialog box.In the Record Selection dialog box, you can set the record selection criteria based on the filterfields.

14. Select the filter fields from the list of options.

15. Click Next to go to the Template dialog box.

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Working with Crystal Reports Designer

16. Select the appropriate template from the list of options.

17. Click Finish to generate the report.You can view the report in the Report Viewer.

18. Click Save to save this report. This saves the report in the .rpt file format in the file system.On the File menu, click Open File to open the report.

Using Wizard

Use the Crystal Report Designer’s Wizard support to generate a report. You can use one or moretables to design the reports. Joins are also supported in case of multiple tables; Inner Join and LeftOuter Join are the two join types that are supported currently.

To use the Wizard support and design reports, perform the following steps:

1. Start the Crystal Reports application.

2. Select File > New > Standard Report, or click Standard Report from the main page. The StandardReport Creation wizard is displayed.

3. Click Create New Connection.

4. Select JDBC(JNDI) as the data source from the list under Create New Connection.

5. If the JDBC(JNDI) option is not available under Create New Connection, perform the following:• In the list of options under Create New Connection, selectMore Data Sources.

• Select JDBC(JNDI) underMore Data Sources. This installs JDBC/JNDI as the data source.

You will need to either restart the machine or the Crystal Reports application. When you restartthe Crystal Reports application, you will see the JDBC(JNDI) data source option under CreateNew Connection.

6. Type the connection URL and the name of the driver for the JDBC connection. For example,• Connection URL for Documentum JDBC Driver (Reporting) -jdbc:documentum:oca:docbaseext@<REPOSITORY_NAME>

• Name of the driver for Documentum JDBC (Reporting) - com.documentum.oca.jdbc.jdbc20.ext.DjdbcDriverExt

7. Click Next.

8. Type the User name and Password to connect to the repository. You will now be connected tothe repository.

Note: Alternatively, you can also enter the URL, driver class, and user ID in the respectiveelements in the CRconfig.xml file in Crystal Reports.

9. Expand the JDBC connection node to view the list of the Documentum types of the repository.

10. Select the table or tables that you want use to design the report, and click the right arrow so thatthey are displayed in the “Selected Tables” column on the right hand side.

11. Click Next.

12. If more than one table is selected, then the Link dialog box appears. Create links between thefield names of various tables.

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Working with Crystal Reports Designer

Note: If only one table is chosen, then the Link dialog box is not displayed. Instead, the fieldselection screen appears.

13. If you double click on the link, a Link Options dialog box is displayed. Select the requiredoptions — Join type, Enforce Join, and Link Type and create the links.

14. Click Next to view the Field Selection dialog box.

15. Select the fields that must be displayed in the report.

16. ClickNext to go to theGrouping dialog box. In theGrouping dialog box you can group fields byattributes. This can be used to group the information in the report.

17. Click Next to go to the Record Selection dialog box. In the Record Selection dialog box, set therecord selection criteria based on the filter fields.

18. Select the filter fields from the list of options.

19. Click Next to go to the Template dialog box.

20. Select the appropriate template from the list of options.

21. Click Finish to generate the report. You can view the report in the Report Viewer.

22. Click Save to save this report. This saves the report in the .rpt file format in the file system. Onthe File menu, click Open File to open the report.

Registering an external table

To work with external tables, it is important to register these external tables into the repository.

If an external table dm_employee has the following details:

dm_employee (name varchar2(20), empid number, deptid number)

1. Use the following command to register an external table in the repository:register table <TABLE_OWNER_NAME>."dm_employee"("name" char(20), "empid" integer, "deptid" integer)

Report examplesThis section includes examples to help you generate reports using Crystal Reports.

Modified documents name and content size

To generate a report of all the documents name and content size that are modified after date<DATE1> with content size more than <Size1>:

1. Open Crystal Reports Designer.

2. Follow steps 1 to 5 in the procedure Creating a report , page 11.

3. Select dm_document from the available data sources window.

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Working with Crystal Reports Designer

Click the right arrow key to move them to the right pane of the data sources window.

4. Click Next.

5. Select dm_document.object_name and dm_document.r_content_size form the fields screen.Click the right arrow key to move them to the right pane of the fields window.

6. Click Next to navigate to the grouping screen.

7. Click Next to move on to the next screen.

8. Select dm_document.r_content_size in the Record Selection screen.

9. Select the is greater than option from the list of options.

10. Type the value of <Size1> and then click Add.

11. Select dm_document.r_modify_date.

12. Select the is greater than option from the list of options.

13. Type the value of <Date1> and then click Add.

14. Click Next to go to the grouping screen.The grouping screen enables you to group fields by attributes. Using this, you can group theinformation in the report.

15. Click Next to go to the Record Selection screen.In the Record Selection screen, you can set the record selection criteria based on the filter fields.

16. Select the filter fields from the available fields that are listed.

17. Click Next to go to the template screen.Select the appropriate template from the list in the template screen.

18. Click Finish to generate the report.You can view the report in the report viewer.

19. Click Save. This saves the report in the .rpt file format in the file system.You can open the saved report using the Open file option from the Filemenu.

Using the Add Command option from the registeredtables

To generate reports from the registered tables using the Add Command option:

To display all the employee names and the department names

1. Create two tables from an Oracle SQL window by using the following SQL create statement:select as empname, as deptname from dm_employee emp,dm_department dept where emp.deptid=dept.deptid

create table dm_employee (name varchar2(20),empid number,deptid number)

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Working with Crystal Reports Designer

2. Register these tables into the repository using the following commands:register table <TABLE_OWNER_NAME>."dm_employee" ("name" char(20),"empid" integer, "deptid" integer)

register table <TABLE_OWNER_NAME>."dm_department""name" char(20), "deptid" integer)

3. Enter the DQL string in the Add Command dialog as empname, as deptname fromdm_employee emp,dm_department dept where emp.deptid=dept.deptid

4. Click Next to view fields from the DQL string in the fields screen.

5. Select the fields to be displayed in the report.

6. Click Next to go to the grouping screen.The grouping screen enables you to group fields by attributes. Using this, you can group theinformation in the report.

7. Click Next to go to the Record Selection screen.In the Record Selection screen, you can set the record selection criteria based on the filter fields.

8. Select the filter fields from the available fields that are listed.

9. Click Next to go to the template screen.

10. Select the appropriate template from the list in the template screen.

11. Click Finish to generate the report.You can view the report in the report viewer.

12. Click Save. This saves the report in the .rpt file format in the file system.You can open the saved report using the Open file option from the Filemenu.

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Chapter 3Working with DRS integrated with otherDocumentum client applications

This chapter describes how to work with DRS that is integrated with other Documentum clientapplications such as Documentum Administrator, Documentum Webtop or a WDK basedDocumentum client application similar to Webtop.

When you deploy DRS, the Reports cabinet is created in the repository. This cabinet has all thereports including the OOTB reports.

When DRS is deployed on the repository, you can use a Documentum client application such asDocumentum Administrator, DocumentumWebtop or a WDK based Documentum client applicationsimilar to Webtop to perform the following:

• Create a new report in the repository

• Edit a report in the repository

• Import a report into the repository

• Delete a report from the repository

To run the reports using a Documentum client application such as Documentum Administrator,DocumentumWebtop or a WDK based Documentum client application similar to Webtop, you mustdeploy DRS both on the repository and on the Documentum client application.

To create or edit reports, you must install Crystal Reports XI R2 SP2 on your machine. In addition,you can also import existing reports into the repository.

Creating a new report in the repositoryPerform the following steps to create a new report in the repository:

1. Log in to Documentum client applications such as Documentum Administrator, DocumentumWebtop or a WDK based Documentum client application similar to Webtop.

2. Select File > New > Document.

3. Type the name of the report.

4. Select drs_report from the Type list of options.

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Working with DRS integrated with other Documentum client applications

By default, the Format list of options displays Crystal Report and the Template list of optionsdisplays CrystalReportTemplate.rpt.

5. Click Next.Crystal Reports Designer opens the new report. You can now design your new report. SeeChapter 2, Working with Crystal Reports Designer.

6. Save the report once you complete designing the report.

7. Close the Crystal Reports Designer window.

8. Click Next.

9. Click Finish.Now, the new report is checked out from the repository.

10. Select File > Checkin to check in the report into the repository.

Running a report in the repositoryPerform the following steps to run a report in the repository:

1. Select a report that you want to run.

2. Select File > View.If the selected report depends on parameters to run, then a pop up window opens that requiresyour input. You have to disable the Pop up Blocker in order to display the pop up window. TheCrystal Report then executes the report and you can view the report output page.You can perform the following operations on the report output page:• Printing - You can print the report that has the same look and feel as displayed on the screen.

• Export to different file formats - You can export the result output to various formats thatCrystal Report supports.

• The report output page has a tool set for page navigation, saving the file to the disk, zoom,and search functionality.

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Working with DRS integrated with other Documentum client applications

Editing a report in the repositoryPerform the following steps to edit a report in the repository:

1. Select a report that you want to edit.

2. Select File > Edit.The report is now checked out from the repository when you open a report for editing. CrystalReports Designer opens the report for editing.The Chapter 2, Working with Crystal Reports Designer contains information on how to workwith Crystal Reports Designer.

3. Edit the changes that are required in the report.

4. Save the report.

5. Select File > Checkin to check in the report into the repository.

Importing a report into the repositoryPerform the following steps to import a report into the repository:

1. Select a Cabinet or folder where you want to import the report.

2. Select File > Import.

3. Click Add Files.

4. Browse and select the report that you want to import.

5. Click Next.

6. Select drs_report from the Type list of options.

7. Select Crystal Report from the Format list of options.

8. Click Next.

9. Click Finish.

Deleting a report from the repositoryPerform the following steps to delete a report from the repository:

1. Select a report that you want to delete.

2. Select File > Delete.

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Working with DRS integrated with other Documentum client applications

3. Click OK.

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Chapter 4Scheduling Reports

With DRS 6.7, you can configure jobs to schedule the generation of a report. For scheduling a report,the following are required:• Content Server 6.7.

Note: Ensure Agentexec and Documentum Java Method server environment are up and running.

• Deployment of DRS on repository.

• Deployment of DRS on Documentum Java Method server environment.

You can create and configure the Jobs for scheduling reports by performing one action:• Using Documentum Administrator

• Creating and configuring Documentum Jobs using DFC APIs. EMC Documentum FoundationClasses Development Guide, version 6.7 provides more information on how to use DFC APIs tocreate and configure jobs.

This chapter describes how to use Documentum Administrator to schedule a job for generating areport.• Log into Documentum Administrator, page 21

• Creating a Job, page 22

• Changing a Job schedule, page 29

• Running a Job, page 29

• Viewing the status of a running Job, page 30

• Viewing a Job report, page 30

• Setting the trace level for a Job, page 31

Log into Documentum AdministratorThis section describes how to log into Documentum Administrator.

To log into a repository:

1. In your web browser, type the Documentum Administrator URL.

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Scheduling Reports

2. If the Login page appears, type your login name and password for the repository. Login namesand passwords are case-sensitive.

3. In the Repository list, select a DRS repository.

4. To save credentials so that you log in automatically the next time you run DocumentumAdministrator from this computer, select Remember my credentials for next time.Tip: Once you are logged in, you can view or delete your saved credentials through yourpreferences.

5. To enter a Microsoft Windows NT domain name, clickMore Options and enter the domain.

6. To select language, clickMore Options and select the language.

7. To use accessibility features, clickMore Options and check Additional Accessibility Options.The accessibility mode provides linear navigation; tab navigation; lists instead of menus; andadditional descriptive text.

8. To change your password, complete these steps:Note: If your organization uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), you cannotchange your password from the login page. Ask your system administrator how you can changeyour password.

a. ClickMore Options.

b. Click Change Password.

c. Type your current password and new password.

d. Click Apply.

9. Click Login.

Creating a JobThis section provides information on how to use Documentum Administrator to create a Job forreport generation. This sections contains the following subsections:• Locating a method for a Job, page 25

• Passing Job arguments, page 25

To create a Job:

1. Navigate to Administration > Job Management > Jobs.The system displays the Jobs list page.

2. Select File > New > Job.The system displays the New Job - Info page.

3. Enter information on the New Job - Info page:

a. Name: Type the name of the Job.

b. Job Type: Optionally, type the Job type. This may be any value. The Job type is displayed onthe Jobs list page and can be used to sort Jobs.

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Scheduling Reports

c. Trace Level: Select a trace level. Trace levels range from 0 (no tracing) to 10 (a debugginglevel of tracing).

d. Designated Server: Select a server to run the Job. The drop-down list displays all serversrunning against the repository of which Documentum Administrator is aware.

e. State: Select Active or Inactive to create the Job in an active or inactive state.

f. Deactivate on Failure: Select to deactivate the Job after a run that fails to execute correctly.

g. Run After Update: Select to run the Job immediately after you save it.

h. Save if Invalid: Select to save the Job, even if it is invalid.

i. Click Next to access the New Job - Schedule page.

4. Enter information on the New Job - Schedule page:

a. Start Date And Time: Designate a start date and time for the Job. The default is the currentdate and time.

b. Designate how often and at what interval the Job runs.• Repeat: Select a unit of time.

• Frequency: Type how often the Job is invoked.

For example, if Repeat is set to Weeks and Frequency is set to 1, the Job repeats every week. IfRepeat is set to weeks and Frequency is set to 3, the Job repeats every three weeks.

c. End Date And Time: Designate an end date and time for the Job or indicate a number ofinvocations after which the Job becomes inactive. The default end date is 10 years fromthe current date and time.

d. Click Next to access the New Job - Method page.

5. Enter information on the New Job - Method page:

a. In theMethod Name, click Select Method. The Choose a method page appears.

i. In the Choose a method page, select drs_RunReportMethod.See Locating a method for a Job, page 25 for instructions to locate a method.

ii. Click OK to return to the New Job - Method page.

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b. Click Edit to access theMethod Arguments page to modify the arguments passed to themethod by this Job:• Type a new argument in the Enter new value box and then click Add. See Passing Jobarguments, page 25.

• To remove an argument, select the argument and click Remove.

• To change the order in which arguments are passed, click the argument and clickMoveUp orMove Down.

• Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to abandon the changes.

The system displays the New Job - Method page.

c. Select Pass standard arguments to pass the standard arguments for the method.

Note: The DRS method fails if you have not selected this field when you try to run the job.

d. Click Next to access the New Job - SysObject Info page.

6. Enter information on the New Job - SysObject Info page:

a. Title: Type the title.

b. Subject: Type the subject.

c. Keywords: Click Edit to access the Keywords page:• Type a new keyword in the Enter new value box and click Add.

• To remove a keyword, select the keyword and click Remove.

• To change the order in which keywords are listed, select the keyword and clickMoveUp orMove Down.

• Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to nullify the changes.

The system displays the New Job - SysObject Info page.

d. Authors: Click Edit to access the Authors page:• Type a new author in the Enter new value box and click Add.

• To remove an author, select the name and click Remove.

• To change the order in which authors are listed, select the name and clickMove Up orMove Down.

• Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to abandon the changes.

The system displays the New Job - SysObject Info page.

e. Owner Name: Click Edit to access the Choose a user page:• Select an owner.

• Click OK.

The system displays the New Job - SysObject Info page.

f. To view more sysobject properties of the Job, click See More.

7. Click Finish.The system saves the Job and displays the Jobs list page.

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Scheduling Reports

Note: Although you can configure a Job to run multiple reports, Documentum recommendsconfiguring a Job to run one report only.

Locating a method for a Job

On the Choose a method page, select the method to be executed by a Job.

To locate a method for a Job:

1. To locate the method by name, type the first few letters into the Starts with box and click Go.

2. To view additional pages of methods, click the forward or back buttons.

3. To view a different number of methods, select a different number from the Show Itemsdrop-down list.

4. To sort the items, select Show All or Show System Methods from the drop-down list.

5. When you locate the correct method, select it and click OK.

Passing Job arguments

This section describes how to specify Job parameters and pass an argument in theMethodsArgument page.

Specifying Job parameters

Report output file format — It is the format in which the report output file is saved. The reportoutput file can be in any of the formats like pdf, rtf, rpt, doc, xls, csv and xlsdataonly:• -report_output_file_format

• -roff

To export the report output to multiple file formats, specify the formats separated by commas.

Example 4-1. Providing report output file format

-roff pdf

This example specifies that the report output must be exported to the PDF format.-roff pdf, xls, doc

This example specifies that the report output must be exported to the PDF, MS Excel, and MS Wordformats.

Report output docbase folder path — It is the full path of the Docbase folder where the reportoutput files are saved. You need to specify the report output docbase folder path in one of thefollowing formats:• -report_output_docbase_path

• -rodp

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Scheduling Reports

Example 4-2. Providing report output docbase folder path

-rodp /Reports/output/pdf

Note: The report parameters, -roff and -rodp, can be specified for a Job as well as a report. The reportparameters specified for a report override the report parameters specified for a Job.

Report user name (Optional) — It is the user name against which the report is run. If thereport_user_name parameter is not specified, then the installation owner user details are used forrunning the report. You need to specify the report user name parameter in the following format:

• -report_user_name tuser1

Specifying a report parameter name and report parameter value

To specify a report parameter name and report parameter value:

• Use | to replace the spaces in the argument value such as report parameter name, reportparameter value and so on.

• Do not include spaces in the argument name.

Passing multiple parameters for <—reportN_parameter> argument

If a job runs multiple reports, the nth report is designated as report<N>, where N is a unique wholenumber.

When -report is followed by a whole number, it is an argument for a report.


Example 4-3.In order to run abc.rpt and [n]Largest Documents by Document Name.rpt reports, which are in theReports cabinet, specify arguments as follows:-report0 /Reports/[n]Largest|Documents|by|Document|Name.rpt-report1 /Reports/abc.rpt

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Scheduling Reports

In this example,• -report0 is an argument to specify the first report to be run, and /Reports/

[n]Largest|Documents|by|Document|Name.rpt is the argument value that specifies the report namealong with path.

• -report1 is an argument to specify the second report to be run, and /Reports/abc.rpt is the argumentvalue that specifies the report name along with path.

Note: You can pass multiple parameters for <—reportN_parameter> argument only.

When you pass multiple arguments for <—reportN_parameter> argument:• Use , as the separator character for separating the different parameters.

• Use :: as the separator string for providing multiple values for a parameter.

• Use = as the separator character for parameter name and parameter value.

Example 4-4. Passing multiple parameters for the <—report0_parameter>

-report0_parameter workflow|States=Dormant::Acquired::Finished::Paused::Dpaused::Apaused,show|chart=1

In this example, workflow states is the parameter. The space in workflow states is replaced by |. Dormant,Acquired, Finished, Paused, Dpaused, Apaused are multiple values for the work states parameter, andhence, each of these values is separated from each other by ::. The workflow states parameter isseparated from its values by =.

Similarly, show chart is another parameter and its value is 1.

Example 4-5. Providing range values for an integer parameter


This means the following range of values are provided for the integer parameter 5 to 7 and 8 to 13.

Date arguments should be specified in the yyyy-mm-dd format preceded by the “Date” keyword[Date(yyyy-mm-dd)].

Example 4-6. Providing range values for a date parameter


In this example, the date ranges from June 22 2007 to January 20 2008.

Passing an argument for email notification

To pass an argument for email notification, you should enter an argument in one of the followingformats:-email_notification Email_ID1, Email_ID2-en Email_ID1, Email_ID2

Example 4-7. Passing an argument for email notificationIf you want email notifications to be sent to [email protected] and [email protected], thenyou should enter an argument in one of the following formats:-en Thomas_Susan, Jack_Hugo or-email_notification Thomas_Susan, Jack_Hugo

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Scheduling Reports

Passing an argument for inbox notification

To pass an argument for inbox notification, you have to enter an argument in one of the followingformats:-inbox_notification Username1, Username2 or-ibn Username1, Username2

Passing an argument for purge limit

To define the purge limit for the reports saved in the docbase, pass an argument in the followingformat:-purge_limit

Example 4-8. Passing an argument for purge limit.

-purge_limit 5

This indicates that the purge limit is five. So, when the sixth report output file for a report template Xis generated, then the first report output file is deleted from the docbase.

Example 4-9. Creating a Job for an external crystal report file.Let us consider a scenario, where you want to create a Job for an external crystal report file[n]LargestDocuments by Document Name.rpt and you want the Job to run periodically with the parametersmentioned below:• Report save location: Reports/output/pdf

• Report output file format: pdf

• Save number of outputs: 5

• Report user name: tuser1

• Document Name filter: Design Document

• Top N Records: 25

• Show Chart: Top

The following procedure will guide you on how to create a Job for [n]Largest Documents by DocumentName.rpt:1. Log into DA. See Log into Documentum Administrator, page 21.

2. Navigate to the cabinet or folder into which you want to import the report file.

3. Import the report into Documentum repository as drs_report and in crystal report format.

4. Create a Job. See Creating a Job, page 22.

5. During the creation of the job, type the following arguments in Enter new value box of theMethod Arguments page:-report_output_file_format pdf-report_output_docbase_path /Reports/output/pdf-purge_limit 5-report_user_name tuser1-report0 [n]Largest|Documents|by|Document|Name.rpt-report0_parameter Document|Name=Design|Document,Top|N|Records=25,Show|Chart=1

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Scheduling Reports

6. Click Add.

Changing a Job scheduleThis section describes how to modify a Job schedule.

To change a Job schedule:

1. Connect to the repository and navigate to Job Management > Jobs.The system displays the Jobs list page.

2. Locate the Job whose schedule you want to change.

3. Select the Job and then select View > Properties > Info.The system displays the Job Properties - Info page.

4. Click the Schedule tab.The system displays the Job Properties - Schedule page.

5. Designate a start date and time for the Job.The default is the current date and time.

6. Designate how often and at what interval the Job runs.• The Repeat drop-down list specifies a unit of time.

• The Frequency box specifies how often the Job is invoked.

For example, if Repeat is set to Weeks and Frequency is set to 1, the Job repeats every week. IfRepeat is set to weeks and Frequency is set to 3, the Job repeats every three weeks.

7. Designate an end date and time for the Job or indicate a number of invocations after whichthe Job becomes inactive.The default end date is 10 years from the current date and time.

8. Click OK.The system displays the Jobs list page.

Running a JobJobs typically run at predetermined intervals. The Jobs that exist in all repositories have defaultschedules when they are created. See Changing a Job schedule, page 29, for instructions on modifyinga Job’s schedule.

Most Jobs pass standard arguments to the method executed by the Job. The arguments are set onthe Method tab for each Job, and can be modified in most cases.

Use these instructions to run a Job manually (at a time other than the scheduled run time). Note that aJob invoked in this fashion runs when the agent exec process starts the Job, not when you click Run.The agent exec process polls the repository every five minutes, so the start of the Job is delayed up

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Scheduling Reports

to five minutes, depending on when you clicked Run and when the agent exec process last polledthe repository.

To run a Job:

1. Select the Job to run.

2. Click Tools > Run.When the agent exec process next polls the repository, the Job runs.

3. To view the status of a running Job after you start it, click View > Refresh.The list page refreshes and the Status column for the Job is updated. You may need to click View> Refresh several times because the Job does not run immediately after you click Tools > Run.

4. To view the Job report, select the Job and click View > Report.

5. To view the trace log for the Job, select the Job and click View > Trace.The tracing level for the Job must be set high enough to generate a trace log, or no trace logis found.

Viewing the status of a running JobTo view the status of a running Job after you start it, click View > Refresh.

The list page refreshes and the Status column for the Job is updated. You may need to click View >Refresh several times because the Job does not run immediately after you click Tools > Run.

Viewing a Job reportWhen a Job runs, it generates a report. The report summarizes the results of the Job. You can view thereports for one or more Jobs.

To view Jobs reports:

1. Connect to the repository and navigate to Administration > Job Management > Jobs.The system displays the Jobs list page.

2. Select the Jobs whose reports you want to view.

3. Select View > Report (or right-click and select View Job Report).The system displays the Job report.

4. If you selected multiple Jobs, click Next to view the next report.

5. After the last report is viewed, click OK or Cancel to return to the Jobs list page.

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Scheduling Reports

Setting the trace level for a JobTrace logs contain status information logged by a Job. The trace level set for a particular Jobdetermines the amount of information logged. The default trace level for a Job is 1 (minimal traceinformation), with a maximum level of 10 (debug-level tracing). A trace level of 4 through 6 providesa medium level of debugging.

To set the trace level for a Job:

1. Connect to the repository and navigate to Administration > Job Management > Jobs.The system displays the Jobs list page.

2. Select the Job and then select View > Properties > Info.The system displays the Job Properties - Info page.

3. Select a trace level from the Trace Level drop-down list.

4. Click OK.The system displays the Jobs list page.

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Aaccessibility mode

select, 22audience, 5


report, 11credentials

save, 22


required reading, 5domains

log into, 22drs

connecting to a repository, 11Documentum types, 11new connection, 11overview, 7overview of drs, 7use “Add command”, 11

drs reportscreating new reports, 17deleting existing reports, 19editing existing reports, 19importing existing reports, 19integrating withWebtop, Documentum

Administrator, WDK based clientapplication, 17

running existing reports, 18

JJob reports

viewing, 30Jobs

locating a method, 25

running, 29trace levels, 31viewing reports, 30


choose, 22LDAP

change password, 22Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

change password, 22See also LDAP

locatingmethod for a Job, 25


locating for a Job, 25migration

example, 14 to 15

NNew Job - Info page, 22New Job - Method page, 23New Job - Schedule page, 23New Job - SysObject Info page, 24


change, 22


create, 11reports

Job, 30repositories

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accessibility mode, 22log into accessibility mode, 22multiple, 22saved credentials, 22

revision history, 6running

Jobs, 29

Ssaved credentials

set, 22scheduling jobs, 29scheduling reports

Documentum Administrator, 21

sessionsaccessibility mode, 22

settingtrace levels, 31

Ttrace levels

setting, 31


Job reports, 30

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