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Email Marketing and Marketing Automation in Complex Buying Processes

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Email Marketing and Marketing Automation in Complex Buying Processes 1

We often hear the question: “How is Marketing Automation different from email marketing?”. In this short paper, we’d like

to shed some light on the differences, and explain when to use email marketing and when to use Marketing Automation.

When executed well, email marketing is one of the most powerful tools that a marketer can use. It’s more scalable than

telemarketing, and it’s more personalized and more interactive than direct mail. And on top of that, it’s cheaper and more

measurable. Email may not be the only channel of communication we use, but it’s certainly one of the most important


Email marketing has a long history. It has been used since the mid-nineties when the Internet was still in its infancy.

Marketers quickly grasped the importance of this channel and started using email in a more sophisticated way. They

realized that emails could have personalized greetings, they could be scheduled, they could be measured more accurately,

and subject line testing was discovered as a great way to boost response rates. However, the email marketing tools of the

past were still mainly focused on consumer applications, where a one-time email can immediately influence a purchase.

Nowadays, many organizations have clients who need a lot more time to make a purchase decision. This is particularly true

for business to business environments, and for considered purchases in B2C as well. In this paper, we’ll look at how to use

email marketing to support these complex buying processes, and whether email marketing or marketing automation are

the right tools to use.


Marketing Automation systems take email marketing to the next level

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Complex buying processes may take weeks or months and involve many

different people. In order to be effective, email marketing campaigns need to be

designed to handle this longer buying cycle. Ideally, the content of the campaign

is tailored to the different stages in the buying process. And for each buying

phase, the campaigns have to address the needs of different roles in the buyer’s

organization: sales, marketing, CMOs, etc.

In traditional email marketing, you send messages when you have something

relevant to say. In email marketing for the complex sale you need to send

messages based on the buyer’s needs. Therefore, you have to design multi-step

email sequences that follow leads along their buying path. The goal is to set up a

lead nurturing process that turns new leads into sales-ready leads.

In a complex buying process, buyers will go through multiple stages. It starts

with awareness of the type of solution that you offer, through research of

possible solutions towards a final purchase decision. In your email marketing,

you need to provide the right information for the right stage. For example, in

the early stages you want to provide more educational information and thought

leadership, while in the final phases reference and analyst information is really


In addition to alignment with the stages in the buying process, it’s also

important to tailor information to the different roles within the decision making

unit. For example, the economic buyer will need different information from an

end user.

Email Marketing for Complex Buying Processes The email campaigns for the complex sale need to be proactive and

address buying stages and buying roles. This requires email sequences that

cover at least the length of the sales cycle, and that adjust based on the

needs of the recipient. To make this manageable, the process of starting

and adjusting email campaigns should be automated.

Email marketing for the complex sales is very different from traditional

“batch and blast” email campaigns. However, there are still several email

marketing best practices that are unchanged. For any type of email

marketing, it’s important to have compelling content, create an attractive

email layout, and ensure that email is delivered to the inbox.

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Email Marketing and Marketing Automation in Complex Buying Processes 3

As automated email campaigns become the best way to do email

marketing for complex buying processes, we’ll show how Marketing

Automation provides the tools that make these automated campaigns


First of all, campaigns should be initiated automatically. This can be done

with triggers. Traditionally this happens when leads fill out a form on your

website, or when you import a list of leads. Based on the type of trigger

and the lead’s profile, the Marketing Automation system will start the right

multi-step email campaign.

For each campaign, you specify which emails you want to send at which

time. A very simple example would be: a “thank you” or “welcome” email

on day one, a whitepaper on day three, a video on day seven, and a

promotional offer on day nine. Based on the recipient’s response you can

accelerate or slow down the campaign, or move the lead to an entirely

different campaign.

A proper and speedy response to the recipient’s behavior is possible

because the Marketing Automation system tracks email opens and clicks,

website visits and form submissions. All this tracking information is added

to the lead’s profile.

Based on the lead tracking information, it is possible to assign a lead score

to each individual. For example, for every email click you add five points,

and for every multi-page web visit you add 10 points. This lead score

How Email in Marketing Automation Supports Complex Buying Processes

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indicates how interested the lead is, which is essential information for the sales


Leads are passed on to the sales team when they reach a certain lead score. The

sales team then receives notifications of the activity of their leads, and can see

the entire lead campaign history in the CRM system. This is possible because the

Marketing Automation system is synchronized with your CRM system.

In short: Marketing Automation allows you to create automated lead nurturing

campaigns using the multi-step email functionality and web tracking, the lead

scoring engine, and synchronization with the CRM system.

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To illustrate our comparison, we’d like to give some specific examples where

Marketing Automation provides excellent support for complex buying processes,

but where email marketing systems would typically fall short.

The organization of a webinar is a good example where Marketing Automation

surpasses email marketing. You can use a Marketing Automation system to send

an email invitation to your list, but also to capture the registrations. Registrants

will get an automated confirmation email and event reminders at predefined

dates. You can easily send a registration reminder to people who haven’t

responded yet, because the Marketing Automation system can exclude the

people who have already registered. Finally, you can also create an automated

follow-up email after the event (e.g.: to distribute the webinar recording and


Email marketing systems use a list that is separate from your CRM system, so

it takes a lot of time to copy contacts back and forth. Marketing Automation

prevents this issue by synchronizing contacts with the CRM system. This happens

in two directions: when sales people add contacts to the CRM system, they will

be copied to the Marketing Automation system, and when Marketing uploads

a list, it will also be send to the CRM system. While some email marketing

systems can copy contacts from CRM systems, it’s a one-time import, not a

synchronization process.

Many email marketing systems give subscribers only one option to change their

subscription: unsubscribe. A Marketing Automation system can offer an ‘update

your profile’ option, so the leads can set their own email preferences, rather

than having an “all-or-nothing” unsubscribe option.

Examples of Email Marketing in Complex Buying Processes

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Once people have a relationship with your company, it can be a smart

strategy to send email on behalf of the responsible sales rep. This is often

hard with traditional email marketing, because they can’t handle multiple

‘from’ addresses, and they can’t access the CRM to find out the reponsible

sales rep. Even more, some email marketing solutions send email from

their own email address, rather than an email address from your company.

With a Marketing Automation system you can send email exactly the way

you want.

These were just a couple of examples that illustrate how a Marketing

Automation system can provide a comprehensive solution to increase

marketing productivity in companies with a complex selling process.

Email marketing works when:

• Your entire business cycle is less than one week

• You have a simple selling process (as opposed to a complex sales


• You sell via an e-commerce platform

• You are looking to send offers based on shopping cart abandonment

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Email Marketing and Marketing Automation in Complex Buying Processes 5

Marketing Automation systems take email marketing to the next level, and can

support a complex buying process. The benefits of Marketing Automation do not

stop at email marketing. Here are some examples of how Marketing Automation

makes your marketing team more effective.

Most marketing campaigns send leads to your website at some point in time.

The creation of web pages and dedicated landing pages can be a bottleneck

when it has to be done by your webmaster, IT department or web agency.

Marketing Automation provides an easy landing page builder, which allows

marketing to create landing pages and registration forms. This reduces the

dependency on other departments or outside parties, and will increase the

speed with which new campaigns can be rolled out.

Marketing Automation can help optimize your marketing strategy with reporting

and analytics. Marketing Automation goes beyond open and click rates to show

the sales readiness of leads, cost per lead and cost per qualified leads. Using

information from the CRM system, it can also show you which campaigns were

most effective, and how marketing campaigns influence revenue. And if the

standard reports are not sufficient, you can create a custom report with exactly

the information you want.

Salespeople will also be more productive with Marketing Automation in place.

With Anonymous Web Traffic Analysis they can see the companies that are

visiting the corporate website, and focus their prospecting activities on those

companies. Once leads have filled out a form, sales people can get a notification

every time these leads come back to the website. They can access the full

activity history, and when they talk to a lead, they can enter them to the most

appropriate marketing campaign, or pause all campaigns.

Marketing Automation Beyond Email Marketing

These are just three examples of areas where Marketing Automation helps

increase the productivity of the entire marketing department, in addition to

revolutionizing the way email campaigns are done.

You probably want to consider a Marketing Automation system when:

• You are a B2B, B2B2C or B2C company with selling process longer than

one week

• You need to qualify leads before you send them to sales

• You have a CRM system

• You’ve been doing email marketing for a while, and spend a lot of time

on executing manual processes

• You want reports that show the effectiveness of your marketing


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It is clear that Marketing Automation provides significant benefits for sales and

marketing organizations. It requires an investment to get started, but is paid

back almost immediately by increasing marketing effectiveness. It helps the both


Convert: First of all, Marketing Automation helps turn more new leads into

qualified leads and sales opportunities. Automated campaigns provide the right

information at the right time, and will increase conversion and shorten the

sales cycle. Prospects’ questions will be answered before they are asked, and

objections will be preempted. In companies with a long sales cycle, it’s often hard

to adequately follow up with each and every lead. Automated lead nurturing

campaigns solve this issue, and - just by itself - will already justify the investment in

Marketing Automation.

Automate: Concerning the automated processes of Marketing Automation, you can

save time and money in Marketing. Using automated processes, you can do more

with less, and be more agile at the same time.

Nurture: In companies with a long sales cycle, it’s often hard to adequately follow

up with each and every lead. Automated lead nurturing campaigns solve this issue,

and - just by itself - will already justify the investment in Marketing Automation.

Prioritize: Sales productivity will also increase. Rather than trying to manage

hundreds of unqualified leads, salespeople can now focus on a handful of highly-

qualified leads. The salespeople have more information available and better

tracking to help them understand the activities of these leads.

Prove: Marketing Automation provides the information to make marketing a

metrics-driven department. Based on these metrics, marketing effectiveness can be

further increased, revenue is more predictable, and marketing can show how they

contribute to the company’s bottom-line.

The ROI of Marketing Automation

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Email Marketing and Marketing Automation in Complex Buying Processes 7

Often the implementation of a Marketing Automation system is a great time

to clean up your list. You may have data in your CRM system while other data

is only stored in the Email Marketing system. A single database is obviously

easier to manage, so merging your email list with the CRM system is often the

first step. You want to make sure that duplicates are merged, and that obsolete

information is removed from the CRM system (or tagged as ‘invalid’). You should

also copy your unsubscribe information to the CRM system, to avoid the fact

that people who have unsubscribed will suddenly receive email again.

The next step is to sync up the Marketing Automation system to the CRM

system. For most CRM and Marketing Automation systems, this is fairly easy: it

only requires entering the CRM login information into the Marketing Automation

system. The Marketing Automation system will then copy all required

information into its own database.

Finally, you will need to set up your email. You migrate your existing email

templates, or choose to create new ones. You also need to specify the email

deliverability settings: this means that you let the world know that you will be

sending email from your new system. There are several standards for this, such

as Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM). Your

Marketing Automation vendor will help you with this setup.

There will be some additional setup activities, such as adding tracking code

to your website, choosing a domain for your landing pages (e.g. http://pages. and creating landing page templates. This is essential for the

broader role of your marketing automation system, but it’s not directly related

to sending emails.

Moving from Email Marketing to Marketing Automation

Altogether, it’s usually a fairly quick process to get started with Marketing


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“Marketing Automation uses email

as a key communication channel,

so it’s often compared with email

marketing software. However,

Marketing Automation has so

much more impact on Sales and

Marketing effectiveness that a

comparison with email marketing

is like comparing apples and


“Jep Castelein – Marketing Automation Expert,

LeadSloth (,

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