Page 1: EM·0 RY· ME… · VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f-ina'to it that the Jews

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,""helan & 00.


Is the oldest and mORt. populllr !I('lontiflc nndmechllnlcal paper pnlJlIshcd nnll huslhe InrR'oRtclrcnlation of nuy pllpe.r of Its ch'ft~ in thewol'ld•jl'uJly lJIuRtmted. Dellt el1188 of \Vool1 Enar'rnv­In"~. I'uhll"hcd 'We~klv. Send fO)'''T",clnloncOJlY.· l'r.i~e ~;l Y~'lr. "'('Iut' ~JI)nth9' trlll~, t~. ~IlUNN -t-l.O•• l UBl.lSIIEltS, SUl11roadwl1~.:N.Y.




~' INGEItSOLIA ONTJIE 3GWS. and'children, and':- that,. as ,a: ~le,:C. ;r.~..A;.. :T;El"'IVV::::l':!''±.1.. . tbeykiJPt their.,contracts. and paid

AT TO R ~llnY AT LAW. '1 ,TJne GI·...V·t A"=:l1osticTJaiJl~S'rJle'V Are their debts. .1 at Least as Good as Clu·istiallliJ. '.

NOT A R 'y PUB LIe. " 2. 'rhe prejudice was cleated al-, . ~ . , ' .'. ' most entirely by religious, or'rat'her

OF.tICE BOl\lNE;LL BUILDING, 'j The edItor of the, AmerlCan He- '. l' ,'. ·.t.· t' All h'ld.'. • " , ,. II re Ig1,>US; IllS l1:1C Ion. , . ,0 1 ..

Vs•• WlttTJI:OAItIlATJ!!:. AND GRANDSTREIl:T. \ brew recently sent to a .Dulllber. of Ch' . .' LD' , '. ~ . :, ren]11 ru~tlan countrIes are

WUlTlll OAlCR, N.,M. ~. 'pronlinent n').en in New York- t ht t"h.t I'l,th J. t'b' '. Itug a. a. e ews are 0 6,

~",~"".~~~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,.,,.,••,,.,,~.I'I" ••__ mostlv clergv,men-a cIrcular con- '.. .;, .. ,.. ",' .. , eternally <:lanlued who du' ,In the~ talnlug the tbllowlng questtons, 'f:al'tl of Ab C't'h I . d' J b" . . 1 rQj aJl1i saacan aco,

with a request· that. they furnish th t 't · t ' h t b I' .S D ' M' . . . , .. a 1 IS no .~noug 0 e Ie ve In

U. tates eputv lueral Surveyol answers for pubhca,tIon:. tl" t' f th Id rI' L.. " . , le lUSptra Ion 0 eo eSllament1. Can VOlt, of your own ,personal ex-. ., '

White Oaks. New Me~ico·'perie:nce.find any·juatiication whatever -not enotll(h to .obey, 1 he ten C?lU-

~~\"~"""-'."'\I1'\••~.,.~y""",.~.~,.~\_.\""""~,.",\_~,,,-,, for ihe en'ertam.ment of prejudice to- mandnlentS-:--not enong,hto beheve,A, UPSON. P, F, GARRETT. ward individuals solely because they are the miracles performed\in.tha days

urveyor & Notary Public. DealerinUeal Estate JewA. . 'of the prophets, bul, that"everY" Jew2. ~I ~his ~l'ejudic,e Dot dU~ lax:ge1y tOmust'a,ccept the new 'r.estanlent

the rehglOu63 mlttl'urtion that IS given by d t b b r . (]h· t'. the churc,h and Sunduy schools--for In- an. mus e,~ e lever In . f181-

stapce. the teachingl!! that the Jews cruci- anity-that IS to say, he must· beLAN~D ACENTS\d Je:ms: that they r~jected him and reg'enerated-or he will silnply', becan only secure salvation by a belief in etl'rnal kindling wood.

A·IUD CONVEYANCERS him, and similar matters that are calcn- The church has taught and stillI~ " " • lilted to excite' in the impressionable J "

,. 'd f 4.h hOld • Of not teaches, that ev~ry. ew IS an out-mIn 0 II eel an averSiOn, 1 ~

ROSo,WEL'L. - - NEt, 11{EXIOO~> loathing. for memuArs of "'the despIsed cast; that is to-day.busily fUlfillingComplete Maps and Abstrac~s of raee?H pruphyecy; that he is a wandering

3. Have yon observetlln the social or witness in favor of "the glad tidingsall nunds elnbraced. in the PECO~. J fbusiness life of. tlw fJW, so nr as yo~r of great joy:" that Jehovah is see-

VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f- ina' to it that the Jews shall notLands bought, Sold' and Located for. f~rent standa,rd,of conduct than px-evBl18: ~ t' -th't th h 11

'ttl · . among Chrlstiuns of the same Boe181 eXIst as a na 1011 a ey s ase ets. . > • h' b'd' 1 b t th

OFFICE G't, tt' It b H d f status? .. (lve no~ a 1 lng pace, U· . at' • - at"l'e IJ ~anc, ea 0 ' '.

No.,tl"Canai of Pecos Irl'irration and In- 4. Oan you suggest what should be they shalll'emaill scattfll"ed, tQ the.'Ib •

ve~tPJebt 00. Post~jfice Address, done to ~ispe~' tile existi.n~ prejl1dice~ end. that the inspiration of. the bible(JPSON;&J1-AnnETT,. '. Alnon~ other£? nd~rcs~ed was,Col., :m~ ~'s~ubstan.ti~t.c'd. ' .

",~ .../,r,... BoliwelI, New Mexic~. l~obel·b·G,. !ngexso.ll; wlho answered 1'Dr. Jolin Hllie, of this city, ~ few-.

as fi>l1ows: . . years ago, when the .Jows were be-l take great plea.sure 1n answerIng ing- pe~'~iecllted In Ru~sia, took the

T ~TCQLN HOTEL your four questions.. ground that it wa~ all fulfillment......:.L.. ' • 1. 'Vhen I was u. chIld I was of prophecy, and that wherever flo

tau6ht that the Jews Were an ex- Jewish maiuen was stabbed to deathceedingly hard-hearted and cru:I God put a tongue in every woundpeople, and thatbthey were so def'tl- for tb~ purpose of daclaring thetute of the fin~r feelings that they truth of the old Testament.had a little whIle before that tinle J ush as long as Christians takecru~ified the only perfect nlan who these positions, of course they will

LINCOLN" - - NEW MEXJCO. had appeared upon the enrth; that do what they can to assidt in theComfortable, CleaJl Rooms and Beds, Tn- this perfect man was. also perfect fulfillment of whali they call Froph-

ble always (iuPl>lioo. with the bORt th. market d th J h d 11affords. Excellent atabling. God~ an tpat e ews a rea y esy, and they will do their utmost,""~~~~..~.~~W"~ stained their hands with tha ,blood to keep the jewish pe~ple in a

of the Infinite. state·of. exile, and then point t()'Vhen I got r:some\vhat older. I the fnct as- one of the corner'stones'

found that necl,rly all the people had of Christianit).•been guilty ofsubstantially the,saUle !\ely opinion is that in the earlycritne-that is, that they had des.tr9Y- days or Chnstianity all the progre~siveand the thought .. Jews were witnesses against the­fnI; that religionists rutd in ,~Il faith, and in this way excited th~

ARCH'ITECTS "BUILDERS ages been cruel; that the chIef eternal hostility of the orthodox.... ~Ecltion of Scientific American. priests of all pe.ople had· incited the Every sensible Jew knew that no

A. ~at;lInC!CCPlillC. Ei\eh 1lllll1e contains colored thIitbtl~raphlc J,llItel'l.'! coul1tryaud city resldcm- lllOb, to the end that heretics-· at mt'racies' had been uerfornled in:celt O~: public bUihllnllll, NUnlerbu8 cn~rl1vings rllIJd 1ull:'111I1n, and "pl!t:lncatiulJs for the use at I'S tC).l,o'ay, phi los.,ophers-that is t.o, Jertlsalem. rI'11ey all klle\V th~ sun'~l1eh lIscoutemplnte hlJlldln£:,. Price .2.50 a year, ...

~ ot50a~P1. MU.NN .\ CO., J!UBL15IIERS. say nle11 who knew t~hat. the chief had not been narkened, that tho

~~ 'liE'H'.T'S~da"b~e!~~~s;: priests were hVllocrites-nlight he aravea had not given uptheir dead,., , Ing to MUKN tl ....

'. . :uv~l~i~d'6~~~ destroyed. that the veil of the temple had not,1&,.~~~p'~U~~~c?a~nl~e~,rc:.~::~~ ~~l~~ I also found: that Christians had been rent in ,twain-and ~he~ told,.~eh~n patents, Send for Handbook. Correll- .•

pond~ostriotlr eonUdentlul. C01U111itted·. 1110re of these crunes what they knew. 'rhey were then.TRADE MARKS. than all the_ reiiO'ionists put together. denoun'ced a Cl ,. tt...,e 'l'Y\.OS.t infamous ofIn Ol\left )'ollr tiulrk lit not registered in the Pat. 0 .,. UJ AAAi

r~~u~3l~~~prJ'lIctl~n~IJ.~~d·~o~(ii'a~~~~~cure I also beca,l1,1e acquainted wIth a, human beings; (tncl this hatred htts..t~~·J~~~:t~~~t~d~o:\.33~~ chdrts, maps. large number of J ewiah people, and pursued then). froni., that" day to:

DltiSN & co., I-nlcnt Solicitol's.. . I f d th 1'1 th r people exGE~Elt..A.LOJ/1>'It.'X: 3Gl BlW..A1>W.AY( Not Y. nun em. 1. {,e 0 e ,~- this.

~...~~:;::":~:~:'=.~ ..:.=:~.:"::':.~:;::.: ....!~ cept 9$ a l'ule, they ~ere more There is no chapter irl'" history asindustriou,s, U1,ore' tenlperate, had infanlOus, as bloody, as cruel, as re-

a ;EM·0 RY· fewer vagran.ts a:l.ll011g then~, 11? lelltless as the. chapter in which is.;;" ...,. beg.~ar~ v~ry few., ·crimina.Is; a.nd in to.·ld th~ tna.ntier in.,. w.hi.c.h,.. Ghr,is. 4

• ·)tftwhMuderinlr Cluracl. BoobJeal'nf>"""'- 1 1,.In:oDOran.c1inll: TllatimQpiaJlfron1 all additiot\ td\ u.llt,hia,. I found they, tia:ns-those whooY'~ t· .1e~tenelll'1eaPllrtft "f ilho-Il'JObe.Prol'pacttis :rOR'~ , . h d 1 J h 1

• YUE' flfmt.nn "ll1lliclltion til Pr(jf.· • ,,{'e'l'e ;11·. t·,el.l1gpnt, kind to their wives -- ave tt'e,ate t 1e . eW1S peop e.,A.,' Lo~t.~I1, ~1 Fifth Aytt. New,1ivtk.: . 'I ~


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Robert E. Lund

J. O. Hu,:t.

, M. M. s,AIIAZA



. 'l .•


JOlliV' Y.



Q. w.~nIOHAnD.

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Win pn\~icebP'1l!IJ(~::l't."of ~'r~f.rl,toand in the. U. S. La:ocJ OUices.


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.Attorneysat La."W"L.J.s VEl1AS N. ]1.

Will pr8e~ice ill all Courts of the 'fer.


Wilt DrAotioe in a.1l'lb. oour\!' i~ the t.rri~r



ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office in Dona Ana County Bank.

L.u CRvaD, NBW ·MUIClO.-10:­

Will Pr.~ioo in LiJloolu Coun.t1and all Cour\n tao Terr~tor1. and also b"fore t.,!l6t, Vnitelit-to- Laud Offioe.


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OrFICE at \be Rfitlidence of WM. W.o\TSOX.lVJl'ITE OA.:K.S. :N. B.I




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W~te ~II ' ••••• ,., .New ?rIexi".-


Hides" Wool and' peJt...ies-Onuoor west 0/£ 'Youn,g' alJdi rr~lia.£e,10 !i.


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WlQ.. Wat.ell.

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-,. '"

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.Lt.eol~, Ll.eol., t'Oll.U,.. x... ,WHI pra8tiee i~ all".olU" i ~f- ihp Territor!'

..uti before tile 11, I. L8Jld:~mctt


• I.

-4Ii. / ,I'" ,J. "~tJ t'_~<!•._.4 .. .., ~., j

Page 2: EM·0 RY· ME… · VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f-ina'to it that the Jews


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JJA~PW Att'J£~ ;'fU~WfRJlJ,.




, '

General Mercbandise.WH ITE OAKS~.N, M·


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.OND .& ~T~WART.. DE.A.:r...:SB:e~

StapIe' and Fa.Dey Groeeries.

South--WesterN HoteL.

BOOTS &, ~l!OlC~.

J~RN A. aaOTHERS Proprietor.


~hit. ~k:&,


Your pat.ronage respectfully colicited.~ \Tohn .A. :S:ro~n c:Sz; Ere.

White Oa.ks Ave·, opposite M:a;ye:J"'~ Liv,e:a-y..

:-. .II~\Ua~.: wel~, fusni~ped. Table sqppliod with eTerythitlll: trhelfa.rk:0t atrard I. Charles YfJry moderate.

"---------:._---------'"BDGAJt B. BRONSON, Prelidellt ~ •• : , , .. ""a. U. ATJISTI)( r(........I..J._.~'. , '~

El Pa~o National Bauk~ - - QJfI r:J;1~~..6.S.,-_

Oapital - ~ $~50JQOO.. Sl1rplu8 .. - $37.600.Oollectiolls prpmpt~~m&q~.~~drelpittecl. For~il:l); aDd D t· R' b

bO~lght au(l aold. Sp001al f~Ql~J~Ul8 offered 011 MHioan 'BlISi~~s~~ Ie :tc allg~


",' ," ,,' , " ,~---~~'-r'". , ' '"'I'!!!!t .,.i: ~'W'E7a ~: a, £.f!P :s~ \._. , ' ;.'...-. . . .' . . - --- - ,- -. - - -, - ~'- , ~\

-2· ~~ .;~l--' "",' ~ • ... .;,..6(' • "."'" .,..., _,,1 ".'.. Jt-••• -. ' ~ ", •. 1

no propriety ,i» Rwappili~ supera~l,., s'f.Af.p.~~; FANpY P:J.tPPI£JU~Sftions-neit~ef'party o~n ~iforq' togi.we p,ny boot' .

'''hen the Cliristian throws aw~yhis cruel' and' he~rHe~s /:lUnSr,stl-tions, .and wl.Wfl· the .Jew throwsit way his, t~en, thQy can Ineet. fl~man anq n~an.

In the nlea~ til:n-e, the world c~n

go QUl-n its 'blunqering wa,y, . ~.,cf. Is'hall ~~I1ow ~nq feel that everyboclyd!Jes as he 111USt, anq th~t the

EMOR,y":Mind w&ndering cured. BookfJ'le~~~cl

• in one reading, ,. Testimonials from IiI1 •... parts "f the globe. Prospeotus pos-r I

FREE, Bllnt on nnnlication t<I Prof.~ 1 ':" _~_"fe Ltiisetlie, .~7 ~~~:~xe.j l!e~IYo~~:

i' ~.




• , .. 1'Qi.\',,·t , _...,1.41·':..... ;. ~" ;"':~~i\:' i '''~,1". 'This ~t9l;Y,}~·.el}opg.lj·*q p.t~n~. ,lJleplush 9F .~b~WQ ·t~?~h~ ~ :snee~,. R~li.q;word~ 9rlng~,gn~'tion t<rttn<1'~ip~. 9£F·yery· l~onest H~~IJ~ ".' ,:, I

~:', Notrjn~ c;rn,bp.mqrQ~~·unjust

1;~at;'~R F.ien~Falj~~ ~b?~~t n~t!o'l~a~­~ ties .~pd; tq; s~ea4.: Af ,a ri19~ ,.ft~

worthless or vicious ~lHlpJy 'oecaHse~you ha\re r,net 'an Individual who: . I. ", " I ~

freated you' UlljUStly~ 'f~ere aregood people aoel bad -people in all)'aces; and' tlie 'i~~H'vid'Qal is not :te~... • . t ~ '.. • I

~ponsible for the GrilneS of the na- (Jhtlstfan, t13 the extent tqat' he lStion, 1~0~ tI1'~ ;l~ti~Hl responsible f~f prejud~ced, is prejudlce<1 by re~son

~t th~ fl'Gts of t~el few. Goqd'~1e~ a~~q, pf Ilis ignorance, aJ).q. consequently,ponest n~el1 are foqn~ in ev~ry the great lever with which to l'aisef~ith, al1d ~h~r ,~re nBt H0l1est 0'1' all: rnankin~ i?to 1!18 sunshine of~hsh0nes~ P~~~Hs~t~ey are Jews or phIlosophy lS In bHt f~r el~t~)"e~~ d~frerent Yours ve'ry trnly, ,.r~1t~lop~.,' R. G. INGERSOLL.

~9lne of th~ ~l~~~t ppoRle I l~~y.e i Big ,,;;;~ De*l~~ver known are Jews,laild some of Frow the Independent.

. :'he worst people ~ have known a,re I I-

pbristian~~ 'fhe Ch~'il:3tians wer.e 'A big sale of J.Jincoln countynot bad,siInpl~ bec~~s~ . they' were steers has ~een undcil.' way for SOlnebh~l'!st.jans n;'jth/e~r"'\wlleolre It'h~ ~ J . Hme past, and was finally, conSUlll-,lC'd l\" , '. ,e ews t d h· k"" " ,j ; I' :. , . 1 Ina e t IS wee . .poqq .PrCa:Hse t¥~r Wyre ~~ws~ .\. / , .

. luan ~s fa:r ~bovr t.lW~~ ba~~~s of Vleo._¥. C~ts:!, of Chnton; :M~"faith and race. ~o~q .Je,ys are pre- one

aof~he ~~~ ....ln.41 pa~t~~e~~ .. ;n the

ciselv the BaUle as Q'ood Christians 9h mpIon (CA-) Cattle 00" ar­.~nd .. bad dhristia~s' 'are 'wo~dDr~ .,rived in Lincoln ~,at~r~~.y, brin,g-~'~lly lIke b~~ .Jews. '.. v ing with hinl l\Ia~or Towe~, a noted

r~t~onally, I hav~ e~tl~~r no prej- catt~e deale!' of I\.a~sas ~Ity.\ld~ces about relig~on", or I have BIlly l\Iathews, ot the CA- conl­(~qual prejud~ce~ ~gainstall reIi- paJ:1.~" Il\e,~ qle ~ent~~:l~el1 here;, andpions. ~l~e y.o~~Se(luellce is that ~ ~ec~m~anlwd by J auk I horntvn., ~he,Jlldge of peop:\e not by their creeds, party left for H.oswell, near WhI~h

'hot by theii· rites, n9t by thei~ plac.e th~ CA-'- 00., and the FellxlllUlllnlel'ies b'lt by then at-tions. (fly~ng I~ ) (Jattle 00., had 4,000. 4. In th~ first place, at the but- head of 1, 2 anil 3 r.e~J;..01<:\ s~e?{.s~O111, o~ this ))I'ejudice lies the coil': ro~~,cl~Hl up ready for shI~nlc~,t.

9d serp;ent of $upers~~ti,o,n:. II, oth- I he rCS:llt was that Major lower~r wO~'ds, it. is a religlous question. puruhased the wh~le b~lnch.of 4,000It seems irnpossible lor the people head, the O\Yll:elj~~~1of wInch waa9~ o,ne religion to like the people be- a90ut equally dIvIded 1).etvv.e~fl; ~he

1;1evIng ill another religion. 'fhey ~A- ~l1d flY:llg Ii CO,1l1pa~.lCs.have different gods. different heav- 'I he prIce realIzed ~rc $10, .1,14,yns and a great ~v:1rie ty of hells. and $18. These are ~he b~8t flgu~'esF~r t1),e fol,lower of one god to treat cattle };lave bJ'ouglu In thIS sect~oA

~he foiio~erl~f another god: Q.~centlv for sevel'al ~~~N~Stis a kind of treasoil. . In' oi-der t~ TOlunlY Eupanks, Charl-es Stein

~ f .;, ,~ •

be really trll!3 to; h~s. gpd" each fol- and Andy Riqha.rdsQA leave forl,o:~e~ lf~us~fj J?o~ oply hate ~n othe.r Roswell on Wednesday. Tommy¥oil's, b~t th~.~o~low:el"s, o~ ap other goes to look after his fences on .the.gods., Andy to see tha,t lihe roadsJ .The Je'wi~1?-. ~~o'plr' shppl.d out- ~re properly worked, bu.~ we are at~row thpir 0.\\:11 s\l)?ersti,tipns. It is a loss to If\no~w what Steln'f?,o~B 'for"iime for theI11 tCl throwaway 'the possibly to iuvestin corner' lots atidea or'in·spiration. The 'intelli- Rovwell.

• .. . ~ ...: ~ :. t •

. ~e~t,,~~ew ofto·-d.ay knows th~ If the new dry washer now be-....:~' ol4;.:Testan~~nt was wri.tten, by ~ar- ipg exp~rirrJ.entedWi.t.;l by Cal?,t.. J.

:- .,". barIans. and he knows that thf{ nt,es F. Reed' 'is a success· it will enable" ~n~ ceremolli~~: ai'e sitllJ.lly absuFdt", ~ l1ull~.,be~ of rich gold fleld~ to be

l~e kn?ws L;hat 11~\ i.n~elli~.ent\ m,an, ,y.or~.ed i.n centl'~.I au~, .S()u,tl1~rn~hou~d care anything abou,t Abr~.-.. New :\lexico.--Socorro Adv. " ,

• f \ . _ ,." ... ' •.

l;1anl, I8aac' and Jacob, three\ upaJ. S l'd 'Oh' t t·" . '. ". \-. " ~ aUle 0 es nu. '1?arbarian3. In other word~, the" ~

f;cwish pe9P~~,sh?uld;lc~?e·tlh~irS1;1'1" Th~ Wel~pn family, whRP1' theperHtition and rely on sci,~I?-Qe L~d~es R~l~~fSociety has been as- ,and philosophy. ~si,~~~.~\ng, w,ere,pu~cbf1seatick,ets and,

'rhe Christian shOUld;' dq\ th~ lplaced\aboard the train (jast" \~ed·~ame. He hy t.hi:3 tin1~, ~}lQttl¢l! nesday evening. Their destin~tion

, l~no\V that l~,Js rel~~~pn is a nl}~t\ake" ;was l\{iiasonrt~ where relatives a,rethat,1}is cx'eed has no foup~{tltif>ll 'exp~etedtto.take charge of them.-.i!l th~ etQrnal. ,~eri.fji~~ '~4p Q,h~']s- Rustler.~~flns c~rta!:n}.~ ~4qpld,gi,,\.e u~'! the

''':h,.opyl~s$lttt~!{.of,-Qop.v.ertip~;th~ 'J~\V­

iph p~~f)~et, apd{ L~~' J~ws, s.Jl~uld.give up,: the l1sel.e~s task, of con-

I ,.. , \ " . ,

~ertin~~ t;\~.~ ().lri~.~i~t~l?. 'rl1Jr~ is

. ,~

, \

:f, i


Page 3: EM·0 RY· ME… · VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f-ina'to it that the Jews



, (





. Lincoln N. ~I. ApJJi1.23d, 1890..


•R. H. PIerce, :, Eddy'•.R. T. 'Vhiteaker , Lookout.Peter C... rIl, .....•. Lower Penasco~






'ubRoription. per "nnum•••••••••••••••••••• $2 GAdT0rtil!ling rartes: ~ $1.00 per inch. per month4cldrolill a.ll c.BiJllunica~io;u1 to

1!!.!!!!~~e~~~!2Z!~!~'!!2~~!!e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~;~~~~;'!'~~~~~~" !!i;~,~~!!'~.'~'T ,~'~r~.!!.1!4e';!!!"~T~

1 _ t.Qeiver.there. I paid ~ no I 'attention' to DEl\JOCRATIo.OAfjL,.. . 0-ge·(u'tndidate for the Terrilorial

~. em", '... ,'~~." nttrwdtr~: those chlj,rgea at that time, knowing full • ".' , Oi!uncil~ , .well the. motives that prompted them . The IJincoln County fiai,*{)~ratic' One candidatefol' the.Te,rritorial

=~·'~:W"""'''f~''N:'~:W:~'!~~:''!·~·'-''i1'::''''!'''\i!!.~.¥:.o::.:.~and the innoce;ut tooli employed, to gIve. Centl;al ;Colnlnittce havinglllet in Assembly..them circulatioll, feeling satisfied that th t' r fl' 1·· A '1 23rd ' , . ' ".'t', Id t'f ]1 th' d' d' e, .0"\ n, 0 .Jlnco n on prl . " SaId 'conventIon 8hall elect dele-lme \Vou rec 1 y a mgs an vm 1- , • 1 rrh d y . , ' . !

cate me. And nobly, Mr. Editor, is it 1890, ha~ a~,polnte( .ii, • urs, ay, respective countie$

B ' J III All doingita work. and hasbeen doing It for August 14th, .1890, as the hmte, and, to the Territorial conv:c.r-~ltion.'Y ...... .' en· 1 th., . several mont.hs·, although in a quiet way. selected the town of Linco n as . e Th . f t't" h 11 bW 'M'[T D OAKS 'Il.'" 'a'" MAY 16 1890 "11 't f th h t 1 '. e respecl:ve coun leE! to) a e-. .u: .Dl', '., I.~. '~\1,: ..,... A, . ow,me 0 say. ur er, taw ~en place for h0lding the COllnty Con - ,. . ' '. 'd .'

the Anal adJ'ustmellli of my accounts .' allowed c1eleg,ates to SuI . DlStIlChEntered lnthe·pos1iom:oe a. t Whi1itl Oaks ..~ "ec- tlond 1 "th h t ' d t 'II b yen · t" .J: 11M1 C &Slimartter. "WI . t e gO\7ernm~n IS IllS e 1 WI e '. . '. conven lon, as 10 'ows.~.

found that the difference between us 18 The purppse of .sald conventIon Lincoln County, 14 delegates'..a merebagateUe. Now. as I am neither shall be the nomination of candi- Chaves " 7 "a candidatb fOl·the legIslature, nor yet dat,es as follows: Eddy H 7' "

TaB l:NTERPBRTER. to the position of delegate to congress, 0 . d'd, £ p' b t Judge.. 'fhe several counties are urged toWhite Oak8.N. M. and hence not seeking any newspaper ,ne ca 1 ate, or . ro ae. . .' ..

~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!! t' t t tb t' t' '11" 'J . " " Clerk, l11alntaln theIr party orga lnsatlon.p no orle y a e plesen lIDe, you WI ' • • •

confer afaver ou me by o:Jn,itting my " " " Assessor, and to contrIbute then support Itl..

name from YOhl' paper hereafter. """. Sheriff, encouragmuent of party fealty.Very respectfully, """ 'l'reasurer, JO:NES TALIAFERRO. 'V. S. RYAN"

____iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:;J....A..M..E.,.S..BROWNE, " "" Coroner, Secretary pro tern. Chairman.

County politics is qui~t at pres- " "Supt. Public Schools,ent. A few candidates are about 'Three County Coul-missioners.looking after their fences. Aillong The election of 14 deleg~tJs to. The'Lincoln UOl:lnty Den"Jocraticthe deIJIOcrats :natters are shaping the Legislat~YeDis~rictConvention., Cerltral C0111nlittee, in, se.:ll:;ion"thenlselves very harlnoniously and The SelQctlOtl of ia Connty Cen- directs as follows; .> I.a united dernocracy is assured at tral COlll111ittee' cOlnposed of one 'l'hat the nlenlbers of this com-the polls this fall. '1'he Oounty uleluber froln each precinct. mittee representing pl'ecincts which:.Central. COll11niLtee'j:) action in The nlell1bers of the Central "rill be within the respec'ti ve coun­their calls hu.s nH~t with approval COillluittee for' Precincts 1-2 ties of Chaves and Eddy, shall.on alL sides. 'l\he various candi~ -3-4-6-8-9-11- 12 - 13- conven~ at the towns of 'RoswelL. .dateB~ore about interviewing their 15 and 16 respoctively, are direct- and Eddy, in their respective cou!:-friends and a universal sentinlellt ed to giYe due and thnely notice 1n ties, upon'l\{ay 17th, 1890, andprevails to let the best Ulan win. their respective precinctH fOL' the issue cnJIs for county conventiollsOutside.intluence has bee!i at work holding, at a certa~'n tiJne and I for their respective counties, andan10ng republicans dictatnig affairs plAce therein, on Saturday; August,' apportion delegates thereto, for theaU10Ilg the local politidans whic~ 2nd, 1890, prilnury conventions for Ipurpose of selecting delegates to 'has, disgusted a good number of the purpose 'of sele(:ti~g delegates I the tegislative District Conventiontat;,; bett0r element in the Hepllbh- to said county convention. to be h(-:ld at Roswell, August 21st,can narty. '1'he edict has gone The.said precinc,ts shall be al- 189(;),',and for such other purposesforth thu.ii the rillg demands tha.t lowed one delegates for every 20 as they may. deeI11 advisable..Jhn~lJY DoialY' above all. else IHnat votes, and for fractions (If 10 or over i It is reeo nllnel1d~d and advisedgo to the legiSlature. \Ve are in- ca"t for the ])enlocratic c3.ndidatb fo~' that such conventIons be calledfj llled that the Hon. James does deleO'ate to congress in 188~, but for a day not later than Augustnot clJ-inl to be a democrat in this e:tehprecinct shall be entitled to I 14th, 1890. 'carrlpaign. ~t the !-t0swell con- at least one delegate, as follows: For the County of Chaves, Johnvention in .A UgUf;t, the democrats Prec'i No.1-Lincoln ,8 dd. W. POP., A. B. ~AUen and l\farkwill !lominate the successful ticket " " 2-San Patricio .. 2" . Howell constitute the COlnll1ittee

Gen, John C. Fremont, of Ne- " dand it will be a surl: winner. " 3-Rui 080.. , .. ,.5" to call said conYention for saHl

braska, a few weeks aot,o, was placed.. " "4 I)" h 4 " ·u - -- lcac 0...... county.

on the retired lis~ .as Maj .. General. I That was an unfortunate slip of. :: :: ~=t~~i;'eab6~ks',', ~ ;; .For the County.. of Eddy, R. II1'he General, whIle a LIeutenant the tongue by Gov. Prince, in h13 0 ,v P 13 T \Vh t k d P

" "9-Upper Penasco 4 " lerce.. 1 ea er an. eterin the army, ,,'as short in his ac-l interview with the Chicago Tri- " "ll-Nogal. , , , . , .. 3 " Corn, COllEtitute the con11nittee tocoup.ts,as n1adeto :tppearatthe de-lbune, the other day. After all " " 12-Bonito 4" (~all said convention toa said coun-partn1ent some $19,000. rrhe old these years of fawning and slob- " " 13-Red Cloud 1 " tyluan, the other. day, went to the bering over the native citizens of " "15-Lower Penasco 1 " . ,. D .

" "16-\Veed.... , .,,4 " oLlncoln County enlocratlc Cell-comptroller of the treasury to make New l\Iexico, apparently in antici- . teral Committee.arrangen1ents to pay the amount 'pation pf the day when canting Total 43, Nalne Prec't Post office-ill ins.taBm.ents-what was his joy.t hypocri~y might 'brIng him in. ,n W R alL' 01( All good, citizens desirous ·of/con- ,v. n. Yen. , , ., " ... " Inc n.on beIng Inforlued that the govern-I

lsight of coveted honors Incident t ·b t·· t 'bl l" J. N. Coe... ~ ... 2 :. . . . . . "

'ment owed him $21.,000 for over, 40 to statehood, that he should In a 1"1 Ulllg 0 a responsi e ac IDl!11S-t t · f t .aJ' Lowrv Hale., , , .3 Ruidos,.

Veal'S, alid the old man.rr.ceived !~oment of fata.! forgetfulness, ra Ion 0 coun y allan's, are dC'Ol'- Geo. ICilnbell., , ,4: , . , , .. LinctJln.his warrant at once for thea1l10unt.:appl.r to then1 the ugly and ~~- dially invited to join us in se n lng '\'. H. Lll1l1bley. 6.. , F't.. Stanton.

. . .'gradll1O' tern1 of "greaser'" IS del~gates to the' Cou"nty Conven- W '0 1\,l cD 1 Id 8 'VlI't 0 Irrh' 11 b t by tbungling ~ ,~, . J • .LVi e la '. , .. · 1 e a {s.. IS a came a OU sonlething in the nature of an' as- . Alf II 9 U uG 1 F t tion '. unter, , .. " per J:--enas(~o.

book-keeping, as enera ren10n tounding ridiculousness'. The J"'oY~s TVI'AFE'RRO 'JT S RYAN T. 'V. Henly 11 , "Nogal.d'ld not re'~el've "redit .for vouchers \T.erritory is faisly convulsed with ~'1.,C; t t , iY.. , E I' 1 Id 12 Ft S

y '"' - - S t eh . G. ..Jltt efie .. . . . tanton.~l~arly orr file. the great J.aux. ~~ts, some ..with ecre ary pro ten1. aIrl1ltl,n. Jones Taliaferro.i3 .. , White Oaks..

A' fth bove we append laughter, hIS In ..unate fnends Jas.'F. I-Iinkle.15 .. LowerPeuasc()p;~po~ 0 e. ad ..h'ch with chag~in, the object of his,· DISTRICT DEl\tIOURATIC CAT L V.II. I.Jusk, .. , .16, .. , , . " WCP-d.

the fo OWIng correspon el1ce W 1 (~haracterizat.ion with undisguised" 1J • W. o. ~IcDoNALD, \V. S. 1{,YAN.

explains itself=" . and j~stifiableanger, and, ~l.l with The Lincoln. County Deluoc.ratio Secrcltary. ChariInan..To the Editor of -the New,:Mexi~an. anlRz6Huent that a, polItICIan of, Central CUlYllllittee representing' _

. .' d t '1' such i' reputed cleverness should, .. . 'Dear SIr :-1 see froUl an e 1 orta In k" h··.. · 1 . d ... the Leglslatlve DlbtrlCt cOInposed ORGANIZING COl\fMITTEE,. f th 5~h' t t a ara. lua. e'Suc a rlUlCU ous an QlSaS- .

your paper o. e ~n::n. . "P 'i treus. "break." The circlunstance of the counties of Lincoln, Chaves CHAVES COUNTY.graph Whl


l.1acCUFJes me 0 "elana


evver will cost Prince, a thousand .or and Eddv, having n1et in the town J h ,xr' P 'n 11

thousand 0 ars In anears ''''. I I tt fl' r .~ 0 n ,y. . oe, · • · .... n,o&we ;thO L C nces land office Allow Inore' eel'S o. exp ana 1011, and, of Lincoln on Anril 231'd. 1890, has A. B. Allen , Ft. t'llfulun'.

of e as l' . '... • • even then, he will ever have the .,.,. " 1U k 1:.:1 11' }:J 11:roetosaythatyourlnformahon, so far h',' t" ..,'. .~ tl t t.l a,lJpuln"ed1, hursday, August 21st, .Lowe , ,,,,OS\"(~ •

... d '. ·th t f da a,un lng conSCluusness la le '}' '. 'd':] t:Jas 1 am concerne • 18 WI ou oun- thing is liable to be sprung on hinl lS9V> as t 1e tune, an, se ec eV.tien. I am fUll~ aw~re that a:dtffort at any inauspicious nl0111ent. The the town of Roswell as the placewas madfl sometlme SInce to. sa '11" tmh

etime Inay oon1e when L. :BradfOl'd for holding the District Convention.

'With an indebtednes$Bl;~~~;n~ ;20000e

wil.l understand the feelin'~s of. the The purpo~e i of said conventionway from $5,000 to.,,' 0.... , whIppe.d parrot, who sohloqlllzed .' . . . .. .which was said to have pas~a~, Into the l hpolly ! too -mtlch."- the nOlUlnahon of candl-office while 1 filled ,the pos~tlOn, "f, re~t,lIeadlight. datcs·asfullows:

rrhe thirty delegates l:ielected byGov: Pr:nce, Who are now" iil'Vash­ington" have accomplished nothingas yet, and are quietly cOIninghome. Each individual delegate'vas intere'sted in sonle pet schelue,either an interest in an old grant,war clailn or an office seeker. Takeit as a, whole, the delegation canbe pnt down as·a fai lure. 00(1 thing'was del110nstrated;beyond a doubt

... that the slatellood sehen1e will failand until the.;tlemoeratic idea, in a

, measure, shall b~ adopted there is110 use to try fOr statehoJd. Theschool question and a fair, appor­tionmellt must be fairly' regulated.'rhe rclpublican 111aj ority 'is notst.rong enough within thenlselvesto COUl bat the position maintainedby the leading denlocratic infiuenceof the Territory. It i~ generallyco'nceded that which(~ver party o.pouses statehood this fall will bedefeated. liov. Ross and his friendsare to. be congratulflted with there~uLt so far. The failure of thedelegation shows beyond a doubtthe position maintained by Rossand his friends is the ~orrcct one.. ..






'~~'.. 11',, .


'f ~ I' "l'r~,


Page 4: EM·0 RY· ME… · VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f-ina'to it that the Jews


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", • ,., VI' l.r' !. . ...


DAIJ"Y MAILS.Eastern mail arrl\'e::> • .A. lIe

Leaves 6. P. M.

For~ Sta.nton mail a:t;rives,P. ll.

Leaves 7 :30 A. }f.

Red Cloud maii l~l\fes 2 P. M.

:Monday.. Arrives 10 .A.. lie Thursday.

P. o. opeI\. frOUl 6 A.. M. to 7 P.ll.....

Sandays from 6 to 9 .A.. l{. l4 to 6 p. M. }

Mails clo!.e 30 minutes before de­partur.e. Money orders and register­ed lettflr!· must be applied for before4 P. M.

..NEWMiX7cO~=~;R&...~OOAi,p~a~IN;s, ' w --; O:r village school,. ~~der, the a~le ~.' ;Dr. lII....t,~n, J,~::~8::7~:·Op-.. tutorship of MTS. RudIslUe, held Its The follOWIng 1, l t t w of'

WHITE.OAKS, t~.· M' May 16, ,890,. Mrs. ShannQnhouse, of Nog-al, closing exercises on Friday last. ti'c, will-be of int.eres. ~ a ,e ch' \' is a visitor . among her many T'his sch (,lOl has been condnoted our people who promIse. so,illUWH·E"RE WE GO '" "f t 1- Dl" when he left here.. .' .• friends herH this week· allly and the scholars andparents or ·'e. . '

....'" Nec~ss~ries~deU;;cies and Inx- regret that It is to"be closed,. e...en Laramie, Wyo.• May S·-fr. t~',I .. O. of G. T. .c.. b' f . d On Saturd,ay Martin the dentIst who'soug"lt" e' . t Y & "Tall·aferr'o'.:. lor a ne peno, . ' .1 .. , ' • "t '. ht on acWhite Oaks Lodge, No 49,. meets at the urzes-a· oung . j;' • • h hI" sheriff's protechon a nl~ '. _

Clastle Hall SVN'Y Satufllay night, at 7 grocery, Ml.'8., R.ndlsllle gave.t ~ sc to ~I s count of the indignation of citdentso'clock p~ m., of ~ach week. ",and InVIted guests a pIcnIC a er over his alleged lecherous c?n. uc ;

A. F. GRElIN, C. T." D:. A, A. Bearup is now in t<!wn, home, which was attended by up- rt>mained at the county J~ll allC. SmIltONT2;f Sec~ pulling and polishill~ teeth. .fIe wards of 60 and a.ll had a ~pleasant night, and 1 fc on the fast tral n for

. . .. is located 'at Dr. Paden's new store. time. One of the pleasant fea~ul'es the west at \:1:30 yesterd~~ ~,)rn-K .f P Baxt'er MOllnta'ln Lodge No 9 G· . h' 11 .: t~ t' b I·,ng. He was accolnpanle 0 the.0. ' J,4. • . •• 'lye lll1 a oa . - of ,the day, was the presen a Ion Y t '... ' b the' she...iff and his deputy.P th " . t eery Thurs 0 f fi '11 ·raIn y. .' " fKnight of ,y las, mee s. v .' Fnll Oream Cheese and Peabody the girl scholars, 0 a ne Sl.( He di,; :in)t buy a ticket and re us-

dav" ni~,l:!t, at 7:30 o'tlock. Visiting 1 . t h M R dl h t d to god tt d Creanier'y' Bu, on tap-at Stew- sacque. to t leir eac er, rs· ',I - ed to Sity where e expec e . •

Jkllights are cordially in-Vlte to a en · 81'11e. The whole affair has furnls~edJ Ofj)l)FH GRES nAnER, C. O. art's of vVhite Oak,s. t tl n thIng

, S - • l110re e:x.cHenlen lan a y.~D. FITZPA'rRIOK, K. OF .R. AND· , • d' d h. thWe, are under abli~ations to our I Mr. St~nley 1'aliaferro, e Itor that has occurre ere In a mon .

. old frle nd Jake W~lsher, for late and. pubhsher of the Watseka ':""The Dr. is up to his old tricks,G. A. It Kearney Post, No. 10. copies of Brooklyn N. Y, papers. (Ill.) Repuhlican, and ~r0ther ?f Where he w.ill next show up seems

Meet. ~l,l the last M"nday night of From all acconnts, Jake is improv· our townsman, Jones Tahaferro. IS to be a mystery..each mQuth, at the rrown Hall. '. d 1 ~I ~ _

illg in health . looking over old Ian 111ar {s. ' r. .• d 1 ithJOHN A. BROWN, P. C. -'. . Taliaferro was at one time a res]- Everyb~d'y In town ea s W'ED,~. B""JlELL, ANT. J. A. Alcock, in compan)' WIth dent of Lincoln Oounty, having us-that IS, ey.~rybody who has

.. :n."~hOdi.t <Jh"l·C1J. Direetory, Mr. Uarey; of England, one of the bl'shed the Golden Era. At caught on to the fact. of our bar­leading stock holders of the Ca.r- pu h t 1 . . th f 11 eDJ'oyluent gttins.-Young & TalIaferro.Preu,chmg every Sunday in the Month . '" I d presen 10 IS In e u '. •

.t 11 o'clock a m. and 8 o'clock. p. m., rlZozO Co. , h~s gone, on an ,.ex ,en - of a lucra.tiVt~ business, at ,the a.bove J a.riles Colp, well kno;yn about8xcept the s'ecolld. ~abbath School at d t t Ip '1 hey expect to3' p. lD. every l:3unday, Prayer and e eas ern ~: . n:lll1ed place in Illinoil::l. His old \Vhite Oaks, but who is, 'now a resi-praiae servioe overy '!'hursday at l!l p. m. visit the pnncipal cattle markets time friends ar~ pleased to meet dent of Silverton, Oolorado, re--Fow. froe. a. W. 'P.ltOJlu.s, P, C, during the next n~onth. with him ag.;tin and wish to have <:ently married a young lady of

. A. J. FOTTER P, E. You will find, that glov!lJl' cost his stay prolonged. I Michigan. 0

......_ - - you less a pair, alld,that you buy 0 itDV()E TO 1110TII'II.1IRS:

I b. The Good 'relnpl1l,rs gave aCQlI\gr-exntional C lUl'C , fewer pairs, if you buy of llS.- l\frs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, has'b' th P h pleasant iC9 crean} social and b f h·ld t thOrder of sel'vic~ on Sa,.;)l). :- ~eac. - ,Youn'g & Taliaferro. been used by mot el'~ or c 1 ren ee _'

~ng u.t 11 'o'clock, a. m, ulld 7:30 0 clock • dance, at Bonnell's hall, last Tue,- ing for over fifty yarn's WIth perfect snc-p, m. . The attendance at the AcadenlY, day evening. The party was well cess. It relieves the little suf(erer atPray~r meeting Wednftsdy eyenlpg ··.1 d .1 . d t 1 . t "Jeep by

f b. week. Su~day school tJ.t 10 a. m. has been nlatenally InCreaE:ieu ur- attended; the receilJts over anu once, pro uces na ura, qUl~... •

~l~:;e invited. ' iug the week, by the additiou of ltb"ve expenses amounting- to freeing the<lhild from psin, alld the littl... t cherub awakes as ., bright us a buttOl t ."N. W. LANE, Pas Or. several scholars far' enough ad- abc1ut t$'25,OO, which will be applied , s the

" _._--- It'is very pleasan~ to tl1ste, soothe,....." - .....~- vanced from the public school by the lodge in paying ha:t rent child, softens the gums, allays palD, re-

which closed. Friday. I\1iss A. F. and OthOl indebtedness. Every- Haves· wind, re~ulates the bowels, lmd isHull is nlaking a grand success of bedy expressed themselves as ~av· the best known remedy for dillrrhren,

tho acadenlY· i'ng a pleasant tinle- whethEr arising from teethintr or other9 -:; , ., aUire~. Twenty-five cents 0. bottle

1\11's·. S. \V. Lloyd was a Vi~iItor J. Ie Byers, the ~opular ,School IMFORTANT AiN' White Oaks last Tnesday. II rs Snperintend'mt of LlIlcoln .coun t,y, ,Lloyd is about to apply for a pen· has been in alld abont White Oaks J. M. Jitarnsd~le, '~ho ~a~ chargesion, as a soldier's widow. 'fhe the past week, visiting the schools of J. A. Oooper s . nlllk daIry, willG. A. R. could do a commenc1able in this vicinity and' attending 'to s~lpplY ~1I who WIS}} to fllvor himact by procuring a'snitable head: the duties appertaining to his WIth ,then patronage a pure articlestone and place the same at t.he 'office. l\Ir. Byers repoxts the of Dlllk at reasonarble rates,g-rave of S. tv, Lloyd. His eleven schools in excellent condition, and (k-;'7.)years of service I in the Volunteer is well pleased with' school._affairsand Regular Army, would entitle, generally.hIn; to this respect. ......~ _

$ Annie Videlle uf LaB Vegas" LAND OFFICE AT ROSWELL. N. M.,Menlorial Day wiU be properly young 1110i..1lan who at one tinle May 8,1890.

· ohserved as 'Usual this year in lived in the Jicari~las, near White Notice is hereby given that the fo1-OZANNE & CO'S STAGE LINE 'VVhite Oak~, under the direction of Oaks, conllnitted suicide. on the lowing-named settler has filed notice

R.earlley Post G. A. R. and the 'V. 8th iust. UUIll-OrS of one kind f!,nd of, his~lntention to make final proof insuppoJ:t of his elnim, and that said proofR. C. A full' programnle will be Ianother have been circnlated, im- will be made before Probate 01erk of

·Leaves Carthage daily at 10:30 arranged in tillle for next· issue.. plicating a well known yl,nng man Lincoln Co., at Lin.oln, N, M., on Sat.". M.on ar~iYJ.l of Santa Fe E h 1 h t . 1 d J 8 1890 . Ed d

.l:lt .~ naug· IS i:nown, owever, 0 fo1'111el'1v of the' Jicarrllas, In t H~ ur ay, une ~~.. , Vl~: wartr.ain. warrant the statement that it will sad a"fIair. Sensational news Schafer, pre-emptlOn D, S, No. 3509, (or.FI'om Car·thage to 0


a·nne's b f 'II . t t' a .. 1. t t the E. 1/2

S. \Y. 1,(, Sec. 24 Tp, 6 8.~ of. I, ..., e u y as In eres lng, as allY ex- Inongers an sentlmenta IS s a 72 7"*aa~ch,' suoper stntio,Q 30 miles, . f th l' d h Id h . t k t R. 11 E.

~ erClses 0 e nn e' ere III Las Vegas, have :a en a grea He names the following 'Witne~s~s toarriveat5P.M. ~ h .cr. Btlotnler years. deal of interest in t .e aHalr. U ) prove his continuous resjdence upon and

Oz.nne's Ranch ~o ,Wbite Oaks, G St. f Ii . d ~7 h as is invariably the rule the poor o.nltivatkn of, said land, viz.:Breakfast statioll 60 miles ar- en ~, rmg e ow, age ',w 0 unfortnuate has gone the usnal Edward Fitzpatrick bf White Oaks,N.M.'1"1' ..,00 at· 6,. A·,. 1\.... for over 20 years was Lhe note,d , ... 'G F't t. k" " .,~ "',~ J.U ,J." d IllS again qluet-. eorge I zpa nc "\ 1 7· Att G f M· ~ d' 'th IrouLC' an now a BWhite Oaks to Noga ,. 1 arrIves, y. en. 0 J. 1880U1'1, urIng e Ohas. M. pyan ," " " "·a.t 10. A. M. to Fort Stanton 18 ,titne preceding and following the ness. .• Bird D;yer "" ,. "

miles,l P. M.. Fort Stan~on to Kansas-Missouri tronbles, previons I NoTIOE. ,. "ky person Who desire/! ~ protO*t thl>Lineoln 10 miles,.,arrriv~at4:30 t 18Q O " tJ h d . I· allowanc8of such proof. orwlro knows

o .u". arrlvea Ie Qt, er ,. aY"l Having. discon~inued, "P. M., Uonnects with buckboard of allY substantial reason, under thefor Roswell and Seven Rivers. Con- froma tnp ~ronnd th~ world, at have placed aU accounts m the law lind the regulation/! of the Interiornects at Fort Stanton for Ruidoso, San FranClSco ~nd 111 excellent hands of T. B. McOourt for coHec- Department, why /!nch proof Should notWeed and Penasco. O:.>nne9ts at' health. This will be welcollle news tion. Parties o,wing me will con- be allowed, will bo given an OpportunityN'ogal for Bonit? and Parsoll's Uy.. to his son Harry Stringfellow, well fer a favor bl s~ttling tJ.e same, at'the above mentioned tim" and placeVonudects at WhIte Oak! for Red known hereabollt~. ' .And al.I bills du.'e· l11e) pl.ea~e to cross-examine the witnesses of saidCion • '" ' . . • claimant, and to oft'er evidenoe in to.Leave.& Whit0 Oaks for Cal·thage Stewart, of White Oaks, has present for payment to saId T. B. hu.ttal of that S:nbmitted by claimant.

5:HO P. M., arrive a,t Ua.~·thage' SOlne stoneware ulilk-orocks jars }IcCotll'~. . ·"VlNFI.E:LD S. COlmAN.1:30 p, ?J.'ai,djugs, h~ wm MLl lOi\,. ' .! F. J. MCOOtJR'L". I Uegilltelo".

II II ,,' ....0,.,''I' /'";1'.. 'l.:l I"'











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Page 5: EM·0 RY· ME… · VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f-ina'to it that the Jews

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(JOUle One, (JODIe, A.11.

-DEllLEBSIN-Fresh. :See~ ~uttpn and Fork: - ~ell

our·ed. oorn·Beef and. oh.oioe Sausa~e.Reasonable Prices - Prompt attelltion given all Oustomers•


~.i~;""~-':;<, ~ ~l"'~~~-':,~:-*:':': .1i;~,~~~ f::'Y;';~: lJ'~ l' •


i, - - F,..,.

Tile \Vhlte Oaks, ., . TarUfDeltatt'l.

A short time ago there: was <pub- ~ . Springer of Illinois, opposed thelished exclusively'i~the. 'Heral.d, 'an hill.' He' denouneed granting


interview with one of the most boun,ty on sugar and raw silk andprominent railroad men. In tile' then in a facetious manner proceed­southw~st, and a man who enjoys edto point out, the" benefit whh~h

Jay Gould's co'rifidence as uluch, if would Inure to the farnler of llli·not more, than. anyone who lllet nOlS from the provisions of the law.him dtu'ing his trip through this were taxed ten per cent.state and Mexico.' The sta.t~nl.ent a(l. valorrii. .\ It ,~.. was' proposed to111ade by hitn to a represent~tive of tax thenl three cents a head. Ac­this paper regarding the cause of cording to" agrlcllltural reports,the failure of the White Oak\' par- no eabbages were inlported at tenties to di::)pose' of their unfinished per cent. How Inany 'would 'beroad was absolutely trite. The imported at an ·equivalent of fiftyhandling of the matter of selling per cent. (Laughter) After ridi­the ptvperty ~'o Gou.ld was culing the imposition of a duty onDlanaged, and without SOUle satis- eggs. a~ fL Ineasure of pt"otection tofa(~tory arrallgementcan be nlade ex. President Hayes who had gonewith the New York parties men- into the chicken business, Springertioned' in the Herald, the road reviewed the free list awl and de­will ncvtW be purchaeed by Gould, clared that the American h0~ wasexcept the ll1atter is taken in the discrinlillate~. against in thatcourts by the creditors and the re- bris~les were on the free liet whileceiver through due legal a high duty waK placed upon wool.diaposes of ]t. '\Vitha guarrantee \Vas it for ,the benefit or the lUi­frol11 the c'ourts as to the vaIiditv nois fanner that his sHclt fat hogs. ,of the titl~ he lllIght. take hold of were placed on an equality with thethe property. razor, hadts of l\Iexico. [Laughter]

The IIerald is exceedingly anx- 'rhe Denlocratic party was readyious to see the road conlpleted to to meet the issue ill the bill and'Vhite Oaks, as it would largely he predicted t~le house in theincrease th~ prosperity of El, fifty-second congr ess w()~ld have aand no paper has worked hal"der to D'emocratic Inajori'ty of fifty Inthis end than this, but the stereo- 1892 there wOllld be QJ Del110cratictyped announC'elllent that "negotia- C()ngrel;s pledged to repea.l this'tions are p3uding WIth Ne\v York bill, if it should becolne a law.parties," is b~colning tot lighhly 1110... Dingley, of l\Iaine, sl1t1pport~d

notolJous.-}t~l Pa"o flerald.· the bill and Bdrnes, of Georgia,

Tinware::[i~l'~l~Gla~s\vare Andrews, of Mississippi, UUffiluings~nd QUt-"en~·\Va.rp, at low prices to of New York and Buckner, of \Vis­close ont.-Stewart of White Oaks. consin opposed it. 'rhe conlll1ittee

~ then rose and took a recess until\Vue ScreenIng and WIndowfrulnes. at Young & 'raliafe.rro's. evening-.





l' '(' ...~.~

. .

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WHITE OAKS, N.M.t..~ •



'Never since the epi.sode ortile cherry tree ha§ a cut as we are makiuS­on all our winter remainderso

It has to be done to clear out·the line.

AJ,L :&lNDS OF TINWARE, COPPERWARE1 <f; SHEET We love to be liberal, but hate to iose.IRON WORK DONE' JIn this case we must pocket the loss•

.ON THE SHORTEST NOTI.GE. It's a Grand Chance, come and priceTIN ROOFING, SHEET STEEL l:!'00FING, IRON ROOF- the Goods.' . ..... .'. .











.x'\ ..

Page 6: EM·0 RY· ME… · VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f-ina'to it that the Jews




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It will makethan you S8U


JJ, "•.•·t "!lr.'I~~., @~i'~»~.,,(Ii ,,' .~ Ii .' ~ " ' , ~~N'Oil"~\4r:: .~ . \t~ • ,t . " ••.~


Hides and .Pelt.·

}\{eals:lierved in first:class .style at all hours.· Charges reas9tl­able andlgood attention. .Central- :Iocntion..


Wool,Ranoh outf\tting a spooialt:r•

LAS VEGAS, N. Il.Wholesale Grocers.


~O "YOU ~E.A.:C


The Cheapest Illustrated Mothly in theWorld. . .

25 CENTS A NU~IBERL $2.40 PER YEAR.Enlarged, Oc.tober, 1889~ to 128 pag-es.

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sunscn,Iln~-(ANUNUSUAL_ OPPORTUNITY)--suBscnrn~.1"0£ N.E\V SlJIISCUIBEUS, FOR Oy..~ Y"'~A.JtO~LY

TIlE OOS:\[OI>OJ.ITAN,per year $2.4-0THli: INTEUPltETER. L. :' , • , •••••• $2 00The prices of the two pubHcatio1l8 $4.:40We will fllrltish both for Oil ly $2.r>O

This off~r is only to new suascripers to THE ·Co~nrOI)OLIT.AY andonly for one year.

"It bas more articles in euoh nnmber that :.1.1'0, fmcl lewer unin­teresting pages than any of its contemporarics."-·B.oston .To.urna!




A Splendidly Illustrated Periodical at aprice lntherto deemed impossible"TRY I'l' 1/0R _l YEAIl.

It win be a liberal educator to eVttry member of tho household.tile ~ightM paBS pleuilUutly. It will gIve you more for the moneyobtain in any other form•

Do you 1i'ant a First-class lJa,gazine giving annually 1536lJages by the ablest l.m·Ue1·s, with move than. 1500 illrst1·a­tions, /."y tile cleverest arists-':"'as · 1'eadable a Magazine aslJ'noney can make~ tttagazine that 1nakes a sPfJciatty oflive subjecls. ?

"Tho marvel is htlw the publIshers eaa give ao much forthe· mOlley.w-~Phia

delphia Evening Call.

send $2.50 to this offico, and, secure both the COSMOPOLITAN & INTERP'B."""'''"''''''',..,.__.~.,...,..,..~'-Ao~.,~'''I\o,..''''''''" ..''''''~W'\....,..,~.~, ...,..."'~I\oI'"'''~ .....,..,


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'Mn Iill:ft.' "Why, Addl0. ylllll p.CilQdR't eryabontIt I I only snid .M rl!. A]Jell wnl!l n TOry. W'(l'll­lnformtld womaIJ, IIla1 I \\ i;\;t.L~d you 'W~uld followher exanlpla." '

:MHS. IJ~ll:. "Yea, l'l:r.lcl Ulflt u'{'ck yf>ll yanwislu·d I eoulcl malla!!U to look IUS stylish us :\lrs.AlIen.-and !he 'lnnk(\11 all her 9WU t::lothcis. Batthe luis whl$t I h.:t.v, n't.·'

lIn. Lrm. ., What is: thnt f".l\lltll. LEE. ,. \\. ell, sho gets aU of l1er informa..­

mon from tho )fnF:a:o;inn t.hey take. I admit that!:'hc knows ~ll th,tt itJ ~dng on, anti is brit!ht andtmtC'l'tainil1g in conv.ersrnti(?n: Imt I cou.d do fiSlvell' 118 JIIh;;s COCiS if I liNd the s&.mc source otlnformntion. ~ho ll.'nt me the lI\Ht It\1mb(>~of herl\lal;puilJli9Il.ltaly, find) ]v ~rllllJ.l W(Ire in one hour'srenning, nbont Yllrio:115 £Hlldal mattC'rs nnd tbetopics of thQ (hy. thl'tllI wollld ptl:k lll1 iT. ft monthhy my'GCCtl.lsiOHUI ehnts with fr:ends.:. It cerlltinJycovers overy top:c ·.,f iltt@r~l"lt, fro1'.1 the news ofthe dlly down tQ UHf tlc,talls or hou5e)~cepillg;

nnd aVCi!rythin~ is so booutifl-ll1y i11llstrnted. too.Every timo 1\1nmio gO:lli over to the AlleDil' shecomtll'J back and teuses m~ t(o) g..:t ~'Oll to tuke})emorest's Family llln!a?illc. ttL'! th~ ,.torles areso good. }~VCII t11· b()YliI wlltch for it GYory In<:>nth,1181 a pineo is found fOl~ theJ't1 n1':0 in its pllg"S: andllr. Allcl'I llWCtlrS by it. It h~ renlly \\'ondel'fulhow It ~ui~ Cl'ory Ilicm)wr Glt tlt!' ftumly I"

}\{n. Lm~ .•• Well. ptlrhnllf'! I1t:tcl bdtc.'l'scnclfora~pecimellOopy ; lor, If it i.i 11J..1~·tbing like what yousuyJt itc. it will amu,,~ lmd inl'lrllct tho whole OfU8."

.MilS LTm.' .. [ ~Qe thl1t W.•lcJ:ll'llngl'lJemorcst.(.'ile pnhlh;hcl!·. 1h t~l1~t llt:'l r-:trt!'.-t. 'l\l.'W York, isof!erin,l::' til ilend n SpeeiLUtM ('opy for III cents. 1'l0wa enn't 10M ;ID rtlliuf;. IHI ORI. h ~nr.lhG'r contnhlsn 'l'uttCl'la Or·, (ll" on triLl n,g the L~Ju('1' to nnyl'utt~rn f1bf:l may choo:.le, Ill"'! ill nIl)' ai2':o- w~lchnlona ms-kes elJell t'Opy ,n fi 11 ~il cants: tlnd 1 Jn~t _want tl. jll.Ckl!t ~.t:crn Jil~0 ~frl:l. J\llcu's. Th~f.lubacrj.ptiou 1)li'0 is £>n]y ~ ~ ({) a your; nnd I 'must Imv I c:m't B@tl how tht'y CUll pultllljh liO~nnt Ulll1oa~ino tlJ~ w littlo mUllOY."



Lum~er! Lumoer!!

DUXLDIN·G K.aTEE,:IAL IWO'''''''"'''"' ..-__,.· ,..-w __ ''',..,•.,·..·u·.._'AGENTS ii?r! ENTIRELyf

WA. N'- E 0 IA~ I NE"" BOOK


In connection with the new~ ,har-..ber, $hop !\ll's. Hllghes ,will(~lean

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The most 'Wol'1derful collGction of prac..

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When you solect that which is of turavalue, sales al'e snre. All sincerely de­siring' paying empleyment and lookingfor ,.wmethingthoroughly first-class atan extraol'dinar-ily low price, shouldw1;it" lOl' description ~nd t~l'ms O~ the:m'Ost 1emnrkilole acl1ievement :m bo.ok.making since the world be~llD.

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20 Good·Books Free


".- .. _.... ~;,,_._- .. --- ......-_..... '-.. , ' ......_...... -

JJy spocla.l arrangoment with tho J?,nbllflher, we areenabled to on'or tile entire list of l'wenty ValuableEooks enumerated and dORcribed below, ausoZlltelYfl'eeto every 8ubscriber to thill paper for the ensuing ~'ear,at the regular subscription price. Theile !Jooks, ellch~no of which contains a complete ~r8t· novel orether work by a. well· known nnll popular ...uthor, arepubliRhed in neat pamphlot 1'01'01, printed {rem goodreadable type on .rood pllper, and many of them hand­somely illustra.teS. They compriile Borne of the finestworkll evor written by sOI,pO or tho greatest aod mostJlopular writers, both of America 'ancl Buropo. l::achene is compieto in Itself:

No. 2-15. JlWll'tJ•. Caudle's rnl'ta.ln If'.ccforeB. ByDOUCll.AS JEflROW•• ,"OI'Y old and very funnY'. Th6youngel' as well as olrler genoration aliould rand thom.

No. Ui. A.d~·c\lt1:ol.r('1'lof'n'lor. I~3' tho au·thor or II BI,inh Boanpole's Ad.entures in Xow York.".A lZ'l'oat hUJ.porous buok 11'1 ll. popular author. •

No. 246. Ilo,v to 'M'nke and §n,ve Money enebe Farm. A "al uahle compil:.ttLrm of usoful fncts,Mnts and flugg:O~t\OIHl foi' farmel'S nnll gardenors.

No. 247. F"om 'tbe .Ea.·tb. to .ttie UOOll. A,f.ovol. By Jl':'I.l'S YJ;Jt.~m.

No. 2-18. 'rile Little 01(1 JUan of' tho Ba~lg..nolle-. A N~YGI. n~' Bml.E GlnORUU.

No. 2&7. A DaUlIlG.I.·OUJj ."\Voman. A NovaL Byll'rll. A:\'l S. S'J'1~I'J1 J(~:!.

No. 268. '1'lle 1..lnden Falrm Dl'il!o. .A. 1';'0\"01.!lyMAltll.A,ItI':l· n[.OU~fr. •

No. 271. Simon DerriCk.~sDallchtcll'. A Novol.Jly M. 'r. CAl.DOR. .'

No. 2~. 'J,'hc Baron's Will. .Ii. Novol. By Sn.·VANUB ConB. Jr.

No. 249. 'rh~ Peril ot' Richard rardon, .A1iovel. By B. L, FAllJEO:i.No.~. Bla.ek~il'dBIU. .A. Novel. 13y ESTBER

SI:KI.E KE~Sg·J'u.

No. 24a. The Gual'cllo.n'u Piot. .A. Novel. DyDr. J. II. IWJJl~so:\.

No. ut. The GI·o.y Fulcon. A Novel. By M. T.CAr.OOR. •

No. 240. The §Ol"1'OW of" eo Secret. A Novol.ny lIART CEnll, IlA.Y.No. 239. PElI'CY nnd the' Pr01'):E1Ct. A' Novel,

Dv WU.I<Ilt (lQT.I,(:\!oi. •·No. 231. The §tory o~ n. Wecldlnll' Btu". .A

Novol. By t.he lluthor of" Dorn. Thorno.nNo. 23fj, MlIl·tyn ~Vnre':i 'remptation. A

Novel. By Mra. Ih:s/t\" WOOD.No. 235. A Uoder.. Clndel"cUa. A Novel. By

th~ author of .. Dorn Thorne.":Nb. :!,l1. 'j,'ue lfl!iland Uome. A Novel. Dy M.T.

O.\I:001t. (1

No. 233. Tbc F~tal Glove. A Nov&!. ByO~• vuUS·U••

. ,

·O,U·R NEiWFREE"$65SoUd 'Go!..dWotch , •

Wr,)I'lh $10t(J.oru. llt:l!C~, WU~l,h in tha world. l't'rfect

thll~.I'E)l'pttl·. WArl1luted heavy,1l0LW G01..D llUutltl(;:' case!!.Doth IlIdl{'Il'UlId gem's I>izclltwith wtJrltB nud ei 1\ Ii e s or

cqu~ vnlull, Ora: }'EUIOON ineoeb localit~· can sllcure one

. . ti'ce, tog-utllor with our large"I~ '" ,aud vnluablu Uncoflllou....'Jleld\'ili btl ' ilj~l",~ple~. Thus!' I'IIn1JIIGl., liS wen

hIIlAN1'E. 1111 tho w"I .. It, arl! f'a·('e. AU tho wllrk yOI],w",.l ~~ ilJ tfl Dha", Wlll\t wo sOlid YOll to thtlRl' ,~ht' eul1~yourf.' "'lIlo111lllltlllai:jl'llbill'llIlUd thooo fl1),,«! YOll-IllBtlI1Wl\)'li rusults

l' trlJ~le fl~I'Uii,whieh I111Ms for)'lIars wh~n vuel' st.ntod,Ilud Ihull "'0 :11'\1 roptl1d. We \1>\.Y 1111 ('](pr"5~. fn'Jght, c.>te. Aflar• '11 Illtow 1I11 If vou wl~1d lIka to gG to work lor us, you can~ INnl $.~O· to lIi'6U pcr week lIlId ul'wllrdli.. ~\ddrollS,~thalM)ll&'ir Co....~x $1~, P.,.·tla4ud, Mahae.

Young & 'raliaferro '\vs. Attachment.

G. E. H~rrjlJgton

'l'he said G. E. Herrington is herebynotIfied that n suit iu attachment hasbeee ~omll1Ano-ed agaInst him in the Jus­tice's court for PrecIl1ct No, 8., Lmcoln<Jount.y, New Mexico, by saId plaintiffs,YOiln~ & Taliaferro. Damages olaimed,Fifty-five and 71-100 dollars-that nn­hss you enter yon.I' appearance iu saidsuit on the :10 day of May, 189Q, at 10o'clock in the fOl,'e4100n qf said day, judg..,tnent will be J;elldered ugoainst yoU, andyour pr0r>erty saId to Jaatisty the debtundcosts of snit,

J. 1'. O. LANQSTON, Constable.~rooinotNo.8, Lincoln 00., N. MJ

The.·orrnOh Elders l Book.on Se alstl'ellgth, mailed fr:e9 to mlll'ripd. ~n( , ~•.:n. Gl'ou~,2Q2 G1·a.nd.Bt~ .. Newf3{ork

Now is the time and opporhul).ity I

to secure the very best Ladies l\fag­azine, at a cheap rate.. I We will"furnish you the LADIES'·- JloME

MAGAZINE, (l\fonthly). publishedin Philadelphia, and the INTER..PRETER, for the price of .the latterpaper alone, viz, $2 per nunum inadvance. Send in your orders atonce, and secure a first-rate nlaga-



. i~,"


I J')







~ ,I '



Page 7: EM·0 RY· ME… · VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f-ina'to it that the Jews

----'1ri ,,,






'7 :


White Oakfl Avenue. '





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,~. '

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PATENTS RECEIVED..."" cowtbiehnn bd met his end at I' f.'·' Y.·OU''.. 'R''a.v··1···.···· "'Paul Maye)?-. J.'OD). The ;Peaofi'Begister~ the hands,of ," an, .en~agled, cowhoy._..

I Later a'dvices, ,however, show:I, . 'CA.SH. that he was the. Ylcl,lm. of a a'1ep; CONSUMPTIO'N COUGH OR COLDQertt.. ,No., 1218~ J.IV{.i1burn 'Vhite.

. ~; H, 1267. ,fohn Di Patty. laid:and dastal'dly plot, in which BRONCHIT.IS lrhroat AfrectlcnJ.l S:' l279. Susan Edwards. hatred and a wonntn were the in- SCROFULA" Wasting of FleshH S~ 1297~ G(;l~fge'Longmore~' centiv~s: . . OranyDlse~s+he,.etlteTl"roatandLunu.~, ~ 1299 Y' S J II ResldlJl g In the placlta ,where are Inflnmcd, L( of ,Stronq,tl" Of' 1.\'crve. , . t1J~nleS '. arre . , .. 'b b" Zln4.-.3 nc" C",.ed b1/

," II 1329, las.W. Sutberland. Montoya lived was a i' uam- ~""" .... 7/.Ocana:,...c ""~.'Ta... :,"'8'' . ,en Florencia Gallegos ,who loved .

At last the mach1tlBl'Y of the th ' .C f th d d' 0he' ..' . e Wl1e 0 e lUlU ere luan. 10

land ofll.c~ 18 In. motIon.. ~Oll C()~ retut'lled his affsction, but· the E .' UL'.8.1bean receIved h_s COIDllllSSIon last f t I d'd t 1 un .. . . . . . conrse 0 rue ove I no.'FrIda! evenln~, an~ ISmllowAregu- smoothlv. The husband was in OFlady Installed I? hIS 0 ceo ·large the way·and it became a necessity· PURE COD'LIVER OILn,mount ~f bnSIness has accu·rnu- that be shoulEl be got rid of. An- WIth Hypophosphltes.lated dunng the past three Illonths, . tl 1\,f" d Elutorl'a' PAL A TABLE AS rJlILK.. . . .' . . 0 ler ..L.lJ-eXlCan name R

..and It wIll take a few days to get B " d ( t e" and be ~tik "'01' Scott's Em..,,1trlt>n. andlct yo~, • •. I aca wa.s IlIa e a par n L' • - I't} t ht d t N f f'lanatioll, M' 80ZlcUati~ induce flOU tolln~S S.raig ell ~u. • 0 proo tween the tryo a devilish scheme "CUpt a 8t4bBtitUte. '

publIcatIons are lllade thIS week Of1 of murder \Va~ hatched up and c on Sola by aU Druggists.account of the absence ~f l\Ir. Le8- summated. Montoya' was lured SOOTT II, BO\Vl':E,Chemlsts, N.Y.Jlet and th.e. press for tIme to get from the security or' his hOllle to'thenI ready, but next week all' ~hat the ran e and foully murdered.jl,re in will be published. In ordergto leave no suspicion the'

~lr. WhitelIlan is here, and in- murderers then killed a cow and.creasing his stock of goods very placing the relnains of their victiIn '1'0 cnl'ecostlveno!Jathe mecllclnemnst

be IUna-c than a purga;~,i \,0. '1'0 be per­lllaterially to accol1lmodate hIS in.. beside the dead aninlal that they mallent, it mnS1/; contain

Cl.'eas~ng trade. Mrs. W. is in th,e had nart1y skinned took t.heir. de- Ton·ie, Alterative andOld d t d h Cathartic Properties.a (s, an as we ~n era an , s e po,rture. . Gallegus then sought 'rott's Pills posscHe thost.>qllaUtloli hawent up there to adJust the losse~ the wife of the lllurdered TIlan and I'uelolucutdcgree, a.tld

that have occurred in business. togetller they fled for parts unknown Speedily Restor~~Ir. 'v. is iInproving what will be 'rhI'S created suspicion and Baca to the bowels their ul'.taul p.orijiltttal&IO. . I.' 1I10;.iob, 80 O:lj!llcutial to I'cgu al' :I_;.'t very beautIful home h.ere, ~nd It W~lS ftrrcsted" and lodged iu the I Sold Everywhere.Jool,s as though he lIltended ~o Lincoln Jllff, A search was t:len 1__' ----

luuke a pe1'l1lauent residence' in the rnacte fot Gallegos, who was (lap" I ,MSMiffl.!tlIi!jf1$'iS!$O'BC'4UIN••W_GY; F.

I>ride of the Pecos. tured/l;st week and is now in the ILittell & Osborne have contl'act- lian;~ of the hnv. Both of the

cd for the rezllalnddl' of' the Qrick nl~p:dercrs have beon incli<dec1 andwork on the hotel and will fiuish t!lerc is c'very prospect t.hat th~

it thi~ week. 0:~heriff of Lincoln county will ofIi- i

'rhe Lincoln county round-Up /(date at a double hanging after the

h d I:> 11 'r d 1\11' next ternl of court down there.-reac e· :\ioswe ues ay; .ll • St k G~utherland worl\ed down the flon- oc rower. _ •• _do, J\fr Hinkle worked the Felix ~...._ ~_' Both :nen say the cattleare in better shape than they e.x...

.pected to find thE-roo 'rhey havegathered large steer. herds to driVE: Iand they are strong and all right.Now the rains have begun and Igr~ss is growi~g ~ nicely, the pros· f

pect is Illuch hrI~hter for cattle- S. S. S. is the reIIledy for child-Jnen. The" last week has the ren because it is a simple vegetableprairies look quite green. componnd, preparp.d from thc roots I

A. B. Allen came down from the gathe:ed frOlll the forests, and, con',. y" ranch ~follday 11lorning. He l tains no nlineral at all nor' any ~reports a very heavy rain from his t poison of any kind. It ('ures byplace to Sunlner, beginning JastI eIllninating the ilupnrities of theWednesday, with frequeut good fi"R1~ W.trLlL IT DE' blood,.thus assisting nq,tul'e.showers sin~e. The Pecos is up I ,",f.. f, tl,e f&frort. aro«e or a my, If there has been any consunlp.

. h 11. 'rl" Wldch ill~O .....oc:ttlnt. n P()110U or a r>tmzof •• f '1 1 Idpretty hig as a resu 1I. , te aaUl Mon-y·. ~.U~t1.h•. and .Obar~.·. is liWW:=l' tlon III your anll",Y~ you S lOUG d d Dora i. &'(ntlCl ud r~r. . 61', . . '1 .put in by Haynes, a,~rar an Sw~ M'" fi.wt!)!' WM her f1Jot When r give yOtll' child ..en S. S. S.. . t w111

b k d I b t h If \ (LoT. iatbe l'c)Jnnllce and ~101"Y ot lif~.) 11' t' I It' fEwing was ro en an a ou a JIm,.. ~1 pIaTm~t~, I lo~o· liko Ii sJlaWl','· genera y. 8 Ifill ate t Ie ac Ion 0. »Ut Dora I cll~ for .,.. WHa.

of it washed away. 'Ve are very l"It.t 1, rlrM.. ".Ull~ RIM. nwnr tits e1l'J the lungs, and enable nahl1'e tofJorry to hear thif', these 'men hav~ 7ell ~v.... bt aU J'l'1~rls.1t SRQ will baTO yoU, properly' de"elop'e the child. Ifl

IJJa~yJ41 ItfI!r .~",JUI b<t.OOJU(j deliet\Ut .ant! herd 1 t f h rd work there and l't ku~, ~e , S12arrin;o. r~mC:l:mb\'t" tbni th . .r I h ld' t' .L' 'IIone 0 s 0 a '. .~ ie _~liiJJ,"4ue to funotl0nnl d4#turbanoc;s, ere 1S sero U :1, yon s on 110 Ia}l'u a har'd blow to lose it. They' are ~~..~~. ftTCpllU1tiea. Ol' pttinfuJ elisor.. to oi,ve S. S. S. It is the only ren.l-

o ~ fe.unU to .er ~x. in the CUl'O ot w}tio!l' l:'

t b· 'ld 1 .. d l' Bt'. :Pl-.ret'. r~.,.or(te :Prescription 18 guarluA- d' h' h h d hgoing 0 re ut '- .1Owever~ an n ~4 1411•• ~t'-tadton,ornJouo1 J'c;fund~~ e y w 10 as ever cure t IS a m~nner as to insure .succ~ss. ::tti:':tt~~re:a cerW1~Qtel at gl,uu-:ultoo OQ disease. For boils, pilnples,FOr e'r~rw(.rke•• M "mon-o'Ut." .. :run-down,." d

&i>i1f¥t.4 tAl&chere. DHllinors. drcooInnxera, blotches, etc., on chil. r~n S. S. S.~~ •• 'MOp - girlfl." bouBe~ecpeN..' ... 11 .h d' .aWQiJ1c: motbet:w. and feeble :women gtilne7- IS SUperlOr f.iO' a ot er me WIlles.

Ab t t·h 1· ago the rc.: 0.I1T. Dr. ~oel. l'a:vorit..e PNllroriptfon is thoon . tee wee tS. ... ~t flart.\lJ:r boon, Qcla« uoequ~ed as nn It acts gently, it forces out the iln-~naiDs of a l'Ie.A:ican nanled, Jose :~~':IV~dtMJ 0J01. r~torlUllVG touio. OJ!. purities und builds up ~he childpJrningo l\iontoya were fonnd i~ ...~1., ... WORLb'S1)xS. MnD. As..... fronl the first dose.the Capitan mountains in LincoIn ....ft u_au. J(i!b<JlZ••,_ .. . Vie will nlail a treatise on Blood

Oounty, New Mexico, . By, the side Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS. ltnd Skit~di~eases to all who willof the dead man was th~ c.arcass of .. .. . ..... c:!0nd theIr :rddress to us.'. 1 .. l'eguIato'afld *_nsO',the liTOI', stomach and ..,.~t half skInned cow, A.t t 1e tl.Ule bowrus. '1~he" *,-'0 J)ure!;r VQR'ot4bte anQ pm:,. I S.\VI:D'T SBEGIFIC CO '

- • ) fcctlybnnnlem.6neA·:a.e. 8.c.l4 by .. . ..•it w,aa. thQ,~gh~ th.:;l~t MOll.tQ¥a· \t;·3tS ~! ~~"iats. ~ ~~.~ ~,~_, _",-",_. ,Atlanta" Ga.




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Page 8: EM·0 RY· ME… · VALLY:~ No ohar~e for .inspection, personal experIence has gone, any d~f-ina'to it that the Jews





I'B£3T Z£Et\~•. t'. aK thbSct put up by

D" ftl.. F'ERRY &CO.Who a\'C the Largest

BccdlSmen iu the WQrlL.. }·JlR~T&.CO·&.:B'C1U1ti~ 11tU'l'tl'ated, Dasaiptiyo


fon?90 will be,tAliFREE to~apphc:mt8, :tnt.\ to Jnllt~·s Cl~tomen;. It is )Pctler thNl ever. EV­ery pel'l'lOl\ ulling Garden. Floweror FieletSE,~DSl'hoU1usQt.ldfor1te

D. M. FERRY &. CO. '. q.rrr:ROIT. M 'eH.


NEW yonn: WEEJUJY.The p,1.11JUshcl's o.f tho well.kuow11 uUll ),lOpu...

:tal' aWl'Y ItallCl',

gfRgeT I.E? S~Ji'rJl1

H~...~.·~~\\\"I!I,'.'· , Q,~lr~~ ". ~ > .. i' ,,',' ~.,,:~~G'~~U'U '~i'.t '~ ,~~nui·IJ-',~~~gp~~~'.:-~,:~!}3i.2~IP.~~.......

,..-" tMl:Z:P33~ "~",,""';;·i'~Jl!l1~B.~~~

mnlto an offton' tlmt fA 111l11llrntll'1l'cl in tho lliR.,tOl.'.r of 111'11ll1hlll1S. 'l'lu."Y will 8(111(\ to any lut·

,ll'NJS, l1uMt'1Illicl, theft' 11l\1l01' iClt' th reo 111 JlI th~milt n lUllllhmmo cllitilm of 'V(~bH'C!l'·H nil'­cionnl'Y, 1JUl1.Ull in It~ntll('r, lfill) pn~o~-IJI1.e otl)Il~O 8xI01~ iLlOhc~, l:ll~o oJ: lJook 4 iuclu.ll:l thickwcig,ht l) l})l:l.- ~

fo!-' 'the low price ot $4, exclnsive ot 6~pre9Jt;.C,lmrA'OS 011 ~1iC.fion:11',}·. The ~J:djltlll'Y "rice ot.·

Vt'usf.t.\I"s DlctlOlIlll',}' is $12. ¥

A\VebHlea·'H niNiflJlnrY' iR a }101l!l('lI01ft.Dbt'cefJHity, 1l!1l1 wo fetll aRstll~ttll tllat 11ft mit' wfU

(\ wlthout!t. now. 'Sp11tl in :ra.lll' oi'l1pl'S to U'o.(llce of t/l.l8 pa,per 11 t, on('(~ tJ.1l tIle 1 \ • 1 Ie..g:i~at unll tilt) H1l1'111»litllitell". \Ve wM ¥~~';~~nJ~t~ 0tI'IIOl'/'J . to t]ltl Im})lia)wrH mill ~lUl1'lIJltf't) t~urn 8h tht) l\ie\v YOl"k'Vpekly 101' thJ't>e

mouths ~lul a hnllllsoUlp. homlib copy or ,'" b',te~:" J)lc\!euu.,·y, contnil1h1.g: 00ver 1600 llU~:-.u.r ""', ""II.

::ibl1tl. POOl; OfilC0 alitl EXl1less. address.


TT7l'~ SANTA FE,ROTJTE. '. ;·This· is the shO'rtline t6'rind l f.rt~.

points· easttQ . 'Vhite QaJ~s, 'Ft.Rtanfon, Linco~n?and'an st'age sta'"tions-in Lincoln County.. Clo.ele'da'yHghtconneotions are made 1?§r~tages1to' and ft·on1. above pohltswith tr.!tins fronl .C~rthage, Engleand Las Orl.lCeS, wbich have tht'o,ughsletJpers to ~~n",as City, Ch~c~go,.St I.ouis, and ,New YQrk, Wlt~outchange. . ,'.

Connection is JllHde~t Albl1quer"'!,que with ,through trains for all Cal-,ifornia points. 1~bese; trains. ar..unsurpassed in modern lmptove~

ments with 1uxluious day coachesand emigrant sleepers, the lattcl'under the managenlent of the Pull~

Dlan company, are furuished Wit'lelegant cnrtains and elea:n bedding;at a SIrJall cost per night.

Sh,ippers will firid it greatly t'ltheir advant.age to consign . allfreight via. the Santa Fe route, asaving ot 'from three to five days·tirne will be ga~ned frqm all eastern.and northern cities.

Freight fron1 Chicago and pointswest of Chi )ago IS brought throu~hwithout transfer, thel'eby savingbreaknge and de1a)".

. Uall on nearest agent for ratps~

and infornlaHoll, or addre~s c. !-I.l\lo~'ehonse, Division Freight andPassenger Agent ll'l Paso. 'l'exas.



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