
ELVIS Asset and Operation Management tools

ELVIS backgroundMarcus Stenstrand @mstenstrand

Tuo reippaaminen esiin omat taustat ja tiiviimminTaustat hyv tuoda esiinAnd why i think it is important for you/ we think you can benefit from this

Give you some backgrounds,

Tell you why integrated infrormation is so important for a good asset and operation manager


How many socks do you have?

Fingrid Elvis Event@mstenstrand2

Decison making (Based on knowledge and information)

Elvis background ja miksi tm on teille merkitystTm on trket niille jotka hoitavat Asset Mgmt ja Ops. mgmt, ja pyrin vakuuttumaan teit seuraavan vartin aikana ett kannattaa pysy tll pivn loppun saakka.ELVis goals / inegration

I happen belive is AM crucial for the succes of your organizations success and I also think a good AM should know how many socks you have. We will back to this later in my presentation.


What is good Asset & Operation management...?Fingrid Elvis Event@mstenstrand3

Knowledge is crucial and that is something problay all your organizations have BUTInformation is important for decision makingCorrect easy accesible information is important for making the best decisions

And in today's world there are are a lot of information through measurements both on-line and entered by hand, public sources, asset data, External requiremetns such as safety, security, steategy, legal, cost, risks, performance....


ELVISELectricity Verkko Information SystemFingrid Elvis Event@mstenstrand4

Transmission Capacitygrow. for fingrid

Data control in a key role for yearsFingrid Elvis Event@mstenstrand519801990200020101988 First Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS)20201992 First Enterprise Asset Management system (EAM) including Mobile & GIS2008 ELVIS kick-off with present and future process modelling2010 ELVIS invitation for tenders2012 ELVIS contract signed with IBM2013 ELVIS part 1 in to operation2016 ELVIS final parts in to operation

ELVIS main goalsIncreasing operative efficiency, lowering risk and improving decision making

Fingrid Elvis Event@mstenstrand6ELVIS is part of Asset & Operation Management strategy

Master DataWhen we started the journey...We wanted to have a system where Master Data would be in controlWe wanted that all available data that we posess (+ external data resources) would usable for analyticsSingle source for power system information One version of the truthData entered only ONCE into ONE system, other systems uses this data

IntegrationBig Data Combining asset mgmt data with IoT generated dataEnabling industry wide data analytics by integrating all business dataAble to tie data to a physical location

DigitalisationA common platform for asset and operation management that will fulfill today's and future needs From performance dashboards to on-line location based heatmaps


SAP Work Manager MobileOracle Primavera Project Portfolio & ManagementPrimavera adapterMaximo SpatialIBM Maximo Asset ManagementESRI ArcGIS GISElectron CAPE Relay simulationIPS EpisRelay ManagementSiemens PSSODMS Grid modelingSiemens PSSE Grid calculationOSIsoft PI AF & ProcessBook Asset healthOSIsoft PI Real-time & data storage

other integrations to Accounting, Metering, Document Management, Business Intelligens, Invoicing, among othersSCADAELVIS


Integrated best-of-breed standard software products


Oracle Primavera Project portfoliobudgetingproject mgmtMaximoAsset register (lines, substations, power plant, telecommunication)Maintenance mgmtWork packining and work orderOutage planningSwitching planningIncident & audit registerFault and disturbance register(reserve)PowerPlantESRI ArcGISGeograpical informationRoute planningvegetation mgmtEnvitonmental Impact analysisSAP workManagerMobile toolInspectionsSiemens PSS/ODMSGrid model database based on CIM v16Grid model topology and electrical values are automatically inherited from the actual topology and technical data of the assets primary equipment. Projects based on an investment programme are also modelled on a centralised database, and schedules are automatically updated from the project management tool.Live data from SCADA through OSIsoft PISiemens PSS/EAnd the actual Grid calculation and simulation is done by PSS/EIPX Relexis the register for relay settings and configurationElectron CAPEand actual protection simulation and protection setting calculations are performed by Electron CAPE


Why is information integration so important?

Master Data Decision making Quality & SpeedInternet of ThingsBig DataAnalyticsVisualizationFingrid Elvis Event@mstenstrand8

Todaywe gather more and more information and more and more external data resources are available, also IoT is producing more informationBig Data is getting even biggerwe want to use all this data and do sophisticated value producing real time analytics with itto be able to understand all this to be able to interpret results must we have good visualization of our analyticsAnd so that all this can be done must we ensure that our master data is in controlALL THIS REQUIRES THAT YOU HAVE STRONG INTERLINKS BETWEEN YOUR DATA SOURCESAnd if you have then will your decision making quality and speed improve!8

Fingrid Elvis Event@mstenstrand9

ELVIS!The new point-of-reference toolfor Electricity TransmissionAsset & Operation Management

Fingrid Elvis Event@mstenstrand10

I leave it up to you to judge if we succeeded/ So did we succeedAnd if we did I hope you should considering using some same solutions since we are not compiting with each other so we could benefit from this.

Thank you very much10

Thank You!

Fingrid OyjLkkisepntie 21FI-00620 HelsinkiP.O.Box 530FI-00101 Helsinki, FinlandTel. +358 30 395 5000Fax. +358 30 395 5196
