
Leslie Cunningham,
Certified coach, money coach, Financial Dating expert, columnist, published author, radio talk show personality

2010 Leslie CunninghamAll Rights Reserved Email: [email protected]
Phone: 406.586.5561

2010 Leslie CunninghamAll Rights Reserved Email: [email protected]
Phone: 406.586.5561 Eliminate Credit Card Debt Through a Debt Pay Off Chart for Married Female Entrepreneurs

When couples work with me often one of the first things they want to tackle is getting rid of debt.

2010 Leslie CunninghamAll Rights Reserved Email: [email protected]
Phone: 406.586.5561 Ive noticed that debt is like dirty laundry that we move from room to room in our house as we constantly shuffle our debt to the next lowest interest rate credit card. Or we carry our debt around with us for what seems like forever and that burden begins to weigh heavily on us.

Here are some essential components that you want to include when creating a debt payoff chart.

1. You need a clear debt pay off plan:Eat That Elephant Debt Pay Off Success Chart.2.Lump all of your debt into specific categories3Total up all your different categories of debt and come up with your total debt balance 2010 Leslie CunninghamAll Rights Reserved Email: [email protected]
Phone: 406.586.5561

Here are some essential components that you want to include when creating a debt payoff chart...continued4.Identify the smallest debt balance. Make a monthly payment that is above your minimum balance on the smallest debt balance until that particular debt is completely paid off.5.Make a payment that is above and beyond your minimum monthly payments for your lowest debt balance (on all other debt youll be making minimum payments ONLY).

2010 Leslie CunninghamAll Rights Reserved Email: [email protected]
Phone: 406.586.5561

Get my free report, 15 Financial Mistakes Couples Make and How You Can Successfully Avoid Them.http://www.financialdating.comThis report will support you in taking simple bite-size action steps to get rid of debt and build wealth 2010 Leslie CunninghamAll Rights Reserved Email: [email protected]
Phone: 406.586.5561
