Page 1: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

Elements of Culture

World Cultures Notes

Page 2: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

• Is everyone born into culture?

• How does our culture influence our lives?

• Yes, we inherit our culture from parents and grandparents

• Culture influences: – what we eat, wear, and

the jokes we tell.– the buildings we live in– how we spend our free

time, and the skills we learn

– what is beautiful or ugly, what is right and wrong , our goals.

Page 4: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

• What are the 7 elements of culture?

1. Social Organization2. Customs and

traditions3. Language4. Arts and Literature5. Religion6. Government7. Economic Systems

Page 5: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

Social organization: the role of a family

• How does family play a key role in culture?

• How do family patterns vary among cultures?

• Children learn behavioral expectations from family

• Nuclear family- husband, wife children

• Extended family-several generations in one home– Grandparents, children,

uncles, cousins– Common amongst farming

culture– Respect for elders is strong

Page 6: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

Social organization: the role of a family

• How does the head of household differ among cultures?

• For centuries men exercised more authority than women

• In some African and Native American culture, women have greater authority than men and are the decision makers.

Who do you think should have the most authority in the home?

Page 7: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

An extended family:

Page 8: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

• How does culture organize its members?

• What are social classes based upon?

• Groups its members into smaller units

• Social rank money occupation, education, ancestry

Page 9: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

Customs and Traditions

• What are customs? • Rules of behavior– What to wear– How to be polite- What you eat with- Where you sleep- Handshake or bow- Right vs. Wrong

Page 10: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

Social Pressures often make people comply with customs. Would you show up at the prom in a t-shirt and jeans?

Page 11: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents


• What is language? • Without language people would not be able to communicate – Used to pass down what

people know and believe to the next generation

– All cultures have a language

Page 12: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

Art & literature

• Art and Literature? • Products of human imagination– Music– Art– Literature– Teaches us about a

culture’s values

– Folk tales: tortise and the hare”

Page 13: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents


• What is religion?

• What are the major world religions?

• Helps people understand the basic questions about the meaning and purpose of life.

• Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Page 14: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents


• Why do we need government

• What are 3 types of government?

• To provide for common needs.

• Needed to keep order and protect society from outside threats

• Democracy: the people have supreme power

• Republic: people choose their leaders

• Dictatorship: a ruler holds power by force

Page 15: Elements of Culture World Cultures Notes. Is everyone born into culture? How does our culture influence our lives? Yes, we inherit our culture from parents

Economic Systems

• What are economic systems?

• how people use limited resources to satisfy wants and needs
