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2010 first published online 26 May, doi: 10.1098/rsif.2010.0156.focus7 2010 J. R. Soc. Interface

 A. R. Boccaccini, S. Keim, R. Ma, Y. Li and I. Zhitomirsky Electrophoretic deposition of biomaterials  

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Page 2: ElectroPhoreTic Deposition of biomaterials

J. R. Soc. Interface (2010) 7, S581–S613

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doi:10.1098/rsif.2010.0156.focusPublished online 26 May 2010


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Received 16 MAccepted 05 M

Electrophoretic deposition ofbiomaterials

A. R. Boccaccini1,2,*, S. Keim1, R. Ma3, Y. Li3 and I. Zhitomirsky3

1Institute of Biomaterials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Universityof Erlangen-Nuremberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany

2Department of Materials, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BP, UK3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street

West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L7

Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) is attracting increasing attention as an effective tech-nique for the processing of biomaterials, specifically bioactive coatings and biomedicalnanostructures. The well-known advantages of EPD for the production of a wide rangeof microstructures and nanostructures as well as unique and complex material combi-nations are being exploited, starting from well-dispersed suspensions of biomaterials inparticulate form (microsized and nanoscale particles, nanotubes, nanoplatelets). EPD ofbiological entities such as enzymes, bacteria and cells is also being investigated. Thereview presents a comprehensive summary and discussion of relevant recent work onEPD describing the specific application of the technique in the processing of several bio-materials, focusing on (i) conventional bioactive (inorganic) coatings, e.g. hydroxyapatiteor bioactive glass coatings on orthopaedic implants, and (ii) biomedical nanostructures,including biopolymer–ceramic nanocomposites, carbon nanotube coatings, tissue engineer-ing scaffolds, deposition of proteins and other biological entities for sensors and advancedfunctional coatings. It is the intention to inform the reader on how EPD has become animportant tool in advanced biomaterials processing, as a convenient alternative to con-ventional methods, and to present the potential of the technique to manipulate andcontrol the deposition of a range of nanomaterials of interest in the biomedical andbiotechnology fields.

Keywords: electrophoretic deposition; carbon nanotubes; hydroxyapatite;bioactive glass; scaffolds; tissue engineering


Electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis are phenomena ofhigh relevance in biology, biochemistry, materialsscience, pharmaceutical sciences, biotechnology andchemistry for manipulation of biological materials, e.g.proteins, enzymes, cells, as well as colloids, polymersand solid inorganic particles (Towbin et al. 1979;Boehmer 1996; Jensen et al. 1998; Lovsky et al. 2010).Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) is a special colloidalprocessing technique that uses the electrophoresismechanism for the movement of charged particlessuspended in a solution under an electric field, todeposit them in an ordered manner on a substrate todevelop thin and thick films, coatings and free-standing

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tion to a Theme Supplement ‘Scaling the heights—medical materials: an issue in honour of William

t II. Bone and Tissue Engineering’.

arch 2010ay 2010 S581

bodies (Boehmer 1996; Sarkar & Nicholson 1996;Boccaccini & Zhitomirsky 2002; Besra & Liu 2007).The application of EPD to assemble spherical colloidsinto highly ordered colloidal crystals is well known(Boehmer 1996; Braun & Wiltizius 1999).

EPD is gaining increasing attention by the materialsresearch community and a wide range of new appli-cations of the technique in the processing oftraditional and advanced materials is emerging(Heavens 1990; Sarkar & Nicholson 1996; van derBiest & Vandeperre 1999; Boccaccini & Zhitomirsky2002; Besra & Liu 2007; Ferrari & Moreno 2010). Theinterest in EPD is based not only on its high versatilityto be used with different materials and combinations ofmaterials but also because EPD is a cost-effective tech-nique usually requiring simple processing equipmentand infrastructure. Moreover, EPD has a high potentialfor scaling up to large product sizes, ranging frommicrometres to metres, and it can be adapted to a

This journal is # 2010 The Royal Society

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power supply

cathode anode

particles in stablesuspension(positivelycharged)

Figure 1. Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) cell showingpositively charged particles in suspension migrating towardsthe negative electrode.

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variety of device and component shapes (van der Biest &Vandeperre 1999; Boccaccini & Zhitomirsky 2002;Besra & Liu 2007).

EPD is usually carried out in a two-electrode cell, asschematically shown in figure 1. The motion of chargedparticles dispersed in a liquid towards the workingelectrode is achieved by electrophoresis, and the soliddeposit formation and growth on the electrode occurprimarily via particle coagulation (Heavens 1990;Sarkar & Nicholson 1996). EPD can be appliedto a great variety of materials available in the formof fine powders (usually less than approx. 30 mm par-ticle size) or as colloidal suspensions. Metals,polymers, ceramics, glasses and their composites canbe deposited by EPD (Gani 1994; van der Biest &Vandeperre 1999).

In the last 15 years, the interest in EPD has widelyincreased, both in academia and in the industrialsector and numerous new applications for EPD in thedevelopment of both bulk materials and coatings arebeing reported (Besra & Liu 2007), with increasinginterest on exploiting the advantages of EPD on nano-materials (Kanamura & Hamagami 2004; Corni et al.2008) and biological materials (Poortinga et al. 2000).Compared with other particle-processing methods,EPD is able to produce uniform deposits (coatings)with high microstructural homogeneity, to provide ade-quate control of coating thickness and to deposit thinand thick films on substrates of different shapes andon three-dimensional complex and porous structures(van Der Biest & Vandeperre 1999; Kanamura &Hamagami 2004; Besra & Liu 2007; Corni et al.2008). Moreover, the application of EPD to manipulatebiological entities and to produce biofilms is beingincreasingly explored (Poortinga et al. 2000; Lovskyet al. 2010).

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The number of scientific publications that have‘EPD’ as a keyword (found using the database Webof Science) has increased notably: from less than 10papers per year in the 1970s to just under 300 paperspublished in 2009. This growing interest in EPD inboth the academic community and the industrialsector has been accompanied by the establishment ofthe International Conference series on EPD (with con-ferences held in 2002, 2005 and 2008 (Boccaccini et al.2009) and the next planned for 2011).

The application of EPD in the biomaterials fieldstarted probably with the development of hydroxya-patite (HA) Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 coatings on Tisubstrates in 1986 (Ducheyne et al. 1986), gainingfurther input with the work of Zhitomirsky & Gal-Or(1997), which has also led to investigations of theEPD of HA nanoparticles. The need to develop multi-functional coatings exhibiting strong bonding abilityto bone tissue, as well as anti-infectious and anti-allergic properties (Fritsche et al. 2009), has givenrenewed impetus to EPD as the technique of choicefor developing nanocomposite coatings. In separateinvestigations, Roether et al. (2002) applied for thefirst time EPD to coat three-dimensional porousbiodegradable polymer (polylactic acid) substrateswith Bioglass particles for bone tissue engineering. Itwas also shown that composite biomaterials, combiningpolymers and bioactive ceramics, similar to the HAPEXsystem developed initially by Bonfield et al. (1981) andWang et al. (1998) for orthopaedic applications, canalso be fabricated by EPD (Boccaccini et al. 2006c).Thus, the applications of EPD in the biomedicalsector are being expanded to include a variety of func-tional, nanostructured and composite coatings, layeredand functionally graded biomaterials, thin films,porous biomaterials, tissue scaffolds, drug delivery sys-tems and biosensors, and also for the deposition ofbiopolymers, bioactive nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes(CNTs) and biological entities (e.g. proteins) inadvanced nanostructured biomaterials and devices. Inthe field of biomaterials, the advantages of EPD men-tioned above are highly relevant and determine thatEPD, also combined with other electrochemical depo-sition methods, can be the technique of choice for thedevelopment of advanced biomaterial (nano)structures.In this context, EPD can be considered one of theelectric field-assisted deposition methods gainingacceptability in the biomaterials field such as electro-spraying (Jayasinghe et al. 2006; Ahmad et al. 2009;De Jonge et al. 2009) and electrospinning (Martinset al. 2008; Prabhakaran et al. 2009).

The intention of this review is to present a com-prehensive summary of previous most relevant work onEPD describing the application of the technique in theprocessing of biomaterials and biomedical structures.Owing to the availability of previous comprehensivereview articles covering different aspects of the funda-mentals and mechanisms of EPD and its application inthe wide materials science field (Heavens 1990; Sarkar &Nicholson 1996; van Der Biest & Vandeperre 1999;Boccaccini & Zhitomirsky 2002; Besra & Liu 2007),the focus of the present article is on the specificdevelopments of EPD in the biomaterials sector only.

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0.1 1 10 100typical thickness (µm)





hot isostatic pressing


dipping and frit enamelling

thermal spraying





ion implantation

electrophoretic deposition

1000 10 000

Figure 2. Typical thickness of coatings obtained by different process methods, showing the versatility of EPD in that it canproduce a wide range of thicknesses of relevance for orthopaedic applications (Sridhar et al. 2002).

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As a well-established ceramic-coating technique(Jensen et al. 1998), the initial and widest applicationof EPD in the biomedical field has been in the pro-duction of inorganic bioactive coatings on metallicsubstrates for orthopaedic implants. The most impor-tant function of a coating in this context is to modifythe surface of an implant to improve fixation to thesurrounding tissue (Ramaswamy et al. 2009). In thisregard, bioactive ceramic coatings play a dual role asthey prevent the release of potentially harmful metalions from the metallic substrate (increasing thecorrosion resistance of the implant) and they renderthe surface of the implant bioactive. Bioactive ceramicsusually considered for this application are HA,calcium phosphates and silicate bioactive glasses, asdiscussed next.

2.1. EPD of HA

Synthetic HA is a biologically active calcium phosphatebioceramic commonly used to coat orthopaedic metallicimplants or as bone replacement material (Sridhar et al.2002). Bioactive HA promotes bone growth along itssurface, and it is an important material for biomedicalimplants, as its chemical composition is similar tothat of the mineral phase of bone (Barralet et al.1998; Suchanek & Yoshimura 1998). Owing to theinferior mechanical properties of HA, however, signifi-cant research activity has been associated with thedevelopment of HA coatings and composites. HA coat-ings can promote the attachment of bone tissue andprovide a mechanically stable interface between ortho-paedic implants and bone. Extensive studies to bediscussed in this section have shown that EPD isespecially attractive for the deposition of HA on met-allic substrates. The interest in EPD to produce HAcoatings stems from a variety of reasons such as goodstoichiometry control, high purity of the depositedmaterial to a degree not easily achievable by other

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processing techniques and the possibility of depositionon substrates of complex shapes. EPD also enablesHA impregnation into porous metallic structures, e.g.scaffolds for bone regeneration. In terms of coatingthicknesses that can be achieved by EPD, this canvary in a wide range, e.g. between 0.1 mm and morethan 100 mm. Figure 2 shows the typical thickness ofcoatings obtained by different process methods, show-ing the versatility of EPD in that it can produce awide range of coating thicknesses of relevance fororthopaedic applications (Sridhar et al. 2002).

2.1.1. Substrate materials and EPD parameters. A widerange of metallic substrates have been considered forEPD of HA, such as Ti and Ti6Al4V alloys (Weiet al. 1999b; Sridhar et al. 2002). EPD has also enabledthe HA impregnation of porous meshes (Ducheyne et al.1990; Kim & Ducheyne 1991). Moreover, investigationshave also focused on the EPD of HA on stainless steel(Sridhar et al. 2003; Guo et al. 2007; Javidi et al.2008), aluminium, brass (Esfehanian et al. 2005) andon carbon fibres and felts (Zhitomirsky 1998). Numer-ous investigations have been conducted to date toanalyse the electrokinetic behaviour of HA particles insuspension and to predict the EPD yields in differentsolvents. Zeta-potential measurements (Kowalchuket al. 1993) have shown that the electrokinetic behav-iour of HA depends on HA stoichiometry. Positivezeta potentials, in both acidic and alkaline solutions,for example, have been obtained as a result of the pres-ence of Caþ, CaOHþ and CaH2PO4

þ on the particlesurface. In addition, as with other ceramic powders insuspension, the electrokinetic properties of HA particlesare influenced by the ionic strength of the solution, pH,concentration of particles in suspension as well as par-ticle size and shape. It has been shown that control ofthe electrokinetic properties may be valuable in thedesign of HA coatings for increased bone ingrowth.For example, the investigation of the surface propertiesof calcium-deficient HA powders prepared under differ-ent conditions showed that the isoelectric point (IEP)

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of HA depended strongly on the synthesis conditions(Barroug et al. 1992). IEP values of 4 were found forHA prepared under more acidic conditions, whilevalues ranging from 5.5 to 7.2 were found for HA preci-pitated from alkaline solutions. These studieshighlighted the importance of the surface properties ofHA for interaction with proteins and enzymes and forthe in vivo behaviour of HA implants. Various surfacemodification techniques have been proposed for themodification of HA particles in order to achieve highsuspension stability and high EPD rate (Borum-Nicholas & Wilson 2003). The use of citric acid as a dis-persant allowed the deposition of thin films fromaqueous and non-aqueous solvents. The films wereinvestigated for the development of hip prosthesis.Polyvinyl alcohol and N, N-dimethylformamide havealso been added to HA suspensions to improve theadherence and strength of the coatings and to avoidcracking of the deposits upon drying (Meng et al.2006). However, it should be noted that the selectionof dispersants, binders and other additives for biomedi-cal applications is limited because some additives aretoxic or may have adverse effects in contact withliving tissue. There has been previous work on compar-ing water versus acetone as solvents for EPD of HA on316L stainless steel (Garcıa-Ruiz et al. 2006; Vargaset al. 2006). The stabilization of HA particles in watercan be achieved using 1 wt% of Dispex N40 and0.001 M KCl. Under this condition the zeta potentialof HA in water suspension was 228 mV. In contrast,no additives were required in acetone suspensions.Dense, homogeneous and crack-free HA coatings of sub-micron particles were obtained by applying 5 V for 60 sin water suspensions. Above a DC field of 5 V, thehydrolysis of water seriously impaired coating for-mation and structural integrity. Homogeneous andcrack-free coatings of submicron particles were alsoobtained in acetone suspensions applying 400–1000 Vfor 5 s.

Many investigations have been conducted to analysethe influence of the electric field on deposition yield andmicrostructure of HA films obtained by EPD. The useof high voltages has the advantages of faster depositionrates, shorter deposition times and higher depositthicknesses (Zhitomirsky & Gal-Or 1997; Mondragon-Cortez & Vargas-Gutierrez 2004). The investigation ofHA powders with a wide particle-size distributionshowed preferred deposition of smaller particles atlower voltages (Zhitomirsky & Gal-Or 1997). It wasshown that particles with different charge/radiusratios have different electrophoretic mobilities andsegregation effects are usually observed during theEPD process. On the other hand, high voltage can pro-mote agglomeration of small particles. Various surfacemorphologies have been obtained under constant anddynamic voltages (Meng et al. 2006, 2008). The increasein the deposition voltage was seen to result in the incor-poration of larger particles into the deposits and thedevelopment of higher deposit porosity. In anotherstudy, Mondragon-Cortez & Vargas-Gutierrez (2003)investigated the selective deposition of smaller particlesfrom suspensions with a wide particle-size distributionusing high voltage (800 V) and short deposition time

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(0.5 s). The selective deposition of finer particlesduring short times at high voltages was attributed tohigher electrophoretic mobility of the finer particles(Mondragon-Cortez & Vargas-Gutierrez 2003).

2.1.2. EPD of HA nanoparticles. The EPD of HA nano-particles is the subject of intense current experimentalefforts (Wei et al. 2005). The deposition of nanoparti-cles offers advantages for the fabrication of ceramiccoatings and bodies with dense particle packing(‘green’ density), good sinterability and homogeneousmicrostructure. It is now well established that thestate of agglomeration of ceramic powders is an impor-tant factor in controlling the sintering behaviour.Agglomerate-free structures made from close-packedfine ceramic particles can be densified at lower sinteringtemperatures, which is relevant for the fabrication ofHA coatings on metals and alloys. Fine HA particlescan be obtained using a variety of chemical precipi-tation methods (which will not be discussed in thisarticle). However, as-precipitated HA nanoparticlesexhibit a significant tendency to agglomeration. In prin-ciple, agglomeration of nanoparticles can be reduced bythe use of dispersants. Charged dispersants are alsonecessary to obtain stable suspensions and to achievehigh electrophoretic mobility of the dispersed nanopar-ticles. However, there is a risk of deposit contaminationrelated to the use of available commercial dispersants.Moreover, the EPD of as-precipitated HA nanoparticlespresents difficulties attributed to the water adsorption.It has been found, for example, that adsorbed water caninterfere with electrophoretic transport, and this is thereason why EPD of non-calcined HA powders had notbeen achieved in early studies using non-aqueous sol-vents (isopropanol; Ducheyne et al. 1986). Moreover,the hydrolysis of water can result in high current den-sities. In this context, thermal analysis of HA powdersand EPD experiments have revealed, crucially, theexistence of a critical concentration of adsorbed waterabove which EPD is not possible (Ducheyne et al.1986). Annealing (calcination) of the HA powders at4008C resulted in dehydration and reduced currentduring EPD (Ducheyne et al. 1986).

The first report on EPD of as-precipitated HA nano-particles showed that a high deposition rate canbe achieved from HA suspensions in isopropanol(Zhitomirsky & Gal-Or 1997). This method was basedon a modified wet-route for the fabrication of stoichio-metric HA nanoparticles, and the developed approachenabled the preparation of stable suspensions ofpositively charged HA nanoparticles (Zhitomirsky &Gal-Or 1997). The particle charging and adequate elec-trostatic stabilization were achieved without additives.As a result, the method led to high purity of the HAdeposits. Moreover, the current density was reducedby several orders of magnitude, compared with the cur-rent density of greater than 1 A cm22 at an electric fieldof 90 V cm21 that had been reported earlier (Ducheyneet al. 1990). Films prepared at the same electric fieldbut with a much lower current density were ofhigh structural quality, e.g. dense and pinhole-free(Zhitomirsky & Gal-Or 1997).

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Table 1. Experimental conditions for EPD of HA nanoparticles.

HA particle size, nmHAconcentration g l21

electric fieldV cm21 solvent reference

55 30 7–130 isopropyl alcohol Zhitomirsky & Gal-Ohr(1997)

,100 15 330 ethanol Wei et al. (1999a),100 5–10 25–100 acetic anhydride Wang et al. (2005)length 50–200, diameter

10–30100 40 primary aliphatic

alcoholsXiao & Liu (2006)

alength 20–50, diameter 5–10

20 40 n-butanol-chloroform Xiao et al. (2008)

aSi doped HA.

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In a series of more recent papers (table 1), the EPDof HA nanoparticles has been investigated under differ-ent experimental conditions. Especially interesting arethe investigations of the effect of solution ripening ofHA nanoparticles on coating morphology (Wei et al.1999a). EPD of unripened HA particles producedhighly cracked coatings. It was shown that ambient-ageing ripening for 10 days or boiling for 2 h eliminatedcracking in the electrophoretic coatings. Other studieshave highlighted the importance of the solvent for theefficient dispersion and deposition of HA nanoparticleswith reduced agglomeration and homogeneous micro-structure (Wang et al. 2005). It was shown, forexample, that crack-free and adherent HA coatingscan be obtained from stable suspensions of HA nano-particles (Xiao & Liu 2006; Xiao et al. 2008). Also ofgreat interest are the investigations about the effect ofsubstrate surface finishing on the quality of HA coatingsdeposited by EPD (De Sena et al. 2002). Results haveshown that surface treatment of titanium samplesprior to HA deposition is essential to guarantee highcoating adhesion to the metallic substrate. In this con-text, it should be mentioned that the advantages ofusing HA nanoparticles may be offset by the fact thatnanoparticles may also be more reactive than micropar-ticles and could lead to undesired reactions with theunderlying metallic substrates at lower temperaturethan conventional (micrometric) particles, thus resultingin unstable HA/substrate interfaces.

Research efforts have also been focused on the studyof the influence of particle morphology on HA-coatingmicrostructure and properties (Zhang et al. 2003b;Kwok et al. 2009). Adhesion strength, bioactivity andbiocompatibility were studied. In recent experiments,EPD has also been performed using natural HApowder that was extracted from bovine cortical bone(Javidi et al. 2008, 2009). The deposition was carriedout from HA suspensions in ethanol using polyethyleni-mine as a binder and dispersing agent. The methodresulted in the formation of continuous, uniform andcrack-free coatings for applications in biomedicalimplants. The application of EPD to produce HA filmsfor final use in biosensors has also been investigatedrecently (Ikoma et al. 2009).

2.1.3. Densification of HA EPD coatings and novel EPDapproaches to improve coating adhesion. Overall, theanalysis of the available literature indicates that

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sintering of HA coatings on metallic substrates canresult in the degradation of HA and the substrates.The phase transformations in HA upon sintering onTi and Ti alloy substrates are well documented (Duch-eyne et al. 1986, 1990; Kim & Ducheyne 1991).Moreover, possible changes in the structure and proper-ties of the metallic substrates are possible. For example,sintering of the HA coating must be performed belowthe a þ b! b transition temperature of Ti–6%Al–4%V substrates (9758C). The use of this alloy requiresa high degree of vacuum for the heat treatment of thecoatings. On the other hand, sintered HA ceramic hasbeen found to achieve maximum density above11008C. Stoichiometric HA is stable in vacuum attemperatures below 10008C; however, Ti can initiatethe decomposition of HA, and vacuum-sintering ofHA on Ti alloy substrates can result in undesirablephase transformations. Moreover, it was establishedthat during the sintering of HA coatings, the diffusionof phosphorus into the substrate can result in partialdecomposition of HA to form tetra-calcium phosphatewith a higher Ca/P ratio. In addition, extensive chemi-cal reactions at the coating/substrate interface usuallylead to poor coating adhesion. Several investigationshave been carried out to improve the adhesion of HAEPD coatings on metallic alloys. In earlier studies, itwas shown that the decomposition rate of HA duringsintering can be reduced by the formation of a titaniumdioxide layer containing phosphorus (Zhitomirsky &Gal-Or 1997). Such layers can be prepared by anodiza-tion of the substrates in phosphoric acid solutions. Itwas suggested that P-containing oxide layers shouldprovide decreased compositional changes in HA coat-ings, which result from diffusion of P into the metalsubstrate. In a similar strategy, a TiO2 layer can bedeposited prior to the deposition of the HA coating(Nie et al. 2001; Albayrak et al. 2008). It was shownthat the use of a TiO2 interfacial layer resulted inreduced decomposition of HA and improved adhesionof the HA coating. In this regard, the hybrid methodbased on plasma electrolysis and electrophoresis intro-duced by Nie et al. (2001) may represent thetechnique of choice to develop HA coatings on titania-covered Ti alloys. A similar approach of the sameauthors (Nie et al. 2000) investigated the depositionof a double-layer HA–TiO2 coating on Ti alloys by ahybrid treatment involving micro-arc discharge oxidationand EPD.

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gold dot pattern on silicon

charged HA particles in ethanol





Figure 3. Schematic of the EPD set-up used by Wang & Hu(2003) to develop patterned HA deposits on Si and Ti

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A dual-coating approach has been developed inorder to overcome the difficulties related to the sinter-ing of HA on metallic substrates and to improve theadhesion at the interface (Wei et al. 2001). In oneexperimental study, dual layers of uncalcined HApowder were electrophoretically deposited on Ti,Ti6Al4V and 316L stainless steel substrates and sin-tered at 875–10008C. The primary first coating layerexhibited significant cracking. However, the crackingwas reduced after the deposition of the second layer.The sintered coatings showed good adhesion to themetallic substrates, and it was found that sinteringof the first layer resulted in its chemical degradation(Wei et al. 2001). However, this layer acted as adiffusion barrier, which inhibited the metal ions fromfurther migrating from the substrate into the topHA coating.

substrates indicating also the steps followed to prepare theAu-patterned cathode.

2.1.4. HA coatings on non-planar structures and pat-terned HA coatings. In addition to HA coatings onplanar substrates, EPD is being investigated as animportant tool in the fabrication of HA porous coatingsand scaffolds with desired microstructure for variousbiomedical applications. Porous HA implants with apore size greater than 50 mm are necessary to meetrequirements for osseointegration. Significant interesthas been generated in the fabrication of thick coatingswith controlled porosity. Highly ordered macroporousbioactive ceramic coatings have been prepared byEPD of polystyrene (PS) spheres (3 mm in diameter)and HA fine particles (200–300 nm in size) fromethanolic suspensions (Hamagami et al. 2004, 2006).High-temperature sintering resulted in the burning-outof the PS spheres and the formation of porous films. Inrelated developments, Yousefpour et al. (2007) developedporous HA coatings on Ti substrates using polytetra-fluoroethylene (PTFE) particles as templates. EPDwas carried out at 120 V for 1.5 min using ethanol sus-pensions of HA (500 nm in size) and PTFE (1–3 mmin size) particles. The composite coatings were heatedat 9008C for 60 min to burn out the organic PTFE par-ticles and sinter the HA deposit. Similarly, EPD hasbeen used for the fabrication of hollow uniform HAfibres of controlled diameter (Zhitomirsky 2000). ThickHA layers have also been deposited on graphite rodsby repeated depositions (Wang et al. 2002). After sinter-ing, the graphite core was burned out and uniform HAtubes were obtained. Porous HA scaffolds withinterconnected porosity have been prepared by multipleEPD (Ma et al. 2003b) and, more recently, EPDhas been used for anisotropic HA formation inside anagarose gel (Watanabe & Akashi 2008).

EPD is also an attractive method to prepare HA-patterned films and coatings (Wang & Hu 2003;Yamaguchi et al. 2008), and it can be an alternativetechnique to other patterning methods developedrecently (Li et al. 2010b). For example, patterned HAdeposits on Si and Ti substrates have been developedfor applications in implants and biosensors (Wang &Hu 2003). EPD was used in combination with surfacepatterning of the cathode, e.g. gold/palladium patterns(hexagons, spherical dots) were created on the cathode,

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and HA colloidal particles in ethanol preferentiallydeposited on the gold-coated areas forming patterns.The mechanisms for forming HA patterns could involvelocal variations of the electric field resulting from thepresence of the second metal on the cathode. Figure 3shows a schematic of the EPD set-up used, indicatingalso the steps followed to prepare the Au-patternedcathode (Wang & Hu 2003). Moreover, EPD has beenused for the fabrication of uniform HA coatings on cor-tical screws for improved bone fixation and reduced riskof interfacial loosening (Yildirim et al. 2005) and forachieving HA coatings with enhanced corrosion protec-tion of metallic substrates in simulated body fluid(SBF) (Sridhar et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2005; Kwoket al. 2009). In this regard, EPD enables us to replicatethe contour of complex three-dimensional structures(topographies) if the scale of the features is largeenough compared with the particles being deposited.Other successful examples of application of EPD to fab-ricate HA coatings on TiAl6V4 hip prosthesis and on Tiand Fecralloy implants have been shown by Mayr et al.(2006), Chen et al. (2007), Ma et al. (2003a) and Guoet al. (2007). In vitro evaluations using mesenchymalstem cells have shown that cells proliferated more onthe HA nanocoating compared with uncoated Ti(Chen et al. 2007). Moreover, in vivo studies of electro-phoretically coated implants for dental applicationshave shown improved osseointegration (Alzubaydiet al. 2009). As expected, in all cases investigated, HAcoatings obtained by EPD have led to increased bond-ing strength at the coated implant–bone interface. Itis interesting to point out that doped HA particles,e.g. Si-substituted HA, which have been suggested toexhibit enhanced bioactive and osseointegration effects(Botelho et al. 2006), have also been deposited by EPD(Xiao et al. 2008).

2.2. EPD of bioactive glasses and glass–ceramics

Bioactive silicate glasses, for example Bioglass of com-position (45S5) (in wt%), 45 per cent SiO2, 24.5 percent Na2O, 24.5 per cent CaO and 6 per cent P2O5,

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25 kV

25 kV



Figure 4. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images ofhomogeneous Bioglass coatings obtained on stainless steelsubstrates by EPD from aqueous suspensions containing20 wt% Bioglass particles at voltages of 5 V and depositiontime of 5 min (Krause et al. 2006): (a) top surface and(b) cross section. (Reproduced with permission of Elsevier).Scale bars, (a) 100 mm; (b) 10 mm.

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were first developed by Hench et al. (1971). Thesematerials have been used in numerous biomedical appli-cations such as non-load-bearing bone implants,bioactive coatings for orthopaedics, bone cements andtissue engineering scaffolds (Hench 1998, 2009; Chenet al. 2006a) exploiting their excellent bioactivity andbiocompatibility. In agreement with the previous dis-cussion on HA, ‘bioactivity’ in this context refers tothe ability of silicate glasses in contact with relevantphysiological fluids (body fluid) to form a biologicallyactive hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA) surface layerthat is chemically and structurally equivalent to themineral phase in bone (Hench 1998). This HCA layerleads to strong interfacial bonding between implantsand bone tissue. Bioactive glasses have been appliedas coating on biomedical metallic substrates, e.g. Tialloys and stainless steel, aiming at improving the bioac-tivity of implants and to protect metallic orthopaedicdevices from corrosion when in contact with bodyfluids (Hench & Andersson 1993).

Recent developments have considered the use ofEPD to deposit bioactive glass coatings on metallic sub-strates as an alternative method to thermal spraying orenamelling. In comparison to HA coatings by EPD,however, much less work has been carried out onEPD of bioactive glass coatings. Krause et al. (2006),for example, have claimed to be the first to have inves-tigated the EPD of Bioglass (45S5) powder (of size lessthan 3 mm) from aqueous suspensions. EPD led to thick(up to 30 mm) bioactive glass deposits on stainless steel.In addition, shape memory nickel–titanium wires werealso coated with Bioglass using an optimized EPD pro-cedure (Boccaccini et al. 2006a). EPD led to uniformcoatings covering the substrates very homogeneously.Best results were achieved with aqueous suspensionscontaining 20 wt% Bioglass particles, applying voltagesof 5 V and deposition time of 5 min (figure 4; Krauseet al. 2006). For stainless steel substrates, sintering at9508C led to a complete covering of the plates with acontinuous Bioglass layer as a result of viscous flow-assisted densification. Heat treatment of the Bioglass-coated wires at temperatures greater than 8008C led,however, to diffusion of nickel and titanium into theBioglass coating, which was confirmed by EDX analy-sis. The results showed that the EPD technique is avery useful method to produce uniform and reproduci-ble Bioglass coatings on metallic planar substratesand wires for biomedical applications. More recentinvestigations have concentrated on optimizing theEPD process parameters for Bioglass coatings using adesign-of-experiments statistical approach based onthe Taguchi experimental design method (Pishbinet al. 2010). In a separate study, Bibby et al. (2003)have investigated novel coatings on Ti6Al4V substratesbased on glass–ceramics in the system apatite–mullite(Al2O3–SiO2–CaCO3–CaF–P2O5). Powder of particlesize in the range 1–3 mm was used and suspensions forEPD were made using 3 wt% glass powder in water.Hydrochloric acid was added to control the pH. Allsamples were heat treated in air and vacuum for up to24 h at 8008C or 10008C, which led to crystallizationof fluoroapatite and mullite of the coating. Thicknessesof approximately 20 mm were obtained.

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2.3. EPD of other bioceramic coatings

A few conventional ceramic powders (e.g. other thanHA of bioactive glass and not considering nanoparti-cles, to be discussed in §4.1) have been investigated toproduce bioceramic coatings on metallic substrates forbiomedical applications. In most cases, the objectivehas been to apply an oxide coating to act as corrosionprotection. For example, Espitia-Cabrera et al. (2009)have investigated the EPD of alumina and zirconiafilms to be used as protective coatings of 316L stainlesssteel for prostheses and dental implants. The corrosionbehaviour in Hanks’ solution at room temperature wasstudied using a potentiodynamic polarization tech-nique. The electrochemical measurements showed ahigh corrosion resistance of 316L-SS coated by bothtypes of ceramic films but the best behaviour was exhib-ited by the alumina coating. The morphologies of thecorroded films confirmed that the alumina and zirconiafilms presented low damage with little pitting corrosioncompared with the uncoated 316L-SS.

The EPD of CaSiO3 fine powders (diameter approx.1.7 mm) on stainless steel was investigated by Hayashiet al. (1999). The CaSiO3 powder was suspended inEtOH–H2O solvents with different amounts of H2O(from 0 to 20.2 mass%) to investigate the influence of

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H2O. Similar silicate electrophoretic coatings on stain-less steel based on CaMgSi2O6 were developed by thesame authors (Hayashi et al. 2000) from ethanolic sus-pensions. The corrosion protection capability ofCaSiO3 or CaMgSi2O6 coatings has not been investi-gated, but the coatings could find biomedicalapplications in the field of bioceramic coatings ofmetallic implants.

Another interesting bioceramic (incorporating pro-teins) deposited by EPD on Ti6Al4V has been nacre(mother pearl) (Wang 2004; Zhou et al. 2006; Guo &Zhou 2007). Nacre forms the internal layer of manymollusc shells. It has been shown that nacre powdercan be a suitable bone-substitute material because ofits great similarity to bone mineral, thus applicationsof this material in the biomedical field have beensuggested (Liao et al. 1997). The application of EPDto develop coatings at room temperature enables preser-ving the proteins inside the nacre powder. Suspensionsof nacre powder (milled to less than 1 mm) for EPDwere prepared by ultrasonication in ethanol (5 wt% sus-pensions) with addition of acetic acid (Wang 2004).Coating thicknesses of approximately 5 mm wereachieved on Ti6Al4V substrates applying an electricfield of 100 V cm21 for 5 min. Patterns of pearlpowder on the metallic substrates were obtained usingthe same method described earlier for HA-patternedcoatings (Wang & Hu 2003). In the study of Guo &Zhou (2007), to improve the bonding between the sub-strate and the coating, the substrate was soaked in asolution of 1.0 mol l21 H3PO4 þ 1.5 wt% HF for20 min to form a TiOx gel on the surface. Three differ-ent nacre/ethanol (1.25 g/250 ml) suspensions withand without acid additives were used. EPD was per-formed at 90 V for 1 min and coatings of sufficientstructural quality were fabricated.

2.4. EPD of composite, layered and gradedcoatings

EPD has also found successful applications in the pro-duction of bioactive composite coatings for biomedicalimplants and devices. This includes both ceramic–ceramic and polymer–ceramic coatings as well aslayered and functionally graded coatings.

In the field of ceramic–ceramic coatings for biomedicalapplications, the main interest has been to develop coat-ings of HA containing a second phase, e.g. bioactive glass,with the objective of improving the adhesion strength andmechanical properties of the coating without impairingthe bioactive behaviour (Maruno et al. 1992).

Multi-layered coatings can be conveniently producedvia EPD moving the deposition electrode to a secondsuspension for the deposition of a layer of different com-positions when the desired thickness of the first layerhas been reached (van Der Biest & Vandeperre 1999).By changing back and forth, a layered material is readilyobtained. Moreover, functionally graded materials canalso be produced using EPD by gradually changing thecomposition of the suspension from which EPD is carriedout. Early developments in this field have been reviewedby van der Biest & Vandeperre (1999). Of relevance forthe biomedical field is the early EPD production of a

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range of HA–bioactive glass functionally gradedmaterials (FGMs; Yao et al. 2005) and alumina–zirco-nia-layered systems (Fischer et al. 1995; Ferrari et al.1998; Anne et al. 2006; Popa et al. 2006). More recently,Balamurugan et al. (2009) developed functionally gradedBioglass–apatite composite coatings on Ti6Al4V alloysubstrates. The coatings were characterized for their rel-evant properties such as structural integrity andelectrochemical behaviour. The electrochemical cor-rosion parameters such as corrosion potential (Ecorr)(open circuit potential) and corrosion current density(Icorr) evaluated in SBF showed significant shifts towardsthe noble direction for the graded Bioglass–apatite-coated specimens in comparison with the uncoatedTi6Al4V alloy. The development of bioactive glass–apatite coatings on Ti implants has also been exploredby Stojanovic et al. (2007). They showed that controllingthe deposition voltage and time, the deposition weightand thickness of the produced composite coatingscould be controlled with accuracy. Similar HA/bioactiveglass composite coatings were developed by Li et al.(2001) by electrophoretic codeposition. The graded coat-ings exhibited high adhesion strength to the substrateafter sintering.

Wang et al. (2006b) deposited Co–ytrria-stabilizedzirconia (YSZ)/HA nanocomposite coatings on Ti sub-strates using the combination of electrocodepositionand EPD. They demonstrated that the Co–YSZ/HAcomposite coatings exhibited better mechanical proper-ties than nano-HA single coatings. Moreover, the Co–YSZ interlayer reduced the mismatch of the thermalexpansion coefficients between HA and Ti and theadhesive strength of the composite coating and the Tisubstrate was higher than that of single nano-HA coat-ings. A related investigation was carried out byYamashita et al. (1997), who investigated the formationof a biomedical ceramic composite of HA and YSZfrom ultrasonically mixed suspensions in acetylacetone,1-propanol and ethanol with a ceramic powder concen-tration of 2.5–10 g l21. Moreover, composite bilayercoatings on Ti6Al4V substrates based on biocompatibleYSZ in the form of nanoparticles and bioactive Bioglass(45S5) microparticles have also been produced by EPD(Radice et al. 2007). In this multi-layered compositeapproach, the first layer consisted of 5 mm of YSZ,deposited with the intention to avoid possible metaltissue contact. The second layer consisted of 15 mmthick 45S5 Bioglass–YSZ composite, which shouldreact with the surrounding bone tissue to enhanceimplant fixation. The adsorption of YSZ nanoparticleson bioactive glass microparticles in organic suspensionwas found to invert the surface charge of the 45S5 Bio-glass particles from negative to positive. Thus, cathodicEPD was possible, avoiding uncontrolled anodization(oxidation) of the substrate.

The deposition of composite ceramic coatings onnon-metallic substrates for biomedical applications hasalso been investigated (Ding et al. 1995; Yamashitaet al. 1998). In this case, alumina and zirconia ceramicswere coated with apatite composites consisting of pow-ders of HA, alumina and CaO . P2O5 with grain sizesbetween 1 and 3 mm. The powders or their mixtureswere dispersed ultrasonically in ethanol, acetylacetone

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20 kV ×400 16 33 SEI



Figure 5. SEM images of PEEK/Bioglass-coated NiTi wires at(a) low and (b) high magnification showing the high uniform-ity of the coating structure achieved. (EPD parameters:Voltage ¼ 20 V, time ¼ 5 min, PEEK concentration ¼6 wt%, Bioglass concentration ¼ 1wt%) (Boccaccini et al.2006c). Scale bars, (a), (b) 50 mm.

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or a mixture of both for an hour to a concentration of2.5 g l21. The ceramic substrates, sputtered withcarbon, were placed at the anode and EPD was carriedout at 30, 60 and 90 V for 30 s to 6 min.

Another example of application of EPD to depositcomposite coatings was shown recently by Guo et al.(2008). They developed HA/Fe3O4 composite coatingswith hierarchically porous structures by first depositingCaCO3/Fe3O4 particles on Ti6Al4V substrates followedby treatment in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) solutionat 378C. The effects of Fe3O4 on the conversion rate ofcalcium carbonate to HCA and the in vitro bioactivityof the coatings were investigated. As the CaCO3/Fe3O4

coatings are converted to HA/Fe3O4 coatings, macro-pores with a pore size of approximately 4 mm in thecoating structure and mesopores with a pore size ofapproximately 3.9 nm within the HCA plates wereformed. Recently, the formation of HA within theporous TiO2 layer by micro-arc oxidation coupled withEPD has been shown by Kim et al. (2009). Addition ofethanol to the electrolyte solution containing fine HAparticles was essential to reduce the level of gaseousemission on the anode, which obstructs the attachmentof HA particles. In vitro cellular assays showed thatthe incorporation of HA significantly improved theosteoblastic activity on the coating layer, as expected.

Composite coatings involving bioceramics other thanHA or bioactive glasses have been developed by Rodri-guez et al. (2008). They investigated the EPD ofwollastonite and porcelain–wollastonite coatings onstainless steel using acetone as the dispersive medium.A direct electric current of 800 V for 3 min was used forobtaining the single wollastonite coating. The two-layercoating was obtained by depositing dental porcelain at400 V for 30 s followed by the deposition of wollastoniteat 400 V for 3 min. After forming the two layers, thiscomplex coating was heat treated at 8008C for 5 min.Strong bonds of both the interface wollastonite–porcelainand that of porcelain–metallic substrate were observed.

There is increasing interest in the development ofpolymer–bioceramic coatings for orthopaedic appli-cations. The presence of the polymer enablesadherence to the metallic substrate at low temperatures,avoiding the problems associated with high-temperature sintering of monolithic ceramic coatingsmentioned above. EPD represents a convenient tech-nique to deposit such composite coatings. Forexample, polyetheretherketone (PEEK)/bioactiveglass composite coatings on shape memory alloy(NiTi, Nitinol) wires have been successfully achievedby codeposition from suspensions of PEEK powder(1–6 wt%) and Bioglass particles (0.5–2 wt%) in etha-nol using a deposition time of 5 min and applied voltageof 20 V (Boccaccini et al. 2006c). EPD led to high qual-ity PEEK/Bioglass coatings with a homogeneousmicrostructure along the wire length and a uniformthickness of up to 15 mm without development ofcracks or the presence of large voids. Densification ofthe coatings was carried out as a post-EPD processand to improve the adhesion of the coatings to the sub-strate. The sintering temperature was 3408C, sinteringtime 20 min and heating rate 3008C h21 (Boccacciniet al. 2006c). PEEK, a biocompatible and stable

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polymer that has been deposited by EPD (Wanget al. 2003; Corni et al. 2009), is suitable for severalmedical device applications since it combines outstand-ing chemical and hydrolysis resistance, high strengthand excellent tribological properties. To impart bioactiv-ity to PEEK coatings, Bioglass particles have beenincorporated to the coating (Boccaccini et al. 2006c).Figure 5 shows scanning electron microscope (SEM)images at different magnification of a PEEK/Bioglass-coated NiTi wire obtained by EPD (20 V, time¼5 min, PEEK concentration in ethanol¼ 6 wt%, Bio-glass concentration ¼ 1 wt%). The coatings were seento exhibit excellent adherence to the substrate andhigh microstructural homogeneity (Boccaccini et al.2006c).


Beyond the application of EPD to fabricate free-stand-ing ceramic components for biomedical applications,e.g. alumina acetabular cup for hip replacement orpiezoelectric microactuators for minimally invasive sur-gery procedures (Ma et al. 2007), it is interesting toconsider the novel application of the technique in the

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development of porous and composite biomaterials,where EPD has substantial advantages in comparisonwith conventional fabrication methods.

3.1. Porous materials

EPD has been increasingly used to coat textile andporous substrates with bioactive ceramic particles toproduce a range of porous materials that can be appliedfor bioactive scaffolds, drug delivery systems and ortho-paedic implants. Zhitomirsky (1998) demonstrated thatHA-coated carbon fibres can produce, after burning outthe fibrous carbon substrates, hollow HA fibres of var-ious diameters. A similar study was carried out byWang et al. (2002), who performed repeated HA depo-sition on carbon rods in order to obtain a thick, uniformand crack-free HA film. After burning out the carbonrod a uniform and crack-free HA ceramic tube couldbe produced. EPD has also been applied by Ma et al.(2003b) to prepare bioactive porous HA scaffolds.They showed that the pores were interconnected andthat pore size was between several micrometres andhundreds of micrometres, as desired for tissue engineer-ing applications (Karageorgiou & Kaplan 2005).Moreover, these scaffolds demonstrated excellentmechanical properties.

The deposition of bioactive glass particles ontothree-dimensional porous biopolymer scaffolds toimpart bioactivity for bone tissue engineering was intro-duced for the first time in 2002 (Roether et al. 2002).In these cases, when the substrate to be coated is notelectrically conductive, the term electrophoreticimpregnation can be applied, as strictly speaking EPDis not occurring (Boccaccini & Zhitomirsky 2002).Related developments of electrophoretic impregnationof porous biomaterials materials have been carried outby Yamaguchi et al. (2009) and Yabutsuka et al.(2006), who deposited wollastonite particles (less than1 mm in size) into the pores of porous alumina andporous ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene(UHMWPE). Similar wollastonite coatings on porousalumina were developed by Ozawa et al. (2003). The sus-pension for EPD was based on acetone with addediodine. These composites were soaked in SBF and itwas found that apatite crystals were formed from thewollastonite particles growing on the surfaces and cover-ing the entire porous composite. The bonding strength ofthe apatite layer to the substrates was as high as8.9 MPa for alumina and 5.2 MPa for UHMWPEowing to an interlocking effect (Yamaguchi et al.2009). Bioactive glass coatings on biomorphic SiC havealso been produced by EPD (Ria et al. 2008). A post-deposition thermal treatment was carried out to improvethe properties of the coatings. The analysis demonstratedthat the electrophoresis parameters, such as voltage, dis-tance between electrodes and deposition time, play animportant role in determining the thickness and micro-structural homogeneity of the coatings. The post-deposition thermal treatment produced the cohesion ofglass particles, leading to a uniform coating with excel-lent coverage of the porous SiC surface morphology.Given the increased interest in the use of SiC porousstructures in the biomedical field, it is expected that

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the bioactivation of the three-dimensional surfaces ofporous bodies or textiles (SiC fibre performs) by EPDwill gain increased research attention.

The direct application of EPD to fabricate porousceramics has been demonstrated using aluminapowder-stabilized Pickering emulsions of paraffin oil inethanol (Neirinck et al. 2009a). The pore-forming paraf-fin is extracted from the consolidated powder compactby means of evaporation prior to sintering. The finalproduct contains spherical pores with diameters thatcan be tuned from 200 to 20 mm. Both open andclosed porosities can be obtained by altering the emul-sion composition. The method is also promising foruse with other bioceramics.

3.2. EPD of biocomposite materials

The development of fibre-reinforced ceramic matrixcomposites by EPD is well established, as reviewed else-where (Boccaccini et al. 2001). It is highly possible toadapt the technique for the fabrication of structuralbioceramic composites of possible relevance in the bio-medical field, for example with silica, zirconia oralumina matrices. However, to the authors’ knowledge,only limited work has been carried out using bioactiveceramic matrices. One of such few studies is the workof Ordung et al. (2005) on the use of EPD to fabricateHA matrix composites reinforced by alumina fibre fab-rics. Indeed, further investigations in the field would berelevant if the intrinsic low fracture toughness of HAand bioactive glasses should be improved by fibrereinforcement for load-bearing medical applications.

Further efforts have been devoted to the develop-ment of EPD for fabricating laminated andfunctionally graded ceramic composites, in particularin the system zirconia/alumina, owing to the high frac-ture resistance of these structures and their potentialuse in biomedical implants (Kaya 2003).

Functionally graded Al2O3/ZrO2 materials have alsobeen developed by EPD for ball heads and acetabularcup inserts (Anne et al. 2006). A composition gradientin alumina and zirconia was realized to obtain a purealumina surface region and a homogeneous alumina/zirconia core with intermediate continuously gradedregions. The experimental set-up for graded Al2O3/ZrO2 FGM ball heads has been described by Anneet al. (2006), and it is shown in figure 6. The rig is com-posed of a deposition cell, a suspension circulationsystem driven by a peristaltic pump, a mixing cellwhere a pure alumina suspension can be mixed withthe Al2O3–ZrO2 mixed suspension using a magneticstirrer and a controlled suspension supply system toadd the Al2O3–ZrO2 suspension into the mixing cell.The deposition cell consists of a deposition electrodeon which the powder compact is formed, a counter elec-trode, a positioning device and a suspension flowthrough the system. The deposition electrode has theshape of the outer side of the ball head, and it consistsof an upper and lower part, to allow the removal of theEPD deposit.

Based on the promising results achieved so far, a sig-nificant growth of R&D work related to the EPD oflaminated and functionally graded bioceramics for

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pump 2

pump 2

circulating suspension


added suspension

Figure 6. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-upused to fabricate complex-shaped functionally graded aluminaand zirconia-based femoral ball heads by EPD (Anneet al. 2006).

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medical applications can be anticipated, for example forstronger and tougher structural ceramic and compositecomponents for orthopaedic (structural) applications.Moreover, EPD fabrication of bioactive ceramic compo-sites based on HA or bioactive glass matrices reinforcedby suitable biocompatible fibres remains a challenge forfuture research efforts.

3.3. Biomimetic coatings

EPD represents a suitable method for the developmentof a new family of organic–inorganic biomimetic coat-ings. These coatings are developed to mimic nacre andother natural structures characterized by a uniqueordered ‘brick and mortar’ microstructure (Ruiz-Hitzkyet al. 2005; Luz & Mano 2009). Lin et al. (2008c) haveshown the combination of hydrothermal processing andEPD to prepare nacre-like coatings, where a two-stepassembly process involved the intercalation of the poly-mer phase into the interlayer space of montmorilloniteand subsequent EPD on a metallic substrate. The exper-imental set-up is shown schematically in figure 7.

The polymer used was a type of acrylic resin. Issuesrelated to possible toxicity as a consequence of the useof this particular resin were not reported (Lin et al.2008c). The completely polymerized resin should notlead to any irritations or allergies, but the polymeri-zation process of acrylic resins may result in incompletepolymerization of all monomers. Thus, the residualmonomers can cause cytotoxicity (Jorge et al. 2003).Although the biomedical application of these biomimeticcoatings has not been investigated so far, there is hugepotential for the further development of EPD in thefield of biomimetic coatings involving non-toxicmaterials. Long et al. (2007) developed polyacryl-amide–clay nacre-like nanocomposites by EPD fromaqueous suspensions. In this approach, Na-montmorillo-nite was dispersed in deionized water and vigorouslystirred for 3 h; subsequently, an acrylamide aqueous sol-ution containing HCl to adjust the pH was added slowly

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to prepare an organic clay. This clay was then used forEPD employing stainless steel plates as electrodes separ-ated by 2 cm and a voltage of 5 V. The well-orderedlayer-by-layer platelet-like structure obtained exhibitedrelatively high hardness and Young’s modulus. Again,the biomedical application was not reported, whichcould be compromised considering that acrylamide is amonomer that should have a carcinogenic and genotoxicimpact on the human body. After complete polymeriz-ation to polyacrylamide, however, there should be notoxic effects (Lange-Ventker 2001). In a related investi-gation, Lin et al. (2009) developed EPD for assemblinggibbsite nanoplatelets into self-standing films. The posi-tively charged gibbsite platelets were dispersed in awater–ethanol mixture and deposited using a parallel-plate sandwich EPD cell consisting of an indium tinoxide (ITO) working electrode, a gold counter electrodeand a polydimethylsiloxane spacer. The electric fieldused was 1100 V m21. Under these conditions, nanopla-telets can be aligned preferentially in parallel to theelectrode surface. After drying, the gibbsite films on theITO electrode could be peeled off by using a razorblade. To form biomimetic composites, the intersticesbetween the assembled nanoplatelets were infiltratedwith polymer (e.g. acrylate-based resin), leading to opti-cally transparent films. The assembly of gibbsitenanoplatelet/polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposites by EPDin a single step has also been demonstrated to producebiomimetic composites (Lin et al. 2008b). The approachcan be extended to include other materials of higher rel-evance for the biomedical field, for example bioactiveglass flakes and biodegradable polymers to form bioactivenanocomposites. It is worthwhile noticing that EPD pro-vides in this regard an alternative to other bottom-upapproaches (e.g. LBL assembly) (Luz & Mano 2009).


4.1. EPD of nanoparticles

The EPD of ceramic nanoparticles (size less than100 nm) is a special case of colloidal processing beingapplied to produce a variety of materials, including bio-materials of high microstructural homogeneity.Previous work on EPD of nanoparticles has beenreviewed comprehensively elsewhere (Corni et al.2008) and only selected recent reports of relevance forthe field of biomaterials are covered in this section.

Besides the research discussed above on EPD of HAnanoparticles (see also table 1), other ceramic nanopar-ticles with potential use in the biomedical field havebeen considered. Calcium phosphate nanoparticles, forexample, were electrophoretically deposited on siliconsubstrates, which were further machined by laserdirect writing to obtain guiding structures (grooves of0.5 mm in depth and 4–20 mm in width) for osteoblastcell alignment (Wieman et al. 2007). Similar structureshave also been created on titanium substrates (Urchet al. 2006).

Silica nanoparticles and mesoporous silica layersare relevant for a number of biomedical applications(Cousins et al. 2004; Vallet Reggi et al. 2006).

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anode + cathode –




nano-laminated structure

Figure 7. Experimental set-up developed by Lin et al. (2008c) to prepare nacre-like coatings, where a two-step assembly process isapplied, involving the intercalation of the polymer phase into the interlayer space of montmorillonite and subsequent EPD on ametallic substrate.

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Tabellion & Clasen (2004) have discussed previouswork on the fabrication of large components, free-stand-ing objects, hollow bodies and objects of complex three-dimensional shape using EPD of silica nanoparticles inaqueous suspensions. It has been proposed that silicananoparticulate coatings can be useful model materialsto develop reproducible surface topography to influencecellular response (Cousins et al. 2004) and EPD is thusa convenient technique to order silica nanoparticles inpredetermined patterns. Nishimori and co-workers(Nishimori et al. 1996; Hasegawa et al. 1998) havedeveloped an EPD-based sol–gel technique to depositthick silica films on stainless steel substrates. Morerecently, silica nanoparticles (size 350 nm) were depos-ited by EPD on stainless steel substrates, leading touniform silica coatings of about 80 mm in thickness(Tada & Frankel 2007). Finer silica nanoparticles(approx. 10 nm) suspended in isopropanol have alsobeen deposited by EPD on nanostructured copperelectrodes to form sensors (Bazin et al. 2008).

The deposition of alumina nanoparticles on metallicsubstrates has also been reported (Clark et al. 1988).In this case, however, no specific biological characteriz-ation of the coatings has been carried out. Theproduction of nanostructured zirconia coatings byEPD from aqueous suspensions has been reported forthe fabrication of dental crowns (Moritz et al. 2006;Oetzel & Clasen 2006). In a report by Jin et al.(2008), a high solid content (greater than 75 wt%) sus-pension of biocompatible yttria-stabilized tetragonalzirconia powder (mean particle size 40 nm) in distilledwater was used. The ceramic dental restoration frame-work was fabricated using a porous gypsum model ascathode, which was previously soaked in electrical con-ductive liquid to impart electrical conductivity.

The deposition of nanostructured titania films byEPD has been carried out by several groups

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(Lin et al. 2006; Ofir et al. 2006; Tang et al. 2006;Moskalewicz et al. 2007; Santillian et al. 2008). Thesecoatings can find applications in the orthopaedic fieldand for antibacterial applications. In most cases, TiO2

nanoparticles suspended in acetylacetone with additionof iodine are used and EPD is carried out under con-stant voltage conditions (10–20 V) for depositiontimes less than 10 min, leading to a high degree ofparticle packing in homogeneous film microstructuresof up to 20 mm in thickness (Boccaccini et al. 2004;Moskalewicz et al. 2007). A high-temperature sinteringtreatment is required to densify the porous electrophor-etic TiO2 deposits. In the investigation of Moskalewiczet al. (2007), nanocrystalline TiO2 powders wereelectrophoretically deposited on the surface of Ti–6Al–7Nb alloy substrate. Post-heat treatment at8508C was performed to improve the adhesion strengthof the coating. Microstructural analyses showed thatthe as-deposited nanocrystalline TiO2 films exhibitedboth anatase and rutile phases. The electrophoreticcodeposition of microsized PS beads combined withnanosized TiO2 was shown recently by Radice et al.(2010) with the aim of preparing biomedical coatingsexhibiting micropatterned surfaces combined withnanotopography, where the micropatterning is deter-mined by the microsized template (PS spheres areburnt out during sintering) and the nanotopographyis provided by the sintered titania nanoparticles. Suchsurface structuring is relevant for biomedical appli-cations, where specific combinations of micro- andnanoroughness are confirmed to control cell adhesionand osteointegration of implant surfaces (Zhao et al.2006b), which was also discussed above. The electrophor-etic fabrication of such coatings with scale-resolvedstructuring requires well-controlled particle functionaliza-tion, which is still a challenge, as discussed by Radiceet al. (2008) investigating PS–TiO2 composite particle

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EMPA_Thun 3.0 kV 5.3 mm ×1.50 k SE(U) 30 µm

EMPA_Thun 3.0 kV 5.3 mm ×10 k SE(U)

EMPA_Thun 3.0 kV 5.2 mm ×1.50 k SE(U)

5 µm

30 µm



Figure 8. SEM images of PS–TiO2 electrophoretic deposits, atdifferent magnifications, (a,b) before and (c) after sintering,demonstrating the successful development of a scaled-struc-tured titania coating for orthopaedic applications (Radiceet al. 2008, 2010). (Images are courtesy of Dr S. Radice.)

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suspensions in isopropanol. Sintering was carried out upto a maximal temperature of 9008C, holding for 2 h inargon. Figure 8 shows SEM images of the PS–TiO2 elec-trophoretic deposits, at different magnifications, beforeand after sintering, demonstrating the successful develop-ment of a scaled-structured titania coating of relevancefor orthopaedic applications (Radice et al. 2008).

There is increasing interest in developing EPD ofTiO2 nanoparticles from aqueous suspensions for bio-medical applications (Lebrette et al. 2006). MoreoverAg-doped TiO2 nanoparticles are being considered to

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develop anti-infectious coatings by EPD (Santillanet al. in preparation). EPD has been used also to fabri-cate high-conductivity TiO2/Ag fibrous structures byEPD (Hosseini et al. 2008).

Given that TiO2 nanotubes are of high relevance forstudies of cellular compatibility of nanostructures(Bauer et al. 2008), the EPD of titania nanotubes(Wang et al. 2006a) becomes relevant for advancedapplications of titania nanostructures in the biomedicalfield, for example for fundamental investigations of theeffect of nanotopography on cell behaviour (Park et al.2007). Combinations of TiO2 nanoparticles and CNTsdeveloped by EPD are described in §5.5. To concludethis section, it should be mentioned that a series ofother coatings, notably TiN coatings of possible rel-evance in the field of medical devices, have also beenfabricated by EPD (Cui et al. 2009). Similarly, EPDhas been applied to deposit diamond nanoparticlesfrom isopropyl alcohol suspensions on graphite sub-strates (Affoune et al. 2001). However, a furtheranalysis of these electrophoretic coating systems,which, to the authors’ knowledge, have not been yetdeveloped specifically for biomedical applications, isbeyond the scope of the present review paper.

4.2. Organic–inorganic and organicnanocomposites

As mentioned above, sintering of bioceramic coatingson metallic substrates at high temperatures can resultin the degradation of the metallic substrates. There isthus a clear need to develop bioactive coatings thatcan be consolidated and attached to metallic substratesat room temperature. Moreover, in the case of HA coat-ings for orthopaedic applications, it is obvious that themicrostructure of sintered HA is different from that ofnanostructured HA in bone tissue. The unique mechan-ical and functional properties of bone result from itsspecific multi-layer composite structure, composed ofcollagen nanofibre layers, which act as reinforcement,and HA nanocrystals (Zhang et al. 2003a; Fratzl et al.2004). Thus, there is increasing interest in developingorganic–inorganic composites for biomedical appli-cations, in the case of orthopaedics and boneregeneration strategies, and the goal is to mimic thestructure of bone by combining nanoscale inorganicand biopolymer phases. In the case of coatings, a signifi-cant advantage of using a polymer as binder is theability to adhere the coating strongly to the metallicsubstrate, avoiding the high-temperature densificationstep required for pure ceramic coatings (Ramaswamyet al. 2009).

Besides the use of synthetic stable (i.e. non-biodegradable) polymers, such as PEEK (Wang et al.2003), to fabricate bioactive composite coatings byEPD (Boccaccini et al. 2006c; discussed in §2.4), awide range of novel functional nanocomposite coatingsincorporating natural or synthetic biodegradable poly-mers and nanosized fillers with or without theaddition of bioactive molecules is being developed byadaptation of the EPD technique, which will bediscussed in detail in this section.

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An important family of functional organic–inorganiccoatings being developed currently for biomedical appli-cations involve polysaccharides (Pang & Zhitomirsky2005a,b; Cheong & Zhitomirsky 2008; Sun &Zhitomirsky 2009). Although other natural polymerssuch as lignin have been considered to develop HA/biopolymer coatings by EPD (Erakovic et al. 2009),the work on polysaccharides has been much moreextensive, and it will be discussed in detail here. Theinterest in natural polysaccharides and inorganic nano-particles stems from the recent discovery thatpolysaccharides form interfaces between organic andinorganic components in bone and govern the crystalli-zation of HA nanoparticles (Wise et al. 2007). In thiscontext, several recent studies have shown the possibilityof EPD of organic–inorganic nanocomposites formed byHA nanoparticles in natural polysaccharide matrices,such as chitosan (CHIT) (Pang & Zhitomirsky 2005a,b),alginic acid (AlgH) (Cheong & Zhitomirsky 2008) andhyaluronic acid (HYH) (Sun & Zhitomirsky 2009).

4.2.1. Chitosan-based nanocomposites. CHIT is a natu-ral cationic polysaccharide that can be produced byalkaline N-deacetylation of chitin. Important propertiesof this material, such as antimicrobial activity, chemicalstability, biocompatibility, advanced mechanical andother properties, have been used in biomedicalimplants, scaffolds, drug delivery systems, biosensorsand other biomedical devices (Sinha et al. 2005). Theinterest in CHIT for the fabrication of composite coat-ings by EPD stems from the cationic nature of thispolymer in aqueous solutions and its excellent film-forming properties (Simchi et al. 2009).

Water soluble and positively charged CHIT (Wuet al. 2002; Zhitomirsky 2006) can be prepared byprotonation in acidic solutions:

CHIT�NH2 þ H3Oþ ! CHIT�NHþ3 þ H2O: ð4:1Þ

It is known that the increase in pH results in precipi-tation of CHIT at pH 6.6. In aqueous solutions, thecathodic reduction of water results in increasing pH atthe cathode surface:

2H2Oþ 2e� ! H2 þ 2OH�: ð4:2Þ

Therefore, the deposition of CHIT is achieved via theelectrophoretic motion of cationic CHIT to the cathodeand the neutralization of the positively charged CHITmacromolecules in the high pH region at the cathodesurface (Simchi et al. 2009). The deposition processresults in the formation of insoluble CHIT films:

CHIT�NHþ3 þOH� ! CHIT�NH2 þH2O: ð4:3Þ

HA–CHIT coatings were prepared by EPD fromCHIT solutions containing dispersed HA nanoparticles(table 2). The CHIT content in the deposits was variedin the range 0–100% by variation of CHIT and HAconcentrations in the deposition bath (Pang &Zhitomirsky 2005a,b, 2007). This approach offers theadvantage of high-deposition rate and the possibilityof formation of uniform coatings of controlled thicknesson substrates of complex shape. The film thickness wasvaried in the range 0–200 mm and the coatings were

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shown to provide corrosion protection of metallic sub-strates in SBF solutions. An important finding wasthe possibility of fabrication of nanocomposite filmswith preferred orientation of HA nanoparticles (Pang &Zhitomirsky 2005a,b, 2007). The crystallographicc-axis of the needle-shaped HA nanoparticles wasoriented parallel to the substrate surface. It is impor-tant to note that similar preferred orientation of HAnanoparticles has been observed in natural bone(Zhang et al. 2003a; Fratzl et al. 2004). Therefore, theability to control the orientation of elongated nanopar-ticles is important for the fabrication of advanced bone-substitute materials considering that the anisotropicorientation of HA nanocrystals plays an importantrole in the mechanical and other properties of naturalbone (Fratzl et al. 2004). Further investigations haveshown that the orientation of HA in nanocompositesprepared by EPD can be mainly attributed to inter-actions between HA and CHIT. The decrease in CHITconcentration in the deposits resulted in reducedorientation of the HA nanoparticles.

Several investigations have focused on the kinetics ofdeposition and deposition mechanism of CHIT-basednanocomposites (Pang & Zhitomirsky 2005a,b; Panget al. 2009; Zhitomirsky et al. 2009). It was shown, forexample, that CHIT molecules adsorbed on HA nano-particles provided efficient electrosteric stabilization ofHA in the suspensions. Moreover, adsorbed CHITimparted a pH-dependent positive charge required forcathodic EPD. Deposition yield measurements showeda nonlinear increase in deposition yield with increasingparticle concentration. It should be noted that theHamaker equation (Hamaker 1940) predicts a linearincrease in deposit mass M with increasing particleconcentration Cs in dilute suspensions:

M ¼ mEtSCs; ð4:4Þ

where m is the particle mobility in an electric field E, t isthe deposition time and S is the electrode area. Of rel-evance for the present discussion, a moving boundarymodel for two-component systems has been developedin order to explain the nonlinear increase in the EPDyield from CHIT–HA suspensions (Pang et al. 2009).Taking into account that HA and CHIT form a compo-site deposit and a common deposit–suspensionboundary, the deposition yield can be given by thefollowing equation:

M ¼ mEtSCs 1� Cs


� ��1

þm0EtScs 1� cs


� ��1

; ð4:5Þ

where Cc is the particle concentration in the deposit, m0

is the mobility of CHIT macromolecules, Cs is the con-centration of CHIT in suspension and Cc is theconcentration of CHIT in the deposit. The experimentaldata showed the increase in Cs/Cc and Cs/Cc withincreasing Cs and explained the nonlinear dependenceof the deposition yield in agreement with the movingboundary model.

The use of CHIT enables room-temperature proces-sing of the composite coatings of controlledcomposition and microstructure, eliminating the pro-blems related to the high-temperature sintering of HA

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Table 2. Experimental conditions for EPD of organic–inorganic nanocomposites based on chitosan, alginic acid and hyaluronicacid.

coating composition

deposition conditions

referencesbath composition solventelectric field orcurrent density

HA–CHIT 0–8 gl21 HA ethanol (83%)–water (17%)

0.1 mAcm22 Pang & Zhitomirsky(2005a,b, 2007)0.1–1 gl21 CHIT 10–40 Vcm21

HA–CHIT–CNT 0–5 gl21 HA ethanol (83%)–water (17%)

7–30 Vcm21 Casagrande et al. (2008);Grandfield et al. (2009)0.5 gl21 CHIT

0–0.2 gl21 CNTHA–Silica–CHIT 0–5 gl21 HA ethanol (83%)–

water (17%)20 Vcm21 Grandfield & Zhitomirsky

(2008)0–3.6 gl21 SiO2

0.5 gl21 CHITHA–CaSiO3–CHIT 0–4 gl21 HA ethanol (83%)–

water (17%)15 Vcm21 Pang et al. (2009)

0.5 gl21 CHIT0.1–0.5 gl21 CaSiO3


2 gl21 AW ethanol orwater

1(CHIT) or3 (AW)

Sharma et al. (2009a,b)0.2 gl21 CHIT


HA–CHIT/CHIT laminates 0–4 gl21 HA ethanol (83%)–water (17%)

15 Vcm21 Pang et al. (2009);Sun et al. (2008)0.5 gl21 CHIT


0–3 gl21 HA ethanol (83%)–water (17%)

0.1 mAcm22 Pang & Zhitomirsky (2008)0–1 mM AgNO3

0.5 gl21 CHITCHIT–HA–bioglass 0–1 gl21 HA ethanol (83%)–

water (17%)15 Vcm21 Sun et al. (2008)

0–0.5 gl21 bioglass0.5 gl21 CHIT

AlgH–HA 1–2 gl21 AlgNa ethanol (60%)–water (40%)

1–2 mAcm22 Cheong & Zhitomirsky(2008)2–6 gl21 HA

AlgH–TiO2 1–2 gl21 AlgNa ethanol (60%)–water (40%)

1–2 mAcm22 Cheong & Zhitomirsky(2008)2–6 gl21 HA

AlgCa–CaCO3–bacterial cells 9 gl21 AlgNa water 0.3 mAcm22 Shi et al. (2009)2.3 gl21 CaCO3

HYH–HA 0.5–1 gl21 HYNa ethanol (70%)–water (30%)

20 Vcm21 Sun & Zhitomirsky (2009)0.5–4 gl21 HA

HYH–TiO2 0.5–1.0 gl21 HYNa ethanol (70%)–water (30%)

10–20 Vcm21 Ma et al. (2010b)1–2 gl21 TiO2

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(Pang & Zhitomirsky 2005a,b, 2007; Simchi et al. 2009).Moreover, the use of CHIT has enabled the EPD fabri-cation of a new family of novel nanocomposite coatingscontaining other functional materials as filler. Compo-site CHIT–silica films were deposited for thefabrication of immunosensors (Liang et al. 2008) andimplants (Grandfield & Zhitomirsky 2008). Films wereobtained with a three-dimensional porous structure,which possessed a high surface area, good mechanicalstability and good hydrophilicity (Liang et al. 2008).Such films provide a biocompatible microenvironmentfor maintaining the bioactivity of immobilized proteinsand enable protein loading. Many investigations havefocused on the fabrication of CHIT–CNT and CHIT–CNT–HA composites, containing pristine CNT(Grandfield et al. 2009), as well as CNT containing cat-ionic and anionic functional groups (Casagrande et al.2008). In all cases, composite materials containingCNT showed improved mechanical properties (Jiaet al. 2009). In related research, composite CHIT–CNT films were developed for the fabrication of efficientimpedance cell sensors (Hao et al. 2007). CHIT–CNTfilms were functionalized with the enzyme glucose oxi-dase (Zhou et al. 2007; Meyer et al. 2009; Zeng et al.

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2009) for specific biosensor applications. The biosensorsexhibited high reproducibility, long-time storage stab-ility and good anti-interference ability. In addition,EPD has been used for the fabrication of CHIT–CNT–Nile Blue–horseradish peroxidase compositefilms (Xi et al. 2009). These composites are interestingfor biosensors as they show high electrocatalyticactivity and fast amperometric response to H2O2.

In a set of recent publications, various methods havebeen developed for the immobilization of proteins,nucleic acids and virus particles (Yi et al. 2005; Yanget al. 2009) in the CHIT matrix, and the microfabri-cation of novel devices for biomedical applications hasbeen investigated. Bovine serum albumin (BSA), forexample, was used as a model protein for the develop-ment of electrochemistry-based approaches toincorporate proteins into CHIT films (Ma &Zhitomirsky 2010). Figure 9a shows a typical SEMimage of a CHIT–BSA film recently developed byMa & Zhitomirsky (2010). EPD was confirmed to bea suitable method for the deposition of these protein–polymer thick films of controlled thickness and it wasconfirmed that the excellent film-forming and bindingproperties of CHIT enabled the formation of good-

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Figure 9. SEM images of cross sections of (a) CHIT–BSA and(b) alginate–BSA composite films confirming the electrophor-etic formation of relatively uniform films of controlledthickness (Ma & Zhitomirsky 2010; Sun & Zhitomirsky 2010).(Reproduced with permission of Maney Publishing and the Edi-tors of Surface Engineering). Scale bars, (a) 3 mm; (b) 1 mm.

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quality, adherent films. Composite films containingMnO2, Fe3O4 and ZnO nanoparticles in the CHITmatrix have also been prepared by EPD and proposedfor applications in biosensors (Zhao et al. 2006a; Linget al. 2009; Li et al. 2010a). Moreover, three-phase com-posites incorporating HA nanoparticles and Bioglassparticles in CHIT matrices have also been developedby EPD (Zhitomirsky et al. 2009).

In related experiments, heparin has been investigatedas a model drug for the fabrication of composite coat-ings with potential for drug delivery (Sun et al. 2008,2009). In this strategy, the non-stoichiometric com-plexes of anionic heparin and cationic CHIT wereused for cathodic deposition of composite films. Theability of the CHIT–heparin films to bind antithrom-bin, as measured by binding of 125I-radiolabelledantithrombin, was much greater than that for unmodi-fied CHIT films, suggesting that EPD can be used forthe surface modification of Nitinol and other alloyswith functional CHIT–heparin coatings for improvedhaemocompatibility (Sun et al. 2008, 2009).

The development of advanced nanocompositesincludes not only the selection of components but alsotheir careful structural design. It is well known, forexample, that the unique performance of natural tissuessuch as bone or dentine arises from the precise hierarch-ical organization, graded composition, localized

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porosity and relative orientation of HA nanocrystalsand collagen (Fratzl et al. 2004). The investigation ofthe hierarchical structure of natural bone has stimu-lated further expansion of the applications of EPD inthe biomedical field. As mentioned above, EPD is ide-ally suited for the fabrication of multi-layer and FGMcomposites. In the case of polymer–bioceramic nano-composites, EPD has been developed for thefabrication of multi-layer and FGM films containinglayers of pure CHIT, CHIT–HA, CHIT–Ag, CHIT–CNT and CHIT–silica (Grandfield & Zhitomirsky2008; Pang & Zhitomirsky 2008; Sun et al. 2008;Pang et al. 2009). It was shown in those studies thatthe thickness of the individual layers in a multi-layerof functionally graded coating system can be controlledby variation of EPD parameters. Such multi-layerstructures are of interest in a range of applications,where different fillers confer different functionalities orcapabilities to the organic films. For example, inCHIT–Ag nanocomposites, the controlled Ag releasefrom the composite coatings open opportunities fortheir use as antibacterial coatings (Pang & Zhitomirsky2008), with the interfacial CHIT layer providingimproved adhesion of the composite films to themetallic substrates. In related studies, apatite–wollastonite (AW)/CHIT deposits have been preparedby constant voltage EPD on Ti substrates (Sharmaet al. 2009a,b) for orthopaedic applications. It wasfound that solution pH and current density are impor-tant factors controlling deposition yield, coatingmicrostructure, composition and properties. The coatingexhibited a porous structure with interconnected poros-ity and ceramic particles entrapped inside the polymerlayers. The addition of CHIT increased the adhesivestrength of the composite coating, and the Young’s mod-ulus of the coating was found to be 9.23 GPa. Bioactivitystudies showed that CHIT enhanced the apatite for-mation rate in SBF, and apatite particles formed inSBF showed sheet-like morphology. It was also shownthat AW/CHIT coatings exhibited good adhesion to Tisubstrates and haemocompatibility (Sharma et al.2009a,b), as well as faster bone healing when implantedin rabbit tibiae (Sharma et al. 2009c).

4.2.2. Alginate-based nanocomposites. Recent studieshave confirmed the feasibility of EPD to developAlgH and AlgH–HA nanocomposites (Cheong &Zhitomirsky 2008). AlgH and alginates are naturalanionic biodegradable, biocompatible, non-toxic andlow-cost biopolymers, which are being used in a rangeof biomedical applications, such as wound dressing,bone and nervous tissue repair, drug delivery and forthe encapsulation of cells and enzymes (Becker et al.2001). Alginate, being an anionic polymer with car-boxyl end groups, is an attractive material for thefabrication of composite coatings by EPD. Thin filmsof AlgH were obtained by anodic deposition on variousconductive substrates (Cheong & Zhitomirsky 2008).The proposed mechanism of AlgH deposition is basedon electrophoresis of anionic Alg2 macromolecules andcharge neutralization of Alg2 in the low pH region at

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the anode surface, as investigated by Cheong &Zhitomirsky (2008).

It has been proposed that the dissociation of sodiumalginate (AlgNa) in aqueous solution (pH 9) results inthe formation of anionic Alg2 species:

AlgNa! Alg� þNaþ: ð4:6Þ

The electrochemical decomposition of water results inpH decrease at the anode surface:

2H2O! O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e�: ð4:7Þ

It is known that alginate solutions form gels at pH lessthan 3. Therefore, the electrophoresis and neutraliz-ation of negatively charged Alg2 species in the acidicregion at the anode surface results in the formation ofAlgH deposits:

Alg� þHþ ! AlgH: ð4:8Þ

Further investigations have shown the possibilityof formation of composite AlgH–HA films (Cheong &Zhitomirsky 2008). In this approach, the adsorption ofanionic Alg2 species provided electrosteric stabilizationof HA particles in suspensions. The anodic codepositionof negatively charged Alg2 and HA particles containingadsorbed Alg2 resulted in the formation of the compo-site films. The HA content was controlled by variationof the HA concentration in suspension and the filmthickness was varied in the range 0–50 mm. EPD hasbeen used also for the fabrication of CHIT/AlgH–HAlaminates (Cheong & Zhitomirsky 2008). Moreover,the method allowed the fabrication of compositecoatings containing other bioceramics (Cheong &Zhitomirsky 2008; Zhitomirsky et al. 2009). In anotherstudy, AlgH–CNT nanocomposite films were obtainedon various conductive substrates (Grandfield et al.2009), and it was shown that AlgH promotes the dis-persion and deposition of CNTs. EPD of AlgH andhorseradish peroxidase has been used for the appli-cation in biosensors (Liu et al. 2009). Anodic EPDhas also been investigated for the fabrication ofalginate-based composite coating containing drugs,such as heparin, and proteins, such as BSA (Ma &Zhitomirsky 2010; Sun & Zhitomirsky 2010).Figure 9b shows a typical SEM image of alginate–BSA composite film (Ma & Zhitomirsky 2010; Sun &Zhitomirsky 2010), confirming the formation of rela-tively uniform films of controlled thickness.

EPD has been recently used for the incorporation ofbacterial cells into alginate films cross-linked with Ca2þ

ions and containing CaCO3 particles (Shi et al. 2009).The authors proposed a deposition mechanism, whichis based on the use of 10 mm CaCO3 particles, whichwere insoluble in the bulk of the solutions, but quicklydissolved at the electrode surface (Shi et al. 2009).The fast dissolution of the particles by electrogeneratedlow pH resulted in the release of Ca2þ and CO2. Thefilm-formation mechanism was based on the cross-link-ing of Alg with Ca2þ ions and the formation of aninsoluble AlgCa gel. The interesting feature of thisapproach is that efficient charge transfer, required forthe electrode reactions, pH decrease and CaCO3 dissol-ution, was achieved through thick polymer films with

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thickness in the range of up to 1 mm. It was shownthat the films prepared by this method can be usedfor cell-based biosensing (Shi et al. 2009).

4.2.3. Hyaluronic acid-based nanocomposites. HYH isanother important natural polysaccharide for biomedi-cal applications. HYH is presented at highconcentrations in skin, joints and cornea. HYH is a bio-active material, associated with several cellularprocesses, including angiogenesis and the regulation ofinflammation. In living tissue, HYH is usually combinedwith proteins to control various functions of the tissue.Anodic EPD has been developed for fabrication of HYHfilms and composites from sodium hyaluronate (HYNa)solutions in water or in a mixed ethanol–water solvent(Grandfield et al. 2009; Sun & Zhitomirsky 2009; Maet al. 2010a,b). The deposition mechanism of this poly-saccharide has been discussed in recent investigations(Sun & Zhitomirsky 2009; Ma et al. 2010a). It wassuggested that the dissociation of HYNa results in theformation of anionic HY2 species:

HYNa! HY� þ Naþ: ð4:9Þ

The applied electric field provides electrophoreticmotion of the anionic HY2 species towards the anodesurface, where the pH decreases owing to the electroche-mical decomposition of water (reaction (4.7)). It wassuggested that the formation of HYH gel in the lowpH region at the electrode surface can be achieved asa result of the charge compensation of –COO2 groups:

HY� þHþ ! HYH: ð4:10Þ

However, no deposition of HYH was achievedfrom 0.5 g l21 aqueous solutions of HYNa (Sun &Zhitomirsky 2009). In contrast, HYH films wereobtained from 0.5 g l21 HYNa solutions in a mixedethanol–water solvent (Sun & Zhitomirsky 2009).The deposit formation was attributed to cross-linkingof HYH in ethanol–water solutions in acidic conditionsat the electrode surface. The cross-linking in acidicethanol–water solutions occurs without change in thechemical structure and is related to the formation ofhydrogen-bonding network among the chains. Thecross-linking of HYH results in water-insoluble gels.However, recent investigations have shown that EPDof HYH can be achieved from aqueous HYNa solutionsof higher concentrations (Ma et al. 2010a). The depo-sition rate increased with increasing HYNaconcentration in solution. The film thickness wasvaried in the range 0–20 mm. The charge transferthrough such thick insulating films presents difficulties.It is suggested that the surface pH decrease in reaction(4.7) is beneficial at the initial stage of deposition. Themechanism based on the surface pH decrease canexplain the formation of thin or porous films. However,this mechanism cannot explain the formation of thickand dense films obtained from the concentrated sol-utions (Ma et al. 2010a). It is important to note thatelectrophoresis results in the accumulation of thecharged polymer macromolecules at the electrode sur-face. It was suggested (Zhitomirsky 2002) that theincrease in particle concentration can result in enhanced

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depletion at the electrode surface, which promotes par-ticle coagulation. Such interactions can result inattraction of similarly charged particles and explainthe formation of thick films from the solutions ofhigher concentrations (Ma et al. 2010a).

Anodic EPD has been developed for the fabricationof composite films containing HA nanoparticles andCNTs in HYH matrices (Grandfield et al. 2009;Sun & Zhitomirsky 2009). It was found that HY2

species adsorbed on HA and CNTs provided efficientelectrosteric stabilization and charging of the HA nano-particles and CNTs. Film thickness was varied in therange 0–100 mm. The increase in HA nanoparticle con-centration in suspensions resulted in increased HAcontent in the films. In another study, the kinetics ofHYH–BSA deposition in aqueous solutions has beeninvestigated (Ma et al. 2010a). It was shown that thickHYH–BSA films with thickness of up to 80 mm can beobtained from aqueous solutions. As in previous studieswith CHIT and Alg, BSA was used as a model proteinfor the fabrication of composite films. Further investi-gations showed that other proteins and drugs can beincorporated into the HYH-based composite coatings(Ma et al. 2010b), which opens the possibility of fabrica-tion of a range of novel composites containing otherrelevant drugs, proteins and enzymes in the HYH matrix.

4.2.4. Synthetic polymer-based nanocomposites. Incomparison to the nanocomposite systems describedabove based on natural biopolymers, there has beenmuch less research work on the use of EPD to developnanocomposites with synthetic biopolymers. In oneof the few investigations available, composite silicon-substituted HA-poly(1-caprolactone) (HA/PCL)coatings have been prepared by Xiao et al. (2009).The use of PCL resulted in improved coating adhesion.After immersion in SBF for 8 days, HA/PCL coatingsshowed the ability to induce the formation of a bone-like apatite surface layer, which is the marker forbioactive behaviour as discussed above. The polymercontent in the coating was limited to 5 wt% becausethe HA deposition rate decreased with increasing poly-mer concentration in the suspensions (Xiao et al. 2009).


5.1. CNTs as biomaterials

The remarkable high mechanical strength and nanos-cale morphology of CNTs make them attractive forbiomedical applications, particularly for developingnanofibrous bioactive surfaces in combination withHA or bioactive glasses (Chen et al. 2006b; Boccacciniet al. 2007; White et al. 2007; Singh et al. 2008). CNTlayers have been shown to provide a suitable surfacenanotopography for the adhesion of cells and theirgrowth (MacDonald et al. 2005; Harrison & Attala2007). Moreover, CNTs are being combined with bio-polymers for the manufacture of tissue engineeringscaffolds (Misra et al. 2007; Mwenifumbo et al. 2007)and to promote the formation of bone-like calciumphosphate crystals (biomineralization) when CNTcoatings are in contact with relevant biological fluids(Akasaka et al. 2006; Aryal et al. 2006). Additionally,

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CNTs can be used as reinforcing elements inbiopolymers and bioactive ceramic matrices (Chenet al. 2006b; Boccaccini et al. 2007; White et al.2007; Singh et al. 2008). It is also being proposedthat CNTs can add functionalities to biomedical coat-ings, for example for improved tracking of cells,sensing of microenvironments and delivering of trans-fection agents besides providing nanostructuredsurfaces for integration with host tissue (Boccacciniet al. 2007). The EPD of CNTs and combinations ofCNTs with HA and bioactive glass particles are pre-sented in the next sections. EPD methods developedrecently for the synthesis of functionalized single-walled CNTs/biopolymer nanocomposite films werediscussed in §4.2.

5.2. EPD of CNTs

It is now well known that EPD is a very convenienttechnique to manipulate CNTs in suspension in orderto form ordered, oriented CNT arrays, as reviewed else-where (Boccaccini et al. 2006b). The preparation ofstable liquid suspensions of CNTs, in which CNTshave a high z-potential and the suspension has lowionic conductivity, is a requisite for successful EPD ofCNTs. The stability of CNT suspensions, determinedby z-potential measurements, has been studied mainlyin aqueous and ethanol-based systems (Boccacciniet al. 2006b). Of significance for biomedical applicationsand biosensors, the high aspect ratio and surface chargeof acid-treated CNTs makes them suitable scaffolds ortemplates for deposition of other nanoparticles, suchas metallic and oxide nanoparticles, via adsorption ornucleation at the acidic sites. Moreover, the fabricationof complex patterns of CNT deposits can be realized byEPD using masks or by designing combinations of con-ductive and non-conductive surfaces. Compositesconsisting of ceramic nanoparticles and CNTs havebeen produced recently by sequential EPD and byelectrophoretic codeposition (Boccaccini et al. 2010;Mahajan et al. 2008).

5.3. HA/CNT composites

The combination of HA with CNTs is being investi-gated to exploit the superior mechanical properties ofCNTs to reinforce HA layers obtained by EPD (Chenet al. 2006b; Singh et al. 2006, 2008; Boccaccini et al.2007; White et al. 2007; Lin et al. 2008a). An efficientmechanical reinforcement of the HA layers can beobtained if the surface of CNTs has been functionalizednot only to achieve a good dispersion of CNTs in theceramic matrix, but also to induce an ideal interfacebetween CNTs and HA. In one of the first publishedreports on this subject, CNT-reinforced HA layerson Ti–6Al–4V alloy substrates were obtained usingsol–gel synthesized nanosized (20–30 nm) HA particlesmixed with multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) (Singhet al. 2006). Subsequently, homogeneous HA/CNTcomposite coating layers were obtained using differentEPD processing parameters (applied voltage anddeposition time) (Kaya 2008; Kaya et al. 2008). Linet al. (2008a) deposited HA nanoparticles and

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+ nano HAparticles

+ ++ +

+++ +














+ ++ +

+++ +


+ ++ +

+++ +


+ ++ +

+++ +


+ ++ +

+++ +


+ ++ +

+++ +


+ ++ +

+++ +


+ ++ +

+++ +


+ ++ +

+++ +


+ ++ +

+++ +


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10. Schematic of the process for anchoring HA nanoparticles (positively charged) onto functionalized CNTs (negativelycharged): (a) as received CNT, (b) functionalized CNT and (c) attachment of nano-HA particles onto the modified CNT surface(Boccaccini et al. 2010). (Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.)

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MWCNTs dispersed in ethanol (with a concentration of0.005 g ml21 and a pH value of 5) on Ti alloys using anapplied voltage of 30 V and a deposition time of 50 s.The resultant layer was sintered at 700oC for 2 h underflowing argon. A bonding strength of 35.4 MPa wasmeasured between the substrate and the HA/CNT com-posite layer, which was higher than that achieved bypure HA layer (20.6 MPa) (Lin et al. 2008a). HA/CNTcomposites comprising HA nanoparticles (20–30 nm)and high aspect ratio MWCNTs (10–30 nm in diameter,up to 500 mm length and 40–300 m2 g21 surface area)have also been developed by EPD (Kaya et al. 2009).The CNTs were first treated to attach carboxylic acidgroups to their surfaces. Carboxylated CNTs were thendiluted in distilled water and filtered. It was anticipatedthat carboxylic groups induce chemical reactions alongthe CNT/HA interface enhancing the reinforcing effi-ciency of CNTs. Figure 10 represents the chemicalfunctionalization of MWCNTs using a mixture ofH2SO4 and HNO3. The negative surface charge ofCNTs, owing to the presence of COOH groups, attractspositively charged HA particles (Boccaccini et al. 2010).In the reported study (Kaya et al. 2009), EPD was carriedout for 4 min on Ti6Al4V substrates under constantapplied voltage of 20 V DC leading to homogeneousCNT/HA composite layers. A suitable approach toyield homogeneous dispersions of CNTs in the HAmatrix is to adjust the surface charge of HA nanoparticlesand CNTs to be of opposite sign, so that during EPDthey can attract each other and act as a single ‘compositeparticle’. As mentioned above, one of the main objectivesfor adding CNTs to HA is to increase the mechanical per-formance of the HA layer by inducing tougheningmechanisms. In this context, the propagation of cracksinduced by indentation technique on monolithic HAand on HA/CNT composites (2 wt% CNTs) has beeninvestigated (Kaya 2008; Kaya et al. 2008, 2009), and it

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was shown that no crack deflection occurs but possibletoughening mechanisms such as nanotube crack bridgingand debonding appear to be active.

Another convenient alternative to functionalizeCNTs for EPD is based on hydrothermal processing.This technique has the advantage over the conventionalacid treatment method described above (using a HNO3

and H2SO4 mixture) that it will not introduce defectson the nanotubes that could have a detrimental effecton the CNTs’ mechanical and functional properties.Under hydrothermal conditions surface groups such as(–COOH) and (–OH) attach on to the surfaces ofCNTs, resulting in good CNT dispersion and formationof stable suspensions (Kaya et al. 2010). As in all CNT-containing materials, issues related to the possiblecytotoxicity of CNTs should be investigated thoroughlyand clarified in future investigations. There is increasingevidence that CNTs under certain conditions may betoxic to cells (Jia et al. 2005; Harrison & Attala 2007;Firme & Bandaru 2010; Zhang et al. 2010); however,more comprehensive work is still required to confirmthese effects and to ascertain the conditions at whichCNT may be toxic (both in vitro and in vivo). In thisregard, CNT coatings obtained by EPD may representreliable and reproducible CNT substrates to be used asmodel systems to investigate CNT cytotoxicity.

5.4. CNT/SiO2 coatings

The combination of silica nanoparticles with MWCNTsby EPD for potential application in the biomedical fieldwas investigated by Chicatun et al. (2007), who pre-pared SiO2/CNT nanoporous composite films onmetallic substrates. Commercially available MWCNTswere used without any post-synthesis treatment anddistilled water was the solvent. An aqueous dispersionof hydrophilic fumed silica was considered as the

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Figure 11. TEM micrograph showing the interaction betweenTiO2 nanoparticles and CNTs in aqueous suspensions at pH,5 (Singh et al. 2006).

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source of SiO2. To prepare optimal CNT suspensions indistilled water, the surface properties of CNTs weremodified with Triton X-100 and iodine. The suspensionfor electrophoretic codeposition of CNTs and SiO2

nanoparticles was prepared by mixing an aqueousCNT suspension with different volume ratios of thefumed silica dispersion. Layered CNT/SiO2 porouscomposites were obtained by sequential EPD exper-iments, alternating the deposition of CNTs and SiO2

nanoparticles. Related developments were carried outby Wang & Huang (2008), who demonstrated the fabri-cation of novel Ag/SiO2/CNT composites by pulsedvoltage electrophoretic codeposition.

5.5. CNT/TiO2 coatings

The fabrication of CNT/TiO2 composites by EPD hasbeen explored considering the expected benefit of com-bining these two materials in terms of functional andmechanical properties (Cho et al. 2008; Jarernboonet al. 2009). Homogeneous and thick deposits ofCNTs have been coated and infiltrated with TiO2 nano-particles by EPD using commercially available TiO2

nanoparticles (P25, Degussa, Frankfurt, Germany)(Cho et al. 2008). The first research work in this par-ticular system was carried out using MWCNTs, grownby chemical vapour deposition, and commercial TiO2

nanopowder (Singh et al. 2006). For codeposition ofCNTs and TiO2 nanoparticles on stainless steel sub-strate, suspensions were prepared by mixing 3.5 g ofTiO2 nanoparticles with 31.5 g of CNT aqueous sol-ution. It was shown that codeposition has occurredowing to the opposite signs of the surface charges ofCNTs and TiO2 nanoparticles at the working pH. Asdiscussed above for the case of CNT/HA composites,the electrostatic attraction between CNTs and TiO2

particles leads to the formation of composite particlesin suspension consisting of TiO2 nanoparticles coveringthe surface of individual CNTs, as seen in figure 11

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(Singh et al. 2006). The process of EPD at constant vol-tage conditions was optimized to achieve homogeneousand well-adhered deposits of varying thicknesses on themetallic substrates. In a following investigation by Choet al. (2008), both the sequential deposition of alternat-ing layers of CNTs and TiO2 nanoparticles and thecodeposition of TiO2/CNT composites were investi-gated. The different strategies suggested for the EPDof TiO2/CNT nanocomposite coatings are schemati-cally shown in figure 12 (Boccaccini et al. 2010). Inthe particular case of sequential deposition, once aporous CNT coating has been obtained, EPD is appliedto incorporate titania nanoparticles or to fabricatelayered structures (figure 12a; Boccaccini et al. 2010).Alternatively, composite CNT/TiO2 nanoparticle coat-ings can be obtained by electrophoretic codepositionfrom stable suspensions containing CNTs and TiO2

nanoparticles. The various components may be separ-ately dispersed or may be preassembled to form morecomplex building blocks in suspension (figure 12b). Itshould be mentioned that if larger particles are used,CNTs can be made to wrap individual particles formingcharged CNT-coated particulates in suspension.

The mechanisms involved in electrophoretic codepo-sition of CNTs and nanoparticles of the same chargesign have been explained by considering the differenttrajectories of nanoparticles in suspension (Cho et al.2008). The presence of CNTs has been confirmed toreduce the problem of microcracking in TiO2 films bybonding to TiO2 nanoparticles through the interactionof hydroxyl and carboxyl groups (Jarernborn et al.2009), which can effectively lead to strong CNT/TiO2

coatings for biomedical applications. Despite thepromise of these nanostructured coatings for biomedicalapplications, to the authors’ knowledge, studies of thebiocompatibility of such coatings have not been carriedout as yet.

5.6. Bioactive glass/CNT composites

EPD has been considered an alternative technique toplasma-spraying or enamelling to deposit bioactiveglass coatings on metallic substrates (as discussed in§2.2) and, more recently, the EPD technique wasfurther adapted for the fabrication of CNTs/Bioglass-layered composite films (Meng et al. 2009; Schaustenet al. 2010). The bioactive glass powder used has a par-ticle size between 1 and 15 mm. After acid treatment ofCNTs, a well-dispersed aqueous CNT suspension with aconcentration of 0.45 mg ml21 was prepared. SequentialEPD was applied to produce a coating of CNTs onbioactive glass layers (Cho et al. 2009) using electricfield strengths in the ranges 10–40 and 2–10 V cm21

for CNTs and Bioglass suspensions, respectively, anddifferent deposition times (between 1 and 6 min).A similar technique has been used to deposit CNTsonto three-dimensional Bioglass and polyurethanescaffolds by electrophoretic impregnation (Boccacciniet al. 2007; Meng et al. 2009; Zawadzak et al. 2009).SEM images showing the typical microstructure of aCNT-coated Bioglass-based scaffold, obtained by EPD(2.8 V, 10 min), are shown in figure 13 (Meng et al.2009). Several applications of these novel

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CNT deposition


nanoparticles intoCNT structure

sequential electrophoretic deposition(a)


(i) (ii) (iii)

electrophoretic codeposition

CNT deposition


infiltration of nanoparticles into

CNT structure

Figure 12. Different approaches to fabricate CNT/ceramic nanocomposites by EPD (Boccaccini et al. 2010): (a) schematicdiagram showing sequential deposition of CNTs and nanoparticles form layered heterostructures and electrophoretic codeposi-tion; (b) schematic diagram showing different alternatives to produce CNT composites by electrophoretic codeposition: (i)self-assembly of nanoparticles on individual CNTs, (ii) heterocoagulation of CNTs onto individual (larger) particles, and (iii)simultaneous deposition of CNTs and ceramic particles with the same charge polarity in suspension. (Reproduced withpermission of Elsevier.) Plain thin curves, CNTs; open circles, ceramic or metallic particles.

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nanocomposites are possible, especially in orthopaedicsand bone engineering. The nanoporous network pro-vided by the CNT deposited on the Bioglass surface isa suitable substrate to study cell attachment andgrowth. The presence of CNTs should enhance the bio-active function for applications as coatings onorthopaedic implants for strong bonding with bone,similarly as discussed above for HA/CNT composites.In the field of scaffolds for bone tissue engineering,CNT-coated Bioglass substrates produced by EPDshould enable the rapid growth of nano-HA crystalswhen immersed in SBF (Akasaka et al. 2006; Aryalet al. 2006), thus providing a favourable surface for

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osteoblast cell attachment and proliferation. As men-tioned above, issues related to the biocompatibility ofCNT/Bioglass composites in contact with host cellsremain to be investigated, including possible cytotox-icity effects of CNTs (Jia et al. 2005; Firme &Bandaru 2010; Zhang et al. 2010).


EPD is considered a suitable method for nanofabri-cation, including the development of nanostructures

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Sintered Bioglass® struts



EHT = 10.00 kV signal A = inlens date: 9 Apr 2008time: 11.17.31photo no. = 8520WD = 11.7 mm

EHT = 10.00 kV signal A = inlens date: 9 Apr 2008time: 11.39.09photo no. = 8525WD = 7.4 mm



Figure 13. SEM images showing the typical microstructure ofa CNT-coated Bioglass-based scaffold, obtained by EPD(2.8 V, 10 min) at different magnifications (Meng et al.2009). Scale bars, (a) 100 mm; (b) 1 mm. (Images courtesy ofDr Decheng Meng.)

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and devices, such as nanomachines and components fornanoelectronics with potential applications in nanome-dicine and drug delivery systems. A few examples aredescribed in this section to illustrate the potential ofEPD in this field. For example, Iwata et al. (2007)have investigated EPD to deposit gold nanoparticles(dots) on Si surfaces from a nanopipette probe filledwith the deposition suspension. The nanopipetteprobe was the EPD cell and the two electrodes weremade of a thin metal wire placed inside the nanopipetteand a conductive surface in contact with the edge of thenanopipette. When a difference of potential was appliedbetween the electrodes, the colloidal particles migratedtowards the edge of the probe and deposited on the sur-face. The size of the Au dots could be tailored bychanging the deposition time and the voltage duringEPD. An advanced application of EPD to fabricate aflexible drug delivery device was shown by Huanget al. (2009). Drug-carrying magnetic core-shellFe3O4/SiO2 nanoparticles were electrophoreticallydeposited onto an electrically conductive flexible poly-ethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate. The PETsubstrate was first patterned to a desired layout andsubjected to deposition. A uniform nanoporous mem-brane could be produced. After lamination of the

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patterned membranes, a final chip-like device wasformed that can be used for controlled delivery ofdrugs. The release of useful drugs can be controlledby directly modulating the magnetic field. The flexibleand membrane-like drug delivery chip uses drug-carrying magnetic nanoparticles as the building blocksthat ensure a rapid and precise response to magneticstimulus (Huang et al. 2009). Another advanced biome-dical device based on an EPD-fabricated structure waspresented by So et al. (2007), who developed a drug-eluting stent (DES) with antiproliferative agents.They electrophoretically coated poly(lactic-co-glycolicacid) (PLGA) nanoparticles embedded with curcuminonto a metal stent for local drug delivery. Polyacrylicacid was used as surfactant because its carboxylicgroup contributes negative charges to the surface of thePLGA nanoparticles. The study of So et al. (2007) wasthus the first to demonstrate that electrophoretic coat-ings with functional polymeric nanoparticles representan attractive technology with a wide application inDES as various kinds of nanoparticles and drugs canbe used, exploiting the versatility of EPD.

The well-known EPD of charged polymer colloids(Boehmer 1996; Hayward et al. 2000), adapted toobtain colloidal monolayers on patterned electrodes(Dziomkina et al. 2005), could represent another oppor-tunity for the application of EPD in the biomedical andpharmaceutical fields. For example, it was suggestedthat the technique can be used for the preparationof three-dimensional colloidal crystals by means oflayer-by-layer deposition of oppositely charged colloidalparticles or to grow colloidal crystals with differentlattice structures, which is determined by the patternsof the electrode substrates. Applications of patternedcolloidal monolayers to simulate the behaviour ofhollow microspheres (capsules) used as drug deliverysystems or for protection of sensitive substances suchas enzymes and proteins are suggested (Dziomkinaet al. 2005).

EPD of biological entities, including enzymes, bio-active molecules, bacteria and cells, is receivingincreasing research interest in the fields of biotechno-logy and biomedicine. The growth and positioning ofcollagen membranes, for example, was investigated byBaker et al. (2008). Collagen, when net charged,migrates in an electric field like any charged polymer.However, collagen behaviour in an electric field hasnot been widely investigated, thus representing aninteresting area for future investigation in the field ofbiopolymer coatings. It has been shown (Baker et al.2008) that the electric field and the pH can be used inconjunction to produce suspended collagen membranesfrom solutions of type I collagen monomers. Such mem-branes can be deposited on an electrode or, as shown byBaker et al. (2008), the spatial aggregation of collagenin an electrolyte is possible in order to develop highlyreproducible self-supporting collagen films.

Immobilization of enzymes, which is of high interestfor the development of biosensors, can be achieved byelectrophoresis, which should enable the deposition ofenzymes in a highly active state. Recent developmentshave shown the application of unbalanced AC fields ofsufficient amplitude to achieve deposition of enzymes

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Figure 14. SEM images showing (a) inclusion bodies electro-phoretically deposited on steel cathode from suspensions atIEP of E. coli bacteria (3 min of EPD at 7.5 V cm21) and(b) deposition of E. coli on the anode after the pH was setto the IEP of the inclusion bodies (Novak et al. 2009). Scalebars, (a,b) 10 mm. (Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.)

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and bacteria (Ammam & Fransaer 2009; Neirinck et al.2009b). Ammam & Fransaer (2009), for example,deposited glucose oxidase from water onto a platinumelectrode. Glucose oxidase layers with a thickness of7 mm could be obtained after 20 min of EPD. In con-trast, if a symmetrical alternating signal was usedunder the same conditions, a layer of only 0.5 mm wasformed. Two effects involved in the deposition wereindicated: the electrophoretic migration of the enzymetowards the deposition electrode and the pH-inducedprecipitation of the enzyme near the deposition elec-trode. The effect of amplitude, frequency, depositiontime and concentration on deposition rate was studied.The formation of thick enzyme layers is highly interest-ing for applications in biosensor technology and in otherbiotechnology areas (Ramansthan et al. 1997). In theseapplications, the manipulation of biological materials ischallenging owing to the size and sensitivity to environ-mental parameters (Neirinck et al. 2009b). In recentexperiments, Gram-negative Escherichia coli andGram-positive Staphylococus aureus strains wereselected as model bacteria for deposition on stainlesssteel foil by asymmetric alternating field-based ACEPD (Neirinck et al. 2009b). A significant number ofbacteria were found to remain viable after deposition.The work has followed from previous research inwhich the design of biofilms from controlled AC EPDof bacteria was demonstrated (Poortinga et al. 2000;

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Brisson & Tilton 2002). By applying a sufficientlyhigh current density, bacteria clusters could be immobi-lized in an ordered fashion on the surface of interest.Bacteria biofilms can also be used in biomedical appli-cations, e.g. probiotic bacterial could be made toattach on biomaterials to serve as protective coatingson catheters or other devices (Reid et al. 1997;Poortinga et al. 2000) in order to inhibit the adhesionof pathogenic micro-organisms. It was also shown(Brisson & Tilton 2002) that bacteria arrays (e.g.Saccharomyces cerevisiae) may be induced to form geo-metric patterns by focusing the electric field duringdeposition. An interesting AC field alignment effecthas been observed when rod-like bacteria were depos-ited (Poortinga et al. 2000). Moreover, Novak et al.(2009) have shown that EPD is a suitable tool for sep-aration of protein inclusion bodies from host bacteria(e.g. E. coli) in suspension. It was shown that the effi-ciency of separation and the yield depend not only onthe electrokinetic mobility of the species but also onelectrode composition and surface morphology. Thismethod requires precise knowledge and control of thezeta potential of the species involved. Figure 14 showsSEM images of inclusion bodies electrophoreticallydeposited on steel cathode from suspensions at IEP ofE. coli bacteria (3 min of EPD at 7.5 V cm21) and thedeposition of E. coli on the anode after the pH wasset to the IEP of the inclusion bodies (Novak et al.2009).

Investigations about the electrophoretic nanoprint-ing of proteins on conducting and non-conductingsubstrates, recently carried out by combining capillaryelectrophoresis, which enables control of protein move-ment, and atomic-forced microscopy (Lovsky et al.2010) are potentially very attractive for biotechnology(protein chips), molecular electronics and for funda-mental investigations in cell biology. The technique,atomic-force-controlled capillary electrophoretic print-ing, has been described by Lovsky et al. (2010). Arelevant review covering experimental and theoreticalstudies of cell electrophoresis mobility and its relevancein the fields of drug discovery and medicine has beenpublished (Akagi & Ichiki 2008). The main interest inthe field of cell electrophoretic mobility determinationis to use it as a non-invasive marker of cell biologicalcondition, since it reflects the electrical and mechanicalproperties of the cell surface. Considering both the simi-larity and the differences in the conditions at thesurface of colloidal particles and cells, as shown infigure 15 (Akagi & Ichiki 2008), it is possible to ascer-tain that knowledge of the electrophoretic mobility ofcells will be also relevant for the application of EPDto manipulate cells in an electric field. The surfaces ofbiological cells are different from that of solid colloidalparticles in that charges are fixed in an extracellularlayer of proteins protruding from the membrane bilayerboundary, i.e. the glycocalyx. In a complete model ofthe behaviour of cells under electric fields, the pen-etration of electrolyte ions into the glycocalyx must beconsidered, which poses a complexity and a significantdifference with the electrophoresis of solid colloidal par-ticles. In this case, EPD could be adapted to become apotentially useful bioprocessing tool for cell therapy

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electric double layer

slipping plane

charge of solutioncolloidalparticle





biologicalcellcharge of


fixed charge

cell membrane

Figure 15. Schematic diagram showing different conditions at the surface of colloidal particles and cells, as suggested by Akagi &Ichiki (2008).

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and tissue engineering applications. This last aspect,EPD-assisted processing of biological cells, remains animportant field of research for the future.


EPD is an attractive material-processing techniquecharacterized by its versatility in terms of the broadrange of materials (in particulate form) that it can beapplied to and the relatively simple equipment required.EPD offers control over nano- and microstructure, stoi-chiometry, microscopic and macroscopic dimensionsand properties of the materials produced. Based on

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these advantages, EPD is finding increasing applicationin the field of biomaterials. The main (and traditional)application field is in the development of bioactive coat-ings for orthopaedic applications, in particular HA andbioactive glass coatings. In the last few years, however,there has been a considerable increase in research effortson the development of EPD to produce polymer–nanoceramic composite coatings with enhancedfunctionalities, e.g. drug delivery capability, electricalconductivity, encapsulation of proteins, antibacterialcoatings and for manipulating biological entities,including enzymes and bacteria. The review of the lit-erature has also highlighted that EPD is a suitabletool to manipulate nanomaterials in suspensions, in

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particular nanoparticles and CNTs, and also for thedevelopment of biomedical nanostructures. This fieldis likely to be a focus of more intensive research effortsin the near future, considering the advantages of EPD,also discussed in this review. In this regard, EPD is apotentially powerful method to produce CNT-baseddevices, including tissue engineering scaffolds, particu-larly considering that few alternative techniques existto deposit and align CNTs on three-dimensionalporous structures required in tissue engineering. Ofimportance for the biomedical field for fabrication ofbiomaterial structures, EPD has the significant advan-tage, compared with other fabrication routes, ofoperating at low temperatures, and it can be easilyscaled up using inexpensive equipment. EPD has thusthe potential to lead to commercial success and large-scale production. Despite its advantages and the largerange of successful applications of EPD in the biomater-ials field, further theoretical and modelling work isrequired to gain complete understanding of the mechan-isms involved in EPD, especially when combinations ofbiopolymers, nanoparticles and biomolecules are con-sidered. It has become apparent that optimization ofEPD parameters is usually carried out by time-consum-ing trial-and-error approaches. This unsatisfactorysituation is the result of lack of available quantitativerelationships linking EPD process parameters, depo-sition kinetics and final deposit properties in mostcases. From the applications point of view, the specificareas in which EPD is expected to expand, particularlyin the field of bionanotechnology, are fabrication ofnanostructured and hybrid composite biomaterials,functionally graded bioactive and biomimetic coatings,CNT-containing devices as well as the development ofbiopolymer composites encapsulating biomoleculesand drugs for multi-functional coatings, biosensorsand for regenerative medicine. The adaption of EPDas a bioprocessing method for the direct manipulationof cells, which could be highly relevant in cell therapyapproaches, cell-based drug screening and in the generalregenerative medicine field, remains also a goal forfuture highly interdisciplinary investigations.


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