
Electric currents for brain cancer Researchers have found that exposing some types of tumor cells to alternating electric fields (also known as tumor treating fields) can interfere with the cells’ ability to grow and spread. A portable device that generates these types of electric fields, known as Optune, is now an option to help treat some people with glioblastomas. It can be used in people with newly diagnosed glioblastoma after treatment with surgery and radiation therapy. The device is used along with chemotherapy. It may help people live longer than if they just get chemotherapy alone. It can also be used (instead of chemotherapy) in people whose glioblastoma has come back after initial treatment. It hasn’t been shown to help people live longer than chemotherapy in this situation, but it tends to have much milder side effects.

Liposomal p53 gene therapy The p53 Gene is a “tumor suppressor gene.” The p53 gene is a gene that codes for a protein that inhibits the development and growth of tumors (in addition to other functions). Inactivation of p53 functions is an almost universal feature of human cancer cells. This has spurred a tremendous effort to develop p53 based cancer therapies. Transfection of the wild-type p53 gene into a variety of human tumor cells was shown in the late 1980s and early 1990s to induce apoptosis and growth inhibition.

Vitamin C Therapy Vitamin C can help decrease inflammation and improve symptoms related to antioxidant deficiency, disease processes, and side effects of standard cancer treatments. Studies have also shown decreased toxicity in cancer patients who received IVC. Additionally, vitamin C can help to lower your risk of stomach and colorectal cancers. Colorectal cancer is the world’s third most common cancer.

Bee Propolis

Propolis is a mixture of pollen, beeswax, and resin that is collected by honeybees from the buds and sap of certain trees and plants. Researchers from the University of Chicago Medical Center looked at one of its bioactive components, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), and its impact on human prostate cancer cells. In cells grown in a lab, CAPE slowed the growth of tumor cells. And when low oral doses were given to mice with prostate tumors, tumor growth slowed by 50%! There are multiple studies on propolis' apoptotic properties as well. In summary, propolis can induce apoptosis (cell “suicide”), prevent metastasis (spreading to other organs) and angiogenesis (tumors forming their own blood supply), cause cell cycle arrest (prevents cells from multiplying), and even moderate deleterious side effects from chemotherapy.

Ozone Ozone is the most powerful and rapidly-acting oxidizing agent on earth. One molecule of ozone is equal in its activity to between 3,000 to 10,000 molecules of chlorine. It is the best killer of harmful, pathogenic organisms. Ozone has been used medically to disinfect and treat disease since its discovery. In 1896, Nikola Tesla patented the first ozone generator in the United States. Ozone is a well-respected therapy in many parts of the world. In Germany, it is the standard of care and is used by 70-80% of practicing physicians. Last but not least, it has been shown to kill cancer cells upon contact.

RIGVIR® Virotherapy Rigvir® has its origins in the Latvian capital of Riga, where scientists there began looking at it as a possible virotherapeutic as far back as the late 1960s. A shorthand derivative of “Riga Virus,” Rigvir® is based on a virus known as Echo-7 that was first extracted from the gut microflora of healthy children as part of early medical testing for the polio vaccine. After this testing was completed, scientists began to take a closer look at the many isolated viral samples they had on hand, discovering in the process that Rigvir® possesses unique anti-cancer potential. They learned that Rigvir® is able to gain unique entry into cancer cells where it perpetually reproduces until those cells are eventually destroyed. When Rigvir® is introduced into a cancer patient’s body via intramuscular injection, it very rapidly activates the body’s natural immune response, as well as the immune cells found inside the lymph nodes. It then actively and aggressively seeks out cancer cells, attaching to their surfaces for penetration, replication, and ultimate destruction. Clinical testing has shown that Rigvir® acts quickly and powerfully in eradicating cancer cells throughout a patient’s body, showing near-immediate effects.

Dendritic Cell Therapy The Dendritic cell vaccine, approved by the FDA since 2010, is a potent form of immunotherapy that harnesses the body’s own immune system to fight its cancer. Dendritic cells are key regulators of the immune responses and orchestrate innate and adaptive immunities. As the most potent antigen presenting immune cells, dendritic cells are responsible for identifying pathogens (malignant cells, viruses, fungi, bacteria) and presenting their identifying markers, antigens, to specific T-lymphocytes that then multiply and attack the disease. These dendritic cells are also capable of identifying normal dying cells and presenting their antigens to different T-cells that tell the immune system not to attack its own tissues.

Water Fasting Water fasting is incredibly powerful. Tumors, cancer, arthritis, inflammatory conditions, and immune problems have all said to improve or even disappear with water fasting! So many diseases can be helped and often cured all together with water fasting. Water Fasting can slow the growth and spread of cancerous tumors and may help to combat cancer and boost the effectiveness of treatment. Professor Valter Longo has looked at the impact fasting has on breast, urinary tract and ovarian cancers, as well as melanoma skin cancer, glioma brain cancer, and neuroblastoma. Dr. Alan Goldhamer released a study of water fasting's effect on Stage 3 follicular lymphoma.

Junko in Japan used water fasting

Gerson Therapy The Gerson Therapy™ is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, plant-based diet, raw juices, coffee enemas, and natural supplements. With its whole-body approach to healing, the Gerson Therapy™ naturally reactivates your body’s magnificent ability to heal itself – with no damaging side effects. This a powerful, natural treatment boosts the body’s own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy™ in the 1930s, initially as a treatment for his own debilitating migraines, and eventually as a treatment for degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes and, most famously, cancer.

Ketogenic Diet With ketogenic diets, lowering carbohydrates will reduce your levels of glucose, the fuel that feeds cancer cells. This will put your body into ketosis and will assist in depleting cancer cells of their energy supply. Cancer cells are unlike normal cells in many ways, but one of their traits that is most unique regards insulin receptors. They have ten times more insulin receptors on their cellular surface. This enables cancer cells to gorge themselves in glucose and nutrients coming from the bloodstream at a very high rate. As you continue to consume glucose as your primary diet source, cancer cells will continue to thrive and spread. It is no surprise that the lowest survival rate in cancer patients is among those with the highest blood sugar levels. Cancer cells have damaged mitochondria and lack the ability to create energy from aerobic respiration. They cannot metabolize fatty acids for energy. For this reason, cancer cells thrive in oxygen-depleted environments. Instead, cancer cells metabolize glucose and amino acids. Restricting glucose or the amino acid glutamine is essential to starve off cancer.


Yuka in Japan used the ketogenic diet

Fermented Ginseng

Though various types of ginseng extracts or derivatives have shown anticancer properties in human cancer cell lines, there are no published clinical trials evaluating ginseng’s efficacy in a human population. Ginseng has, however, been studied as a chemopreventive and an agent to improve quality of life among patients with cancer. According to a study review published in the Chinese Medicine Journal, ginseng’s secret weapon for fighting cancer is revealed through its compound called “ginsenosides.” Numerous studies demonstrate the beneficial effect of ginsenosides against deviant molecular processes that are responsible for cancer. In fact, new studies are being published every day regarding its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. New research is also demonstrating its potential to kill cancer cells, as well as inhibit cancer’s uncontrolled growth, invasiveness, and angiogenesis. 


Aspergillus Oryzae (“koji”) Chefs around the world are now embracing koji (aspergillus oryzae), a type of fungus used for millennia in China and Japan. To create koji, Aspergillus culture is added to cooked rice, soybeans, potatoes or roasted, cracked wheat (depending on what it's going to be used for). The mixture is then placed in a warm, humid place for about 50 hours. The resulting koji is then added to the food being fermented, often along with a brine solution. As Aspergillus ferments, it produces a number of enzymes known to be beneficial for animal and human health, including amylase, which aids digestion and promotes a healthy gut.

GcMAF Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor or GcMAF, is also called vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor. GcMAF plays an important role in activating macrophages. Macrophages (from the Greek for “big eaters”) are white blood cells that literally swallow and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, bacteria, cancer cells, and anything else that does not have the “right” proteins to identify it as a healthy cell belonging to the body. When GcMAF is depleted, the immune response becomes weak because macrophages are not being activated by GcMAF. Microglia are a very important type of macrophage located specifically in the spine and brain. They defend your immune system against threats to the central nervous system which cause trauma and represent a crucial first line of defense. Excitingly, GcMAF immunotherapy has been shown to improve immune system function – and quite possibly, prevent and even reverse cancer.

Orthomolecular Medicine The term “orthomolecular medicine” was coined by Dr. Linus Pauling. This is a form of alternative medicine which aims to maintain human health through nutritional supplementation. The concept builds on the idea of an optimum nutritional environment in the body and suggests that diseases reflect deficiencies in this environment. Frequently used supplements are vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10, alpha-lipoic acid, chromium, L-carnitine, and quercetin. Orthomolecular treatment improves the quality of life. It also decreases the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Salvestrol Salvestrols belong to the class of phytonutrients called “phytoalexins” (compounds that a plant produces to protect itself against stressors such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, UV light and insects). The enzyme which marks cancer cells is called CYP1B1. This enzyme is a gene and protein which is present in all human cells, but which is only activated in cancer cells, not normal healthy cells. In a chemical reaction, the salvestrols interact with CYP1B1 to become cancer-killing agents. Salvestrols have a cancer-inhibiting effect in humans. They cause tumor cells to die but leave healthy cells unharmed. Salvestrol in supplement form has been shown to effect tumor growth in prostate, lung, and bladder cancer as well as melanoma and breast cancer.

‘Hado’ treatment Japan’s Dr. Hiro Emoto discovered an effect on water which he called the “Hado” effect. He described it as follows: “Hado is the intrinsic vibration pattern at the atomic level in all matter, the smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness.” He wrote a book that was issued in 1999 called ‘The Message from Water.’ He performed a series of experiments in which he proved that our thoughts and feelings affect our physical reality. Water was his subject of study and he started out studying the shape of water ice crystals. He used all sorts of water from different places all over the world and studied how they would form ice crystals. He noticed that water from heavy polluted rivers doesn’t crystallize at all and that clean mineral spring water produces beautiful ice crystals when frozen. He hypothesized that water actually can carry memories and emotions.

MRA Dr. Emoto used a “Hado measuring device” called MRA (Magnetic Resonance Analyzer) to treat different people with different problems. All substances and phenomena have their own unique magnetic resonance field. The field is converted electromagnetically, and made into four or five-digit numbers through a spectroscopy. The numbers are the so called MRA codes. When the codes are entered into the MRA device. The magnetic resonance field for that code is generated and applied to the subject by two contact probes. The measurements are expressed in sound and figures tell the operator whether or not the subject is resonating and to what extent. The software installed in this system carries information regarding organs and issues of healthy persons. The similarities and the differences of the degree of resonance are analyzed to determine abnormalities of each organ. ln cases of cancer or diabetes, the vibration that neutralizes the vibration specific to the cells of diseased tissue is set, and the resonance tells us whether the disease is present or not. The degree of the disease can also be confirmed.

 In the office of Hiro Emoto in Tokyo where they use Hado and the MRA device 


Pulse Diagnosis In traditional Chinese medicine, the pulse of a patient is considered an indicator of their overall wellbeing. Western medicine often uses the pulse to monitor heart health, but with pulse diagnosis, measurements are taken in three different areas of the wrist. Each area corresponds to different organs throughout the body. In Chinese medicine, emphasis is on preventing illness rather than treating it. A pulse diagnosis can be a valuable tool for diagnosing energy meridians. Where blood flow is weak or restricted, energy is restricted. These are called the “12 harmonics,” and each correlates to an organ in the body. Using this technique can help diagnose how advanced cancer truly is.

Blood Pressure Wave Diagnosis Blood pressure wave diagnosis, sometimes called pulse wave diagnosis, focuses on the medical field as a wave. In a pulse wave, we can tangibly observe changes in pressure, blood flow, and velocity. The key to this diagnosis is measuring large, small, and peripheral arteries. Monitoring the blood pressure wave can assist in early detection of substantial health issues like heart attacks or kidney failure. Blood pressure wave diagnosis has been a part of TCM for centuries but is also used extensively in Western medicine.

Acupuncture + Neutrino Energy

Acupuncture is a staple of traditional Chinese medicine, and utilizes energy pathways, called meridians, to improve the flow of energy, called chi. Dr. Pan Nien Chung introduced us to a special kind of acupuncture which focuses on solar alignment. The energy provided by the sun is called neutrino energy and is an integral part of acupuncture therapy in Asia. Combining neutrino energy and acupuncture can help the body eliminate cancer stem cells. Exposing the patient to the neutrino energy from the sun, in combination with utilizing four special acupuncture points, causes the patient to excrete cancer stem cells in their urine. Measurement of Arterial Pressure Waves and Central Blood Pressure: Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Pan in Taipei uses acupuncture + neutrino energy

Meridian Analysis Meridian analysis looks at energy pathways, or meridians, to measure energy flow in the body. Meridians are the pathways used by the autonomic nervous system, and controls involuntary processes like breathing and the heartbeat. Measuring the electrical potency of the meridians can provide invaluable insight regarding the balance of bioenergy in the body. Like many preventative measures used in Chinese medicine, analyzing meridian conductivity allows doctors to identify specific problems effecting various organs in the body.

Antrodia Camphorata While we were in Taiwan, Dr. Yu-Cheng Kuo talked about a special herb he uses in cancer treatment called antrodia camphorata, which is a rare medicinal mushroom that grows naturally inside the cinnamomum kanehirae tree trunk, an endemic native tree species in Taiwan. It’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its antioxidative, anti-tumor, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic effects. Big Pharma is actually studying antrodia for its anti-tumor properties. Dr. Kuo sits on the board of directors for a pharmaceutical company that is evaluating herbal treatments for their pharmacological properties.

BMX (Osthole) As we talked with Dr. Kuo about the pharmacological properties of various herbs, he shared that the company of which he has been director for 10+ years recently passed FDA pre-clinical studies for a compound named BMX. BMX is derived from osthole, the active ingredient in the Chinese herb cnidium monnieri, which has been shown to inhibit colorectal cancer (the number one cancer in Taiwan.) It’s also antiangiogenic, meaning it can prevent the formation of new blood vessels that help tumors grow. Osthole is also able to pass through the blood-brain barrier and has shown promising results in the treatment of adult macular disease.

Tai Chi Originally developed for self-defense, Tai Chi has evolved into a graceful form of exercise that’s now used for stress reduction and a variety of other health conditions. In traditional Chinese medicine, the first principal of survival is circulation. In fact, Otto Warburg discovered generations ago that cancer cells thrive in a low-oxygen environment. Movement increases circulation and creates a well-oxygenated environment that is inhospitable to cancer cells, but Dr. Kuo says the West is getting it wrong. “In the Western exercise, all about muscle. But in Chinese, we focus on other parts. We focus on the inside exercise, just like Tai Chi, or meditation. They are quiet exercises. The most important difference is when we do the Chinese exercise, we didn’t increase the heartbeat. Tai Chi.” Tai Chi improves blood profusion through gentle, flowing movements, and provides energy and nutrition in the brain by improving oxygenation.

Dr. “Magic” Kuo in Taipei uses antrodia, tai chi and BMX (osthole)

Chiropractic According to Dr. Huang Chien-Jung, ensuring that your spine is properly aligned is vitally important in keeping the entire body healthy. That’s because a properly-aligned spine allows the meridians to facilitate optimal energy flow. Chiropractic care is crucial to maintaining proper spinal alignment. Proper energy flow is essential to good health. The immune system interacts directly with the nervous system, and any obstruction with the signaling pathways between the nervous and the immune system can negatively impact your body’s ability to heal. Regular chiropractic care can prevent these kinds of obstructions.

Antrodia Cinnamomea Antrodia cinnamomea is a fungus used in Taiwan to treat cancer and high blood pressure, among other remedies. It’s extremely popular, with a market value over $100 million each year. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and promotes apoptosis in cancer cells. Studies have shown that, when used along with ginger, the anti-cancer properties of antrodia cinnamomea are increased in certain types of cancer. It has also been shown to promote liver function, protect against viruses like hepatitis B, and boost the immune system. In TCM, it’s been used specifically to combat liver cancer, though its health benefits are applicable to anyone.

Ganoderma Lucidum Ganoderma lucidum, or Reishi, has been used for over 2,000 years by sages and shamans and is known in China as the “spirit plant.” Reishi relaxes and fortifies both mind and body. It can counter free radicals and fight inflammation, boost the immune system, and fight cancer. Reishi ingredients are toxic to multiple cancer cell lines in culture – including leukemia, breast, ovarian, cervical, and lung cancer cells, among others. Reishi also has been shown to assist in slowing the growth (angiogenesis) of tumors as well as triggering programmed cell death in malignant cells. Currently, there is data to support the potential use of reishi as, at the very least, an adjunct therapy for colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer.

Cordyceps Sinensis Also known as the Caterpillar Fungus or Dong Ching Xia Cao (Summer grass, winter worm), Cordyceps has long been a part of traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine. An extremely rare combination of a mummified caterpillar and a fungus, it is found at very high altitudes in the Himalayas, on the Tibetan plateau, and other high-altitude locations around the world. Cordyceps can help manage blood sugar improve transplant success, strengthen the immune system, improve stamina, and combat cancer. In laboratory experiments, Cordyceps was selectively toxic for cancer cells, without affecting normal, healthy cells. Bioactive ingredients in Cordyceps including cordyceptin attack and destroy mouth, bladder, prostate, breast, liver, lung, cervical, leukemia, and colorectal cancers as well as lymphoma, melanoma, and neuroblastoma in culture.

Panax Ginseng Dr. Chien Fu Chen lists ginseng as one of the most important herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Ginseng is a powerful antioxidant as well as an anti-inflammatory. Some studies have shown that Panax ginseng can also improve immune function in patients recovering from conventional cancer treatments, like surgery and chemotherapy. The herb is a staple of traditional Chinese medicine, though one doctor we interviewed uses double fermented ginseng, which can make it even more effective in fighting cancer.

Immunotherapy While in Taiwan, we spoke with Dr. Wu Ming, who uses immunotherapy to treat breast cancer, melanoma, and Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Immunotherapy focuses on boosting the body’s natural immune systems to combat disease, rather than treating the symptoms synthetically. While immunotherapies are just starting to become popular in the U.S., it’s been used for hundreds of years in Asia. By drawing blood and analyzing it in a lab, doctors are able to pinpoint the specific defects in the immune system and intervene to restore the patient’s natural defenses. Dr. Ming has seen success with Stage 4 cancers using this method.


One plant which has an amazing impact on modulating the immune system is cannabis, which has been cultivated in Asia for millennia and has been continually documented in traditional Chinese medicine for approximately 1,800 years. Just like federal laws in the U.S., cannabis is as a category 2 narcotic in China and Taiwan. Possession of the plant or its derivatives can result in up to three years in prison. Many doctors in Taiwan are using cannabis successfully to treat cancer but are forced into secrecy because of its illegal status. Cannabis has a wide array of benefits, including tumor reduction. Studies have indicated that cannabis can help induce apoptosis, stopping the spread of cancer and encouraging programed cell death. 

Hedyotis Diffusa/ Scutellaria barbota Dr. Sung Ho Chien shared a remedy he uses called “Hedyotis Diffusa,” which he says is actually considered to be one of the most potent cancer treatments. Cancer cells create a lot of toxins and this helps the body detoxify. In addition to being a powerful detoxifier, Hedyotis diffusa, combined with Scutellaria barbata, was shown to inhibit cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis in patients with bladder cancer. This powerful herb combination has been proven to effectively treat cancer, without all of the harsh toxicity of conventional Western treatments. 

Andrographis paniculata Andrographis paniculata is an herb commonly used in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine to treat colds and sinus problems, pain, and inflammation. It is also an effective detoxifying agent, anti-bacterial, and antiviral. More recently, we’ve seen that is can be effective at treating cancer cells to its antiangiogenic properties. Dr. Chien uses this regularly to help stop the blood supply to cancerous cells, eventually causing them to die off. 

Niu zhang zhi

The native people of Taiwan were heavy drinkers, and often experienced liver problems. They discovered an herb called niu zhang zhi, which Dr. Chieng uses effectively to treat liver cancer. Commonly referred to as antrodia camphorata, this mushroom is a powerful anti-inflammatory and possesses antioxidant properties. In Taiwan, it’s the standard for treating liver diseases, including cancer. Studies on breast cancer cells show promising growth inhibition and apoptosis induction as well.

Bamboo charcoal pellets

One doctor that we spoke to also uses antrodia camphorata, but he introduced us to another protocol we hadn’t expected: bamboo charcoal pellets. You may have heard about using activated charcoal to detox, but did you know that bamboo is actually better than activated charcoal for detox? It’s 40% more absorbent than cotton, and very porous. Using nanometer technology, the bamboo is ground into a powder and put into capsules. The particles are released only once they reach the colon and are incredibly effective at removing toxins from the body.

Cordycepin “Dong Chong Xia Cao” Along with antrodia camphorata, many tradition Chinese doctors utilize Cordycepin to help keep the immune system balanced. Cordyceps mushrooms contain cordycepin, which has been shown to be anti-cancer and antimetastatic, and to help prevent and reverse bladder, colon, lung, cervical, breast, oral cancer, and leukemia. Like many of the herbs and mushrooms used in traditional Chinese medicine, Cordycepin has also been shown in studies to induce apoptosis and reduce proliferation of cancer cells.

Metatron While interviewing Dr. Lo En Ta, we learned about a machine called Metatron. The machine was invented in Russia nearly 10 years ago, and Dr. Ta is the first to use it in Taiwan. The Metatron works by measuring energy levels. It can detect and match the frequency of any human body part, organ, tissue, cell, DNA, or chemical. The Dr. explains: “use the machine to know about the energy inside. For example, TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, they will analyze your pulse. Then they would know quickly what’s wrong, but only the TCM doctor will know, the patient doesn’t know. But the advantages of the Metatron machine, it can show us how is the energy inside, from color, from line, curved line, one number. And in medical terms, it can clearly tell us.”

Dr. Lo in Chiayi, Taiwan uses cordycepin, bamboo charcoal pellets, the Metatron, and IVC

High Dose IVC

Another treatment favored by Dr. Ta is intravenous vitamin C therapy, or IVC. In Taiwan, IVC is a standard treatment for cancer patients. High-dose IVC can help decrease inflammation and improve symptoms related to antioxidant deficiency, disease processes, and side effects of standard cancer treatments. Studies have also shown decreased toxicity in cancer patients who received IVC. Additionally, vitamin C can help to lower your risk of stomach and colorectal cancers. Colorectal cancer is the world’s third most common cancer.

Photodynamic (Light) Therapy + Ozone Photodynamic therapy is a treatment that uses a photosensitizing agent and a particular type of light. When photosensitizers are exposed to a specific wavelength of light, they produce a form of oxygen that kills nearby cells. Oral cancers are a problem around the world, and can come as a result of surgery, trauma, cancer therapy, periodontal infection, endodontic infection, or dry socket after oral surgery extraction. Dry socket is a very common problem, and lead to an abundance of pathogens in the mouth. It also leads to chronic inflammation, which has been linked to cancer. Nearly 50% of all amalgam fillings contain mercury, which has been shown to cause cancer in animal studies. In Taiwan, doctors commonly use ozone therapy to treat infected tissue. Many harmful organisms, bacteria, and cells thrive in low-oxygen environments. By introducing ozone, oxygen metabolism is increased, and can neutralize bacteria faster and more effectively than chlorine. While it’s a common therapy in much of the world, it is not prominently used in the U.S., likely because the profit margins for ozone therapy are much smaller than other, more toxic treatments.

Floral Essence

It’s well-documented that emotions can play a major role in the development of disease. Depression and stress are both factors that manifest physically in the form of chronic inflammation and adrenal insufficiency. Treating the mind and spirit is just as important as treating the body. In fact, it’s been demonstrated that patients who are told they are going to die within 6 months are more likely to pass away regardless of the prognosis’ accuracy. To help treat emotional issues, Dr. Lo used floral essence, using extracts from flowers in drinking water to help relieve stress and provide an energy boost to patients. 

ADPT (Anti-Microbial Dental PhotoDynamic Therapy)

Like ozone therapy, Anti-microbial Dental Photodynamic Therapy (ADPT) is used as a standard treatment for oral disease in Asia. ADPT uses low-powered lasers to kill microorganisms using specific, targeted wavelengths. In the presence of oxygen, this therapy can produce reactive oxygen species, or ROS, which are the immune systems “first responders” when pathogens are introduced. This therapy is much safer than invasive surgery or harsh chemicals, with significantly less risk of side effects.

The TTAC team in Chiayi, Taiwan


Iris Scans In the Philippines, doctors use a combination of conventional and traditional diagnostic protocols to find cancer. One traditional Eastern method is the iris scan. When looking at the iris, certain veins and areas correspond to different organs in the body. According to Dr. Cueto, one of the first doctors we met in the Philippines, these correlations are extremely precise, and can identify markers for disease as early as 5 days before the disease manifests. Also known as iridology, this method is used to identify organs that are overactive or inflamed, generally indicative of a more serious problem. 

Laughter Therapy You may have heard that “laughter is good medicine.” In Asia, they believe that it’s a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle, and many doctors “prescribe” it to their patients. Medical issues can be worsened by emotional distress, which often manifests in physical ways. Dr. Cueto explained: “When you laugh, when you take out the negative emotion, your body’s endorphins come out, your hypothalamic, pituitary axis, adrenal axis, your epinephrine or adrenaline goes down, then your recovery goes faster.”

Music Therapy In line with laughter therapy is another protocol you won’t often find in the west – music therapy. Karaoke is very popular in Asia, particularly in the Philippines. But the pastime offers health benefits of which many are unaware. Several studies have shown that music can reduce stress and speed up the healing process. The reduced stress helps to relieve the cardiac workload, keeping heart rate and hypertension down. Music therapy has also been helpful for patients with Alzheimer’s and related dementias as well as those with autism. 

“Ho’o pono pono” Therapy Dr. Elizabeth Micaller continued the emphasis on emotional health as part of the holistic approach by introducing us to “ho’o pono pono.” The Hawaiian expression translates into four short sentences: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. It’s essentially forgiveness therapy. Holding on to animosity or anger does more harm to you than to the person who wronged you. To truly find peace, it’s imperative that we forgive. Not only will you feel a proverbial weight lifted from your shoulders, you’ll also enjoy the emotional and physical benefits that come with forgiveness.

Full Body Detox One could say that forgiveness therapy is a sort of detoxification protocol, releasing toxic emotions and allowing your body and mind to heal. One treatment that has been overwhelmingly effective in the Philippines is a full body detox. A full body detox usually lasts about 10 days and is meant to clear both body and mind of any harmful toxins. The colon is especially important, since toxins tend to build up quickly there. Modern day diets, environmental toxins, pesticides, and harmful drugs have led to a massive toxic load that requires regular cleansing. Health-effecting toxins come in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the food we consume, in the products we put on our skin and hair, and in the way we live our stress-filled lives, so a full body detox should be a regular part of ongoing care, especially when battling cancer. 

Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)

When detoxifying, it’s important to support the body with rejuvenating herbs and minerals. One herb used by doctors in the Philippines is Blumea balsamifera, or sambong. It grows in tropical climates like the Philippines and is especially beneficial for kidney health. In fact, sambong is often used in Asia to treat kidney stones. It can also combat hypertension, promote fluid retention, and has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in animal human carcinoma cells. 

Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciose)

Native to the Philippines, banaba is generally used in conjunction with sambong. Banaba has hypoglycemic properties and has been used to treat diabetes for generations. Studies date back as far as 1940, and show that corosolic acid, a compound found in banaba, can help lower blood sugar and even reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. It has also been used for weight loss, though there is very little research on its metabolic effects. 

At Dr. Micaller’s office in Manila, Philippines where they use sambong, banaba, Bible Psalms, and detoxification.

Bible Psalms

In addition to emotional and physical health, Dr. Consolacion T. Lara believes that spirituality is the most important aspect of the healing process. As we’ve seen, positivity is a powerful tool for healing and can combat negative feelings and stress that manifest in physical ways. Dr. Lara regularly assigns readings from the biblical book of Psalms, which she says results in increased positivity and a more positive attitude.

Dy-Liacco Protocol The Dy-Liacco protocol is named after Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco, who has found an effective cancer therapy that is accessible even to the impoverished people living in the Philippines. There is a fundamental misunderstanding in western medicine that the immune system is unable to identify cancerous cells. That’s why conventional treatments like chemotherapy don’t hesitate to completely destroy the immune system – it isn’t working anyway, right? In fact, Dr. Dy-Liacco tells us that we simply need to destroy the outer coating of the cells for our immune system to kill them. The protocol consists of several steps. The first is to digest and kill the cancer cells, which he achieves by ingesting raw pork pancreas. Second, he prescribes a coffee enema to clear away any dead, rotting cells left behind. He then recommends supplements like bovine cartilage, which can have antiangiogenic properties. These supplements are so simple that the doctor doesn’t even need to see every patient. He’s received success stories from all over the Philippines from people who have followed his protocol and recovered fully from cancer.

Coffee Enemas As we learned, coffee enemas are an integral part of Dr. Dy-Liacco’s cancer treatment protocol. Coffee enemas are one of the most effective way to cleans the body of harmful toxins and dead cells that build up in the colon. Coffee enemas are also used by individuals to improve energy levels (both physically and emotionally), prevent bloating, improve mood, and reduce toxicity of the whole body by prompting liver cleansing and tissue repair. One added benefit of coffee enemas is that they promote the production of glutathione by the liver. A powerful antioxidant defense system, glutathione protects cellular damage to DNA and stimulates the removal of toxic waste out of cells. 

Capsaicin (Siling Labuyo)

Capsaicin is another naturally occurring extract with substantial health benefits. Studies show that it blocks the gene that makes arteries contract, which can lead to dangerous blockages of blood flow. In fact, many doctors have stopped heart attacks with capsaicin. Unlike blood thinners, which fail to address blockages in the vascular system, capsaicin actively stops arterial contractions, allowing for wider passages that are less likely to result in an embolism. 

Stem Cell Therapy

Speaking to Dr. Wilson Gan, I learned that stem cells can also be used to effectively combat cancer. Stem cells are versatile and help repair and replace damaged cells in the body, but as we age, we stop producing them and cellular damage can become permanent. Stem cell therapy helps our bodies produce these cells once again, resulting in faster, natural healing. 

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a healing protocol that uses intentional, gentle touch to restore energy flow. Practitioners treat the entire body as an energy system, much like acupuncturists. Jin Shin Jyutsu focuses on the mind, body, and spirit and encourages patients to practice certain protocols at home in order to support energy flow for healing on a regular basis.

PiCur® PiCur® is a potent blend of curcumin and piperine, patented in over 126 countries. It’s antiangiogenic and induces apoptosis while fighting oxidative stress and protecting against degenerative diseases like dementia. PiCur® was created by a father and son, both of whom have won several awards and are active members of the Filipino Inventor’s Society. There have been over 10,000 published studies pertaining to PiCur®, and countless testimonials from those who have used it successfully to treat cancer. 

MoringaCUR Plus® MoringaCUR Plus® is another naturally-derived supplement developed by Richard and Rigel Gomez. It utilizes a proprietary blend of PiCur® and moringa, which we will discuss in more detail later in the book. The supplement supports lung health, cardiovascular health, reproductive health, and immune function, as well as providing excellent nutritional value. 

Goji berries Goji berries, also known as lycium barbarum, has been used medicinally in Asia for thousands of years and offers a plethora of health benefits. With a high antioxidant content, Goji berries can help to support eye health in addition to combatting oxidative stress. They also support immune health and help regulate blood sugar. They have been especially useful in treating liver disease, and studies have indicated that they may even inhibit tumor growth in patients with liver cancer. 

“S.E.L.F.” Protocol Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan, the former Health Minister of the Philippines, has developed a cancer protocol named the S.E.L.F. protocol. S is for sleep, with an emphasis on melatonin. E is for exercise, even something as simple as walking. L is for love, which Dr. Tan believes is vital to proper healing. Finally, F is for forgiveness, which we discussed in an earlier chapter. The most exciting aspect of this protocol is that it’s free. There are no supplements to purchase or procedures to pay for. Anyone willing to follow the protocol can, no matter their economic status.

At the radio station with Dr. Jaime, who has developed his S.E.L.F. protocol

Mistletoe Mistletoe, also known as Viscum, All-heal, and Birdlime, is a semi-parasitic plant that has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Various mistletoe preparations have been used for cancer therapy since 1917. Today, they are the most frequently used as complementary therapies in tumor treatment. Mistletoe's effects on cancer have been researched in over 100 clinical trials. Mistletoe extracts directly prevent cancer cell growth while stimulating the immune system to fight cancer. Studies show that mistletoe improves symptoms as well as quality of life and general wellbeing in patients afflicted with multiple types of cancers. Simultaneously, mistletoe reduces the side effects of conventional cancer treatments and may help patients survive the harsh side effects of chemo and radiation. Helixor is a cold extract made from fresh mistletoe, obtained from fir, pine and apple trees. Some physicians administer Helixor mistletoe enemas to patients with rectal tumors. 

Navarro Urine Test The Navarro urine test detects human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, in the blood. This is a hormone produced during pregnancy in the cells of the placenta, but it’s also a hormone produced by cancer cells. This means that if HCG is detected in the urine, then the person is either pregnant or they have cancer. While many cancers show elevated HCG levels, testicular cancer often presents with the highest levels. HCG is an especially effective diagnostic tool for testicular cancer.


 At the home of Dr. Navarro in Manila


Cassava (B-17) Cassava is a root vegetable similar to potatoes and yams. Both the root and the leaves can be consumed and possess powerful anti-cancer properties. The key is B17. In the United States, we can get substantial amounts of B17 from apricot seeds, but Dr. Efren Navarro says that apricots are not commonly found in the Philippines, so they consume cassava instead. The amygdalin found in apricot seeds has been famously used to create Laetrile, an anti-cancer therapy that selectively attacks cancerous cells. Similarly, cassava has shown cytotoxicity to some cancer cells.

Intercessory Prayer Intercessory prayer is the act of praying on behalf of another person. We’ve learned how positive thinking and forgiveness can have a significant impact on the healing process in earlier chapters. Dr. Homer Lim describes intercessory prayer as a regular part of his cancer treatment protocol and believes that intercessory prayer and meditation can benefit not only the patient, but the person they pray for as well. You may have heard of the placebo effect, where patients experienced symptom relief simply by believing that they were taking the right medicine. Although intercessory prayer is not considered a placebo by Dr. Lim, he reminds us that a patient’s belief that a protocol will work is vital to the success of the therapy. If you believe that cancer is a death sentence, it probably will be…



Rife Machine In the early 1900s, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife discovered a means to view live viruses under the microscope that he built (called the Universal Microscope) with over 6,000 parts and magnification up to 60,000 times the subject’s normal size. Because of this tool, he was awarded the honor of being the first scientist to discover, by viewing it live, the cancer virus that attacks human cells. Years later, he developed a technique referred to as the RIFE Frequency. Simply put, he used the resonant frequency (the frequency that the virus vibrates at) to cause the virus to oscillate and then turned up the intensity or volume if you will. This resulted in the structural integrity of the virus collapsing and destroying itself. This phenomenon was referred to by Rife as the “mortal oscillatory rate” or MOR. Every cell and bacteria resonate at their own unique frequency with healthy cells and probiotics vibrating at a higher frequency. As a result, only the targeted cancer virus gets destroyed, leaving the other tissues intact. The germ gets killed and the body is relieved of the infectious agent without damage.

Bio-resonance Device

Bio-resonance therapy is a non-invasive therapy that utilizes energy wavelengths to diagnose and treat disease. The bio-resonance device works by attaching electrodes to the skin. By utilizing the proper energy wavelength, practitioners can help restore balance within the body’s energy pathways. There has been extensive research on bio-resonance, which has been used successfully to treat back pain, depression, and arthritis, and even assists with smoking cessation. It can also help repair bone fractures more effectively, utilizing natural energy meridians to assist the healing process and restore balance. 

IV Chelation One obstacle to effective healing is the buildup of toxic heavy metals in the body. Metals like arsenic, mercury, and lead can build up and make us sick, which is why many doctors utilize IV chelation to remove them. It’s a detoxifying protocol where a dose of EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is delivered into the bloodstream through an IV. In Singapore, IV chelation is not legal, so doctors often use oral chelation, which is slower and less effective. Other chelating agents are DMSA (2,3- dimercaptosuccinic acid) and DMPS (2,3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonate).


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress and increases immune function. It can also help to remove organic poisons which build up in the body. The best way to increase glutathione levels is through proper diet. Foods like whey protein, cruciferous vegetables, grass-fed beef, and pastured eggs are all great sources of glutathione. It can also assist in treating type 2 diabetes, improve heart health, and combat infections.


In Singapore, doctors commonly use zeolite to flush heavy metals from the body. Zeolite is a volcanic mineral that is extremely effective in boosting detoxification and immune function. It is one of the more effective methods of oral chelation. Additionally, zeolite can improve gut function, help manage glucose levels, and has been shown to suppress tumor growth in colorectal cancer, melanoma, and lung cancer.

Sabah Snake Grass In Singapore, there are unique herbs that can be used for natural detoxification of heavy metals. One of these is Sabah snake grass, which local healers say has anti-cancer properties. Named for its original use in treating snake bites, this plant is often used to make an herbal tea. While there haven’t been formal studies on its anti-cancer properties, there is anecdotal evidence that snake grass can help to treat even late-stage cancers.

Pandan Leaf

Pandan is a plant that grown primarily in southeast Asia and is commonly used as in cooking for flavor. But this plant possesses medicinal properties as well. It can combat hypertension, reduce cramps, relieve anxiety and stress, treat common aches and pains, and is a powerful detoxifying agent. What’s more, studies have shown that pandan leaves can exhibit anti-cancer activity, help to slow the proliferation of cancerous cells. 

South African Leaf

South African leaf, or vernodia amygdalina, is an extremely bitter plant that can be used to treat a host of illnesses. In Singapore and China, the herb is highly regarded. The leaves can be consumed (often in a soup), or more commonly as an extract used in tonics. Proponents claim that it can treat cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. It has also been shown in studies to prevent malaria, prevent free radicals, induce detoxification, inhibit stress response proteins, and interfere with DNA binding activities of some transcription factors. It is also chemo-preventative, which means it can prevent cancer before it ever develops.

Soursop Graviola

Soursop is a fruit found in tropical climates, primarily in South America. It is also known as custard apple, guyabano, or paw paw and has tons of vitamin C. It is high in antioxidants, B vitamins, calcium, and phosphorous. Soursop is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, which is invaluable to the body’s healing processes. Additionally, it demonstrates anti-cancer properties. In a 2015 study published in Universa Medicina, the leaves, fruit, and seeds of this plant were shown to inhibit the proliferation of breast cancer cells.

Elephantopus leaf

Another herb commonly used for cancer treatment in Singapore is elephantopus, a member of the daisy family. It is commonly used by locals to treat various cancers. Published studies have shown that Deoxyelephantopin (ESD), a naturally occurring sesquiterpene lactone present in elphantopus, demonstrated anticancer effects on many different cancer cells. The primary mechanism was ESD’s inhibition of cell proliferation. ESD induced cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer cell cultures.

Leea Indica

Leea indica is a berry that is used in traditional eastern medicine to treat leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood. Leea indica contains mollic acid arabinoside (MAA), which has been shown in studies to induce apoptosis in cancerous cells. The fruit has been the subject of much scientific research, and demonstrates anti-cancerous effects on cervical cancer, leukemia, and prostate cancer.

Lingzhi While interviewing Dr. Justin Morais, we were introduced to a Chinese herb called lingzhi, which is a kind of mushroom that has been used for generations to fight cancer. Its proper name is ganoderma lucidum, also known as “reishi.” Lingzhi is toxic to multiple cancer cell lines in culture – including leukemia, breast, ovarian, cervical, and lung cancer cells, among others. 


Polygonum capitatum, or pink knotweed, is an Asian plant species related to buckwheat. In peer-reviewed research studies, this plant has been shown to protect against stomach cancers, due largely to the flavonoid glycoside it contains. It is an antioxidant and helps with apoptosis regulation. Losing my father to complications from stomach cancer is what set me on this journey in the first place. It has been amazing to see how traditional Chinese medicine utilizes the bounty of nature to combat specific cancers in specific ways – all without harmful side effects or toxicity.

Dragon Plant

Dragon plant, more commonly known as dragon fruit, is high in nutrients and has been used successfully to treat lymph node cancer. Most notably, the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, used the plant as part of his cancer protocol and is now fully recovered. It can also increase immune function, promotes a healthy gut, and is a potent antioxidant.

In the Singapore herb garden where we saw dragon plant, polygonum, South African leaf, soursop, elephantopous & leea indica

Himalayan Rock

One of the best ways to prevent cancer is to create an environment that is inhospitable to cancer growth and metastasis. Utilizing negative ions to combat free radicals is an excellent way to stop cancer before it gains a

foothold. Dr. Morais recommends using a Himalayan salt rock to create a negative ion atmosphere. Salt crystals are naturally hygroscopic, which means that they absorb water molecules from the air. In fact, if a Himalayan salt rock is left out with no electrical current, it will begin to “sweat,” releasing moisture back into the atmosphere. Studies show that water-generated negative ions effectively activate natural killer cells, which seek and destroy cancer cells, inhibiting carcinogenesis.


Selenium stimulates a variety of antioxidant pathways in the body and also reduces inflammation, regulates the immune response, and improves blood flow. Selenium can be one of the most potent sources for reducing inflammation. Selenium binds protective antioxidants like glutathione to areas of DNA that need repair. This process reduces the damage to cellular DNA and is especially important for reducing cancer growth, improving the aging process, and preventing against many degenerative diseases. Research shows that selenium can contribute to natural antioxidant pathways which stimulate apoptosis in human cancer cells. It has also been found to reduce metastasis in skin cancers like melanoma.

German Acupuncture

German acupuncture, or Auricular acupuncture, is a specialized acupuncture that focuses on the ears. Like all acupuncture, it began in China, but was fully developed in Europe. French neurologist Dr. Paul Nogier discovered in the 1950s that the entire body is mapped on the ear in the configuration of an upside-down fetus. His findings were published in an international acupuncture journal and ultimately adopted by traditional Chinese medicine. According to Red Clover Clinic, “chronic pain is often perpetuated by a habituated pain cycle, long after the tissues are healed. When this communication signal is interrupted, the body can heal itself and return to a state of balance. Auricular acupuncture is an effective and efficient way to interrupt the pain cycle, thereby decreasing one’s level of pain.”

Calcium Ion

During our trip to Singapore, we met with Jae Lee, and expert on the role of calcium ions in the body. He explained that excess calcium stored in the membrane of mitochondria is one of the major sources of reactive oxygen species that make a lot of free radicals and can damage DNA and RNA, causing accelerated aging and even cancer. By introducing a small amount of pure calcium ion to the body, you can stimulate the pituitary gland, which then stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid to rebuild bones. This requires any excess calcium to be used for rapid rebuilding of your bones. This process clears your system of excess calcium.


Qigong is a Chinese system of breath control and exercise that is closely related to Tai Chi. We discussed Tai Chi previously, and the benefits are much the same. In fact, a comprehensive review published in the American Journal of Health Promotion found that Qigong consistently provided a number of health benefits, including overall quality of life and increased immune function.


Isolated from the plant Artemisia annua, or sweet wormwood, artemisinin and its derivatives are powerful medicines known for their ability to swiftly reduce the number of Plasmodium parasites in the blood of patients with malaria. 2015 review, which looked at 127 investigations into the effects of antimalarials on cancer, also suggested that artemisinin could have anticancer properties.

Antineoplaston Therapy Antineoplastons are chemical compounds found normally in blood and urine. They are made up of amino acids and peptides. In the 1970s, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski developed antineoplaston therapy, which he has used successfully to cure brain cancer. It is administered in increasing doses up to the maximum tolerance for 12 months. Barring unacceptable toxicity or disease progression, the treatments continue. Although Dr. Burzynski has had success with his patients, some of whom have has complete remission with no secondary cancers for over a quarter century, the FDA will not approve his treatment as an evidence-based therapy. This is likely because Antineoplaston therapy is not as expensive as conventional treatments, and would likely cost the pharmaceutical tens of millions of dollars if it was approved.

Papaya leaves

Nutrition is of paramount importance in fighting inflammation and removing toxins. In Asia, many nutritionists and doctors recommend papaya leaves, which can help with digestion, promote liver health, control bacteria growth, and lower the risk of cancer. In Indonesia, papaya leaves are akin to kale in the U.S. – a dark, leafy green. A study released in 2017 found that papaya leaves demonstrated anti-proliferation and apoptosis induction in human breast cancer cells. 

Qi Machine

Qi machines are extremely effective tools for protecting yourself and your family from harmful radiation. our homes are filled with devices and appliances that expose us to EMFs. It might surprise you to know that hairdryers and vacuum cleaners are some of the worst offenders. And it doesn’t stop there. As technology advances and networks such as 4G and 5G (and eventually 6G) become the “norm,” we will continually be bombarded by this invisible danger. Qi Technologies is a German-patented technology that cancels out the EMF frequency. This gives you a safe EMF-free zone for you and your family. We use one in our home and believe they will become increasingly necessary as we continue to be inundated with new technology and more powerful wireless networks.


Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is a substance present in all living cells that provides energy for many metabolic processes and is involved in making RNA. Protocel® is a chemical that works to lower the voltage of cancerous cells, blocking the production of ATP in cancer cells. This causes them to self-destruct and die. Traditional Chinese medicine put great emphasis on energy pathways within the body. Protocel® literally sucks the energy out of cancerous cells without damaging healthy cells. 


Curcumin The use of turmeric can be dated back as far as 3,000 BC and is one of the most important anti-cancer nutrients studied today. Curcumin is the yellow pigment extracted from turmeric and is one of three known curcuminoids in turmeric. Curcumin has demonstrated incredible anti-cancer benefits. Over 2,000 published studies have shown curcumin combats cancers of the breast, prostate, liver, colon, lung, pancreas and more. Many of these studies have shown curcumin actually stops cancer cells from dividing and induces apoptosis. Curcumin can also attack cancer stem cells.

Vitamin D3 Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and autism. This essential vitamin enhances calcium absorption, induces cell differentiation, initiates apoptosis, reduces metastasis and proliferation, and is antiangiogenic. It is also effective for killing cancer stem cells and can be easily obtained simply by going outside and absorbing some sunlight.


One phytochemical found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables is diindolylmethane, or DIM. DIM boosts the immune system and helps to eliminate toxic carcinogens from the body. It may also be antiangiogenic. It also fights proliferation of prostate, breast, endometrial, colorectal and pancreatic cancers, and leukemic cells. DIM is another natural tool for destroying cancer stem cells, a leading cause of cancer recurrence. 


Indole-3-carbinol, or I3C, is another phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables. It has been shown to combat cancer in several ways and is a powerful antioxidant. DIM is a by-product of I3C, formed when I3C breaks down in the digestive tract. Studies have shown I3C to have a number of chemopreventative properties, and it has been effective in slowing or stopping the proliferation of tumors. 

Regionally available Sources of B17

We discussed cassava in the previous chapter, specifically in regards to its high concentration of B17. While in Malaysia, Dr. Vijay Subramaniam talked to us about optimizing the naturally available vitamins and minerals found in his local region. In the U.S., apricot seeds are a standard choice for anyone looking to increase their B17 intake. In Malaysia, many people turn to manioc, which is simply another name for cassava. “A rose by any other name…” What’s interesting is that we find doctors and patients seeking out the same compounds all over the world. People from Malaysia may not have ever seen an apricot, and yet we are all looking for ways to increase our B17 intake as a way to combat cancer. Nature truly does provide all of the tools we need to stay healthy. We just have to look.

Moringa Oleifera

Moringa oleifera is often called the “miracle tree” because it can be beneficial on so many levels. It has been used for thousands of years in Asia and Africa, but over the last decade or so it has also been studied heavily in the West. The most exciting findings, however, are what this extraordinary plant can do to prevent and fight cancer growth. Studies on chronic inflammation found that Moringa root helped treat acute inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and bronchitis. Quercetin, found in moringa, is a powerful antioxidant that has especially been linked to cancer protection. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Cell Biochemistry found that even low doses of

quercetin had the ability to inhibit cancer cell progression. Moringa also contains a plethora of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the very building blocks of life. Some of these include arginine, lysine, tryptophan, leucine, valine, and methionine. Most importantly, there is strong evidence to suggest that moringa helps fight cancer directly. One study examined the effect moringa oleifera leaves, bark, and seed extracts had on both breast cancer and colon cancer lines in the laboratory. They found that all three increased the number of apoptotic cancer cells in both breast and colon cancer cell lines. Another found that moringa, in conjunction with radiation therapy, significantly decreased pancreatic cancer cell survival as well as metastasis. It also radically inhibited tumor growth. The investigators concluded that these results could not have been possible with radiation therapy alone. In addition to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, it also contains a variety of essential nutrients that help the body on all levels. 

Alan Ray filming the tour of Dr. Vijay’s garden where we saw sweet potato leaves, manioc, and a moringa oleifera tree

Sweet Potato Leaves

Sweet potatoes are a common dish in the United States, but in Malaysia, they cook and eat the green leaves as well. They’re are an excellent source of dietary polyphenols such as anthocyanins and phenolic acids. In fact, sweet potato greens extract (SPGE), which are made from the leaves, contain more polyphenols than spinach. SPGE has been shown to posses antiproliferative ability, and induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo.Importantly, SPGE did not cause toxicity in normal tissue, including fast-growing gut tissue and bone marrow. 


Dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland and performs about 150 functions in the body. But poor dietary choices, like excessive carbohydrates, sleeping late, EMF exposure, and stress cause a deficiency in DHEA from adult age onwards. It’s extremely important for proper immune function, and deficiency can be a precursor to cancer, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes. Diet and lifestyle choices play a significant role in maintaining healthy DHEA levels in the body. 

Coconut Oil/MCTs

With the advancement of modern technology and breakthroughs in science, numerous studies in the past decade have proven coconut oil to be a “good” saturated fat and incredibly healthy. Pure coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, a

medium-chain fatty acid that is converted to monolaurin by your body. In fact, 50% of coconut oil is lauric acid, a compound usually found in human breast milk, which makes it one of the best food sources of this nutrient available. Lauric acid is beneficial in deterring parasites, bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and viruses. Coconut oil also consists of 86.5% saturated fatty acids, 5.8% monounsaturated fatty acids, and 0% trans-fat. It is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), contrary to vegetable or seed oils consisting of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). LCFAs are stored in the body as LDL cholesterol, contribute to hardening of the arteries, and strain the pancreas and liver. MCFAs support the immune system through their antimicrobial properties. 


Solasodine glycoside, or BEC5, is a compound originally derived from an Australian plant called Devil’s Apple and is also found in eggplant and green peppers. As we learned earlier, cancer cells develop a unique membrane that protects it from many of our immune system’s natural defense protocols. BEC5 has the unique ability to penetrate the lysosome, which is where enzymes for the cancerous cells are stored, and release digestive enzymes that destroy the cell. It works on many types of cancer and specifically targets the cancerous cells without causing damage to normal, healthy cells. You can even purchase BEC5 cream under the name Curaderm over the counter that treats skin cancer, literally killing it layer by layer until it’s eliminated. 

Lysine Lysine is an essential amino acid that we can only obtain through nutrition or supplementation. When combined with other amino acids and vitamin C, lysine can help to inhibit the invasion and digestion of healthy cells, including those attacked by MMPs, which can slow or stop metastasis. This has been especially helpful in treating pancreatic cancer, which metastasizes quickly and aggressively. 


Proline is another amino acid, though it is non-essential in that it can be synthesized in the body from L-glutamate. Combined with Lysine, arginine, ascorbic acid, and green tea extract, it has been shown in studies to help inhibit cell proliferation in pancreatic cancer cells.


Green tea has been a staple of Asian diets for thousands of years. It possesses antioxidant properties and is believed to stop or slow the growth and spread of cancer. Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is known as the most effective anti-cancer polyphenol found in green tea. We talked about the use of green tea, along with lysine and proline, to inhibit cancer metastasis, but it’s EGCG that makes green tea so effective. In a study on human colorectal cancer cells, epigallocatechin gallate wash shown to induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation. 


Cysteine is another amino acid that is found in many high-protein foods, like poultry, eggs, and legumes. N-acetyl cysteine, or NAC, is the supplement form of cysteine. NAC is essential for maintaining healthy levels of glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant. It is an effective detoxifier, can help manage blood sugar, increases immune function, and combats cancer. Used to treat symptoms of the common cold, a 2017 study found that NAC can actually have an anti-proliferative effects on breast cancer cells. 

Mung Bean Sprouts Mung bean sprouts are an important part of nutritional therapy and offer a plethora of nutritional benefits. They can strengthen the immune system, improve heart health by decreasing the level of bad LDL cholesterol and increasing the level of good HDL cholesterol, and boost white blood cell counts. All of these perks work together to help prevent and treat cancer.

Lemongrass (Sarai)

Long prized for its aroma-therapeutic qualities, Cymbopogon citratus, or lemongrass, is loaded with key nutrient compounds that present powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer potential. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research outlines the dozens of unique phytoconstituents present in lemongrass, including a diverse array of terpenes, ketones, esters, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds. In a 2013 study, researchers found that lemongrass not only stopped cervical cancer cells (as well as several other types of cancer cells) from spreading, but it also initiated apoptosis.

 Saroja Theavy in Kuala Lumpur discussing herbs and foods with anti-cancer effects 

Chili Peppers (Capsaisin) Chili peppers are a rich source of spicy-hot capsaicin. They are also very high in antioxidant carotenoids, which are linked with numerous health benefits. The anti-cancer activity of capsaicin has been broadly investigated for a variety of cancer types. The anticancer mechanisms of capsaicin include activation of apoptosis, cell growth arrest, and inhibition of angiogenesis and metastasis.

Ginger (Bentong)

Ginger is a major part of almost every Asian diet and can be significantly more effective than chemotherapy at treating cancer. In a 2017 study published in The Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, ginger was shown to significantly inhibit cancer cell growth in ovarian cancer. It accomplished this by increasing the expression of p53 gene expression, about which we learned in an earlier chapter. This results in apoptosis of the cancerous cells, which is a fundamental key to treating cancer. 

Brinjal Brinjal, which most of us know as eggplant, is a member of the nightshade family, rich in fiber, and low in calories. Research shows that it contains anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid, and chlorogenic acid, a powerful free-radical scavenger. This can help to prevent tumor grown and metastasis. It is also effective as an antiangiogenic and anti-inflammatory. 

Beta Glucans A response system known as immunomodulation can help support the immune system using biological co-factors along with specific nutrients and herbs. Immunomodulation is crucial for modifying the immune response to properly defeat infections in the body. One of the greatest immune-modulating weapons for the immune system is found in compounds called beta glucans. The rapid growth of cancer in healthy individuals can over-activate an individual’s immune system. Beta glucans bind and activate specific innate immune cells including macrophages, antibodies, and natural killer cells so that it can trigger an immune response. The ability of beta glucans to modify the attack of immune cells on invasive agents supports an efficient and stronger immune response. Beta glucans prime immune cells to recognize complementary immune defense compounds. The antibody antigen response is coupled with beta glucan for a biologically synergistic response to kill cancer cells. The coupling of these two defense tools may even be a stronger therapy than chemotherapy or radiation.

Dr. Lee discussed beta glucans at his office in Kuala Lumpur


Mistletoe extract has been used by various cultures for over 2,000 years to boost quality of life and vitality. In Europe, it has been historically used as a cancer therapy and described by the German Commission E – the scientific regulatory board for herbal medicines, as a palliative therapy. Iscador is the most popular mistletoe extract in the marketplace and is the most commonly used oncological drug in Germany. It is prepared from European mistletoe which is harvested in the summer and winter.

Helixor Helixor is another mistletoe extract obtained from fir, pine and apple trees. To date, mistletoe's effects on various malignant diseases have been researched in over 100 clinical trials – and 26 of these trials used Helixor products.


IPTLD Insulin Potentiation Targeted Low Dose therapy (IPTLD) is a procedure for targeting chemotherapeutic drugs directly to cancer cells. It is an innovative cancer treatment regime that allows for the use of chemotherapy drugs selected according to accepted oncological practice. These drugs are delivered at much lower doses than what is accepted as the standard dose. The effectiveness of the lower dose is based upon physiologic evidence and clinical experience to be enhanced by using insulin to transport the chemotherapy drugs across the cell membrane into cancer cells. The insulin (which may be considered an off-label use) acts to target the chemotherapy drugs to the cancer cells only.

Frankincense Frankincense, also known as olibanum, has been used for thousands of years and is a popular type of essential oil used to help fight inflammation, reduce stress, and increase immune function. Also known as boswellia, frankincense claims as part of its vast nutrient profile a unique compound known as acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid, or AKBA for short. Scientific tests have determined that AKBA is a sworn enemy of cancer. Related research into AKBA has shown that this unique substance is also effective against other forms of cancer as well, including breast, colon, and prostate cancers. And the evidence suggests that frankincense isn’t just a supplemental treatment to go along with chemotherapy and radiation; in some cases, it may actually be preferential as a replacement.  

Artesunate Artesunate is a medication used to treat malaria. The intravenous form is preferred to quinidine for severe malaria. Artesunate demonstrated potent apoptosis-inducing effects across a broad range of B-cell lymphoma cell lines in vitro, and a prominent anti-lymphoma activity in vivo, suggesting it to be a relevant drug for treatment of B-cell lymphoma.  


Bentonite clay is a composite of volcano ash and is formed when volcanoes spew molten earth from the planet’s core. In fact, it is this “birthing process” out of extreme heat that creates the highly-charged particles and unique high-pH value that allows these clays to bind to toxins. Being highly charged with negative ions, it will naturally bond with substances that have a high positive charge, such as viruses and bacteria. In the case of viruses such as E-Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, MRSA, and others, clay molecules literally surround the viruses, suffocating them and preventing them from reproducing or getting fuel. Thus, the viruses die off and are carried out of the body through the body’s detoxification pathways. Another way that clay can be beneficial is as a powerful heavy metal detoxifier. Clay has the ability to bond with heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, and lead. These metals are found in everyday household products, in the air, and even in some processed foods such as high fructose corn syrup. In the same way that bentonite clay can expel bacterial pathogens from the body, it does the same for toxins such as these. In the process it also lowers inflammation and increases immunity. Bentonite also contains vital healing minerals within it, such as magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium. 

BEMER machine

The BEMER machine uses electromagnetic signals to support organs, muscles, and immune function. The primary goal is to use these signals to maintain optimal oxygen levels. According to Dr. Thomas Lodi, BEMER therapy opens up microcirculation in the arterioles, capillaries, and venules. Microcirculation makes up about 70% of our body’s circulation. By improving circulation and increasing oxygenation, the BEMER machine help create an environment in our bodies that is inhospitable to malignant cells, including cancer. A 2015 study found that BEMER therapy reduced

pain and fatigue in patients with chronic lower back pain, while long-term therapy was beneficial in patients with osteoarthritis of knee.

Colon hydrotherapy

The average colon is nearly 5 feet long, and most people don’t have enough bowel movements each day to purge the entirety of it. Residual waste ferments and putrefies, making its way to the liver, where waste is meant to go. We’re constantly toxifying the liver, which can lead to a myriad of health issues. Standard enemas clean a small portion of the colon but are ineffective for deep cleansing. Colon hydrotherapy is the gentle rinsing of the colon with warm water, to remove encrusted fecal matter, gas and mucus. A good colonic can help to kickstart the lymphatic system and encourage circulation, which is key to healing and disease prevention. 

Dr. Lodi uses IPTLD, Artesunate, BEMER machine, ELT, and colon hydrotherapy at LifeCo Clinic in Phuket, Thailand

ELT Having a fully functioning lymphatic system is critical for your overall health and ability to fight cancer. The lymphatic system has no pump of its own and must rely on the movement of the body’s musculoskeletal system to circulate. One therapy that can be effective for reengaging the lymphatic system is electro-lymphatic therapy, or ELT. ELT works by stimulating the lymphatic system with an energy field rich in negatively-charged ions. Utilizing noble gasses like argon and krypton, which have no reactivity, the process involves moving glass tubes over the skin and is a noninvasive procedure that is virtually painless. 

Iodine (wakame)

Iodine, a critical mineral in the prevention of cancer, has been used in one form or another for centuries. Iodine consumption is known for its connection to thyroid health. But it is less known that other tissues also require large amounts of iodine, namely the breasts, pancreas, stomach, brain, and thymus. Researchers have attributed the low rate of breast cancer in Japan to high dietary iodine (and selenium). Breast cancer cells need iodine to facilitate cell death and suppress tumor growth. In Thailand, Dr. Lodi encourages patients under his care to consume plenty of wakame, an edible seaweed commonly found in miso soup. It contains a substantial amount of bioavailable iodine and is crucial to cancer prevention and treatment.

Ayurveda Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine derived from the words Ayur and Vedic; Ayur means life and Vedic is a philosophy. Ayurveda teaches that everything is medicinal – the soil, the air, the sunlight – and has been around for thousands of years. medicinal system of conscious, natural, and holistic living that works to enhance both physical and psychological wellbeing. Rejecting a disease-based mindset, Ayurvedic principles emphasize that we are self-reliant, self-healing beings who can maintain – and regain – good health simply by consuming healing foods, living a balanced lifestyle, and working towards inner peace. Ayurveda states that while change is the essence of life, it is possible to adapt to these changes and thereby attain long-lasting health. In other words, our ability to balance in our adaptation to change rewards us with health, while lack of balance translates as ill-health or disease. Conscious living by aligning our inner nature, or microcosm, with outer Nature, or macrocosm, is the key.

Local Hyperthermia Cancerous cells cannot survive in certain conditions, including temperatures over 45 degrees Celsius (or around 113 degrees Fahrenheit). Hyperthermia can be used as both a primary treatment and an adjunct treatment, because it weakens cells and makes them less resistant to other treatment therapies. Local hyperthermia concentrates very high temperatures in targeted locations to weaken and destroy cancer cells.

Full Body Hyperthermia Full body hyperthermia uses less intense heat (around 38-39 Celsius or 101-102 Fahrenheit) to create what is essentially an artificial fever. This activates the immune system to combat disease. Full body hyperthermia also eliminates toxins through sweat.

Dr. Hossami uses hyperthermia, dendritic cell vaccines, and NK cell therapy at his clinic in Bangkok

Dendritic Cell Vaccines

Dendritic cells are antigen presenting cells, which means they can identify antigens and relay the information to T-cells and NK cells so that they can be more effective in their attack on the cancerous cells. Dendritic cell vaccines, or DC vaccines, are a form of immunotherapy that expose dendritic cells to the appropriate antigen to induce immunity, and then reintroduce the cells to the patient, where they become significantly more effective at finding and exposing malignant cells within the body. Studies show that these vaccines can help the body reject tumors and create antitumor immunity. 

Garlic Practically every form of traditional cooking from every region of the world claims garlic as one of its essential ingredients. Just like onions, shallots, leeks, and other vegetables from the Allium family of lily plants, garlic functions as a type of universal folk spice, so to speak. It enhances almost any type of savory food with its exceptional flavor and delectable aroma. Among the most biologically-active components of garlic, allicin is the component that was first reported on back in 1944 as having broad-spectrum antibacterial properties, and it’s probably the most widely-studied. The sum of scientific research thus far has established that allicin is beneficial for all sorts of things, including lowering lipid levels and preventing blood coagulation. Elevated intake of allicin may help to prevent many types of cancer from forming, and can help in alleviating cancers that already exist. At least three randomized clinical trials support a statistically-significant reduction in the combined risk of all cancers associated with the use of allicin, and other studies show similar benefits.  

NK Cell Therapy Natural killer, or NK cells, are a critically important component of our “innate immune system,” so maintaining a good NK cell level is important for everyone. And especially if you are on a cancer-healing or prevention path of any kind, a healthy amount of properly functioning NK cells in your system is absolutely vital. One approach to successful cancer immunotherapy is to increase trafficking of NK cells to tumor tissues. A form of immunotherapy, NK cell therapies utilize chimeric antigen receptors, or CARs, to help NK cells target and destroy cancer cells. In studies on the effects of CAR NK cells on glioblastoma (a dangerous brain cancer that claimed the life of Senator John McCain in 2018), they exhibited substantial tumor suppression and significantly prolonged survival in mice. The exploration of immunotherapy, in which we utilize the body’s natural immune system to combat disease, is a promising and long-overdue shift from the standard western methods of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Apegenin Apigenin is a common dietary flavonoid with antitumor activity. Apigenin is present in large amounts in fruits and vegetables. Apigenin has been shown to induce apoptosis and cell death in lung epithelium cancer (A549) cells.



Nanotech homeopathy Nanotechnology refers to the manipulation of matter on a molecular level, while homeopathy is the doctrine of “like cures like”, a idea that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people. Nanotech homeopathy utilizes micro doses of treatment that may be toxic to a healthy person in order to treat and cure disease. Homeopathic remedies prescribed in low doses spaced intermittently over time act as biological signals that stimulate the organism’s natural defense mechanisms. The success of a patient’s response to nanoparticle therapy is dependent on their ability to respond to treatment as a “novel stressor.” If successful, patients would develop superior and systemic resilience to the underlying disease. 


Lycopodium clavatum, also known as stag’s-horn clubmoss, is a widely used homeopathic medicine for liver, urinary, and digestive disorders. Studies have shown that lycopodium clavatum can improve memory function and cerebral blood flow. It has also demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties and been shown to induce apoptosis in cancer cells. 

Dr. Rajendran provided us with quite a list of homeopathic remedies used to treat cancer

Mercurius Solubilis

The toxicity of mercury is well-documented, but in homeopathy, small, diluted doses can be extremely useful in the treatment of specific diseases. A 2011 study found that Mercurius solubis “modulates reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and cytokine secretion, which are central mediators of the immune system, wound healing and body homeostasis.” 

Arsenicum Album

Another homeopathic remedy, arsenicum album, has been shown in animal studies to be the only effective treatment for arsenic contamination. Arsenicum album is arsenic trioxide, but is generally diluted until there is little or no arsenic remaining. 

Calcarea Carbonica Calcarea carbonica is a form of Calcium which can be found in limestone and eggshells. It is best-known for its effective treatment of chronic fatigue. As with most homeopathic remedies, it is primarily effective in patients who are chronically tired. 

Thuja Occidentalis

Also known as the northern white cedar, thuja occidentalis has been shown in studies to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and to possess antiviral properties. It can be used to treat severe bacterial infections and even the common cold. 

Ruta Graveolens

Ruta graveolens, or rue, is an herb native to the Balkan peninsula. It is used medicinally to treat digestive issues, vascular disease, and respiratory ailments. It has also been used for fever, hepatitis, and even mouth cancer. Many of it’s uses stem from its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. 


Hydrastis, also known as goldenseal or orangeroot, supports a healthy gut, enhanced immune function, and is an antibacterial. Research has also discovered immunomodulatory effects from hydrastis, meaning the herb could potentially enhance immunity to specific antigens.

Kali Iodatum

Another homeopathic remedy, kali iodatum is often used to treat symptoms of the common cold. Scientists have found that it is also an effective treatment for candida, which is a fungal infection resulting from yeast overgrowth.;year=2015;volume=9;issue=2;spage=79;epage=85;aulast=Gupta 


Known more commonly as ashwagandha or Indian ginseng, withania somnifera has long held a prominent place in Ayurvedic medicine. Its use dates at least as far back as 4,000 B.C. The traditional Indian approach to healing involved using ashwagandha as a “Rasayana.” In Sanskrit this literally means “that which negates old age and disease.” The life essence, so to speak, of Ayurveda, and one of functional medicine’s most precious herbs. Ashwagandha has demonstrated powerful benefits in the treatment of lung and prostate cancer. 


Bacopa monnieri, also called waterhyssop, is an Ayurvedic herb native to the Indian wetlands. It is most commonly used to promote memory and cognitive ability. One study, published in The Journal of Ethnopharmacology, showed that bacopa monnieri possesses neuroprotectant abilities that can be used as an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. 

Coconut Cleanse A coconut cleanse is a great way to execute a full body detox and is conducive to a ketogenic diet. Coconut is especially useful for detoxifying the kidneys due to its diuretic properties. Coconut oil contains zero trans-fats and about 2/3 of the saturated fat in coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). By contrast, most common vegetable or seed oils are comprised of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), which put strain on the pancreas and the liver, are chiefly stored in the body as fat, and harden the arteries with cholesterol. The MCFAs in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties, are beneficial to the immune system, and are easily digested for quick energy. 


Melatonin is often called the body’s “pacemaker.” It is a hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland, a tiny but very important gland tucked deep in a groove between the two halves of the brain. The pineal gland produces melatonin and is an important part of the endocrine system as a whole. Together both the pineal gland and melatonin help to modulate the body’s internal clock, allowing the body to know what time of day it is and what time of year as well. Both the pineal gland and melatonin help to regulate the circadian rhythms and the all-important “sleep cycle.” Melatonin has an influence on almost every cell in the body and is seen in cell membranes, the mitochondria, and other areas of the cell as well. Melatonin in the body has also shown to have an effect on cancer. It is actually classified as a cytotoxic hormone, a substance that can have a toxic effect on pathogenic (disease-producing) cells. Melatonin is also known as a tumor suppressor for many kinds of cancer, including breast cancer. 


Most if the Indian doctors we interviewed use Mistletoe, in one form or another. Mistletoe (also known as Viscum album) is one of the most widely used unconventional cancer treatments in Europe and has been used as early as the 1930’s. Results of a national survey conducted in Germany in 1995 by the Society for Biologic Cancer Defense found that mistletoe preparations were the most frequently prescribed biologic drug (80%), and another survey found that the most frequently used unconventional therapy was mistletoe (43.2%). Mistletoe extract has been in the news in North America since actress Suzanne Somers announced that she used it as an adjunctive therapy to fight breast cancer. A major groundbreaking study was published in the May 2001 issue of the peer-reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. The study showed that individuals who took mistletoe extract in addition to their standard medical treatment for cancer lived 40% longer.

GNM Germanic New Medicine, or GNM, was first introduced by Ryke Geerd Hamer as a way to treat cancer. The primary theory behind GNM is that our emotional state plays a role in most ailments and diseases, including cancer. GNM practitioners believe that all diseases are the result of an unexpected trauma, and that the trauma must be quickly so that healing can begin. 


A homeopathic medicine used to treat bone cancer, Angostura bitters are often used in cocktails, but have powerful anti-cancer properties as well. Gentian root, a primary ingredient in Angostura, was shown in studies to trigger cell death and inhibit tumor growth. Interestingly, the cell death did not appear to use typical apoptotic pathways, implying that Angostura may have anti-cancer properties which we don’t yet fully understand.

Dr. Marolia’s “3S” Concept In order to share the 3S concept with you, I’d like to share a transcript from an interview with Dr. Zubin P. Marolia, who created it:

“I’d like to share a concept which I have believed in, which I have formed after about 28 years of medical practice. I call it the 3S concept. It holds true not only for cancer, but also for any other chronic disease. The first S stands for Suppression. In cancer, you will always find there is a level of suppression in a patient’s life, whether a lack of love in childhood, a failed relationship in adolescence, or a failure in adulthood. Many times, with a chronic ailment, especially cancer, you’ll find suppression. The second S is lack of Spontaneity. When people aren’t spontaneous, they are hindered by fear of what other people will say or what society will feel, and they lose their spontaneity life. And the third S, to be a free Spirit, is so important. To feel what you want to do and to go ahead and do it, that’s very, very important. So, you have Suppression, you have lack of Spontaneity, and you have being a free Spirit. So, often, when a patient undergoes a life journey and we identify the suppression level, we identify the lack of spontaneity, and we look at the free spirit. We always tell a patient to do a simple activity, and I do it when I’m joyous, when I travel the world, to inculcate the free spirit, it’s like standing with your arms wide apart to be a free spirit. So, I have always used these 3 S’s in interviewing patients with chronic ailments, mainly in cancer. Until you shake hands with the patient, until you pat his shoulder, until you ruffle his hair, you are not a true physician. There is always hope, even if there is half percent hope, you have to give it to the patient in mind, body, and spirit.”


Dr. Marolia being a FREE SPIRIT! ;-) 
