Page 1: Electoral process explained in True patriotism Zabuthiri ... · Established 1914 Volume XVIII, Number 175 5th Waxing of Thadingyut 1372 ME Wednesday, 13 October, 2010

Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 175 5th Waxing of Thadingyut 1372 ME Wednesday, 13 October, 2010

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop-ment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of

technical know-how and investments from sources inside thecountry and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in thehands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entirenation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of cultural her-itage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-

ards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Constitu-

tion* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

True patriotism* It is very important for everyone of

the nation regardless of the place helives to have strong Union Spirit.

* Only Union Spirit is the true patriot-ism all the nationalities will have tosafeguard.

NAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct—Chairman ofZabuthiri Township Election subcommission in NayPyi Taw District U Thein Tun and members metpolling station officers, deputy polling stationofficers and 380 members from Pyinnyatheiddhi,

Electoral process explained inZabuthiri Township

Wunnatheiddhi, Thukhatheiddhi, Nyanatheiddhi andBalatheiddhi wards of the township at the respectivegathering points on 10 October. They made clarifi-cation on electoral process there.


Taninthayi Region achieving development in leaps and boundsArticle & Photos: Tekkatho Ko Latt

Taninthayi Region located in southerncoastal area of Myanmar has 16736 square miles ofarea.

The 522 miles long coastal region is stretch-ing from the area that shares border with MahlweHill in Mon State and Dawei District to BayintnaungCape in Kawthoung. The Region is home to over1.6 million population of various national races.

Before 1988, Taninthayi Region wasformed with Myeik and Dawei Districts. At present,the region has three districts by adding KawthoungDistrict as a new one. Although the Region had 10townships in the past, there are 16 townships atpresent.

The Region has reclaimed about 900,000acres of farmlands and irrigated over 20,000 acresof farmlands by implementing 10 river waterpumping projects, damming 322 creeks and dredg-ing drains. In the past, Kawthoung had faced short-age of water. Now, the local people are enjoyingsufficient water thanks to Yinwah Dam. Likewise,

Thayetchaung Township and villages have under-taken generating hydropower on a manageablescale. Kyunsu Township has operated generatingof Kattu hydropower project and a total of 10island villages were installed with hydropowergenerators in 2009.

As Taninthayi Region is blessed with fa-vourable weather, fertile soil and sufficient water,the government encouraged it to grow oil palm witha motto “Taninthayi Region must be oil pot ofMyanmar” for satisfying edible oil demand ofincreasing population. Over 277,120 acres of landhave so far been put under oil palm in the regionagainst the target of 500,000 acres. Crude palm oilmills have been established in many areas. Thecrude oil is transported to Yangon to prepare it at oilrefinery. The plan is under way to extend over700,000 acres of oil palm plantations. As such, palmoil imported in the past can be produced at home.

(See page 8)

Beautiful scene of Kawthoung Port .

Smooth and straight Bokpyin-Kawthoung Union Highway lies between oil palm plantations.

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 13 October, 2010

Wednesday, 13 October, 2010

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Myanmar, Thailand toboost bilateral trade

Being immediate neighbouring countries,Myanmar and Thailand share the sameborderline and have similar cultures, customsand traditions.

So, bilateral relations and friendship,mutual understanding and cooperation invarious sectors are improving. Owing toreciprocal visits of State leaders, the twocountries deepen cooperation in regional affairsand friendly ties.

The goodwill delegation led by PrimeMinister of the Kingdom of Thailand MrAbhisit Vejjajiva was on a visit to Myanmarthe other day at the invitation of Prime MinisterU Thein Sein.

Head of State Senior General Than Shwereceived the Thai delegation at ZeyathiriBeikman in Nay Pyi Taw. The meeting focusedon exchange of views on boosting bilateralfriendship and cooperation.

The Thai prime minister also called onPrime Minister U Thein Sein at ZeyathiriBeikman in Nay Pyi Taw. They cordiallydiscussed matters on maintenance ofstrengthening bilateral friendly relations, therule of law in the border areas, and furthercooperation for stability, peace anddevelopment along with economic andtechnological cooperation, increasing trade andinvestment, and tourism industry promotion.

Trade and investment between Myanmarand Thailand are on the increase, thus yieldingfruitful results. It is, therefore, believed thatthe goodwill visit led by Thai Prime MinisterMr Abhisit Vejjajiva will improve not onlybilateral friendly ties but also cooperation formutual interests.

YANGON, 12 Oct—The book “Diabetes” byProfessor U Nay Win(Medicine) came out inYangon today.

Book “Diabetes” incirculation

The book is dividedinto nine sections —causes; associatedproblems and diseases;treatment; diabetes anddiet; diabetes andexercise; diabetes test;subsequent problems;and emergency; andgeneral facts aboutdiabetes.

The book isdistributed by Aryon ThitBook Centre at 365-367,Bogyoke Aung SanStreet, PabedanTownship, Yangon (Ph:01-241263, 250199).


NAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct — Minister for TransportU Thein Swe went to Thandwe Airport in RakhineState yesterday and inspected the airport’s servicesand extended construction there.

The minister called for cleanliness, securityand good services of the airport.

Director of the Department for Civil Aviation

Transport Minister inspects Thandwe Airport

U Kyaw Soe reported to the minister on progress ofwork on upgrading and extending of the runway andinstallation of communication equipment at theairport.

During the visit, the minister inspected theterminal, runway, departure lounge and air trafficcontrol tower. — MNA

Minister for Transport U Thein Swe inspects runway of Thandwe Airport.—MNA

Fire engine on donation in Maubin TspYANGON, 12 Oct— Ayeyawady Bank Family

held a ceremony to donate fire engine to MaubinTownship in Maubin District, Ayeyawady Region on10 October.

On the occasion, Chairman of Maubin DistrictPeace and Development Council U Aye Thaungextended greetings and Deputy Director U Kyi Win ofFire Services Department (Lower Myanmar) presentedfire-service tasks.

Director U Wai Lin Tun of Ayeyawady BankFamily and Member Daw Aye Theingi Than handedover documents related to the donation through theDeputy Director.—MNA

YANGON, 12 Oct—Myanmar DistributionGroup Co Ltd-Calsome Quaker organized FamilyChallenge competition at City Center here on 1October.

Dream Boat group managed the games.

Calsome cereal gamecompetition held

Assistant Marketing Manager U Sai Lin Tun awardedthe four winning families. The winners can take partin Calsome Family Telematch competition to be heldon 11 January 2011.

The remaining games will be held at Ocean(East Point), Sein Gay Har (Parami), Sein Gay Har(Pyay Road), Junction Centre Maw Tin and OrangeSupermarket (N-Okkalapa).


Funfair of Calsome cereal in progress.—MNA

YANGON, 12 Oct—The seventh conference ofRehabilitation Unit of Myanmar Medical Association(Central) will be held at auditorium (A) of MMAfrom 9 am to 4 pm on 15 and 16 October.Physiotherapists, doctors, medical students, nurses,artificial limb and brace experts, those interested mayattend the conference. Those wishing to attend the

Conference of MMA’s Rehabilitation Unit on15-16 Oct

conference may register at prosthesis Physiotherapyunit (outpatient department) of Yangon GeneralHospital from noon till 4 pm on 13 and 14 Octoberand at the auditorium (A) of MMA on TheinbyuRoad, Mingala Taungnyunt Township, Yangonduring 8 am to 8:30 am on 15 October.


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A wounded doctor iswheeled on a stretcher

after a bomb attackoccurred in Kirkuk,250 km (155 miles)

north of Baghdad on11 October, 2010.

The doctor waswounded when a

roadside bomb wentoff near an

ambulance insouthern Kirkuk,

police and hospitalsources said.


An Afghan man with mental health problems ischained in a mud room at the Mia Ali Babashrine, in line with a traditional belief that

spending 40 days chained in isolation at theshrine can cure the illness, in Jalalabad 8

October, 2010. Afghanistan is struggling to fightthe mental health problems that afflict anestimated two thirds of its population afterdecades of violence, the country’s healthministry said on Sunday, World Mental

Health Day.—INTERNET

BAGHDAD, 12 Oct—A total of six peoplewere killed and 18 wounded in separatebomb and gunfire attacks in central Iraq onMonday, local police said.

A roadside bomb struck a convoy ofMajor General Abdul Munim Saeed, head ofthe department of forensic of the InteriorMinistry, in Baghdad’s easternneighbourhood of Zayouna, a police sourcetold Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

Saeed and two passersby were injuredand his driver was killed, the source said.

Also in eastern Baghdad, four civilianswere wounded by a roadside bombing nearthe Al-Shaab Football Stadium, the sourceadded.

In a separate incident, a policeman was

ISLAMABAD, 12 Oct—NATO helicopters violated Pakistan’s airspace Tuesdaymorning near Chaman border area in the southwest Balochistan Province,local media reported citing official sources.

According to details, two NATO helicopters flew 200 metres insidePakistani territory and returned after creating panic and fear among the borderarea residents, official sources added.

The NATO helicopters continued flights inside Pakistani territory for 20minutes and had entered through “Bab-e-Dosti” or the Friendship Gate areaon Pakistan-Afghanistan border, local media reported.

This is the second violation of Pakistani airspace by NATO gunshipchoppers within a week, official sources said.


Six Iraqis killed in bomb attacks

A youth examines the wreckage of a bombing after an attack inIskandariyah, 30 miles (50 kilometres) south of Baghdad, Iraq, on 7 Oct,

2010. Back-to-back bombings at a vegetable market south of Baghdadon Thursday afternoon killed several people, including a policeman whowas searching for explosives, Iraqi security and medical officials said.


KABUL, 12 Oct—Twopeople were killed and 10others sustained injuriesas a chopper of NATO-led International SecurityAssistance Force (ISAF)crashed in eastAfghanistan on Tuesday,a press release of thealliance said.

“Ten people werewounded and two killedafter an explosion

Two killed, ten wounded as NATO chopper crashesin E Afghanistanonboard an InternationalSecurity Assistance Forcehelicopter that had justlanded in easternAfghanistan today,” thepress release added.

The helicopter was onthe ground when anexplosion of unknownorigin occurred, it furthersaid. However, it did notmention the exact placeof the incident and the

nationalities of thoseaboard.

Initial reports indicatethere were 26 peopleonboard the aircraft, thepress release said. Thelanding site has beensecured by Afghan andISAF soldiers and thecause of the explosion isunder investigation, thepress release emphasi-zed.—Xinhua

KABUL, 12 Oct—Ani n s u r g e n t - p l a c e dimprovised explosivedevice (IED) killed threecivilians and seriouslywounded a child insouthern Afghanistan’sZabul Province onMonday.

A press releaseissued by the NATO-ledInternational SecurityAssistance Force (ISAF)said the wounded childwas medically evacuatedby coalition forces afterthe attack, whichoccurred in the QalatDistrict. No one hasclaimed responsibilityso far. Zabul Provincehas been seeingincreasing Talebanviolence recently.


InsurgentIED kills

three civiliansin

S Afghanistan

Doctors examine a body at

a local hospital in southern

Pakistani port city of

Karachi on 11 October,

2010. At least three people

were killed Monday night

in a shootout in Karachi.


killed and another wounded when a roadsidebomb hit their vehicle while on patrol in thetown of al-Saqlawiyah, near Fallujah City,some 50 km west of Baghdad, a local policesource told Xinhua on condition ofanonymity. In addition, a roadside bombwent off near an Iraqi army patrol in AbuGhraib Area, west of Baghdad, woundingtwo soldiers and six civilians, including achild, the source said.

Earlier in the day, the police said that fourmen were shot dead and two criticallywounded when gunmen in military uniformsstormed two houses in the village of al-Haswa in the early hours of the day, near thetown of Yousifiyah, some 30 km south ofBaghdad.—Xinhua

Nato helicopters breach Pakistaniairspace again

QALAT, 12 Oct— Four civilians were killed and two others sustainedinjuries as a roadside bomb struck civilian car in Zabul Province southof Afghanistan, Mohammad Jan Rasoulyar, the spokesman for provincialadministration, said on Tuesday.

“A civilian car ran over a mine in Shahjoy District Monday eveningas a result four travelers were killed and two others injured, all innocentcivilians,” Rasoulyar told Xinhua.

He blamed Taleban militants for planting the mine, saying the insurgentsoften organize roadside bombings to harm both civilians and securitypersonnel. Taleban militants have yet to make comment.—Xinhua

Roadside bomb kills four Afghan civilians insouthern province

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ScienceWind could provide 20 pct of world power by 2030

BEIJING, 12 Oct—Wind power couldmeet about a fifth of the world’selectricity demand within 20 years, anindustry group and environmentalwatchdog Greenpeace predicted in anew report released Tuesday.

The global market for wind powergrew 41.7 percent on year in 2009,beating average annual growth of 28.6percent over the past 13 years, saidSteve Sawyer, secretary general of theGlobal Wind Energy Council, orGWEC.

China ranked second in the world

A windfarm is seen on the outskirts ofBeijing in August 2010.—INTERNET

in installed wind generating capacityin 2009 and was the largest buyer ofwind technology, Sawyer told reportersat the launch of GWEC andGreenpeace’s Global Wind EnergyOutlook 2010 report.

“We would expect China tocontinue to be the largest market andperhaps even be the (overall) largestmarket in the world by the end of thisyear,” he said.

The report’s “advanced scenario”— its most optimistic outlook —projects the world’s combined installedwind turbines would produce 2,600terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity by2020 — equal to 11.5 to 12.3 percent ofpower demand.

By 2030, wind energy wouldproduce 5,400 TWh — 18.8 to 21.8percent of the world’s power supply,the report said.—Internet

Brazil eyes microchips intrees for forest management

NOVA MUTUM, 12 Oct—A chainsaw buzzes,branches snap, and an Amazon tree crashes to theground. It could be just another of the thousands oftrees felled each year in Brazil’s portion of the world’slargest forest except for one detail: a microchip attachedto its base holding data about its location, size and whocut it down.

With a hand-held device, forestry engineer PauloBorges pulls up the tree’s vital statistics from the chip— a 14-meter-high (46-foot) tree known as a“mandiocao” cut down in Mato Grosso state, thesouthern edge of the Amazon where the forest haslargely been cleared to create farmland.

It is only a small pilot project, but its leaders saythe microchip system has the potential to be a big stepforward in the battle to protect the Amazon.

The chips allow land owners using sustainableforestry practices to distinguish their wood from thatacquired through illegal logging that each year destroysswathes of the forest.—Reuters

Illegally logged timber, which has been

confiscated, is floated down the Guam.


Ascent Solar passes keyreliability test, shares soar

BA N G A L O R E , 12 Oct—Ascent SolarTechnologies Inc, a developer of thin-filmphotovoltaic modules, said it passed a keyperformance and long-term reliability test thatwould give it larger market opportunities, pushingits shares to a 26-week high.

The US solar modules maker said it receivedfull IEC 61646 certification after passing a batteryof tests conducted by an independent laboratory.The IEC prepares standards for all electrical,electronic and related technologies.

Thornton, Colorado-based Ascent said thecertification “opens the door for an aggressivepush into building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV)and building applied photovoltaic applications foruse in commercial, industrial and residential rooftopmarkets.”

BIPVs, which companies like Ascent andEnergy Conversion Devices Inc make, can be builtinto the structure of a building.

Given their unobtrusive nature, BIPVs wereonce touted as the next big thing in solar power, buthave so far not taken off as expected.

The company’s shares, which have been topsyturvy this year, were up 41 percent at $4.79 Mondaymorning on Nasdaq.


India solar power plans over-subscribed

A worker looks through a solarconcentrator panel (solar parabolic

dish) at the Gadhia solar energy systemsmanufacturing unit at Gundlav village,

about 400 Ahmedabad, on 16December, 2009.—INTERNET

NEW DELHI, 12 Oct—India willbegin rolling out hundreds of megawattsof solar power by December next year,ahead of an initial target for an ambitiousplan that seeks to zoom production fromnear zero to 20 gigawatts by 2022.

Under its Solar Mission plan issuedlast year, India is to produce 1,300megawatt (MW) of power by 2013, anadditional supply of up to 10 gigawatt(GW) by 2017 and the rest by 2022 at anoverall investment of about $70 billion.

Once implemented, the plan wouldsee output equivalent to one-eighth ofIndia’s current installed power base,helping the world’s third-worst polluterlimit reliance on coal and easing a powerdeficit that has crimped economicgrowth.

Debashish Majumdar, chairmanand managing director of IndianRenewable Energy DevelopmentAgency, told the Reuters GlobalClimate and Alternative EnergySummit that a strong investor interestin India’s solar power indicated thegoals could be met.

“We are over-subscribed for thefirst phase of 1,300 MW, and byDecember 2011 generation will havebegun work for at least half of thistarget,” he said.


Online health services “need tighter rules”LONDON, 12 Oct—Online health

information and disease-risk tests canmislead, confuse and create needlessanxiety, and governments should domore ensure the people who use themknow what they are buying, UK expertssaid on Tuesday. A report by a Britishmedical ethics group said private DNAtests may be “medically ortherapeutically meaningless” and couldgive false results or information that is“unclear, unreliable or inaccurate.”

The Nuffield Council on Bioethicscalled on the government to set up anaccreditation scheme for providers ofonline health records, and for DNAtesting and body scanning services to be

better regulated to help protectconsumers.

“The internet is now often the firstport of call for people to find out moreabout their health. People need to knowwhere they can get accurate healthinformation, how to buy medicinesonline safely and how any personalinformation about their health postedonline might be used,” said ChristopherHood, one of the leading authors of thereport.

The report also looked at direct-to-consumer personal genetic tests that saythey can predict the risk of a persondeveloping certain diseases in thefuture.—Reuters

The sockeye salmons swim upstream in the AdamsRiver in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, on

7 Oct, 2010.—XINHUA

Australian youth shifting awayfrom Internet

CANBERRA, 12 Oct—Young Australians are pausingtheir busy online lives to take time out to read a book,go to a dinner party, catch a movie or visit an artgallery, according to a new survey released on Monday.

The study, Urban Market Research (UMR), showedthat the 4 million Australians aged between 16 and 30are trying to balance the demands on their lives byturning to more simple pleasures.

However, Youth specialist media andcommunications company Lifelounge Group, inconjunction with Sweeney Research, have found intheir study that social network, Facebook, remains thenumber one site among young people with almost halfof them (47 percent) spending at least five hours eachweek online.

According to Lifelounge chief executive DionAppel, today’s youth are starting to experience digitaloverload, and thus they are starting to experiencedigital overload.—Xinhua

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Health Tip: Is earwax a problem?Earwax protects the ear from dirt and other foreign

particles. It may not cause any medical issues anddoesn’t always have to be removed.

On the other hand, if your child is complaining ofa problem that relates to earwax, the NemoursFoundation offers these suggestions:

* If earwax causes discomfort, gently clean the earwith a washcloth.

* Earwax that is causing pain should be examinedand treated by a doctor.

* Never attempt to remove earwax at home withear candling. Consult a doctor before using anyover-the-counter product to remove earwax.

* Never insert an object such as a cotton swab intothe ear canal in an attempt to remove earwax.

* An ear infection may be treated with antibioticdrops.—Internet

A researcher manipulates drops of stem cells in alaboratory.—INTERNET

A night view of theHong Kong skyline. Too

much light at nightappears to lead to

weight gain, accordingto a report releasedMonday, based onstudies of mice that

provide fresh clues onobesity.


Geron tests stem cell treatment on patientNEW YORK, 12 Oct—

Geron Corp has beguntesting an embryonicstem-cell treatment on apatient with spinal cordinjuries, marking the firsttime such a medicaltherapy has been used ona human in a governmentapproved study.

The company said itenrolled the first patientin the early stage study,which will look at thesafety of the treatmentand how well the patientcan tolerate it . Thepatient was enrolled atShepherd Centre, a spinal

cord and brain injuryrehabilitation centre inAtlanta, one of sevenpotential sites in theUnited States. In order toparticipate, a patientmust have been injuredwithin the previous twoweeks.

“When we startedworking with humanembryonic stem cells in1999, many predictedthat it would be a numberof decades before a celltherapy would beapproved for humanclinical trials,” DrThomas B Okarma,

Geron’s president andchief executive officer,said in a statement.

While a milestone inthe technology, the drugcandidate is still a longway from being provenand reaching the market.


Students learning abroadincrease drinking

SEATTLE, 12 Oct—Students who go abroad whilein college are likely to increase or even double theiralcohol intake while they’re away, a new study hasfound.

Drinking increased most dramatically in Europe,Australia and New Zealand, the study by researchers atthe University of Washington found. Students reporteddrinking more when they perceived their fellowtravelers were drinking more heavily, and those whoplanned to make drinking part of their cultural

immersion did so.The study published in the current issue of

Psychology of Addictive Behaviors looked only atdrinking habits of students who went abroad from theUniversity of Washington, but UW graduate studentEric Pedersen said he would expect to get similarresults at other universities.

“I don’t think this is just a UW problem,” said thepsychology student, who noted, however, that hisstudy sample included more women than the nationalaverage for studying abroad and the students he lookedat were more diverse ethnically than the nationalaverage.


Oil falls below $82 as stock market rally wanesSINGAPORE, 12 Oct—Oil prices fell

below $82 a barrel Tuesday in Asia asa global stock market rally stalled aheadof several key corporate earningsresults.

Benchmark oil for Novemberdelivery was down 61 cents to $81.60 abarrel at midday Singapore time inelectronic trading on the New YorkMercantile Exchange. The contract lost45 cents to settle at $82.21 on Monday.

Oil broke out of a yearlong tradingrange in the $70s last month fueled bya jump in equities and a falling USdollar, but it’s struggling to hold above$80. The Dow Jones industrial averagewas little changed Monday, most Asiastock indexes dropped Tuesday whilethe euro was steady against the dollar.

“With equities staying flat, oil haslost its fizzle,” Sander Capital Advisorssaid. “The price of oil could easily fallback below $80 a barrel.”

Investors will be watching closelyfor clues about the strength of the USeconomy in results this week from IntelCorp, JPMorgan Chase & Co. andGeneral Electric Co as quarterlyearnings season heats up.

In other Nymex trading inNovember contracts, heating oil wassteady at $2.269 a gallon and gasolinefell 1.15 cents to $2.154 a gallon. Naturalgas dropped 2.6 cents to $3.575 per1,000 cubic feet.

In London, Brent crude slid 49 centsto $83.32 a barrel on the ICE Futuresexchange.—Internet

An oil rig extractscrude in California.

Oil prices fellslightly on Mondayafter the US dollar

rose and asattention switched to

the OPEC oilproducers’ cartelwhich holds its

latest outputmeeting this


China raises bank reserve ratio forsome banks

SHANGHAI, 12 Oct—China’s centralbank has ordered six lenders totemporarily increase the amount of moneythey must keep in reserve to rein in lendingand combat rising inflation, state mediasaid Tuesday.

The People’s Bank of China onMonday hiked the reserve requirementratio for the six lenders by 50 basis pointsto 17.5 percent for two months, the ChinaSecurities Journal said, citing unnamedsources.

The six banks include the four majorstate-owned lenders — Industrial andCommercial Bank of China, ChinaConstruction Bank, Agricultural Bank ofChina and Bank of China, the report said.The other two lenders are ChinaMerchants Bank and China MinshengBanking Corp, it said.

It is the fourth time this year thatChina has raised banks’ reserverequirement ratio and comes after newlending in September “significantlyexceeded regulators’ expectation”, anunnamed source was quoted as saying.

The move is also in response to risinginflation, the source said, which rose atthe fastest pace in nearly two years inAugust, as severe floods and unusually

File photo shows a woman walkingpast the People’s Bank of China inBeijing. China’s central bank hasordered six lenders to temporarilyincrease the amount of money they

must keep in reserve to rein in lendingand combat rising inflation, statemedia said Tuesday.—INTERNET

hot weather destroyed crops, driving upfood prices.

The four major lenders extended morethan 200 billion yuan (30 billion dollars)in new loans last month while the nation’stotal lending in September may havereached 500 billion yuan.

Beijing has set a full-year loan targetof 7.5 trillion yuan for 2010 after a record9.6 trillion yuan was lent last yearfollowing calls by the government to helpsupport the economy during the globaldownturn.—Internet

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 13 October, 2010

NAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct—U Muhammad Salim (Information In-charge) of National Development and Peace Party presented the party’s policy, stance and workprogrammes on radio and TV on 12 October.

The translation of his presentation is as follows:-

May you all be blessed with auspiciousness.Esteemed people and national brethren,

I am Information In-charge (Central) UMuhammad Salim of National Development andPeace Party.

I am pleased to have an opportunity to presentour party’s policy, stance and work programmesthrough radio and TV to the people and nationalbrethren who have been living through thick andthin in Myanmar.

Our party is based in Yangon Region, andButhidaung, Maungtaw in Maungtaw District,Rakhine State. Our party is formed with 18 centralexecutive committee members. Members are ofvarious national races.

Like other parties of national brethren, our partywill actively participate in the forthcoming electionsthat are going to be held on a grand scale across theUnion of Myanmar.Esteemed people and national brethren,

Our party is not power-craving and we do notexercise any narrow-minded policies. Our party’sobjective is to contribute towards the drive forsuccessful completion of free and fair generalelections, and to help transform our country into amodern, developed democratic nation with perpetualpeace, which is much needed for our people. So, Iwould say that our party’s participation is just to bepart of the holding of the general elections.Esteemed people,

With the aim of making contribution to the

building of a modern, developed democratic nation,we issued an announcement on our party’sorganizational set-up, policy and work programmeson 14 August 2010. Now, I will present importantpolicy, stance and work programmes of our party tothe people.National unity

Our party is convinced of the fact that stabilityand economic reform are essential fordemocratization.

Now, national goal of democracy is within thetouching distance. Therefore, various national racesincluding Bamar, Mon, Rakhine, Shan, Chin, Kayin,and Kayah need to remain united.Economy

Political affairs and economy are inseparable. Itis therefore required to improve the economicinfrastructure. Our country is still an agro-basedcountry. So, we have to transform conventionalfarming into mechanized one. The drive calls forestablishment of farmers’ banks, providing moreagricultural subsidies to farmers, freedom of growingand trade of agricultural produce, producingagriculturists and conducting research on agriculture.

Our country is rich in natural resources. We will tryfor domestic products to have foothold in internationalmarkets, rather than exporting goods in raw.

We will exercise open economic policy, invitinglocal and foreign investments. We will improvetourism industry and establish stock share markets.

Our country is between two economic giants, andoccupies strategic position on the ASEAN economicroute. So, we will offer incentives and boost mutualunderstanding with other countries in order that wecan gain benefits from their passing through ourcountry for trade with other countries.

If so, our country will achieve mechanized farmingand industrial development, low unemployment, highper capita income, and better living conditions for thepeople.Education

If we want to build a democratic nation, we will

have to improve theintellectual power of thepeople. So, we willimprove educationsystem, examinationsystems, carry out moreresearch and try to getadvanced technologies.Health

We will improvepersonal hygiene of the

people. We will guarantee free medical treatment. Inaddition, we will launch a system under which everystudent has to learn a sports game in order to improvethe national health. Only then can the youth do theirbit with high physical and intellectual power innation-building tasks.Social and religious affairs

We will have to stimulate the moral conduct ofthe people in order that four cardinal virtues namelyloving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy andequanimity flourish in the country. We will improveNGO services and try to combat bribery. We willguarantee freedom of worship.Human rights

We will guarantee freedom, equality and justicein line with the constitution. We will guaranteepublic health care, education, life security, balancebetween income and expense, and assistance for theaged. We will guarantee democracy and humanrights, and freedom of business and settlement inline with the law.Esteemed people and national brethren,

In conclusion, I would say it is needed to exercisethe three sovereign powers namely legislative,executive and judicial powers in compliance withthe desire of the people. We take a vow to build amodern, developed democratic nation in order thatour country will exist as a sovereign one as long asthe world exists.

I wish the people physical and mental well-being!


National Development and Peace Partypresents its policy, stance and work programmes

JAKARTA, 12 Oct—Chinese aerospacedelegation will visitIndonesia on Wednesdayto enhance cooperation onspace technology betweenthe two countries, aChinese official said hereon Tuesday. During thevisit on Oct. 13-17, therewould be severalsupporting events.

Liu Cheng, directorof press department ofChina’s Manned SpaceEngineering ProgramOffice, told reporters thatthe visit is aimed tocelebrate 60 years of

Chinese aerospace delegation to visitIndonesia

diplomatic ties andFriendship Year betweenthe two countries. “Thevisit is also veryimportant for experienceexchange in the field ofaerospace. This will havea big effect to enhanceour relationship,” saidLiu.

Toto Marnanto Kadri,head of Aerospace,Electronics andTechnology Center at theIndonesia’s NationalInstitute of Aeronauticsand Space (LAPAN), saidthat the visit couldencourage Indonesians,

especially youths wholove aerospacetechnology, to learn moreabout the technology.

“It also could increaseaerospace cooperationbetween the twocountries,” said Kadri.

Ratih DewantiDimyati, LAPAN directorof Cooperation and PublicRelation Bureau, said thatthis would be the first timefor the Chinese aerospacedelegation to visitIndonesia where theycould share theirexperience.


WMS journalist training programmeopens in Beijing

BEIJING, 11 Oct— Atraining program foryoung journalis ts ,organized by the WorldMedia Summit (WMS)secretariat members,opened in Beij ingMonday.

Eleven Asian andAfrican journalists withmedia organizat ionssuch as Kenya NewsAgency, CameroonNews and PublishingCorporation, and BeritaNational Malaysia willparticipate in the five-day training programme.

Senior professionals

from Xinhua NewsAgency, Reuters, AP,Itar-Tass, BBC, CNN,News Corporation, andAl Jazeera — membersof the WMS secretariat— will give lectures.

Zhou Zongmin,secretary-general of theWMS secre tar ia t ,briefed the audience onthe functions of thesecre tar ia t andXinhua’s progress on itsstrategic transformationto provide the worldwith mui l t imediaservices.

Itar-Tass’s Beijing

Bureau chief AndreyKirillov described theprogramme as necessaryand timely.

Many journalis tstold Xinhua it was theirfirst trip to China andfirst experience of suchtraining programme.

The program wouldprovide journalists fromdeveloping nations abetter understanding ofChina’s progress sinceits opening to the outsideworld in 1979, and aplatform for futureexchanges.


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NAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct — Vice-Chairman of Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organization U Kyaw Tun Khaing presented party’s policy stance and workprogrammes on radio and TV on 12 October.

The translation of his presentation is as follows:-

Esteemed national people,May all the auspiciousness fall on you and may

all of you enjoy healthy soul and body.I am Vice-Chairman U Kyaw Tun Khaing of

Mro or Khami National Solidarity Organizationwho will compete a seat in State Hluttaw of No (2)Constituency in Kyauktaw Township in RakhineState. Our organization has nominated ninecandidates for three Hluttaws – seven from RakhineState and two from Paletwa Township in ChinState. I would like to thank the Union ElectionCommission for allowing me to present our policy,stance and work programmes on State-run radioand televisions. I am proud of it.Esteemed national people,

I would like to introduce the historicalbackground of Mro (or) Khami national race asmany among the public will still have no idea aboutour national race.

According to words from elders, lyrics, talesand stories in our own language, Mro (or) Khamimoved to Tibet Plateau from West Majjhima Regioncrossing Himalayas mountain ranges. From Tibetto Assam and Manipur, then the Mro (or) Khamireached Kyaukpantaung and Nilarpantaung, calledas “Kimar” in its own language, about 10 miles eastof Paletwa in southern part of present Chin State.Some of them spread to regions upstream anddownstream of Kispanadi (Kaladan) River andalong Laymyo River and some of them reachedEast Pakistan (Bangladesh).Esteemed national people,

As the saying goes, “Youth learns from theelder”, Khami is said to be derivative of“Khawhmont”, of which the meaning is from thecave (or) from the dark place (or) under the sky. Itmeans the caveman.

The very early human beings lived in caves andthen in a compound within seven fences out of thecave with the permission of the elders because ofthe growing population, the outbreak of diseasesand the disputes among the cave dwellers. Thepractise of living in the place bounded by sevenfences is so called in Mro (or) Khami language as“Marusarika-aldek”. “Maru” became “Maro”, andthen “Mro”. It does mean the people who lived inthe place surrounded by fences. And then thenational race refers itself as Khami (human being)of which origin is “Khawhmont”.Esteemed national people,

After the first Anglo-Myanmar war in 1824AD, the colonialists ruled Rakhine and Taninthayiunder colonial administration. We, Mro (or) Khami,suffered the oppression of the colonialists together

with Rakhine people.Mro (or) Khami leaders U Sapin and U Salainder

started revolution against the colonialists fromMyauktaung village in Kyauktaw Township inRakhine State with improvised weapons. Becauseof military power imbalance, they had to retreatfrom Myauktaung village to Tinma, Meewa andPaletwa and then defended from Matupi and Mindat.

Nationalistic Mro (or) Khami bravelyparticipated in anti-colonialist national liberationstruggles. For example, Mro (or) Khami national’sbodyguard force of Chairman of All Rakhine StateAnti-Fascist People's Freedom League U PyinnyaThiha led by Captain Tun Aung Kyaw defeated MajTanaka’s Japanese troop under the guidance of Mro(or) Khami national leader U Ar Win of Kyaungtaikvillage and deputy leader U Aung Ban of Akeetawmavillage. Along the independence struggles, Mro (or)Khami nationals served at the front together withRakhine nationals.Esteemed national People,

After Myanmar had gained her independence,we were granted permission to form “Mro NationalSolidarity Party” while the country was practisingparliamentary democracy system. We aimed toensure the national race enjoy equal rights ineconomic, social, education and health sectors. Asthe personal or regional attachment was in vogueamong the people, there had an argument about theparty’s name whether “Mro” is appropriate orwhether “Khami” is.Esteemed national people,

Thanks to the regionalism, we got divided intotwo national races — “Mro” and “Khami”— whenthe State took census during the time ofRevolutionary Council in 1971-72. Two brothersbecame of different races although they were bornof the same mother. Our party members at central,township and village executive committees areholding National Registration Cards described aseither “Mro” or “Khami” national. However, bothhave common language, traditions and culture.

When the State allowed parties to register aspolitical parties in 1988, our race leaders fromPaletwa, Kyauktaw, MraukU, Ponnagyun,Buthidaung and Pauktaw townships made severaldiscussions in unison for establishment of a partyrepresenting Mro and Khami. The discussions led toestablishment of Mro (or) Khami National SolidarityOrganization at Yenyinchaung Village in PauktawTownship on 14 November, 1988 as agreed by thewhole Mro (or) Khami race. At that time, thepopulation of Mro was over 30,000 and Khami wasover 20,000. Leaders of our race set up the partyhoping that they would have a chance to gain seatsin Hluttaws depending on population of Mro orKhami race in constitution of democracy policy inthe future.Esteemed national people,

Let me present objectives of our Mro (or) KhamiNational Solidarity Organization.

(1) To join hands with other national races forperpetual existence of the Union of Myanmar

(2) To cooperate with all national races forflourishing of genuine democracy

(3) To activelytake part instability andd e v e l o p m e n tundertakings ofthe nation.

(4) To safeguard andcultivate ourt r a d i t i o n s ,culture and unity

(5) To make othernational brethren understand our traditionsand build closer relationships with them

I would like to present work programmes of ourparty. We will-

(1) do our bit for emergence of genuinedemocracy that can promise equality ofnational races

(2) enable national races to shape their fate(3) build national consolidation through Union

Spirit(4) systematically set up businesses and

enterprises across the Union of Myanmaraccording to geographical features of theregions

(5) occasionally cooperate with other politicalparties that have common views and workprogrammes

Esteemed national people,Economic development and enhancement of

health, social and education sectors of nationalbrethren of our region, state and the country is a toppriority for us. We will make sure every citizen hasequal rights and rights bestowed by the law. Wewill work for development of towns and villages inrespective regions as well as flourishing of literatureand culture of national brethren. We will strive foremergence of outstanding youth with high morals,enable orphans pursue education and create jobsfor youths.

We will eliminate exploitation, profiteering,corruption, bribery, narrow-minded racism, racialdiscrimination and writing ill of other nationalraces.Esteemed national people,

We will strive for all-round development of ourregion, state and country. Development of aparticular region means development of a part ofthe Union. The next one I would like to mention isUnion Spirit. It is vitally important for every one inthe Union to have strong Union Spirit regardless ofthe place they reside.

Having equipped themselves with strong UnionSpirit and nationalistic fervor, candidates from ourparty who will stand for Hluttaws have vowed to dotheir utmost for development of their region, stateas well as the entire nation.Esteemed national people,

The symbol of our party is king crow. Inconclusion, I would like to request voters to makeright decision and cast their ballots for our party,holding a view that their ballots are for the benefitsof their region, state and the nation.

Thank you everybody!*******

Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organizationpresents its policy, stance and work programmes

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 13 October, 2010

(from page 1)The Region grew 435556 acres of monsoon,

10472 acres of summer paddy, 202743 acres ofrubber, 35124 acres of pepper and other crops.

As disease prevention and treatment for ani-mals is being undertaken, Taninthayi Region hasincreased breeding of animals four times benefitingthe meat sector. The coastal region has gaineddevelopment momentum of marine fishery industry.At present, the region is engaged in breeding of fishand prawn. The region is undertaking 269 fish pondsand 821 ponds of prawn. Taninthayi Region earnsover 700 million US dollars through exporting fishand prawn yearly.

To ensure smooth transport of commodities,roads and bridges have been constructed as networksin Taninthayi Region linking with other States andRegions. Taninthayi Region has 522 miles and fourfurlongs long road including 464 miles long Yangon-Dawei-Myeik-Taninthayi-Bokpyin-KawthoungUnion road. So far, the region had constructed over757 miles long roads including asphalt and otherextended roads in March 2010.

The Region has been facilitated with 14large bridges of above 180 feet long, 16 bridges ofless than 180 feet long, nine wharves, four airports inaddition to Dawei Airport, the runway of which isbeing extended up to 12000 feet and four highwaybus terminals.

Especially, Kyweku-Kyaukphya Bridge is

Taninthayi Region achiev-ing development…

Photo shows Myeik University that turns out qualified human resources.

3612 feet long leading to the mouth of Myeik sea. The102.38 miles long Ye-Dawei railroad has been inaugu-rated. Construction of the 150 miles long Dawei-Myeik railroad started in 2009. As such, the railroadsof Nay Pyi Taw-Yangon-Mawlamyine and the Ye-Dawei-Myeik will be direct routes in the near future. Inaddition, Dawei Deepseaport will be main course forlinking the western and the eastern parts of the world.

In the communication sector, the Region has36 facsimiles, six computerized telegraph offices, 50post offices, 20140 telephone lines, 20931 direct lines,14150 CDMA mobile phones, 5000 GSMs and 19internal microwave stations, facilities of Internet, e-mail and ADSL lines. GSM mobile phone stationshave been opened in Myeik, Dawei and Kawthoung in2009.

The Region produced 694 tons of tin, 170 tonsof tin mixed tungsten, 76293 tons of coal and 241,800

mommie of pearl. In addition, the Region is strivingfor producing over 200,000 pieces of pearl yearly.

Sub-printing House (Myeik) was opened on23-3-2008 to deliver newspapers to the region. In2009, a total of 17 TV re-transmission stations, 17Information and Public Relations Departments andlibraries were opened in the Region. Moreover, twoarts and science universities, two technological uni-versities, two universities of computer studies, col-leges and institutes and 200-bed general hospitalshave emerged one after another in the region.

Despite encountering slow development be-fore 1988, Taninthayi Region has now achieved re-markable progress similar to that of other States andRegions.

*****Translation: TTA

Myanma Alin: 11-10-2010

NAY PYI TAW, 12Oct—Chairman ofSagaing Region Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of North-West Command Brig-GenSoe Lwin on 1 Octoberheard report on tea grow-ing in Falam District sub-mitted by the district agri-culture manager at teaplantations of all depart-ments in Falam Township,and inspected thrivingplantations.

He then met of-

Commander inspects tea plantations inFalam and Haka Tsps

ficers and other ranks andtheir families and pre-sented foodstuff, medicineand stationery to them atlocal battalion in Falam.He also viewed thrivingtea plantations of the bat-talion.

The commanderwent to green tea planta-tions of all departments inHaka Township andviewed plucking of tealeaves.

At HakaTownship local battalion,

he met officers and otherranks and their familiesand gave away foodstuff,medicine and stationery tothem.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct—Minister for ForeignAffairs of the Union of Myanmar U Nyan Winreceived Mr Kazuya Shinba, member of the Houseof Councilors of Democratic Party of Japan, at theministry here today. At the call, both sides discussedpromotion of bilateral relations between Myanmarand Japan.

Also present at the call were Director-Gen-eral U Kyaw Tin of Political Department, officials ofthe Ministry. The visiting member of the House ofCouncilors of Japan was accompanied by ColonelYuji Saito, Defence Attache and officials of JapaneseEmbassy.—MNA

Foreign Affairs Ministerreceives Japanese guests

Commander Brig-Gen Soe Lwin inspects tea plantations of all departments in Haka Township.—MNA

Minister for ForeignAffairs U Nyan Winreceives Mr KazuyaShinba, member of

the House ofCouncilors of

Democratic Party ofJapan and party.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 13 October, 2010 9

YANGON, 12Oct— Vice-President UZaw Min Win andGeneral Secretary DrMaung Maung Lay ofUnion of Myanmar Fed-eration of Chambers ofCommerce and Industry

received four-memberdelegation led by GeneralManager Mr HiroshiSuguta of InternationalOperation Division ofEitochu Cooperation inJapan and Chairman ofJapan Chamber of Com-

merce, Yangin (JCCY)Mr Toru Hiroe at theheadquarters of federationon 5 October.

They discussedpromotion of tradebetween Japan andMyanmar. —MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 12Oct — Chairman of Man-dalay Region Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of CentralCommand Brig-Gen YeAung went to someflooded wards in Manda-lay and assisted in provid-ing relief aids to the floodvictims.

From 8 to 12 Oc-tober, the commanderwent to the low-lying areas

Commander inspects flood-hit areas asflood recedes in Mandalay

Hospitality ManagementCourse in Nov

YANGON, 12Oct—Star ResourcesHospitality ManagementAcademy will conductInternational HospitalityManagement Course inNovember.

This course isintended for those whowant to serve atmanagement level in

which were submergeddue to torrential rain andalso met with the floodvictims at temporary shel-ters.

The commandergave relief aids to the resi-dents from the low-lyingareas of Patheingyi andChanmyathazi townships.

He inspected thelow-lying areas while theflood was receding todayand went to Pyigyitagun

Township ElectionCommission Office wheremembers of the Tatmadawand police force presentedrelief aids donated bywellwishers to theresidents from the floodedareas. During the inspec-tion tour of flood areas to-day, the commander alsocomforted the residentsstaying at the homes as theflood water had re-ceded.—MNA

Six wounded in train collision in Bago TownshipNAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct—A

Yangon-Shwenyaung up cargo trainawaiting for a shunt was collided fromthe back by Yangon-Mandalay up mail-train at Htongyi Station in BagoTownship at about 5.40 am yesterday,leaving six passengers injured.

Of the six victims, one is now in

Yangon General Hospital and two, inBago General Hospital for treatment.Officials also provided assistance for theremaining three victims with slightinjures.

The train schedules resumed thisafternoon.


NAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct— U AungKhant, Head of Nay Pyi Taw Develop-ment Committee of Tatkon, together withU Kyaw Kyaw, Head of Township FireServices Department and officials

Fire preventive measures inspected at Tatkon Myoma Market

concerned, inspected fire preventivemeasures at Tatkon Myoma Market inTatkon in Nay Pyi Taw District this evening.They inspected the shops to make sure theyuse fire systematically. —MNA

Vice-President U Zaw Min Win of UMFCCI receives InternationalOperation Division General Manager Mr Hiroshi Suguta of Eitochu

Cooperation and party.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 12Oct— Minister for Com-munications, Posts andTelegraphs U Thein Zaw

CPT Minister visits staffquarters

NAY PYI TAW, 12Oct—The English profi-ciency course No. 2 of theMinistry of Social Wel-fare, Relief and Resettle-ment concluded at the

English proficiency courseconcludes at SWRR Ministry

ministry, here, 8 October.Minister for

SWRR U Maung MaungSwe presented completioncertificates to the trainees.

He presented

prize to an outstandingtrainee.

Altogether 38trainees attended the 12-week course.


UMFCCI Vice-President receivesJapanese guests

Minister U Thein Zaw views trees grown by staff families at staffquarters of the ministry.—MNA

Minister U MaungMaung Swe speaks atconcluding of English

Proficiency CourseNo. 2 for staff of the


together with officialsconcerned inspectedthriving plantations ofvegetables, flowery

plants and perennial treesin the compound of staffquarters under the minis-try and measures takenfor keeping the environsclean and beautifying atThukhatheiddhi Ward,Zabuthiri Township ofNay Pyi Taw District heretoday. He cordiallygreeted the staff and at-tended to the needs.


hotels, restaurants,hospitality industry athome and abroad and torun own hotels, restaurantsand coffee shops.

The five-monthcourse covers managementsubjects such as peoplemanagement, humanresource, sale & marketing,front office, food &

beverage and housekeeping. Those interestedmay register at StarResources HospitalityManagement Academy,Building (267), Room(302), Pyay Road,Myenigon, SangyoungTownship, Tel: 01-523623, 523200, 4412256and 095020302.—MNA

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Unemployed find old jobs nowrequire more skills

WASHINGTON, 12 Oct—The jobs crisis has broughtan unwelcome discovery for many unemployedAmericans: Job openings in their old fields exist. Yetthey no longer qualify for them.

They’re running into a trend that took root duringthe recession. Companies became more productive bydoing more with fewer workers. Some asked staffers totake on a broader array of duties that used to be spreadamong multiple jobs.

Now, someone who hopes to get those jobs mustmeet the new requirements.

As a result, some database administrators now haveto manage network security.

Accountants must do financial analysis to findways to cut costs.

Factory assembly workers need to programmecomputers to run machinery.


New York holds ColumbusDay Parade

NEW YORK, 12 Oct—Tens of thousands of peopleand more than 100 bands and floats joined the 66th

annual Columbus Day Parade on Monday in NewYork. The Fifth Avenue of New York was lined withred, white and green as more than 35,000 people and100 bands and floats marched through during theparade.

The crowds celebrated this day with high spiritsas Christopher Columbus was the man whointroduced the lands of America to the world in1492.

Though the holiday primarily honours thediscovery of America, the Columbus Day Parade isalso the world’s largest celebration of Italian-American culture and heritage.

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and New Yorkgubernatorial candidates Andrew Cuomo and CarlPaladino — all Italian-Americans — attended thisyear’s parade.—Xinhua

The Secretary -Generalmessage on the InternationalDay For Disaster Reduction

13 October 2010Biggest, deadliest, worst ever. We have seen

those words in the headlines too often this year.We have used them about earthquakes, floods,hurricanes and forest fires, about loss of life andincome. Those words are likely to be heard foryears to come, as the climate changes and hazardsmultiply. To complicate the picture, just asweather patterns have altered, so has humansociety. We are more urban. If earthquakes, floodsor storm surges were deadly in the past, they aredeadlier still in an increasingly urbanized world.

Many cities are on the coasts, vulnerable tostorms, inundation and sea level rise. More thana billion people in Asia live within 100kilometres of the sea, and two-thirds of thepopulation of Latin America and the Caribbeanlive within 200 kilometres. Too many peoplelive on flood plains, others above earthquakefault lines. Some settle downstream fromtreeless areas, with little buffer against theelements . The r i sk of d isas ter quie t lyaccumulates. And, while natural hazards menaceeveryone, the poor are by far the most vulnerable.

On the positive side, we are learning to cope.Today, on the International Day for DisasterReduction, we recognize what local governmentsand communities are doing to protect themselveswhile building more sustainable towns and cities.

Last May, the United Nations InternationalStrategy for Disaster Reduction launched a globalcampaign called “Making Cities Resilient”. Morethan 100 cities, with nearly 110 million residents,have signed up to the “Ten Essentials” – actionsthat will make communities safer from disasters.The role models with good practices includeAlbay Province in the Philippines, HyogoPrefecture in Japan, Bangkok, Bonn, MexicoCity and Mumbai.

The Ten Essentials translate broad ideasabout sustainable cities into workable solutions.They recommend that governments assign abudget to serve everyone – rich and poor alike– and that they invest in risk assessment, trainingon disaster risk reduction, ecosystem protection,and early warning systems. City planners mustalso tackle the principal sources of risk in urbanareas : poor governance , p lanning andenforcement. Decision-making should beinclusive and participatory and the principlesof sustainable urbanization must be embracedand upheld, especially for the benefit of peopleliving in slums and informal settlements.

Reducing disaster risk is everybody’sbusiness, and needs everyone’s participation andinvestment – civil society and professionalnetworks as well as municipal and nationalgovernments. On this International Day forDisaster Reduction, I commend those cities thatare acting to build resilience to climate,environmental and social risks. And to all othersI pose this question: Is your city ready? —UNIC

This NOAA satellite image taken on 11 October,2010 at 01:45 PM EDT shows clouds associated with

an area of low pressure in the Caribbean Sea. Thesystem currently has a high chance of tropical storm

development and spreads heavy rain andthunderstorms over Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, theYucatan Peninsula, the Cayman Islands, and western


TEGUCIGALP, 12 Oct—Honduran emergency officialsurged coastal residents to evacuate low-lying areas Mondayand Mexico issued a hurricane warning as Tropical StormPaula battered the Caribbean coast with strong winds andrain.

Paula formed Monday off Honduras and was expectedto develop into a hurricane by Tuesday, said the NationalHurricane Centre in Miami, Florida.

It had winds of 70 mph (110 kph) and was centeredabout 90 miles (140 kilometres) east-northeast of IslaGuanaja, Honduras, the center said.

Paula is expected to dump from 3 to 6 inches (8 to 15centimetres) of rain in eastern Honduras, the YucatanPeninsula of Mexico and northern Belize, it said.

The government of Mexico issued a hurricane warningfor the country’s Caribbean coast from Punta Gruesa northto the resort city of Cancun and the island of Cozumel.Warnings are issued when hurricane conditions are almostcertain to occur. Belize issued a tropical-storm watch for itscoast.

The Honduran National Emergencies Commissionissued a tropical-storm warning for the coastal provinces ofGracias a Dios, Islas de la Bahia, Colon, Atlantida andYoro.

The commission also warned of possible flooding andlandslides and suggested residents avoid fishing trips orengaging in water sports.—Internet

Tropical Storm Paulathreatens Honduras, Mexico

Chesapeake Energy floor crew are seen inoperation at a natural gas well in Fort Worth,Texas. Drilling in urban areas in the texan cityhas been a contentious issue between councils,

local residents, large land holders andinfluential energy companies with objections toheavy truck traffic, road destruction, noise and

waste water removal.INTERNET

Chesapeake sells Texasassets to China’s CNOOC

NE W YO R K, 12 Oct—US gas companyChesapeake Energy said it had reached a deal withChina’s CNOOC to sell about a third of its interestin the Eagle Ford Shale project in South Texas for1.08 billion dollars.

CNOOC has agreed to fund 75 percent ofChesapeake’s share of drilling and completioncosts until an additional 1.08 billion dollars hasbeen paid, company officials said on Sunday.

The deal is expected to be finalised by the endof the year.

Chesapeake is expected to continue managingthe project, conducting all leasing, drilling,operation and marketing activities.

Over the next several decades, the companiesplan to produce in the area up to four billionbarrels of oil.—Internet

Dressed-up revellers parade along the 5th Avenue in

Manhattan, New York, the United States, Oct. 11, 2010 to

celebrate the annual Columbus Day. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)

Don’t Smoke

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Drought emergency declared inBrazilian Amazon

BRASILIA, 12 Oct—A state ofemergency has been declared in 21municipalities of Brazil’s Amazon asa severe drought has affected some40,000 families there since earlyAugust, local press reported onMonday.

According to the Amazonas stategovernment, transportation of six tonsof humanitarian food aid to theaffected area began this week, but ithas been slow due to low levels ofrivers that prevented large vesselsfrom navigating.

“The boats cannot navigate, andthen the transportation can only be

done by canoe. In some places, peoplewere running out of food,” said AnisioSaturnino, representative of one of themunicipalities under emergency rule.

Besides the lack of food, manypeople are suffering intest inalproblems caused by poor waterquality.

Ane Alencar, geographer andresearcher with the Amazon Institutefor Environmental Research (IPAM),said the drought affecting the Amazonis an extreme weather event resultingfrom El Nino, which occurred in late2009 with its fallout being felt thisyear.—Xinhua

Final rescue of Chilean minersto begin Wednesday

The T130 drill leaves the operation area at San Josemine, near Copiapo, Chile, on 11 Oct, 2010.


SAN JOSE MINE, 12Oct—The operation to liftout 33 miners trapped forover two months innorthern Chile will kickoff early Wednesday,Mining Minister LaurenceGolborne said Monday.

The rescue isscheduled to begin justafter Tuesday midnightwhen a driller digging a

A damaged bus sits on ahighway after a road accident

in Simpang Ampat, 100 km(60 miles) south of Kuala

Lumpur on 10 Oct, 2010. Atleast 12 people were killed and

73 injured in a massiveaccident involving two buses

and three cars at a highway inthe Malaysian central state of

Negeri Sembilan Sundaynight.—XINHUA

Train accident kills six,injures 60 in BangladeshDHAKA, 12 Oct—Six people were killed and 60

others injured by a train when they came to attenda meeting near the Mulibari rail cross inBangladesh’s Sadar sub-district of SirajganjDistrict, 134 km northwest of capital Dhaka,Monday afternoon, according to the private newsagency UNB.

Witnesses were quoted as saying by UNB thatthe Dhaka bound train ploughed through a crowd atabout 3 pm local time when they gathered near theMulibari rail cross to attend a meeting of the mainopposition party Bangladesh Nationalist Party,leaving six people dead.

Twenty six of the injured were rushed to theSadar hospital and various clinics. Condition ofthe 10 injured people was stated to be critical.

Agitated people set the whole train on fire soonafter the incident and also severely beat up the traindriver and its guard. A contingent of police and theRapid Action Battalion rushed in and fired blankshots to drive away the mob.


The rescue team searches for the capsized

bus and passengers at the accident scene in

Savar, suburb of Bangladesh’s capital

Dhaka, on 11 Oct, 2010. A bus packed with

about 50 passengers plunges into Turag river

in Savar on Sunday at around quarter past

12. Eight passengers managed to get back to

the river bank, and one of them passed away

on the way to hospital. About 40 people

feared dead in the accident.


French hospital searchedafter bomb alert

PARIS, 12 Oct—A hospital in central Paris wassearched on Monday night by the police after a bombalert was reported, local media reported.

The hospital called the Hotel-Dieu in the fourtharrondissement of Paris, where the famous Notre DameCathedral was located, was reported of bomb alarmnear 9:00 p.m.

The Paris public hospital system told local reportersthe information and said no evacuation was ordered.According to quotation from the hospital system, thepolice are examining the building but not any suspiciousthings were confirmed yet, neither did any specificrisk.

Though there was no reports of evacuation, thehospital area was cordoned off by police, local mediasaid.

Since mid-September, France has recorded a seriesof bomb alerts in or near Paris, all turned out to be fakealarm in the end. However, the government has raisedthe vigilance level to red, the penultimate to the scarletscale.

The United States and Japan also issued travelalarm to their expatriates or nationals in Europe,especially in France.—Xinhua

A rescue worker cleans up toxic sludge in theflooded village of Devecser, 150 km (93 miles) west

of Budapest, on 11 October, 2010.—XINHUA

Gangsters kill eight policemenin N Mexico

MEXICO CITY, 12 Oct—Eight policemen have diedin a checkpoint in Sonora, a state on northern Mexico’sPacific Coast, during an attack launched by some 30armed gangsters, officials said Monday.

Those killed included six state police officers andtwo city policemen from the port city of Culiacan,officials from the state attorney’s office (PGJ) werequoted by local newspaper El Universal as saying.Three other police officers suffered life-threateningwounded.

At the time, the policemen were making routine

stops at the checkpoint on the Culiacan-Las BrisasHighway, as part of the government’s efforts to deploysoldiers and police to search for the killers in the areaclose to Guamuchil, a nearby city to which witnessesreported the gunmen had fled.

The incident took place a day after the bodies ofeight men, all killed in execution style, were found inthe state.

Mexico has been carrying out a fierce campaign tocrack down on drug traffickers, a war that began in2006 Dec within days of Felipe Calderon taking overas president.

At least 28,000 people have died since then,according to official data.


tunnel toward the minersis removed, Golborne saidat a press conference atthe San Jose copper mine.

“So if we are inconditions of starting therescue, we will do it,” hesaid.

A China-made craneis lowering down a specialcapsule into the tunnel toreach the miners 622

metres underground, andwill lift out the capsulecarrying one miner eachtime. It will take anestimated 48 hours to pullall miners out.

Golborne said a teston the Fenix One Capsule,which will carry theminers and has arrived 610metres deep, wassuccessful, adding therescue team is“optimistic,” because“from the technical pointof view, the rescue isadvancing well.”

He said after testingthe capsule and thereinforcement of thetunnel, rescuers are settingthe needed mechanisms tolift the capsule, adding thecapsule had a goodperformance during thetest, as there was even nodust falling.—Xinhua

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 13 October, 2010


Consignees of cargo carried on MV AN BAOJIANG VOY NO (175) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 13.10.2010 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S COSCO SHIPPING CO, LTDPhone No: 256916/256919/256921

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV KOTA TEGAP VOY NO (539)Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA TEGAP

VOY NO (539) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 13.10.2010 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

30-year-old death underinvestigation

DARWIN, 12 Oct—Authorities in Australia are go-ing to take another shot at establishing the cause ofdeath of a baby girl whose parents said she was killedby a dingo in 1980. The death of 10-week-old AzariaChamberlain near Uluru (Ayres Rock) in Australia’sNorthern Territory was at the centre of one the nation’smost sensational trials when her parents were charged,convicted and then eventually cleared in her death. Inthe 30 years since Azaria’s death, three coroner’sinquests, a trial, two appeals and a royal commissionhave all failed to put the matter to rest. Azaria’s bodyhas never been found and her death certificate still listher cause of death as unknown.

The latest efforts by the Chamberlains focus on es-tablishing that a dingo, an Australian wild dog, took thechild from the family campsite. Fairfax newspapers isreporting that a legal team representing Dr MichaelChamberlain is gathering evidence to support that con-tention. The Chamberlains have always claimed a dingotook the child while the family visited the rock mono-lith in central Australia.— Internet

Uluru a rock monolith in central Australia.— INTERNET

LO S A N G E L E S, 12Oct — Los Angelespolice say they are in-vestigating what ap-peared to be vehiclevandalism that at firstwas thought to be anexplosion. The vehiclewas in the undergroundgarage at a hotel nearthe San Pedro harbourin Los Angeles.

There were noreports of any injuries,KTLA News , LosAngeles, reported. FireDepartment officialswere at the scene withpolice. Police Lt JohnRomero said a callerreported the apparentblast at 7:30 am onSunday, and police de-clared a ci tywidetactical alert at 8:20 amlocal t ime. Officersfound a sports utilityvehicle in the under-ground parking garageof the hotel, Romerosaid. Nearby streetswere closed, KTLA said.


Drive safely

Four killed in one-car crash in QuebecDRUMMONDVILLE, 12

Oct—A car careened into atree on a curve in Quebecprovince early on Sunday,killing all four people in-side, police said. Provincialpolice Sgt ChristineCoulombe told TheMontreal Gazette speedmay have been a factor inthe 3:30 am crash in Drum-mondville, about 70 milesnortheast of Montreal.

Police identified thedead as driver CarlFrancoeur-Ouellette, 22,Alexandre Jutras, 18,Gabriel Savoie, 19, andJean-Benoit Pelletier, 18,all of Drummondville. Atleast two of the victimswere stuck in the vehicleand had to be extricated byfirefighters using specialtools, police said.


Emirates flight makesemergency landing in India

due to technical snagNEW DELHI, 12 Oct—— A Dubai-bound

international flight of the Emirates airlines Tuesdaymade an emergency landing at the Kochi airport in thesouthern Indian state of Kerala, after it developed atechnical snag after take-off, a senior official said.

“The Koch-Dubai Emirates flight with 205passengers and 14 crew on board took off from theNedumbassery airport at 04:30 am but made anemergency landing at Kochi airport 30 minutes later,after the pilot spotted a hydraulic system failure,” theofficial said.

The plane was immediately taken to the parkingbay for a thorough inspection and the passengers havebeen shifted to a hotel, the official added.


WARSAW, 12 Oct—Seventeen people were killedand another one injured early Tuesday when a buscrashed head-on with a truck in central Poland, policesaid.

The incident occurred on a local road near NoweMiasto, some 80 km south of Warsaw, capital ofPoland. Cause of the accident is under investigation.


17 people killed in bus-truckcrash in central Poland

SCHEVENINGEN, 12 Oct—A Greek tanker carryingaviation fuel collided with a Cypriot container ship ataround 0700 Tuesday morning, leaving a hole leakingfuel from the tanker, local media reported.

The situation is under control, the report said.The collision happened 30 kilometers west of

Scheveningen, a very small town famous for itsbeautiful beach.

There are 25 people on board the tanker and 12 onthe container ship, nobody were injured.

Xinhua KIEV, 12 Oct— Asmany as 32 peoplewere ki l led onTuesday morningwhen a minibuscollided with a trainin the Dnipropetro-vskregion in easternUkraine, local mediareported.

In addition, fourothers were seriouslyinjured.


KATHMANDU, 12Oct—A Dornier airplanecrashed in landing at theLukla Airport inSolukhumbu district ineastern Nepal, nearby Mt.Qomolangma base camp,on Tuesday morning.

According report, 11people on board includingthe pilot and the crewmembers survived the


train kills 32in E


Greek container shipcollided with Cypriot tanker

in North Sea

Airplane crashes in easternNepal

Vehicleblast likelyvandalism

crash.It has been reported

that the airplane, ownedby Sita Air, toot off fromthe capital Kathmandu forLukla.

The airplane’s frontpart has been completelydamaged.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 13 October, 2010 13

LOS AN G E L E S, 12Oct— Rhys Ifans isplaying the bad guy inthe next “Spider-Man.”But the f i lmmakersaren’t saying yet whichcharacter he’ll be.

Sony Picturesannounced Monday thatIfans, widely known asa comic actor in suchfilms as Julia Robertsand Hugh Grant’s“Notting Hill,” will co-star as the villain in thesuperhero adventure dueout 3 July, 2012.

The studio’sannouncement notes

Rhys Ifans cast as villain innew ‘Spider-Man’

British actor RhysIfans

that the “filmmakersprefer to not revealwhich character Ifanswill be playing.”

The Marvel Comicsvaults are loaded withvillains that Spider-Manhas taken on over thedecades.

Whoever he windsup playing, Ifans will beup against AndrewGarfield, who stars asPeter Parker, theordinary youthtransformed by the biteof a mutant spider intothe web-sl ingingsuperhero.—Internet

In this photographtaken by AP Images forSobieski Vodka, Mary-

Louise Parker arrives atthe Sobieski Vodka-

sponsored premiere of‘RED’ at Grauman’s

Chinese Theatre in LosAngeles on Monday, 11

Oct, 2010.INTERNET

LONDON, 12 Oct—George Michael hasregained his freedom.

The wayward singerwas released from jailMonday after servingalmost four weeks fordriving under theinfluence of drugs.

Michael thankedthose who had supportedhim while he was jailedand said outside his northLondon home: “I justwant to start again.”

The former Wham!singer received an eight-week sentence on 14 Septfor crashing his car into a

George Michael released from jail afterfour weeks

British singer GeorgeMichael outside hishouse in Highgate,London, after being

released from prison,on 11 Oct, 2010.

Michael, 47, was freedfrom Highpoint Prisonin Suffolk after serving

four weeks forcrashing his vehicle

whilst under theinfluence of cannabis.

The former Wham!star, whose real name

is GeorgiosPanayiotou, was jailed

on 14 September.INTERNET

LO S AN G E L E S, 12Oct— The AmericanFilm Inst i tute ishonouring MorganFreeman with its LifeAchievement Award.

AFI says the 73-year-old Oscar winnerwill receive the awardin June.

AFI chair SirHoward Stringer callsFreeman “an Americantreasure” who brings acalm authority to hisroles, “whether playinga prisoner, a presidentor God.”

Freeman hasreceived many awardsthroughout his career,including the KennedyCentre Honour in 2008.

Freeman can nextbeen seen in the thriller“Red.”

He is the 39threcipient of the AFI LifeAchievement Award.


Freeman toreceive

American FilmInstitute honour

London photo shop inJuly while high on

prescription drugs andmarijuana.

The judge orderedMichael to serve fourweeks of the sentence inprison and the rest onparole.

The musician, whosehits include “Faith” and“Freedom,” also receiveda 1,250 pound (about$2,000) fine and lost hisdriver’s license for fiveyears.—Internet

Morgan Freemanattends a Cinema

Society screening of‘Red’ at Museum ofModern Art, in New


Liu Wei wins the final of China’s Got Talent, atShanghai Stadium. Liu’s arms were amputated

from the shoulders at age 10 after he waselectrocuted while playing hide-and-seek with his

friends and is now appearing in Chinese talentshow Dragon TV’s ‘China’s Got Talent.’

Two women have been cited for animal cruelty in Vermont after policefound 77 cats living in two cars.

The Bennington Banner reports that prosecutors will consider whether toupgrade the civil citations to criminal charges against 54-year-old ReginaMillard and 61-year-old Bertha Ryan, both of Troy, NY.

Police say one of the cats was found dead in the trunk of one of the carsFriday.

Plates of food were inside and some of the cats had fecal matter matted totheir fur. Bennington Police Chief Paul Doucette says the women owned two ofthe cats and were apparently looking for homes for the rest.

Police investigated after someone complained about seeing people sleepingin the cars with the cats.

A telephone number for a Regina Millard in Troy was not in service, and anumber for a Bertha Ryan rang unanswered.

Women had 77 cats living in two cars

A 26-year-oldWashington state manmanaged to escaped froma Department ofCorrections car whilehandcuffed. Police aren’tjust looking for him. Theyalso want him to becharged with stealing thehandcuffs.

The Daily News ofLongview reports thatEric Mitchell Lair wasarrested on 1 Oct on afelony warrant. He washandcuffed behind hisback, but still was able to

Washington man escapedwhile handcuffed

A participant rides in a self-made flying craftduring the annual Red Bull Flugtag (Flight Day)event in Bucharest on 19 September, 2010. Teams

compete to build a craft capable of flying thefurthest without the use of an engine.

open the door of the carthat was taking him toCowlitz County jail andrun off.

Officers from severalagencies searched thearea but couldn’t findhim, and a judge issued awarrant Thursday for hisarrest on suspicion offirst-degree escape.Police say the handcuffsare valued at $29, andstealing them wouldconstitute third-degreetheft.

News Album

Listeners of twoSouth Florida radiostations got a surprisewhen their Christian andclassical music wasinterrupted with rap andprofane language. OnThurs-day, A uthoritiesfound out why: A pirateradio station was usinga nearby frequency.

The BrowardCounty Sheriff’s Office

Pirate rap stationinterrupts broadcasts in

Flasays the illegal signalcame from aLauderdale Lakeshome where an aspiringrapper had attached alaptop, audio mixer andcomputer to a largeantenna.

The station calleditself Trap Radio andwas using a frequencyin between Christianand classical musicbroadcasts. Listenerscalled the licensedstations to complain.

Mikhaul Rhodd hasbeen charged withunauthorized transmi-ssion or interferencewith public orcommercial radio. Hecould not immediatelybe reached forcomment.

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 13 October, 2010

Brazil beat Ukraine infriendly match

Top guns hope to avoid Euro2012 slip-ups

FIFA studying goal-linetechnology proposals

Holloway touchline banfor ref rant

New tennis number one Wozniacki wins China Open

PARIS, 12 Oct — Hold-ers Spain join fellow Eurogiants England, Germany

and France in hoping toavoid major slip-upsTuesday followinglargely positive respectivestarts to Euro 2012 quali-fying.

Having carried on fromwhere they left off in win-ning a maiden World Cupby taking six points fromtheir opening two fixtures,Vicente Del Bosque’sSpain will look to keepthat form going againstScotland in Glasgow.


Spain’s coach Vicentedel Bosque. Euro 2008

holders Spain alongwith fellow Euro giants


PARIS, 12 Oct — Worldfootball’s ruling bodyFIFA are currently poringover a raft of proposals thatcould finally end years ofgoal-line controversy.

FIFA initially asked 17companies to submit pro-posals for goal-mouthtechnology that would al-low referees to determine,almost immediately,whether the ball hascrossed the goalline.

According to the Inter-national Football Associa-tion Board (IFAB) onMonday, only 13 differentsubmissions were made toFIFA by the end of lastweek.

FIFA general secretaryJerome Valcke said here

German goalkeeperManuel Neuer eyes theball shot by England’s

Frank Lampard.INTERNET


LONDON, 12 Oct —Blackpool boss IanHolloway has been givena one-match touchline banafter an altercation with

officials during his team’s2-1 defeat by Blackburnlast month, the FootballAssociation confirmed onMonday.

Holloway was alsofined 9,500 pounds for hispart in a bust-up with ref-eree Mike Dean in the tun-nel at Bloomfield Roadfollowing the defeat.

Holloway, who admit-ted a charge of improperconduct, had raged atmatch officials for allow-ing Brett Emerton’s in-jury-time winner whichhe believed was off-sideas well as an apparent foulin the build-up.


Brazil’s Pato celebratesscoring during the friendlyinternational footballmatch between Ukraine and Brazil.—INTERNET

DERBY, 12 Oct — Bra-zil made it three wins out ofthree for new coach ManoMenezes here on Monday

as they beat Euro 2012 co-hosts Ukraine 2-0 in an in-ternational friendlywatched by just 13,000spectators in a ground witha 33,000 capacity.

The Brazilians - who arerebuilding after their disap-pointing World Cup wherethey went out in the quar-ter-finals beaten by theNetherlands - scored a goalin each half through star full-back Dani Alves and ACMilan striker AlexandrePato.—Internet

Singapore businessman to renew Liverpool bid

Blackpool’s Englishmanager Ian Holloway,seen here in September2010, has been given a one-match.—INTERNET

LA stadium developers seek World Cup

For Sale’ sign is pictured above ashop, opposite Liverpool Football

Club’s Anfield Stadium.—INTERNET

LONDON, 12 Oct — Singapore bil-lionaire Peter Lim is to make a renewedbid for ailing English Premier Leaguegiants Liverpool by offering to buy theclub for more money than the Ameri-cans preferred by the club’s board theBBC claimed on Monday.

Lim, who made his fortune in fash-ion, logistics and agri-business, thoughthe was the preferred option to buy theclub off the unpopular American own-ers Tom Hicks and George Gillett theBBC citing sources close to the Singa-pore businessman claimed.

However, Liverpool chairman Mar-

tin Broughton announced last Wednes-day that Liverpool would instead be soldto John Henry’s New England Sport Ven-tures for 300million pounds.—Internet

Monday that FIFA wouldseek to create a systemthat could alert the refereeas soon as the ball crossesthe goalline, for examplevia a transmitter “on hiswatch”.—Internet

Stewart wins, while Johnsonpads lead at Fontana

This file photo showscyclist Alberto

Contador of Spainspeaking during an


In this artist rendering released byMeis Architects, on 11 Oct,2010

showing a proposed NFL stadium.INTERNET

LOS ANGELES, 12 Oct — Developersof a new NFL stadium on a hilly strip ofland east of Los Angeles are sketchingout plans for a second high-profile usefor the venue: World Cup soccer.

Architects for Majestic Realty Co.said Monday they were tweaking thedesign of the stadium to incorporatefield measurements and bleacher con-figurations based on guidelines fromWorld Cup organizer FIFA, whichwants a width of 68 meters (75 yards).

The news came amid possible com-petition from sports and entertainmentpowerhouse AEG, which is decidingwhether to build a stadium in downtown

Los Angeles to lure an NFL franchise.Dan Meis, principal stadium architect

for Majestic, said he can adjust his plansfurther to include additional guidelinesFIFA may release ahead of the 2018 and2022 games that are being sought by theUnited States.


FONTANA, 12 Oct —Tony Stewart figured theonly way to work his wayback from a big hole tostart the Chase for the

Sprint Cup championshipwas to chip away.

He took one small steplast week by finishingfourth at Kansas and tooka huge one at a placewhere he had never wonbefore.

Stewart vaulted fivespots in the Chasestandings by pulling awayfrom points leader JimmieJohnson on a late restarton Sunday to win at AutoClub Speedway for thefirst time in 19 careerstarts.

Stewart’s still 107points back in the Chase,but it’s a lot better thanwhere he was just a daybefore.—Internet

Contador’s lawyers face uphill task in doping case

Caroline Wozniacki ofDenmark returns a shotagainst Vera Zvonarevaof Russia in the wom-

en’s singles.—INTERNET

BEIJING, 12 Oct —Denmark’s CarolineWozniacki celebrated hernew world number oneranking on Monday bycapturing her sixth title ofthe year at the ChinaOpen, outlasting her Rus-

sian rival VeraZvonareva, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3.

The victory in Beijingby the 20-year-oldWozniacki — who hasdethroned injured Ameri-can superstar SerenaWilliams as the WTA’stop player — came assweet revenge for her lossto Zvonareva in the USOpen semi-finals.

The Dane looked ten-tative at the start of thematch, which was post-poned from Sunday dueto heavy rain. She lookedespecially vulnerable onthe forehand side, givingZvonareva several freepoints on mis-hits andfalling behind 3-1.

But she stormed backto take the next five gamesand the set, unleashing fe-rocious cross-court back-hands and keeping the 26-year-old Russian off-bal-ance by changing up thespeed of hergroundstrokes.


PARIS, 12 Oct —Alberto Contador ad-vances a host ofclaims, from contami-nated meat to ques-tionable laboratorypractices, to explainwhy he shouldn’t bepunished for testingpositive at this year’sTour de France forthe banned perform-a n c e - e n h a n c e rclenbuterol. Butcloser scrutiny of hisarguments suggeststhat his lawyers couldhave a very hard time

getting the three-timeTour champion off thehook.

Here are some rea-sons why: Contadorsays the only possibleexplanation is that a fi-let mignon he ate wascontaminated byclenbuterol and that iswhy minute traces ofthe drug showed up inhis urine. It is true thatfarmers in Spain, whereContador says the meatwas bought, and othercountries are known tohave used the drug to

bulk up animals andthat dozens of peoplefell ill because ofclenbuterol-taintedmeat in Spain and else-where in Europe in the1990s.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 13 October, 2010 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

Local Transmission* Opening* News* Sagaing Hills & Nostalgic Panorama* News* Artist Ahead : Min Wai Aung* Music Gallery* News* Current Affairs “Shopping at the Departmental

Store and Supermarket”* News* Ananda GuphayaOversea Transmission* Opening* News* Sagaing Hills & Nostalgic Panorama* News* Artist Ahead : Min Wai Aung* Music Gallery* News* Current Affairs “Shopping at the Departmental

Store and Supermarket”* News* Ananda Guphaya* News* “Myanmar’s Traditions and Culture” Novicehood

in Myanmar* “Traditional Dances of National Races” In

Harmony and Unison (Mandalay)* News* Friendly Roads for Friendly Ties* Record Album* News* Hiking Mount Phone Yin Northern Tip of

Myanmar* News* Myanmar Orchestra “1 pya, 2 pya”* Myanmar Movie “Who Really Won”

7:00 am 1. Paritta By Hilly

Region MissionarySayadaw

7:25 am 2. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 3. Morning News

Wednesday,13 October

View on today

7:40 am 4. Dhamma Puja

Song7:50 am 5. Nice & Sweet

Song8:00 am 6. Cultural Dances8:10 am 7. Song Of National

Races8:20 am 8. Classical Songs8:25 am 9. Documentary8:40 am10. International News8:45 am11. Musical Programme3:30 pm 1. Myanmar National

League MNL Cup(2010) FootballCompetition Delay(Yangon United FC& Zwekapin UnitedFC)

5:00 pm 2. “ASEAN”

Programmes5:15 pm 3. International

Science News5:25 pm 4. Melody Tunes

(Sogya PyawshwinTay Thansin)6:00 pm 5. Evening News6:15 pm 6. Weather Report6:20 pm 7. Traditional Boxing

6:45 pm 8. Htetmyet PyawshinEinhtaungshin(Quiz)7:05 pm 9. Ratha Pawlwin

ThayotesaungLwin Pyin(Character Contest)

7:40 pm10. How to cast Vote

(Myanmar MotionPicture Asiayone)

8:00 pm11. News12. Talks of the

Political Parties(Repeat)

13. International News14. Weather Report15. TV Drama Series16. Myanmar Drama


Programme Schedule(13-10-2010)(Wednesday)

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am) MSTOversea Transmission - (13-10-10 09:30 am ~

14-10-10 09:30 am) MST

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr.M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, weather has beenpartly cloudly in Kayah state, rain or thundershowers havebeen scattered in Kachin State, Rakhine and Mon States,fairly widespread in Shan State, lower Sagaing, Mandalayand Bago Regions and widespread in the remaining Statesand Regions with locally heavy falls in Mandalay andMagway Regions and isolated heavy falls in Kachin State.The notewothy amounts of rainfall recorded wereKyaukpadaung (3.79) inches, Bhamo (3.66) inches,Pyawbwe (3.15) inches, Hsinbyugyun (2.24) inches,Thazi (1.88) inches, Chauk (1.81) inches, Patheingyi(Shwesayan) (1.73) inches and Mindat (1.69) inches,Machanbaw and Cocogyun (1.57) inches each.

Nay Pyi Taw WeatherMaximum temperature on 11-10-2010 was 91°F.

Minimum temperature on 12-10-2010 was 74°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 12-10-2010 was(85%). Rainall on 12-10-2010 was (Nil).

Yangon (Kaba-Aye)Maximum temperature on 11-10-2010 was 90°F.

Minimum temperature on 12-10-2010 was 76°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 12-10-2010 was(79%). Total sunshine hours on 11-10-2010 was (3.2)hours.

WEATHERTuesday, 12th October, 2010

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas Rainfall on 12-10-2010 was (0.08) inch atMingaladon, (0.16) inch at Kaba-Aye and (0.44) inchat Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2010 was(73.23) inches at Mingaladon, (85.04) inches at Kaba-Aye and (97.60) inches at Central Yangon. Maximumwind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (5) mph fromSoutheast at (13:30) hours MST on 11-10-2010.

Bay Inference: Weather is partly cloudy in theNorth Bay and partly cloudy to cloudy in the Andamansea and as well as in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until afternoon of the 13th October2010: Rain or thundershower will be scattered in Shanand Kayah States, lower Sagaing, Mandalay andMagway Regions, fairly widespread in Kachin State,upper Sagaing and Bago Regions and widespread in theremaining States and Regions with likelihood of isolatedheavy falls in Kayin, Mon States and Taninthayi Region.Degree of cetainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Squalls with moderate to roughseas are likely at times off and along Myanmar Coast.Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (35) mph.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood ofincrease of rain in the Coastal areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring areafor13-10-2010: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degreeof certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for13-10-2010: One or two rain or thundershowers. Degreeof certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areafor 13-10-2010: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degreeof certainty is (80%).

ISLAMABAD, 12 Oct—A police vehicle wasdestroyed in an ambush Tuesday morning in HazarGanji area in the outskirts of provincial capital Quettain the southwest Balochistan Province, local policesaid.

No casualties were reported in the hand grenadeattack on the police van, police sources added.

The frequency of attacks on law enforcementpersonnel has increased many folds during this year.Over a dozen policemen were killed and severalothers were injured in different attacks on police andparamilitary Frontier Corps personnel in Quetta andits suburbs.

Different ethnic Baloch separatist groups oftenchoose sabotage as favorite means of demonstratingtheir unhappiness over policy issues and to presstheir demands.


Police van destroyed inambush in SW


Members of the Chilean Safety Association(ACHS) show the suit to be used by trapped minersto leave the the San Jose copper mine, in northernChile, on 11 Oct, 2010. The suit was made up with

special materials that repel moisture. Theoperation to lift out 33 miners trapped for over two

months in northern Chile will kick off earlyWednesday, Mining Minister Laurence Golborne

said Monday.—XINHUA

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Only with stability and peace will the nation developOnly with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracyRiots beget riots, not democracyDemocracy can be introduced only through constitution

VOA, BBC-sowing hatredamong the peopleRFA, DVB-generating publicoutrageDo not allow ourselves to beswayed by killer broadcastsdesigned to cause troubles

People’s DesireWe favour peace and stabilityWe favour developmentWe oppose unrest and violenceWipe out those inciting unrestand violence

5th Waxing of Thadingyut 1372 ME Wednesday, 13 October, 2010


NAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct—According to ob-servations at (17:30) hrs M.S.T today, low pressurewas found at central part of Bay of Bengal, said theMeteorology and Hydrology Department.—MNA

Low pressure at Bay of Bengal

NAY PYI TAW, 12 Oct—According to the(12:30) hr M.S.T observation today, the water levelof Dokehtawady River at Myitnge is 903 cm. It mayremain above its danger level 870 cm during the next24 hrs commencing noon today.


Dokehtawady at 903 cmin Myitnge

ECEXPhoto shows extension of tarred road between mile post No.13/1 and 13/2 ofPyawbwe-Ywamon-Natmauk-Kanbya (Magway) Road .

Noteworthy amounts of rainfall(12-10-2010)

Kyaukpadaung (3.79) inches

Bhamo (3.66) inches

Pyawbwe (3.15) inches

Hsinbyugyun (2.24) inches

Thazi (1.88) inches

Chauk (1.81) inches

Patheingyi (Shwesayan) (1.73) inches

Mindat (1.69) inches

Machanbaw (1.57) inches

Cocogyun (1.57) inches

National Development and Peace Party, Mro (or)Khami National Solidarity Organization present theirpolicies, stance and work programmes


13-10-2010 NL.pmd 10/13/2010, 4:32 AM16
