Page 1: Electoral College Cloze + Map Math

HOW DO WE ELECT THE PRESIDENT? The ELECTORAL COLLEGE is a group of people who act as a unit to ___________ the President (POTUS) & Vice President (VPOTUS). The Framers of the Constitution devised this INDIRECT system to prevent the general public from electing someone who would be unsuitable as _____________________. They hoped the ELECTORAL _______________ would result in educated, informed people choosing our nation’s top leaders. But today, each political _______________ chooses its members to serve as ELECTORS. ELECTORS are citizens chosen to be a member of the Electoral College.


POPULAR VOTE In November of a Presidential ________________year each state holds an election in which all eligible citizens may ________. Citizens vote for a “ticket” which includes ___________________for president and vice president. ELECTORAL VOTE According to the Constitution, the presidency is awarded to the candidate with the most electoral ___________, not the most popular votes. HOW DOES IT WORK? # of ELECTORS = # of SENATORS + members of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For example: NJ has 12 Representatives and 2 Senators = 14 Electoral Votes _____________________ DC gets 3 electors even though it has no representation in Congress.

Pellentesque   HOW DOES THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE ELECT THE PRESIDENT? “WINNER TAKES ALL” Most states award the winner of the POPULAR VOTE ALL of that state’s _______________________ votes Maine and Nebraska divide electoral votes by district. HOW DOES A CANDIDATE WIN? Need majority to win = 270 electoral votes out of 538 *A candidate could win 11 states and lose 39. How is that possible? Use the Electoral College map to locate & highlight 11 states that add up to 270 or more electoral votes.

Communication was slow and education was poor during the late 18th Century .

Has a candidate ever LOST the Popular vote but won the Electoral College? Yes- Bush, Hayes, Harrison

Page 2: Electoral College Cloze + Map Math