Page 1: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,



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Offering Mapacho smoke to Huarmi Renaco, the “vine of love”. Photo: C. Hoyos

Initiation into Plant Spirit Shamanism Day 1, Monday – Week 1 Airport or Hotel pick-up in Iquitos, and transfer to our retreat venue, in the jungle (Hotel pick-up is usually done at 8:30 AM). Arrival & welcome. Free time to unpack and get to know the place. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 4:00 PM: Private consultation with the shaman. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (1,1 - 1).

Copyright El Mundo Magico © 2018. All Rights Reserved. Photo rights as individually specified. “El Mundo Magico” and “The Magical Earth” are the trading names of El Mundo Magico Ltd - Registered in England, 21 September 2000, N. 4076005. Registered Address: Unit 5, 8 Queens Road, Lexden, Colchester, Essex CO3 3NP, England, U.K.

Page 2: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Anacaspi blanco tree. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 2, Tuesday – Week 1 6:00 AM: First ritual drinking of Chullachaqui caspi (Tovomita spp.) brew (1), prepared by the shaman. (*) 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 9:00 AM: Q&A session with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Ritual cleansing bath (Baño de limpieza). (1,1 - 1) (**) 12:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Chullachaqui caspi master tree, in the jungle (1,1 – 1). Asking permission to integrate our work in the shamanic medicine world of the rainforest. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 2:00 PM: Talk by the shaman: “The Master Trees (Palos Maestros)”. 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (1,1 - 1) (***) 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony, ritually drinking a brew prepared by the shaman with the crashed seeds of the Camalonga (Thevetia peruviana, or Yellow Oleander) master tree. The Camalonga teaches in dreaming, and is used in the Amazon for divination and to enhance the power of vision (1,1 - 1). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé (Brugmansia sp.), in ceremony, with the shaman. (1,1 - 1). (****)

Page 3: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Don Sixto: shamanic ritual with the Chullachaqui caspi master tree, in the jungle. Photo: T. Doyle

Notes (*) The Chullachaqui caspi brew: The master tree brew (including the actual Chullachaqui caspi brew), is prepared boiling for long hours the bark of the tree, this is then removed and the remaining decoction filtered. It takes about 30 litres of water to get a litre of concentrated master trees brew. The dosage is approximately the same as a small Ayahuasca cup. Once boiled for so many hours the tea will not go off and will keep well without need for refrigeration. There will be a ceremony with the shaman lasting approximately two hours, when the master trees brew will be taken in the evening. (**) Ritual cleansing bath: For the ritual cleansing bath Don Guido uses the leaves of Catahua, Patiquina negra and Achote mixed with the bark of the Ayahuma and Catahua trees, boiled together for about 20 minutes. However, the barks of the master trees one has dieted with may also be used in the preparation of the cleansing baths. At times the bark of the master trees are just left to macerate in fresh water, at other times they may be cooked and boiled for up to one hour, then filtered and left to cool down until the preparation is lukewarm, before being used to bath. (***) Spiritual purification ritual and Palo Santo: Don Guido employs mainly the wood of the Palo Santo (“Holy stick”, Bursera graveolens) tree for smudging as part of the ritual of spiritual purification. However, at times, he may also add the wood of the Palosangre (Brosimum rubescens) teacher tree, the leaves of Mucura (Petiveria alliacea), Lemon, Clavo huasca (the “clovevine”, Tynatnthus panurentis), Achiote (Bixa orellana), ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis sp.), and Chacruna (Psychotria viridis), alongside the shell of a single nugget of Ajos macho (male garlic, from the Sierra of Peru) - all of which is burnt and used for smudging during the purification ritual.

Page 4: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Chullachaqui caspi ritual, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos.

Notes cont. (****) Toé: Toé is one of the most powerful visionary plant teachers of the Amazon, however, smoking the Toé dry leaves has a much milder and gentle effect than ingesting the freshly squeezed juice of the plant. When one smokes the plant, there will not be visions as such, but one may receive messages and revelations in dreaming. Drinking the fresh Toé juice is an entirely different matter, however: it will require a very strict diet and must always be done under the supervision of an expert Toesero shaman. Like many other plant teachers, its mother spirit is said to be very jealous. Ayahuasca and Tobacco are its friends. Toé is used in the Amazon for divination and to drastically enhance the power of vision. There will be a total of 39 Toé ceremonies in the course of this 13 weeks-long shamanic apprenticeship, 36 of these rituals will consist in smoking the rolled dry leaves of the Toé plant, whilst during the remaining 3 ceremonies – only once a month – the freshly squeezed juice of the plant (prepared by the shaman) will be drank. The intoxication in this last case will be much stronger, with a constant flow of vivid visions, and may last for the whole night. You will be looked after during this time, and will retreat in your Tambo/bungalow to rest. Day 3, Wednesday – Week 1 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 11:00 AM: Ritual cleansing bath (baño de limpieza) (1,2 - 2). 12:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Chullachaqui caspi master tree, in the jungle. Asking the Chullachaqui to grant its healing energies (1,2 - 2). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 4:00 PM: Talk by the shaman: “The importance of ritual baths”. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (1,2 - 2).

Page 5: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Ayahuasca ceremony. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 4, Thursday – Week 1 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 9:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Ritual cleansing bath (baño de limpieza). (1,3 - 3) 12:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Chullachaqui caspi master tree, in the jungle. Invoking its protective powers, or arkana (spiritual-energetic protection). (1,3 - 3). 1:30 PM: Lunch. 4:00 PM: Talk by the shaman: ”Spirit and teachings of the Chullachaqui caspi”. 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo) (1,2 - 2). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony: ritually drinking a brew prepared by the shaman with the crashed seeds of the sacred Camalonga plant teacher (Yellow Oleander, Thevetia peruviana). (1,2 - 2). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (1,2 - 2). Day 5, Friday – Week 1 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 9:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé experiences of the previous night. 10:00 AM: Hike in the jungle with the shaman, to get to know the different master trees. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Talk: “Power and wisdom of Ayahuasca”. 6:00 PM: Talk: “Recommendations for a correct shamanic diet”. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (1,3 - 3).

Page 6: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Don Guido offering Mapacho smoke to a giant wild black ayahuasca vine, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 6, Saturday – Week 1 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 9:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Shamanic ritual with the Caballo Sanango teacher tree, in the jungle. Invoking its healing powers (1,4 - 4). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 4:00 PM: Talk by the shaman: “Powers of the Pucuna caspi master tree”. 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (1,3 - 3), ritually drinking a brew prepared by the shaman with the crashed seeds of the plant teacher Camalonga (Yellow Oleander, Thevetia peruviana), left in a rainwater infusion for 24 hours. 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (1,3 - 3). Day 7, Sunday – Week 1 8 AM: Breakfast. 9:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé experience of the previous night. 10:00 AM: Talk by the shaman “Powers of the Lupuna blanca master tree”. 11:00 AM: Ayahuasca negra (Soliman ayahuasca, or black ayahuasca) ritual, in the jungle. Invoking its power and knowledge (this is the most potent type of ayahuasca that exists...). (1,5 - 5). (*) 1:00 PM: Lunch. 6:00 PM: Dinner. 8:00 PM: Night jungle hike (1 hour, within the centre’s main compound).

Page 7: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Shamanic ritual with the Remocaspi master tree, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos (*) Note Ayahuasca negra: This is a rare and very old - possibly over 100 years old - giant ayahuasca vine specimen, growing wild in the jungle of the centre. It’s the strongest variety of ayahuasca known. Day 8, Monday – Week 2 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 11:00 AM: Talk by the shaman: “The apprentice’s dream”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 4:00 PM: Talk: “Different types of ayahuasca and their effects”. (**) 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo) (2,1 - 3). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (2,1 - 4). (**) Note Types of ayahuasca: Don Guido mainly works with Cielo ayahuasca, Ayahuasca negra (Soliman ayahuasca), and Lucero ayahuasca.

Page 8: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Offering Mapacho smoke to the Remocaspi teacher tree, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 9, Tuesday – Week 2 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé experience of the previous night. 12:00 PM: First ritual cleansing bath (baño de limpieza). (2,1 - 1) 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Talk by the shaman (“The icaros of aromatic plants used in ritual cleansing baths”). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (2,1 - 4) Ritually drinking the brew prepared by the shaman with the crashed seeds of the sacred Camalonga (Yellow Oleander/Thevetia peruviana) plant teacher, left in a rainwater infusion, for 24 hours. 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (2,1 - 4). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman. Day 10, Wednesday – Week 2 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 9:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, commentary on the previous night’s Ayahuasca experience. 10:00 AM: Cleansing ritual bath (baño de limpieza) (2,2 - 2). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Talk by the shaman: “Characteristics and properties of the Ayahuma teacher tree”. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (2,2 - 5).

Page 9: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Remocaspi ritual with Don Sixto, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 11, Thursday – Week 2 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 12:00 PM: Cleansing ritual bath (2,3 - 3) 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Remocaspi (Aspidosperma excelsum Bent) master tree, in the jungle (2,1 - 5). (*) 6:00 PM: Dinner. 8:00 PM: Jungle hike at night. (*) Note Shamanic ritual with Remocaspi and other master trees, in the jungle: The ritual with master trees, consists in hugging, or touching with one’s hands, the tree one is dieting with to receive its medicine, its energy, its curative power, and protection during the diet. The perspective apprentice should concentrate in asking the master tree to grant him or her all its help and protection, as well as wisdom, health and healing powers. An offering of organic black jungle tobacco (Mapacho) may also be made, either blowing smoke to the tree itself, or depositing rolling tobacco at the foot of the tree. Day 12, Friday – Week 2 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Talk by the shaman: “Spirit and power of the Lupuna colorada, or Puka Lupuna master tree”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Remocaspi master tree, in the jungle (2,2 - 6). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (2, 3 - 6).

Page 10: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Caballo sanango ritual. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 13, Saturday – Week 2 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the experience of the purification and smudging ritual of the previous night. 12:00 PM: Practicing the singing of icaros melodies, in the jungle, close to a master tree, and ritually smoking Mapacho (organic black jungle tobacco) (2,1 - 1). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (2,3 -7). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (2,2 - 4) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (2,2 - 5). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman. Day 14, Sunday – Week 2 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 12:00 PM: Practicing the singing of icaros melodies in the jungle, next to a master tree, and ritually smoking Mapacho (organic black jungle tobacco) (2,2 - 2). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Caballo Sanango master tree, in the jungle (2, 4 - 8). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (2,2 - 5), ritually drinking a brew prepared by the shaman with the crashed seeds of the plant teacher Camalonga, or Yellow Oleander, left in a rainwater infusion, for 24 hours. 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (2,3 - 6), smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman.

Page 11: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Caballo sanango ritual, with Don Sixto. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 15, Monday – Week 3 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Practicing the singing of icaros melodies in the jungle, near a master tree, and ritually smoking Mapacho (organic black jungle tobacco) (3, 1 - 3). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Caballo Sanango master tree, in the jungle (3,1 - 9). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (3,1 - 7).

Page 12: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


The Caballo sanango master tree, in the rainforest. Its mother spirit appears in vision – to the palero shamans who diet with it - in the guise of a white horse with lots of bristles. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 16, Tuesday – Week 3 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 PM: Talk by the shaman: “Amazonian Traditional Medicine”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Caballo Sanango master tree, in the jungle (3,2 - 10). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging session with Palo Santo) (3, 1 - 4). 8:00 PM: 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (3,1 - 6) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (3,1 - 7). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman.

Page 13: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Ritual offer of Mapacho smoke to the Palosangre (Palisangre) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 17, Wednesday – Week 3 6:00 AM: Preparing the Ayahuasca brew, under the supervision and guidance of the shaman. 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Talk by the shaman, during the preparation of the Ayahuasca brew: “The shamanic powers of the Ayahuasca medicine”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 4:00 PM: Retreating in one’s own bungalow, to meditate before the Ayahuasca ceremony. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (3, 2 - 8). Day 18, Thursday – Week 3 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Palosangre (Brosimum rubescens) master tree, in the jungle (3,3- 11). 8:00 PM: Drinking in ceremony the Chullachaqui caspi brew, with special treatment by the shaman (2). (*) (*) Note Chullachaqui caspi brew: The ritual drinking of the brew will be part of a ceremony with the shaman lasting approximately two hours.

Page 14: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Don Guido offering tobacco smoke to the black ayahuasca vine, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 19, Friday – Week 3 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the previous night’s experience drinking the master tree brew. 12:00 PM: General practice of icaros melodies. (1) 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Palosangre master tree, in the jungle (3,4 - 12). 5:00 PM: Retreating in one’s own bungalow, to meditate before the Ayahuasca ceremony. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (3, 3 - 9).

Page 15: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Shamanic ritual with the Cumaceba (Swartzia polyphylla DC) master tree, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 20, Saturday – Week 3 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (3,5 -13). 7:30 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging session with Palo Santo). (3, 2 - 5) 8:30 PM: Camalonga ceremony (3,2 - 7). 9:30 PM: Toé dream ritual (3,2 - 8). Smoking the rolled dried leaves of the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman. Day 21, Sunday – Week 3 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Cumaceba master tree, in the jungle (36 - 142). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (3,3 - 9). Smoking the rolled dry leaves of the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman.

Page 16: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Don Sixto and apprentice performing a shamanic ritual with the Cumaceba (Swartzia polyphylla DC) master tree, in the jungle. Photo: T. Doyle

Day 22, Monday – Week 4 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé ceremony of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk: “Divination and shamanic teachings of Camalonga in dreaming”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 2:00 PM: General practice of icaros melodies (2). 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Cumaceba master tree, in the jungle (4,1 - 15). 5:00 PM: Meditation in one’s own bungalow, before the Ayahuasca ceremony at night. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (4,1 - 10).

Page 17: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Leaves of the powerful Chaliponga vine (Diplopterys cabrerana) - also known as Huambisa Chacruna, or Chagropanga - sitting on top of Cielo ayahuasca vine cuts, in preparation for the Ayahuasca brew. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 23, Tuesday – Week 4 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 12:00 PM: Talk: “Different types of Ayahuasca and their effects”. 1 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Cumaceba master tree, in the jungle (4,2 - 1). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (4,1 - 8).

Page 18: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


The Azúcar Huayo (Hymenaea courbaril L.) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 24, Wednesday – Week 4 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Practising icaros melodies (3). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Azúcar Huayo (Hymenaea courbaril L.) (*) master tree, in the jungle (4,3 - 17). (*) 5:00 PM: Talk: “Different types of plant diets”. 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (4,1 - 10). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (4,2 - 11). (*) Note: Azucar Huayo: Don Guido uses the energy of this master tree as an arkana, as protection for the apprentice during a shamanic diet. It is also used as protective arkana for a patient who has terminated a healing treatment.

Page 19: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Shamanic ritual with the Azúcar Huayo master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 25, Thursday – Week 4 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 9:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 10:00 AM: Talk: “What the mariri is, and how many types of mariri are out there?”. 12:00 PM: General practice of icaros melodies (4). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Azúcar Huayo master tree, in the jungle (4,4 - 18). 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging session with Palo Santo). (3,1 - 6) 8:00: Important introductory talk on drinking the Toé (Brugmansia sp.) juice and its effects. 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual I (4,2 - 11): drinking the powerful plant teacher Toé (Brugmansia sp.), supervised by the shaman.

Page 20: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Renaco Renaquilla (Ficus sp.) ritual with Don Guido, in the rainforest. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 26, Friday – Week 4 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé experience of the previous night. 12:00 PM: Learning how to prepare a remedy using medicinal tree barks to cure rheumatism. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (4,5 -18). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (4,3 - 12).

Page 21: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


The Renaco Renaquilla (Ficus sp.) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 27, Saturday – Week 4 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Renaco Renaquilla master tree, in the jungle (4,6 - 19). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging session with Palo Santo). (4,2 - 7). Day 28, Sunday – Week 4 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Renaco Renaquilla master tree, in the jungle (4,7 - 20). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (4,2 - 9) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (4,3 - 12) - smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman.

Page 22: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Smudging with Palo Santo, during the spiritual purification ritual. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 29, Monday – Week 5 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Renaco Renaquilla master tree, in the jungle (5,1 - 21). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (5,1 - 13). Day 30, Tuesday – Week 5 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Huarmi Renaco, the “vine of love”, in the jungle (5,2 - 22). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (5,1 - 10). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (5,1 - 13). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman.

Page 23: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Shamanic ritual with the Renaco Renaquilla (Ficus sp.) master tree, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 31, Wednesday – Week 5 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with Huarmi Renaco, the “vine of love”, in the jungle (5,3 - 23). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (5, 2 - 14). Day 32, Thursday – Week 5 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk: “Huarmi Renaco: The Vine of Love”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (5,2 - 11). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (5,2 - 14). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman.

Page 24: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Don Guido offering Mapacho smoke to the Pucuna caspi (Iryanthera tricomis) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 33, Friday – Week 5 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the experience with Camalonga and Toé of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Pucuna caspi (Iryanthera tricomis), the “blowgun tree”, in the jungle (5,4 - 25). 7:00 PM: Retreating in one’s own bungalow/Tambo, to meditate before the Ayahuasca ceremony, asking the medicine to grant healing and visions. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (5,3 - 15). Day 34, Saturday – Week 5 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Pucuna caspi, in the jungle (5,5 - 26). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging session with Palo Santo) (5,1 - 8). 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (5,3 - 15) - smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman.

Page 25: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Offering tobacco to a wild ayahuasca negra (Soliman ayahuasca) – or black ayahuasca – the most powerful ayahuasca of all. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 35, Sunday – Week 5 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk: “The Chuchuhuasi master tree and its medicinal properties”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the giant, ancient ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (5,6 - 27). 6:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging session with Palo Santo) (5,2 - 9). 9:00 PM: Drinking in ceremony the Ayahuma (Couroupita guianensis) brew (3).

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Ritual of spiritual purification (with Palo Santo smudging). Photo: C. Hoyos Day 36, Monday – Week 6 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Talk: “Dieting with master trees: the good and the bad of them”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Renaco gigante master tree, in the jungle (6,1 - 28). 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging session with Palo Santo) (6,1 - 10). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (6,1 – 16). Day 37, Tuesday – Week 6 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Renaco gigante master tree, in the jungle (6,2 - 29). 5:00 PM: Talk: “Visions and dreams which may be experienced during the Ayahuasca ceremonies”. 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (6,1 - 12).

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Ritual of spiritual purification (with Palo Santo smudging). Photo: C. Hoyos Day 38, Wednesday – Week 6 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Renaco gigante master tree, in the jungle (6,3 - 30). 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (6,1 - 16). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (6,2 - 17). Day 39, Thursday – Week 6 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the teacher vine Abuta, in the jungle (6,4 - 31). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (6,2 - 11) 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (6,2 - 13). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (6,2 – 17). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman.

Page 28: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Shamanic ritual with the teacher vine Abuta, in the rainforest. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 40, Friday – Week 6 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Hike in the jungle, with the shaman. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the plant teacher Abuta, in the jungle (6,5 - 32). 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (6,3 - 18). Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (6,3 - 18). Day 41, Saturday – Week 6 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé and Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the teacher vine Abuta, in the jungle (6,6). 6:00 PM: Very light supper (soup). 9:00 PM: Tobacco ceremony: ritually drinking the powerful organic black jungle tobacco brew (6,1 - 1). (*)

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Shamanic ritual with the Machinmango (Eschweilera spp.) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos (*) Note Black jungle tobacco (Mapacho): Working with tobacco is of paramount importance in Amazonian shamanism. Its spirit is believed to be a friend of Ayahuasca, Toé, and almost all plant teachers and master trees of the jungle. Its smoke has purifying, cleansing and protective properties and is considered nourishing for the good spirits. The tobacco drink is prepared in the following way: a portion from a black jungle tobacco bundle of pressed leaves (“maso de Mapacho”) is cut and chopped off and left to macerate in a container with a little cold water in it. The tobacco drink is left outside, in the open, all night long, to receive the dew of the night. Tobacco from a Mapacho cigar may also be used for this purpose. The ingestion of the macerated tobacco drink gives one slow but prolonged reactions and effects, which start to be felt after approximately 15-25 minutes from intake. It can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and a tolerable stomach ache, after which one can experience visions. The length of the tobacco intoxication typically lasts between 3 to 4 hours. Day 42, Sunday – Week 6 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Tobacco ceremony of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Machinmango (Eschweilera spp.) master tree, in the jungle (6,7 - 34). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 9:00 PM: Night jungle hike (for approximately 1 hour).

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Ayahuasca ceremony. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 43, Monday – Week 7 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Talk: “Magic, curanderismo, and different types of sorcery (brujeria)”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Machinmango master tree, in the jungle (7,1 - 35). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (7,1 - 19). Day 44, Tuesday – Week 7 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Machinmango master tree, in the jungle (7, 2 - 36). 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (7,1 - 12) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (7,1 - 19). Day 45, Wednesday – Week 7 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé ceremony of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Talk: “Bancos, Murayas and Sumirunas”. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (7,2 - 20).

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Ritual with the Renaco gigante master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 46, Thursday – Week 7 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Practical workshop on how to prepare a medicinal remedy with the Chuchuhuasi master tree. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Lechecaspi (Couma macrocarpa) master tree, in the jungle (7,3 - 37). (*) 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (7,1 - 14) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (7,2 - 20). Day 47, Friday – Week 7 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 12:00 PM: Practicing the icaros (magical tunes) of the Lechecaspi master tree. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Lechecaspi master tree, in the jungle (7,4 - 38) 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (7,3 - 21).

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Ayahuasca ceremony with Don Guido. Photo: C. Hoyos (*) Note The Lechecaspi master tree: Its name – a mixture of Spanish and Quechua - means “the milk tree”. On top of being a master tree it has also various medicinal properties and applications. For instance, its milk-like sap is reputed to help with male infertility. Day 48, Saturday – Week 7 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle around the centre (7,5 - 39). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (7,2 - 15). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (7,3 - 21). Day 49, Sunday – Week 7 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Anacaspi negro master tree, in the jungle (7,6 - 40). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 8:00 PM: Spiritual. purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”) (7,2 - 13).

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Wild Soliman ayahuasca, or black ayahuasca vine, the most potent variety known. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 50, Monday – Week 8 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 11:00 AM: Practising icaros melodies (4). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Anacaspi negro master tree, in the jungle (8,1 - 41). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (8,1 - 22). Day 51, Tuesday – Week 8 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Anacaspi negro master tree, in the jungle (8,2 - 42). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (8.1 - 16) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (8,1 - 22).

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Ayahuasca ceremony with Don Guido. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 52, Wednesday – Week 8 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3 PM: Talk by the shaman: “Specialsts of the sacred. Specializations in the vegetalista tradition of the Peruvian Amazon: curanderos, paleros, ayahuaqueros, oracionistas, espiritistas, rosacrucistas, camalongueros, toeseros, tabaqueros and toeseros". 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”) (8,1 - 13). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (8,2 - 23). Day 53, Thursday – Week 8 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (8,3 - 42). 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3 PM: Practising icaros melodies (5). 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (8,2 - 14) 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (8.2 - 17).

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The fruits of the Ayahuma (Couroupita guianensis) master tree, also known as the “Cannonball Tree). Photo: F. Sammarco

Day 54, Friday – Week 8 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Icaros practice (1) (*) 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Talk by the shaman: “Powers of Ayahuma”. 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (8, 2 - 23). Ritually smoking the leaves of the plant teacher Toé (Brugmansia sp.), with the shaman. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (8,3 - 24). (*) Note Icaros practice: Essentially learning how to practice the soft whispering of wordless icaros melodies.

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Chullachaqui caspi ritual. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 55, Saturday – Week 8 6:00 AM: Learn how to prepare the Ayahuasca brew. 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Icaros practice (soft whispering of wordless icaros melodies) (2) 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Learn how to prepare the freshly squeezed juice of the plant teacher Toé (demonstration only, without drinking it later on, at night). 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual (8,3 - 24). Ritually smoking the dry leaves of the plant teacher Toé (Brugmansia sp.), with the shaman. Day 56, Sunday – Week 8 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Practicing icaros melodies. 6:00 PM: Dinner. 8:00 PM: Night jungle hike, with shaman and guide.

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Chullachaqui caspi ritual. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 57, Monday – Week 9 8:00 AM: Breakfast 10:00 AM: Talk: “Icaros, mariris and arkana”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Icaros practice (soft whispering of wordless icaros melodies) (3) 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (9,1 - 25). Day 58, Tuesday – Week 9 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Talk: “Powers of the Huayra caspi teacher tree”. (*) 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (9,1 - 18) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (9,1 - 25).

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Ayahuasca negra ritual, in the jungle. Photo: C. Hoyos (*) Note Huayra caspi The Huayra caspi (or Huayracaspi) master tree is employed by Amazonian vegetalistas in love magic rituals, especially in “amarres de amor”, to put back together and reunite in love separated couples. It is also used to treat the effects of sorcery. Its resin is used to treat body and bone aches. In the shamanic diet it is employed as protective arkana for the apprentice dietero or dietera. The part of the tree used in the diet is the bark. It requires minimum 15 days/maximum 30 days diet. Day 59, Wednesday – Week 9 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Chullachaqui Caspi, in the jungle (9,1 - 44). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (9,2 - 26).

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Chullachaqui caspi ritual, with Don Guido. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 60, Thursday – Week 9 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Chullachaqui Caspi, in the jungle (9,2 - 45). 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual – II (9,2 - 26). Drinking the fresh juice of the powerful plant teacher Toé (Brugmansia sp.), supervised by the shaman.

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Paying homage to the Remocaspi master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 61, Friday – Week 9 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Toé experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 11:00 AM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (9,3 - 46). 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (9,1 - 15) 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (9,3 - 27). Day 62, Saturday – Week 9 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca ceremony of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Remocaspi, in the jungle (9,4 - 47). 9:00 PM: Drinking in ceremony the Ayahuma brew (4).

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The giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle around the centre. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 63, Sunday – Week 9 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the experience with the Ayahuma master tree, on the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Remocaspi, in the jungle (9,5 - 48). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (9,2 - 16). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (9,2 - 19). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (9,3 - 27). Day 64, Monday – Week 10 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Practical workshop: “How to prepare a medicinal remedy from the bark of the Chuchuhuasi master tree for colds and blood purification”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Remocaspi, in the jungle (10, 1). 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”) (10,1 - 17). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (10,1 - 28).

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Shamanic ritual with the Palosangre master tree using Machinmango leaves. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 65, Tuesday – Week 10 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 10:00 AM: Practical workshop: “How to prepare a medicinal remedy from the bark of the Renaquilla master tree to cure hernias, broken bones, or after a surgical operations ”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Caballo Sanango, in the jungle (10,2 - 50). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (10,1 - 20) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (10,1 - 28). Day 66, Wednesday – Week 10 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 10:00 AM: Practical workshop: “How to prepare a medicinal remedy from the bark of the Palo sangre master tree, to treat female infertility.” 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Caballo Sanango, in the jungle (10,3, 51). 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (10,2 - 29). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (10,2 - 29).

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The Cumaceba (Swartzia polyphila) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 67, Thursday – Week 10 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Practical workshop: “How to prepare a medicinal remedy from the bark of the Cumaceba master tree to treat dysentery”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Caballo Sanango, in the jungle (10,4 - 52). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 8:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (10,3 - 30).

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Shamanic ritual with the Azúcar Huayo (Hymenaea oblongifolia) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 68, Friday – Week 10 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Practical workshop: “How to prepare a medicinal remedy from the scraped wood of the Remocaspi master tree to treat stingray injuries”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 11:00 AM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (10,5 - 53). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (10,3 - 30). Day 69, Saturday – Week 10 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Practical workshop: “How to prepare a medicine with the bark of the Ayahuma master tree to clear the body from negative energies”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Palo Sangre, in the jungle (10,6 - 54). 6:00 PM: Dinner 8:00 PM: Night jungle hike. Day 70, Sunday – Week 10 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 11:00 AM: Practical workshop: “How to prepare a medicine with the bark of the Catahua master tree, to purify blood and cure herpes and other skin conditions”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Palo Sangre, in the jungle (10,7 - 55). 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (10,1 - 18) 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (10,2 - 21).

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The Renaco Renaquilla (Ficus sp.) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 71, Monday – Week 11 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga ceremony of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk by the shaman: “Myths and legends of the Amazon rainforest”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Cumaceba, in the jungle (11, 1 - 56). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (11,1 - 31). Day 72, Tuesday – Week 11 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Cumaceba, in the jungle (11,2 - 57). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (11,1 - 22). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (11,1 - 31).

Page 46: EL MUNDO MAGICO · 5 pm: Practice of the Ritual of Spiritual Purification, led by the apprentice (2). 7 pm: Ayahuasca ceremony (8). (First Ayahuasca ritual personally led by the apprentice,


Shamanic ritual with the Renaco Renaquilla (Ficus sp.) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 73, Wednesday – Week 11 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Cumaceba, in the jungle (11,3 - 58). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (11,2 - 32). Day 74, Thursday – Week 11 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Azúcar Huayo, in the jungle (11,4 - 59). 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”) (11,1 - 19). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (11,2 - 23). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (11,2 - 33).

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The Renaco Renaquilla (Ficus sp.) master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 75, Friday – Week 11 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk: “Using jungle animals for shamanic protection”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Azúcar Huayo, in the jungle (11,5 - 60). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (11,3 - 33). Day 76, Saturday – Week 11 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Toé experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk by the shaman: “Chullachaki: the guardian spirit of the rainforest”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 11:00 AM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (11,6 - 61). 5:00 PM: Talk by the shaman: “How to overcome difficult situations during the Ayahuasca trance (journeying too far, to far away places, having bad visions, experiencing lack of concentration, etc.). Suggestions, recommendations and strategies to follow.” 6:00 PM: Dinner 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (11,2 – 20). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (11,3 - 34).

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Huarmi Renaco, the “vine of love”, hugging a tree. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 77, Sunday – Week 11 7:00 AM: Ritual drinking of the Remocaspi (Aspidosperma excelsum) brew (5). 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Toé experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Renaco Renaquilla, in the jungle (11,7 - 62). 6:00 PM: Dinner 8:00 PM: Night jungle hike.

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Toé cigars. Photo: F. Sammarco Day 78, Monday – Week 12 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Talk: “Psychic surgery: magically extracting a virote from a patient”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Renaco Renaquilla, in the jungle (12,1 - 63). 4:30 PM: Talk: “How to interpreter dreams and visions and how to tell them apart”. 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (12,1 - 34).

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Pucuna caspi (the “blowgun tree”) ritual with Don Sixto. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 79, Tuesday – Week 12 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk: “How to survive in the Amazon jungle”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Renaco Renaquilla, in the jungle (12,2) - 64. 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”) (12,1 - 21). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (12,1 - 24). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (12,1 - 35). Day 80, Wednesday – Week 12 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with Huarmi Renaco, the “vine of love”, in the jungle (12,3 - 65). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (12,2 - 35).

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Ayahuasca ceremony with Don Sixto. The Ayahuasca brew of Don Sixto is usually prepared only with Chacruna (Psychotria viridis) leaves and Cielo ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis sp.) vine cuts. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 81, Thursday – Week 12 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with Huarmi Renaco, the “vine of love”, in the jungle (12,4 - 66). 6:00 PM: Dinner. 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (12,2 - 22) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the dry, rolled leaves of the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (12,2 - 36). Day 82, Friday – Week 12 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé ceremony of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk: “Sorcery and black magic (Brujeria y magia negra)”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 11:00 AM: Shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (12,5 - 67). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (12, 3 - 36).

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Ayahuasca brew cooking over a traditional wood fire. Don Guido’s Ayahuasca is prepared with the leaves of the Huambisa chacruna vine (also known as Chagro, Chagropanga, or Chaliponga, the Diplopterys cabrerana) and Cielo ayahuasca vine cuts. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 83, Saturday – Week 12 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Pucuna caspi, in the jungle (12,6 - 68). 8:00 PM: Camalonga ceremony (12,2 - 25) 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual. Smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (12,3 - 37). Day 84, Sunday – Week 12 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Pucuna caspi, in the jungle (12, 7 - 69). 8:00 PM: Night jungle hike.

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Ayahuasca ceremony with Don Guido. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 85, Monday – Week 13 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 PM: Talk: “Spirit and power of the Pucuna caspi master tree.”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Pucuna caspi, in the jungle (13,1 - 70). 4:30 PM: Ritual flourishing bath (baño de florecimiento) (1). (*) 8:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (13,1 – 23). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (13,1 - 37). (*) Note Flowering bath (baño de florecimiento): Don Guido employs the following plants in the preparation of the ritual flourishing bath: Sharamasho, flowers of Rosa Sisa, flowers of red roses (Rosas de amores), flowers of Ruda, 7 white, 7 yellow and 7 violet flowers (from different plants), essence of Cinnamon (Canela), essence of Rue plant (Ruda), Tabu fragrance, and the Agua de Kananga and Agua de Florida colognes.

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The giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle surrounding the retreat venue. Photo: C. Hoyos Day 86, Tuesday – Week 13 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Renaco gigante, in the jungle (13, 2 - 70). 4:30 PM: Ritual flourishing bath (baño de florecimiento) (2). 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”). (13,2 – 24). 8:00 PM: Last Camalonga dream ceremony (13,1 - 26). 9:00 PM: Toé dream ritual: smoking the plant teacher Toé, with the shaman (13,1 -38).

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Shamanic ritual with the Caballo sanango master tree. Photo © C. Hoyos

Day 87, Wednesday – Week 13 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Conversation with the shaman, discussing the Camalonga and Toé ceremonies of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the teacher plant Abuta, in the jungle (13,3 - 71). 4:30 PM: Ritual flourishing bath (baño de florecimiento) (3). 7:00 PM: Spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”) (13,3 - 25). 9:00 PM: Ayahuasca ceremony (13,2 - 38). Day 88, Thursday – Week 13 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the previous night. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the Machinmango master tree, in the jungle (13,4 - 72). 4:30 PM: Ritual flourishing bath (baño de florecimiento) (4). 8:00 PM: Last Toé dream ritual – III (13,2 - 39). Drinking the fresh juice of the powerful plant teacher Toé (Brugmansia sp.), supervised by the shaman.

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The Palosangre master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 89, Friday – Week 13 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Toé experience of the previous night. 11:00 AM: Talk: “Strengthening body, energy and spirit through the shamanic diet and how to regain lost powers after a magical attack”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 3:00 PM: Shamanic ritual with the master tree Lechecaspi, in the jungle (13, 5 - 73). 4:30 PM: Ritual flourishing bath (baño de florecimiento) (5). 9:00 PM: Last Ayahuasca ceremony (13,3 - 39). Day 90, Saturday – Week 13 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 10:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman, discussing the Ayahuasca experience of the night before. 11:00 AM: Talk: “Receiving shamanic powers from the supernatural world of master plants and trees”. 1:00 PM: Lunch. 11:00 AM: Last shamanic ritual with the giant ayahuasca negra vine, growing wild in the jungle (13,6 - 74). 4:30 PM: Last ritual flourishing bath (baño de florecimiento) (6). 8:00 PM: Last spiritual purification ritual (includes smudging with Palo Santo, the “Holy tree”) (13,4 - 26). 9:00 PM: Drinking in ceremony the Remocaspi brew (6).

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The Pucuna caspi master tree. Photo: C. Hoyos

Day 91, Sunday – Week 13 8:00 AM: Breakfast. 9:00 AM: Meeting with the shaman and final set of guidelines and recommendations to follow during the post-diet period. 11:00 AM: Farewell ceremony. 1:00 PM: Lunch. Rest, packing and farewell.

Magical Journey Ends! ☺
