  • 8/8/2019 Eight Days a Week - The Fourth Wave - Synopsis


    Eight Days A Week Author: Geert Callens


    10 Schematic synopsis

    10.1 Current geo-political and socioeconomic paradigm, based on wrong premises.

    Consider things in a rational way, no moral considerations are needed. After all, amoral is not the sameas immoral.

    Thomas Malthus:o Resources increase at an arithmetic rate, population at a geometrical rate. So resources per

    capita decrease.o Get control of resources of other countries.o Reduce population.o Wars, pogroms and genocides (women and children first) meet both objectives perfectly:

    Children have more years to live than adults, so they need more resources. Theyounger they die, the more resources are left for others.

    Women can bear children. Men cannot do this, they need women to procreate. Men can be used as slaves, cheap labor or cannon fodder. No problem if people are killed on both sides: more resources per capita are left.

    Social Darwinists:o Survival of the fittest.

    Profit is not possible according to economists:o Evolution of profit ratio: declining in times of peace due to free competition and accumulation

    of capital goods.

    o Actions to increase profit ratio: Consumer society: induce demand for non-essential products and services. Disinvestment goods (armament industry):

    When not used:o To stimulate growth (they contribute to the GNP, just as

    consumption goods and investment goods, or a broken window).

    Once used:o To reduce the level of invested capital (lower denominator of the

    profit ratio).

    o To increase the demand for goods during and after the massivedestruction (higher numerator of the profit ratio).

    o To reduce the level of population. Joseph Schumpeter: creative destruction (Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 1942).

    o In his mind: creative innovation destroys old techniques and businesses (CD replaces LP andaudio tape, MP3 and iPod make CD obsolete).

    o According to others: destroy in order to recreate and rebuild (Halliburton and The CarlyleGroup). All men are equal, but some are more equal than others, so there are always winners and losers, it is

    us or them.

    Rationally and amorally spoken, war meets all requirements perfectly! So this cannot be immoral. It isfor the good of us against them!

    So let us start first, a preemptive strike is better than no strike, even if there is no real reason for it. Onecould always provoke a reason.

    Furthermore, financing a war by fiat money is very lucrative for some people, while the silent majoritydoes not realize that inflation and higher taxes erodes their incomes, accumulated savings and pensions.

    Multinationals pay very few taxes due to system of transfer pricing.

    Just study the past, look at the newspapers and the news on TV, makes you wanna cry.Whish your heart was made of stone.

  • 8/8/2019 Eight Days a Week - The Fourth Wave - Synopsis


    Eight Days A Week Author: Geert Callens


    10.2 New Gaia-political and socioeconomic paradigm, based on correct premises.

    Consider things in a rational way and moral way. Rationality combined with amorality and pure self-interest leads to immorality.

    Thomas Malthus was right for only a short time-span. Over a longer period of time Pierre FrancoisVerhulst is right, with his well known S-curve (the logistic population growth model, 1838).

    o In poor societies with high death rate for children and no social security or pension system, afamily needs lots of children and grandchildren in order to guarantee a comfortable old age.

    o In rich societies, with low death rate for children and a social security and pension system,there is no longer need for a lot of children, so the birth rate declines, the population levels out,and in some rich countries even declines.

    Modern evolution theory: species are dependent on each other for their survival.o Foxes eat chickens, but do not raise chickens. More foxes lead to fewer chickens.o People eat chickens andraise chickens. The more people, the more chickens!

    Profit for companies is part of the profit for society, which is the result of economic growth.o Distribution of the profit for society over the socioeconomic participants determines future

    growth: Socioeconomic participants whose needs are amply fulfilled will not necessarily

    consume more and will not necessarily induce future growth and future profit. Socioeconomic participants with still needs to fulfill will consume and induce future

    growth and thus future profit.

    Sustainable growth in a compassionate society for all instead of consumer society for the happy few. All men are equal. And it is us and them together.

    o 4 + 4 = 8 days a week: 4 days work for half of the population. 4 days leisure time for the other half of the population. Alternating, so infrastructure is used completely 8 days a week. No need for

    investments in order to boost the profit ratio. No unemployment, less crime.

    Peaceful world society. Inflation free world society. Fair tax collection when all companies all over the world use same fiscal year in their accounting

    system (in Greenwich time, not local time), so transfer pricing and tax-evasion are no longer possible.

    Heaven is here on Earth, if you want it.
