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EFQM Excellence Awards 2013

Discover Europe’s

Best Performing Organisations

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2012 Awards Celebration Dinner

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EFQM Recognition Book 2013

Foreword Marc Amblard, Chief Executive Officer, EFQM

On the eve of EFQM’s 25th anniversary, we celebrate the recipients of the 2013 EFQMExcellence Award and Prize winners in the prestigious Vienna “Rathaus” or city hall. At EFQM, we arealso proud to recognise in this booklet a very diverse group of organisations that received EFQMRecognition in the past year. They are SMEs or large entities from pretty much all sectors, both privateand public and representing 7 countries. Yet, they all have one thing in common: they are relentless intheir pursuit of excellence.

78 dedicated assessors conducted thorough evaluations of the applicants, spending up to 500hours assessing each organisation, most of which on site. We are very pleased to announce that the Juryawarded Austrian 5 star Schwarz Alpine Spa & Golf Resort this year’s Excellence Award. BMWRegensburg, Glasgow Housing Association, Stavropol Agrarian University, St Mary’s College, VamedKMB and Wakefield & District Housing all received Prizes for outstanding performance on specificFundamental Concepts.

These excellent organisations are role models for our community. EFQM will ‘Share WhatWorks’ and make sure we can all learn from them. Good practices identified by Assessors will be sharednot only at the Forum but throughout the year, through Case Studies, Webinars and Good PracticeVisits. Experience shows that those who want to progress learn from the best.

You will find in this book the list of 208 and 278 organisations which were awarded respectivelyCommitted to Excellence and Recognised for Excellence during the past 12 months. We congratulatethem for their efforts and the dedication of their teams. We know what it takes as EFQM wasrecognised at the 4 Star level this year. We hope that many of you will eventually aim for the highestrecognition as proof of our commitment for Sustainable Excellence. And the Award and Prize winnerswill provide valuable insights to reach this goal.

This never ending assessment, recognition, sharing and learning cycle would not be possiblewithout the dedication of our Assessors, Team Leaders, Process Support Persons, Jury Members and thepeople at EFQM who make it happen. Please join me in saying Thank You to all of them as they make‘Share What Works’ a reality for the benefit of all.

Yours sincerely,

Marc AmblardChief Executive Officer

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EFQM Recognition Book 2013

Winners OverviewAlpenresort SchwarzEFQM Excellence Award and Prize WinnerAustria

BMW Regensburg Prize WinnerGermany

GHA Glasgow Housing AssociationPrize WinnerUnited Kingdom

Nilufer Municipality Prize WinnerTurkey

St Mary’s College Prize WinnerUnited Kingdom

Stavropol Agrarian University Prize WinnerRussia

VAMED – KMB Prize WinnerAustria

WDH Wakefield and District HousingPrize WinnerUnited Kingdom

GC EuropeFinalistBelgium


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Alpenresort Schwarz

EFQM Excellence Award Winner and Prize Winner in Adding Value for Customers and Succeeding through the Talent of People

At the 5 star Schwarz alpine spa & Golf resort in Tyrol, the Pirktl family and their employees impresstheir guests all year round with a wide range of sport and leisure activities for all generations. Theseinclude a 27 hole golf course, a 4,000 m2 spa and the award winning Water Worlds with 9 pools.Regional produce forms a key component of the multiple award winning cuisine. The hosts areparticularly proud of their dreamy hotel garden which has been named the most beautiful hotel gardenin Austria.

Excellence awardAward Winner - 2013

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An interview with Katharina, Franz Josef and Thomas Pirktl

The model’s criteria are holisticand can be used in equalmeasure for any company.Working with this Modelsustainably alters the corporateculture and its management andleads to continuousimprovement within thecompany.

What has been the biggestbenefit Alpenresort Schwarz hasgained from using the model?The greatest benefit is surelythat we have continuouslydeveloped and improved ourorganisation and our routinemanagement work by workingin project groups.Therefore, our traditionalfamily business has developedinto an organisation withmodern structures and controlsystems.This development is reflectedparticularly in the positive ongoing company results and hasmade our organisation moreflexible and efficient.

You are the winner of the EFQMExcellence Award 2013. Whatdoes this achievement mean toyou?As a service provider in the tourismsector and as a hotel, we workpassionately year round in fulfillingeach of our guest’s holiday dreams.We are happy and proud that ourdaily services are being honouredwith this holistic Europeancompany award and are beingacknowledged in comparison withinternational leading companiesfrom all branches.

How and when did you start yourjourney towards excellence?About 10 years ago, we startedworking with our managementteam in line with this model. Thekick off was during our firstStrategy Convention in 2003, whichhas been taking place annuallysince then.

Back then, vision, mission, valuesand the strategic goals for thecoming years were mapped outtogether with approx. 15 executivemanagers. Since then, we have beenconsistently working on therealisation of this model.

Why would you recommend usingthe Model to other organisations?Excellent achievements andimprovement potential can be seenusing the EFQM Model and can becompared regardless of thecompany and its sector.

Adding Value for Customers The Guest is at the centre of all thatAlpenresort Schwarz represents. GuestLoyalty is rewarded with annual Awards.The personal involvement of Pirktl familywith the Guests shows how the importanceof the Guest is perceived by the Pirktlfamily. The combined effort of theseapproaches is reflected in the consistentlygood Guest satisfaction results over nineyears.

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EFQM Recognition Book 2013

Sharing numbers…

Company name: Alpenresort SchwarzAddress: Obermieming 141a, 6414 Mieming, AustriaWebsite:; www.hotel schwarz.comContact: [email protected]

€ 0

€ 50

€ 100

€ 150

€ 200

2009 2010 2011 2012





Revenue per available room









2009 2010 2011 2012

Customer satisfaction services overall



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Managing with Agility Unlike other car production facilities, the vast range ofcar types and permutations are constructed on oneassembly line. This has been made possible by astructured and sustained approach to processmanagement and process improvement over nineyears.There are many examples of elegant and innovativeimprovements, from harnessing new technology toidentifying parts at product line assembly bymemorable pictures rather than serial numbers. Thismanufacturing flexibility is understood to be at globalrole model level.

EFQM Prize Winners 2013

BMW Regensburg The BMW Regensburg planthas approximately 9,000employees with a dailyproduction of around 1,100units of the BMW 1 Series,3 Series (Sedan, Coupé,Convertible and BMW M3variants includingindividual and governmentvehicles and four wheelvariants) as well as theBMW Z4, making it animportant part of theworldwide BMW Groupproduction network.

In 2012 a total of 300,307cars were built. Since 1986,more than five millionvehicles rolled off theassembly line.

Each individual customer'srequirement is alwaysfulfilled on time and inaccordance with thehighest quality standards.In addition to the highflexibility and mastery ofthe large offer of variants,the high efficiency of theplant becomes particularlyapparent in the high levelof start up expertise.

Prize Winner in Managing with Agility and Sustaining Outstanding Results

This is not the first time you are in the Award Assessment Process; whathave you learned through this process?Through the EFQM assessment BMW Plant Regensburg receives objective,valuable and helpful suggestions about its strengths and – even moreimportant – its potentials. The external view through the assessors meansfor us a significant extension of our perspective angle. The strengths andpotentials are used in the strategy and target process to decide about“doing the right things”. Our management team has an important role inthe implementationprocess. Theyunderstand andsupport the path tobusiness excellenceand integrate allemployees,especially throughdialogue basedcommunication.

Excellence award

Prize Winner - 2013

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An interview with Andreas Wendt, Plant Director

What is the one thing otherorganisations can learn from yourexperience?It does not matter where you are, itis crucial to follow the way with aclear goal, with a commonorientation. The commitment of allmanagers and employees isparticularly important for this. Themain requirements for theintroduction of the EFQM Model arethe conviction at the managementlevel and the will to achievebusiness excellence. The pathtowards business excellence isbased on the learning ability of anorganisation, it must be determinedto learn in order develop itself.

You won 2 Prizes; what does thisachievement mean to you?The recognition for the BMW plantRegensburg delighted allemployees and the wholemanagement team. It makes usvery proud but the prizes areprimarily an incentive toconsequently pursue the pathtowards business excellence.Ultimately, the customer decideson the success of an organisation.So for us the way towards businessexcellence is a permanent demandpretend for ourselves in the senseof: “We inspire customers – inseries”.

What does the future look like forBMW?Crucial characteristics of excellentorganisations are customer orientation,ability to change and learn, as well asflexibility. The employees, managersand partners play an important role aswell, because only in the mutualapproach the future viability andcompetitiveness can be ensured.

Sharing numbers… Voice of the Customer Voice of the Business

Customer orientation. Target scenario: We inspire ourcustomers – in series. Enabler Q Initiative.

The parameter “labor productivity (HPV)” describes thehours worked at Plant Regensburg per vehicle producedand is an indicator of the site’s operational efficiency.

Company name: BMW Regensburg PlantAddress: Hebert Quandt Allee, 93055 RegensburgWebsite: werk regensburg.deContact: bmw [email protected]








2010 2011 2012



Actual Benchmark Target





















2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012







Actual Benchmark Target




Basis: 100% value 2007

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Leading with Vision, Inspiration and Integrity Leaders have created a culture of genuineempowerment. Of particular note are theextent to which leaders engage withstakeholders and partners, and also theextent to which they have secured theloyalty, commitment and trust of theiremployees.

EFQM Prize Winners 2013

GHA Glasgow Housing Association

Glasgow HousingAssociation is a RegisteredSocial Landlord, a not forprofit organisation and aregistered charity. Weprovide services to almost67,000 people acrossGlasgow, owning andmanaging 41,000 rentedproperties. We are thelargest provider of socialrented housing in Scotland.From September 2012, GHAhas become the largestsubsidiary of WheatleyHousing Group, a neworganisation formed toensure a sustainable andgrowing business.

Prize Winner in Leading With Vision, Inspiration & Integrity

What have been the highlights on your journey towards excellence?GHA established strong strategic partnerships with customer groups,government, business and finance, and stakeholder organisations acrossScotland. We engaged with these to gain insight into the needs andpreferences of all groups and used this to develop customer and stakeholderfocused strategies for continuous improvement. We introduced a new vision,values and our Big 5 Aims, all focused on improving customer and stakeholderexperience of our services. We deployed these with performance plans, BESTgroups that capture staff insight, lean thinking, self assessment by staff, allsupported by external validation of progress. We are particularly proud tohow we have developed a culture of support and trust with our people,including a new GHA Academy with success focused training; teamworkinitiatives, includingcustomer servicechampions in each team;and a clear focus on astrong culture, including‘My Contribution’ and‘Think Yes”.

Excellence awardPrize Winner - 2013

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An interview with Paddy McLaughlin, Quality Assurance Manager

Why would you recommend usingthe Model to other organisations?Throughout our improvementjourney, we have demonstrated ourbelief that clarity of objectives andstructures for delivery are critical toservice improvement. We are clearon where we want to go and havefirm strategies, policies, procedures,deployment and monitoringarrangements in place to ensure weget there. The excellence model hashelped us identify priorities forimprovement during our journeyand its structured approach ensuredthat the solutions we consideredwere appropriately analysed,prioritised and delivered whenappropriate.

We would very strongly recommendthe use of the excellence model toany organisation, wherever they areon their continuous improvementjourney to excellence.”

What have you learned through theAward Assessment process?GHA started its journey towardsexcellence lacking self awareness.Several difficult years left usuncertain even of our future. Weused the EFQM process to preparefor assessment, embedding thecontinuous improvement approach.We supported all staff through selfassessment focusing on customers,ensuring we identified continuousimprovement needscomprehensively.

Preparing for assessment we reflectedon improvements delivered forcustomers and planned for more. Wedemonstrated significantimprovement to the awardassessment team, including that wehave become a much more self awareand confident organisation. Thefeedback we received has beenincredibly helpful though each of ourexternal assessments has been vital inboth in terms of providing us withconfidence that we are on the righttrack and in helping to structure ourapproach to continuing to improve.

Sharing numbers… Overall Customer Satisfaction with GHA’s landlord

GHA conducts an annualcustomer satisfaction surveywhich is managed andvalidated by an independentorganisation.

Company name: Glasgow Housing Association, The AcademyAddress: 146 Ingram Street, G11DW GlasgowWebsite: www. [email protected]


2010/11 2011/12 2012/12 2013/14

GHA GHA Target House Benchmark Trend

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Adding Value for Customers They do not only add value byunderstanding, and fulfilling customerneeds, expectations and opportunities, butby anticipating future demands andexpectations, contributing to the modernlife standards enjoyed by Nilüfer citizens.

EFQM Prize Winners 2013

Nilüfer Municipality Nilüfer Municipality is alocal government (publicsector), providing servicesfor 339.667 residents(including villages) as per2012 census. NilüferMunicipality is one of thethree central districtsmunicipalities of Bursa, the4th biggest city of Turkey.The Municipality isorganised as follows: amunicipal council, amunicipal executivecommittee, a mayor, 5deputy mayors, 22department managers andapproximately 850employees.

Nilüfer Municipality’sprimary managementapproach is defined asgiving a direction to urban,institutional, social andeconomical developmentand managing the change.In this scope, some of theservices of NilüferMunicipality are UrbanPlanning and ExpropriationServices, PublicDevelopment andConstruction Services,Road ConstructionMaintenance RepairServices, etc.

Prize Winner in Adding Value for Customers

You were Award Finalist in 2012. One year after you are Prize Winner;what does this achievement mean to you?Nilüfer Municipality, located within Bursa’s boundaries has had an incredibledevelopment since 1987, multiplying its territory by 6 and expanding itsdemography to reach 339 000 citizens. The main management philosophy isto provide quality and leading service. NB has implemented the ExcellenceModel since 2003. The primary objective was for NB to move one stepfurther in its journey toexcellence. This is how NBwas involved in the EFQMExcellence Award processin 2008.The success ofthis year’s application(Prize Winner), and thatof last year with NilüferMunicipality being AwardFinalist, shows the successof the reforms.

Excellence awardPrize Winner - 2013

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An interview with Mustafa Bozbey, Mayor

What has been the biggest benefitNilüfer has gained from using theModel?The Model is a guide for us torenew ourselves constantly,managing the change and givingdirection to development. Also, theEFQM Excellence Model is apractical tool for us as a tool forself assessment, as a way tobenchmark other organisations andas a structure for our organisation’smanagement system. NB started itsexcellence journey in 2003 andchanged for the best thanks to theModel.

What have you learned throughthe Award Assessment process?The main benefit of the AwardAssessment process for us is thefeedback report that gives us themain strengths and areas ofimprovement. The assessmentprocess has enabled a structuredreview of the overall performance,measuring achievements andstrengths and also identifyingimprovement opportunities for us.It was important tools that helpedus measure where we were on thepath towards excellence, but alsoto understand the gaps, and thenstimulate solutions.

What is the one thing otherorganisations can learn from yourexperience?Several applications by NilüferMunicipality are followed and carriedout by several institutions on local,national and international level.One of our best practices is ourcitizen’s relationship managementsystem.

Sharing numbers… Overall satisfaction (Employee Satisfaction Survey)

This result is one of the key results of NilüferMunicipality determined by the topmanagement. It shows the average of allanswers given to the questions included inEmployee Satisfaction Survey. It demonstratesthe overall perception of the people withrespect regarding to the Nilüfer Municipality,connected with the “Human Resources” processand all performance indicators included inpeople results

Name: Nilufer MunicipalityAddress: Karaman Mah. Kültür Cad. No:2 Nilpark AVM Kat 2 3 Nilüfer/Bursa/Turkey PK: 16130Website:, www.nilufer.bel.trContact: [email protected]










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Sustaining Outstanding Results St Mary's College coming a longer waywith its pupils, and adding more value tothem, and therefore to society, thanequally performing schools demonstratesstrong focus on learners' outcomesdemonstrated with outstandingexamination performance. This is alsoreflected in outstanding Customerperception results.

EFQM Prize Winners 2013

St Mary's College St Mary’s College is aCatholic all ability schoolwhich caters for 900 girls inthe 11 18 age group. It hasbeen using the EFQMBusiness Excellence Modelsince 1995 and has wonnumerous awards based ofthe Model including ;

The Northern IrelandQuality Award (on fouroccasions) 1998, 2001,2006, 2012;The UK Quality Award2000;The EFQM ExcellenceAward in both 2001 and2006;The Ireland ExcellenceAward 2013

As the first public sectororganisation ever to winthe EFQM Excellence Awardtwice the school has builtup a reputation fororganisational excellenceboth nationally andinternationally.

Prize Winner in Sustaining Outstanding Results

You have been using the Model for close to 20 years. How did you start yourjourney towards excellence?We started our journey towards Excellence in the early nineties. After beingappointed to St Mary’s College in 1987 Dame Geraldine Keegan worked inindustry for a year where she was introduced to Total Quality Management.She returned to the school with lots of new ideas and from 1991 we have usedquality models as a means of improving our school. In the mid nineties weintroduced the EFQM Business Excellence Model and it has proved verysuccessful as a frameworkfor whole schoolperformance review andcontinuous improvement.The model is nowembedded in everything wedo. We use a number ofother quality standardsalongside the ExcellenceModel including Investors inPeople and the InclusionQuality Mark.

Excellence awardPrize Winner - 2013

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An interview with Marie Lindsay, Headmistress

What has been the biggest benefitSt Mary’s College has gained fromusing the Model?The biggest benefit has been ourimproved performance in keyresults including examinationperformance over a 15 year period.The Model requires that we involveeveryone in self evaluation to bringabout improvement as part of ourdaily routine. The Model has helpeddevelop leadership at every level,nurturing talent that wouldotherwise have been hidden.We have more clarity and unity ofpurpose with our Mission andVision clearly linked to our SchoolDevelopment and Departmentalplans.

As a result we see higher levels ofstaff motivation and morale. Wesee more parental and communityinvolvement leading to higherlevels of pupil and parentsatisfaction and the school enjoysan enhanced reputation locally andinternationally.

What is the one thing otherorganisations can learn from yourexperience?Continuous improvement is tooimportant to be left to a few‘experts’ in your organisation, it isfor everyone and the Model is theframework that will help youcapture all the expertise andtalent.

to enable you to further develop whatis going well and improve wherenecessary by finding new and excitingways of doing things The EFQMBusiness Excellence Model is notanother expensive and gimmicky fad. Itis not another layer of work andbureaucracy carried out by a fewexperts in your organisation. Whenused properly the Model will becomeembedded in everything you do andwill neither be a drain on time orresources.

Sharing numbers…

Percentage of Pupils gaining 5+ GCSES at A C

Company name: St Mary’s CollegeAddress: 35 Northland Rd., Derry BT48 0ANWebsite: www.stmarysderry.comContact: [email protected]



St Mary's



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Harnessing Creativity & Innovation There are many examples of a culture open tonew ideas, not only in the area of theeducation and scientific work but also insupporting functions. These include new andimproved working conditions, new buildingsand facilities, including the department ofhospitality hotel and conference centresimulations.

EFQM Prize Winners 2013

Stavropol State Agrarian University (SSAU)

The Stavropol StateAgrarian University is theleading Russian center ofeducation, science andculture, providing training,scientific research andconsulting methodologicalactivity. It was founded in1930.

The University consists of 8faculties from which 18, 500students get their training.The personnel include 1,405people with an average ageof 39 years. 92.1 % of theteaching staff has academicdegrees and tittles.

The University benefitsfrom a large network of 66countries partners, 136strategic partners, 51branch departments on thebase of employers. Thegraduates’ employmentrate is 95. 3%.

Prize Winner in Harnessing Creativity & Innovation

How did you start your journey towards Excellence?In 1999, we started using the EFQM Excellence Model. The experience of ourUniversity shows that today information constantly changes and quicklybecomes outdated, thus, it is important to keep up with the new demands inbusiness, education, science and industry. This can be achieved not onlythrough a constant perception of new information, or the ability to useexisting knowledge, but also by generating new willingness to permanentlychange and develop. The EFQM Excellence Model is a practical tool used bySSAU for different purposes: to find new market segments, identify andimplement the necessary changes to reduce costs, which is especiallyimportant in today's market. The University gets a comprehensive picture ofits activities; assessesand monitors thesatisfaction of itsconsumers, staff,suppliers, society, andon this basis candetermine priority areasfor improvement.

Excellence awardPrize Winner - 2013

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An interview with Vladimir Trukhachev, Rector

It is not the first time youparticipate to the AwardAssessment Process. What haveyou learned through this process?Excellence is a constant movementforward. Awareness of theimportance of our on goingchanges across the board comesthrough understanding the EFQMModel.The way forward is never easy,especially when you need to be atthe forefront and to take on newchallenges. The further we moveforward along the path towardsExcellence, the less pre madesolutions exist.Focusing on the EFQM Model, weare creating new effectivemechanisms to overcome newchallenges. Timely introducing newways of working with thestakeholders on the basis of theninth Model criteria, we were ableto comprehensively influence keyprocesses and outcomes.

The use of Fundamental conceptsas development vectors allow us tofully and organically look at theprocesses of value creation forstakeholders.By participating in the «ExcellenceAward» contest, we have formed aculture of "the thirst forknowledge", through which wehave learned to see opportunitiesrather than obstacles whendetermining the critical points ofthe required improvements, to setambitious goals and achieve them.

What does the future look like forSSAU?The University is fully aware of itssocial responsibility towards thesociety and the youngergeneration. Therefore, our Missionis not only to train professionals,but also to contribute to thepreservation and enhancement ofmoral, social and cultural values ofthe society.

Today this is a priority for theUniversity and of vital importance toeverybody who lives next to us in thecity, in the region, in the RussianFederation, in the world as a whole.We also connect our future to thefurtherance of quality at the regional,national and global level in order towork on the implementation of thephilosophy and tools of quality, invarious organisations for the prosperityof the Russian society. We, of course,in turn, want to contribute to thedevelopment of the EFQM ExcellenceModel, because it will lead to thepromotion of the SSAU brand andassociating it with sustainable growth,environmental friendliness, highquality human relationships by puttingas a priority the quality of education.

Sharing Numbers … Customer satisfaction with the innovative products quality

Company name: Stavropol State Agrarian UniversityAddress: Zootekhnicheskiy pereulok,12, Stavropol 355017Website: www.stgau.ruContact: [email protected]








2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Customer Satisfactionwith the innovativeproducts quality (%)


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Succeeding through the talent of people

VAMED KMB people dedicate their individualcontributions, based on educational skills,knowledge, experience, talent and problemsolving capability, as well as showing passionto allow Vienna General Hospital to operateand function in its daily business withoutinterruptions and malfunctions.

EFQM Prize Winners 2013


VAMED KMB is a subsidiaryof VAMED, the leadinginternational provider of afull line of services forhospitals and other healthcare facilities.

With its highly qualifiedstaff (about 1,000employees) and an annualturnover of 135 million in2012, VAMED KMB is acompetent partner inVienna’s healthcare system.It provides valuable andsustainable operationsmanagement servicesfocusing on buildingservices, structuralengineering and medicaltechnology, informationand communicationtechnology as well asinfrastructural andcommercial services. Inaddition, the companyrealizes projects during ongoing hospital operation.

Since its construction thecompany has maintainedthe Vienna General Hospital– Medical UniversityCampus for the ViennaHospital Association.

Prize Succeeding through the talent of people

Prize Winner in Succeeding through the Talent of People

Why did you choose to use the EFQM Excellence Model?VAMED KMB is a highly integrated partner for its customers in the Viennahealthcare system. The company’s goal is to be one of the best servicecompanies in Europe and to offer the highest quality for its customers tosupport their target of securing people’s healthcare in spite of limitedresources.The EFQM model provides the basis for our lived excellence ambitions whichare also expressed in our value principle: “from people excellence forpeople”.The EFQM model was chosen as a management model because it appealedto us for two reasons:

it considers the balance between all stakeholdersand because of the Radarlogic which had alreadybeen part of our contractsin 1991. The Radar logic isnecessary for thesustainability of ourservices.

The consistent use of thisexcellence modeldemonstrates that thecompany is not reacting,but acting, so that ourcustomers have a partnerfor excellent long termcooperation. Excellence award

Prize Winner - 2013

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An interview with Otto Müller, Managing Director

What have been the highlights onyour journey towards excellence?We started the path towardsexcellence in 2003 and haveconducted annual self assessmentssince then. EFQM has beencontractually anchored in theagreements with our customer as aguarantee for quality thinking. APlatform Technology for People wasfounded in 2006 to provide a boardto underscore the joint strategicobjectives. This opened up a newhorizon in partnership with thecustomer. In 2008, VAMED KMBapplied for the Austrian QualityAward for the first time with theobjective of belonging to the bestcompanies. The Finalist’s Award, aJury Award, and the EFQM 5 starR4E recognition were evidence forthe success of our path toexcellence, a path which we havebeen following together with ourcustomer since 2007.

In 2009, VAMED KMB was theAward winner of the AustrianQuality Award. VAMED KMBapplied for the international EFQMExcellence Award for the first timein 2010 and we were awarded asPrize winner in the category“Succeeding through People”.Moreover, the company was againawarded as a Prize winner in thecategory “Nurturing Creativity &Innovation” in course of thesecond international application in2012.

How has using the Modelimpacted your bottom lineresults?Since the start of our excellencejourney we generally haveachieved sustainable and balancedresults in all result criteria (resultsregarding all stakeholders:customer, people, society, owner,

partners) with positive trends since2004. This is the basis for the steadilygrowing Excellence level that we havereached in the last years in our annualself assessments but also in theassessments by our customer as well asin external assessments by means ofparticipation in the EFQM Excellenceand the Austrian Quality Awardprocedures.On the basis of lived excellence and ourinnovative approaches, ensuringsustainable success, we are well on trackto shape the future of Vienna`shealthcare system as a reliable partner.

Sharing numbers… Reduction CO2 Emissions Vienna General Hospital

Company name: VAMED KMB Krankenhausmanagement und Betriebsführungsges.m.b.H.Address: Spitalgasse 23, 1090 ViennaWebsite: www.vamed.comContact: [email protected]










Reduction in %

Kyoto target 5.2%

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Adding Value for CustomersThe needs of customers (or tenants, orresidents) are clearly understood: capturedby research; by survey; by meetings withtheir representatives; by the feedback fromthe people of WDH who work in thecommunity, and by truly integrating thecustomer in everyday activity.

EFQM Prize Winners 2013

WDHWakefield and District Housing

WDH is one of the UK’slargest housingassociations, beingresponsible for 31,000properties. Its Vision is to‘create confidentcommunities’, having apositive impact on thephysical, social andeconomic landscape of theWakefield district. WDHwas named ‘Landlord of theYear’ at the UK HousingAwards 2013 and hasachieved Customer ServiceExcellence with CompliancePlus.

Prize Winner in Adding Value for Customers

How did you start your journey towards excellence?We started using and applying the EFQM business excellence model over tenyears ago as a means of self assessment to understand what excellence meant tous, our services, employees and to our customers. This was with a view toachieving excellence in all that we do, continually improve and to benchmarkagainst others. Since thenwe have achievedsignificant success in theawards process includingwinning Regional Businessof the Year 2008, UK AwardWinner 2010 and becominga European finalist in 2012(the only UK entrant andthe first HousingAssociation to reach thislevel). We continue tostrive for excellence andhave entered the 2013EFQM Excellence Award.

Excellence awardPrize Winner - 2013

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An interview with Martyn Durant, Business Excellence Manager

What has been the biggest benefitWDH has gained from using theModel?Using the model has helped us toengage with our employees in amore comprehensive andstructured way and to help becomemore “self aware” about what wedo and why we do it, how well wedo it and where we need toimprove. This has given us the basison which to work from in terms ofbeing honest and realistic abouthow we see ourselves. Having thatlevel of honesty has gainedemployees’ trust and buy in, andhas focused our future strategies.

What have you learned throughthe Award Assessment process?After our own internalassessment, it’s refreshing to seehow an alternative, independentview compares from people whomay not be familiar with ourindustry. The assessors gave a fairview of us which confirmed manyof our own assumptions and gaveus new perspectives.

The assessment process hascertainly confirmed theimportance of displaying ourcapabilities through our greatestasset – our people.

How has using the Model impactedyour bottom line results?It has helped us to establish the realdrivers of our business and taught us notto be afraid to change them as ouroperating conditions change. The needto benchmark against others to get atrue feel of where we are on the road toexcellence has helped us to improve ourresults and sustain them.

Sharing numbers… Customer Satisfaction Survey

Company name: Wakefield and District HousingAddress: Merefield House Whistler Drive, Castleford WF10 5HXWebsite: [email protected]

























Actual TargetNational Top Quartile National Average

Our customers are at the heart ofeverything we do and we ask them theirviews, so that we can act on what theysay.As part of our annual tenant satisfactionsurvey, we ask tenants how satisfied theyare with WDH services and we use this toassess how well we are improving ourcustomer service. We have seensustained improvement in satisfactionsince 2004. This is one of our top levelbusiness results displaying ourcommitment to our customers and alignsour performance against one of ourStrategic Objectives – ‘To be a landlord ofchoice by putting the customer first.’

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Award Finalist GCE has been able to increase or sustain goodperformance in dealer satisfaction since2005, and since 2009 GCE is the benchmarkcompared with competition in 4 of 7categories. These excellent achievements aremainly the result of process improvement inproduction and logistics, together with smartapproach to sales which is evident in themarkets where GC Europe operates.

EFQM Finalists 2013

THE FINALISTSGC Europe N.V. is thesubsidiary of the JapaneseGC Corporation which is oneof the leading providers ofdental care products in theworld”. GC has been knownfor more than 25 yearsamong dentists and dentaltechnicians for itsconsistently high productquality, ease of handling andthe highest standard ofcustomer service. As aninnovative company withtradition and experience, GCwants to set furthermilestones in dentistry. Indoing this, the primaryconcern is not merelytechnical product safety butpeople's safety and oralhealth in particular alwayscombined with the latestscientific knowledge.

GC EuropeWhat is the one thing other organisations can learn from your experience?GC Europe has managed to create a culture of excellence within GC Europe,merging both Japanese and European cultural strengths.Our corporate philosophies of Semui (the eyes of the customer) and Nakama(balance and harmony) are a strong uniting driver towards Excellence.Together with the GC Europe’s Mission, Vision and Values, the result includes:a culture of customer focus, expected high standards of ethical behaviour andvalues, people relationships with each other and feeling free to improve andbe open to ideas. Ourassociates feel genuinelyempowered and have thefreedom to improve bothwithin the system frameworkand also feel free torecommend systemimprovements.We consistently focus oncustomer results in order toadjust our approaches whichare very flexible in order toanswer the expectations andneeds of our customerscontinuously.

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An interview with Eckhard Maedel, President

Why did you choose to use theEFQM Excellence Model?From the outset, our mothercompany, GC Corporation has madequality management a priority in allaspects of its business activities.This commitment to excellence hasalso become the hallmark of GCEurope operations.Inspired by GC Corporation whichwas awarded with the Deming Prizeand the Japan Quality Medal(worldwide most prestigiousrecognition for quality managementin organizations), the Europeanoperation, GC Europe follows theEFQM Excellence model. GC Europehas selected to use EFQMExcellence model since itrepresents European

TQM approach which is one of themost comprehensive managementsystem, a holistic approach andeasy to understand model. EFQMExcellence model combines DemingCycle, Balanced Results andStakeholders approaches and alsolearning& innovation which arefundamental elements of successfor an organization. Proper use ofmodel guarantees balanced andsustainable results. The model ishighly flexible and not bureaucratictherefore it can be perfectlyadapted to any organization.In order to achieve our vision “Tobe Europe’s benchmark dentalcompany”, we believe that EFQMExcellence Model helps us toachieve Business

Excellence meaning to become asuperior company, excellent in allaspect of our business and role modelfor other organizations.How has using the Model impactedyour bottom line results? Can you giveus an example?Through the drive for excellence over anumber of years, GC Europe hasdoubled its sales turnover andincreased levels of satisfaction from allthe stakeholders; this can be seen inperception survey results. Continuousimprovement activities on operationaland business processes have reducedany type of non value added work.

Company name: GC Europe N.V.Address: Head Office Researchpark Haasrode Leuven 1240 , Interleuvenlaan 33, 3001 LeuvenWebsite: www.gceurope.comContact: [email protected]

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Award Finalist The management team and theemployees of Sanitas Hospitales (SH) havesucceeded in creating an organizationwhere everyone is dedicated to theMission “of taking care of the client” toensure their well being while also keepingin mind the Vision of “Profitable Growth”.

EFQM Finalists 2013

Sanitas HospitalesSanitas Group is specialisedin healthcare and socialhealthcare services. Thegroup is made of thefollowing organisations:Sanitas Insurance, SanitasHospitals, SanitasResidential and SanitasHealthcare Services.

Sanitas Hospitales (SH) isresponsible of for managingthe hospitals infrastructurewithin the Group. SH ownnetwork is composed by 2hospitals, 19 multi specialitycenters and Sanitas Acude(emergency care at home).

Why did you choose to use the EFQM Excellence Model?The application of the concepts of excellence and the EFQM Model as a tool forthinking of self assessment is helping us at all levels, from management toprofessionals, to improve areas of the service such as waiting times, strategicmanagement, process management, communication, etc., in order to achieveservice excellence as well as effectiveness.

The great advantage of working with this tool is that it allows us to have adiagnosis that includes a balanced view of the various key aspects of thecompany, from leadership toresults.Internal and externalassessments have given us aset of strengths (in terms ofstrategies, policies,processes, activities and theconsequent results), andalso, a set of possibleimprovement areas on whichwe worked.

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An interview with Iñaki Peralta, General Manager

Why would you recommend usingthe Model to other organisations?It has encouraged the promotion ofa culture of excellence among ourstaff through active participation inself assessment.It has helped us understand ourlevel of excellence in a number ofkey aspects and to systematise amethodology for continuousimprovement.It has expanded the participation ofthe staff in multifunctional teamsto develop and implementimprovement

actions aimed at customers, otherstakeholders, and the efficiency ofthe company itself.

How has using the Modelimpacted your bottom lineresults?EFQM Model has been used bySanitas Hospitales since 2009. Atthe moment, the impact istangible especially in enablers andin some specific results related toimprovement projects associatedwith them. For example, we haveimproved

leadership, risk management, strategicmanagement, internal communications,service standards, knowledgemanagement, etc.On the other hand, evaluations haveconfirmed that the focus of oursustainability and growth strategies arecorrect. We are confident that we willsee the impact on bottom line results inthe coming year.

Sharing Numbers…

Operating Expenses vs. Revenue (%)

HLZ:Hospital Sanitas La ZarzuelaHLM: Hospital SanitasLa MoralejaC MIllenium: Centro Medico MIllemiun Sanitas

Company name: Sanitas HospitalesAddress: c/ Ribera del Loira 52 , 28042 MadridWebsite: www.sanitas.esContact: [email protected]

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012HLZ 103% 96% 97% 94% 91% 88% 86%HLM 94% 91% 88% 89% 91% 86% 85%C.Millenium 95% 91% 90% 91% 84% 86% 86%







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Jury Members

The Jury members are responsible for selecting theFinalists, Prize and Award Winners. The Jury isindependent from EFQM, selected based on theirknowledge, experience, and insights into whatmakes an organisation “excellent”. Furthermore,they check that the assessment process isconsistent for all applicants, ensuring the outcomeis fair and unbiased. Their role is crucial anddemanding.

Ana Maria Rodríguez de Viguri,

Aliad Conocimiento y Servicio S.L

Allan Ahrensberg, Ahrensberg Excellence

Vittorio Cesarotti, Universita’ di Studi di Roma

“Tor Vergata”

Mia Goetvinck, Ricoh Belgium

Process Support Person

The role of the Process Support Person or PSP is tocoach the Assessment Team Leaders during theentire Award Process. They help to ensureconsistency, within and across teams.Their role is very much appreciated by the TeamLeaders as well as by us. Therefore, we would liketo thank our 2012 Process Support Persons fortheir contribution

Chris Hakes, Leadership Agenda Ltd.

Geoff Carter, PACE Performance Ltd.

Laurie Bradley, TQMI Ltd.

Mark Webster, Mark Webster Consulting Ltd.

Joe Schneider, QMS

EFQM Award Assessors 2013 EFQM would like to acknowledge and thank the following EFQM Excellence Award Assessors and theirorganisations for their work and contribution in assessing the Award candidates for 2013. The Award processwould not work without their commitment and professionalism; they are amongst the best and mostexperienced Assessors in Europe

The names highlighted represent the Assessment Team Leaders.Name Last Name Organisation Azat Abdrakhmanov Kazakh Organization for Quality and

Innovation ManagementElmar Aschauer Infineon Technologies Austria AG

Dogan Atik TEI (Tusas Engine Inc.)

Valdas Ausiejus Swedbank, AB

Ehrtfried Baeumel Robert Bosch GmbH Bamberg Plant

Birgit Behrens – Otto BO consult

Detlev Bohle Conceptual Quality

Norbert Bonta TC&T Consult and Training GmbH

Vladimir Braun Czech Society for Quality


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John Bugeja Rolls Royce Motor Cars LimitedMatthew Byrom Siemens Industry Automation &

Drive TechnologiesJose Antonio Calvo Maguregi Acorde ConsultingGeorgios Christodoulou Cyprus Telecommunications (CYTA)Paul Evans Liverpool John Moores UniversityDavid Fisher Equity Housing Group Ltd.Christian Forstner CFyouradvantageSophie Francon ValrhonaThomas Fritsch Robert Bosch GmbH, Chassis

Systems ControlAlistair Gammie Siemens Healthcare DiagnosticsDiego Garcia Garcia Computer Sciences CorporationMarc Gernaey Waterwegen & Zeekanaal NVFabio Giuliani Tecnologie Diesel e Sistemi Frenanti

S.p.A.Wolfgang Gliebe msi – Management Systems

International AGThomas Gramstrup Promentek ApSStefan Hagmann qplusresourcesAndre Haynes Andre HaynesFelix Johann Horner SuvaJustas Jasaitis SwedbankPatrick Jezequel ERDF (EDF distribution system

operator)Susanne Kaldschmidt Sustainable Excellence TeamHakan Kilitçio lu MEQA Middle East Quality Ass. /

ARGERiëtta Klijn Help 2 ImproveSerhan Kurt Bosch Ticaret ve San. A.Dominic Lang Robert Bosch GmbH, Bamberg PlantMichaela Lawton Wallace Siemens I DT MC MF CONArmin Leinen COPLANINGGerhard Leu Gerhard Leu AGLene Lindholm GRUNDFOS Holding A/SJanni Løber Zesach GRUNDFOS Holding A/SMatthias Lohse T Systems Multimedia Solutions

GmbHWalter Ludwig Excellence CoachingJohn Macdonald TNT ExpressPatrick Manns Robert BOSCH France S.A.S.Ergi Martin Bosch San. Tic. AS. – RBTR/MFNIan May Siemens UK


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Gordon McCallum Quality Scotland

Paddy McLaughlin Glasgow Housing Association

Mattias Mellberg SJ AB

Kasper Mühlbach Evaluesense ApS

Alexandra Nae Robert Bosch (France) SAS

Bibiana Navarro Arqued Aliad Conocimiento y Servicio, S.L.

Maria Jesus Novo Fundación Novia Salcedo

Tulin Ograk TEI Tusas Engine Ind. Inc.

José Oliveira Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal

Frank Paris DOQS

Vianney Paschek Ricoh Deutschland GmbH

Nadia Peiffer Puh SDEA

Bruno Peloso Sanden Manufacturing Europe

Nicholas Reynolds Siemens – Rail Systems

Adriano Ruchini EUCHAM

Laura Salasco Synergy Performance Middle EastFZ LLC

Kristina Schiffer Clariant Produkte (Deutschland)GmbH

Jördis Schmidt CPC UnternehmensmanagementAG

Frank Schönefeld T Systems Multimedia SolutionsGmbH

Celal Seckin Seckin Consulting and Training Co.Ltd.

Sergey Shostak Russian Maritime Register ofShipping

Uwe Steinkötter Robert Bosch GmbH

Audur Sveinsdottir Rio Tinto Alcan in Iceland Ltd.

Nadja Tessmer Robert Bosch GmbH / GasolineSystems CIP

Enrico Tosco Telecom Italia InformationTechnology

Gerd Uckermann Infineon Technologies Austria AG

Andre van der Geest PostNL

Marcel Van der Zon Huntsman Holland BV –Polyurethanes

Jacqueline van Rijswijk Improve4all

Karin Walter Karin Walter Consult

George Wilson Centre for Competitiveness

Oliver Wolf Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH

Ernesto Zannelli GlaxoSmithKline – Pack ArtworkShare Service


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August 2012 – July 2013

Recognised for Excellence 5 Stars Austria

Infineon Technologies Austria AGÖsterreichische Wertpapierdaten Service GmbH

BelarusByelorussian Steel Works Management Company of"Byelorussian Metallurgical Company" holding

FranceAFNOR Compétences

FinlandMetsä Fibre OyTekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology andInnovation.

GermanyAWO Schleswig Holstein gGmbH UnternehmensbereichPflege, Zentrale Steuerung und OrganisationRobert Bosch GmbH Chassis Systems ControlRobert Bosch Chassis Systems Control, Blaichach, CCBhPRobert Bosch GmbH, Werk FeuerbachSchindlerhof Klaus Kobjoll GmbHSanden International (Europe) LtdThe Mandala Hotel

GreeceBSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E.

HungaryGrundfos Magyarország Gyártó Kft

Republic of IrelandGalway Bay HotelKARE

ItalyAlpha Beta PiccadillyAZB Società CooperativaGlaxoSmithKline Unipersonale S.p.A Verona RegionalService Centre – PASSHaus der Familie

PortugalRefrige – Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes, S.A.

RussiaBetard LtdFiberglass Pipe PlantInstitute Yakutniproalmaz ALROSA Co LtdRegional Emergency Medical CentreSaturn Gas TurbinesUral Federal University

Slovak RepublicMinistry of Finance of Slovak Republic

SloveniaHidria AET D.O.O.LOTRI Meroslovje d.o.o.

SpainAbertis TelecomAdministrador de Infraestructuras FerroviariasAmadip EsmentBanc De Sang I TeixitsColegio BaseColegio Ramón Y CajalColegio Virgen De MirasierraCorporación Alimentaria PeñasantaEnagásGrupo Banco SabadellGrupo CLHHospital Universitario De GetafeH.U. Fundación Jiménez DíazInstitut Català D'avaluacions Mèdiques I Sanitàries (Icams)Linea Madrid. Dirección General De Calidad Y Atención AlCiudadano Del Ayuntamiento De MadridMercasturias, S.A.Sanitas HospitalesServicio Provincial De Gestión Y Recaudación Tributaria De LaDiputación Provincial De JaénUniversidad De Granada. BibliotecaUniversitat Jaume I

United KingdomBouygues Energies & ServicesBryson Charitable GroupChiltern Rail CompanyDevon & Cornwall ProbationDualway GroupEast Midlands TrainsFirst Capital ConnectHumberside ProbationJPCSKuehne & Nagel Brinklow WaitroseLeicester & Rutland ProbationLondon MidlandLOROLNorth Ayrshire Council Housing ServicesNorthern RailSchlumberger CPCBSiemens Energy Power TransmissionSouth West TrainsSouth Yorkshire ProbationSouthern RailwayTrent & Dove HousingUniversity of WinchesterVirgin Trains

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Recognised for Excellence 4 Stars Belgium



Coxa Oy – Hospital for JointHelsinki City Social Services, Uusix workshopsLähiTapiola Kiinteistövarainhoito Oy (former name KiinteistöTapiola)

GermanyABB Stotz Kontakt/Striebel & John Vertriebsgesellschaft mbHcmxKonzepte GmbH & Co. KGG. Fleischhauer Ingenieur Büro Bremen GmbHKH Automation Projects GmbHLWL Klinik PaderbornL'Orange GmbHOBI Markt Erlangen OstMDK Berlin Brandenburg e.V.OBI Markt SchwabachOBI Markt Erlangen OstOBI Markt SchwarzenbruckOBI Markt ForchheimOBI Markt PegnitzOBI Markt WeißenburgOBI Markt Neustadt a. d. AischOBI Baumarkt Franken GmbH & Co.KGOVALO GmbHRoche Pharma AG businessoperationsTaberna Hospitalis GmbH & Co. KGVHS Reckenberg Ems | FARE gGmbH

GreeceDoukas School S.A

HungaryDélzalai Víz és Csatornam Zrt.Gy r Moson Sopron Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraSchiedel Kéménygyár Kft.

IndiaBosch Chassis Systems India Ltd., Chakan

ItalyBildungshaus Kloster NeustiftBildungshaus Schloss GoldrainCentro Servizi A. GalvanKVW BildungsreferatLichtenburg NalsRegione CAMPANIA Assessorato all'Agricoltura A.G.C. 11Settore S.I.R.C.A.SBB WeiterbildungsgenossenschaftVolkshochschule URANIA Meran Verband derVolkshochschulen SudtirolsVerband der Volkshochschulen Sudtirols

PortugalANA – Aeroportos de Portugal, S.A.

RussiaJSC "TransContainer"Yaroslavl State University

SloveniaElektro Gorenjska D.D., KRANMariborski Vodovod, Javno Podjetje, d.d.,Upravna Enota Ljutomer

SpainAgencia De Calidad Sanitaria De Andalucíafundación PúblicaAndaluzaAPROSUB Asociación en favor de las personas condiscapacidad intelectual de CórdobaAsociación AmicaAutoridad Portuaria De Ferrol San CibraoAutoridad Portuaria de La Bahía de CádizBebidas Gaseosas del Noroeste, S.A. (BEGANO)Biblioteca Dulce Chacón Universidad Europea De Madrid

Colegio Auseva Maristas OviedoColegio Casvi Boadilla (Casvi Boadilla S.A.)Colegio Dulce Nombre De Jesús OviedoColegio La Anunciata LeónColegio Mater SalvatorisColegio Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo MadridColegio Sagrados Corazones Miranda de EbroColegio Salesiano San Juan Bosco Arévalo ÁvilaColegio San José Villafranca De Los BarrosColegio Santa María Del NarancoComplejo Asistencial Universitario De León, direcciónEnfermeríaConsorci Del Transport Sanitàri Regió Girona, S.A.Cursos Intensivos Mir Asturias, S.L.Grupo IsasturGrupo LaceraGrupo Ombuds (Ombuds Seguridad S.A. / Ombuds Servicios,S.L.)Grupo HospitenGrupo SorollaInstalaciones Inabensa, S.A.Instituto de Educación Secundaria Nº 1International Research & Development Bureau MadridMina Pública D'Aigües De Terrassa, S.A.OLICRIS, S.L. (Clínica Rodríguez Recio)Orden Hospitalaria De San Juan De Dios Hospital San JuanDe Dios De LeónOrden Hospitalaria De San Juan De Dios Centro San Juan DeDios de CiempozuelosOrden Hospitalaria De San Juan De Dios Hospital Sant Joande Déu De PalmaServicio Central de Idiomas Universidad De SalamancaServicio de Actividades Deportivas de La Universidad deSevilla (SADUS)Sociedad Cooperativa Madrileña Teide HeaseThyssenkrupp Norte, S.A.Universidad Europea de MadridUniversidad Politécnica De Madrid Servicio de FormaciónContinua Vicerrectorado de Estructura Organizativa YCalidadVasbe, S.L.

SwitzerlandKlinik BarmelweidHochschule Luzern Lucerne University of Applied Sciencesand and ArtsSpital Thurgau AGSwissôtel Management Llc. with the regional offices in Asia,China, Western Europe/USA, Turkey and Eastern EuropeZürcher Höhenkliniken Wald und Davos

United KingdomArriva Trains WalesCarillion EnterpriseClackmannanshire CouncilDB Regio Tyne & Wear MetroDorset ProbationDualway GroupEast Coast MainlineHouse of CommonsLondon ProbationMilliken Industrials Ltd: Milliken European Airbag ProductsNorthern Ireland Tourist BoardPhenix FuturesSiemens Rail SystemsStaffordshire & West Midlands ProbationTranslinkWarwickshire Probation

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Recognised for Excellence 3 Stars

AustriaRadiologie Kapfenberg Institut für RadiologischeSpezialdiagnostikVolkshochschule GötzisWiener Krankenanstaltenverbund

ColombiaAndino Bilingüe SchoolColegio Alfonso JaramilloColegio BiffiColegio Biffi La SalleColegio Bilingüe Divino NiñoColegio Campestre Mayor De IglaterraColegio Carmén Teresiano CúcutaColegio De Formación Integral Mundo NuevoColegio De La Presentación FátimaColegio De La Presentación GirardotColegio De La Presentación Luna ParkColegio De La Presentación Sans FaconColegio De La Presentación TunjaColegio De Las R.R. Esclavas Del Sagrado Corazón De JesúsColegio Filipense Nuestra Señora De La EsperanzaColegio Giovanni Antonio FarinaColegio La Salle De BelloColegio La Salle De EnvigadoColegio La Salle De MonteríaColegio La Salle De PereiraColegio Lorenzo De AlcantuzColegio Mayor Nuestra SeñoraColegio ProvinmaColegio San AngeloColegio San Jose De La SalleColegio San Mateo ApostolColegio San TarsicioColegio Seminario Menor De Nuestra Señora Del RosarioColegio Trinidad Del MonteFundación Gimnasio PereiraGimnasio San AngeloGimnasio Santa María Del AlcázarInstituto La SalleInstituto San Carlos La SalleLiceo Arquidiocesano De Nuestra SeñoraLiceo BostonLiceo Cervantes Norte

FinlandCity of Helsinki, the Occupational Health CentreHelsingin Energia, Customer Service UnitThe Helsinki Housing Procuction Department (ATT)

GermanyAEQUANET Ärzte Qualitätsnetz MittelhessenAll Service Sicherheitsdienste GmbHCarriere&More private Akademie Region Stuttgart GmbHDGB Bildungswerk NRW e.V.Haus OhrbeckIhr königlicher Campingpark Sanssouci zu Potsdam/BerlinMediathek – ein Lernunternehmen der Roche Pharma AGOBI Markt Nürnberg Regensburger StraßeOBI Markt Nürnberg NordostbahnhofOBI Markt Nürnberg LeyhOBI Markt FürthOBI Markt Erlangen

OBI Markt AnsbachOBI Markt Höchstadt a. d. AischOBI Markt FeuchtwangenRWE Technology GmbHVolkshochschule Esslingen am Neckar

ItalyKardinal Nicolaus Cusanus AkademieProvincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Ripartizione 22Telecom Italia HRO

JordanArabtech Jardaneh

PortugalDireção Regional do Comércio, Indústria e Energia (RAM)

SloveniaUpravna Enota LjubljanaPRIMAT tovarna kovinske opreme d. d., MARIBORUniverzitetni Klini ni Center Ljubljana

SpainAdis MeridianosAlonso Star, S.L. Técnico Profesional Cosmos Centro deEstudios Star Word Técnico Profesional CosmosFormación Virgen De La Luz Formación Santa Beatriz DeSilva Formación Santa Beatriz De SilvaÁrea De Relaciones Institucionales Universidad De SevillaAsociación Protectora De Personas Con DiscapacidadIntelectual de Las Palmas AprosuCia. Asturiana de Bebidas Gaseosas, S.A. AsturbegaCooperativa Farmacéutica Asturiana (Cofas)Colegio La MilagrosaColegio Virgen Mediadora GijónDiputació De TarragonaFundación Metal Asturias Principado De AsturiasGrupo Gesor, S.L.Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón MadridMasercisaOrganismo Autónomo De Recaudación Y Gestión TributariaDe Badajoz (Oar)Parc D'atraccions Del TibidaboUnião Meridianos

SwitzerlandAndreasKlinik Cham ZugClienia Schlössli AG Privatklinik für Psychiatrie undPsychotherapieForel KlinikKlinik St. AnnaPrivatklinik Linde AGRheinburg Klinik AGRUCH AG

United KingdomAlzheimer ScotlandGreater Manchester Fire & RescueSiemens Protection DevicesSAMHTurning Point ScotlandWest Lothian College

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Committed to ExcellenceAustria

a plus ArbeitsprojektentwicklungKatholische Sozialakademie ÖsterreichsKunstuniversität Graz DienstleistungseinrichtungenLandesklinikum GmündPilotstudiengänge der FH JOANNEUM

BelgiumApopoBusiness and SocietyCNCD 11.11.11Croix Rouge de Belgique Communauté FrancophoneActivités InternationalesNGO FederatiePlan BelgiqueQuinoaRode KruisSolidarité SocialisteSOS FaimSTICSTearfundVredeseilandenZone de Police Bruxelles Nord

ColombiaAcademia Militar General José Antonio AnzoateguiAcademia Militar Mariscal SucreCasa Distrital La SalleCentro Educativo Nuestra Señora De La PazColegio CoomevaColegio Cristiano El ShaddaiColegio Diocesano San JoséColegio Guipas Y ChavosColegio La AnunciaciónColegio Mixto De Integración ModernaColegio Nuevo Reino De GranadaColegio RochesterColegio Santa Francisca RomanaColegio Santo DomingoColegio Santo Tomás De ChíaColegio Sara De LuqueGimnasio Domingo SavioGimnasio Los RoblesInstituto Musical Diego EchavarríaNuevo Reino de Granada

GermanyALB FILS KLINIKEN GmbH Institut für LaboratoriumsmedizinMVZ ALB FILS KLINIKENInstitut für Laboratoriums , Transfusionsmedizin undMikrobiologie, Fachabteilung für Hygiene undInfektionsprävention Klinikverbund SüdwestFisch Anton GmbHFriedrich Ebert Striftung e.V.Katholische Hochschule FreiburgKinder und Jugendhilfezentrum Groß Börnecke GmbHKneipp Bildungswerk für Gesundheit NRW e.V.Landschaftsverband Westfalen Lippe LWLKoordinationsstelle SuchtLandesarbeitsgemeinschaft DRK Familienbildung NRWLodewick GmbHNells Park Hotel TrierRobert Bosch GmbH Corporate Sector Purchasing andLogistics Automotive Business Subassemblies andMaterials (CP/AB5)Schleich & Haberal FirmengruppeSIS Swiss International School gemeinnützige GmbHUniversitätsmedizin GreifswaldVHS Herrenberg

Volkshochschule Fürth gGmbHVolkshochschulverband Baden Württemberg

GreeceAthens Traders AssociationAthens University of Economics and BusinessEDENREDHellenic Management AssociationKORRES S.A. NATURAL PRODUCTSMORNOS S.A.Manpower Employment OrganizationV. KAFKAS S.A.

HungaryCNC Rapid Kft.Dunapack Kft.Grundfos Magyarország Gyártó Kft.Innogrant Consulting Kft.INNOSKART Vállalkozásfejlesztési Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.Kienle + Spiess Hungary Kft.Kovács Kft.Laser Consult Kft.Royalpack Csomagoló Kft.

ItalyCentro Residenziale di Cura Media Pusteria BrunicoValdaoraFondazione "Gustav Mahler"Katholisches BildunwerkLiceo Scientifico Statale "A. VALLISNERI" Lucca

PortugalIberogestão – Gestão Integrada e Tecnológica, Lda.Monstros e Companhia – Soluções de Comunicação, Lda

RussiaBalakovo Mineral FertilizersUral Federal University – International OfficeKomi Republican Academy of State Service andAdministrationMoscow State University of Printing ArtMoscow Technological Institute – WTU

SpainAcademia Lugonés, S.L.Adace Clm Asociación De Daño Cerebral Sobrevenido DeCastilla La ManchaAdra, Agencia Adventista Para El Desarrollo Y RecursosAsistenciales MadridAldeas Infantiles Sos De GaliciaAsociación AMATAsociación Arrabal AidAsociación Cultural La KalleAsociación Hogar 20granadaAsociación de Educadores Las Alamedillas MadridAsociación de Encuentro Y Acogida Al Toxicómano ADEATAsociación Edad Dorada Mensajeros De La Paz Región DeMurciaAsociación Extremeña De Familiares De Personas ConAlzheimer Y Otras Enfermedades Afines Afaex "NuestraSeñora De Guadalupe"Asociación Noesso (No Estás Solo)Asociación Nuevo HorizonteAsociación para El Fomento Del Aprendizaje A Lo Largo DeLa Vida (Afalvi) BurgosAsociación Pro Disminuidos Psíquicos De Estepona ApronaEstepona Málaga

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Asociación Provincial De Familiares De Personas ConTranstorno Del Espectro Autista De Cádiz (Autismo Cádiz)Asociación Sindrome De Down De Sevilla Y ProvinciaASEDOWNASPACE HuescaAyuntamiento de AvilésAyuntamiento de Boadilla Del MonteAyuntamiento de Leganés (Área De Formación Y Empleo)Centro Juvenil Sta. Mª Micaela Rr. Adoratrices SevillaCEO Consultoría Y FormaciónColegio Obispo Perelló MadridColegio Oficial De Diplomados En Trabajo Social YAsistentes Sociales De MadridConfederación Española De Personas Con DiscapacidadFísica Y OrgánicaCooperativas Agro Alimentarias Del Principado De AsturiasCoordinadora para El Desarrollo Integral Del Nordeste DeSegovia CodinseFederación Española De Fibrosis Quística ValenciaFederación Provincial De Asociaciones De Personas ConDiscapacidad Física Y Orgánica De Jaén (Fejidif)Fundación Balia Por La Infancia MadridFundación Edes Para La Educación EspecialFundación Formación y Empleo Asturias GijónFundación Gizakia BilbaoGestión Y Custodia De Información De Canarias, S.A.(Grupo Valora)Grupo AsproseatGrupo Exter, S.A.Grupo SinergiaIberdrola: Idb Distribución NavarraIkasi, Centro De Formación, C.B.Bergara GuipúzcoaInstituto de Formación Y Empleos Sociales (Ifes)Instituto Madrileño De Formación MadridInstituto Municipal De Empleo Y Promoción Económica DeAlcorcón ImepeLa Mirada Digital, S.L.Logistica Integrada Zona Sur, S.A.U. (Grupo Valora)Opción 3, Sociedad CooperativaSergesa Formación, S.L.Boadilla Del Monte MadridSunion Educación Integral S.A. MadridTransalinetas Logistic S.L. (Grupo Valora)Urolalde, S.L.Azpeitia GuipúzcoaUniversidad Popular Para La Educación Y Cultura DeBurgos(Unipec Burgos)

SwitzerlandAKAD Business AGAKAD Höhere Fachschule Banking und Finance AGDidacware AG Edubook AGEdubook AGFachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNWGemeindeverband Pflege und BetreuungSchwarzenburgerlandGemeindeverband Weissenau UnterseenHirslanden Klinik BelairHWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft ZürichInstitut Minerva AGKanton Luzern Dienststelle Berufs und Weiterbildung(Abteilungen und Schulen)Klinik für Schlafmedizin AGKS Kaderschulen

Luzerner Kantonsspital Departement Pflege und SozialesOverallREHAB Basel Zentrum für Querschnittsgelähmte undHirnverletzteStiftung RotondaSBB AG Centre Loewenberg MurtenZHAW Departement Angewandte PsychologieZürcher Hochschule für Angewandte WissenschaftenDepartement Architektur, Gestaltung Bauingenieurwesen

United Kingdom2Reuse ProjectAberdeen Forward (Creative Waste Exchange)AminaAquila WayArk Housing Association LtdBlythswood CareCairn Housing AssociationCEARTAS AdvocacyClackmannanshire Third Sector IntefaceCommunity Resources Network Scotland (CRNS)East Dunbartonshire Voluntary ActionEdinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality CouncilEdinburgh Furniture InitiativeELCAPEnable ScotlandEngage RenfrewshireFallin Community Enterprises (Recyke A Bike)Fife Community Interpreting ServicesFife Voluntary ActionFirst ScotRail LtdForth Sector DevelopmentFurniture PlusGlenrothes "YGreatway FoundationHarris Voluntary ServiceHomeaid Caithness and SutherlandHomeaid West LothianHome from Home (Scotland) LtdInspireLAMH RecycleMidlothian Advice & Resource Centre (MARC)Muslim Council for ScotlandNew Start HighlandNext Step InitiativeQuarriersScottish AutismSecond OpportunitiesSEMPERscotlandSocial Enterprise AcademySomerset Rural Youth ProjectSpruce CarpetsSpruce CarpetsSt Patrick's Furniture ProjectTayside RecyclersThe Edinburgh Bike StationUnivesities Superannuation SchemeVisitScotlandVisitScotlandVoluntary Action AngusVoluntary Action Barra and VatersayVolunteer Centre BordersVolunteer Centre East AyrshireXcite (West Lothian Leisure)Yusuf Youth Initiative

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EFQM Recognition Book 2013

Past Winners

2012 Robert Bosch GmbH Bamberg Plant Germany Award & Prize WinnerCoca Cola çecek A Ankara Plant Turkey Prize WinnerVAMED KMB Austria Prize WinnerJSC "Medicina" Russia Prize Winnerpom+Consulting AG Switzerland Prize WinnerBosch Tecnologie Diesel e Sistemi Frenanti S.p.A. Italy Prize WinnerBMW Plant Regensburg Germany Prize WinnerB. Braun Avitum Hungary Hungary FinalistNilufer Municipality Turkey FinalistHospital Galdakao Usansolo Ospitalea (Osakidetza) Spain FinalistWakefield and District Housing's (WDH) United Kingdom FinalistMutualia Spain FinalistTown Hall Dzier oniów Poland Finalist

2011 Bilim Pharmaceuticals Turkey Award & Prize WinnerBosch Chassis Systems Control Global Prize WinnerCoplaning S.à.r.l. Luxembourg Prize WinnerGrundfos Pumpenfabrik GmbH Germany Prize WinnerHopital Kirchberg Psychatric Department Luxemburg Prize WinnerLiverpool John Moores University United Kingdom Prize WinnerRED Eléctrica de España Spain Prize WinnerRicoh Deutschland Germany Prize WinnerRobert Bosch GmbH Bamberg Plant Germany Prize WinnerSiemens Healthcare UK United Kingdom Prize WinnerBosch Car Mutlimedia Portugal Spain FinalistClub Excelencia en Gestión vía Innovación Russia FinalistComarca Bilbao de Osakidetza Spain FinalistLimited Liability Company LUKOIS Permnefteorgsintez Russia FinalistREGTSA Recaudación y Gestión Tributaria deSalamanca

Spain Finalist

State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg" Russia FinalistUmicore Precious Metals Refining Belgium FinalistWorthington Cylinders GmbH Austria Finalist

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EFQM Recognition Book 2013

2010 VAMED KMB Austria Prize WinnerBradstow School United Kingdom Prize WinnerOlabide Ikastola Spain Prize WinnerEski ehir Maternity and ChildIllnesses Hospital

Turkey Prize Winner

Stavropol State Agrarian University Russia Prize WinnerAlpenresort Schwarz Austria FinalistDr. Germain Becker & Associés Luxembourg FinalistSiemens Congleton United Kingdom FinalistWorthington Cylinders Austria FinalistRobert Bosch Fahrzeugelektrik Germany FinalistBosch Eisenach GmbH Germany FinalistDomino World United Kingdom FinalistOsakidetza Comarca GipuzkoaEkialde

Spain Finalist

Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom Finalist

How they feel about it …

“We are overwhelmed with joy and gratification. Winning the EFQM Awardmakes us really proud. It gives us the recognition for all the efforts and theconsistent work on our areas for improvement over the last years, and for theachievements we have reached by that. Now we got more certainty that we areon the right path to Business Excellence, but through the assessors feedback wealso see that there is still room for improvement and the journey will go on.”

Hans Hoffman, Commercial Plant Manager at Robert Bosch GmbH,Bamberg Plant

“Subjecting your organisation to a full EFQM Award Assessment is really rewardingchallenge, and whilst recognition for what you are achieving is nice, the most valuablepart of the process is having a team of internationally respected assessors give you acomprehensive feedback report on which you can base your improvement programme—that’s what makes an EFQM Excellence Award such good value for money.”

Paul Evans, Director of Business Excellence, Liverpool John Moores University

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