
Efficiency of bio fertilizers and compost on soil arthropod

diversity and species abundance in organic tomato field.

Othman B.H. AL-Daikh**, Salah M. Hussein* and A.H.EL-Mabrouk** ** Plant Protection Dept. Faculty of Agric. Minia University Egypt.*Plant Protection Department, Agricultural Faculty, Omar Al_ Mokhtar University, [email protected]


The effect of three types of bio fertilizers ( N, P and K), plant and animal compost on soil arthropod diversity and species abundance were studied in organic tomato field. Nitrogen fixation bacteria increased the insects population with 16.26%, and the total population of soil arthropods with 7.3% and caused reduction % in mites and other arthropods population with 66.53 and 100 % reduction. Fertilization with potassium soluble bacteria (K) increased the population of insects, mites, and the total population of soil arthropods systemic groups with 175, 1353.8 and 741.23 % respectively. Similar results were achieved in the treatments with phosphorous soluble bacteria (P)

The treatments with animal compost increased all soil arthropods systemic groups, insects, mites and the total population of soil arthropods systemic groups gave 486.48, 356.36 and 347% increasing percentages compared with pretreatment. While this treatment caused reduction in the other soil arthropods with 66.6%.

The two types of compost increased both the terrestrial soil arthropods systemic groups, which collected by pitfall traps , and the superficial soil arthropods systemic groups that found in the upper surface layer, until (30cm depth), which collected by Berlese funnel methods, with percentage arranged from 47% to 61% in animal compost.

Generally steep decline occurred in other arthropods in tomato organic cultivated after application of different bio-fertilizers and increased in insect population, mites and total population of soil arthropods collected with pitfall traps and Berlese funnel.

Keywords : (organic tomato system, soil arthropods, agro ecosystem, Diversity and equitability, biofertilizers, plant and animal compost).


The most relevant group of arthropods are soil mites, collembola, miriapods and

araneids, pseudoscorpions, isopods and several winged insects such as coleopters,

dipters and hymenopters. Among the arachnids, scorpions, opiliones and

pseudoscorpions are all predators; however, many ticks and mites (also belonging to

the class Aracnida) feed on decaying organic matter as isopods (crustaceans) do too.


From the miriapods there are herbivores such as symphylans while the majority of

chilopods and diplopods are predators and eaters of detritus. Insects such as the

orthoptera herbivorous and groups such as the diplurans are predators. Coleopters,

hymenopters, hemipterans and dipterans have a great diversity of feeding habits can

exist insect group. In the soil, arthropods are responsible for adding organic materials,

stimulating microbial activity, and cycling nutrients. Predator arthropods, including

spiders and centipedes may help in control the populations of other soil arthropods.

Some of them eat fungi and bacteria in soil. Organic agriculture methods are

considered to be less detrimental than conventional agricultural to predaceous

arthropods, particularly to certain predators such as ground beetles (Carabidae).

Manure and compost amendments, and avoidance of pesticides and mineral

fertilization create conditions that may conserve such predators on organic farms

(Reddersen , 1997, Andersen and Eltun , 2000, Gosling and Shepherd, 2005,

Monokrousos et al., 2008 and Campos et al.,2012)

Organic farming is characterised by the prohibition of a majority of synthetic

chemicals in crops ( Lampkin, 2002, Altieri 1999, Preusch et al., 2002, Mathews et

al., 2002, Raghu and Macrae, 2000,Mahdi et al. 2010). Studies that looked solely at

the biodiversity impacts of these individual components of management practice are

beyond the scope of this study. Thus organic farming is considered an important way

to preserve biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Studies are particularly scarce in

Gabal EL Ahkder region, where different climatic and ecological conditions.

The objectives of this study were to study the effect of biofertilizers and compost

amendments on soil arthropods abundance and community characteristics in tomato

system managed organically. Also the study was conducted on the effects of these

amendments on soil arthropod population and biodiversity. This study will be

increase our knowledge if organic farming may contribute to preserve biodiversity

of soil arthropods in Tomato agro-ecosystems in EL- Baida, region.

Materials and Methods

Organic cultivation treatments:

In an area of approximately 1\ 2 feddan (2100 m2) the experiment was carried out in a

randomized blocks design, in three replicates, in plots measuring 5 x 4 m. for each


treatment. Solarization was done in the entire area. during the hottest period of the

year and before planting (June) for 30 days. Tomato planting pits were spaced 0.5m

with 1m between rows. Each plot was planted with variety (Trust®) which its seeds

were not treated with any pesticides. Two tomato plants were transplanted per pit.

Furrow irrigation and plant pruning were performed as often as necessary. Also the

entire area received fertilization compost 20 Ton/ Fed.. Weed control was carried out

by mechanical (Weed ploughing). The organic system was done according to the

orders of Certified Organic Farmers (1995) , and therefore no chemical pesticides or

fertilizers were used, 3 phermone traps for T. absoluta were used after two weeks of


The treatments of this experiment include :

Effect of treatments with organic fertilization ( Plant compost and animal compost)

treatments 2 kg/ m2, (applications were done after two weeks post planting) the

treatment were replicated three times and the numbers of each individuals of

arthropods were conducted before and one week post treatments. And the effect on

abundance, species density and diversity of soil arthropods were calculated.

Effect of bio-fertilizers on the abundance of soil arthropods and diversity and in this

point we studied three treatments :Nitrogen fixation Bacteria, Potassium soluble

Bacteria and Phosphorus soluble Bacteria these bio-fertilizers were obtained from

Center of Production bio-fertilizers at Minia University, Egypt. These bio-fertilizers

were applied two weeks after planting.

Soil sampling

To study the effects of the planting system on the community structure and on the

population density of soil arthropods. Soil samples were collected in the morning

according to ( Steven et al ,. 1998) using hocker machine about one kilogram for each

sample. These samples transported to the laboratory and placed in Berlese funnels

( Tullgren funnels methods) for 48 hours as described by (Tragardh,.1928)

Soil arthropods were collected in a flask with 70% ethanol where they were preserved

for identification under a microscope according to methods (Mound et al ,. 1976).

Pitfall traps were used for catching arthropods that run along the soil surface. We used

plastic containers (20 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm) and buried them flush with the soil surface


These plastic containers were filled three quarters with water, along with 4 to 5 drops

of detergent to minimize surface tension, and to ensure that the insects would remain in

the trap. Time work of the trap 24 hours. Traps were brought to the laboratory,

contents removed, and preserved in 70% ethanol in vials for future examination.

(Sunderland et al ,.1987).

For each plot one pitfall trap was used and one soil sample for Berlese funnel

extraction and samples were taken 24h before treatment and one week post treatments.

Insects were identified on the basis of the description of (Meyer, 2001; Mound et al ,.

1976; Mound and Walker,1982; Kirk,1978; Milne et al ,.1987; Zur strassen, 2003;

Vierbergen et al.,2010). Mites were identified with the keys of (; Karrg et al.,1993;


Statistical analysis :The response of soil arthropods in different treatments of

system effects measured by three response parameters:

Abundance, expressed as average number of individuals / treatment and the effect of

treatment in reducing or increasing in the population by calculating Reduction or

increasing % using the equation of ( Henderson and Telton 1955)

Reduction % = 1- (Ta×Cb/Tb×Ca) × 100

Ta = The number of soil Arthropods in each group of treatment after one week of application.

Tb = the number of soil Arthropods in each group of treatment before the treatment.

Cb = The number of soil Arthropods in each group of the control before treatment.

Ca = The number of soil Arthropods in each group of the control after one week post treatment.

Species density expressed as average number of individuals / treatment and calculated as % of appearance.

Diversity in soil Arthropods were calculated by the equation of (Shannon and Wiener, 1977):

Diversity (H') = ∑R pi loge pi


Pi=The number of individuals for each species /The number of all the species recorded

in all the treatments .


Equitability (E) in soil arthropods pre and post treatment were calculated using (Lioyd and Ghelardi,1964) Equation:

Equitability (E)=(n/N)×100 .

E% = Equitability percent

N = The Throritical number of all the species calculated from the Tables of (Lioyd and Ghelardi.,1964).

N = the number of all the true species recorded in all the experiments of the ecoosystem suitable for tomato in the organic and Non-organic Agrosystem .

ANOVA analysis were used to compare the abundances at different groups of soil

Arthropods in different treatments at the two system of Agriculture .least significance

difference (LSD) test with significance level set at a=0.05. All statistical analysis were

performed using Costat software programms (Statgraphics, 1994).

Results and Discusseion

1- Effect of Bio fertilizers on the reduction or increasing (%) of soil

arthropods groups collected with pitfall traps in organic cultivated

tomato field

Data shown in Table (1) indicate that fertilization with nitrogen fixation bacteria (N),

potassium soluble bacteria (K) and phosphorous soluble bacteria (P) increased

significantly the insect population collected with pitfall traps with percentages 76.8,

608.58 and 95.93 % respectively. And also significant increase the total population of

soil arthropods collected with pitfall traps with percentages (+59.6, 579.7 and 72.13

%) respectively. The treatments with bio-fertilizers caused reduction in the terrestrial

mites and other arthropods with 100 % reduction.

As regard to superficial soil arthropods, that found in the upper layer of the soil, until

(30cm depth), which collected by Berelese funnel methods, after treatments with bio-

fertilizers. Results in Table (1) showed that, nitrogen fixation bacteria increased the

insects population with 16.26%, and the total population of soil arthropods with 7.3%

and caused reduction % in mites and other arthropods population with 66.53 and 100

% reduction. Fertilization with potassium soluble bacteria (K), increased the

population of insects, mites, and the total population of soil arthropods systemic

groups with 175, 1353.8 and 741.23 % respectively. Similar results were achieved in

the treatments with phosphorous soluble bacteria (P), which increased the insects,


mites and the total population of soil arthropods systemic groups with percentages

474, 81.83 and 185.53% and reduced the other arthropods population by 100 %


2- Effect of bio fertilizers on the diversity and equitability of soil

arthropods systematic groups in organic cultivated tomato field

during 2013 season at EL- Beida region.

Nitrogen fixation bacteria, increased soil arthropods diversity from 1.89 in

pretreatment counts to 2.1 in post treatment and also increased the equitability %

from 48.4 % in pretreatment observations to 60 % in the post treatment counts, while

phosphorous soluble bacteria, reduced soil arthropods diversity from 1.8 in

pretreatment to 1.2 in post treatment observations and the equitability % from 55.3

% in pretreatment to 27.2% in post treatment while as potassium soluble bacteria,

decreased soil arthropods diversity from 2.01 in pretreatment to 1.99 post treatment,

and the equitability % was increased from 54.5 to 60% Table (2).

Generally the steep decline occurred in other arthropods in tomato organic cultivated

after application of different bio-fertilizers and increased in insect population, mites

and total population of soil arthropods collected with pitfall traps and Berlese funnel.

Bio-fertilizers are being essential elements in organic farming they containing live or

latent cells of efficient strains of nitrogen (N) fixing, phosphate (P), potash(K)

solubilizing or cellulolytic micro-organisms used for application to seed, soil or

composting areas to increase the number of micro-organisms and accelerate those

microbial processes which augment the availability of nutrients that can be easily

assimilated by plants. Bio-fertilizers have a significant role in improving soil fertility

by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, both, in association with plant roots and without it,

solubilize insoluble soil phosphates and produces plant growth substances in the soil.

They are in fact being promoted to harvest the naturally available, biological system

of nutrient mobilization (Katyal, et al., 1994). The role and importance of

biofertilizers in sustainable crop production has been studied by several authors

(Biswas et al. 1985; Katyal et al. 1994).

Bio-fertilizers is economical, eco-friendly, more efficient, productive and accessible

to marginal and small farmers over chemical fertilizers. Potential characteristic

features of some bio-fertilizers Nitrogen fixers. Family of Rhizobiaceae are symbiotic


and fix nitrogen 50-100 kg/ ha (Raghu and Macrae, 2000). The major

microbiological means by which insoluble-P compounds are mobilized is by the

production of organic acids, accompanied by acidification of the medium. The

organic and inorganic acids convert tricalcium phosphate to di- and- monobasic

phosphates with the net result of an enhanced availability of the element to the plant.

The type of organic acid produced and their amounts differ with different organisms.

Tri- and di-carboxylic acids are more effective as compared to mono basic and

aromatic acids. Aliphatic acids are also found to be more effective in P-K

solubilization compared to phenolic, citric and fumaric acids. Bio-fertilizers (N-

fixers) plays a major role in improving fertility, yield characters and final were

reported by (Kachroo and Razdan, 2006; Son et al.2007). It improves soil biota and

minimizes chemical fertilizers. Inoculation of Rhizobium increased number of pods

lant , number of seed pod and 1000-seed weight (g) and gave yield over the control.

(Bhat et al., 2009).

In agreement with the fore mentioned results, (Berry et al.,1996) reported a

significantly higher abundance of staphylinids under organic management. (Clark,

1997) showed that abundance and species richness were greater in the organic system

compared to the conventional system. Six of the 17 species collected were found only

in organically-managed plots. However, no differences in species diversity or

evenness according to the Shannon and Simpson indices were found. Reddersen

(1997) suggested that organically managed fields contain a greater abundance and

diversity of arthropods than conventionally managed fields. In contrast with our

results Krooss and Schaefer (1998) also found a lower activity density and lower

species richness of staphylinids on organic farms than conventional.

Hutton and Giller (2003) reported significantly greater beetle biomass, diversity and

species richness on organic farms (on average 38% more species than on


Hole et al. (2005) suggested that biodiversity values in organic farming may vary

according to factors such as location, climate, crop-type and species.

The same author compared biodiversity in organic and conventional farms. They

found that organic farming generally had positive impacts on many species However,

they concluded that it is still unclear whether conventional farming with specific

practices for biodiversity conservation (i.e. agri-environmental schemes) can provide

higher benefits than organic farming. Bengtsson et al. (2005) suggested that organic


farm enhances biodiversity in agricultural soils. The results were variable and 16% of

them actually showed a negative effect of organic farming on species richness. They

observed, insects usually increased in organic farming systems.

In Europe Benton et al. (2003) observed that Carabids, diversity index was higher on

conventional farms but was not statistically different from that calculated for organic


Gibson et al 2007 indicated that organic farming is thought to lead to increased

biodiversity and greater sustainability than higher-yielding conventional farming


Table (1) : Effect of bio-fertilizers on reduction or increasing % of soil arthropod

groups in Organic tomato field during 2013 season at EL- Beida region..

Type of cultivation

Type of traps


Arthropods Systemic groups

Insect Mits Other arthropod


Organic Tomato system

Pitfall trap

N 76.8b -100 -100 59.6b

K 608.58a -100 -100 579.7a

P 95.93b -100 -100 72.13b

F value LSD05

5.36* 450.46

ns ns 5.45* 431.49


N 16.26 -66.53 -100 7.3

K 175 1353.8 -100 741.23

P 474 81.83 -100 185.53

F valuLSD05

1.81 ns 4.76 ns - 3.09 ns

Values within each column followed by the same letter do not differ statistically for P>0.05, according to LSD test.


Table(2): Effect of application of Biofertilizers on soil arthropod Diversity in organic Tomato fields collected with Berlese and pitfall traps at EL Beida region.


NoSystemic groups



Pre- post Pre- post Pre- post Pre- post

1 Diptera 0 0 11 6 2 5 3 22 Hymenoptera 29 29 3 29 47 117 4 313 Homoptera 1 3 6 3 5 0 1 64 Hemiptera 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 05 Neuroptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 06 Collombola 29 11 31 26 39 33 17 227 Coleoptera 2 1 1 4 0 1 0 28 Lepidoptera 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 29 Thysanoptera 0 0 1 6 0 3 0 010 Orthoptera 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 011 Ephemiptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 012 Dermptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 prostigmata 4 4 5 5 28 15 12 714 Astigmata 8 1 5 11 19 5 4 715 Cryptostigmata 9 3 19 9 7 3 4 1716 Notostigmata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Mesostegmata 11 5 28 14 18 3 6 718 Teterastigmata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 019 Chilopoda 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 120 Crustacea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 021 spiders 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0Total 93 58 105 116 116 189 55 111

Diversity index (H´) 1.68 1.57 1.89 2.10 1.80 1.27 2.01 1.99

Equitability % 50 44.4 45.4 60 55.5 27.2 54.5 60

3- Effect of plant and animal compost on the reduction or increasing

percent (%) of soil arthropods in organic cultivated tomato field.

Data in Table 3 show % reduction or increasing of soil arthropod groups collected

with pitfall traps and Berlese phunnel methods in organic tomato system after

application of two types of compost ( plant and animal) during 2013 season. It is

clearly obvious that such effect of compost was variable in the two type of compost

and in the terrestrial soil arthropods systemic groups that found on the surface level

of the ground and collected by pitfall traps and that collected with Berlese phunnel.

The most pronounced effect of compost on the different groups of soil arthropods was

achieved when tomato treated with plant compost which showed 66.13 and 66.33 %

in the population of insect and total population respectively and reduction 100% in the

population of mites. While as the treatments with animal compost increased insects

and total population with 40.5 and 61.76% respectively and caused reduction100% in

mites and other arthropods population. There was no significance differences

between plant and animal compost on the different systemic groups. However, it is

clear that the most pronounced reduction was observed only in other arthropods

collected with Berlese phunnel 100% reduction when tomato treated with plant

compost. The least effect of this treatment was achieved in the total arthropods

population(0.79% ) and 29.48% in the insect population. Pronounced increased was

observed in mites population( 221.8%). The treatments with animal compost

increased all soil arthropods systemic groups, insects mites and the total population of

soil arthropods systemic groups gave 486.48, 356.36 and 347% increasing

percentages compared with pretreatment. While this treatment caused reduction in the

other soil arthropods with 66.6%. except other arthropods were reduced with 66.6%


4- Effect of plant and animal compost on the diversity and

equitability (%) of soil arthropods systemic groups in organic

cultivated tomato field.

It is evident that the plant compost increased soil arthropods systemic groups

diversity index from 1.7 in the pretreatment to 1.8 in post treatment while

treatment with animal compost decreased soil arthropods systemic groups diversity


1.8 in pretreatment to 1.6 in post treatment, and the equitability % were reduced

from 50% in pretreatment to 31.63 % in post treatment Table(4).

It is noteworthy mentioning that the two types of compost increased both the

terrestrial soil arthropods systemic groups, which collected by pitfall traps , and the

superficial soil arthropods systemic groups that found in the upper surface layer, until

(30cm depth), which collected by Berlese funnel methods, with percentage arranged

from 61% to 47% in animal compost. Similar results were obtained by Kennedy

(1999) who indicated that compost addition , increased the biodiversity in the soil in

order to conserve its fertility. Pimentel and Warneke, (1989) reported that addition

of organic matter in the organic Agrosystem, increased mites, collembolan, and other

different predacious soil arthropods, such as carabidae beetles and spiders.

Gunadi et al., (2002) mentioned that, the vermicomposts when applied to soil in rows

of tomatoes, at rates of 4.5 ton /ha-1, and the numbers of soil arthropods were

increased compared with those in soil receiving conventional composts and inorganic

fertilizers. Also They indicated that application of inorganic fertilizers, and

conventional composts to tomato decrease the numbers of groups of soil arthropods.

And cow manure vermicompost increased the number of trophic groups from six

before application to eight after application, in soil in the tomato plots.

In contrast with our results Yardim et al., (2006) mentioned that, beetle population

were suppressed significantly on cucumber plants treated with food waste

vermicompost compared with those on plants treated only with inorganic fertilizers.

Preusch et al. ( 2002) demonstrated that addition of compost to the soil improve pest

management; enhancement of soil properties; tree health and increase soil arthropods

population .

Mathews et al. (2002) recorded that the impact of compost on arthropods have largely

dealt with effects on the abundance and diversity of the soil-dwelling arthropod

community. Brown and Tworkoski (2004) suggested that compost significantly

affected arthropod abundance after application, with more predators and fewer

herbivores in the compost treated plots. Also they reported that the use of compost in

agriculture ecosystems should be encouraged as a sustainable management practice

because of a potential to reduce pesticide use and preserve the population of soil

arthropods .


Table (3) : % Reduction or increasing of soil arthropod groups collected with pitfall traps and Berlese phunnel methods after application of compost using two types of compost ( plant and animal) in organic tomato system during 2013 season.

Type of cultivation

Type of traps

Type of compost

Arthropods Systemic groups

Insect Mits Other arthropod


Organic Tomato system

Pitfall trap

Plant compost

+66.13a -100 -100 +66.33a

Animal compost

+40.5a -100 -100 +61.76a

F value 1.3 ns ns Ns 4.4ns


Plant compost

-29.48a 221.8 -100 -0.79b

Animal compost

486.48a 356.36 -66.6 +347a

F valuLSD05

2.67ns 2.12ns 1.37ns 11.64*82.9

Values within each column followed by the same letter do not differ statistically for P>0.05, according to LSD test.


Table (4) : Effect of Type of compost on soil arthropods diversity in organic Tomato fields collected with Berlesephunnel and pitfall traps during 2013 season.

No Systemic groups

Agriculture procedures

Plant compost Animal compost

Post- treat. Pre-treatment Post -treat Pre-treat.


Check Treat. Check Treat. Check Treat.


1 Diptera 23 8 12 0 13 4 1 12 Hymenoptera 63 19 4 4 71 18 28 253 Homoptera 11 8 1 0 3 2 3 04 Hemiptera 1 29 0 0 0 0 0 05 Neuroptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 Collombola 62 0 64 16 127 6 30 147 Coleoptera 2 3 0 1 0 0 1 18 Lepidoptera 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 09 Thysanoptera 7 0 3 0 2 0 1 110 Orthoptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 Ephemiptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 012 Dermptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 Prostigmata 5 0 8 4 14 5 0 214 Astigmata 23 0 20 5 23 5 5 415 Cryptostigma

ta19 6 14 7 6 0 10 2

16 Notostigmata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Mesostegmat

a37 3 23 0 24 3 19 8

18 Teterastigmata

0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0

19 Chilopoda 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 120 Crustacea 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 021 spiders 1 0 0 0 2 0 12 0Total 256 76 151 47 287 44 113 59

Diversity index 1.80 1.406 1.760 1.719 1.640 1.759 1.86 1.66

Equitability % 38.4 57.1 55.5 62.5 36.3 62.5 50 50



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