  • LASER & PHOTONICSREVIEWS Laser Photonics Rev. 7, No. 3, 408421 (2013) / DOI 10.1002/lpor.201200025



    Abstract Efficiency droop, i.e. the loss of efficiency at highoperating current, afflicts nitride-based light-emitting diodes(LEDs). The droop phenomenon is currently the subject of in-tense research, as it retards the advancement of solid-statelighting which is just starting to supplant fluorescent as well asincandescent lighting. Although the technical community doesnot yet have consented to a single cause of droop, this articleprovides a summary of the present state of droop research,reviews currently discussed droop mechanisms, and presentsa recently developed theoretical model for the efficiency droop.In the theoretical model, carrier leakage out of the active re-gion caused by the asymmetry of the pn junction, specificallythe disparity between electron and hole concentrations and mo-bilities, is discussed in detail. The model is in agreement withthe droops key behaviors not only for GaInN LEDs but also forAlGaInP LEDs.

    n-GaN MQW EBL p-GaN


    AugerAuger carrierleakage






    Efficiency droop in light-emitting diodes: Challenges andcountermeasuresJaehee Cho1, E. Fred Schubert1, and Jong Kyu Kim2,

    1. Introduction

    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are used in a very broadrange of applications, from displaying information, sens-ing, communications, to lighting and illumination. LEDsare emitters capable of very high efficiency; for example, anLED, in principle, can generate white light with a 20 timesgreater efficiency than a conventional incandescent lightsource with a tungsten filament [1,2]. Deployed on a globalscale to replace conventional light sources, such solid-statelight emitters will result in enormous energy savings, sub-stantial financial savings, and reduction in the emission ofglobal-warming-causing CO2, acid-rain-causing SO2, andpolluting mercury. GaN-based blue LEDs, as one of thecore components, are particularly attractive for illumina-tion applications, because blue LEDs can be combined withphosphors to make a white light source.

    One of the most significant and enduring challengesfacing high-power GaN-based LEDs is the efficiency droop the decrease in external quantum efficiency (EQE) of anLED with increasing drive current [3]. Typical GaN-basedLEDs have a peak in efficiency, typically at current densitiesless than 10 A/cm2, above which the efficiency graduallydecreases. As shown in Fig. 1, although a GaInN blue LEDhas a high efficiency at low currents, it can suffer more than40% loss of efficiency at a higher current, e.g. the desiredoperating current. The efficiency droop is a particularly se-

    1 Future Chips Constellation, Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York12180, USA2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 790784, KoreaCorresponding author(s): e-mail: [email protected]

    vere problem for high-power LEDs which operate at currentdensities far beyond the point where the efficiency peaks,thus it constitutes a fundamental obstacle for widespreadadoption of solid-state lighting. The fundamental cause ofthe efficiency droop is a topic of active research, and inthe opinion of the authors of this article, has been solved.Indeed, we will describe in this article a useful frameworkthat allows for the understanding of the efficiency droopand the implementation of countermeasures that are suitedto reduce the efficiency droop.

    Let us first explain what the meaning of solving theefficiency droop is. Figure 2 shows four efficiency-versus-current curves indicating several solutions, unwanted andwanted. By increasing the area of the LED chip, the currentdensity is reduced, and thus, the peak efficiency is shifted tohigher currents, as shown in Fig. 2(a). However, larger de-vices may suffer from a lower chip yield from a wafer and ascaling penalty, i.e. a decrease in light-extraction efficiencywith increasing device area. Typically, LEDs with low peakefficiency due to some reasons such as high defect density,are known to show a small efficiency droop, as shown inFig. 2(b). In this unwanted case, radiative recombination isnot the largest among the recombination mechanisms, thus,it is suppressed by some other non-radiative processes, re-sulting in the lack of a pronounced peak in efficiency. Figure2(c) shows a reduced efficiency droop with lower peak ef-ficiency, with the efficiency peak shifted to higher currents.

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    Laser Photonics Rev. 7, No. 3 (2013) 409

    0 4 8 12 16 200.0






    Injection current I (mA)










    UV LED = 375 nm

    T = 293 K

    Blue LED = 460 nm

    Green LED = 525 nm

    UV: Droop = 11%Blue: Droop = 40%Green: Droop = 54%

    Droop = 1 20 mA / max

    Figure 1 (online color at: Efficiency versuscurrent curves of GaN-based UV, blue and green LEDs showinga decrease in efficiency with increasing injection current. Theillustration shows that green LEDs have largest efficiency droop.

    The above mentioned two cases (b) and (c) are undesirablesolutions because they sacrifice low-current efficiency ofthe device to reduce the efficiency droop. The best solutionto be pursued is a decrease of efficiency droop without anyloss of low-current efficiency, as shown in Fig. 2(d).

    In this article, several proposed explanations for thephysical origin of efficiency droop including dislocations,carrier delocalization, Auger recombination, poor hole-injection, and electron leakage from the active region arediscussed. For a better understanding of the latter phe-nomenon, a drift-leakage model is developed to quanti-tatively explain carrier leakage-out from the active regionwhich is mediated by the asymmetry of the pn junctionof LEDs. In addition, possible solutions to overcome effi-ciency droop are discussed.

    2. Current understanding of the efficiencydroop mechanism

    In this section, we summarize and discuss several mech-anisms which are proposed to be responsible for the ef-

    n-GaN MQW EBL p-GaN


    AugerAuger carrierleakage






    Figure 3 (online color at: Schematic illus-tration of the three non-radiative recombination mechanisms andthe radiative recombination mechanism.

    ficiency droop. Efficiency droop is caused by a non-radiative carrier loss mechanism that has little effect atlow currents, but becomes dominant at high currents. Ingeneral, carrier losses can occur either inside or outsidethe active regions quantum wells (QWs). Defect-relatedShockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination and Auger re-combination are non-radiative recombination processes in-side the QWs, whereas carrier leakage results in non-radiative recombination outside the QWs. These threenon-radiative recombination mechanisms together withradiative recombination are schematically illustrated inFig. 3. The importance of solving efficiency droop prob-lem has motivated substantial efforts to understand andmitigate the physical mechanism. Several different mech-anisms have been proposed so far which will be discussedin the following subsections.

    2.1. Defect-related mechanisms

    Defect-related contributions to efficiency droop have beenextensively discussed since point defects and threading dis-locations exist in very high concentrations in present GaN-based LEDs. The non-radiative recombination of carrierscaused by crystal defects is typically described by the SRHmodel. However, in simulations based on the conventionalSRH scheme, the SRH process unlikely causes the droopat high current injection, although it has a strong influ-ence on the maximum efficiency [46]. A number of stud-ies claimed that threading dislocation density is stronglyrelated to efficiency droop based on their comparison





    Current Current Current

    (a) Increase device area (b) Lower efficiency (c) Lower peak efficiency (d) Best solution

    Figure 2 (online color at: Efficiency-versus-current curves indicating possible solutions to the efficiency droop. C 2012 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


    410 J. Cho et al.: Efficiency droop in light-emitting diodes: Challenges and countermeasures

    between GaInN LEDs grown on sapphire and free-standingGaN substrates [7, 8]; it has been proposed that the lowerthe threading dislocation density, the lower the efficiencydroop. Liu et al. [7] suggested that threading dislocationsintroduce a number of acceptor-like levels lying within theband gap through which defect-assisted Auger recombi-nation occurs. Bochkareva et al. [9] proposed that the re-duction of the injection efficiency by an excess tunnelingcurrent from the QW through deep defect states in barri-ers can be the dominant droop mechanism in their singleQW LEDs. It has been reported that a high density of deeplevels exists at the core of screw dislocations, and a largeconcentration of point defects is aggregated in threadingdislocations in GaN, which could be the cause of a parasiticnon-radiative carrier transport mechanism. Therefore, thecarriers can propagate by tunneling between spatially closedefect levels formed by such dislocations [1013]. Schubertet al. [14] analyzed GaInN LEDs grown on templates withlow and high threading dislocation densities. The analysisrevealed that the low-dislocation-density sample is charac-terized by a pronounced peak in the efficiency at relativelylow currents followed by a rapid decrease in efficiency,whereas the high-dislocation-density sample showed verylittle decrease in efficiency, but also exhibited a low peakefficiency. The observed behavior was explained in termsof competition between the recombination mechanisms: Inthe low-defect-density sample, efficiency peaks as radia-tive recombination overtakes non-radiative recombinationbefore the droop-causing mechanism becomes significant.Then, as the current increases further, the droop-causingmechanism becomes dominant, leading to a reduction in ef-ficiency. In the high-defect-density sample, decreased non-radiative lifetime leads to non-radiative recombination thatis larger than radiative recombination even beyond the pointwhere the droop-causing mechanism becomes dominant.Thus, in the high-defect-density sample, radiative recombi-nation never becomes the dominant recombination mech-anism, which very well explains the lower peak efficiencyand absence of a significant efficiency droop. Despite thesedifferences, however, the form of the droop-causing mech-anism was found to be quite similar for the two samples,indicating that threading dislocations are not responsiblefor the efficiency droop observed in GaInN/GaN LEDs.Photoluminescence (PL) experiments carried out by Shenet al. [15] similarly led to the conclusion that the droop-causing high-current loss mechanism is not affected by thedislocation density.

    Dislocations are closely related to one of commonlyproposed droop-causing mechanisms: delocalization ofcarriers [10, 1621]. According to this explanation, elec-trons and holes are confined to localized potential minimawithin the QW plane; the potential minima can be causedby fluctuations in QW thickness or indium composition, orby potential barriers surrounding the SRH defects. Carri-ers within the wells are assumed to be physically separatedfrom dislocations and have long non-radiative lifetimes.For low currents, the injected carrier concentration is smalland carriers remain confined to the potential minima, wherethey recombine with high radiative efficiency. As the cur-

    rent increases, however, the localized potential minima aregradually filled up and carriers are released (delocalized)to the dislocation sites, which leads to greater interactionwith non-radiative centers, shorter non-radiative lifetime,and lower efficiency. Hader and colleagues [20, 21] pro-posed such density-activated defect recombination (DADR)mechanism wherein the loss rate is negligible below a cer-tain threshold carrier density, then it quadratically rises ac-cording to the quadratic dependence of the electron-electronscattering rates on the carrier concentration. It has also beensuggested that delocalized carriers are more susceptible toparasitic tunneling currents associated with threading dis-locations which cause local heating, increasing with theinjection, and hence, facilitating the tunneling process typi-cally assisted by acoustic phonons [10]. The dependence ofefficiency droop upon indium mole fraction in GaInN QWshas been used to support the above explanation. Yang et al.[19] reported that as the indium composition x in Ga1xInxNincreases (x = 0.010.02 for ultraviolet, 0.09 for violet,0.17 for blue, to 0.30 for green LEDs), the efficiency droopbecomes more severe, as shown in Fig. 1, because compo-sitional indium fluctuations typically increase with indiummole fraction. Hammersley et al. [22] supported the carrier-delocalization explanation based on temperature-dependentPL measurements from a GaInN/GaN QW structure.

    2.2. Auger recombination

    One of the most controversial mechanisms proposed to leadto efficiency droop in GaInN/GaN LEDs is Auger recombi-nation. In the Auger process, an electron recombines witha hole, transferring the released energy for exciting a thirdcarrier rather than emitting a photon. In general, the rate ofAuger recombination is proportional to the cube of free car-rier density. Depending upon the magnitude of the Augercoefficient C, then, it is clear that Auger recombinationcan drive down the efficiency as the current increases.It is reported that only Auger coefficients greater than1031 cm6 s1 can cause significant efficiency droop, there-fore, estimation of correct value of Auger coefficient isimportant [3].

    Shen et al. [15] performed PL lifetime studies withresonant optical excitation on thick pseudo-bulk double-heterostructure (DH) GaInN layers with emission wave-lengths around 440 nm, and estimated an Auger coefficientin the range of 1.4 1030 2.0 1030 cm6 s1 fromthe recombination rate model. Since resonant optical exci-tation ensures equal generation of electrons and holes in theQWs (and thus simplifies the carrier dynamics comparedto electroluminescence which involves the carrier trans-port) it has become a popular approach to investigate theefficiency droop. Many measurements have been performedon single QW, multiple QWs (MQW), and DH devices[2329], which were summarized by Piprek [3]. Seeminglyconflicting results have been reported, however, as some ofreferences show no decrease in PL efficiency with increas-ing intensity [24, 26], while others do [15, 25, 29].

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    Laser Photonics Rev. 7, No. 3 (2013) 411

    Note that the measurements of the Auger coefficientbased on the recombination rate equation, i.e. ABC model we will discuss the details on this equation in Section3 neglect the effect of carrier leakage. One common as-sumption made for resonant excitation experiments is thatthe escape rates for electrons and holes from GaInN QWsare both equal to zero, and that carrier transport-related ef-fects can be neglected. However, Schubert et al. [30, 31]have shown that carriers do escape from the QWs, even un-der resonant-optical excitation, which raises questions onthe ability of resonant excitation experiments to accuratelyassess the radiative efficiency of GaInN QWs. David andGardner [32] presented a counter-argument that the use ofresonant excitation PL experiments is valid to characterizedroop because the carrier leakage during the PL measure-ment is only significant at low excitation densities (wherebands are tilted) but does not contribute to the droop at highexcitation densities (where bands are flat). More recently,David and Grundmann [33] performed differential carrierlife time measurements to show that the data can be more re-liable when phase-space filling is included, and concludedthat droop is caused by a shortening of the non-radiativelifetime at high current density which is in quantitativeagreement with Auger scattering. In addition, they pointedout that the transport-related effects such as carrier leakageover the active region would not influence the lifetime oftrapped carriers in the QWs, thus cannot account for theirlifetime reduction observation.

    The experimental results described above have mo-tivated several theoretical efforts directed at uncover-ing the role of Auger recombination in GaInN LEDs.Hader et al. [34] reported a very small Auger coeffi-cient of C = 3.5 1034 cm6 s1 for the direct band-to-band Auger losses in GaInN QWs based on calcu-lations using fully microscopic many-body models. Thesame group also investigated other relevant Auger pro-cesses such as phonon-assisted Auger recombination [35].Kioupakis et al. [36] performed atomistic first-principlecalculations and proposed that droop is caused by indi-rect Auger recombination, mediated by electron-phononcoupling and alloy scattering. Delaney et al. [37] re-ported that interband Auger recombination can be sig-nificant in GaInN due to the proximity of a higher-levelconduction band; using first-principles density-functionaland many-body perturbation theory, they found that theAuger coefficient for bulk GaInN strongly depends uponthe bandgap, with a maximum value of around 2 1030 cm6 s1 when the bandgap of GaInN is around 2.5 eVwhich corresponds to 500 nm emission. However, the in-terband Auger coefficient decreases very rapidly when thebandgap deviates from 2.5 eV, while the efficiency droop isobserved in a wide range of emission energies. Bertazziet al. [38] reported much smaller Auger coefficients(


    412 J. Cho et al.: Efficiency droop in light-emitting diodes: Challenges and countermeasures

    The LED exhibited virtually zero efficiency droop for in-jection currents up to 2200 A/cm2; the authors proposedthat electron leakage is the primary mechanism for droopin the GaN-based nanowire LED.

    Electron leakage serves as an umbrella term which ac-tually encompasses several distinct problems or phenom-ena that result in the flow of carriers through the activeregion without recombining. Among these are: (i) a poorhole-injection efficiency; (ii) an ineffective EBL; (iii) anincomplete capture of electrons by QWs; and (iv) electronescape from the QWs. Necessarily, therefore, fewer holesthan electrons are injected into the active region. These twophenomena escape of electrons form the active region andpoor hole injection are components of any carrier leak-age explanation for efficiency droop. However, because itis not obvious which is cause and which is effect, both havebeen proposed. Hole injection into the active region maybe the limiting factor, possibly due to low p-type dopingefficiency, low hole mobility caused by large effective holemass, and the EBL acting as a potential barrier also forholes. As a result of the low hole injection, current acrossthe device is dominated by electrons. The alternative ex-planation is that the MQW active region and EBL structureinadequately confines electrons to the active region, and thatthe electrons escape to the p-type side where they recom-bine non-radiatively with holes, before the holes ever havethe chance to enter the active region. While these two expla-nations are related, the course of action needed to correctcarrier leakage in these two cases is actually quite different:For example, if poor hole-injection efficiency is to blame,decreasing the bandgap of the EBL which acts as a bar-rier to hole injection or p-type doping of the active regionwould be advisable. However, if insufficient confinementof electrons is to blame, then increasing the bandgap of theEBL or modification of the MQW active region based ona polarization engineering technique would be advisable.The following subsections discuss limited hole-injectionefficiency, ineffective EBL, and incomplete capture of car-riers by quantum wells in detail.

    2.3.1. Poor hole-injection efficiency

    Although the EBL is intended to confine electrons to theactive region, it also has an effect on the transport of holes.The valence band offset of AlGaN relative to GaN results ina barrier for holes. This barrier is reduced by incorporationof p-type doping in the AlGaN layer; however, p-type dop-ing efficiency decreases as the Al mole fraction increases[4749]. As a result, increasing Al content in the EBL tomore strongly confine electrons will simultaneously makeit more difficult for holes to enter the active region. The ef-fects of increasing Al content in AlGaN EBLs increaseddifficulty of hole injection and greater electron confinement make it difficult to ascertain whether electron leakage isor is not successfully suppressed. Hole injection is furtherhindered as compared to electron injection due to the factthat active regions are typically intrinsic (undoped) or n-type doped. Note that the problem of limited hole transport

    is independent of material polarization and sheet chargesat hetero-interfaces; therefore, this mechanism can be ex-pected to be relevant even in LEDs grown in non-polarand semi-polar orientations or polarization-matched LEDsgrown on c-plane sapphire. Recently, Hwang et al. [50] in-troduced a new device named light-emitting triodes whichhave two anodes for promoting the injection of holes intothe active region, and showed that limited hole-injectionefficiency is one of the dominant mechanisms responsiblefor the efficiency droop.

    2.3.2. Ineffective EBL

    Electron and hole transport characteristics in GaN-baseddevices are known to be vastly different. Electrons typicallyhave fairly high mobilities of 200 cm2 V1 s1 or more, andhigh concentrations are achievable due to the relatively lowionization energy of the n-type dopant Si [51]. By contrast,the ionization energy of the p-type dopant Mg is around 170meV, and therefore, high hole concentrations are difficultto achieve [48, 52]. In addition, holes in GaN have a lowermobility, with values on the order of 10 cm2 V1 s1 beingtypical [47].

    For maximum efficiency, the goal is to have equalnumbers of electrons and holes injected into the activeregion. However, higher electron concentrations and mo-bilities favor electron transport, and therefore virtually allGaInN/GaN LEDs include large-bandgap p-type AlGaNEBLs intended to prevent electrons from escaping to thep-type region; Al mole fractions in the EBL are typicallyclose to 15%. However, while an EBL with Al content inthis range may be optimal, it is not clear that such an EBL isactually sufficient to completely confine electrons, since in-creasing the Al content to raise the barrier for electrons alsoincreases polarization mismatch with respect to GaN. ForLED structures grown in the c-direction, this polarizationdiscontinuity results in sheet charges at hetero-interfaces[53].

    Figure 4(a) shows the calculated energy-band diagramof a conventional GaInN/GaN MQW LED at a forwardcurrent of 350 mA. Due to differences in spontaneous andpiezoelectric polarization between layers in the MQW andthe EBL, positive and negative sheet charges are gener-ated, which strongly affect the energy-band diagram. Atthe interface between the GaN QB or spacer and AlGaNEBL, as shown in Fig. 4(b), there exists a positive sheetcharge which is attractive to electrons. As a result, theconduction band of the EBL is pulled down, which re-duces the effective barrier height for electrons. As thissheet charge increases with rising Al content, the conduc-tion band edge is pulled down further, which results in abarrier height increase that is smaller than the increase inconduction band offset between the EBL and GaN. There-fore, even as the Al content is increased, complete confine-ment of electrons to the active region may not be possible.The combination of these effects allows for a significantelectron leakage current as much as 60% of the total cur-rent [24].

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    Laser Photonics Rev. 7, No. 3 (2013) 413

    Figure 4 (online color at: (a) Calculated en-ergy band diagram of a typical GaInN/GaN MQW LED (area 1 1 mm2) at an injection current level of 350 mA. Schematicenergy-band diagram (b) near the EBL, and (c) near a QW withconsideration of sheet charges.

    2.3.3. Incomplete carrier capture by QWs and carrierescape from QWs

    Electrons and holes located in a barrier preceding a QWmay be coherently transported across or reflected from theQW, may be captured into the QW by emitting one or moreoptical phonons, or may be captured by the QW throughacoustic-phonon-mediated or impurity-mediated scatteringevents [54]. Only those carriers captured by a QW are ableto participate in radiative recombination and contribute tothe optical power produced by an LED. GaInN/GaN QWsgrown along the c-direction have distinct characteristicswhich can affect the capture of carriers [55]. As shown inFig. 4(c), electrons injected from the n-type region facelarge triangular barriers, which result from the mismatch inpolarization in the GaInN QW and GaN QB. Inside the QWis a large electric field, which means that the conductionband edge of the barrier on the n-type side of the QW(injection barrier) is higher in energy than the band edgeof the barrier on the p-type side of the QW (extractionbarrier). Holes injected from the p-type region similarlyface triangular barriers.

    The effect of polarization charges and QW width uponcapture has also been analyzed in terms of the quantum-mechanical dwell time (the time an electron dwells overthe QW), which is related to the probability of carrier cap-ture [55]. It was shown that the presence of sheet chargesresults in decreased carrier-capture probability and dwell

    time; eliminating or inverting the charges would result insubstantially longer dwell times. Further, increasing theQW thickness also increases the dwell time, and thereforeshould lead to a higher capture probability.

    The impact of sheet charges at the QW interfaces alsoappears in simple drift-diffusion LED models which do notspecifically consider carrier capture. In such models, allcarriers incident upon a QW are assumed to be captured,and any electron leakage is the result of escape. As shownin Fig. 4(c), the sheet charges resulting from polarizationmismatch create barriers for injection; they also lower thebarrier for carriers to escape. The interface between QW andbarrier on the p-type side features a positive sheet, which isattractive to electrons and lowers the conduction band edge.The interface between QW and barrier on the n-type sidefeatures a negative sheet charge, which attracts holes andraises the valence band edge. The cumulative effect of thecharges and the resultant modifications of the band diagramare to enable a leakage current that accounts for a substan-tial fraction of the total current [24]. The occurrence ofcarrier escape has also been verified experimentally usingoptical excitation [30,31]. A numerical study using a drift-diffusion model of the effect of polarization upon carrierleakage and the efficiency of GaInN LEDs was performedby Kim et al. [24]. Good agreement was achieved betweenmeasured LED characteristics and the simulated results, inwhich Auger recombination was not included. Droop wasobserved in the simulated efficiency curve due to carrierleakage out of the active region that increased with current.A similar agreement between measurements and simula-tions that implicate carrier leakage as the origin of droopwas also found by Xie et al. [26].

    Although several theories have been employed in thissection to explain the origin of efficiency droop, a gen-eral consensus among researchers has remained elusive,and seemingly conflicting data have been presented. Nev-ertheless, there have been successful efforts to reduce orovercome efficiency droop in GaN-based LEDs grown onc-plane sapphire substrates, which include: (i) reducing thecarrier density by employment of wide QWs or LED chipswith large area [56, 57], (ii) reducing the electron leak-age by modification of MQW structures [5867] and EBLstructures [6872], and (iii) polarization-engineered MQWand EBL structures [24, 53, 55, 7383]. LEDs grown inthe m-plane, a-plane, and other non-polar or semi-polarplanes of the wurtzite crystal have been topics of activeresearch to reduce efficiency droop [8489]. These de-signs inherently have a lower polarization mismatch thanthe conventional c-plane polar LEDs that are universalin industry. Recently, Zhao et al., reported a high-powerLED homoepitaxially grown on free-standing semipolar(2021) GaN substrate with a high external quantum ef-ficiency of 45.3% and very small droop of 14.3% at 200A/cm2 [85]. However, homoepitaxial growth along nonpo-lar and semipolar directions is challenging, and very highquality bulk GaN substrates must be used to achieve signif-icant emission efficiency. These native GaN substrates areexpensive and typically very small in area, which makes ho-moepitaxially grown nonpolar or semipolar LEDs currently C 2012 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


    414 J. Cho et al.: Efficiency droop in light-emitting diodes: Challenges and countermeasures


    Reflected curves

    GaInN/GaN LEDs on waferArea = 200 200 m2

    5 QWs, T = 300 K







    y (%

    ) Forward current: 10 A ~ 70 mA

    1016 1017 1018 1019Carrier concentration n (cm-3)

    Symmetry axis


    (a) Theoretical ABC model curves

    (b) Experimental curves

    101100 102 103







    Light-output power LOP(a.u.) ( n )







    y (%






    80ABC model onlyABC model with


    A = 107 s-1B = 10-10 cm3s-1

    C = 5 10-29 cm6s-1NC = 5 1018 cm-3

    axesSymmetry axes

    Figure 5 (online color at: (a) Theoretical IQE-versus-n curves based on the ABC model (without and with phase-space filling) showing even symmetry with respect to the peak-efficiency point. (b) Experimental IQE-versus-Square root (LOP) curvesshowing asymmetry.

    unfeasible for the general illumination application. Noefficiency droop up to an injection current density of400 A/cm2 was observed for defect-free GaInN nanowiresand GaInN/GaN dot-in-nanowire samples grown on (001)silicon by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy [40].The absence of droop was attributed to a suppressed defect-assisted Auger recombination process due to the very smallmeasured Auger coefficients.

    3. Recombination rate equation anddrift-leakage model

    In order to better understand the physical mechanisms in-side an LED, the carrier recombination rate, R, has beenanalyzed by means of An + Bn2 + Cn3, where n, A, B, andC represent carrier concentration, SRH, radiative recombi-nation, and Auger recombination coefficient, respectively.The reason that this model often referred to as the ABCmodel has been widely used in discussions of the effi-ciency droop is that the ABC model is believed to revealthe cause when expressing the internal quantum efficiency(IQE) as IQE = Bn2/R [4]. However, the IQE of an LEDshould be expressed as the product of the radiative effi-ciency (RE) in the active region, which is RE = Bn2/R,and the injection efficiency (IE); that is IQE = RE IE.The injection efficiency can be limited by non-capture ofcarriers into the active region as well as leakage of carriersout of the active region [55]. Therefore, it was found thatplotting the LED EQE against carrier density exposes thisfundamental limitation of the ABC model: The ABC modelalone is unsuited to take into account a less-than-100% in-jection efficiency. A fundamental deficiency in the ABCmodel used to describe carrier behavior in an LED was ob-served and reported in Ref. [4]: The ABC model expressesthat carriers undergo one of three recombination processes:

    SRH recombination, a non-radiative process that is pro-portional to the carrier density; radiative recombination,which is proportional to the square of the carrier density;and Auger recombination, a non-radiative recombinationprocess that depends on the cube of the carrier density. Oneof the inherent properties of the ABC model is that anyplot of LED efficiency (i.e. EQE) as a function of carrierdensity (plotted on a log scale) should be symmetric withrespect to the peak-efficiency point, as shown in Fig. 5(a).However, experimental measurement data does not displaythis symmetry. For this reason, Dai et al. [4] concluded thatthe ABC model is insufficient for describing a droop phe-nomenon. When measuring the efficiency of two differentMQW devices, plots of LED efficiency as a function ofthe square root of light-output power showed that the ABCmodel cannot account for the behavior of these LEDs, asshown in Fig. 5(b). Although a good fit can be obtained forthe efficiency curve at carrier densities below that of theLED peak efficiency, the model fails to keep pace with thedecline in efficiency at higher carrier densities. Thus theexperiment showed that at high current densities, there is asignificant loss process that depends on the carrier densityaccording to a power series with higher-than-third-orderterms of the carrier density. The higher order terms suggestan additional process not included in the three conventionalprocesses of the ABC model. The additional process wasattributed to carrier leakage.

    Based on this knowledge, the ABC + f(n) model hasbeen developed and used to analyze the carrier recombina-tion mechanism in LEDs with the equation R = An + Bn2+ Cn3 + f(n), where f(n) represents carrier leakage out ofthe active region [90]. This equation can describe all possi-ble recombination processes in an LED. The term f(n) canbe expanded into a power series and may have higher-than-third-order contributions to the recombination. The totalthird-order non-radiative coefficient (which may includean f(n) leakage contribution and an Auger contribution)

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    Laser Photonics Rev. 7, No. 3 (2013) 415













    y (ar

    b. un


    103 102 101 100 101 102Forward current (mA)


    LED-1 data

    LED-2 data

    ABC +f (n) fit

    ABC fit


    ABC + f (n) fitABC fit

    LED-1 data

    Peak wavelength at 25 mALED-1: 465 nmLED-2: 444 nm

    LED-2 dataABC + f (n) fit







    y (ar

    b. un








    0 20 40 60 80 100Forward current (mA)

    EQE vs current (linear scale)GaInN/GaN LED

    5 QWs, 300 300 m2T = 300 K

    EQE vs current (log scale)

    Figure 6 (online color at: EQE versus current and theoretical ABC model and ABC + f (n) model fits (a) onlinear, and (b) logarithmic current scale for two LEDs. Whereas the ABC + f (n) model gives an excellent fit, the ABC model deviatesfrom experimental results particularly at high currents, as shown in the inset.

    was found to be 8 1029 cm6 s1 [90]. This large third-order non-radiative coefficient determined by experimentand fitting is so large that it only can be explained by addingthe term f(n) to ABC model. Comparison of the theoreti-cal ABC + f(n) model with experimental data shows that agood fit requires the inclusion of the f(n) term, particularlyat high current densities, as shown in Fig. 6.

    Let us think further about the ABC + f(n) model tofind a physical meaning of f(n). To do this, the efficiencydroop is analyzed in the framework of carrier leakage drivenby the asymmetry in carrier transport characteristics, i.e.,there is a significant disparity between electron and holeconcentrations as well as mobilities such that n p andn p. This framework is indeed fulfilled in the AlGaInPand the AlGaInN material system [91]. Based on Shockleyspn junction theory, it is known that the carrier concentra-tion injected into the neutral regions increases with appliedforward voltage. Under low-level injection conditions, thecurrent has an exponential relationship with applied bias.The low-level injection condition can be expressed by thefollowing inequality np(0) pp0, where np(0) is theinjected electron concentration at the edge of the p-typeneutral region of a pn junction. When this condition is bro-ken, high-level injection occurs, and both drift and diffu-sion currents in the p-type region must be considered [92].An important consideration, however, is the conductivityin each region of the device. When the conductivity in thedepletion region becomes comparable to conductivity ofthe p-side, the series resistance of the p-type layer beginsto play a role. Therefore, the low-level condition should begeneralized to include the effect of carrier mobility:

    nnp(0) p pp0 (1)When this generalized condition is broken, the depletionregion is flooded with electrons and its resistivity becomessmaller than that of the p-type region. As a result, an electricfield will develop in the p-type neutral region as the voltage

    applied to the diode increases. Furthermore, in the caseof extreme high-level injection, i.e. when np(0) pp0,the electron-drift current at the edge of the p-type neutralregion (where n = p) is higher by a factor of n/p thanthe hole drift current. The difference can exceed a factor of10 for AlGaInP and GaInN semiconductors, which makesthese material systems particularly prone to enter into thehigh-level injection regime.

    Next, a quantitative condition for the onset of electrondrift in the p-type region of LEDs is derived using GaInNas an exemplary material system. Given that, in a GaInNLED, the thickness of p-type GaN cladding layer typicallyis smaller than the electron minority carrier diffusion length,the electron diffusion current leaking out of the active regionof a heterojunction LED can be expressed as [91]

    Jdiffiusion = eDnnp(0)Lp-layer (2)

    where Lp-layer is the thickness of the p-type GaN, e is theelementary charge, and Dn is the electron diffusion coef-ficient in the p-type GaN. As the diode enters high-levelinjection, some of the applied voltage starts to drop acrossthe low-conductivity p-type layer and a drift current arises.The drift current of electrons injected into the p-type neutrallayer, at the edge of the neutral layer, is given by

    Jdrift = ennp(0)E = eDn ekT np(0)Jtotalp


    where we employed the Einstein relation, and E, Jtotal, and p, are the electric field in the p-type layer, the total cur-rent density of the diode, and the p-type layer conductivity( p = e pp0 p), respectively. The drift-induced leakagecurrent increases with the total current, and will, at asufficiently large current, become significant. As a con-sequence, the injection efficiency into the active region is C 2012 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


    416 J. Cho et al.: Efficiency droop in light-emitting diodes: Challenges and countermeasures

    reduced and the device enters the droop regime. It wasshown that the onset of the efficiency droop in GaInN LEDsindeed occurs in the high-level injection regime where anelectric field emerges in the p-type GaN layer [93].

    The total recombination rate in an LED device can bedescribed by the equation, R = AnQW + Bn2QW + f(nQW),where f(nQW) is a general loss term causing the efficiencydroop [90, 94] and includes drift-induced reduction in in-jection efficiency (drift leakage), as well as Auger recom-bination (CAuger nQW3). Next, the carrier-concentration de-pendence of diffusion- and drift-leakage current densitiesis analyzed. The diffusion-leakage current density has thefollowing dependence on carrier concentration

    Jdiffiusion = eDnLp-layer np(0) =eDn

    Lp-layernQW (4)

    where = np(0)/nQW is estimated to be on the orderof 0.1% [95]. Close to the peak-efficiency point, whereradiative recombination dominates, the recombination ratecan be approximated by R Bn2QW. In this region, the totalcurrent density, Jtotal, depends on the carrier concentrationin the QW according to

    Jtotal = edactive R edactive Bn2QW (5)

    where dactive is the active-region thickness. Inserting Eq. (5)into Eq. (3), we find the following dependence of the drift-induced leakage-current on carrier concentration

    Jdrift = ennQW Jtotalep pp0

    edactive np pp0


    = edactiveCDLn3QW (6)

    where CDL is a proportionality constant associated withthe lowering of the injection efficiency due to drift ofelectrons in the p-type layer (drift leakage). Since thef(nQW) n3QW dependence (drift-induced leakage, see Eq.6) is stronger than the f(nQW) nQW dependence (diffusion-induced leakage, see Eq. 4), the latter one may be neglected.Writing f (n) = CDLn3QW + DDLn4QW + allows one toidentify the third-order coefficient as

    CDL = np pp0

    B (7)

    As a numerical example, we choose: pp0 = 5.0 1017 cm3,p = 2.5 cm2/(Vs), n = 300 cm2/(Vs), B = 1010 cm3/s,and = 0.1%. Using these values, we obtain CDL = 2.4 1029 cm6/s, in agreement with experimental values [3,39].

    At even higher current densities, when the drift-inducedleakage current becomes significant, the dependence of thetotal current density, Jtotal, shifts from a Jtotal n2QW depen-dence to a Jtotal n3QW dependence, i.e.,

    Jtotal = e dactive R edactive CDL n3QW (8)

    and consequently, the dominant term of the loss functionf(nQW) shifts from f(nQW) n3QW to f(nQW) n4QW. Insert-ing Eq. (8) into Eq. (3) yields

    Jdrift = ennQW Jtotalep pp0



    p pp0


    = edactive DDL n4QW (9)The equation allows one to identify the fourth-order coef-ficient as

    DDL =(


    p pp0

    )2B (10)

    A fourth-power dependence of f (n) has indeed been re-ported in the literature [4]. The total recombination rate canthen be written as

    R = AnQW + Bn2QW + f(nQW)= AnQW + Bn2QW + CAuger n3QW + CDLn3QW + DDLn4QW

    (11)where both drift-induced reduction of the injection effi-ciency as well as Auger losses are included. The quan-tities involved in Eqs. (7) and (10) are known to bestrongly temperature-dependent. It is well known thatpp0 decreases exponentially with decreasing temperaturewhile the temperature-dependent mobilities of electronsand holes, which are not necessarily monotonic, are morecomplicated. Qualitatively, the pp0 term is expected to dom-inate the temperature dependence of Eqs. (7) and (10).Therefore, we predict that the CDL and DDL coefficientswill increase with decreasing temperature, leading to anincreased droop.

    The analytic model developed here is worthy of noticebecause the drift-induced leakage function f (n) is shownto have a 3rd-order as well as a 4th-order dependence onthe carrier concentration; furthermore, electron drift in thep-type layer (and its dependence on carrier density) causesa decrease of the injection efficiency and an associated re-duction in IQE, i.e. the efficiency droop. Based on the ana-lytic model presented here, the current density at which theefficiency reaches its peak value, i.e., the onset-of-droopcurrent density can be calculated. The carrier concentra-tion, at which the efficiency reaches its maximum, npeak,can be expressed as npeak =

    ASRH/C [4]. Near the peak

    efficiency, the total recombination rate R is dominated byBn2. Therefore, based on the drift-induced leakage model,the onset-of-droop current density can be expressed as

    Jonset-of-droop = edactive Bn2peak = edactiveB ACDL

    = edactive A pp0pn


    As a numerical example, we use the parameters dactive =3.0 nm, ASRH = 1.0 107 /s, pp0 = 5.0 1017 cm3,

    C 2012 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


    Laser Photonics Rev. 7, No. 3 (2013) 417

    0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
















    uq l



    80 K

    200 K

    300 K

    450 K

    Forward current (mA)

    GaInN LED = 440 nm

    1 mm2 chip size


    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0





    80 K

    200 K300 K

    450 K

    GaInN LED = 440 nm

    1 mm2 chip size








    uq l



    Forward current (A)


    Figure 7 (online color at: Measured EQE of a GaInN LED for several temperatures ranging from 80 K to 450 Kusing (a) linear and (b) logarithmic abscissa.

    p = 2.5 cm2/(Vs), n = 300 cm2/(Vs), and = 0.1%.Using these values in the above equation, an onset-of-droopcurrent density of 2.0 A/cm2 is calculated. This value iswithin the range of experimental onset-of-droop currentdensities, which typically are between 1.0 and 10 A/cm2[93, 96, 97].

    4. Droop analysis in GaInN and AlGaInPLEDs based on the drift-leakage model

    In this section, we will discuss experimental results on theefficiency droop in high-quality GaInN LEDs and AlGaInPLEDs. As for the GaInN LEDs, they are grown by metalor-ganic vapor phase epitaxy and have five GaInN/GaN QWswhich emit at a peak wavelength of 440 nm. The LEDstructure employs an Al0.15Ga0.85N EBL and a p-type GaNafter the MQW growth on n-type GaN. Thin-film LEDs arefabricated by bonding the LED wafer to a silicon wafer andutilizing laser-lift-off to remove the sapphire substrate. Themeasured samples are diced into 1 1 mm2 chips that areleft unpackaged. A chip is mounted with thermal grease ina liquid-nitrogen-cooled cryostat. By cooling the LEDs tonear liquid N2 temperatures (about 77 K), hole freeze-outcan be enhanced, leading to a very asymmetric junction(i.e. n p). The light-output power is then measured as afunction of temperature using pulsed operating conditionswith a 5 s pulse-duration and a 1% duty ratio.

    Figure 7 shows the measured EQE vs. current at severaldifferent temperatures with (a) linear and (b) logarithmicabscissa. One of the noticeable features is that the LEDshows the largest efficiency droop at 80 K. As the tempera-ture increases to 200 K, the efficiency droop is reduced, butstill greater than the droop observed at room temperature,300 K. We believe that this behavior can be well explainedby the asymmetry in the transport properties of electronsand holes (including the temperature dependence), which

    is discussed in the previous section. As the temperature de-creases, fewer acceptors are ionized. This leads to a largerasymmetry in carrier concentration, and therefore an on-set of high-level injection conditions at lower currents. Atthe lowest temperature 80 K, the onset of droop occursat the smallest current density. A few trends are apparentfrom these curves: at low temperatures, the peak efficiencypoint is higher and occurs at a smaller current density. Thisagrees with expectations that SRH recombination is min-imized at low temperatures [91, 94]. Therefore, it can beproposed that the onset of high-level injection results inthe buildup of an electric field in the p-type region re-sulting in stronger electron leakage and a shift of the re-combination location into the p-side. As the temperatureincreases, the concentration of available holes increasesso that the onset of high-level injection occurs at highercurrent, resulting in less electron spillover and less seriesresistance.

    Let us move on to discuss experimental results on high-quality AlGaInP LEDs based on the same argument. Firstof all, the following characteristics of the AlGaInP materialsystem are noteworthy: (1) AlGaInP/AlInP heterostructureLEDs homo-epitaxially grown on GaAs substrates are lat-tice matched, and thus have a negligibly small threadingdislocation density. (2) The QWs in the active region ofthe AlGaInP LEDs are numerous and the individual QWsare slightly thicker (about 4.0 nm) when compared to typi-cal GaInN QWs (about 3.0 nm). (3) AlGaInP/AlInP/GaAsheterostructures are not subject to spontaneous and piezo-electric polarization electric fields. These three charac-teristics are in marked contrast to the GaInN/GaN mate-rial system [91]. The AlGaInP LEDs used in this studyhave a multiple quantum well active region consistingof 38 pairs of (AlxGa1-x)0.5In0.5P QWs and AlInP QBs,and a 350 350 m2 chip size. The emission wave-length of the LED is about 630 nm at room temperature.Considering this emission wavelength, it is not close to C 2012 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


    418 J. Cho et al.: Efficiency droop in light-emitting diodes: Challenges and countermeasures

    10 20 30 40 502.0











    y (ar

    b. un


    Forward current (mA)0 105 104 103 102 0.1 1 10 100












    y (ar

    b. un


    Forward current (mA)

    )b()a( AlGaInP LED = 630 nm

    AlGaInP LED = 630 nm

    50 K to 300 K(50 K increment)

    50 K to 300 K(50 K increment)

    (linear scale)(log scale)

    Figure 8 (online color at: EQE vs. current of an AlGaInP LED for different temperatures using (a) linear and (b)logarithmic abscissa. Open black circles indicate the peak position of each curve.

    direct-indirect bandgap transition of AlGaInP material sys-tem (the direct-indirect bandgap transition occurs at about532 nm).

    Figure 8 shows the EQE of the red AlGaInP LEDas a function of current at different temperatures with(a) linear and (b) logarithmic abscissa. By inspectingFig. 8(a), we can recognize the following trends: First, as thetemperature increases, the magnitude of the peak efficiencydecreases, due to increased SRH non-radiative recombina-tion. Second, because SRH recombination increases withtemperature, the peak efficiency point also shifts to highercurrents at high temperature. Third, the magnitude of theefficiency droop increases with decreasing temperature andis largest at 50 K. As a temperature increases to 100 K, theefficiency droop is reduced, but still significantly larger thanat room temperature. Note that similar droop behavior withrespect to temperature has been discussed previously forthe GaInN/GaN material system. Given the similarity of themeasured EQE vs. current curves, it is likely that the droopin GaInN LEDs and in AlGaInP LEDs has the same phys-ical origin. One similarity of both material systems is theasymmetry of electron and hole concentration and mobility.As the temperature decreases in the AlGaInP LED, acceptorionization, which is very efficient at room temperature, be-gins to decline. This effect may cause the observed trends inthe efficiency droop. Furthermore, the temperature depen-dence of Jonset-of-droop, i.e. a decreasing Jonset-of-droop with de-creasing T, is due to the strong dependence of pp0 on T (seeEq. 12). It may be noted that while the GaInN system has alow hole concentration and mobility, the AlGaInP systemalso has a low hole concentration and mobility (althoughnot as problematic as GaInN). In fact, this is the reason thatthe efficiency droop in AlGaInP material system becomesapparent only at lower temperature (about 100 K) in con-trast to the droop in GaInN material system which occurs atroom temperature. This similarity of the material propertiescan explain the occurrence of droop in these two materialsystems.

    The results presented here for GaInN and AlGaInPLEDs may shed light on other mechanisms that havebeen proposed to cause efficiency droop as discussed inSection 2. It is known that AlGaInP-based alloy semicon-ductors do not suffer from an excessive composition fluc-tuation. This lack of excessive compositional fluctuationsis supported by the spectrally narrow emission lines thatare found for this material system (not shown here). Fur-thermore, AlGaInP LEDs are homo-epitaxially grown onGaAs substrates so that the dislocation density is negli-gibly small. Therefore, it is doubtful that the efficiencydroop in AlGaInP LEDs could be attributed to a carrier-delocalization effect and enhanced recombination at dis-locations, which was proposed for the GaInN materialssystem. In addition, with respect to polarization fields onthe efficiency droop, they likely compound the problemof electron leakage, making it easier for electrons to es-cape the MQW region [24, 98]. However, spontaneous andpiezo-electric polarization-field effects are absent in the Al-GaInP/AlInP/GaAs material system. For this reason, polar-ization effects cannot be the primary or fundamental causeof the efficiency droop in AlGaInP LEDs. Furthermore,since the QWs in the AlGaInP LEDs are relatively thick,and the number of QWs is large, Auger recombination isnot expected to be a significant effect in AlGaInP LEDs.Furthermore, the absence of droop at room temperature andthe presence of the droop at cryogenic temperatures sug-gest that the droop-causing mechanism becomes strongerat low temperatures. This temperature dependence is con-trary to what is expected from Auger recombination (i.e.,it is a high-carrier-concentration phenomenon that wouldnot be expected to increase at low temperatures). We pointout again that the asymmetry of a pn junction made ofIII-V semiconductors can be exacerbated at low temper-atures: acceptor ionization energies are generally higherthan donor ionization energies. Results show that signif-icant droop occurs when the asymmetry intentionally isexacerbated. Therefore, we conclude that the asymmetry in

    C 2012 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


    Laser Photonics Rev. 7, No. 3 (2013) 419

    carrier transport properties of the pn junction is the dom-inant cause of the efficiency droop in both nitride- andphosphide-based LEDs. This result is very plausible con-sidering the previously-mentioned discussion of Section 2.

    5. Conclusion

    We present a summary of the current state of efficiencydroop research and review mechanisms potentially causingthe droop. It seems the LED community has not yet reacheda consensus on the answer to the question what mechanismis actually responsible for droop and further experimentsand much time will likely be needed to fully resolve theissue. An analytic model is developed for understandingthe efficiency droop in LEDs made from semiconductorshaving strong asymmetry in carrier concentration and mo-bility. Under high-injection conditions, electron drift in thep-type layer of the diode causes a decrease of the injectionefficiency. As the conductivity of electrons leaking out ofthe MQW approaches the conductivity of holes on the p-side, the low-level injection condition is broken leading toan electric field in the p-side cladding layer of the junctionthat further enhances leakage and droop. The drift-inducedleakage is shown to have a 3rd and 4th power dependenceon the carrier concentration in the active region. The modelis suited to explain experimental efficiency-versus-currentcurves of both nitride- and phosphide-based LEDs. Exper-imental evidence is presented that is consistent with theasymmetry of a pn junction, specifically the large disparityin carrier concentration and mobility, causing the efficiencydroop in GaInN and even AlGaInP LEDs. Based on the at-tribution of the efficiency droop to the strong asymmetryof carrier-transport properties of the LEDs, the improve-ment of p-type conductivity (both p and p) is considereda key factor in the reduction and potential solution of theefficiency droop.

    Acknowledgements. J.C. and E.F.S. would like to thank Dr. Q.Dai, D. Meyaard, G.-B. Lin, and Dr. J.-I. Shim for fruitful discus-sions. Authors J.C. and E.F.S. were supported by Sandias Solid-State Lighting Sciences Center, an Energy Frontier ResearchCenter funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, US NationalScience Foundation, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, SamsungElectronics, and Magnolia Optical Technologies, Inc. Author J.K. Kim gratefully acknowledge support by the Industrial Technol-ogy Development Program and International Collaborative R&DProgram funded by Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Pri-ority Research Centers funded by National Research Foundationof Korea (20100029711), Global Research Network program(2011220-D00064), Ministry of Education, Science and Tech-nology of Korea, and POS-LED Center by POSCO and SeoulSemiconductor.

    Received: 7 May 2012, Revised: 12 August 2012,Accepted: 14 September 2012

    Published online: 26 December 2012

    Key words: Light-emitting diode, efficiency droop, compoundsemiconductor, carrier asymmetry.

    Jaehee Cho is a senior research scientistin the Future Chips Constellation at Rens-selaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA.He earned his PhD degree in materialsscience and engineering from the SeoulNational University, Korea. He worked asa senior research scientist at the SamsungAdvanced Institute of Technology, Korea,for 10 years until he joined RPI in 2008.Chos research interests have been in the

    areas of device fabrication and optical/electrical analysis oflight-emitting diodes, laser diodes, and photovoltaics.

    E. Fred Schubert made pioneer-ing contributions to the field of com-pound semiconductor materials anddevices, particularly to the doping ofcompound semiconductors and to thedevelopment and understanding oflight-emitting diodes. He is currently adistinguished professor at RensselaerPolytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. He au-thored the books Doping in IIIV Semi-

    conductors (1992), Delta Doping of Semiconductors (1996),and Light-Emitting Diodes (1st edition 2003 and 2nd edition2006). He is a Fellow of the APS, IEEE, OSA, and SPIE andhas received several awards.

    Jong Kyu Kim is an assistant pro-fessor at the Department of Ma-terials Science and Engineering inPOSTECH. After he received his PhDdegree from POSTECH in 2002, hejoined the Future Chips Constella-tion at Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-tute as a research assistant professor.Dr. Kim has made pioneering contribu-tions to the field of GaN-based LEDs

    and nano-structured thin film materials by oblique-angle de-position technique and their applications. He is a memberof Materials Research Society (MRS), the Minerals, Metals& Materials Society (TMS), and the International Society forOptical Engineering (SPIE).


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