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CAL 183Mathematics I


This course covers, numbers, absolute value, inequalities, induction, coordinates. The concept of a function and function types. Some kinds of special functions and their domains. Limit and continuity of functions. Properties of continuous functions. The concept of the derivative. Rate of change, the mean value theorem and applications. Finding the maximum and minimum and their applications. Hyperbolic functions and derivatives, implicit and inverse functions and derivatives, parametric equations and their derivatives, and curve sketching. Polar coordinates.

PHY 183General Physics I


Units, Physical quantities and vectors, Linear motion, Motion in two and three dimensions, The Newton laws of motion, Applications of Newton's laws, Work and kinetic energy, Potential energy and conservation of energy, Linear momentum, Impuls and collisions, Rotation of a rigid body, Dynamics of rotational motion, Equilibrium and elasticity, Gravitation

CHE183General Chemistry


Knowledge of matter , structure of atom, sequence of electrons, periodic system, Chemical bonds and interactions, classification and atomicity, mole and equivalency concept, chemical laws, reactions, gases, solutions and concentration.

CME 183Information

technologies and applications


This course is designed as an introduction to computing and computer science. We will focus on several topics such as history of computing, computer organization and components, operating systems, programming languages, program development, data structures, problem solving, software engineering, computer ethics, and computer applications.

EEE 101Introduction to Electrical and

Electronics Engineering


Introduction to Engineering, History, Variables and Units, Mathematical Methods and Tools in Electric and Electronics Engineering, The Engineering Design Process, Standards and Intellectual Property Rights, Ethics, Basic Laboratory Equipments

EEE 121Electrical - Electronics


Basic dc analysis techniques, passive components, nonlinear components, power and energy calculations and fundamental concepts of three-phase systems are covered.

EEE 107Laboratory Sessions


Measurement, Force, Straight line motion with constant velocity, Straight line motion with constant acceleration, Motion in a plane, Collusion in two dimensions, Newton's law of motion, Measurement of gravity with simple pendulum, Examination of potential energy variation and simple oscillation in spiral spring.

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HST181Ataturk's Principles

and History of Revolutions I


Introduction, Fall of the Ottoman Empire, Tanzimat and Islahat Eras, Tripoli and Balkan Wars, World War I, The Armistice of Moudros, the Occupation of Anatolia and the National Reactions, The Birth of the Turkish Revolution, Turkish War of Independence, The Armistice of Mudanya, The Treaty of Lausanne

TRK181Turkish Language I


This course is designed to teach the definiton of language and culture, language-culture relation, the role of language as a social institution in societies, the situation of Turkish Language among world languages, the development and historical periods of Turkish language, the current condition of Turkish Language and span of usage, Turkish Phonology, inflectional and derivational morphemes in Turkish, types of lexicon in Turkish, and elements of the sentence.

FOL 181Foreign Language I


The course is designed to teach basic grammatical structures of English languages such as to be, there is/are, have/has got, tenses, modals, passives, conditionals, noun clauses, reported speech, gerunds/infinitives.


CAL 186Mathematics II

(4,0)4-4Functions, trigomometry, linear equation systems and matrices, limit and continuity, derivation, integral, differential equations, statistics

PHY 186General Physics II


Electric charge and electric fields, Gauss's law, Electric potential, Capacitance and dielectrics, Current, resistance and electromotive force, Direct-current circuits, Magnetic fields and magnetic forces, Source of the magnetic field, Electromagnetic induction and Faraday's law, Inductance, Alternating current, Electromagnetic waves

CAL 192Linear Algebra


Matrix Algebra, Elementary Row Operations on Matrices and Solution of Linear Equations, Special Types of Matrices, Elementary Matrices, Equivalent Matrices, nxn Determinants, properties of Determinants, Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension. Linear Transformation and matrix of a Linear Transformation, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization Inner Product Spaces

CME 182Computer


This course introduces the students to the fundamental concepts of programming using the C programming language.

EEE 110Computer Aided

Technical Drawing(2,2)3-4

Terminology of technical drawing, types of technical drawings, drawing tools, standard line types and thicknesses, basic geometric drawings, types of perspective projections, principal views and auxiliary views, dimensioning elements and rules, types of section views (full section, half section, broken-out section, offset section, rotated section and auxiliary sections), freehand sketching techniques, introduction to computer aided design, technical drawings of electrical-electronics circuit components and circuits, introduction to drawing of electrical installation projects

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EEE 180Electrical Materials


Introduction to Electrical materials, insulators: electrical conductivity of dielectrics, dielectric materials, the DC conductivity, polarization, dielectric permittivity, dispersion, dielectric loss, electrical breakdown, quality control and safety, conductors: physical characteristics, types of conductors, superconductors, magnetic materials: diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferrite ferromagnetic materials, magnetic permeability and losses.

EEE108Laboratory Sessions


Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, the electric and magnetic fields, RLC circuits.

HST 182Ataturk's Principles

and History of Revolutions II


Political Reforms, Legal Reforms, Educational and Cultural Reforms, Economic Reforms, Social Reforms, Atatürk’s Principles, Atatürk’s Foreign Policy, Turkey in the World War II, The concept of Jeopolitics and Jeopolitics of Turkey.

TRK 182Turkish Language II


This course is designed to teach the definition of sentence and elements of sentence; sentence analysis and examples of sentence analysis; types of sentences; composition skills; planning of written composition; types of written and oral expression and examples; means of expression and brainstorming n forming paragraphs; ambiguities in sentences; and the rules employed in the conduction of research article.

FOL 182Foreign Language II


This course is designed to teach adjectives and adverbs, relative clauses, adverbial clauses, pronouns, nouns, quantifiers, articles, causatives, tag questions, prepositions.


FOL 281Technical Foreign

Language I(2,0)2-2

The Concept and Basic definitions of science, technology, engineering, engineer. History of engineering. The methodology of engineering work The concept and steps of scientific method. The concept and steps of engineering design process. Problem solving techniques in engineering. Seven steps to problem solving in engineering.

CAL 283Differantial Equations


Classification of differential equations, obtaining of differential equations, first order differential equations, higher order linear differential equations, Laplace transform.

EEE 221Circuit Analysis I


Basic concepts, mesh and nodal analysis, circuit theorems, energy and power concepts. Switching functions. Natural and steady state responses of first and second order circuits. Dynamic response of multi-mesh and multi-node circuits. State equations.

EEE 241Logic Circuits


The course will cover many subjects including binary logic, combinatorial and sequential circuit design, state machine design techniques, instruction set architectures, and finally basic processor design.

EEE 211Algorithms& Data


Reviewing of object oriented programming topics using C++ language.

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PHY 261Modern Physics


Relativity, Particle properties of waves, Wave properties of particles, Atomic structure, Quantum mechanics, Behavior of electron in solid material

EEE 243Electronics Devices


Fundamental Electronic Circuits, Solid Structutes, PN Junction (Semiconductor Diode), Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), Field Effect Transistor (FET).


FOL 282Technical Foreign

Language II(2,0)2-2

Basic technical terms of industrial engineering, systems engineering, operations research, computer engineering, hardware and network software engineering, metallurgical engineering, iron and steel casting, ceramic engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics and mechanic,electrical engineering, automotive engineering in English

EEE 222Circuit Analysis II


Sinusoidal alternative current and voltage. Phasors. Power and power factor. Resonance. Bode plots. Topology. Non-sinusoidal wave forms. Mutual inductance and transformers. Circuits with four terminals. Complex frequency domain. The concept of transfer function. Convolution. Fourier series and its implementation.

ESC 280Sustainable


Interdisciplinary exploration of environmental, scientific, economic, social, and political opportunities and impacts associated with energy systems. Main fuel technologies such as fossil, hydroelectric, nuclear, photovoltaic, wind, and biomass. The supply and use of energy systems with emphasis on sustainability. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of energy resources, combustion, conversion, distribution processes in terms of environmental, social, and economic impacts. Emerging portfolios

CAL 284Mathematical Methods for Engineers


Numerical error analysis. To find roots of equations. Systems of linear equations. Curve fitting. Interpolation. Numerical derivative and integration. Solutions of ordinary differential equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

EEE 220Basic Semiconductor


Review of physics and operation of diodes and bipolar and MOS transistors. Equivalent circuits and models of semiconductor devices. Analysis and design of single-stage amplifiers. DC biasing circuits. Small-signal analysis.

EEE 230 Electromagnetic


Vector analysis, vectorial differential operators, static electric field, electric potential, electrostatic energy, electrostatics in different materials, magnetostatic field, vector potential, magnetic circuits, magnetic energy, time varying fields

CAL 286 Probability and Statistics


In this course, descriptive statistics, probability concepts, axioms of probability, random variables, mathematical expectations, discrete and continuous probability distributions, joint distributions, conditional probability, concepts of confidence interval and hypothesis testing, regression and corelation analysis, applications related to probability and statistics are introduced.

ESC200Labour Law


Provisions of the Constitution and the Law for Business, Employment and Labor, Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law, Business Law, Business and Labor Related Regulations

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ESC 202Research and

Presentation Skills(2,0)2-2

Scientific research and analysis techniques. Data collecting and data analyisis according to scientific research techniques. Reporting the results of researchs according to report writing techniques. Presentation of research subjects. The use of presentation equipments and technologies.


EEE 301Industrial Practice I


Internship covers field experience at any work place (public or private) for at least four weeks (20 work days). Students should follow the instructions stated in Karabuk University Internship Guide in order to successfully complete their internships

FOL 381Reading and

Speaking at Foreign Language(2,0)2-2

The weighted subject is speaking skill. The contents of lecture are ; source searching in web, academic presentation about occupational subject, group and team studies, acting, speaking , communication etc.

EEE 343Electronics I


Op-amp and its applications. Analysis and design of differential amplifiers in bipolar and CMOS technologies. Current mirrors and active loads. Frequency response of amplifiers. Feedback and its properties. Stability issues and frequency compensation.

EEE 335 Electromagnetic


Maxwell equations and wave equation, time-harmonic waves, plane waves, reflection and transmission, transmission lines, impedance matching, guided wave structures; classic, micro strip, fiber optic waveguides, electromagnetic radiation, basic antenna properties.

EEE 363Signals and Systems

(3, 0)3-3

Continuous and discrete-time signals and systems. Feedback, memory, stability, linearity, time-invariance, Linear and time-invariant systems described by differential or difference equations. Convolution. Fourier series and transformation. Modulation. Sampling. Ztransformation. Transfer functions.

EEE 373Control Systems I


Introduction to control systems. Mathematical modelling of control systems. Laplace transform. Transfer function. Open-loop and Closedloop systems. Block diagrams. Block diagram transformation. Signal-Flow Graph Models. State Space Approach. Feedback Control System Characteristics. Transient and Steady-state Response Analyses. Transient Response Specifications. Time-Domain Analyses of Dynamic Systems. The Stability of Linear Feedback Systems. Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion. The Root-Locus method


Applications of Electronics


Definition of simulation programs, Pretous Design Suite and the ISIS programme, Operation and definition of the program, Creating a new design Area, put the component to the design area, Block operations, Investigation of the circuit elements during simulation, Measuring instruments in the ISIS programme, Oscilloscope, Logic analyzer, Digital counter, Signal generator, Multimeter, Graph-based Simulation, Task of vehicle buttons, PIC-based simulation, Ares printed circuit drawing application prog

EEE 351Power Systems

Analysis I(3,1)4-5

Basic concepts about power transmission lines, transmission line parameters, per-unit system, power flow analysis.

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EEE 353 Power Electronics


Basic concepts about power electronics, application areas, controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers, AC-AC converters,DC-DC converters, single and three phase inverters.

EEE 391Electrical Energy


To introduce electric energy generation, design and construction concepts, characteristics of various types of plants and synchronous machine, exciting configuration kinds. Thermal and hydro plants. Electric economy, load-frequency control, and voltage control, Circuit breakers, relays and different protection configurations. Measurement tools in power systems.

ESC 303Patent and

Industrial Design(2,0)2-2

Introduction to intellectual property rights, Product design and development, Industrial design, General provisions, Patent application for the industrial design and its examination. Industrial design patent, Rights derived from industrial patents, Industrial design use, Protection of the rights of designer and patent owners, International agreements, Examination of sample patents, Preparation of a sample patent.

ESC305 Entrepreneurship


The course introduces the students to the preceding and early phases of an enterprise. It provides the students with basic ideas about entrepreneurial orientation, opportunity recognition



Historical development of behavioral sciences, Scientific methods of social psychology, Research techniques of social psychology, Individual and its environment, Individuality-character relationship.

ESC 309International


Definiton of international communication, Purpose and Progress of International communication, a short history of international communication. Relationship between international communication to basic definitions such as economy, culture, politics. The relevance of the communication process with the process of globalization, international, technology, raw material, organization, and the transfer of the law.

ESC311Critical Analytic

Thinking Techniques


Definitions, brain as the thinking organ, Grouping thinking, optional thinking and properties, Critical and Analytical thinking.

ESC313Project Management


Project planning, control principles and methods. Implemantation project plan. Resource planning and tabulation (PERT/CPM). Project following and conclusion. Leadership for effective team study. Effectual project management ability. Special problems of firms that using this technology.

SOS381Values Education


Esthetic values, Universal values, Current approaches in values education, Social values, Education and values Peace education, Philosophy of values,Scholls culture and values of organizations, Values education and social studies,Ethic values.


FOL 382Foreign Language for Business Life


Job application to various institutions and companies, project application, writing articles to establish commercial relations, job interviews with companies, talking on the phone, Working in English-dominated work environment, preparation of documents such as the application, request, response, report forms etc.

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EEE 342Microprocessors


The following topics will be included: the fundamental concepts of microprocessors and the relationship between assembler and basic components of a computer. 80x86 family architecture, 80x86 based Assembly language programming, computer organization, architecture of the PC including busses, memory, DMA, input/output interfaces, interrupts, and peripherals

EEE 360 Communication

Systems I(3,2)4-5

Amplitude modulation techniques. Amplitude modulators and demodulators. Frequency and phase modulation. Frequency modulators and demodulators. Frequecy division multiplexing. Pulse modulation techniques. Quantization, compressing-expanding, analog-digital converters, delta modulation. Baseband data transmission. Inter symbol interference, Nyquist channel, multilevel baseband transmission, error performance analysis. Digital modulation technques. Amplitude-shift, phase-shift and frequency-shift keying.

EEE 390 Electromechanical

Energy Conversion I(3,2)4-5

Principles of magnetic circuit concepts, transformers, DC machines and generators

EEE 320Digital Filters and


Filtering with discrete (fast) fourier transform. Design principles and the realization problem of digital filters. Filter design with finite impulse response. Filter design with infinite impulse response. Filter design based on least-squares. Signal processing applications with using software realization. State representation of discrete-time systems. Observable and controllable canonical forms. Controllability, observability, stability. The design methods of control system. System design with state feedback (pole placement). Design of Status estimator. Design of optimal control system

EEE 362Analog


Amplitude modulation (AM), single side band modulation (SSB), vestigial side band modulation (VSB), frequency modulation (FM), radio and television systems, effects of noise on amplitude and angle modulation systems, phase lock loop (PLL) circuits.

EEE 372Control Systems II


Basic properties of feedback control system. Transient and Steady-state Response Analyses. Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion. Root- Locus analysis. PID Control Design. Frequency response method: Bode diagram. Frequency response method: Nyquist stability. Frequency-Domain Analyses of Dynamic Systems. Frequency-Domain Design of Dynamic Systems. State-space techniques: Stability, Observability and Controllability. Realization of state space equations. State space in frequency domain. Robust Control

EEE 380Led Technology


Diodes, Light Emitting diodes, Spectrums of colors, Connection types, LED Circuits, Application areas, Industrial applications, Sensor applications

ESC 304Human Resources


Personnel management, definitions and scope. Relationship with other sciences. Personnel problems and solutions. Personnel control. Human resources (internal resourcing and outsourcing). Work load analysis. Workforce analysis. Personnel evaluation methods. Personnel education and development. Work evaluation techniques. Wage systems. Motivation. Leardership. Complaint mechanism. Communication. Discipline. Health and protection.

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ESC 306 Management


Definition of management. Historical development of management concept. Definition, and types of organization. Organization charts. Managemant of information, learning, culture, structure, continuity, power and politics in organizations. Management etics. Gender and management. Management functions (planning, organising, carrying out, coordination, auditing). New management techniques. Management with objectives. Management according to exceptions. Quality control chambers. Benchmarking. Management of change. Strategic management. Relationships between organizations.

ESC 308Occupational Health

and Safety(2,0)2-2

Basic concepts about occupational safety, static electric, safety for electrical work conditions, safety work conditions, erathing, residual current, first aid.

ESC 310Institutive Behavior


Configuration of technology and industry. Adventages of technology and competition. Technologic options, strategies and analitic tools. Partnerships and strategic agreements. Technology and structure. Technology and process. Technology and culture. Technology and total quality. Technology transfers. R&D management. R&D productivity. National politics and and R&D. Technoparks and innovational organizastions. University-industry R&D association. Patents and legal regulations. R&D trends.

ESC 312Standardization


Principles of standardization, standardization in Turkey, International Trade Relations for Standardization, Application of Standards which is compulsory in Turkey


EEE 401Industrial Practice II


The purpose of internship is to enhance academic studies of students with field experience. It is an opportunity for students to clarify their career interests.

ESC 481Introduction to


Introduction and basic principles of economy: the main substance of the economy, tools, methods, supply and demand, Introduction to Macroeconomics: National income principles and accounting, business cycles and economic crises, determination of national income

EEE 403Engineering


To be done a research study with reviewing all components which covers subject in a specific area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

EEE 405Occupational

Safety in Electric(3,1)4-5

Errors and the effects of electrical installations. Electric current effects on human and fire hazard. Protection against electric accidents in low voltage plants, Electrode types, Overvoltages in low voltage plants and protection against them.

EEE 415Web Technology and Applications

OSI and TCP / IP Reference Model, TCP / IP Operating principle, IP addressing and address classsification, IP routing and routers, http, Browser, FTP, Telnet, and other Web concepts, connection

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(3,1)4-5EEE 413

Artificial Neural Networks(3,1)4-5

Fundmental concepts and Models of Artificial Neural Systems, Single-Layer Perceptron Classifiers, Multilayer Feedforward Networks, Single-Layer Feedback Networks, Associative Memories, Matching and Self-Organizing Networks, Application of Neural Algorithms and Systems.

EEE 417Microcontrollers


Microcontroller families, proporties of PIC16F877. The software development environment, MPLAB. The programming environment, PIC programming board and PIC experiment board. Commands for byte, commands for bit, data processing and control commands. Flash, RAM, addressing modes, the concept of changing the bank. Ports, special-purpose registers, the concept of cutting. The concept of environmental interface, environmental interrupts. Timers, counters. Capture, compare, pulse width modulation modul

EEE 421Integrated


VLSI design techniques and foundations. ASIC design, gate-arrays, standard-cells. Full custom design approaches. Floorplanning in chip-level. Separation of the system building blocks. Standard cell placement & routing algorithms. Verification of design, logic simulation, timing simulation, transistor level simulation. Design techniques for regular building blocks: memory arrays, PLAs. Testable system design techniques. Reliability. Introduction of improving VLSI design techniques and tools

EEE 431Microwave Techniques


Review of electromagnetic theory; transmission lines and waveguides; circuit theory for waveguiding systems; impedence matching and transformation; passive microwave devices

EEE 441Biomedical


Fundamentals of X-ray, generation and detection of X-rays, X-ray diagnostic methods, X-ray image characteristics, biological effects of ionizing radiation. Fundamentals of acoustic propagation, generation and detection of ultrasound, ultrasonic diagnostic methods, biological effects of ulrasound. Fundamentals of radionuclide imaging, generation and detection of nuclear emission, radionuclide imaging methods, radiation dosimetry and biological effects. Fundamentals of magnetic resonance imaging,

EEE 443Electronics II


Frequency response of amplifiers, feedback, stability in feedback amplifiers, pulse response of amplifiers, Wideband amplifiers, oscillators, active filters, Band off the filters, noise and distortion

EEE 445Electronics Laboratory


Electrical wave patterns, wave generators, pulse generators and studies, input-output characteristics of TTL and MOS gate and different applications, sequential circuits, counters, registers, memory units and practices, data conversion and communication

EEE 451Power Systems

Analysis II(3,1)4-5

Balanced and unbalanced power systems, transient analysis, synchronous generator transients, stability, power system control.

EEE 453Industrial

Applications of Power Electronics


The general definition and classification of semiconductor power converters; AC / DC, DC / AC, AC / AC and DC / DC converters; Distortions of input waveforms in power converters and solution of preventing these distortions; Power factor and harmonics; Various applications of converters in industrial systems; Motor control system (DC and AC current motors); Backup and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS); Battery charge circuits; Electrochemical applications, Electrical heating and melting (arc furnaces, electric welding, heating with induction); Static reactive power compensation; Power transmission with high voltage, domestical applications (heating and air conditioning systems); The fluorescent lighting systems which have high-frequency

EEE 455 Power distribution system planning, protection and reliability, Line structure, equipment,

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Electrical Power Distribution


analysis, and calculations.

EEE 457Power

Transmission Systems(3,1)4-5

Power transmission system planning, protection and reliability, line structure, equipment, analysis, and calculations.

EEE 459 High Voltage


Electrostatic electric fields, Generation and measurement of high voltages, Breakdown in gas, solid and liquid dielectrics, Internal and external overvoltages, Traveling waves, High voltage insulation, protection and switching elements, High voltage projects.

EEE461 Digital Communication


Topics covered in class include review of modulation and coding theory. Trellis coded modulation (TCM). Digital signaling over fading multipath channels. Spread spectrum signals for digital communications. Multiple access systems, timedivision multiple access, codedivision multiple access, frequencydivision multiple access. OFDM communications systems.

EEE463Radio and Tv


General receiver principles, superheterodyne receivers, selectivity, sensitivity, image frequency, receiver distortions. AM & FM broadcasting principles and systems, multiple carrier techniques and OFDM; PAL/SECAM/NTSC TV systems, PAL coding and decoding, picture artifacts, sampling and quantization of video signals, digital processing of video, video compression, MPEG, advanced TV systems, video recording, satellite and cable delivery of video signals.

EEE 465Computer


Fundamentals of computer networks, architectures, topologies. Network hardware components in local network (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN), TCP / IP protocol, the features of OSI layers and principles of their operation. Simple and complex LAN installation and their cost-efficiency analysis. General features of network operating systems. Installation of network operating systems such as Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000/2003 Server and Linux. Method of local computer networks, Management of users and groupsin local computer networks, server management features such as permissions and rights. Security in computer network

EEE 471Process Control


Fundamentals of general automatic and digital control. Modeling of first and high order systems. Functions and variables of process. PID controller algorithm. Applications of computer aided controlFundamentals of general automatic and digital control. Modeling of first and high order systems. Functions and variables of process. PID controller algorithm. Applications of computer aided control

EEE 473Industrial

Automation Systems(3,1)4-5

Definition of industrial automation,Control circuit equipments, Basic control circuit diagrams, Definition and structure of PLC, PLC interface program, PLC programming at basic-medium level via interface program (ladder), SCADA applications.

EEE 481 Optoelectronics I


The solid state materials that is used in optoelectronics, the optical process of semi-conductors, absorption and radiation, transition rates and carrier life, principles of the led. Photodetectors. Optoelectronic modulation and key devices. Fiberoptic wave guide. Solar cells. Usage of optoelectronic integrated circuits in communication

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EEE 483Semiconductor Thermoelectric


Semiconductor technology, The basics of semiconductor materials, electron and band theories, the classification of semiconductors, thermoelectric alloys, the Peltier and Seebeck  event related to the theories, the theory and design of thermoelectric coolers,thermoelectric generators and design theory, other thermoelectric applications

EEE 485Laser Theory


Historical introduction to lasers, the basic concepts about lasers, electromagnetic theory and overview of Maxwell's equations, light reflection, refraction and absorption, quantum theory of the interaction of light with matter, laser oscillation and the cavities, progress of the laser beam, the Q-cycle and mode locking, laser types: gas, excimer, free electron, solid state and semiconductor lasers, optical phase alignment, introduction to photonic, fibe optic, optical detectors and modulators, scientific and industrial applications of lasers and photonics fotoniğin, ultrafast lasers and introduction to nonlinear optic

EEE491 Electromechanical

Energy Conversion II


Synchronous machines and generators, induction machines, special purpose machines, renewable energy generation

EEE 493Renewable

Energy Systems(3,1)4-5

Physics of Solar Cells, Solar Cells and Solar Modules, PV Systems, Efficiency and Performance of PV Systems, Solar Thermal Energy, Hydropower, Wind Energy, Biomass, Ocean and Wave, Geothermal Energy


EEE 402Graduation Thesis


Each student will propose to jury a research proposal for written and oral presentation.

ESC 482 Industrial Management


Management process, decision making process, planning, systems approach, post-modern approaches. TQM, core competence, outsourcing, downsizing will also be discussed.

MUH 402 Engineering Ethics


Ethical concepts. Professionalism and professional ethics codes. Ethics in design. Rights and responsibilities of business life. Ethical problem-solving techniques. Risk, safety and accidents. Responsibility for scientific research. Responsibility for the experimental study. Powers and responsibilities of the printing and publication of research results.

EEE 460Digital Signal


Continuous and discrete-time systems and processes. Transformation of time-invariant system analysis, sampling, sample dilution, to find intermediate values. Discrete-time fast Fourier.

EEE414 Microprocessors


Computer Hardware Components, Microprogramming, Instruction Sets, Assembly Language Instructions, Parallel architectures

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EEE 440Medical


Human-instrumantation system, formation of the biological signals, determining the celuler membran potential, measuring the electroneurogram, electroencephalogram, electro-oculogram, Electrocardiogram, electroretinogram, electromyogram signals, measuring the induced potential signals, measuring the pressure, flow speed and flow volume of blood, the biopotential electrodes, basictransducers, the heat transducers, resistive, capasitive, piezoelectric and electrmagnetic transducers and their applications.

EEE442 Microelectronics


Brief history of the microelectronics technology. Planar technology. microlitography. Thin films; Evaporation, sputtering and CVD techniques. Thermal oxidation of silicon. Doping techniques; diffusion, ion implantation and epitaxy. Process measurement and evalution techniques. Proess simulation; SUPREM. Process design: junction isolated bipolar IC and CMOS IC fabrication processes. Packaging. Yield analysis.

EEE444Electronics III


Radio Frequency Amplifiers. Oscillator. Modulation and Amplitude Modulation Systems. AM Transmitter Circuits. AM Receiver Circuits. Frequency Modulation. FM Transmitter Circuits. FM Receiver Circuits. Phase Locked Loop (PLL). Digital Communication Concepts. Simulation of Modulation Systems.

EEE 446High Frequency


Introduction to wireless systems, The traveling wave, Transmission line analysis and design, RF component modeling and design, RF Measurements and Calibration, Smith Charts, Single and multi-port network parameters - S, ABCD Parameters, Impedance matching networks, RF Filter design.

EEE 452Electrical Machines


Determining equivalent circuit parameters of single phase transformer. Determining equivalent circuit parameters of three phase induction motors and speed control. Computer aided speed control of three-phase induction machines fed from a cycloconverter. Heating in a loaded, single-phase induction machine. Determining synchronous generator characteristics. Starting of synchronous motors. Four-quadrant speed control of DC motors. Determining equivalent circuit parameters of a salient-pole synchronous machine

EEE 454Power Systems


Photometric law enforcement, introduction of lighting and indoor plumbing equipment, forms of internal representation of the connection and installation of lighting and power installations, fault detection,ware applications in accordance with the regulations, oscillator circuits, rectifiers, power supplies, trigger circuits, introduction to motor control.

EEE456Protection at Power


Protection principles and protection equipments in AG, MV and HV power systems

EEE 458 Special Electrical Machines


Single phase induction motors, universal motors, step motors, reluctance motors, BLDC motors, servo motors, structure, application areaas and drivers.

EEE 462Rf Electronics


General principles of amplifier design, s-parameters and usage of s-parameters in amplifier design, microwave transistors and passive elements, techniques of impedance matching, oscillator design techniques, RF and microwave mixers, filters,transformers.

EEE 464 Fiberoptic Communication


Classic communication systems, the importance of fiber optic communication and its comparision with classic systems, optical source and its diffusion properties in fber optic communication, modulation and optical receivers in fiber optic communication, fiber optic networks and data security.

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EEE 468Antennas and Propagation


Fundamental properties. Dipoles, loops, reflectors, Yagis, helices, slots, horns, microstrips. Antennas as transitions between guided and free radiation, ultrasound analogue. Famous antennas. Pattern measurements. Friis and radar equations. Feeds, matching, baluns. Broadbanding. Arrays, aperture synthesis, interferometry, verylongbaseline interferometry. Thermal radiation, antenna temperature, microwave passive remote sensing. The Propagation of Radio Waves

EEE 466Satellite


Introduction to satellite communications. Structures and kinds of Satellite and satellite antennas. Basic concepts such as LNA, LNC, LNB, transponder, footprint. TV satellites, GPS satellites, special satellites. Orbits of satellites, satellite stations. Circuit-switched services, packet-switched services. Modulation techniques, multiplexing with code division. MPEG Distribution stations. DiSEq-C switch, cable types. Data broadcast, voice broadcast. VSAT-mobile communication systems. Software techniques in satellite systems. Modeling and simulation. Developments and applications for the future

EEE 472 Digital Control Systems


Discrete-time modeling, transient and steady state response analysis and digital controller design.

EEE 474Computer

Controlled Systems(3,1)4-5

General information, examples of digital systems, Analog / Digital transformations and Z-transform, pulse transfer function of single input / single output systems and frequency response, stability of digital systems, closed cycle compensator design in digital systems and phase space models, state feedback and polar assignment, linear optimal control and the minimization principle, Kalman and extended Kalman filters.

EEE 476Driver Systems


Speed control methods and applications for DC motors. Operation in four-quadrant. Speed control methods and applications for Asynchronous motor: speed control by voltage regulation, speed control by frequency, speed control by constant flux, speed control by rotor resistance. Inverters and pulse width modulation techniques. Operation principles of gradual motors. Operation principles of Reluctance motors.

EEE 482 Optoelectronics II


Optocouplers, optical components, adaptation of light emitters with photodetectors, source types of light emitters, optoelectronic circuits and systems

EEE484 Nanotechnology


What is nanotechnology? Macro, micro and nano structures, synthesis methods of nano-structures, the methods used in the study of nanostructures, methods of microscopic, spectroscopicmethods, X-ray diffraction methods, Applications of nanotechnologies.

EEE 486 Illumination Technique


Light, Light sources, Interior lighting design, weak and heavy current equipment design and installation

EEE 492Photovoltaic Energy


Electrical properties of the material; interaction of light with a solar cell; reflection, absorption, generation, separation and collection of carriers; doping levels and its effects, junction structures, voltage-current characteristics, structures of different photovoltaic cells; monocrystalline, semicrystalline, amorphous and other thin-film solar cells; optical concentration, module operation

Page 14: EEE 111 Introduction to Computing - Mühendislik Fakü…  · Web viewThis course covers, numbers, absolute value,

EEE 494Electrical Plants


Low voltage electrical installations equipments and applications, Overview of MV-HV installations.
