
    14 February 2019Árni Páll Árnason Financial Mechanism Office

    BrusselsDeputy Director

  • EEA Agreement

    Article 115

    …With a view to promoting a continuous and balanced strengthening of trade and economic relations between the Contracting Parties agree on the need to reduce the economic and social disparities between their regions…

  • Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (“the EFTA States”) shall contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and to the strengthening of their relations with the Beneficiary States, through financial contributions in the priority sectors listed in Article 3.

    Protocol 38(c), Article 1.1.

  • 15 Beneficiary Countries

    €2.8 bn:

    Beneficiaries: EU cohesion countries (GNI lower than 90 % of the EU average)

    Biggest beneficiaries: Poland and Romania

    €1.3 bn

    €1.5 bn

  • Together for a green, competetive and inclusive Europe







    PS1 - Innovation and Research

    PS4 - Culture, Civil Society, GoodGovernance

    PS3 - Environment and Energy

    PS2 - Social Inclusion

    PS5 - Justice and Home Affairs

    Regional Funds

    5 Priority sectors

    23 Programme areas

    2 new funds: Youth Employment and Regional Cooperation

  • Expected resultsFrom 95 programme concept notes developed so far, we expect:

    750,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved every year

    65,000 professionals trained

    400,000 people benefiting from new or improved services

    18,200 Roma reached by empowerment measures

    3,800 Civil Society organisations supported

  • Expected resultsFrom 95 programme concept notes developed so far, we expect:

    Over 1665 projects implemented with a donor project partner

    3,600 staff and students from beneficiary states taking partin exchanges

    1250 staff and students from donor states taking part inexchanges

    390 joint articles submitted to peer-reviewed publications

  • The Fund for Youth EmploymentStatus

    26 projects in implementation

    195 partners from all beneficiary states + Ireland, Italy, Spain.

    Involvement from 13 Norwegian and 4 Icelandic partners

    Focus on young people between 15 and 29, particularly 25-29 year olds NEET.

    Expected resultsIncreased employability of over 19,000 young people3,000 jobs created

  • Status

    700 project applications submitted

    Lead partners from all 15 Beneficiary States

    884 partners from the 10 neighbouring countries

    40 project consortia submitted full proposal

    The Fund for Regional Cooperation

    Lead partnerExpertise partner Partner from EEA and Norway Grants Beneficiary country Partner from a third (non-EEA) country

  • Status of Bilateral Funds (2014 - 2021)Status

    Total allocation: €50.3m – 40% to programmes, calls and initiatives (€20m)

    Bilateral Fund Agreements signed with 14 Beneficiary States

    Joint Committees in each beneficiary country

    First activities and calls launched since mid-2018

  • What have we achieved?

  • Green industry innovation

    1100 Permanentgreen jobs





  • A bus ticket in 10 seconds

  • Energy

    169Enterprises developed technology

    benefitting the environment

    525 000tonnes/year reduced

    or avoided

    108,666 Mwh/year

    Renewable energy production (from solar,

    hydro, geo and biomass)

  • Research & scholarships

    1 230internationally

    refereed scientific publications

    1 050PhD students and

    postdocs supported

    384Institutions cooperating across the donors and beneficiary countries

  • Justice

    90 000Professionals

    received training

    267 000Have received

    assistance or legal advice

    15 750victims of domestic and gender-based violence

    benefitting from support

  • More knowledgeable judgesStronger judicial system

  • Health

    2 millionbenefitting from improved health


    14 000students and professionals


    70targeted interventions to reduce inequalities

    in health

  • Civil society

    330laws, policies and

    practices improved or changed

    25 000citizens

    benefitted from human rights


    430NGO coalitions and networks developed

  • Thank you!www.eeagrants.orgFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, InstagramYouTube: EEANorwayGrantsMail: [email protected]

  • What the FMO can bring to the EFTA family…

  • Increasing local transparency.

  • Lower carbon emissions Better lives

  • Strengthening TB treatmentSaving lives

  • Improving carbon capture.

    �EEA AND NORWAY GRANTS�2014-2021��EEA AgreementSlide Number 315 Beneficiary CountriesSlide Number 5Together for a green, competetive �and inclusive EuropeExpected results��Expected results�The Fund for Youth EmploymentThe Fund for Regional CooperationStatus of Bilateral Funds (2014 - 2021)Slide Number 12Slide Number 13Slide Number 14Slide Number 15Slide Number 16Slide Number 17Slide Number 18Slide Number 19Slide Number 20Thank you!What the FMO can bring to the EFTA family…Slide Number 23Slide Number 24Slide Number 25Slide Number 26
