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EDUCATION: Who defines and exploited policies?

Exploring the Peru and beyond

rubèn ramos

December 20, 2014


Failed States 3Central Bank 7Education 8Underpaid teachers 10Infrastructure, qualified teachers, educational support 11Jomtien, Dakar, Paris and National Education Project 13Durable Power 16Teaching career 17Full school day 17Increasing salaries 21Meritocracy 24Teaching self-esteem 28Minister of Education 31

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I start by saying that except in cases that exceed my tolerance concern myself with what someone says or comments on the problems experienced by the Peru. Not because my country I do not care, but because while I was convinced, and realize that my books and articles, that the solution of all problems that plague Peru, and many of those still tied to American colonialism, begins up where the interference of financial institutions of the UN, OAS, OEI (IMF, WB, IDB), the Department of State (USAID); of cooperation and assistance (UNESCO, OECD, UNICEF, WHO, WTO) just to name a few. Still, the charge of sedition and terror (NED, IRI, NDI, Freedom House, ISOA, Southern Command, Fleet IV); US embassies; and NGOs that thrive in all these institutions and act as intermediaries in the media, "research", "human rights" (do not know they are), the environment, public safety, the powers of the State , education, culture.

Being the institutional framework that defines the policies, strategies and action itself, in all spheres of economic, social, political and ideological our countries, Year after year, government after government-, deal with what someone says something that often, I rule.

This long article makes remarks about failed states; Central Banks; education; the teaching profession; added to end of the current Minister of Education of Peru. All this in connection with certain statements of a Peruvian economist, but looking to go further.


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1. "Failed states"

The economist who is also a columnist for one of the conservative newspapers of Peru, argues that "the progress of this country is delayed by the ballast of a State, poorly endowed with human resources without management, plagued by inefficiency and corruption, and weak or dysfunctional institutions. "He adds that "build a successful nation with a failed state is physically impossible."

As is common in these "analysts" of reality, its thoroughness gives to look at the effects but not the causes. This is distorting and misleading. The "failed states" existing in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and now also in Europe, are the result of the symbiotic action between military invasions and terrorism, military occupation and territorial action of institutions to which I referred at the beginning of this article.

Necessary educational purposes only, because the reality is always more complex: invasions as they exist in the Middle East, in Africa, in Ukraine in Palestine, involving military invasions of UN forces, NATO, the US Army, Israel, and / or their respective mercenary forces.

In Latin America so there are military occupations. The more than 1,000 military bases in the world and all military installation in areas that are not theirs either US or European partners, illustrates this well. Any military occupation involves a latent action.

Both invasions and occupations are held and are made possible by the institutions of the UN (through financial or Dining) of the OAS, the OEI, the Secretary of State of the United States, its National Security System of the National Intelligence Council, its Department of Defense Unified Combatant Commands and (COCOM) around the world, CIA, NATO.


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You can not forget that behind every invasion or occupation are geo-economic, financial, productive, commercial, geopolitical strategic objectives.

The symbiotic action between the institutions of the capitalist world order and the actual or latent military action, comes from far away; but changed justificatory grounds with the passing of history. Before it was the fight against communism; then he is fighting the "axis of evil", terrorism, drug trafficking, or if you prefer, against narco-terrorism. The latest version justifying, in the Middle East, called fighting "Islamic extremism", also identified as jihadism, or "Islamic State". But it is not said that after this "fight" the United States seeks to make Syria a "failed state" continuing its destructive work already accomplished in Iraq, as before in the Balkans, Somalia, Afghanistan, Libya ... it also says that the self "Islamic State" is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus (CIA), Israel (Mossad) and British (the M16).

Employment in the countries that form the Pacific Alliance, which instrumentalized the IDB has as pretext "Chavez" and its strategic objective is to fence and then destroy the ALBA, MERCOSUR, UNASUR and CELAC. Its aim is to re-tie their leaders caboose countries to US: OAS already dead but unburied.

In this context we must remember that there are still pending conversion, more than 15 African, Asia, Middle East, according to the "list" 2030 has the National Intelligence Council-NIC United States. This, besides those provided in Latin America and the Caribbean, considered "insane" for threatening "freedom and democracy" and the interests of that country as it considers its "backyard".

The countries of Latin America-except for Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, are occupied countries. The occupation and invasion, generates anomie. It identifies equally, "failed states" because the pre-existing, or national, institutional external institutions for the destruction and disorder is juxtaposed. This institutional vertebra a "new order" of corruption and bribery that is functional to their


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interests, but alienating social interaction impossible civilized coexistence, despises the respect for life, introduces insecurity, institutionalized violence makes a pattern of power.

Doctrine and failed states

The doctrines, some supported by myths and others in the Rave bellicose civil-military international Zionism, elites underlying the establishment of "failed states". All doctrines are longstanding and reissues warning rearrangements of US policy to the hegemonic interests of power elites. Moreover. All come together and combine all myth and terror. Examples of myths doctrines supported by the "Monroe Doctrine" of the "Manifest Destiny", that of "American Exceptionalism". And what are those supported warmongering: that of "Bloating", the "Tripolarity", the "Global commitment", "Human Rights", the "Preventive war", the "Limited war", the "New Century American "and, of course, that of American national security".

Certainly not just about doctrines where myth, mixed mania and warmongering. Every doctrine, or more than one, responding to a geopolitical concept like that framed the Cold War, or action in Southeast Asia after the US failure in VietNam, and now the economic and military rise of China and Russia, Shanghai Cooperation, the development of BRICS, the strength of ALBA.

Each doctrinal artifice is an economic rationality, or rather, an irrationality as supporting the decadent capitalism.

The doctrines involve strategies: there are, as shown, since the late 90's, the "color revolutions", "Arab spring", "white hands", the "soft coup".

What are failed states

In short, and mind saying here is that the institutions of the capitalist world order is the one that produces the "failed states". For destruction and balkanization, by occupation, by anomie; or a mixture of the three.

The "failed states" are where the institutions of the capitalist world order "destroy" the life and culture; destroys the basic foundation for


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governance with independence and autonomy and replaces taxation, corruption and bribery; usurps the energy, mining, aquifers, forests, productive wealth and assumes its exploration and exploitation as private reserves; imposes fantasy of GDP (in its monetary expression) making the poor "extremely poor"; widens the gap of inequality to make an unbridgeable gulf.

The "failed states" are where the institutions of the capitalist world order condemns people "living on borrowed time"; makes national states a useful tool for "managing" based on foreign investment, banking and denationalization of economies fiction; alienates the poor with welfare policies that uproot and desculturizan; making alienates education and privatizing services; what does that sustains our own identity, "world heritage" for any invading any country destroy what identifies us and part of our history (as happened in Peru with the "barbarians" of Greenpeace disguised as environmentalists destroyed the "Nazca lines). Go Public health and social security; exacerbates ethnic and religious conflicts; criminalize social protest; organized crime makes a functional subsystem judiciary; "Guarantees" the "internal security" gimmicky operational, military bases, special operations centers, armies of occupation and Zionist advisers; ends with freedom and democracy.

The "failed states" they are functional to the unipolar order USA strives to maintain over the decision of the people to exercise their freedom and sovereignty.

They are functional within the logic of "destroying to build" that decades ago it was written in the "Documents de Santa Fé" produced by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Destroy what is ours to build what resembles us a "confederate" state, a state "friend"; to a "partner" status; to a state of "free market", "public-private partnership" (PPP) where private land and its riches that are public goods is engulfed. In a state with "democratic freedoms" where institutions for sedition and terror financing parties and candidates and mediocre-civil or military ignorant; to a state where electoral power and "transparency" the IDB financed and / or USAID to make "citizens" are obliged to vote or face a fine.


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2. Central Bank

Another of the findings made by the economist-columnist refers to the Central Bank of Peru. He says, be an institution of "world class". I do not know if because their officials are typed by the FIM and / or BM, or because it assumes that the state agency is the same level as the pair which obeys and serves.

Anyway, can anyone assume that a central bank of a country subject has "world building" because it does is instrumentalized "monetary" policy imposed by these institutions to secure their own interests and those of private enterprise? Can someone with a Peruvian sol, the issue lies with the BCP, buy a pin somewhere in the world outside of Peru? Do you pay the BCP money to private companies in the world?

Central banks are subsidiaries institutions that make up the technocratic mafia IMF and WB to ruin national economies. The mafias of the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve, together with the duo UN, are the ruin of European and American economy with its policy of monetary stability and austerity that generate unemployment and dispossession of security social workers. In Peru, this deals with the BCP. Does what make great money mafias control. This, gives "world building"?

Do not confuse the servility of an institution and its officials kneel "world building". The Central Reserve Bank of Peru, has "world building" that efficiently serves the global agencies that generate hunger, unemployment, illiteracy, ignorance, ethnic wars, invasions, bio-terrorism, environmental crisis, theft and usurpation of land, forced migration "disappearances", organized crime, insecurity, mercenaries, assassins, prostitutes ... In short, "failed states".

3. Education

"... A look at the educational system reveals a lack absolutely incompatible with the concept of developed country". Economist


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says. Assume this is doubly wrong: first because it assumes a logic upside down; second, because the concept of "developed country" refers to a historical distortion.

It is not that the Peruvian State or any other educational system suits to a "concept developed country". What we want is that the educational system responds to reality. This is not only a requirement for Peru, but for most countries of Latin America, the Caribbean and the world. Implies, as an essential requirement, economic independence and political sovereignty.

Funding agencies and cooperation have a concept of "developed country", and impose that actually suits it. His reference is not in the diverse reality of our peoples but a concept that is also ahistorical.

What happens is that Peru, like many of our countries, is a neo-colony or better yet, has not ceased to be a colony. In other words, it is a busy, anomic country. A "failed state". His education responds to these circumstances. And as colony occupied country and failed state of education imposed by the institution that governs it.

One can find in the documents of BM concepts to education imposed the Peruvian people is diverse and heterogeneous suits. These documents are reissued for each change of government, with the settings as required. For the two last presidential periods are, for example:

2012: Is the level floor for children in Peru ?: measurement and understanding of the evolving opportunities. (Charge the current Minister of Education of Peru and others).2010: Peru on the threshold of a new era: lessons and challenges to consolidate growth and inclusive development.2006: Peru-the opportunity of a different country: prosperous, equitable and supportive.2006: A New Social Contract for Peru: How to achieve a more educated, healthy and supportive country?

The same type of documents produced for the various countries where the BM requires the relevance of education to their concepts supported by a pseudo scientific nature that distorts reality by making it unintelligible. This "condensed" are "political" leaders


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accept our obsequious that "sword of Damocles" and followed to the letter.

These are documents that the BM instructs its clerks, of all nationalities, who now make up staffs in each country and their governments assure them necessary infrastructure and amenities. The Bank reserves the rights and, using a euphemism, endorses: "The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed 'does not necessarily assure him' reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent."

Here, 'not necessarily' means that the concepts are translated into strategies that the Bank imposes on governments obsequious other document "Country Assistance Strategy" is entitled.

The BM gives each elect their respective "Strategy" for strict compliance during "mandate". In the case of the current government in Peru, the document called "Strategic alliance with the country to the Republic of Peru Year 2012-2016". Here the strategic objectives of BM for what government should do during his tenure condense. Like there was one for the previous governments.

All documents are developed based on "lessons learned" during the previous government exercise. These "lessons" not aware of any change; or effects or impacts. But, of "significant progress, but insufficient". What more aware of the urgency of "foreign aid", more debt, more latent military occupation, more corruption, more anomie.

The other financial institutions (IDB, USAID) also have their "country assistance strategies" agreed upon with the World Bank. It is based on these documents that each financial institution calls his "investment partners" foreigners and natives. They do this through documents that are titled: "Make lucrative business with ...", WB, IDB, USAID, as appropriate. Peru is the second largest economy in Latin America with the best business climate, according to the ranking of Doing Business (DB) 2015 World Bank (WB). Starting with the "First Lady" decadent government and media have welcomed this in a country that has the highest extreme poverty, social inequality, illiteracy and ignorance in South America.


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Poorly paid teachers

Another of the findings made by the economist refers to "underpaid teachers". Reiterating its ambiguity, here also refers to the effect but says nothing of the cause. Perhaps a reading of adjustment policies and specific IMF-WB for the education sector could help to cement their biases. Spending on pay teachers (only due to them for the work they do) affect the "fiscal balance", "austerity" imposed by the IMF and World Bank and implemented the BCP, the ministry of economy and education, in this case.

Why are underpaid teachers? Because what matters is not the reality it represents public education in Peru, nor the work and the needs of their teachers. Matter how "adapt" education to private enterprise and how to make the transition is rapid but smooth. "Adapt" hunger for teachers, and their families, the sacred concept of "budgetary discipline" imposed by the IMF, it is a way.

Why better pay for teachers if from Jomtien, Dakar and Paris all the "reforms" imposed (including "education revolution" of the current Peruvian government) are aimed at mediocretizar public education to speed its demise and replacement by you various forms of privatization?

In the global conferences of Jomtien and Dakar was clearly established that had to ensure the massification of enrollment in primary and secondary, and ensure that students "learn" to read, write, calculate, "has values" and "form "in citizenship. For this not well paid teachers is needed.

What to ensure sales are millions partners WB, IDB and USAID and its partner banks, merchants do to the ministry of education materials, equipment, maintenance, consulting and other services. The "investment partners" have to realize their "lucrative". For that they leveraged.

What the state needs to do is purchase equipment, materials and other inputs, although not used, but they are renewed. The state must "invest" in teacher training, regardless of its meaning and significance. What counts is that you say you do to raise the


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"quality" of education. In general, anything that wastes is to "improve the quality". This "quality" whose "clear and understandable" UNESCO definition coined: "adequacy of being and duty to his ought" (!).

In this regard, I recall with shame, what about it said that by the grace of USAID was education minister before the current one, in Peru: "Quality is the little schools 'brand Peru' in the most remote places geography of this country; a "combo" local, materials and teachers; or education in key management: time, money and equipment. "

Indeed, this minister was an efficient business manager merchants education. During his tenure were produced and distributed materials and equipment for the big "education revolution" baptized "Pathways of Learning".

Besides that no one understands because, first, they are not "routes" but "tools", these materials "suited" Peruvian educational reality to what was decided in Jomtien and Dakar by the World Bank, UNESCO and OECD. They are a monument to waste. One more of the many taxes by "foreign aid" and executed by the Ministry of Education. Nothing suggests that the current Minister wastage is smaller and of equal or greater futility. Yesterday was the turn of USAID with "Pathways" is now the WB with the "combo" full school day, infrastructure and laptops.

Infrastructure, qualified teachers, pedagogical support

In another section, the "Economist" says: "Today a quarter of Peruvians (7.5 million) attend a school. But are we perhaps with a majority of qualified teachers, adequate teaching aid, or proper infrastructure? The answer is no. No surprise, then, that the Peruvian schoolchildren exhibit one of the levels of the world's poorest performance well below our peers in Latin America ".

Again, a false judgment. The "Economist" does not account for the causes of this situation. The replaced by a "no", and immediately the effect sentence: "poor levels of performance."


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I do not know what you mean as in "performance levels". You might assume that share the nonsense spread by the Delors UNESCO Chair on "know-how" or the other on "competence" also this institution has striven instrumentalization of the hand with the "World Foundation for Nature" (WWF ). (See in this respect an article of mine on UNESCO and curriculum competencies). Before, I will highlight two things:

One, students get lessons. Some better than others. About the gain significant and most useless; they can not use at all.

Two, I know nothing scientist who claims or has shown that "qualified teachers, adequate learning support or appropriate infrastructure" seek, secure, guaranteed, the possibility of learning. The teacher, educator and sound science, I think is not only inevitable but necessary. But a "perfect" teacher is the one who likes the WB, IDB, USAID, or UNESCO, because it's that "fits". But the teacher that fits imposes unnecessary learning, hindering and alienate.

Aside from this, the important point is that if one follows the "reasoning" economist fall into that what it takes to have "qualified teachers, adequate pedagogical support, appropriate infrastructure" is more investment. And for this, are the WB, IDB, USAID, its groups of banks, their investment partners, NGOs. Is the "private sector". But this, the least cares are learning. Interested in the business.

In Peru and other countries of the "Pacific Alliance" can do so through "Works for Taxes" (oxy) or Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), where private "is engulfed" public . PPPs are imposed and managed by the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), a member of the IDB Group Banks (GERD). The "oxy" cover smaller investments, while PPPs have been established for large "concessions" of up to 99 years. In education can concession educational institutions, Local Education Management Units (UGELs), Regions of Education to "provide them" infrastructure, materials, equipment, services, qualified teachers. Just as in health, where the ex-minister USAID official concessioned to private enterprise, hospital services in the country. Everything, to "improve the quality of care." In any case,


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remember that it is not any private company. They are investment partners WB, IDB, USAID. Understanding why the state does not, but private enterprise itself, has to do with the situation of Peru as anomic country, busy, failed. Like Chile, Colombia, Mexico: The four partners in the Neoliberal Alliance.

Jomtien, Dakar, Paris and National Education Project

Now, I go back to Jomtien, Dakar and add Paris, to better understand the situation being experienced education in Peru and the crisis of learning.

By World Education, Jomtien (1990) and Dakar (2000) the meaning and action of basic education for children and adolescents was defined. In Paris (1998 and 2009) did the same with higher and university education.

In Dakar, in 2000, the World Bank, UNESCO and OECD imposed the "Framework for Action on Education for All" whose principles and purposes had been anticipated in Jomtien.

The "Marco" provided that all governments are "assisted" by these institutions, and others, should have a "National Plan for Education for All" to be executed for "evaluation" in 2015. The deadline for each country could have its "Plan" expired 2002. Peru, which began in 2003 and recently had it made in 2005.

Here, between the years 2001-2005, the NGO "Educational Forum" of Peru gave birth to the so-called National Education Council (CNE) having financing a "table of donors" and back, first, the government of Valentin Paniagua happened to Alberto Fujimori for two years, and then, the government of Alejandro Toledo.

The CNE making a call National Education Project (PEN) under the Education Act 2003, which was made by one of the prominent beneficiaries of "foreign aid" was attributed great friend of President Toledo and leaders the CNE. In 2007, the APRA government of Alan García, legally recognized the CNE and the PEN.

The curious thing about this story is that since 2000 anyone, especially teachers know if the education ministry running in


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National EFA Plan that was imposed in Dakar and whose "accompaniment" assumed UNESCO or the National Education Project (PEN) who was born in emergency funding from the NGO "Educational Forum" then chaired by SJ who was linked to the Education Reform President Velasco in the early 70's, and composed of several former ministers and vice ministers of education and "experts" in education from other NGOs and the School of Entrepreneurs IPAE.

What matters say is that both the National Plan of Education for All as the National Education Project (PEN) are an operationalization of what was agreed in Jomtien and Dakar. With one exception. The PEN is an unintelligible jumble of strategic objectives, outcomes, policies and measures; a cumbersome tautological exercise in nearly 150 pages, image and likeness of the "Goals 2021" of the Organization of Ibero-American States OEI that decadent Spanish monarchy instrumentalized for which are still considered their colonies. This certainly does not remove invalid the National Plan of Education for All, as I said, nobody knows what it is or how it is running.

This erratic work of plans, projects, goals, part of the purpose of public education as a "lucrative" where the World Bank, IDB, USAID, its investment partners and their "strategic partners" (CNE, Education Forum, extremely Peru, Cayetano Heredia University, among others) benefit equally. All push public education towards the cliff where individual or collective promoters, the Catholic Church and the Christian sects expect to make education his private preserve for the formation of the "new middle class" of macro-economic model of "social inclusion" tax by the WB and IDB.

In the case of higher education so does, but with an important nuance. The World Bank, UNESCO, OECD and WTO, defined at global conferences in Paris in 1998 and 2009, policies, reforms, systems, quality, assessment and standards of higher education. Then in the "summit" of presidents and ministers and in other meetings were defined strategies and actions.


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These "meetings" would not have been outside the "Southern Command". The result: the reform of university systems based on US national security using the myths of "quality", "competitiveness", the "fight against terrorism". Do not forget that the university is part of the structure of "staying power" alongside the army, judiciary, bureaucracy and the church. (On the "staying power, I return below).

In conclusion, nothing that happens in the education of the colonies that remain in Latin America and the Caribbean, is beyond what was defined and "consensus" in both conferences for basic education (Jomtien and Dakar) and the dedicated to higher and university education in Paris.

Agreements Jomtien, Dakar and Paris, translated for basic and higher education that was the "Decalogue" or the Washington Consensus and its immediate transcription in the "structural adjustment programs". Make education an ideological role of economics and politics has always been a core budget. How much more, in circumstances where the unburied American capitalism seeks a new neoliberal life.

Therefore, although for some "analysts" and "experts," the Washington Consensus and Adjustment Programs are past history, it appears alive whenever the IMF and World Bank imposed austerity budget discipline, openness to foreign investment direct, privatization of public enterprises, "redirect" government spending on education and health.

Part of that "reorientation" are precisely the low salaries of teachers. Or they die of starvation, or go to informality. In education for the "new middle class" there is only room for "meritocratic" teachers. And the opportunity is in private institutions. To this must be "competitive" (raze which can make competition), demonstrating absolute conviction that "foreign aid" is the alternative for the "development"; complete docility with patterns; be young, Catholic, Jewish, or Christian.

Something about the enduring power


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"Permanent Power" is the concept that is "suited" institutions called "nation-states" for better administration, management and control by the institutions of the capitalist order as referred in the first part of this article.

The "staying power" constitute new institutions, new representations, new leaders, new NGOs, new media, new instances of "participation" induced population, new forms of administration, management and management of public services.

The "staying power" infiltrates and replaces institutions unresponsive to the interests of US national security to make it functional. It is inherent in a widespread system of corruption and bribery. It is established and extends to ensure that a "national" state function "adapting" to the concepts, policies, strategies, the macro power that governs it.

The basic assumption underlying the need for "staying power" is to prevent governments can become "statist". This is a "temptation" to be avoided to ensure private property, free markets, freedom, democracy. With the "staying power" properly controlled, no matter who may be elected, or ideas "left" you might have. The staying power is responsible for absorbing it. The "staying power" is inherent in anomic states occupied, invaded, failed.

4. Teaching Career

Says economist: "The Minister has embraced unapologetic meritocratic reform initiated by the previous government, and has taken actions to gradually improve the economic status of teachers, regain their self-esteem, and institute a teaching career mainly based on the merit of teacher, their training and measured in terms of what matters results: student learning. "


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Probably not know how the economist "wins" a teacher in Peru, how and why. I will approach this problem without pretending to exhaust its breadth and complexity. Let me start with the latter imposed by the World Bank through one of its officials who now heads the ministry of education.

Full school day

1. The Minister has announced that from 2015 have increased the hours of daily work of teachers and students in what he called "a kind of pilot program will be gradually expanded throughout the country."

This "lucky pilot program" has been created by Ministerial Resolution 451-2014 of September 30, 2014 with the name. "Educational service model Full School Day" for public educational institutions of secondary level education "program, which called the minister. model, Resolution signed by himself. No matter. in anything goes. it could even be called political, project, strategic objective, action, measure, proposed. I'll stay with "model" because that's as contained in the . resolution says here that the "model" arose from "concerted effort of the following instances of the ministry of Education: Directorate of Secondary education, Directorate General for Development of Educational Institutions, Department of Strategic Planning, Directorate of Higher education Pedagogy, Address General Information Technologies in Education, Office of Educational Infrastructure, Personnel Unit and the Directorate General of Basic Education. "As" instances "can not conclude, however much effort reification is done, the new" teaching model "have emerged from "concerted effort" of bureaucrats who occupy leadership positions in those instances.

In this regard, we would make two remarks: First, call "teaching model" with a policy to increase the number of hours in some areas or subjects of so-called secondary curriculum, is an insult to the intelligence of those who forged "models pedagogical "throughout the history of education: from the transmissive to the neo-constructivist. Second, what the "concerted effort" of bureaucrats education ministry has done is to revive what the World Bank,


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OECD and UNESCO envisaged to ensure "lucrative" for these institutions and their foreign and native investment partners, using as excuse the "failures" of students from Latin America and the Caribbean -ALC- (except Cuba, and now finally Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador) in so-called PISA. That, as we know, are made for students of European OECD countries and where LAC and Peru in particular have little or nothing to do. But so it is with the impositions that involve businesses, or businesses that involve impositions.

In the perspective of business (rigging ensure the hegemony of neoliberal model in the world), the Peruvian government has provided additional 4 billion soles (nearly 1500 billion) in its budget for 2015. Of these 4000 additional million for 2015, 2000 500 million soles (over $ 800,000) will go to infrastructure. The rest will "invest" in training, materials, equipment for physical education and English. Already concluded the purchase of about 35,000 laptops for teaching English.

It is important to note that the entire education budget for this year, amounting to 22 thousand 500 million soles (more than 7000 $ 500 million) and that the total need of the sector to ensure future business amounted to 63 billion soles (over 21mil million). Imagine the magnitude of business ahead. Imagine the same, the magnitude of growth of our debt and future generations that will be hooked for life. Supposedly, the "quality" of education.

2. It is good to remember for those "experts" that weight increased class time (as if this had any educational or instructional support, or as if the standard deviations replace reality), the OECD, the World Bank and UNESCO tried the "continuous journey" in Europe and the US and was a failure. Here too, the pretext was the PISA results of their students about their peers from Asian countries. In any case, what mattered was to capitalize on a test that would have been ex-professedly made for that purpose. The crises of financialization living both the US and its European partners, their high rates of unemployment and what this means in expectations of adolescents and young people made calls "continuous days" also come into crisis. The internet was a major contributor to its rapid reproach and the worsening of the educational crisis that these countries live.


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On the other hand, cited as references in Latin America, cases of Chile, Colombia, Mexico (which along with Peru are four of the Pacific Alliance following the verbatim policies imposed by the institutions of the neoliberal model) abounds in favor of what is behind the "full school day" is pure business, bribery and corruption. The case of Uruguay is different. In a country free of illiteracy and a high cultural level, three hours of class were sufficient before the dictatorship. Then it shattered education and culture, increased hours, but still, Uruguayan education is going through a deep crisis regulated financial institutions since the days of military rule.

3. The "model of full-time education department" is a frame of decadent rhetoric about adolescence, learning and its relationship to time and yields and the competence approach. Its aims and objectives are cut off from reality. Maybe some other time again about this, because it will be good to point out how this "model" for improving -not aprendizajes- but the business of financial institutions and its investment partners, as well as the salaries of consultants, consultants and other bureaucrats, is part of the prospect of privatization of education. Not for nothing is identified as "service model".

Education is not a service; It is a public good that the State has the responsibility to secure and manage. But the same 1993 Constitution of Peru, is subtracted from this responsibility by stating that only "education policy coordination". Who defines it? The World Bank. Meanwhile, the Education Act 28044 requires that "the state provides utilities needed to ensure universal basic education at three levels: Beginner, Elementary and Secondary Education ensures that time is equated to international standards ". Constitution and Education Act agree on a conception of state at the service of private enterprise. It could not be otherwise given the context in which they are born.

Parenthetically, it should be remembered that the candidate Humala was a champion of change or amendment to the Constitution of 93. Upon assuming office as President, once elected, he did it for the 1979 Constitution, different but equal. Then your "wisdom" took him


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"routes" of IMF, WB, IDB, USAID, the US Southern Command. Which ensures, front, passing (you know where), history.

The document presents "model" because it could not be said that sustains it, is a tangle of refried of which usually produces the ministry when his "eminent" gather for "concerted efforts". That is, to juxtapose what the minister commissioned him to compose guy, this to Sutan, this to mengano and this in Perencejo. All "yesterday". Then it goes through the various advisory and administrative bodies for their caregivers will put their "stamp" of approval without understanding anything, because you can not understand something that is not read. The minister does not care, because interests are otherwise. If a problem arises with the document, no one is responsible for anything.

4. This is illustrated in Resolution authorizing the "model". Viola not only one of its main "recitals" but one of the conditions for the document may have some validity and not be mere rhetoric justifying businesses preparing BM through the ministry for 2015 onwards. In recital 5 of the resolution states: "The eighth and final supplementary provision of the regulations of the Education Act approved by Supreme Decree No. 011-2012-ED states that the Ministry of Education in coordination with regional governments authorizes the creation new models of educational services that meet all quality conditions required for its proper functioning within the framework of the procedures, forms and levels of national education system. "This implies that the "concerted effort" should not be made between the bureaucrats who, directly or indirectly, must charge the WB, IDB, USAID, UNESCO, but with education representatives of regional governments and their respective presidents. Surely, if you ask why did not proceed in this way the answer is that it is corrupt regional governments that are "out" already. But do not insinuates taxation, and indeed corruption, violating the provisions of the Rules of the Education Act approved by DS?

5. Nothing in the history of ideas of pedagogy supports the assumption that increased classroom hours mean any improvement in the achievement of socially significant learning in students. Nor in


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the teaching I know something, with scientific support, affirm that teaching is more productive as they increase school hours. So it is not the pedagogical and didactic side that this "sort of pilot program" of the current minister, leading to the improvement of learning and teaching.

If the previous minister and his advisers, mocked the Peruvian people and their teachers confused with "Pathways of Learning", imposed by USAID, now the current Minister, WB official, wants to do the same with his "Full School Day" . If the "Pathways of Learning stated that" We can all learn, no one is left behind ", now with the" Full Day "is said" We all achieve quality learning with emphasis on physical education, English and mentoring. "

"Increasing teacher pay"

1. In paragraph 2.2 of the resolution which I have referred, said: "Currently, the school day at the secondary level of formal basic education has a minimum of seven hours teaching per day, 35 per week and 1200 annual recital. that teaching time is 45 minutes, the school day lasts 5 hours chronological daily, weekly and 26 900 per year for the best ". You do not say more. And Salary increase, nothing.

What has been said in interviews and statements is that now the day will be 1200 hours per year. It means that 33.3% of the school day for teachers and students will increase. Not 25% as stated by the minister and his subordinates. Consequently, if the increase of teaching is 33% (considering only work in the classroom), the wage increase should be 33%. Calculate the increase in working hours based on 24 or 30 hours you may have a teaching distorts proportionality. But even if the calculation is made on this basis the increase is not equal to having 24 hours and go to 30, for which you will have 30 to 45. In the first case the increase is 25%, but in the second case it is 28%. And the salary increase is announced is neither 25 nor 28%. Is 23.6%. The calculation for "offered" increments should be made on the basis of what they currently earn a teacher. If this earns a thousand soles ($ 336) and would win 25% more, his salary with 30 hours should be 1250 ($ 420). For those


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who spend 45 hours should be 1280 ($ 431), corresponding to 28% increase in his workload. Am I wrong? As I do not think I'm on is that the current salary, as the "advertised" is a pittance, even if it were only a teacher, no family and no home.

2. The reality of calculations between teaching hours and chronological hours mocks reality. A teacher does not work unless teaching hours when interacting with students in the classroom in their hours. The teacher does not rest or sleep 15 minutes after each "pedagogical" hour 45 minutes. Generally interacts with students 90 or 135 minutes as two or three hours the "block" of teaching hours imposed on him in their schedule. What itself warns a pedagogical arbitrary, because you can not have a teenage student, male or female, many minutes "attached" to a folder or chair made to torture. Corrects tasks. Serves students; because now, in recognition of productivity and supervision is necessary to demonstrate that the teacher corrected and made clarifications and suggestions in the notebooks of students. Even you have to write papers to parents, and check your answers in the next class. Have to prepare classes, design tests, select materials, because now the director-manager sanctioned or ask bribe. The teacher has to cater to parents, do tutoring, arrange celebrations, performances, classroom committees, among other "responsibilities". Professor tasks takes home not because time does not reach him but because he has to go "flying" of an educational institution to another to cover their income, which will always be insufficient. What is offered to increase by having to spend more hours there where you have 24 or 30 hours, not supply what he represents additional income in another educational institution or any other occupation.

Apart from this, teachers who have lived and live the intricacies of the New Teaching Profession and the "meritocracy", warning that the "model of full-time education department" is another door for corruption in educational institutions established by directors and "rings". They ask much will the "bite" to be among the elect of the "reinforcements" and trainings.

3. Time "pedagogical" teacher becomes a real abuse in parish educational institutions, the Catholic consortium or Fe y Alegría, and


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the Christian sects. All these run through agreements with the ministry. Here, teachers are locked, obraje same colony, from 7 in the morning until the "father" or the manager who is more Catholic than the Pope determined. Teachers must comply hours of "pastoral" that are not 45 minutes, or on school premises, but in prisons, asylums, police warnings, parishes, catechetical centers. Must attend Mass hours, tutoring, parent care, scheduled festivities, delivery notes. Must attend Saturdays and holidays and only have 30 days 'holiday' a year that should occupy in "curricular days", preparation of materials and "retreats". In these institutions there is no rest for half a year. Classes end on December 31 and then torture "vacation" begins. Why not teachers "appointed" even though they earned that right in contests of "teaching career" are accepted. The appointed, "or relax or rebel". Teachers to partner or do not accept compromise. Only married (as) (by the respective church, of course), and best single (as) and without obligation, to avoid conflicts and maternity. These educational institutions charge pensions to their students, but paying their teachers is assumed by the Ministry of Education. Work without, however, as institutions "nonprofit".

Someone once made an estimate of what it meant to work in one of these institutions by agreement and concluded that the wage chronological time was a sun with 6 cents (just over half a dollar). If the increase was 25% as the minister said, this teacher would earn a sun with 41 cents an hour increase Go!

4. The Director of Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education, responsible for presenting the "model of full time," he said in a television interview that the increase in hours "made emphasis on the quality of education". Could it be that the "quality of education" relates to the hours of confinement and torture of students and teachers? What would have been the reaction of the minister and his subordinate if in his time the students had been forced to spend more hours in school? Or, if instead of winning 35 and 20 thousand monthly soles ($ 11,784.51 and $ 6,734.00) respectively, will earn just thousand soles ($ 336)?


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What do these bureaucrats will be more time in classrooms for students in public institutions, as I said, attend classes on an empty stomach or with just a soda crackers imagine, in the best case? But this should not prevent the tax is carried forward. The same director who presented the model predicted that "is expected to have a commitment from parents to send reinforced lunchboxes." Is this bureaucrat lives in another reality?

In which we live, there are no studies to support the assumption clergyman and the increase in hours improves learning or click "emphasis on quality." And please, do not make comparisons. These are only valid for the World Bank and other institutions whose arbitrariness aims to make homogeneous diverse realities.


1. There is another interest in the concern of financial institutions to define and enforce state policies in the countries subject to the neoliberal model. In the case of education, is to fracture the unity of the teaching given that this has been one of the protest movements to the established order and remains at various latitudes. In the case of Peru, and progress was made in the fracturing of his unity with the "teaching career" or "teaching career".

Financial institutions created a concept that teachers must adapt: it is called "meritocracy". It is not that teachers improve their vocational and academic solvency to pay according to their abilities, but that concursen and access to a supposed "teaching career" based on its mechanical ability to choose the "right" and "unique" responses competition of "merit" with objective multiple-choice tests.

This type of competition ushered in the trafficking of evidence and responses from the most sophisticated art forms using internet technology. Thus mafias have become attached to the ministries, regional departments of education and local education management units (UGELs).

The contests have become a teaching career in a "marathon" of mediocre teachers who are now "appointed" or "contracted" in recognition of a note that UNESCO adopted as "standard quality".


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In this regard, I must say that merely to raise the difference between "named" and "hired" discriminates that generates corruption and all forms of abuse (including sexual). Especially with the latter.

Here, apart from the anxiety generated them know that they are subject to the urgency of a contract for nine months, are receiving the worst treatment and greater burden of responsibility in educational institutions where they go to work.

Are subject to monetary and personal "blackmail" the director and his "ring" from the moment of the evaluation of their records and qualification of the "model classes" to be accepted. Also, during the whole time of their stay to avoid being laid off and have a favorable the end of their "contract" report.

For their part, regional and local administrative bodies are subsystems of blackmail and corruption. Are you, in fact, hide and manage the number of vacancies, allocation and distribution. Hand in hand with the principals of educational institutions have the "power" to decide who gets hired, where, and at what price. This is part of the so-called "Meritocracy".

Apart from this:

Someone has demonstrated the scientific nature of one correct answer, in an objective test for a discipline such as pedagogy?

It is true that teachers this is the least of their concerns. And financial institutions and "cooperation" reaffirms its conviction that this is the most effective way to mediocretizar public education and turn it into a refuge for the poor.

The teacher is no longer interested in the organization and presentation of ideas in front of an examination, to devote to exercise their "ability" to remember and recognize data received in the "training" that offer various faculties of public universities and private , NGOs and private agents found in these courses a "niche" to position itself as "managers of the quality of education".

2. Then I pose some questions relating to what the economist calls "institute a teaching career mainly based on the merit of the teacher;


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regain their self-esteem; their training and performance measured in terms of what matters: student learning"

Can the objective multiple-choice tests that apply to teachers in different competitions for appointment, senior management, and promotion or reclassification to account for student learning?

What objective tests, the answers the market mafias, before or during the "tests" can demonstrate the learning of students?

Are the tests, with support in the positivist mechanism, the best instrument to demonstrate the professional development of teachers and realize that they are ensuring socially meaningful learning in their students?

Can instituted teachers whose teaching career with deficient academic training is endorsed with automatic bachelor degrees and bachelor with objective multiple-choice tests?

Can it be done with teachers, summer -after cycles or "semi-face" weekends, schedules are not met, teachers and theses makeshift arrangements that do not meet the minimum requirements of logical and methodological-theoretical rigor is graduate teachers and doctors?

Can it be done with teachers after one or two cycles of "master's degree" they graduate as "specialists methodology of scientific research" universities that have commercialized the graduate studies invoking the myth of the "competitiveness" that promotes WB, OECD and UNESCO through the ministry of education?

Can the training of teachers serve to "establish a teaching career" when the "experts" of the Regional Directorates of Education, UGELs, or teachers of universities (which "tie" agreements with the ministry) know both as an economist Minister of Teaching, Curriculum and Pedagogy?

Can instituted the teaching profession from a ministry and educational institutions, higher and university education, they do not understand the difference and complementarity that should exist between vocational and academic training?


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Can this happen with erratic ministry in the hands of ministers and professionals who never went through a classroom or initial, or primary or secondary school, except when they were students?

Can the training, based on mock tests, enable teachers in reflection and critical judgment on teaching practice, the teaching of their level or specialty and the use of materials and equipment? Can this show multiple choice tests whose only answer only knows who made the item or pegunta?

Can instituted teaching career with graduates trained and / or trained teachers or specialists without a reflective and critical attitude to the curriculum or learning competency and only have merely repeated the speech imposed by UNESCO and financial institutions ?

You can instituted teaching career with colleges and university training following the myth of distance education imposed by the UNESCO-UNED of Spain and Telefónica Chair to ensure profitable business?

Can it be done through universities and higher institutions "evaluated internationally" by mafias of experts who have made evaluation standards just checklists?

Can a System for Assessment and Accreditation of Educational Quality (SINEACE) that replicates standards that were imposed by UNESCO inaccurate and some consistency?

You can not establish the teaching profession and ensure its adequacy and much less secure socially meaningful learning in students without teachers' ability to make decisions and with ministers and officials whose only merit is docility to accept the imposition of financial institutions and technical cooperation. Nor can instituted teaching career with teachers who agreed to it impelled by their social background and their immediate references in your town or community, and make exercise a chance to vegetate and not think.

"Lost" self-esteem


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How to recover something you never had?

Being a teacher or police in Peru as in many of our countries is to assume marginalized races. No alternative when after 12 or 14 years prior to higher education will not be able to supply deficiencies rigging the "cultural capital incorporated" students marked by their social background and poverty.

No alternative for those who, despite their social background, were castrated by the school in its various multiple intelligences. There is no other, where the origin accused parent households, scarce resources, or migrant semi illiterate without any ability to read and understand what is heard is. No choice when it comes to what is to survive, but now is better to be walking or assassin.

The profession of teacher or police closely correspondence with social background, with the "cradle effect" mentioned Brunner, the "cultural capital" is Bourdieu.

In serious research, a high percentage of teachers say they have chosen a career because it was easier, they could devote to a business or something else in their free time, you have two months or longer holiday, safe for when you get sick, board "for when you die".

Of course there are teachers by vocation and training. But they have a different family background, a different social and cultural environment. Or being social worker or peasant extraction have a "cultural capital incorporated" different school contributed to their "objectification" potencializando its broader cultural capital. They are the teachers who care about making their profession of their identity and self-esteem. Many of these, however, lack the ability to rule out the false from the less false (because they do not understand the difference) does not pass the exams of "correct and unique" response and are still waiting for the next contest.

Besides, here too I have some questions:

How teachers may have self-esteem when society, by the grace of the institutions of global power, has been relegated to the status of


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citizens of third useful class just to play the institutional order that imposes?

How when the Ministry of Education, meeting policies and strategies designed for organizations "foreign aid" and "cooperation" is imposed vertically on behalf of the homogeneity called "quality"?

How when the "training" teachers receiving the disabled to think and do the education they need their students where these were born, live, grow and should remain in place to emigrate?

How when the WB, UNESCO, OECD through the ministry, NGOs and the media state and private, manipulate and distort the explanation and understanding of national and global reality?

How, when teacher training enables him only to repeat what the ministry imposed without pedagogical criteria, and Instructional any support?

How, when the academic training received by teachers, does not give scientific support to their training or foundations with which to reflect, analyze or make any judgment about their environment and the global context?

How, when the only information that teachers access to information is garbage national television or chains of international Zionism?

How when no resources to access a computer and its renewal; time to become literate in the use of internet, information cable world problems?

How, with average monthly salary thousand suns?

How knowing that to deserve the teachers palms have to be a mechanical engineer or have a school for Jews?

How knowing that to be education minister, deputy minister, counselor, director must be a lawyer, doctor, engineer, architect, psychologist, recipient of USAID, trainee priest, nun, IDB expert, "economic expert" WB official or any of the financial institutions of world domination?


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Not that the ministry of education is banned for professionals who are not educators or teachers. What happens is that not all those who do not have any pedagogical training are or were once teachers, or have any idea what is pedagogy, education, teaching. The "Pathways of Learning" and "Service Model Full time" evidenced. Therefore, for those who do should be banned not only the ministry of education but the different state (which synthesizes power), is for officials of financial institutions. These and these officials, generate anomie.


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5. The Minister of Education

In the article that has served as a pretext for my reflections here, the author devotes nearly two-thirds the current minister of education. So I call an economist eulogy to his colleague Minister of Education. Of those parts I'll conclude he does when he says: "In the midst of this bleak picture, Peru has blessed finally with a leader capable of converting this calamity (of education), perhaps in less than ten years, an educated nation. "

Question: Not in ten years, a hundred or more, a calamity can become a nation; regardless of whether educated or not.

Second: Being "son and grandson of teachers" as referred to in panegirista a part of your praise, do you convert someone, "senior economist" and then minister?

I do not think so. Nor do I think having studied at Columbia University in New York, a member of the Ivy colleges ultraconservative network linked to the think tanks of the Masonic elite of world power.

What might you have done an "expert" then minister, are the managerial positions at the World Bank: Interim Vice President for Economic Management and Poverty Reduction; Director of the Department of Global Poverty Reduction and Equity; Chairman of its Board of Poverty Reduction. (In this realizes his CV).

From this we can deduce that the Minister of yore should not charge their family history. Maybe it passes through Columbia but undoubtedly, be a technocrat BM. This would be what makes it a "capable leader."

"Able" to say things that authorizes BM but without compromising the Bank, because one thing is said and another meet. And those meeting are not the ministers but the BM according to its policy, strategy, their interests and their investment partners.

In this regard, the Bank may authorize him to say that the education budget of Peru, will increase annually at 0.25% of GDP. That there is, is another story. What matters here and now, is "gradually


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gaining the confidence of teachers' union" and settle in office. Good lack makes him after the failure of the previous minister who responded more to the mandates of USAID and introduced called "Pathways of Learning" after the tests of that agency in their projects "AprenDes" SUM-Peru and others, in "strategic with the National Education Council (CNE) alliance to which I referred earlier. Institution of the ex-minister was its President and one of its active members.

Parenthetically, it should be said that the CNE and the NGO Forum Education, which gave birth, have come all ministers, deputy ministers, directors, consultants and many officials of the Ministry of Education. With the appointment of the current minister some have gone to the National Superintendency of Higher Education that creates the University Law 30220 for the supervision and control of universities and higher education.

None of this detracts from the economist the right to call his professional colleague a "leader capable." Still, above, a cabinet colleague of the current government, called the ex-Minister of Education, "Minister of luxury." After its failure, no doubt about it. It was luxury. But USAID will continue among the leaders for Peru as the BM to the current minister, regardless of their failure. Peru does not matter. Public education, less. Matter damage.Go leaders!

Referring to the capacity of leader of the minister, economist says "can speak authoritatively with his peers that form the cabinet," the national executive. I think what makes being a WB official and not be a "leader capable". Is BM which dictates that all policies in the cabinet met to the letter. I do not mean by this that the minister of education is the only one who has served the most controversial institution in the world for its interventionist policies. There may be more than one. Also those who have served and / or serve the IDB, USAID, the Trilateral, the Southern Command.

The economist also said that the current minister of education "has the holistic view that Peru requires in order to turn calamity into educated nation". For very comprehensive vision that the truth is that, as I said before, a calamity can not be converted to nation.


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What the minister can have is the "integral vision" of the "Comprehensive Development Framework" (MID) that guides BM strategies to extend poverty, deepening inequality, massively ignorance.

The minister is minister for being official WB and IDB. And education will not improve or what remains to conclude the government of betrayal, and in the 10 years that the economist wishes him to his professional colleague. Nothing in Peru seems to indicate that the fate of the IMF, World Bank, IDB, USAID, is that these institutions have had in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador.

rr / 20-12-14


Peruvian sociologist and educator. Post doctorate in Philosophy,

Politics and History of Ideas, University of Zulia. Maracaibo

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

