Page 1: EDUCATION Early yEars Foundation Stage


The Egypt British International School Early Years and Foundation section held a Hotel Transylvania Fun Day as part of their Halloween and end of year celebrations. These events are a chance for the pupils of EYFS to get together as a group and enjoy some time out of the classroom environment.

The pupils has all been to see the film Hotel Transylvania 2 at the cinema on the previous Thursday and so they were all excited to see what treats were in store for them.

In all, 16 classes went through the activities including all the pre-nursery and nursery classes which meant that all 400 students were part of the fun day. The aim of the day was “simply for the pupils to enjoy themselves as much as possible.”

The school theatre had been transformed into The Hotel Transylvania with all the favourite characters such as Count Johnnyfang, Frankenstein and Mavis in attendance. All the pupils had embraced the spirit of the day and dressed up in their Halloween costumes.

There were a whole host of games and activities for the pupils. These included:

The Murray the Mummy obstacle course, Transylvania Family Bowling, Dracula Syringe Shooting, The Werewolf Toss the Target, Blobby Balloon Sandwich Game and Frankenstein Eyeball Relay.

There was also a photo booth where pupils could have pictures of themselves taken with the characters from the film. Zeina from Reception 2 said: “My favourite game was the Dracula Syringe Shooting. It was great fun’’. Noor and Nada from Reception 2 said that they really enjoyed the Murray the Mummy Obstacle Course.

In Reception 6, the Eyeball Relay was a clear success with Jaida, Darine and Hasan all saying how much they enjoyed it. Later this term, the EYFS will be holding a Christmas event called The Christmas Candyland. This will take place over two days and involved a Christmas Songs Singing event and an Arts and Crafts Day with Christmas games. All the pupils are looking forward to what promises to be a very exciting and enjoyable event.

Throughout the Hotel Transylvania event day and the end of year Christmas Day both Ms Maisoon and Ms Hend work wonders with the organisation and design. We look forward to another amazing opportunity for the EYFS pupils at EBIS.

Early yEars Foundation Stage
