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AIESEC Craiova in the MC

Eduard Till

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Eduard Till

I entered AIESEC as a freshmen student, having no realistic

plan to achieve my life goals, and, if I may say, not even the clarity of

understanding what were those life goals. But because of the

passionate people I encountered in the organization, I got engaged

in various activities like organizing conferences, GCDPi projects,

training and facilitation, team work and more, being pushed to want

more by the healthy competition inside of AIESEC in Craiova.

The people that I met were the ones that inspired me,

gave me the right direction, but most important shaped me into

becoming perseverant in achieving my goals. Because of them, my

life changed. Because of them, I changed the life of others.

Challenging situations will always appear, in our everyday

life, inside and outside of AIESEC. Hard decisions need to be taken.

Should I do OGX instead of TM, should I stay one more year in AIESEC,

should I apply one more time for Romania, should I select this person,

should I let this person go, should I leave for another country? And

those situations and those decisions shape us, define us and make us

the ones that we are right now. We can choose to take them

consciously and embrace them fully, or we can choose to ignore

them and let ourselves drift in this self-development path. The beauty

is that there is no correct answer.

It is a great honor and privilege to write this

words for the newsletter of AIESEC Craiova as elect

President of AIESEC in Romania due to the fact that

my journey in AIESEC was shaped by the very people

that are reading this.

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Eduard Till

As part of AIESEC in Romania, LC Craiova

has a huge potential, given by our members and the

knowledge that they posses. The challenge of this year is to put that

knowledge into action, and create the biggest growth that the

organization has ever known and I am sure that AIESEC in Craiova will

be one of the main pillars that will sustain it.

And this is an open invitation for all of you, dear Alumni, to

offer your full support to those young individuals that represent AIESEC

in Craiova in order to achieve and overcome our limits as an

organization. I have the certainty that you will do so, because YOU

were the ones that inspired me, gave me direction and shaped me

to become the person I am right now.


Eduard Till

President of AIESEC in Romania 2013-2014

President of AIESEC in Craiova 2011-2012

I have extremely high expectations from AIESEC Craiova

regarding this. We cannot afford staying in the shadow anymore. We

should not restrain our potential and be regular. "Medium, average,

sustainable LC" should not be the words that describe us. I have

confidence that we are more than that. And we all know it...but we

just find excuses for our self-imposed limits.

Message for the


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Eduard Till

Think of AIESEC Craiova; of our results, our great people

working for national teams abroad or in Romania, all the amazing

experiences delivered and unforgettable moments (NC and ITTT

2011, RockMe 2012 etc) that placed us on the road to success,

revealed our contribution to making awesomeness happen. Think

of us. And then ask yourselves how did you contribute to that? What

were the moments that took your breath away and made you

sacrifice anything for this organization later on? Which were the

people that changed lives even without knowing it? Your teams. Your

leaders. Our Alumni. We are the result of many generations that were

striving to succeed and we have a legacy to continue...

Final questions: Where do we want to go? Is AIESEC

Craiova where it should be?

You sure have the answers deep inside. Click

them all together, find the common passion and take ONEAIESEC

Craiova higher, at the Excellence stopping point.