
EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

Enhancing the LOM application profiles using the DOI

AIE – Italian Publishers Association

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008


• AIE is the trade association for Italian publishers of books, magazines and digital products, covering around 90% of the book market in Italy (more than 400 associated publishers).

•Through mEDRA (multilingual European DOI Registration Agency), AIE encourages publishers in adopting standard identifiers and communication formats within the content value chain. In addition to DOI services, mEDRA offers its customers training and metadata consultancy and is involved in R&D projects for developing innovative applications and services for content industry.

• Eleonet -European Learning Objects Network (jan 06 – jul 07): the project extended the scope of the DOI (digital object identifier) technology to the learning objects environment: a specific DOI application profile for learning resources was developed, together with appropriate registration tools.

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

The DOI The DOI® (Digital Object Identifier, is the international standard identifier for any form of Intellectual Property in a digital environment.

Main features of the DOI technology are:

• Flexibility: the DOI can be assigned to any content type (i.e. textual, audiovisual, still images, etc.) according to different context of use of resource identified (i.e. bibliographic catalogues, trading, educational environments, etc.). Each metadata schema for DOI registration defines a specific DOI application profile.

• Network Actionability: when used in a network environment, the DOI works as a persistent link resolving to specific information associated to the object (eg. the digital version of the object identified, to the publisher’s website, an e-commerce application). This process is called resolution.

• Persistency: The DOI metadata include the URL of the digital resource (s) to which the DOI resolves to. Whenever a resource is moved from a location to another one, it is sufficient to update the DOI metadata once and all the links based on DOI names will keep on working.

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

The DOI at work

Using the DOI to create persistent hyperlinks (ex. references pages): 10.1392/dironix

DOI: 10.1388/IndiScie49_1Prefix

assigned by the

Registration Agency

Suffix: arbitrary

object description

Resolving a DOI: 10.1388/IndiScie49_1

On mouse click, the web user is immediately redirected to the online resource(s) about the object identified

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

The DOI in the LOs field

•To provide learning communities with added – value services based on the DOI resolution technology

Within the framework of Eleonet project, a specific DOI application profile for learning objects, based on LOM and SCORM standards was developed.

The goal was to extend the benefits of DOI technology to the LOs value chain:

• To encourage educational publishers and LOs producers to adopt a standard identifier system for managing and trading digital educational resources

•To enforce interoperability between the IT systems of different actors involved in the European e-learning value chain (i.e. content producers, national and EU educational repositories, service providers, online catalogues), thus facilitating the exchange of educational content

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

The design of the metadata schema

Desk analysis of existing LOM APs and SCORM conformance requirements

Comparison between different representations of educational resources

at local repositories level (i.e. LOM vocabularies)

Design of a LOM metadata application profile overlapping national educational



t needs

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

DOI registration on LOs

A valid DOI registration message includes:

•Message Header with information on the DOI registrant (i.e. LOs producer or LOs repository)•DOI metadata: the DOI name and the URL of the online resource to which the DOI resolves on web-user click•LOM metadata record: mandatory data elements according to SCORM conformance requirements + optional data elements for a richer description of the resource, both from a bibliographic and pedagogical point of view.

DOI registration tools:

•XML direct upload: designed for users who are already familiar with metadata standards

•Web editor: a user-friendly web interface for an easier registration of DOI and LOM metadata

•Secured web services for B2B interactions

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

The DOI Multiple Resolution

Multiple Resolution service allows DOI registrants (content producers, repositories):• to associate multiple information resources and services (i.e. URIs) to each object identified with a DOI• to aggregate information/services according to specific thematic areas • to make information/services available to final users on mouse click

When resolving a DOI, the user is presented with the different resource options through a friendly web interface…

mEDRA has recently launched the MR service for DOI registration on text - based publications (monographs and serials, both print and digital) but it can be easily extended to LOs.

The service is now running on Libreka (, the new search platform by the German Publishers Association providing full text search facilities on the German Books in Print catalogue

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

The MR web page

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

The MR in action

EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

Extending the MR service to the LOs field

Some options:

• View metadata

• Try the demo

• Buy the resource

• Access the supporting material

• Access related LOs

•Go to the publisher website

Clicking on the DOI assigned to a LO, the web user is redirected to related information resources and/or services provided by the educational repository and/or by third parties (e.g. ecommerce platforms, content providers)


EdReNe Workshop London, 8th – 9th January 2008

Contacts & Info

The DOI and the Multiple Resolution service:

The Eleonet project :

Maria Loi

[email protected]

Giulia Marangoni

[email protected]

Cristina Mussinelli

[email protected]