Page 1: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will


Post-Visit Activities

Page 2: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Create an Award

45 Post-Visit Activity #1

**Note: The Post-Visit Activities are meant to be guidelines. The teacher has the option of modifying them however they see fit. They provide several opportunities for extended classroom activities as well as group work. At school, brainstorm the different types of awards – trophies, plaques, medals, ribbons, etc. • Discuss the awards you saw at the Hockey Hall of Fame.

• Discuss shape, composition, colour, etc. Students may participate in a show and tell of trophies that are theirs, their siblings or other relatives.

What award might be given in class? Academics, athletics, congeniality, citizenship, outstanding performance in... ____________________________________________________________




Design awards Paper mache over balloons, styrofoam cups, etc. give interesting shapes. Once completed, have an awards ceremony in the class where students can present awards, make speeches and have awards displayed throughout the classroom. Write an award story Although teams win trophies, the trophies have sometimes had adventures of their own. They have been left places and forgotten, dropped and dented, and have even had to have guards escort them around for their own safety. Write a story about a particular trophy’s adventure. Your title could be… WHY I LOVE BEING THE STANLEY CUP



WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE FORGOTTEN At school, create your own hockey cards.

Page 3: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Create Your Own Hockey Card

46 Post-Visit Activity #2

Tools: Camera

Hockey equipment Instructions:

Take each student’s picture in an action pose.

Have students create their own hockey card- they may be actual or fanciful.

Students to include name, hometown, seasons of play or other criteria deemed important.

Hockey card ideas

Hockey mobiles

Matching contest-match the biography to the face.

Create a classroom hall of fame

Students may have a contest to determine the false statements. Have students complete five pieces of information on cards where four items are truthful and one is false. Students are to determine the false fact.

Page 4: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

A Museum About You!

47 Post-Visit Activity #3

You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will see when they come to visit your museum. First, create different “zones” similar to those you saw during your visit to the Hockey Hall of Fame. For example, you might have a Family Zone or a Sports Zone. Using the table below or a separate piece of paper, list the zones you have chosen as headings. Under each heading, make a list of a few objects or people you would want to include in each zone. For example, in the Family Zone, you might want to put pictures of your parents, brothers and sisters or pets. In the Sports Zone, you might want to display your soccer jersey or your first pair of skates. Think about all the artifacts you saw while you were at the Hockey Hall of Fame. Each one had a special story or memory behind it. Try to choose objects that have special meaning in your life.

Family Zone

Friends Zone Sports Zone Awards Zone





Teachers: Honour each student’s Hall of Fame displaying their artifacts weekly.

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48 Post-Visit Activity #3

For each of the zones you decide on, collect photographs, cut out pictures from magazines or draw pictures of all the objects you listed in the table above. For each artifact, write a few sentences on a blank sheet of paper describing why it is special to you. When you are ready, assemble all the pictures and their descriptions and arrange them on a piece of bristol board or in a scrapbook. Make sure you keep all the artifacts from the same zone together. Optional: • Design a layout for your museum. Where would you put each zone?

Would you have a gift shop? A snack bar? Games? Draw in the route you think people should take to be sure they see everything.

• Create an advertisement for your museum. What do you have at

your museum that would attract people to come and visit? What are the admission prices? What time does it open and close?

A Museum About You!

Page 6: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Create a Story

49 Post-Visit Activity #4

1. Allow students to create the story by completing the blanks.

2. Have students create a silly story. After filling in the blanks have each student read their story to a partner.

Complete the following blanks using the correct part of language:

The All-Star One of the greatest stars of the game of hockey was ______________. Born in

person in classroom

____________ in ______, he/she didn’t start skating until the age of _____. Country year number

He/she had a ____________ slapshot which goalies compared to being hit with a adjective

speeding ____________. His/her skating abilities earned him/her the nickname noun

‘Flying ___________’. He/she still holds several league records, including the noun

___________ feat of scoring _____ goals in a single game. Adjective number

When he/she retired, he/she took up coaching and ___________led his/her team adverb

to two league championships. Younger fans may remember him/her from several

TV commercials, advertising everything from ‘__________ Cola’ to __________ adjective adjective

______________. He/she was honoured in 1998, when his/her team retired plural noun

his/her number ______ and raised his/her __________ to the rafters of their arena. number article of clothing

The Goalie Ice hockey goalies are among the ____________ athletes in professional sports. adjective + est

They ___________ throw their bodies in front of pucks being fired at _____km/h. Adverb number

Sometimes these shots are screened by a maze of sticks, skates and

___________. Goalies are protected by several layers of ____________ which plural noun noun

fits ___________ around the player’s body. Leg pads are often stuffed with adverb

_____________ foam to allow goalies to ____________ freely. The goalies’ plural noun verb

skates have protection around the boot like the shell of a__________. You can animal

tell a lot about the personality of a goalie from the paintings on their helmet.

Some goalies decorate their masks with elaborate paintings of eagles, sharks,

lightning bolts or ____________. Goalies are often the ____________ of a plural noun part of the body

team. A ____________ goalie can make a bad team good, and a ____________ adjective adjective

goalie can make a good team ____________. adjective

Page 7: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

50 Post-Visit Activity #4

The Interview Q. Welcome, sports fans. With us today is hockey all-star _____________.

person in the classroom

Thank you for joining us. A. No problem. Q. You are having a _____________ season so far, how do you explain it?


A. Well, I’ve had a lot of _____________ luck this year. The team is


playing____________ and, basically, we are just taking things one adverb

________ at a time. noun

Q. The average age of your team is _____. Do you think that has something

noun to do with it? A. Absolutely, when the players have been around that long, they know

how to put the puck in the back of the ____________.


Q. With the playoffs approaching, do you change any of your routines? A. No, not really. On off-days, I still like to do a little ___________, I spend

Verb + -ing

some time on the stationary ___________. I eat two bowls of__________

noun plural noun

five hours before game time to give me energy.

Q. Any advice for the kids out there? ________________________________ A. Sure, work hard, always listen to your ____________ and always, always


give ______% on the ice. number

Create a Story

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51 Post-Visit Activity #4

The ChampionshipLast night the Toronto ___________ and the Montreal ___________ faced

plural noun plural noun

off to decide the winner of this year’s championship. Montreal scoring star

_____________ opened the scoring with a ____________ wrist shot to the famous person adjective

top corner. The Toronto team skated like ___________ and managed to tie plural noun

the score late in the second period. The third period was a goaltenders’ duel.

Toronto goalie _____________ made several __________saves, but the Somebody in the classroom adjectives

Montreal goalie managed to get his/her ____________ in the way of every part of the body

Toronto shot. Overtime started ___________. The defensive play was adverb

____________ but after ________ gruelling minutes of overtime, Toronto adjective number

scored on a ____________ goal. The series was over. adjective

Toronto coach ___________ said, “This was one of the _____________ name of teacher adjective

games I have ever been involved in.” The Coach “All right, listen up… so far our effort has been pretty ____________ out


there. We need a lot more ____________ in their zone, especially on the verb

power play. If you have the puck in the neutral zone, either pass it up or

dump it in… do not _________ with it or we’ll be in trouble. We look like verb

______________ in the corners and a couple of times they caught us flat- plural noun

___________. They bring it up the ice _________, so we should be able to noun adverb

knock ‘em down like ______________ as soon as they hit the blue line. noun

Now it looks like __________ has a _____________ Person noun

____________ , and he/she will probably be out of the line-up for up to

_____ weeks, so the rest of us need to step up our games a bit. We can win number

this. We’ve been in ___________ situations like this before and you have to adjective

handle it __________. This is no different. So go out there and __________ noun verb

your hearts out!”

Create a Story

Page 9: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Create a Poster

52 Post-Visit Activity #5

Make a poster about your favourite hockey player.Tell why this is your favourite player. • students can work alone or in pairs • they can be posted and displayed throughout the classroom • work can be done on bristol board

Page 10: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Create a Scrapbook

53 Post-Visit Activity #6

Make a hockey scrapbook. Use a workbook or put your own book together. Here are some things you might put in your book. • Hockey teams ______________________________________________



• Team Standings ____________________________________________



• Equipment ________________________________________________



• Players_____________________________________________________



• Training ___________________________________________________


• Leagues ___________________________________________________


• Rules______________________________________________________


• Hockey Stories _____________________________________________



• Awards (i.e. Stanley Cup) ___________________________________



You can use hockey cards and pictures from newspapers and magazines, or you can visit for ideas. Make an interesting cover for your scapbook.

Page 11: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Play the Hockey Word Game #1

54 Post-Visit Activity #7

Write down each letter of the alphabet. Try to think of a hockey word for each letter. See how many you can get. You may be able to think of several words for some of the letters. For the letters that you are unable to find answers for, create your own word and describe what it means. *students may work in pairs A______________________________________________________________ B ______________________________________________________________ C ______________________________________________________________ D ______________________________________________________________ E ______________________________________________________________ F ______________________________________________________________ G ______________________________________________________________ H ______________________________________________________________ I _______________________________________________________________ J _______________________________________________________________ K_______________________________________________________________ L _______________________________________________________________ M ______________________________________________________________ N_______________________________________________________________ O_______________________________________________________________ P _______________________________________________________________ Q_______________________________________________________________ R_______________________________________________________________ S _______________________________________________________________ T _______________________________________________________________ U_______________________________________________________________ V_______________________________________________________________ W ______________________________________________________________ X_______________________________________________________________ Y_______________________________________________________________ Z_______________________________________________________________


Page 12: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

School Hockey Fun

55 Post-Visit Activity #8

Imagine that your school had its very own hockey team and you are the Owner. Fill in the blanks below. Team name:______________________________________________________


Number of Players: _________________________________________________________________

What other teams would be in your league: _______________________



Page 13: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

To Russia with Hockey

56 Post-Visit Activity #9

You are going to Russia with Team Canada! Before you go, it would be interesting to know about the country you will visit. Here are some things to find out about this country: Size__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Climate ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Food _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Culture _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Government __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Industry______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Population ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Major cities ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Customs ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Currency _____________________________________________________ Agriculture ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ When you have learned something about RUSSIA, design a travel folder which will contain information useful for your fellow travellers.

Page 14: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

NHL City Stats

57 Post-Visit Activity #10

Many cities have teams in the NHL. How much do you know about these cities? Complete this chart about cities in the NHL: City Population Location Special Features





features Montreal


New York





Page 15: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Create a New Hockey Team

58 Post-Visit Activity #11

You are the owner of a new hockey team being formed in your community. There will be a lot of decisions for you to make with respect to the team. 1. What will the name of your team be? ___________________________


2. Prepare a radio commercial that will advertise your team. ________









3. What city will you play out of and why?







4. What will be the name of your home arena?



Page 16: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Create a New Hockey Team

59 Post-Visit Activity #11

3. Design your team crest: 4. Chose your team colours and design a uniform using these colours: Colours:



Page 17: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Hockey Puzzle #1

60 Post-Visit Activity #12

The National Hockey League presents several awards at the conclusion of each season. With these awards also comes a cash prize. This table shows the cash prize awarded in 2004 compared to 1968: Award

2006 Winner

1968 Winner

Hart Trophy The League MVP



Lady Byng Trophy Most Sportsmanlike



Norris Trophy Top Defenceman



Calder Trophy Rookie of The Year



Art Ross Trophy Scoring Leader



Conn Smythe Trophy Playoff MVP



First Team All-Star



Second Team All-Star



The winners in 2006 won a lot more money than they would have almost 40 years earlier. About how many times more? Figure it out for each award and runner-up. At this pace, how much would each winner get 40 years from now? Answers on page 79

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Hockey Puzzle #2

61 Post-Visit Activity #12

This is a table that shows awards won by four Hall of Famers:


Mario Lemieux

Gordie Howe

Wayne Gretzky

Bobby Orr

Hart Trophy





Lady Byng Trophy





Norris Trophy





Calder Trophy





Art Ross Trophy





Conn Smythe Trophy





First Team All-Star





Second Team All-Star





Using the table in puzzle #1, calculate how much money each player has won using the 2006 and 1968 rates. Answers on page 79

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62 Post-Visit Activity #13

This table charts the careers of six Hall of Fame goaltenders:


Games played

Minutes played




Stanley Cups

Gump Worsley







Jacques Plante







Tony Esposito







Terry Sawchuk







Harry Lumley







Glenn Hall







a) List the goalies in order of minutes played.

1. ________________ 2. _________________ 3. __________________ 4. ________________ 5. _________________ 6. __________________

b) Calculate and determine which goalie won the highest percentage

of games played. _________________________________________________________

c) Using the information you are given, calculate the number of tie

games each player has been involved in. How did you get your answer? _________________________________________________________

Answers on page 80

Hockey Puzzle #3

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63 Post-Visit Activity #14

1. Your cousin asks you to buy raffle tickets to support her hockey team. The tickets are 75 cents each, and if you buy three, you get one free. You give her $6.00. How many tickets would you end up with? Show your work.

2. In the 2003-04 regular season, Mats Sundin recorded 31 goals and finished with a total of 75 points. How many assists did he have that same season?

Answers on page 80

Hockey Puzzle #4

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Pictures Speak

64 Post-Visit Activity #15

Select 4 or 5 of your favourite images of Rusty. Cut each image out and arrange them to create a scenario on the ice. Below each image describe what is happening.

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65 Post-Visit Activity #15

Select 4 or 5 of your favourite images of Rusty. Cut each image out and arrange them to create a scenario on the ice. Below each image describe what is happening.

Pictures Speak

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66 Post-Visit Activity #15

Select 4 or 5 of your favourite images of Rusty. Cut each image out and arrange them to create a scenario on the ice. Below each image describe what is happening.

Pictures Speak

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67 Post-Visit Activity #15

Select 4 or 5 of your favourite images of Rusty. Cut each image out and arrange them to create a scenario on the ice. Below each image describe what is happening.

Pictures Speak

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68 Post-Visit Activity #15

Paste your images of Rusty in the following boxes and describe what is happening.

Pictures Speak

Page 26: EDProgram Junior Complete Sep14 07A Museum About You! 47 Post-Visit Activity #3You have been appointed curator of a museum about yourself! It is up to you to decide what people will

Hockey World Map

69 Post-Visit Activity #16

Connect each team’s logo to the appropriate country. (Hint: use the similar “Hall Visit Activity” to assist you)

Answers on page 81

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Answers to Post-Visit activities Hockey Puzzle #1 & 2 (page 60-61) – 2006/1968 rates




Gordie Howe

Wayne Gretzky

Bobby Orr

Hart Trophy









Lady Byng Trophy








0 Norris Trophy









Calder Trophy









Art Ross Trophy









Conn Smythe Trophy









First Team All-Star









Second Team All-Star


















Various answers can be accepted depending upon explanation. Based on the criteria of comparing each individual to each other and the 2006 and 1968 rates, the most suitable type of graph would be a bar graph.


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Hockey Puzzle #3 (page 62) a) 1) Terry Sawchuck 2) Glenn Hall 3) Tony Esposito

4) Gump Worsley 5) Jacques Plante 6) Harry Lumley To answer questions b) and c), the best way to organize the information is using a chart


Games played




Winning percentage

Gump Worsley






Jacques Plante






Tony Esposito






Terry Sawchuk






Harry Lumley






Glenn Hall






c) Answer is achieved by adding the number of wins and number of

losses together and then subtract the result from the total number of games played.

Hockey Puzzle #4 (page 63)

1. If you buy 3 tickets for $2.25, you receive 4 tickets. $2.25 = 4 tickets $1.50 = 2 tickets $6.00 = 10 tickets Or, divide $6.00 by .75 and get 8 tickets purchased. For every 3, add one more to get a total of 8 + 2 =10. 2. Subtract the number of goals scored from the total number of points recorded to find the number of assists. 75 (points) – 31 (goals) = 44 (assists)


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Hockey World Map (page 69)

