
Journal of Human Evolution

Past and Current Editors

Brunetto Chiarelli (Italy) Founding Editor 1972 - 1985Eric Delson (U.S.A.) 1986 - 1989Peter Andrews (U.K.) 1986 - 1993William Jungers (U.S.A.) 1988 - 1996Leslie Aiello (U.K.) 1993 - 1999Terry Harrison (U.S.A.) 1996 - 2003Fred Spoor (U.K.) 1999 - 2005William Kimbel (U.S.A.) 2003 - 2008Susan Antón (U.S.A.) 2005 - 2010Steven Leigh (U.S.A.) 2008 - 2011David Begun (Canada) 2009 - currentMark Teaford (U.S.A.) 2011 - current

Forthcoming Papers

Colin N. Shaw, Jay T. Stock Extreme mobility in the Late Pleistocene? Comparing limb biomechanics among fossil Homo, varsity athletes and Holocene foragers

Kristofer D. Sinclair, Ryan W. Farnsworth, Theresa X. Pham, Alex N. Knight, Roy D. Bloebaum, John G. Skedros

The artiodactyl calcaneus as a potential ‘control bone’ cautions against simple interpretations of trabecular bone adaptation in the anthropoid femoral neck

John E. Fa, John R. Stewart, Lluís Lloveras, J. Mario Vargas

Rabbits and hominin survival in Iberia
