Page 1: Editor: Armida Snyder 541 -226 -9347 … · 2016-06-28 · 2015 Issue # 10 Editor: Armida Snyder 541 -226 -9347 Staff: Robert Meredith 541 2015 Issue # 10

Editor: Armida Snyder 541-226-9347 [email protected]

Staff: Robert Meredith 541-507-1168 [email protected]

Manager: Nadine Luikart 541-479-6020 [email protected]

Activities: Robert Meredith 541-507-1168 [email protected]

Sales: Jeanne Simington 541-226-7172 [email protected]


Summer 2015 is officially behind us and -- at least here in Westlake Village --we can look back at these past 4 months with fond memories of fun and special moments. From a “Summer Picnic” in June, -- to a “Let Freedom Ring!” potluck in July -- to a “Fiesta Night” in August – we have had lots of fun together and enjoyed wonderful opportunities to become better acquainted with our neighbors! (Not to mention the good food we got to eat!) As though to add a Grand Finale to this epic summer, we just finished a gala “New Orleans Street Party” at the end of September, complete with Dixieland music and dancing in the street! More on this fantastic event later in this issue. The event came none too soon, as in a short time, we may not be able to have outdoor activities with cooperating weather! We feel the approach of Fall, particularly in the mornings, and are reminded that Winter

is on its way. One of the most anticipated and appreciated sign of Fall is the vibrant color of leaves! This is caused by the slowdown of chlorophyll absorption. It is this absorption which allows plants to absorb energy from light. When we look at creation, it is interesting to observe how it prepares for the colder weather of winter. We all know that bears and other animals prepare for winter by gathering and storing extra food for the season. Some animals eat extra amounts of food in preparation for winter sustenance and then hibernate at this time,. (To some of us, a long nap sounds most inviting at any season…) Taking a clue from creation, it might be good for us to take advantage of winter to prepare and store up for the coming seasons. You may have spent the summer months challenging yourself physically – getting more exercise, being outdoors more, working in the garden, etc..

Now is a good time to challenge and s-t-r-e-t-c-h yourself mentally and intellectually! This is your opportunity to catch up on indoor projects; update your photo albums (do people even use photo albums anymore..??); plan next year’s garden; start that art class (or other class) you’ve always wanted to take. Maybe you even got the idea of writing your life story to leave as a written legacy for your heirs. What a great time to start! Fall launches the beginning of our slow-down time. We rest from our busy summer; settle in – maybe nestled under warm blankets, sitting beside the soft glow of a fire or candlelight, appreciating its flickering light, basking in its soft glow and reflecting. If nothing else, this time of year, with its shorter days, creates a longing to just be cozy and warm somewhere. A cup of hot tea, coffee or whatever your beverage of choice - and just a good book - and we’re all set to enjoy the new season! May we be refreshed and inspired!

News & Events


Our Village


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Speaking of books, approximately two miles from here is a virtual treasure trove of items to stimulate your intellect, teach, entertain, and challenge you! It is known as Josephine Community Library. Located at 200 NW “C” Street, it has a most interesting and inspiring history. It is part of Josephine Community Libraries, Inc., a non-profit, non-government library system. It is privately run and is supported by private donations. It has not always been this way. In May 2007, the county’s four public libraries were closed due to lack of county government funding. In July of that year, an editorial published in the Daily Courier challenged the community to start its own library. The response was overwhelming! Approximately 100 people attended a meeting to discuss a remedy to this lamentable situation. Sixty people signed up as general volunteers or to serve on various committees. A Steering Committee was formed in August, a Mission Statement adopted, and interim officers were elected to serve until a formal board was elected. They decided to form a new, private, non-profit charitable organization whose only purpose was to operate a library. In September, Josephine Community Libraries, Inc. was formed by community members, dedicated to reopening and operating the libraries in the County. The Grants Branch was the first to open.

This grand event took place on December 20, 2008, and a huge crowd of grateful patrons were there, served by an army of volunteers. By the end of 2009, the other three branches (Illinois Valley, Wolf Creek and Williams) were also open. The libraries continue to be operated mainly by volunteers, of which I am proud to be but one. Limited staffing makes library hours short, but access to great treasures is available even so: Tues & Thurs: 2:00 to 7:00 pm Wed & Fri.: 11:00 to 4:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 to 4:00 pm Library cards are free and there are literally hundreds of books of different genres from which to choose! Reference books abound as do a vast array of music CDs. Loan time for these items is 28 days. DVDs can be borrowed for 10 days; as well as VHS tapes. We have audio books, as well as “Library 2 Go” for those of you with Kindles or other mobile reading devices. Visit We offer author visits, historical presentations and a children’s library and special events. Computers are also available for your use. Libraries are the heart of communities and Grants Pass boasts a very efficient and friendly one. Since the changing season causes us to move indoors, why not do so with a good friend - like a good book? “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot

COOK’S CORNER Here is a recipe that is a hit any- time of the year! We are going to produce a Westlake Village Cookbook featuring the delectable recipes

Blue Ribbon Pineapple/Coconut

Ice Box Cake Juanita Bell

Blytheville AR

1 pkg. Duncan Hines Lemon Supreme

Cake Mix 1 can Eagle Brand condensed milk 1 16-oz can crushed pineapple 1 8-oz. container Cool Whip 1 pkg. shredded coconut Prepare cake according to package directions. Bake in a 13x9 cake pan. Remove cake from oven and immediately pierce with fork at 1-1/2-inch intervals all the way through the cake. Spread the condensed milk evenly over the top of the cake. Allow about 10 minutes for the milk to soak into the cake. Spread the pineapple, including juice, evenly over the top of the cake. Let the cake set about 15 minutes, then spread Cool Whip evenly over the pineapple. Top with shredded coconut. Refrigerate overnight before serving. Keep refrigerated.

Submitted by Robert Meredith


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submitted by our wonderful chefs here at WLV! It promises to be a real culinary treasure trove! Interested in ‘being published’ - and sharing some of your favorites? Submit your recipes to Armida. HOSPITALITY AND ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE REPORT By Robert H. Meredith

The September meeting was a long one - as a very packed agenda was prepared for Committee discussion. After the hour and a half session, lunch was hosted for the Committee by John and Robert which included a green salad, garlic bread, lasagna, and strawberry shortcake to push it to the limit. The last quarter of the year promises to be very exciting and busy. The Street Party winds up summer and then it’s off and running into the Fall. October will see the gazebo decorated for the fall, so come on out to the gazebo around 10:00 on Sat. October 3, and join your neighbors in the fun. A “Soup and Salad” potluck will be held in the clubhouse on Friday October 23rd, hosted by Bud and Eddi Chaffee. Also planned is an old-fashioned sing-along to settle all of the food. In November the Committee will host the annual Thanksgiving Dinner in the Clubhouse on Thanksgiving Day, November 26th. We supply the roast turkey and you bring your favorite holiday side and desert. On Monday Nov. 30th, come on down to the Clubhouse and help in the Christmas tree decorating party. This is always a great gathering to “deck the halls” and have some great food and hot apple cider.

December will see the Community Christmas Dinner held on Thursday Dec. 17th. We are attempting to gather some local high school entertainment to help with the festive evening, and will report on that later. The WLV Carolers will be out disturbing the peace and spreading goodwill on a date yet to be announced. This year could bring something very special for the caroling event, so watch for details. Everyone is welcome to roam the streets and sing as we spread good tidings to all of our neighbors. There will be an after-caroling food fest for the carolers at the home of John and Robert after the singing has subsided. (But then again there will be a song or two break forth in the living room of 759 Hampton Way) The Committee is already working on plans for some new and exciting events for the New Year, so stay tuned for details. Your Hospitality and Activities Committee is working very hard for our community and the results are quite evident by the large turnouts that we have been witnessing at each event. Our mission of creating an environment of fun and fellowship is paramount and we will continue to serve WLV with pride and resolve. The Street Party – WOW “Let the good times roll” By Robert H. Meredith

Sept. 26th was a great day to be on the street in Westlake Village, at least that is what the 120 people that attended the New Orleans Square Street

Party thought! Hampton Way was full of life as folks mingled, sang, and danced on the street. Donnie Tyree and Richard Pedraita were manning the grills -- cooking up hot dogs, smoked sausages, and brauts along with apple pie. There was a small wine and cheese party going on in one corner with everyone enjoying the air filled with the music of the Rogue Dixie Band.

The band played for two hours with a short break in the middle to fill up their tanks with the good food. Then it was back to the stage to wail the axes once more. The beat of the band got everyone in the mood to party and enjoy the perfect fall-like afternoon weather. The traditional Dixie Cake Walk Parade got a huge crowd to its feet to march around Hampton Way, singing, clapping and dancing to the “When the Saints Go Marching In.” If anyone was not having a good time, then they were not here. The porch at 759 Hampton Way, (that day known as the stage) was decked out in the good old red, white, and blue to express our love for country and to bring a festive feel to the overwhelming event. It was the center of Westlake Village that day!

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On the north end of Bentley Drive was a “mini” classic car show with 3 beauties showing off their stuff. (As the old saying goes: “it’s a small circus, we only have one elephant.”) But the number of cars was not important as was the thought and dedication of the owners to share their pride of ownership. We thank the proud owners for giving of their time to be here and enjoy the day. The 50 / 50 Raffle was won by Dolly LaFlamme; however, Robert forgot to give her the winnings. Rectification was made on Sunday morning with a heartfelt apology from Robert. (He later stated that eating crow with a little ketchup is not all that bad) Dolly, being the perfect lady that she is, was kind enough to completely forgive Robert for the oversight in light of the bustling schedule of the afternoon. The hard work and months of planning by your Hospitality and Activities Committee (pictured above) paid off with Westlake Village having the ‘first of its kind’ street party. This was a day of success beyond the expectations of the Committee, and we thank everyone for being here to support their efforts. Special thanks went to Mike Martin of Environmental Landscape Management, Paul

Stein of Paul D. Stein Construction, and John Pace of Universal Pump & Controls for their very generous financial donations to the Committee and in support of Westlake Village. We thank these fine contractors for helping us bring excitement and fun to our community. When you see them on the street, please express your appreciation. The Committee apologizes for “running out of food” however an estimate of 75 to 100 people attending was made, however 120 people showed up! That in itself is a good indicator of success and that the community wants to join in fun events. To those that did not get a hot dog, we apologize and we will make sure that there is ample food at the Second Annual New Orleans Square Street Party in 2016. Thank you, Westlake Village, for joining in the fun and making the Street Party a huge success! Clubhouse Water Feature By Robert H. Meredith

As you have noticed, the Clubhouse Water Feature is now a big dirty hole in the ground: but not for long! Mike Martin, Kelly, and Zach of Environmental Landscape Maintenance have been working very hard to demo the

old water feature before building a brand new one. Two ton boulders have been moved, many yards of rock have been hauled away, and loads of dirt excavated to make way for a masterpiece of which all will be proud. The underground infrastructure had to be moved to make way for the placement of two large underground tanks in which the pumps will be placed. This entailed trenching to reroute existing water, electrical, and cable lines and adding new conduit for the pump station. Other contractors had to be called in for their part of the reroute and repair of damage that was discovered underground. Everyone has worked very well together to accomplish what needs to be done. Mike is not only designing the water feature, but is adding extra underground conduit for future use, thus negating the need to retrench in the future. To scale CAD drawings of the underground utilities have been made as well as video of the site before back-filling the trench. These documents will be placed into permanent file in the Manager’s Office for future reference. As you viewed the water feature before its demolition, you were witnessing about 90 gallons of water per minute. The 3 new pumps that will be installed will provide a combined 450 gallons of water per minute. There will be two small falls that will flow at 75 gallons per minute each and

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one very large fall that will represent 300 gallons per minute. Mike Martin’s vision of a masterpiece at our Clubhouse will be realized in a few months. Thank you for your patience. BITS ‘N PIECES “Love thy neighbor” was definitely operating here at Westlake Village these past two months! From helpful handyman projects, to driving people to appointments, to running errands – to preparing and delivering meals – caring for our neighbors was certainly apparent! How refreshing and reassuring to know that we live in not just a lovely community – but a caring one! The Scrabble group desperately wants a couple more players to join them on Thursdays at 1:00 in the Clubhouse. Three of us regularly meet – and two of us continue to aspire to dethrone the undefeatable Scrabble Queen! Sure would like to have some ‘new blood’ there – and surely even the “Queen” herself would like some fresh challenges from new ‘subjects.’ Got your goat! Walking the neighborhood can lead us into all kinds of adventures: a number of interesting things, from the lovely decorations adorning individual homes to falling leaves, to …a critter Missing in Action! What? A MIA in Westlake Village? It seems a neighbor’s goat escaped from its home on Lower River Road and wandered into this park and into Roguelea. Approachable, cute and tame – it made for some interesting sight-seeing and conversation!

A champion in our midst! Glenda Northcutt participated in a 5k run recently sponsored by the Southern Oregon Race Club. The race benefits a variety of programs for local YMCA Youth Programs. Glenda received a gold medal for coming in first in her age category of 75-79!


PREVIEW OF COMING ATTRACTIONS: Mark your calendars for these: Monday, October 12 - 1:00 pm Mexican Train dominoes (Clubhouse) Friday, October 23 - 5:00 pm Soup & Salad Potluck - Clubhouse November 26 – 3:00 pm Thanksgiving Potluck Hosted by Hospitality Committee. Bring your favorite side dish. Sat., November 28 – 10:30 am Decorating Gazebo for Christmas Mon., November 30 Christmas Tree decorating in Clubhouse Thursday, Dec. 17- 5:00 pm Christmas Potluck Christmas caroling in WLV Specific date to be announced Happy Birthday to you! 10/01 Robert Meredith 10/06 Robert Ervin Scott Marshall 10/11 Audra LaHaie 10/15 John Bradley 10/20 Kenway Mead Nancy Johnson 10/25 Janille Gooch 10/29 Sheryl Hill


Cultivate this day, for it contains the seeds of tomorrow’s harvest.

~~ Unknown

Knowledge speaks; Wisdom listens.

~~ Unknown “It’s not what you look that matters; it’s what you see.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

Health Nuts are going to feel stupid one day; lying in the hospital dying of nothing, All of us could take a lesson from the weather: it pays no attention to criticism.

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Decisions we make can have the net effect of turning our lives in another direction. We might even find ourselves in places we never thought we’d be. A simple decision made by one of our new residents so many years ago led to a productive and successful career. Subsequent decisions led her to still more adventures and -- even better for us -- to Westlake Village!

Nancy Bankston is one of two daughters born to Richard and Mary Lou Anderson in Woodstock, Illinois, a small town not far from Chicago. Her father was a farmer and later entered into law enforcement. Her mother was a homemaker. After Nancy's father passed on, Mary Lou worked as a seamstress, in addition to operating a successful cleaning business for many years with Nancy’s younger sister, Cindy, before moving to New Mexico. She retired 10 years ago and has lived with Cindy for many years. Mary Lou is planning a trip here in March to enjoy some of the activities and festivities at Westlake Village. Our own Jeanne Simington is Mary Lou’s youngest sister and Nancy’s aunt. Nancy attended Woodstock Community High School. Finding it to be rather unchallenging, she decided to leave school and pursue her own course. This was a courageous turn for a girl that age - in that time - but to visit with Nancy is to visit with a woman who knows her own mind, knows what she wants and is not afraid to go for it. After a short time as a rebel, she determined that she wanted a career in the medical field. She attained her GED rapidly, finishing 2 years of high school in 3 months to make the

Fall Semester entry into Medical Technology School in St. Louis, Missouri. This involved two years of schooling and one year of internship. While she attended school she also worked at Barnes Hospital and also completed her internship there. Obviously, this was a good decision on her part, for her work in the medical technology field spanned some 38 years. Nancy went into clinical laboratory medicine, working in several different locations over the years, such as Elgin, Illinois; east St. Louis, Missouri; and Rockville, Connecticut, a suburb near Hartford, and settling in Ruidoso, New Mexico for the first time for a period of 15 years. Lab technology is a highly specialized field, which Nancy mastered. It was challenging and provided a decent wage . When she first graduated she was making the astounding wage of $1.38 per hour! At that time, medical testing was still rather primitive and then evolved into automated, computerized techniques, vastly improving the manner in which patients’ specimens were evaluated and diagnosed. It was exciting to be a part of that advancement in medicine and patient care! It is plain to see in talking with Nancy that she knows this subject well, but humbly dismisses the excellence, precision and skill required to advance in this field. Mastering these, she focused on laboratory management. It is a far more complex career, requiring greater knowledge and skills in both technical/computer/quality assurance competencies and human relations/management.

During the course of her career, one of the more notable and challenging ‘assignments’ was in 1995-96. In anticipation of the new millennium (known as Y2K) Presbyterian Healthcare Systems in Albuquerque, NM recruited her to study and select software for all of its many hospitals, helping to make the anticipated transition less complicated. Obviously, PHS knew who to call on for the necessary expertise in this massive undertaking! In 1997 she found herself dissatisfied with the Y2K preparations and politics that were developing within the PHS integrated delivery system in New Mexico. Again Nancy made a decision that ‘turned’ her life: she decided to leave the healthcare field. That year, she opened her first restaurant in Ruidoso, called Café Wanda. It was a successful breakfast and lunch establishment which she operated for two years before selling. After the sale of her restaurant and – in keeping with her love of cooking - she worked as Executive Chef for a husband and wife who owned a luxury RV park in Ruidoso. After a year, she moved to California and lived in Santa Rosa for 5 years. While there, she became practice manager for a veterinarian ophthalmologist, The veterinarian retired and sold her practice, and Nancy moved back into healthcare and became business manager of Nova Care Physical Therapy in

Santa Rosa. Because of her previous career in Ruidoso, a doctor friend asked her to return to Ruidoso and be practice manager at her OB-GYN office back in Ruidoso. She returned there and was practice manager for the OB-GYN for 5 years.

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Unwilling to call either California or New Mexico ‘home’, Nancy made yet another turn and moved to Port Charlotte, Florida. While in Florida, Nancy returned to the healthcare field and worked for a large physicians’ group that was expanding across the state. She was hired first to start their Customer Service unit in the Central Billing Office. Because of her expertise in clinical and business background, many years of managing people and business, she was ask to transfer into Human Resources as a Human Resources Specialist.

Thinking now about retirement, she needed to decide where she would settle for this phase of her life. Being close to her Aunt Jeanne and Uncle George, she had visited them many times over the years and, like so many, loved Grants Pass. She stayed in close communication with Jeanne (haven’t we all -- when we were looking at WLV?). She viewed WLV online. When Nancy visited Jeanne after her open-heart surgery, the home on Bentley was available.

She decided to purchase it, and so she her and her beloved Shih Tzu, Wookie, made the long trek from Florida to officially become residents of Westlake Village in August, 2015. Both Jeanne and Nancy are delighted to live so near each other and look forward to many adventures together!

Her home is warm and inviting, simply and attractively decorated in oriental themes. Having visited Hawaii and Tahiti, some of that theme is seen in her house. She prefers to live simply and peacefully and we are glad she chose Westlake Village to do so! The sense of community at Westlake Village makes it a very attractive place to live. She likes the clubhouse and all

it has to offer, and of course, the friendly people here at WLV.

Her busy and demanding careers did not afford her much time to explore hobbies. She appreciates the time to do so now. It is a relief to awaken in the morning WITHOUT demands or expectations on her time. She is content to sit back and enjoy each day as it unfolds, although she expects to become involved in various activities here. There are many options, and already she has attended a meeting of the Hospitality and Activities Committee, with a view to adding her own contributions.

Although her life has been busy with her career, Nancy had been married and has a son, Michael, now 45, who lives in Florida with his wife, Tracey. They were the ‘drawing card’ that motivated the Florida move. Also of great pride to Nancy is her granddaughter, Mike’s daughter, Amber, (26) who will graduate with her MSW degree from Scranton University in December. She is currently employed by the State of Pennsylvania as counselor specializing in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. Nancy also has a "grandson by osmosis", Brandon (27), who is Tracey's only son. Brandon has his degree in arbor management and is project manager for Florida Power and Light directing all tree removal and emergency repair projects before and after tropical storms and hurricanes.

Seems like ambition, perseverance, hard work and excellence run in their family, huh? We are glad to have Nancy become a vital part of Westlake Village.

Welcome, Nancy!

REGULAR EVENTS: MEXICAN TRAIN Second Monday of Month This month: October 12 1:00 pm – Clubhouse Contact: Armida Snyder 541-226-9347 BINGO Third Tuesdays of month This month: October 20 7:00 pm – Clubhouse Contact: Nadine Luikart 541-479-6020 SCRABBLE Weekly on Thursdays 1:00 pm – Clubhouse Contact: Armida Snyder 541-226-9347 Also up our collective sleeves are possibilities for these activities: Bunko Pinochle Game Night Got ideas? By all means, let us know! We are here to serve you and want to have activities and events that YOU like!


Remember that hour of sleep you lost last Spring? Well , you’re about to get it back!

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS on Sunday, November 1st! Set your clocks one hour behind on Saturday night, October31 (. . .and enjoy those extra winks on Sunday morning…)
