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Editing Note

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The Betrayal My movie is based on Romantic genre and there are different types

of editing techniques used in movies of this genre. The betrayal has been edited in various ways. The film starts with

a logo ‘khan studios presents’ then an establishing shot is used where the title of the movie appears in black font and credits are shown in white font and they disappear by the help of cross fade. Here, I have used birds chirping soundtrack to create an effect that it’s morning. When jack is going towards the stairs and the shot ends, dip to black is used Plus, the sound of birds chirping is also faded by the exponential fade technique.

Then, when jack is bringing breakfast, I mute the back ground sound and instead I have used a romantic sound track which creates an effect. I have here, again used exponential fade to fade the soundtrack when dialogues appear. Dip to black is again by me after the end of several shots to create a smooth film.

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However, after one of the shots, when jack is coming down the stairs, I have used cross fade. The same romantic soundtrack is again used over here and fades with exponential fade when the next shot appears because there are dialogues and then starts again when jack leaves.

Dip to black is again used by me and the next scene appears with a new, suspense soundtrack in which Rachel is waiting for her husband to come back. The sound track continues in the next scene as well which starts with dip to black.

When Rachel, sees her husband and Lilly together, the soundtrack ends. Here, when Rachel’s face is focused with an extreme close up shot to show her tears falling, I have used some different editing techniques to create an effect of sorrow. Here, I have lowered the brightness and increased the contrast.

These are the different kinds of editing techniques used by me to create my movie.
