Page 1: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Ecography ECOG-02293Bender, M. G., leprieur, F., Mouillot, D., Kulbicki, M., Parravicini, V., Pie, M. R., Barneche, D. R., Oliveira-Santos, L. G. R. and Floeter, S. R. 2016. Isolation drives taxonomic and functional nestedness in tropical reef fish faunas. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02293

Supplementary material

Page 2: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Appendix 1: Justification for the choice of maximum body size and diet as reef fish functional


Body size

Size has a primary role in defining the ecological niche and ecological role of species, general reviews

on this subject can be found in Wilson (1975) and LaBarbera (1986). More specifically the following

aspects are important for reef fish:

• Energy needs: the amount of energy for metabolism increases with body size, but the amount

of energy per unit of body mass decreases with body size (Munday & Jones, 1998).

• Prey selection or predator escape (Costa et al., 2009): prey selection is linked to mouth gape

size, which is itself a function of body size, larger fish being able to eat larger prey. Predators

are also limited by the size of their prey. Therefore large fish tend to be less predated than

smaller ones, all other factors being equal. In addition larger fish have higher swimming

speed, which enables them to flee their predator more efficiently. Large fish have the capacity

to swim over longer distances therefore increasing their foraging range compared to smaller

species or smaller individuals.

• Reproductive capacity, sex ratio, size at maturity, sex reversal: the size of gonads and

therefore the quantity of reproductive products is proportional to body weight, usually

according to a power function. This means that larger species or larger fish will produce far

more gametes than smaller species or smaller individuals. The sex ratio of many species is a

function of body size, for instance small parrotfish are nearly always females, small anemone

fish are nearly always males (Wong et al., 2007). The size at maturity is proportional to body

size, larger species being mature at relatively larger sizes than small ones. Similarly, sex

reversal, which is a frequent process for reef fish, occurs at larger sizes in large species

(Wong et al., 2007).

• Diversity services in particular biomass production: fish weight is exponential to its body

length, therefore assemblages with large species will tend to have larger biomasses than

assemblages with small species, for a given diversity level. As the geographical distribution

of species fish size is not random (Luiz et al., 2013) this means that the biomass-diversity

relationship for reef fish is not spatially homogeneous (Mora et al., 2011). See also Ackerman

et al. (2004) on the relationship between density and body size.

• Growth and production: small fish species tend to grow faster and have a higher production

rate than larger species (see Paloheimo & Dickie, 1966; for general information) (there are

exceptions both ways however). This means that biomass and production may not be related

in the same way in reef fish assemblages dominated by small species compared to

assemblages dominated by large species

Page 3: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

• Mortality rate: small species tend to have a much higher mortality rate than larger ones

(Henrique et al., 2013; Munday & Jones, 1998). There are however intrinsic factor to each

species. In particular mortality is linked to many other traits such as school size, mobility,

level in the water column.

• PLD: large species tend to have wider geographical ranges and also longer Pelagic Larval

Durations (PLD) than small species (Luiz et al., 2013)

• Temperature tolerance is related to body size in reef fishes (Ospina & Mora, 2004)


Diet, as size, is an essential component of reef fish ecological niche as indicated in general reviews

such as Hiatt & Strasburg (1960), Hobson (1974), Sale (1977), Bellwood et al. (2006). In particular

diet may be important for the following:

• Trophic level and trophic niche width (for general views see Araujo et al., 2011; Bearhop et

al., 2004): the trophic level of a species and its trophic niche width is determined by the food

type it feeds on as well as the variety of food items (Floeter et al., 2004; Ferreira et al., 2004;

Wilson et al., 2008; Frederich et al., 2010; Curtis-Quick et al., 2012; Litsios et al., 2012) For

instance a species may be specialized in coral polyps but depending on where it lives it may

eat polyps from different species (Lawton & Pratchett, 2012). Within the same trophic guild

other species may eat only polyps from a given species or genus of Acropora wherever it


• Habitat requirements (prey need to be present): many species having a specialized diet will

restrict their habitat to areas where the food they need is present is sufficient in quantity and

quality. Coral feeders are typical (Berumen & Pratchett, 2008) but there are many herbivores

and plankton feeders (Frederich et al., 2009; Burkepile & Hay, 2008) that live in specific

habitats because of their diet.

• Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the

habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be split according to several

feeding behaviors such as grazers, browsers, scrapers (Bellwood & Choat, 1990). Each of

these behaviors will generate different consequences on the algae/coral relationship and on

many other ecological processes. The same could be said of coral feeders, of mobile

invertebrate feeders.

• Home range (depending on energy requirements and type of prey and prey availability, home

range will be either small or wide). For instance, large carnivorous species will necessarily

have a wide home range as the resources needed to sustain their metabolism cannot be found

on a restricted part of the reef. On the opposite, some small plankton feeders may stay their

entire adult live on the same spot as plankton drifts by.

Page 4: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be


Ackerman J.L., Bellwood D.R., Brown J.H. 2004 The contribution of small individuals to density-

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Araujo M.S., Bolnick D.I., Layman C.A. (2011). The ecological causes of individual specialisation.

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Bearhop S., Adams C.E., Waldron S., Fuller R.A., MacLeod H. (2004). Determining Trophic Niche

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Bellwood, D. R., Wainwright, P. C., Fulton, C. J., & Hoey, A. S. 2006 Functional versatility supports

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Ferreira, C. E. L, Floeter, S. R., Gasparini, J. L., Joyeux, J. C. & Ferreira, B. P. 2004. Trophic

structure patterns of Brazilian reef fishes: a latitudinal comparison. Journal of Biogeography,

31: 1093–1106.

Floeter, S. R., Ferreira, C. E. L., Dominici-Arosemena, A. & Zalmon, I. 2004. Latitudinal gradients in

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Specialization of Dascyllus aruanus in Toliara Lagoon, Madagascar. Copeia, 2, 218-226

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Ichthyological Research, 56(1), 10-17.

Henrique C. Giacomini, Brian J. Shuter, Nigel P. Lester, 2013. Predator bioenergetics and the prey

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Page 5: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Hiatt, R.W., and D.W. Strasburg. 1960. Ecological relationships of the fish fauna on coral reefs of the

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Hobson, E.S. 1974. Feeding relationships of teleostean fishes on coral reefs in Kona, Hawaii. Fish.

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LaBarbera M. 1986 The Evolution and Ecology of Body Size. Patterns and Processes in the History of

Life. Dahlem Workshop Reports 36 : 69-98

Lawton RJ and Pratchett MS (2012) Influence of dietary specialization and resource availability on

geographical variation in abundance of butterflyfish. Ecology and Evolution, 2 (7). pp. 1347-


Litsios, G., Pellissier L., Forest F., Lexer C., Pearman P.B., Zimmermann N.E., Salamin N. (2012).

Trophic specialization influences the rate of environmental niche evolution in damselfishes

(Pomacentridae). Proceedings of the Royal Society, 279, 3662-3669

Luiz, O.J., Allen, A.P., Robertson, D.R., Floeter, S.R., Kulbicki, M., Vigliola, L., Becheler, R. &

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Paloheimo, J. E., & Dickie, L. M. 1966 Food and Growth of Fishes: III. Relations Among Food, Body

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Page 6: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Appendix 2: Sensitivity of nestedness analysis to functional group classification scheme

Table A2. Functional nestedness of reef fish assemblages across six biogeographic regions. In order

to assess the sensitivity of nestedness analysis to the choice of functional group classification, two

distinct functional group schemes were applied. Functional 1 corresponds to the combination of four

traits (body size, trophic group, home range and schooling behaviour), while Functional 2 combines

six different traits (body size, trophic group, home range, schooling behaviour, activity and level).

Obs.: observed WNODF values; 95% CL: WNODF confidence limits from 1000 random matrices

obtained from null model “quasiswap” (see methods); Z-score = 𝑋 − 𝜇 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙 /𝜎 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙, where X is

the observed WNODF, and 𝜇 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙 and 𝜎 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙 are the mean and standard deviation, respectively,

of 1000 simulated matrices. Positive Z-scores indicate higher x than expected by chance. All matrices

were double sorted according to marginal richness and abundance totals.

Matrix Functional 1 Functional 2 Site WNODF WNODF

Obs. Z-score 95% CL Obs. Z-score 95% CL Western Atlantic 46.9 6.72 40.4–43.7 32.2 6.62 30.9–33.1 Eastern Atlantic 37.7 3.97 30.9–35.8 29.3 4.59 23.5–27.3 Tropical Eastern Pacific 45.5 9.28 34.0–37.3 30.8 8.68 25.3–27.5 Western Indo-Pacific 57.9 18.7 47.5–49.7 44.6 22.6 36.1–37.6 Central Indo-Pacific 61.7 12.7 54.6–56.7 49.7 20.4 42.3–43.7 Central Pacific 58.4 15.7 49.9–52.0 45.5 25.8 37.0–38.4

Page 7: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Appendix 3: The hierarchical spatial structure of reef fish assemblages

List of sites within provinces and regions, and map depicting marine biogeographic regions and its

provinces (Fig. S1) (sensu Kulbicki et al., 2013).

Table A3. List of sites embedded in provinces (scale 2) and regions (scale 1). Sites are ordered based

on decreasing species richness.

Western Atlantic Local Richness Southwestern Atlantic Hump of Brazil 281 São Paulo 257 Espírito Santo 252 Arraial do Cabo 247 North Bahia 246 Ilha Grande 233 Abrolhos 187 Santa Catarina 182 Zumbi 167 Manuel Luiz 133 Fernando de Noronha 119 Rocas’ Atoll 103 Trindade 97 St. Paul’s Rocks 57 Atlantic Islands Ascension 84 St. Helena 72 Caribbean Cuba 452 Bahamas 442 Virgin Islands 436 Florida Keys 419 Venezuela – Tobago 404 Pelican Cays, Belize 374 Mexican Caribbean 360 Martinique 290 Guadeloupe 287 Bonaire Island 273 Bermuda 272 Georgia 244 Saba, Netherland Antilles 223 Navassa 192 Eastern Atlantic Eastern Atlantic Cabo Verde 251 São Tome 196 Senegal 177 Guinea-Sierra Leone 171 Canaries 163 Mauritania 134 Madeira 121 Tropical Eastern Pacific TEP Islands Galapagos 282 Cocos 232

Page 8: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Malpelo 197 Revillagigedos 165 Clipperton 111 Continental TEP Panama 297 Costa Rica 277 Colombia 267 Nicaragua 248 Gulf of California 246 Honduras 236 El Salvador 235 Ecuador 231 Sinaloan 216 Tresmarias 193 Gorgona 182 Isla la Plata 163 Guatemala 96 Western Indian Western Indo-Pacific 1617 Red Sea 1043 Somali/Arabian 995 West India and South Indian

Shelf 1062

Central Indian Ocean Islands 439 Eastern India 431 Andaman Somali/Arabian Red Sea 766 Gulf of Aqaba 681 Gulf of Aden 629 Oman South 527 Gulf of Oman 441 Arabian Gulf 319 Erythrea-Djibouti 312 Western Indo-Pacific Seychelles 1009 Mozambique 983 Mauritiues 941 Kenya 933 Tanzania 928 Maldives 896 Comores 854 Aldabra 821 Madagascar 775 Chagos 753 La Reunion 709 Somalia 699 Rodrigues Island 451 Laccadives 432 Socotra 422 Europa 360 Carajos 312 Central Indo-Pacific Philippines 1951 China Sea 1728 Solomon Islands 1688 Sulawesi 1616 Bali 1566 Flores 1550 Birds Head Peninsula 1538

Page 9: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Great Barrier Reef North 1499 Kalimantan 1482 Yaeyama 1460 Sumatra 1373 Java 1363 Irian Jaya 1336 Komodo 1294 Taiwan 1292 Thailand 1112 Milne Bay 1103 Ambon Islands 1052 Bismark Sea & Kimbey Bay 1039 Western Australia 994 Malay Peninsula 943 Raja Ampat 898 Pescadores 874 Timor 805 Sri Lanka 755 Ogasawara 720 Chuck 651 Halmahera 617 India – West coast 599 Christmas 580 Hong Kong 565 Dampier 544 Cocos-Keeling 538 North Sumatra 528 Gulf of Thailand 514 Vietnam 505 India – East coast 437 Andaman-Nicobar 430 Izu Islands 370 Gulf of Carpentaria 356 Central Pacific Easter Easter Island 124 Sala y Gomez 59 S. Fernandez 8 Central Pacific Palau 1467 Vanuatu 1458 Fiji 1445 Tonga 1061 Samoa 1051 Marshall Islands 964 South Marianas 925 Yap 816 Ifaluk 772 Pohnpei 744 Wallis Island 598 Tuvalu 589 Phoenix 582 Line Islands 579 Kosrae 545 North Marianas 491 Kapingamagari 454 Wake 438 Rotuma Island 401 Niue 366 Baker & Howland 331

Page 10: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Polynesia Society Islands 708 Tuamotu Islands 594 Cook Islands 585 Gambier 509 Marquesas 485 Rapa Island 393 Pitcairn 379 Australes Islands 351 Hawaii Hawaii 512 Jonston Attol 292 Midway and Northwestern

Hawaii 293

Southwestern Pacific New Caledonia 1324 Capricorn bunker 1017 Chesterfield 743 Loyalty Islands 683 Lord Howe 427 Middleton-Elizabeth 415 Norfolk 255 Kermadec 145

Figure A1. Map of six marine biogeographic regions and its provinces (modified from Kulbicki et al.,

2013). Nestedness was assessed at both scales.

Page 11: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Appendix 4: Model selection for the relation between taxonomic and functional nestedness with

isolation gradients and plots of the model residuals vs. area gradients.

SCALE 1: Regions and Provinces (n=18)

Table A4. Model selection through analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the relation between

taxonomic and functional nestedness across reef fish assemblages with isolation gradients. Nestedness

(y) was estimated for regions and provinces, and its corresponding isolation value (x) refers to the

mean distance from the site to the 10 nearest patches within each biogeographic region and province.

ANOVA (model comparison) F-statistic adj R2 p-value Sum of

squares F-value p-value

Taxonomic Model 1 y ~ x 3.78 0.14 0.06 Model 2 y ~ x + x2 4.99 0.49 0.02* 534.01 5.21 0.037* Functional Model 1 y ~ x 1.60 0.03 0.22 Model 2 y ~ x + x2 0.88 0.10 0.63 41.167 0.23 0.633 * p<0.01

Figure A2. Residual plots of the quadratic models for taxonomic and functional nestedness contrasted

against area gradients.

30 35 40 45 50 55 60





Fitted Values



ls (t




35 40 45 50





Fitted Values



ls (f




Page 12: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Appendix 5

Figure A5. The taxonomic structure of global reef fish assemblages. Maximally packed matrices

representing the number of species within families across sites in six biogeographic regions. From left

to right, top row: Western Indian (purple), Central Indo-Pacific (red), Central Pacific (orange).

Bottom row: Tropical Eastern Pacific (yellow), Western Atlantic (blue) and Eastern Atlantic (light-


Page 13: Ecography ECOG-02293 · • Feeding behavior: the way fish feed on a given item may have profound implication on the habitat and community. For instance, herbivorous fishes can be

Appendix 6

Figure A6. The nested functional structure of global reef fish assemblages. Reef fish FE that occupy

the top ten positions (red portion), as well as those in the bottom ten positions (green portion) of a

maximally nested matrix. FE in the red rectangle are the ten most widespread and redundant FE

across the six biogeographical regions, whereas FE inside the green rectangle are those absent from

certain sites and/or represented by a smaller number of species, i.e., less-redundant FE. The gradients

from dark-red/ dark-green to pale-red/ pale-green represent decreasing values in matrix cells. Inside

the red rectangle, functional entities in italic (2 PK, 3 PK = planktivores <15 cm) appear as very

redundant FE in assemblages of the Indo-Pacific. Inside the green rectangle, functional entities in bold

(6 HD = herbivore-detritivores > 80 cm; and 1 FC = piscivores < 7 cm) are those with low

redundancy across all 6 regions. CIP = Central Indo-Pacific, CP = Central Pacific, WI = Western

Indian, WA = Western Atlantic, TEP = Tropical Eastern Pacific, EA = Eastern Atlantic.
