
7/18/2019 Ece368 Teaching Philosophy 1/5

7/18/2019 Ece368 Teaching Philosophy 2/5


Teaching Philosophy

• Four Pillars:

  In!"epth un"erstan"ing o# $asic%#un"a&ental principles: 'esi"es un"erstan"ing o# #un"a&ental issues( this also allo)syou to "eri*e &ore co&ple+ results )%o $lin" &e&ori,ation-you can only &e&ori,e so &any things( $ut you can certainlyun"erstan" an" thus re&e&$er $asic principles( )hich are#e)er in nu&$er 

   nalytical an" thin/ing!$ase" approach: Un"erstan" the why  o# *arious techni0ues( $esi"es the how  an" what. Pursue the&aterial to un"erstan" "esigns1 or "esign techni0ues1 prosan" cons in "epth( an" e+plore alternati*e solutions

  2athe&atical approach: ill also &athe&atically analy,e

*arious &etrics -e.g.( runti&e co&ple+ity( har")areco&ple+ity%cost( "elay4 o# "esign techni0ues an" "esigns. illalso pro*e properties o# "esigns an" "esign techni0ues-correctness theore&s( etc.4.

  Pursue e+cellence in )hate*er )e "o( an" success )ill #ollo)


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Corollaries o# Teaching Philosophy• Problem solving (designing stuff) to be stressed

• Analysis and theoretical point-of-view to be stressed

• Interesting and challenging homeworks:  Theoreticallymathematically oriented !s" along w design orientedones

• Interesting and challenging pro#ectslabs$will test your problemsolving skills" and your abilities to:  %esign stuff in a formaltheoretically-oriented manner (as opposed to

ad hoc)  Analy&e your design

  'se A% tools to design circuits and to simulate them

  rite well-organi&ed scholarly reports

• *o multiple choice !s in e+ams

• ,ote memori&ation undesirable and useless• Pattern matching undesirable and useless

• +ams are fair and test your in-depth understanding of material"and based on this understanding" your ability to solve problems"design circuits and prove theoretical results

• +ams will not be rewordings of homework problems withdifferent numbers

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 "*antages o# Teaching Philosophy

• 5ou can $eco&e a thin/ing an" "arn goo" engineer• The intellectual%theoretical treat&ent o# the &aterial )illtune your &in" to thin/ pro$le&s through( )hich )ill $e$ene#icial to you in all #iel"s  Do you /no)( #or e+a&ple( )hy top!rate" $o+ers "o a lot o#

runnning #or &onths $e#ore a title #ight7

   ns: To increase &uscle strength an" sta&ina that )ill $e use#ul #or$o+ing 9 roun"s( not #or running

  Si&ilarly( a goo" "ose o# intellectual thought on ECE 368 &aterial()ill $uil" your &ental &uscles;( allo)ing you to e+cel in otherareas( inclu"ing o# course "igital "esign -e*en though you &ay notpro*e theore&s in your <o$( your &ental &uscles )ill ha*e $een

$uilt up $y "oing the& in ECE 368( an" possi$ly other courses( an"this can help you $e a goo" an" s/ille" engineer4

• To"ay1s high!tech careers in*ol*es co&ple+ pro$le&sol*ing( an" the type o# issues )e )ill stress in ECE 368()ill allo) you to e+cel in your #uture high!tech <o$ an"


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Shoul" you ta/e this course7•  .ou should take this course if:

   .ou are comfortable with the teaching philosophy outlined

   .ou like (or think can begin to like) intellectual thinking  /ind comple+ topics interesting  0ike solving challenging problems  0ike somewhat mathematical treatment of material  Achievement of comple+ tasks gives you internal satisfaction

• This may not be a course to your liking if:

   .ou only like easy things   .ou only like being taught a craft (what to do" how to do)" but could

not care less about the scientificmathematical underpinnings of thecraft

   .ou do not like to work hard for courses  Achievement of comple+ tasks does not give you much internal

satisfaction• %o note what President 1ennedy had said" I think" wrt to themission of landing men on the moon (to paraphrase): 2eshould do things not because they are easy" but because theyare hard3

• If you belong to the 4st (top) category" you will have fun in this
