Page 1: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media

Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time of the shoot, she wore a size 12—two sizes below the average American woman.

Page 2: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Sophie Dahl

A famous “plus-size” (size 14) model in the 1990s. A quote from the time: “My grandma thinks I’m grotesque!.. I remember going to see her in New York when I was about 15 and I was then about a size 10 - quite thin, isn't that? I walked in and she screeched 'My Gawd, you got fat!’…I was a size 10! Can you imagine hearing that, aged 15?"

Page 3: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Jennifer Hudson

Went from American Idol (on the left in a size 16 dress) to starring role in the Oscar-winning movie Dream Girls. Current dress size: 0.

Page 4: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

PAIR/SHARE: Analysis

1. 34% of Americans are clinically “obese” with a BMI of over 30. 2. The dress size of 0 was invented in the 1990s. What explanations could there be for these two seemingly contradictory facts?

Page 5: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time


LEARNING TARGET (Monday/Tuesday): I can identify 2 kinds of eating disorders, their main causes and consequences, and connect this problem to specific media portrayals of women and girls.

LECTURE: Type at least one comment, question or answer to a question during the lecture.

EXIT TICKET: “Eating disorders.”

HW: Read your library book. End of month due date.

PREVIEW: Tuesday: Video + writing assignment. Block Day: Jigsaw reading. Friday: A writing assignment based on your library book + reading time (bring your library books!)

Page 6: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Eating Disorders: Myths

•They’re rare: 20 million American females at one point in their lives have some degree of an eating disorder. •Only females have them: 10 million men have experienced an eating disorder.•All about body image: Media portrayals of “ideal” bodies have a strong influence, but there are other factors.•Recovery is rare: Getting treatment really helps. 50%+ of patients experience a full recovery; 20% a partial recovery.

Page 7: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time


•Genetics doesn’t = destiny. Think of it more as a pre-disposition/higher risk factor to look out for. •A first degree relative = 12x higher risk of anorexia; 4x of bulimia. Mix of nature and nurture. •Control: Eating disorders are often a way of exerting some kind of control over a chaotic life.•“At risk” populations are vulnerable: High correlations with depression and OCD. Substance abusers 4x likelier to develop an eating disorder. •A culture of body shaming can trigger eating disorders.

Page 8: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Anorexia Nervosa: Definition

•An eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, intense fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of weight. •Anorexics believe they are overweight, when in reality they are considerably under-weight, even to the point of starvation. •Tendency to avoid eating in front of others. Odd eating habits/rituals.•Duration: More than 3 months.

Page 9: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Bulimia Nervosa: Definition

•An eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight. Bulimics binge eat more than 2x/week and then purge. Duration: More than 3 months.•Tend to be normal weight or over-weight. Purging is a highly ineffective way to lose weight.•Tendency to avoid eating in front of others. Odd eating habits/rituals.•Intense feelings of shame about binges, food in general.

Page 10: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Slowly walk to the board and write one response.

List a serious consequence of an eating disorder. Speculate if you don’t know.

Page 11: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Anorexia Nervosa: Health Consequences•4% mortality rate. Most frequent cause of death for 15-24 year old females.•As the body starves, it diverts energy from non-essential systems. •Hair and bones thin. •Blood sugar levels plummet.•Heart beat slows down, leads to lower body temp. •Cardiac arrest in extreme cases.

Page 12: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Bulimia Nervosa: Health Consequences

Page 13: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

PAIR/SHARE: Speculate

•How can we spot the signs that a friend has an eating disorder? What should we do to help them?

Page 14: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Spotting Eating Disorders: SCOFF

•Do you make yourself SICK because you feel uncomfortably full?•Do you worry that you’ve lost CONTROL over how much you eat?•Have you lost more than ONE STONE (14 lbs.) in a 3 month period?•Do you believe yourself to be FAT when others think you’re too thin?•Would you say that FOOD dominates your life?Answering “yes” to 2+ of these questions = a high risk of an eating disorder.

Page 15: Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media Robyn Lawley: The first “plus-size” model to appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. At the time

Helping a Friend With an Eating Disorder

•Treatment first! •Given the serious health consequences, urging them to seek treatment immediately is crucial.